HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-24, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1940 TTll+a SI A,FORTII. NEWS wlM.FMVWXrwK¢sIRGIZT,IZMCcw 4e. avcM1,®'.IGSI ...+. .IIIIR KPR*avWw.'xmv+v o>m.IZYVCR M Y.WI/CttWRVtb .-, mW.w+a>Yn glO sip SUPECRIOR PRICES - OCTOBER. 24 TILL OCT. 30 Golden Net Cohoe Salmon per tin 25c LARGE TIN St. Williams or Aylmer Strawberry Jam, 2 lb. Jar each 25c Libby's Deep Brown Beans 2 tins 19c 16 [OZ. TINS Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn.,,. 2 tins 19c 16 OZ. TINS Hillcrest Shortening, 1 lb. prints.. 21bs. 25c Hallowe'en Candy Specials CANDY KiSSES 2 LBS. 25c A.B. GUM DROPS. PER LB. 15c JELLY BEANS ... . PER LB. 15c BAKER'S COCOA, 1.2 with 1 5 lb tin both for 25c Nuggett Shoe Polish per tin 12c Canada Cornstarch per pkg. 100 Interlake Toilet Tissue, large rolls 3 rolls 25c Cateili's Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Aylmer Tasty Cut Asparagus, squat tin per tin 15c Johnson's Floor Wax, 1 Tb tin per tin 59c Woodbury's Toilet Soap Deal ............... . 4 bars 25c Lipton's Tea, Red Label, Mixed or Black, 1/2 Tb, per pkg .37 Newport Fluffs, with free tumbler, 13 oz, pkgper pkg..25 Ovaltine, small tin -38c; medium tin --58o; Targe tin 98c Brunswick Sardines 2 tins 11 c Kellogg's All Bran, large per pkg. 21c Chipso, small pkg..., .10c; large pkg.... , 22c; Giant pkg. 49c Bran Flakes 2 pkg. 23c Cut Mixed Peel 14 Ib. pkg. per pkg. 15c Finest Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 23c Rowntree's Unsweetened Chocolate, l lb, pkg. per pkg. 17c Helmet Corned Beef per tin 17c BlueCoffee, 1 lb b Boyf a per bag 37c C Happyvale Mincemeat 2 lb. tin per tin 25c 3 Star Peanut Butter, 24 oz. per jar 25c Hillcrest Pure Lard, 1 lb. prints 2 lbs. 19c Aylmer Peas, No. 4 seive, 16 oz. tins per tin 10c Campbell's Tomato Juice 20 oz. 3 tins 25c Manning's Chocolate Mallows per lb. 17e McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkg. 25c 2 tins 29c per btl. 15c per pkg. 15c per tin 18c 2 pkg. 15c Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 16 oz. tins Elimar Vanilla Extract, large 8 oz. Royal York Cheese, % lb. pkg. Tuna Fish Flakes, White 145 size Plain or Iodized Salt, large pkg. Ross J. Sproat Miss 7s. Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW 'OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stack oaf Cemetery (Memorials SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS ,& 'SATURDAYS, or any time by a1ppointment See Dr, Hatiburn-Phone 105. Phone 41-Exeter-13ox 1150. ryce HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS Sour continents have been making purchases of British pedigree live- stock since Germany's invasions cut breeders off from several important sources of supply. Within the British Commonwealth three Border Leicester rams, three Cheviot rams and three Wensleydale PHONE 8 PHONE 77 rants have gone to India. Kenya has taken a Large White sow and the Federated Malay States have purch- ased a boar and- gilt of the Middle White breed, Large White and Middle White sows have also gone to Pales- tine. BORN CARLEY-In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Wednesday, Oct, 23, 1940, to. Mr, and Mrs. George barley, Kip. pen, a sou, FINCH -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, Oct. 20, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finch, Clinton, a son. MILLER -In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Friday, Oct, 18, 1840, to Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Miller, Born- holm, a daughter. ETUE-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, Oct. 17, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Etue, Seaforth, a daughter. Special Month -End CLFARANCE DeLuxe Westinghouse Washer.... $1 C•O,OO Regular $146.00 2 Vacuum Cleaners $25.95 Regular 339.95 stock 25, reduction 25 070 off Electric Ranges in ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES No refunds o11 this sale JO B art C MAiN STREET, SEAFORTH Dealer for I.B.C. 1Vlachines & Repair Parts Murphy