HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS i 'Sow V 'ow Getting oreVitatftins! it Lila' Sul b\e t© �® 11:� a eggs,' uce mai" )1� CHOICETERIA Laying Mash contains genuine Cerogras—and for good reason! Cerogras is young cereal grass in dehydrated form with all the natural vitamins and minerals of green feed intact. Cerogras permits green -grasp feeding even when the snow flies. It means more eggs during the winter— fewer deaths, It Means more profits from your winter operations. Start now ! Feed your birds that good Choiceteria Laying Mash which con- tains Cerogras. It's like taking the range right into your laying house, Choiceloria Laying Mash SOLD BY SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, Seaforth IS MANUFACTURED BY E. S. WATT and SONS i., Palmerston, Ont. HENSALL Born ---In Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth. nn Tuesday. Oct. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mickle, a son (Charles Thomas). The death occurred on Tuesday evening at 12.30 of M. Charles 11e Donell, resident of Hensel] for a number of years. Miss Elizabeth Slavin returned home after spending the past two weeks in London with Mr. and Mrs Ed Stewart. Misses Violet Hyde and Irene Hog garth attended the Presbyterian Young People's convention held in Hamilton over the week end. Mrs. Martha Murdoch who suffered a severe heart attack recently, is somewhat improved at date of writ- ing. Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs, Delos Huntley and family of Brantford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Car lisle. Miss Vera MacViear of London spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mrs. P. H. Devlin spent Thanks. giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer. Mr. Boswell of Seaforth Addresses Institute— The regular meeting of the Hensall Senior Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Moore on Wednesday evening with the presid- ent, Miss Beryl Phaff in the chair. Aft1-a singing the Institute Ode, A Canada was sung, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The roll call was responded to by the exchange of seeds and bulbs. A bank book was presented to Sandra Jean Blower on behalf of the Institute by Mrs Moore. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a piano instrumental, All joined in singing "There'll Always Be an England." Mrs. Jas, Patterson was chews a delegate to attend the an- imal convention to be held in Hotel London. Oct. 29, 3n and 31. It was decided to serve dinner to the con testants at the ploughing match on Thursday, Oct. 25. Mil. Wm. weir was appointed convener of the cont• mittee with Mrs, N. E. Cook and Mrs. E. W. Cross as assistants, A booth will be in charge of Mrs. T. Sherritt and Mrs. R. J. Moore. Mr. Boswell of Seaforth was the geeet speaker and gave an interesting ai• dress on "Citizenship.- Mrs. Hedde t favored with a solo, "Carry On." an companeid by Miss Florence Welsh at the piano. The motto. Dig Moro and Grow More, which was prepared by Mrs. I. G. Smillie, was given by hire. "e Hicks ems ra ion r 11.. h n A d. sat t o planting bulbs was given by Mrs 0. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Moore, the tie• . urer, gave a financial report. The meeting closed by singing Blest Be the Tie tba Binds. Refreshments were served at the close, Mrs. Roy Maclaren, who has been confined to her room during the past week owing to illness, is solnewhat improved at date of writing. Miss Helen Moir has returned home after spending the past several weeks in Toronto.. 'Miss Nora Stinson spent Thanks- giving at her home in London. Miss Mary Hemphill of London and Mr. Howard Hemphill of Toronto spent the holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A, W, E. Hemphill. (Miss Mae MctTaughton of Toronto spent the holiday with relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Clyne Flynn of Loin don, Mies. Edith Parkins of Exeter, and iH'. Murray Parkins spent the holiday with their parents, 11r. and Mrs. Jae. Parkins. Miss Diary Melia* of Exeter spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. McKaig, and aunt. 111ss Eliza Newell. Mr. eland Mrs, W. 0. Goodwin, diary and Ml's. Maulkinson spent Thanks giving with Mr. and firs. Young and members of the family, at Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and dnughtor Anne and Mr, and Mrs, Al hent Passmore of Delhi. spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and 31rs. John Paoeeucre. 