HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS "Grandfather Lived To Be Il N And Never Heard Of A Vitarnin!'' True enough, Grandfather hadn't the slightest idea whether a. Vitamin had two legs or four: yet he managed to live a sane, healthy existence which ended just short of the century mark. Then what's the answer. Are Vitamins the bunk? I.,t't's Consider Grandfather a Iuoulent. Grandfather lived a simple yet vigorous. outdoor life --and that took care of his Vitamin O requirements quite nicely, -Grandfather lived and Worked on a farm. Few and far between were the days when he failed to consume his full daily quota of carrots, milk and beefsteak or their equally nourishing equivalents. Grandfather's manners were doubtless refined -but his food most possibly was not Grandfather's mode of living was NATURAL --and so were inost of the eatables that Grandma heaped on his plate. So Grandfather got a pretty swell intake of Vitamins A to Z even though he didn't know it! Otherwise his years would have been fewer and less free from misery, - Whether for hens or humans adequate Vitainius were essential hi Grandfather's time and are essential now. The O. A. C• (Ontario Agricultural College) has done wonders their search for Vitamins. . T ev given 1tit+" as a result Feed that makes liens I.AY AND PAY, and Chuck full of vitality. h;iiceteri Layng V;ash SOLD SY SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, Seaforth 1S MANUFACTURED BY E. S. WATT and SONS Palmerston, Ont. HENSALL iMr. Donald \\ ^ains of l;oderich has taken a position with the stag of the Bank of :Montreal there. Mi!...s Hazel Smillie of -\twood spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and t3Mrs. tTas. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. .Neil SI/arks of De- troit visited over the week end with the former.. father. Mr. Archie Sparks and aunt, \ir,. Marjorie Sparks. Sirs, Hannah leee.rkntan returned Roane after spending a liew day, with her +laughter, ;Mrs. Herio iBritton, near D,ihlitl. Airs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto is a , ng' a few ;leek. ;vith her ice n -, \]r. and Mrs. Jas. Smillie. Funeral of Late C. McDonell- i est w - rl f.?r the 1... Chas. 1, \l, D , ,n hr' r '../.• sit 1 11 Ft„.k. L'•,i:, arch. o tf •„s. 'w- I .Mrs. i,. )Ir-, Te Tale :n Airs t,' '.a 1;411. ef .I'.r Tir. r \V u t :av1 mother 'Mrs. ‘Kalters and \!r; \i At:vis .s o L.roloti, and Mr. and \Ir•. j:.s Fiat - ton. of Forest. The Late Geo. Jackson • ,\ ,Ih:adowv gluon -sea.- casli oyer er this community on Thursday evening en hearing of the sudden passing of George Jackson in his 46th year. The decea. erl had 'been confined ti, !\l est- nnin.ter Hospital three times during .the past ten years with lengthy illness hut of late apipe•ared in usual health and was able to' be out to church and to the village, and had taken a walk outside an Thursday evening, _which seemed to tire Chinn greatly-, after which he died very sssddenly. He was a son cif 'Mrs, 'John 'Jackson and the lake Mr. Jackson of Rodger:rille and was born in Hay Township .where he spent all his life. In 191'6 he en- listed with the 1161st Battalion but cowing to Ill (health was unable to 1g'a overseas. On December firth, 1907. he was married to Miss Irla IMaude Way, who survives hint and one slaughter Delplhine. aged 11 years, and one son Donald aged 2 wears. Ibis nether, Mra. 