Paints. Electrical Supplies & Appliances. TOWN TOPICS goose: .Teck 'AIL t o; tui,,::-ul peat the wr•t.lt end with bis parents, Mr. anti ,Mrs. W. J. Walker. ib was eurouli' to Montreal after training -i0' the Air Forte) at Regina. Mrs. W. Edmunds is spending the Week with her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler, Lruc•e. field. Lloyd Hoggarth of the " R. C. A. F., Camp Bordeu, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth, Dr. Taylor of Dashwood was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Mrs. W. F. McMillan is visiting in Toronto with her daughter, Miss Laura McMillan, Mrs. J. H. McClinchey left on Sat- urday to spend the winter in Tor- onto, Mrs. Thos. Hatcher, who has heev visiting for three months with her sisters, Mrs. W, E. Kerslake and Miss Smith, leaves on Thursday for her home at 'Mackie, Alberta. Miss Smith will accompany her to Toronto and will spend a week there. Miss Clara Pinkney returned Wed- nesday eyeuing after spending a week is Toronto. Miss Margaret Crich eetertaiued on Monday ,'venins; at a cup and saucer shower in honor of Miss Mary Kath- leen Pretty, whose marriage take; place shortly. Alias Mary Isabel Haigh was pees. eine(' with a silver flower basket to n meeting ' 6 the lady bowlers, prior to her marriage to ::\1r. R-. 11. David- son which takes place early in Nov ember. .11r. acct Mrs. George Love of Blue. yule spent the week end with the latte 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Love recently moved from Toronto to Innovate where they took over one of the gen- eral stores last week. Mrs, Catharine Elliott whosuffer- ed a stroke about two welts ago, has been removed to the hospital and her condition \vas quite low on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Cluff of Wood- stock spent a couple of days this week with his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. Mrs, M. Hutton of Kincardine spent a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Joseph Grumnt.ett, Mr. and ,Mrs. Elmer Arnold, Kin- cardine, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Clrunmett. Mr. and Airs. Alex Wallace and daughter Ruth spent the week end visiting Airs. Wallace's father, Mr. John Dutot, at Comber, also at Windsor where Mr. Wallace's broth- er John is 111 in Grace Hospital; also visiting another brother, Adam Wallace, of Windsor. Mr. and blrs. Janes Colquhoun. Mr. and Airs. Donald Colquhoutt of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. visited last week with Mr. and AIrs, Wm. Oktfleld, Miss Shirley Oldfield is visiting this week in Galt. Mr and blrs. Lorne Pinkney and baby Joyce, blrs. Carl Pinkuey. Mr. W. Houston, Toronto, and Miss Ruth Pinkney. Stratford, were visitors at their respective homes here. Mrs, Gordon Hays and her daugh- ter May Patricia, from Detroit, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hays from London spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. R. 5, Hays. Mr. Chas. Wasman, who has been visiting friends in Mitchell and Monk - ton, has returned home. Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Mebillan spent the week end with their son, Pte. R. E. McMillan, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Sproat and Mrs. Preston Tabor of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook and family spent the week end in Hag- ersville and Brantford. Miss Loretto Faulkner spent tate week end with Mr. and hies. W. J. Faulkner, of Sarnia, Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner left Monday for her home in Kitchener. Her many friends in Seaforth and Eg mondville wish her the best of health and happiness in her new home with her daughters in Kitch- ener. Members of the Seaforth High- landers Band were in Stratford on Monday eveuing attending the zone banquet. NORTHSIDE Y. P. U. The Young People's Union of Northside 'United Church held their weekly meeting ou Monday everting - October 21st with bir. John Stevens Presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn "I hear Thy \\ eleome Voice," after