1.11'. and Dfre. A. L. Case returned home after a pleasant visit in Detroit. Visitor's over Thanksgiving with Mr. and 1lrs. Wilson Carlisle were 311'. Fred Hays of Moosejaw, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Green, Wilma and Lois of Port Stanley, and Mrs, Ira Meir, Lola and Audrey, from Lista Wei, Mr. and Mrs. Leeland 1Villert and son Louis of Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Delos Huntley and children Bobby and Del, of Brantford. were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle. While here they renewed acquaintances with] many of their friends,. whom they I knew when Delos was a very popular' barber here, disposing of his busin- I ess to Mr, Jae Flynn. '3L•. Kenneth Passmore of tine Air 1 Training School in Gait spent •rite .;cock -end with hie parent:, lir, and 3Ir John Passmore, Miss Irene Johns returned to her hone at Eltn,ville after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Rog MacLaren. W.M.S. Meets— The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Carnal Presbyterian 'Church ,was. held nn Thursday afternoon with +the President 1Mr C. Hudson in the chair and opened Rag sinning Wand •Up and Bless the Lord, followed by ,prayer be. 3lre. Hud r n 31iso Ludiy of Ailsa Cru„ read the .Scripture P'hilIipines ,Chapter 4 an interesting paper un Thanksgiving was read by Mfrs. Hud- son. The Minute, of the previous nmeetin, were read and approved. The -rt,1•1 call was answered with "Peace." Mrs, Lagan and Mrs. Man -on report- ed making seventeen calf on sick and shat -ins during September. The Pres- ident. Mrs. Hudson -Save a splendid report- Of the Rally al•,. a report of the executive held in Clinton. Arrange- ments 1cre made f of. the ThankJ0f- Ft-ring sleeting, A dteee teee soli, ens tilled lust One Hone With Sly .Sar• liar was renderer] by Miss J udley ,f \11-a Craig. Mrs. H,nl»on gave:the poi i c on the Jitansi Field. The tu,eet- in, closed n. singih 'lip Faiths Leeks 1 p T Thec." foie ,cod 111y the Lard Prayer to unison, Mr. Robt. Pa•=more of 'Victoria C'c icge 'Fe,—onto snort Thanksgiving with l parents gent 3 r and \ 1' I , [r r., 1 la Mr.. Fred Hess eontirntc•s quite ill at her home here. Her many frien•als hops to see her out again soon. N17. and 31r_. \V. E. Redden and clauulcter Marie and Mr. Ler Holden trf 1J:uulas .fent the week -end with Mee ('014herine Heddclr and•3Irs, Lee Redeem :Mr. John Kaiser who has been con- fined tt, has roam for the Past sever- al weeks continues quite•v14, - 'Miss Hattie Sutherland. who suffer- ed a severe heart a'ttac'k on Tuesday is somewhat improved at date of writing. 'Mr. and ibIrs. Cook of Tcron'tn :pent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Cornelius Cook Mr. Rae Patterson .of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his parents,• 1hti•. and 12irs..R: j. Paitterson, THUiRSD'AY, •OCTO'BElR 17, 1940 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Miss 'Joyce Sieruton of Toronto tvis- CLEARING ittd over Thanksgiving with her AUCTION SALE mother Mrs. A. Scruton Of Farm Farm &tock mitt Im11 in tis. lir, and encs. Ted Taman of List- Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer, has recetved in - w t l visited of cr the holiday nvOth law struetions to sell by public auction at the farm of Joseph Downey, In Hibbert town- latters parents 1ein and leers. 'Ches. ship, 3 miles east of Seaforth on highway AtCllitlell. - No.0, on Wednesday, October 301h, at 1 Sptcial thanks iung services 'were pm., tile foilowbeg: tl a HOR&I13 Nlalohecl Clyde team, 0 year's held in the 'three local churches on old; ltiry unci gelding, 0 years old, 1600 ibs,; Sunday last. In the United .Church 1 General Purpose mare 5 years old; 1 Gen - Ret R. A. Brook, pastor, conducted 4001 Puiliose filly, 1 year old; 1 General Put• - nose mare 0 yea's oats both services, delivering s-pienChd d]s- CATTLE. --1 Durham cow, 3 yens old, 'course, well in keeping Kith the oc- duo April 1; Durham uow, 6 00ars old,due ea loth At flee Incl n11'g service 'tire April 2 • Durham cow, 0 yea's of 1, ave Apt'. 