'John Jackson, twwo brothers R;0 - herr at home. and Tsaac of High Riv- er. Athcrta, arab uour sisters, Mrs, Brier'w Hens.,.iii Mrs. Wesley Cole- man, Hensall. Mrs, Srlilih and firs. Ross Mclean, twinsister of Detroit, also survive, The funeral service was held ,from ILen;all United Chnr,'1 on Saturday afternoon, and was largely attended The floral tributes were airy hesu•tiltil The choir sang, ''jesttts Lower ,f My Sour" "C) Testas 1 Havre Promised," and We 'Cannot Think f }Tin, As.Deed," Mrs. Redden and 'Mr. Goodwin ,sang a duet entitled "There Ts Land." The pallbearers were IMessrs, Samuel Doueall, ,Clare (Way and 'Casey Way. Seaforth, Ross MacLean, Detroit, Wesley Coleman and Elgin Rlputcliffe, tHensall,-Inter- ment.in Henault Union ,Cemetery. Present Bride and Groom With Electric Clock - ver pleasant tint was nt at ale home t Mus Gladys Luker on Friday evening when Memt forty members of the I\Vs ltelo Class .,f the United Church ,gathered in honor of \Ir. and !Sirs. Clarence Smillie, w -hu recently were married, The livings room /was beautifully dem/rated in pink and white for the occasion. and •hs Lresident o1 the class, '\Ir Larne Chapman, presided over the pro.iram elicit opetted'hi singing "O Canada," followed 'tw the I-ord prayer n uui- sost Sirs. }Tedder and Mr- Hess sane: a pleasing chtet entitled "Carry ()IC accompanied t iuu'II ;it 'the piano 'oc 1!' Florence \\•el -h, lreta 1leineeii fevered with t- soiu t t,t- nttn I'sa!, VA:011(1 lc,1 and S1 thin s•m: 'n) Air. 1'ara•y 1„y11: 151 1 ,,wI',ntr>ts a,r C- rc ,i..', Mrs lobe c ,t ",- oil �11i•, w t• ; ' aua:• \li \Iv_;re ,directed a I :t ar., 'nr it ! n:1 \I , ,(•t,1 lc NI, I i1 T4 111 t :;at Ja:s. Iles - ,t liricer and! :adys. ford ,1 ., 1 the hoter's mother, \Ir-. '51-0t!1. r \Ir. \Ivr::n 1 Brown.' \Ir. and Mr,.Rvvht lirysda e! e an 21.. and \ir aT-Iruld s4 S,ut dirk w Mier .pent the weak cit I the former s brother, Mr. G. at. 'I try - dale. and at visitedwith Air. 1111/1 M -n . \\. :\. Marl -wren and ,.Cher ret - 1 atives, \Ir. and MI,.David f:aile w v 1 Huntsville are visiting 'with their son. in-law and daughter. Rev, and \Ira. 1\ tWeir. d 'Mrs. A. I unmir of Detroit is visit - int:: at the /home of her net(1hc wv -atiii Mere, ;Mr. and 1\irs. A. L. Case. Miss Margaret Habkirk Passes.- One c f Hensall', most esitc'ented re- i silent passed away- at her hone• on 'I'ue.lay afternoon in the person .4 P \14 s Margaret Ethel flafikink in her a 44th year. The deceased was a (laugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 1 Hal:kink and was horn ,on the 11 homestead Munn 'four mile,. cast„ of Hcnsall, and stored there with her J. parents a naunIher orf •wears ago,where J she wits bookkeeper ;for r Rontbn 515 & Drysdale for several years. Later she t a.eceptc'rt a p E^.ion 191 the local pea. S office and finally took a �positis n with('ndk Tiros, Milling ;Co, the position ti whioh'she held until July when n vier_ to ill !health he had to resign, 1 few w'ee ago the deceased tank sort usly 111 Ifut rallied somewhat and (01 Mon- day suffered a severe illness and never regained consciousness, Miss ITahkirkt a .a! l member ,t- nf the nitesI Church, a member of the ,Bible Class and the C,;M,S., anda former ache her of the choir, S.he was .popular -with a ,wide .circle of friends, !belonging to the Ladies' P:ridge Club andT!the IM'ar- ath n Bridge Chit!). ..,A !private ,funeral sowillviet il1 the hell ifront the late home ,,n Thursday at 2 p,m., cnndract- cd 5y Rev. R .2.}Ironic. Tnteentrtot ',ill ire in !\f trTangart's cemetery. P.D G,M. (Visits Masonic Lodge.- The lHtren Masonic Lodge !No, 1224 Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Imltloutents, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re• eeivecl instructions to sell by punts auction on Lot 111, Concession 2, Stanley Township, two miles south. west of Brumfield, on Tuesday, NOV. 5111, at th hour e o u of t o'clock: .Registered Dual Purpose Cattle -1 cow cine March lst 1 cow due April 6t11; 1 cow due April 22; 1 cow due April 24; 1 cow, freshened Sept, 25; 2 curs freshened Oct. 15th; 1 heifer due Feb. Silt; 1 heifer Clue March 7; 1 heifer due April 24; 1 heifer due April 1 heifer due April 20. This is a chpu a lot of reg.' cattle, 2 grade heifers. 