which the ntintucs of the previous meeting were read by the secretary Jean Stnale. The devo- tional convener Mr. Lawrence Tay- lor, then took charge of the meeting. "Jesus Blessed Jesup was sung fel• lowed with prayer by Edith Hoag. A reading entitled "The things that Haven't been done Before." was given by Alt'. Lawrence Taylor. The Bible reading wits given by Mr. L. Taylor. Mr. Sam Scott ably took tate topic. "Courage of Devotion,' and proved most instructive. More Love to Thee was sung and the meeting closets by repeating the mizpah benediction. A miivers ry EGMONIDVILLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT. 27 At 11 a,m. and 7,30 p.m. Rev. T. W. Neal, D.D., TORONTO, WIll be the Guest Minister fur tate Clay. Special Music by the C'Iloir, H®FowlSupper TUESDAY, OCT. 29 SUPPER SERVED FROM 5.30 ON Followed by a play, "A Pair of Country Kids" Presented by the Dramatic Club of Thedford United Church EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission 50c and 25c KIPPEN The Kipper East W.I. held a splen- did meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas• Wj'igltt on Wednesday aft. ernoon. The president opened the meeting and all joined ill singing the Institute ode and repeating the Lord's prayer, Mrs. Wright gave the story of their farm. dating from the days when John Galt signed the tit• t deed. Miss Audrey Cocle.alte played a couple of piano instrumentals. Tie Tells of St. Marys awl '.Ti,•'r''ll Always be an England." :vhirh 'V • 11111011 enjoyed by the anrliene, 11 I1. Caldwell gave a got$ paper tit motto,-'.tl,u't work your body anti; y0t11' brain won't work. 1li,r roll cae was ellswer,-ri by a rer,:nt discovery. Mfrs. W. Doi€; pace +t Palter on H-altit Ilappines4 Long Lite Mrs, Jas Pattersee, win had t th.rn the local 1 rade r t unit course is the care of elothi1h got, t,eod report of this work and a a e n -tt'atel the hntitg of a nt 2- t t. Rev. bIr. Weir of Hensall vat guest speaker'aid everyeua enjoyed Itis splendid talk on the subject "The Importance of You," Tenting on tile- Old Camp Ground was a piano instra mental by firs. J, McGregor. Every one enjoyed the contest "How Good is your sense of smell," conducted by Mrs, 1Vinston Workman. and the prize was won bybr . W. Dole. Miss Laura Tremeer or alias Lateen liar• tin is the delegate to attend the con vention to be held in London nest week. Mrs. Murdoch favored with it couple of piano instrumeutaiti then all joined in singing "There'll Always be an England," The masquetade for the members and their household, will he held in school house No. 1 on Monday evening, Oct. 28. The next meeting will be the banquet at Mrs. 12. ('altlwell's, Mrs. W. Dilliug's group weree the winners in the at. tenrinnce contest so Mrs. Martin's group will prepare the program for this meeting. The tweeting closed by singing, the national anthem. A -ecial time was spent while lunch was served. 'Hr, and MLs. Arvid, Parsons and Gerald visited on Sunday with Ail and bits. Joseph Linden of D shield. Mt James Cochrane of Tomato visited on Sunday with his brother Mr. Allan Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Twines and Mr, and airs, W. Jaques and ewe sons, of Elintville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Oliver Jaques. The many friends of Mrs. W French will be pleased to learn she returned to her home from St. Jos eph's Hospital. London, on Friday. We hope she will soon he able to b, up and around again. A number of the Y.P.S. of the ret ited Church attended a Y.P. meeting in Main Street Church in Exeter na Monday night. Mr, and Mts. Cleland and family of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Albert Alexander. bir, Clarence Taylor spent Sunday in London. Mr. Shoebottom of Blyth, who Inas been employed with Hyde Bros., met with a severe accident last Thur:. day. While unloading a load of beans, a chain broke and bit•. Shoe bottom was hit on the head with a pulley. He was rushed to the Clinton Hospital and at date of writing there is a slight improvement in his con- dition. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kyle and Nies. ter Don Kyle spent a day in London last week. Large numbers of people from this district attended the Provincial plow• ing match at. St. Thomas last week. A11 report an interesting time, Miss Betty Lou Watson visited on Sunday with her friend, Miss Patty Taylor of Stratford. Mrs. Albert Haring of London spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Minnie Little. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitz and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClymont spent Sun- day in London. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McConnell of Detroit visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale. Mrs. Levine. Tomlinson has spent the past week with her niece. 'Mrs. Geo. Hill of Egmondville. alr. and Mrs. John McEwan and Mrs. Mina Love of Hensall were the guests of Airs. K. Jarrett on Sundae Mr. and firs. R. Ditt.sdale and Mise Mabel Whiteman visited in Stratford on Sunday with lir. and Mrs, Edward Taylor. Air. Clarence Taylor visited with CO TO KIPPEN FRIDAY, OCT. 25 DANCE TO George Weaks and His Nine Collegiatears Come to Klppen for a good time Friday Night General Admission 35c C. Watson, Manager. 1 1 PAGE. FIVE )` IEWAf L EF 35o OFFER A TRIEWIEND= U 't STOCK uyvF n 9S er AR AT INTERESTING PRICES Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers GOLD LABEL 1 .95 EA. RED LABEL 2.50 EA. BLUE LABEL 2075 Combinations GOLD LABEL... , 3.50 RED LABEL.... .4.50 BLUE LABEL NO. AC NO. 1700_... EA. 4.95 3.50 a_ . aL4i 'Stands ammo Wear'' "TIGER BRAND" FLEECE LINED No, 16 Heavy Weight Shirts & Drawer's. . No. 28 Extra Heavy Shirts & Drawers.... 1"19 No. 160 Heavy Fleece Combinations • 59 PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR 1000 EACH 5 EACH Merino Shirts and Drawers Penman's Preferred Shirts & Drawers... .7 2 50 EACH Penman's No. 95 Shirts & Drawers Combinations Merino Combinations Preferred Combinations No. 95 Combinations 1.85 Sl'IT 2.95 11r1 4.95 OTHER MAKES FINE UNDERWEAR ' e7 } d QURDeHBIILLS VH0.W E�+A Combination Style Watson's Brushed Combs. 1 a 59 Hatchway Part Wool.... 1 .95 Turnbuil's Natural Wool 3.50 White Cotton Silk Stripe 1.2.E Cotton Rib P. D. Q. Wool Mixture Turnbull's 2,.0O P. D. Q.,. 2.50 1:88 Combs..., 3.50 Turnbull's E88 Shirts and 1 dereC Drawers .... ......Each DSD Many other lines too numerous to list here BOYS' UNDERWEAR Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers Fleece Lined Combinations Watson's Brushed Combinations Penman's Preferred Combinations Watson's Fine Rib 50% Wool 59c EACH 1.00 StIT 1.00 SLIT 1.9S SUIT 2.25 SC -IT STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH friends in Lottdntt on Sunday. Mr. Stewart Baird of I nt lion spent Sunday with Kipnen friends. Mrs. ('athray et Owen Sound is visiting with Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Long. EGMONDVILLE Tito regular 't ctittz I+gruond- ville W. M. 5. was h,-d,i i ,he vestry 1t1 Ortobet' blit. hioetittg opened by - singing, a hynttt awl prayer by the president AIt•s. Gardiner. Athletes of last meeting read :ant ari,,ptotl. Roll call responded to by 11 members and one visitor. Mrs. Watson.convener of temperance. tread a poem. "The arum seller attd the boy. Christian stewardship convener. Mrs. H. Ches- ney Sr. gave some interesting facts. Treasurer reported the thank offer- ing to the amount of 949.50. Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Moore gave a splen- did 'report' of sectional meeting. Mrs. McKenzie assisted by Mrs. McGon igie, Mrs. Lowery, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. You gave the etude- book on life of James Evans, mi ilnary to Ojibaway Indians. We were then fav- ored by a solo from Airs. H. Ches- ney'. accompanied by Mrs. 3lo:ieu- zie. firs. Harley er,netuct04 110 won, .11111 service by singing hymn, read- ing or ,ca'ipture and prayer. Hymn :111 was thea .Sung and rueet1110 clos- ed by prayer. EUCHRE AND - ANCE St. Columban FRIDAY, OCT. 25 Lt NCH SERVED GOOD ORCHESTRA