16; Duvlram cow, 6 years old, due April 17; 11117nt daughters of i\1 r. and Mrs. Durham cmv, 7 Ycacs old. due Mxy 1; Dnr- W1alter Spencer and Mr. and \Mrs. hum con 3 years. old, cine May 1; ]lurliam Claude rude Motives received the rites of cow, 0 years ok6 true May 16; Durham caw; G years old duo May 1; Dnehlm cow• 3 pts, baptism. For •tltei.r anthem dile c'hiar old, furrow ; Durham cow, 4 yogi aid, due sin "Thou art praised in ikcn." Jan. lnl ' Durham cows, 6 yurrs old due Mr... Geo. Hess sang a pleasing sole. Mar. 15th; 0 Durham prlug enive-; 2 Polled An .0 spring eah•es, 6 real+olds. 1 knc 1' 1 &tutu 0,11 pass again this ; k IC S.-1 York wow clue Nov. 0th; 1 York vat \t the evening service a (cove-,uInc Jan. 20,11 s hogs 160 ibs,; 7 chunks l diet. "Sun of \ly Saul," was sung 40 lCles. Ta a Y'..-"Id 2°"'.2 geese, 1 by the Misses Meer Goodwin and ganPderOUL, isR] youn4ag geese. lisle Brock. The floral display teas 1MPLF;4IYA1" 1'.o. , 141.11. binder 7 ft.; iaref. Frost & Wood mower, 1 ft. ; M.H, hay loader. 1 M.CI. side rake, 1 Renfrew cream separator. 000 les; 1 dump rake; 1 Fleury riding plow. Veffliallaalaaaillaganaa SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS Schneider's Pure Lard 2 lbs. 15c Granulated Sugar. 10 lbs, 69c American Blend Coffee, Ib35c Taylor's Soap Chips, 5 lbs33c Choice Potatoes, 15 lbs. ,22c Clean Salt, per cwt 55c Oyster Shell, per cwt. ..-$1.05 . $1.05 New Life Hog Concentrate, per cwt. $2.75 New Life Pig Starter, cwt. 2.35 (Royal Purple Pig Starter, per cwt 2.65 Royal Purple Poultry 'Concen- trate, per cwt 3.75 New Life Poultry '•Concentrate per dwt 3.35 Sepoy Flour, 98 lb. hag ....2.69 Robinhood Flour, 98 1b. bag 3.19 36c Per Doz. in Trade for Grade A Large Eggs Solid Leather Boots, and Rubbers at Lowest Prices 1 Cockshuttwalking plow, 1 Cockshutt seed Gard of Thanks drill, 13 hoe 1 disk .harrow, 1 3 -&cotton p16 diamond harrows; 1 spring tooth cultivabor; Mrs. Adam Dodds wishes to ex- I I antler , 1 ^l; ha, gas engine, 1 beam scales, '2000 lbs.; 4 fanning mill, 1 wagon, press her appreciation for the many gravel bus. 196 -ft. hay rake ]new), 1 bug y, acts of kindness and sympathy during robber tired; 1 Portland cutter, 1 set alcor, her bereavement; especially to Rev sleighs, 1 stone boat, pig orate. Mr, 'Workman; also far the beautiful tats tbnotlly hay, ZIT' rad clover hag, groiIr-Bali bushels f burley.• flo•al tributes. 1 HARNESS. -1 set of breeching harness, 1 set of back band harness, 1 set of single NOTICE I harness, 3 collars. Sling ropes, chain, hay fork mope 100 ft., fork, hay car, pulleys. forks. shovels, other NO shooting allowed on Lot 26.'nrticles too numerous to mention. Con. 8, McKillop. Trespassers will be I{deehen range, sings cupboard, 1 incubat- Prosecuted, Alvin Wilson, Winthrop. dni of m feeding 11uathiI 1 beet, 1 set c'1 gs Sen on HighwayA tt10,u S, 3gond4 bank thorn Sea forth. PIGS FOR SALE (frame house, clay lona. 100 am•es. Fifteen chunks for sale. Apply 10 ricr.MS.-Farm, In per cent on Wesley Rae, R,R.1, Blyth, Ont. Phone sole, balance 30 days. Chattels, cash, Joseph. Dgwney, proprtelor. Blyth 23-4, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, ALBERTA COAL Finest quality, For ranges, heaters, furnaces. $10.80 haul your own. $11.- 40 11:40 delivered in town. J. H. Scott, Phone 336. FOR SALE o • +e feeder steers. Apply Some c11k ede IpY at The News. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture,—W. le. Nairn, Auc- tioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con, 7, Stanley Twp., County of Huron lis mules south or Varna. on Tuesday, October 221111 conimenc'• ing at 12.30 o elOcl sharp FOR SALE Horse M ltrhed team of Clyde Oxford ewes, aged ram. W. J. agricultural horses, 4 and 5 Years old; Dale, Clinton, R.R.1, Phone. Seaforth Belgian colt, 2 years old; Belgian e41r21. 