800 lbs. Implements- t t1s- .1 wagon, hay_ and .tsseii racks 1 set of -sleighs, huggy ; 1 six toot Deering ing mower; 1 sulky V.11;.,-; 1 MM. Sid,' t'nlie'; 1 spring ±oath ('t,ltivator and broadcasting ds r: 1 section Barrows; walking plow; whippletrees, nec•kyokes; hear skin robe; Inc (mat; cook stove; and 1.011,T altirles too numerous to mem Mon. Terms cash. Murray Gibson, Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, WANTED A girl would like work in town for winter months. Apply at the News Office, FOR SALE Two sows, to farrow Nov. 151111 Plume 856r25. FOR SALE .about forty Rock pullets, laying, I.n Memoriam 'Tis'Tis sweet to remember a father, so dear, Though absent from me, yet ever near, Unseen by the world, he stands' by I my side, and whispers, - - I Deal Garnet, Ga net, death cannot divide. Two little words not hard to write, But I will remember them, all of my • life. -My Father. James McClineltey passed away one year ago, Oct. 25. Sadly missed by son, Garnet and Fantiiy, CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Fnrrn, Farm Stock and Implements. - Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has received in- ,tructions lu sell by public. auction at the farm o5 Joseph Downey, in Hibbert fown- ship, mil., vast nI Senr n•th an llighway No. 5, on \,,dnesdny, October 3001, at 1 .p•m,, t5,• inllowingl 11UliSDb Matched Clyde tam N year. old: filly and ;alrlinr, 0 year old, 1500 lbs,; 1 General Purpose marc fi yours 010; 1 Gen- era) Purpose filly, 1 year old; 1 General Pur- pose mare 9 years old. CATTLE. --1 Durham cow, 3 years old, duo April 1; Durham cow, 6 yearn old, Clue April 2 • Durham cow, 9 years old, clue Apr, 16; Durham cow, 6 years old, due April 17; Durham cow, 7 years ow, clue May 1; Dur- ham. cow, 3 years old, due May 1; Durham cow, 9 years old, due May 15; Durham cow, 6 years old, due May 1; Durham cow, a yrs. old, farrow; Durham cow, 4 sears old, due Jmr, 1st.; 2 Durham cows, 6 years old, due Mar, 16th; 9 Durham spring eoWcs; 2 Polled Angus spring calves; 0 year-olds. P105,-1 York sow due Nov: 91h; 1 York sow, Blue Jan. 2nd; s hogs 160 lbs.; 7 chunks 40 lbs, POULTRY. -130 yr. -old hone, 2 geese, 1 gander, 15 young geese. 1MPLEMEN'rS,--No. : 111.11. binder 7 ft.; Frost & Wood mower, 5 ft.; M.H. hay loader, 111,11, side rake, 1 Renfrew cream separator, 600 lbs; 1 dump rake; 1 Fleury riding plow, 1 Coekshutt walking .plow, 1 Cookshutt seed Phone f 1�t41, Clinton. Bili leathers drill. 13 hoe;1 disk harrow, 1 a -section. diamond burrows 1 spring tooth cultivetuf; Ingham R.11, :3, Seat'orth, - is sculner Ir:, h.p. gas engine, 1 beam ealcs, 'non lbs.-; 1 fanning mill, 1 wagon, gravel boa, 1 10-ftt hay rake tncw), 1 buggy, rubber tired; 1 Portland cutter, 1 set Float) nut on 'Monday evening avid. 11.ft 1 rc.ent, the occasion being the otfi e +i,t , P. t. \\ rshipiul f rn. 1l, 1 .1';obhorne. ui t nrleriSh, 1'.I):G,\I I 1 !firer: exemplified flit, lira deg tet Brethren tate preen: from Loc ,l,o,, li,,derich, bhcc-ter and Seafortl toast' to the ling 'iv -a, propose lira. 1)r. Bryce Zurich and wa responded ed toby Ir t d eou wt -11....511 1 he national aathom Toast -- . t vl i 1 \: AVor„ I t ,, -1'h. respendrel to ,1y 1he 1).1 se's!. 'roses: to the ei.IJrs etas list w• otoighs, 1 stone boat, pig crate. - r_ 5 tnna Ilmothy hay 1 ton, fed clover' biiv, grain Gua. hushets of barley. 1IAltN$SS, 1 act of breeching harness, 1. set o5 back band harness, 1 set of single hornets :1 ,0 1 I m•s. 61 n rn urn el i n hay or • rope 141 1't. i g nil, 1, r k, , r ]- 1 Y I 1- fork, hay ('al', plllleya, alk. ell t.51', eGni 1, ni'1Iei•s I,tn Iu,lmernnn to mention. tl 1(itrh,•n r:urp:r, nit..+s euphrd, 1 ;neubal 1 - 1 n. t u ir. 1 bed. tna1 amt FARM . Situated miles enst YSenforth 11 ;555 Sr hv, ay N5,. 0, good bank barn 41a70', (mune hue clay loam. inn acres. - TERMS. Farm, 10 per cunt on day of cl h,huu'e on slays. l itnn l., rash. ). Joseph Downey, proprietor. ri.tor. n Hmold Jackson, Auctioneer. - \ Re;. \'s fir and responded to 11 Mr. C. Stanton, Libation Forted City Lodge-. and it \vas concluded with the' Senior 71rd • 1's toast, Refreshments were ,.,'recd a4 the close, • The Sacrament of the Lord's Snp• 1 per was dispensed in Carmel Presby , tertau Church on Sunday morning conducted by Rev. \Vm. Weir, ILA Nine new members joined the emigre gallon. The choir sang an anthem 1 entitled "0 For a Thousand Ton - Imes," The evening service was withdrawn awing to anniversary ser vice in Caren Presbyterian Church.. Exeter, Rev, D. J. Lane of Knox Pres• byterian Church, Goderich, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Hedclen and lies. (leo. Hess accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker motored to Varna on Sunday where Rev. W. P. Lane, 13.A.. of North Street United Church, Goderich, was conducting anniversary services at the United Church. Mrs, Hess sang a solo entitled, "I Know I `;hall Not Pass Again This Way." Mrs. I-Ied• den sang a solo, "The Stranger of Galilee," Mrs. Hedclen and Mrs. Hess also sang a duet, 'Jesus The Savionl For Ale." Miss Gladys Luker aecnnt. ponied on the piano. Mr. Gordon An detsoti 1111(1 -lir. A, he Westerman farmn er u'utbcrs of the Pores} Illy male quart ette eonirtbutr11 numbers at the OV . -.11111g service. 115c h G. Friel] of 1C,'rr'wnod role hit= i s, t urea in the V11111,11 (11111/t/111 +u Sunday. :it tine morning :.01'wtee 11 C110,11 -•C110,11 -•fol' itis snbjert. '.i tin T111 ]trnue \lphabse." The teir stole . , :1111Intl anthem. "Lord Let '1, •. v. '1']n-5 " ilio. 110/11 1:1.0.1( ;4;141 • h,•vi. y lsdl : pulse 1111 lilt' .tb,i,s-t '.I:.:. u: '1114/ l;t .r .‘/11,11." 7111•• ,atiue -5•rt Dot „Dol the shah _. rets vui '1'.-nds•rly,•. rr, 151115 her of tlr•• P,10,1 r'. i,i'• of seirtuel 1h',.ahyterian chur01 motored to diederirb r,t \luu lay ,a•r,•5 ing end attended. the Novelist at: i sally of the Seam:. People ui liar on Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and implements. The undersigned has insli'uterel Harold Jackson to sell by public auction at Lot 17, Con. 8, Hullett Township, on Friday, Oct. 25th, at 1 I p.m. the following: I Horses ----1 bay mare 8 years old. grey Pe'chcron mare, 4 years old; general purpose colt, rising '2 •' t ,bvtery held in hua ,1'f,ahyt, 1t.it• '111111'h.Miss elsse;lre't Hobleirlc f- 55E•iuns Y ill at her hones here at dale nt tinting, W.C,T.U. Meets - The regular greeting of the \\'.C. 1' l' was held in the United Church n , Thursday afternoon with Mrs: has. Jinks presiding over the dexo' tonal wvbich opened by singing "Coln 155 Bye and Bae," followed by - the .nrd's prayer in unison. Prayers were otYe'ed by ME ti. IA111111110 and Iisi ,lean Murray. Mrs. IIedden ren evert ;s pleasing solo entitled "For fens T am Praying," accompanied by iVliss Irene Douglas at the piano Mrs, Victor Fee read the scripture The theme song, "Spirit of the Liv ng God," was then sung. Ml's. Jinits closed this part of the meeting withayer. Miss Jean MurrayMray