111Y, 1 year old; aged brood mare; aged gelding. FOR SALE Cattle—Durham cow clue ie Jan.; Spy apples for sale on trees. Durham cow due in Jam; Jersey cow Janes Nolan. Seaforth R.R.4. Phone due in Nov.; Durham cow due in 6621'13, Seaforth. May; Durham heifer due in April; FO R SALE Holstein cow, farrow; Durham cow. 200 white Leghornpullets, ready fat; Durham heifer clue in March; :1 steers, 800 lbs.; heifer yearling; 5 to lay. James McIntosh, Seaforth• calves. phone 665x4. Hogs -2 Yorkshire brood sows due in January. Sheep -20 pure-bred Oxford ewes; aged rant; 2 ram lambs; 4 ewe lambs. Fowl -50 ]tens; 1 turkey; 2 geese; 1 gander; 2 young ganders, pure-bred (Toulouse). Hay -12 torts of mixed hay. Implements — Deering binder, 6 foot eat; Deering mower, 5 foot cut; Deering hay loader; steel hay rake; cultivator; disc harrow; steel roller; riding plow; walking plow; set of iron harrows; International cream separator; new milk pails; bean seuf- fler; seed drill; corn planter; Tud- hope wagon; gravel box; set of sleighs; 5 -horse Lister gas engine; 11 International gas engine; grass seeder; grain roller; hay rack; demo• erat; top buggy; cutter; set of scales, 2000 lbs. cape 1 bag alfalfa; pump jack; 20 -foot belt; hay fork, car, rope. pulleys, set of slings; scoop shovel; ladder; steel posts; kettle; gem elec- tric fence; sheep clipping machine; horse clippers; set of back band har• ness; set of plow harness; set of single harness; bells; fanning mill; bag truck; cutting box; forks, hoes, shovels, and a host of small articles useful on the farm. Furniture—A full line of household furniture DOG LOST Strayed from the hone of Frank Maloney. Seaforth, brown pomeran- ian dog, wearing green harness, on or about Sept. 20th. Anyone found har• boring this dog will be prosecuted. Reward. NOTICE Voters' List, 1940, Municipality of the Township of •Hullett, County of Huron, Notice is hereby .given that I have complied nvit'h Section 7 not the Voters List Act and that I have posted cup at my Office in 'rhe Village of LOneles- bhro on the 12th Day of 'October, 1940 Lists of ail persons entitled to vete in the said e iuniripality at Mun- icipal Iilections and that such List remains there for inspection. I hereby eadl 4rpon all Voters to take immediate proceedings Ito have any Errors or otmiesions corrected according to Law. Dated at niy Office this 12th 1)ay of October, 11)1:10 JAS. W. MoCOOL, Clerk Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Trewartha. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Trewartha, late of the Township of McKillop, deceits - ed, who died on or about the 611 day of March, 1940, are hereby noti• fied to send in to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of November. 1940, fu]] particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said last mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of a]1 others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so clistrih• uteri or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of October. 1940. IRVIN CHESTER TREWARTHA ' Executor. By his Solicitor. H. G. MEIR, Seaforth, Ontario. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of William K. Trewartha. All persons having elainis against the Estate of William K. Trewartha. Farmer. late. of the Township of Mc• Killop, deceased, who died on or about the 27th U t u dayof April, 1.14 are ] hereby notiflec 1 to send in to the undersigned on or before he 2nd g e t day of November, 1040, full particnl• ars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the ender - signed shall not then have notice fo the assets so distributed or any .part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of October. 1940. IRVIN CHESTER TREWARTHA Executor. By his Solicitor, H, G, MEIR, Seaforth, Ontario. Terms cash. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. Frank Weekes, Proprietor. Geo. 13, Beatty, Clerk. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned has instructed Harold Jackson to sell by public auction at Lot 17, Con. 8, Hullett Township, on Friday, Oct. 25111, at 1 p.m. the following: Horses -1 bay mare 8 years old. 1 grey Percheron mare, 4 years old; 1 general purpose colt, rising 2 years. Cattle — Black cow 4 years, sup posed in calf; black cow, 5 years old, supposed in calf; grey cow, 6 years old, supposed in calf; reel cow. 7 years, due in November; 5 spring calves; 1 yearling heifer; 1 yearling steer; 4 feeder heifers, 700 lbs.; 8 feeder steers 1000 lbs. 1 Durham cow, 5 years old, due Nov. 5th; 1 black cow, 5 years old. due Oct, 24th; 1 Holstein cow, 4 years olds, due Feb. 25th.. Hogs -1 sow with litter at foot; 25 suckers and chunks. A quantity of mixed grain. A quantity of mangers and turnips. 1 Collie dog, 1 De Laval cream se- parator, 1 set of scales, 240 lbs.; 1 Daisy churn; draw rope.. 150 feet; many other articles. This stock are all good quality and in excellent condition: Terms, cash. Wm. Hulk, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Stock, Feeder Cattle and Pigs. On 91 Lot15,Con. Hullett Township, 07,1, miles west of Kinbur n on Thursday Oct. 24th at 1 p.m. sharp: 30 short keep steers, averaging around 1000 lbs.; 30 feeder steers. from 600.800 lbs.; 20 feeder heifers; 40 sprhrg calves; 26 chunks. All stock is of top quality. Jsuues E. Medd, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, .Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat. urctay, Oct. 10111. 250 Head of MIXED CATTLE, Yearling and Two-year-old Heifers and Steers, mostly Shorthorn and Herefords, some "Springers and Grass Cows. Usual sale of Milkers and Mixed Calves. Trucks to deliver. Terms Cash. A. G, McAlpine, Auctioneer. Fi PUREBRED SHORTHORN BULL • • For sale. 11 mouths old. Eligible for registration. Dark red colon Wm, Dennis, Walton. Phone 843r3, Sea - forth. NOTICE Get your Grain tested. Bags on hand at Clark's Gas and 0i1 Station. Geo. T. Micklo & Sons pay highest market prices. Elevators at Bruce - field, Kippen and Hensel]. Sam Chesney, phone 146. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, King, Tainan Sweet, Green. ing, Russet, Baldwin, and. Cider apples. Phone Clinton 622.24, Fred Meelymont, Varna. PIGS FOR SALE 10 good feeders for sale. Byron 31c0111, Harpurhey corner, Seaforth: WANTED Young man wants work in town, after school hours, in or outdoor work. Phone 315-w, Seaforth. WANTED TO BORROW $2,500 on first mortgage on improv- ed mproved 100 acre fatal, well Bleated. Apply to The News office. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm in Norris, one mile west of Brussels; brick house, good barn, cement stabling, chilled Well; ten acres of bush; 2 henhouses; driveshed, ten acres of fall wheat h Apply to Chester Rantoul, Brussels R.R.4, phone 511.13, Brussels central. APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale, Spies, bat dwins, greenings. russets and other varieties. Phone 76x11, Hensall. .Apply to Wm. R. Stephenson, Varna. WANTED I have a number of cattle that I would put out to feed for the winter, to be fed on a gain basis. Apply to Scott Davidson, Britton, Ont. CAR FOR SALE 1929 Ford coach, good condition. will sell cheap for cash. Phone 26811, Seaforth. FOR SALE A number of White Leghorn hens, British Columbia strain, genre:neecl high pedigree stock, large type birds, 1 year old and free front disease. have never been forced for produc- tion in any way. Also a number of White Leghorn millets for sale. Phone 845r22, Seaforth, Mrs, Millet' Adams. FOR SALE McCormick Deering tractor, 10-20, in good shape, with plow, for sale reasonable. 