presided nrl gave the address on Temperance The next meeting on November 21st wvill be held at the home of Miss retie Douglas, when Mrs, Christie or Exeter will be the guest speaker 'he meeting closed with a hymn and he benediction. ones -Little-, A quiet wedding was solemnized at he Presbyterinn (:Burch Manse on aturctay at 3.30 p.m. when Rev. 4tm. Weir, B.A., united in marriage tasty Irene-. youngest daughter of ere,. Mary Little and the late 141r, H. Little of T-Iensel], and Pte. Ivan Jones of London. The bride looked charming tut a street length dress of wine coloured sheer wills nmtchiur aces+series and carried a bouquet of American I3eanty rosebuds, Miss lest' Jones of London, sister of the groom was bridesmaid, and wore navy blue sheer. Mr, Edward Little, Hensall brother of the bride, was hest mart Following the ceremony a reeeptiol' was field atthe home of the bride's mother, with fifteen guests present. The bride's table was centered with the three-tier wedding cake. pink' candles in silver tapers and autumn flowers. Later the young couple deft for a motor trip -to Niagara Falls years. Cattle- Black cow 4 years, 0111)• posed in calf; black eow, 5 years old, supposed in calf; grey cow, 0 years old, supposed in calf; led cow. 7 years, clue in November; 5 spring calves; 1 yearling heifer; 1 yearling steer; 4 feeder heifers, 700 Pis,: 8 feeder steers 1000 lbs, 1 Durham cow, 5 years old, clue Nov. 5115; 1 black cow, 5 years old. clue Oct. 2401 1 Holstein cow, 4 years oldie due 1 eb. 25th. Ilogs-1 sow with litter at foot; 25 stickers and chunks. A quantity of mixed grain, A quantity of mangels and turnips. 1 Collie ting, 1 Ile Laval erealrl se- parates, 1 set o1' sanies, 2.451 lbs.; 1 Daisy churn; draw rope, 155 feet: many other articles. This Steck arc• all good quality end in excellent condition. Terms, eaali. Wm. Heels, Proprietor. Harold ,lae•i:sutt, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Stock Feeder Coate' and figs. On Lot 11. con. 7, Mullett Township, 21, (1111' .s w est o1' l4inburu, pn 'l'lun'sdny 0r1. 24th ;it I hail, sharp: 0 shirt keep .te,.l•s, ay, MIS ill, 111',111111 101,11 111s,; ;10 55'Cd,'1• 545510 1?' to Ann•Srrlt 111,. 211 feeder lb'iests- .1n .prior attest 2G ctnmks. 211 SI,c•It is of top (metes'. J;+tu"s 1?. Medi]. Proprietor, ]tarsi 1 ,Iackwui. Auctioneer, CHOICE MILK FED DRESSED CHICKENS Weighing up to 8 ]hs. Please order n /lay in advance, if ilossible, We deliver in town. Phone 851.32. Scott's Poultry Farm. - FOR SALE Oliver 70 Standard Tractor, on steel, run 2 seasons, 21-28 hp. with or without Oliver plow, Cockshutt trate tor plow also for sale. Gordon Rich- ardson, Brucefleld, R.R.1. Phone 656r 25, Seaforth central FOR SALE 2 - Ayrshire cows, one to freshen Nov. 1st, and the other supposed to freshen in May, 12 Leicester ewes three years old; 1. Leicester ram 2 years old; one DeLaval cream separ- ator No. 12 . One Collie pup ten months old. James Nolan, Seaforth. R.R.4. Phone 602113 Seaforth central. FOR SALE A number of Barred Rock pullets and fifty year-old Barred Rock hens. J. J. llttgill, Seaforth, R.R.2. FOR SALE Eleven young pigs about to wean, David Dignen, Hensall, R.R. No. 2, phone 18 on 01, Zurich central. COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop The Township Coniieii of McKillop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment. Roll for the year 1940 at the Carnegie Mali, Seaforth; On Monday, the 4th day of November 10411, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Notices or appeal should be in the Cleric's halals on or before Oct. 25th, JOHN Mt1NAY, Clerk.,. and Toronto. They will reside in London. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Smillie of High. way No. 4 moved into the dwelling they recently purchased f1'orn the Glen estate. - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1940 ateizsulatnanzamvannasongoos SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS Schneider's Pure Lard 2 lbs. 15c Granulated Sugar. 10 lbs, 09c American Blend Coffee, 1b, 35c Taylor's Soap Chips, 5 lbs, 33c Choice Potatoes, 15 Lbs, . , ..22c Clean Salt, per cwt 55c Oyster Shell, per cwt. ,$1.05 New Life Hog Concentrate, per cwt. $2.75 New Life Pig Starter, cwt. 2.35 Royal Purple Pig 'Starter, per cwt - 2,65 Royal Purple Poultry Concen- trate, per cwt 3.75 New Life Poultry Concentrate per cwt 3.35 Sepoy Flour, 98 lb, bag , -2.69 , 2,69 Robinhood Flour, 98 lb. bag 3,19 36c per Doz. in Trade for Grade A Large Eggs Solid Leather Soots, and Rubbers at Lowest Prices Wta Finn FOR SALE 300 bus, sprayed Spies from Gov- ernment overnment inspected orchard, SOc bushel, 7- miles west Clinton, 1 utile north. Stucco -house. Available this week. Wm. A. McGuire, Bayfield, Ont, STOVE FOR SALE Quebec heater for sale, for 12 dollars cash, Mrs, H. Forsyth, Sea - forth R.R.3, (Egmondville). WANTED A boarder, one who is getting the pension. Apply at The News, PULLETS FOR SALE 50 Rock and Leghorn pullets, Fred McClymont, Varna, WANTED Experienced girl, from the tniustly, wants housework in town. Apply to The News, MEN WANTED F'Ai11L17X keens Pee dealers AT WORK! Out Ih �'uut or over , daily necessities. needed in curry home, sells u ell. to relatives tuul estab- lished . t 1h- lished clientele. le \\'itis or without ex pc -Hence you can stowed if you are honest and a willing worker, Every sale of 51,00 brings you profit ----who can't sell for ut least 52.00 in au hour ? This means that. you - earn about .90 per hour! \\'ITHOUT OB- LIGATION write at once to 15A1111 - LEX PRODUCTS, 570 St. ('lenient Street, Montreal. - SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Sin , King, Tallman Sweet, Green. ing, Russet, Baldwin, and (vide] apples. Phone Clinton 1122.24. Fred Mc('lyinout, Varna, FOR SALE Four good Durham yearlings, Ap- ply to The Seaforth News. NOTICE Voters' List, 1940, Municipality of the Township of Hullett, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that l have •'osi 11ed /whit Section 7 of the \eters T-ist let and that 1 nave paeatc•d up at my Office in the Village of Londcs- hero on the 1 th Day of t7ctohc'r, it}40, Lists of all per-mis enti'115d to ,v to to the said \luniripality at Mun- icipal l4leetions and Ilial surd] List rclu:uns there for inspection 1 hereby call anon a1: \'.:ter,. to Make immediate proceedn1 '. o 1111‘ee any Error: or ,mnniesionscorrected according to Lae, Dated it 151 Ulfi•, this lith 1 1; t „ r l her, NM JAS. W. 31ct'Or1L, Ci,rk Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Teewrrth- All persons ha, sue: elwinn< ur• the i•statie nl' el.fy 'rr -weal:. Lug oi' the 'I'own,sltip of elchillalt. des 5d."Alio ,1( 1 on or about the 1111 day ul Allude 1540, art hr t i,v 11.1`1 fieri to send in t5 the undersigned igned of 01' before the 2101 day of Nove.nrbsr 1940, fltll partie'ulars of their Online immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of tit said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of whirl' the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion o1' all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distrib• uteri or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 13th day of October, 1040. IRVIN CHESTER TREWARTHA Executor, By his Solicitor, H. G. MEIR, Seaforth, Ontario. Notice To Creditors. In the Estate of William K. Trewartha. A.11 persons having claims against the ';;state of William K. Trewartha, Farmer, late of the Township of Mc - Elliot), deceased, who died on or about the 27th clay of April, 1540, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the ' 21751 day of November. 1940, full pat'ticul ars of their claims. - Immediately after the said hast mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, ]raving regard only to claims of which the Undersigned shall then have notice to the exclusion of- all ° he rs, -mrd the undersigned will not be liable to any person o1 whose claim the under signed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of October, 1940, IRVIN CHESTER TRITWARTHA By his Solicitor, Executor, H. G. MEIR, Seaforth, Ontario. 'ELME{ D. BILL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & NAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of T-Iuron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hones:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 pan. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p. m. to 9 p. m, PORTABLE SILO O Store your silage g ti 15n n III 111Er1OS G L 9h: 11055'0 Portable tble Silo u;sks'e available to t unlrslh and stock raisers en.11;gs' 5tnlago facilities equal to the highest priced permanent -silos, and a1 a fractional cost. Combined with this 11 fees you the added feat• urs of portability. Build the Idoses Silo as you 1111 it. and take it down as the ensilage is used, 12 ft, silo priced at 57.75 per unit, 14 ft. silo priced at 58.05 per unit, Murray Tyndall, Brucelheld. Phone Clinton 018 r 12. SPENCE PRODUCE Next to Cric'k's Bakery. We are in the market for all kinds of Poultry and ,Eggs. Phone 170w for quotations. H. R. Spence & Son, Seaforth. CIDER MILL Will snake cider and apple butter Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri day of each week during October anti November. Cider mill located on the street leading to the golf course, West Ward, Mitchell, Fred I-Tenuick Proprietor. Terms cash. Telephone 181, Mitchell, APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale. Spies, bid• clwms. greenings, russets and other varieties. Phone 76511, fleiseall. Apply to Wm. R. Stephenson, Verna. KILL THE GERM And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now before yctilr' 11,t•ds and flocks are housed. ('barges moderate. All work guaranteed. Only -modern methods used. Bruce Berry, Brucetield, ARTICLES FOR SALE ItuLl , theels. Sundries. ,•1r., 111011: ,,! I,,::air,�i! lu ;Hitt, sealed Ul.1.1,pt1/. h•..• 111,111 ., see, \Vrite for 19;111 ..1,1t I ; 1,tbe-nc• ?;nw'.'1l111.1)r1• tJ':5 Pi. lI;nnis ort, 01', FARM FOR SALE , 117 acres, Lot 18, Con. 14 McKil- hll. 1 ig' Tann, drive sired. Fine brick eiw s'llftc ',to -Ise, with slate - roof and furnace. Spring creek, drilled well. A good farm. Some fall ploughing done. ,Conwenicnt e) cherish and school. David f'r11. 1,w(1, Walton R.R.1. FOR SALE \i Cormick Deering tractor, et) -211, in mod shape, with plow, .for sale reasonable. D. Crawford, IW'alton. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town-- silip of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house. excellent gravel pit, Apply to The Seaforth News. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. All risks placed -n first class companies, tnf„nnasion cheerfully given 111, C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES I am buying grain for George Thompson, of Hensali. We carry a - stock of bags at all times. Also will do your 'trucking. For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 65512. Any s�M egrviicMe cheerfully given. YY .. - M. SPROAT Tile Yard