1). Crawford, Welton, FOR SALE Four good Durham yearlings. Ale ply to The Seaforth News, WOMEN, GIRLS WANTED Earn from $10, to $15. weekly sell- ing FAMILEX IiIGH QUALITY GOODS to relatives and established clientele. Everyone spends stoney on household and toilet articles, etc, Every FAMILEX customer is a satis- fied customer. Work 5 or 6 hours per day, profit by our experience, and you will succeed. NO RISK ----good earnings assayed to workers. Let us help you. write at once to Miss St. George, 570 St. Clement Street, Mon- treaL Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture, On. Lot 10 Concession 4, MrKillnp, on Wednes- day, October 23rd, at 1 p.m. The farm contains 100 acres. shingled sided seven roomed frame house and woodshed, large bank barn and driving shed, ail in excel• lent repair. All seeded to grass but five acres. One good milcit cow in calf; 4 steers, 2 years old; 2 heifers 1 year old; 1 binder; 1 mower; 1 spring tooth cultivator; seed chill with fel• tiliser attachment; .disc barrow; hay rake; manure spreader; double riding plough; walking . plough; scul'fler: set of harrows; wagon; hay rack; wagon box; stock rack set sleighs; buggy; cutter; cream separator; hay fo'1 rope and pulleys; slings; 101113• fletrees, etc.; set double harness; set single 'harness; 0 Cplantity of wood quantity of mixed grain and hay; turnips i1eextensionaxIsion field; table falling leak tot:blot kitchen cab Met; 12 kitchen chairs; couch; 4 rockers; 2 wooden beds• springs and mattress; dresser and wash stand; glass cupboard; Victrola; Morris chair; washer and tubs; flour bin; chemical closet; kitchen clocks; Aladdin lamp; other lamps; coal oil stove; dishes; crocks, sealers, churn and other things too numerous to mention; cook stove; heater; radio 15 01 -tunics pigs; 1 lard press, Etna sausage filler; 1 No. 12 meat grinder; cross out saw. Terms—Ono Farm, made knownon day of sale, or on application to W. A. Wright, Seaforth. On Stock, inlple• ments and Household Furniture. —Cash. Mrs. Charles 'Wright, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ELMER U. BLLL, B,A, Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PIPBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & NAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p,0). to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. PORTABLE SILO Store your silage at it nominal cost. The ROSCO Portable Silo makes available to farmers and stock raisers ensilage storage facilities equal to the highest priced permanent silos, and at a fractional cost. Combined with this it gives you the larded feat• ore of portability. Build the Reece Silo as You 1111 it, and take it down as the ensilage is used. 12 ft. silo priced at $7.75 per unit. 14 ft. silo priced at $8.65 per unit. Murray Tyndall, Brucefleld. Phone Clinton 618 r 12, SPENCE PRODUCE Next to Crich's Bakery. We are in the market for all kinds of Poultry and Eggs. Phone 170w for quotations. H. R. Spence & Son, Seaforth. BORNHOLM CIDER MILL Will be in operation Tuesdays and Fridays of each weep, until Oct. lith. After this date, every clay but Monday until the end of November, KILL THE GERM And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now, before your herds and flocks are housed. Charges moderate, All work guaranteed. Only modern methods used. Bruce Berry, Brucefleld. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mail- ed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue, Nov. -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 1112 acres, Lot 18, Con. '114, iVfcKil- lop. 'Big (barn, drive shed. Fine brick dwelling 'house, with slate roof and furnace, Spring creel., drilled well. A good farm. Same fall •ploughing done. •Convenient 4o church and school. David 'Crawford, 'Walton R,R.1. FARM FOR SALE Excellent farm for sale, being Lot 16, Con. 4, in the Township of Mc- KilIop. For further particulars apply to William Wright Sr., or to E. D. Bell, Seaforth, FOR SALE A sow, due to profit in about six weeks, with second litter. George J. Connell, Varna, phone 76r16, Hensall central. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to The Seaforth News. PROPERTY FOR SALE Two lots, house and barn, south of Victoria Park, Seaforth. ApplY Mrs. James Nelson. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed e first class companies. ''1i,,rnlatlon cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES GRAI I am buying grain for George Thompson, of Flensall. We carry a stock of bags at all times, Also will do your trucking. For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 6551'2. Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard