HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-17, Page 5THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1940 DN IIIA 3u A. !Iwo itlkiv o i.. s s ir 0 Autumn Values — October 17 to Oct. 23 fR St. Williams Orange and Grapefruit MARMALADE, 21b. jar per jar 19c Quick Quaker Oats per pkg. 19c Large, Plain Crown CORN SYRUP, 2 lb. tin per tin 19c SWEET MEATY PRUNES 2 tbs. 19c Aylmer PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. tins 2 tins 190 Aylmer TOMATO JUICE, 251/2 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Heinz Ketchup, large bottle per btl. 19c Durham Cornstarch 2 pkg. 19c Aylmer Soups, Vegetable or Tomato, 10?,_, oz. tin 2 tins 19c Richard's Carbolic Soap 4 bars 19c Hillcrest Lard, 1 M. prints 2 Tbs. 190 Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, 16 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Country Kist Peas, 16 oz. tins 2 tins 19c Polo Golden Wax Beans, whole or cut, 16 oz.....2 tins 19c Pard Dog Food .2 this 19c Ivory Soap, Guest size, 4 for 19c, large, 2 for 19c Medium 3 for 19c Cascade Pink Salmon, 1 Ib. tin per tin 19c Pumpkin -Face Sandwich Biscuits per lb. 19c Lynn Valley Pumpkin, large tins 2 tins 19c McLaren's Minute Tapioca 2 pkgs. 19c Neilson's Cocoa, half pound per tin 19c Libby's Spaghetti, 16 oz. tins 2 this 19c Crisco, 1 Ib. per tin 19c Carnation Milk, large tin 2 tins 19c Chocolate Coated Peanuts per lb. 19c Christie's Premium Sodas, Plain or Salted, 1s„ ...pkg. 190 Spring Mop Sticks each 19c Dixie Toilet Tissue, 5 rolls for 19c Fresh White Marshmallows, per Ib. 150 Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 iss N. Pryce PHONE 77 CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs, John Scott and FrauIt and Miss Mary Currie visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Graham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen cud Miss Violet Quance spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Allan in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Lamont' and Isar bel called on friends iu the vicinity on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Howe Jr. and babe visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hoggarth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fischer of Guelph spent the week end with Mrs. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLeod of London visited with Mr, Alex Mc- Kellar on Sunday. MANLEY Mr. Dan Manley, son of W. Manley has resigned his position in London to enlist in the campaign for world peace, and his many friends wish. that he may live to see a happy ending. The late wet weather has again tied up harvesting the buckwheat. which is reported a good crop if it can be saved. We still hope that Oc• tober will end up with fine weather to harvest the root crop, which is DANCE CLAYTON STEEPER And His New Band at. Kippen FRIDAY, OCT. 18 General Admission 35c SODALITY DANCE I1 THE PARISH HALL DUBLIN TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Adam Brock and His Band THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Blas Anna Wallace nt London and Mies Edith Wallace of li sera _ epe nt the holiday wish their moth in Mrs W. G. Wallace, Mr. James Eckert from Stratbroy spent Thanksgiving day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. Mr. Percy Hoag of Hagersviile spent Thanksgiving with Itis mother Mrs. W. D. Hoag, and sister Miss Edith Hoag. Pte. George Case of the Elgin Regt. London, visited at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Case on Sunday, Mr. Robt, Scarlett, Mrs. Hoggarth and Lois and Mr. J. M. Robertson were at Goderich on Saturday. Mr. Thomas Nolan of Niagara Falls spent the week end and holiday at his home Isere. Miss Jean Watson, graduate nurse of Stratford,., attended the Clenrenete Coleman wedding at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Watson. in Egnondville, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Flett. Miss M. Graul and bliss Mae Sulli- van of Galt spent the holiday week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. Mr, and Mrs. 2larold Dennis and son Douglas of Listowel were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Sproat. Cpl. Fergus Bullard and Mrs. Bul - Anniversary EOMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCT. 27 At 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Rev. T. W. Neal, D.D., TORONTO, Will be the Guest Minister for the day. Special Music by the Choir. Fowl Supper TUESDAY, OCT. 29 SUPPER SERVED FROM 5.30 ON Followed by a play, "A Pair of Country Kids" Presented by the Dramatic Club of Thedford United Church EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission 50e and 25e MRS, JOHN HOPF PASSES AT HAMILTON The death of Wes, John H ::pi oc- curred very suddenly at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. on Sunday, Oct- ober dth. She had suffered a heart at- tack a .wek previous and was. rush- ed to the hospital. She eeented to -be recovering but ar second seizure early Sunday mornin;; eau ed 'iter sudden lard of antore, spent the week end itenrt.'. •Che late 'etre H v_,f 11 4: tor - with Mr, and Mrs, Percy Little. merle Mar ,aret Eu etc hiu h elle. Mr. and MrsHugh Sproat of De• d i t elites ut !\Ir. William Keeler awl trait were week end guests of ea. the. Cue Mrs. [urtler and ax, ,err lege Joltu Sproat and Mts. Sykes. Ses'fe>r•:h -I'4 gears a > 1 'lo•ws her Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Box attended the marriage n brit sh r-,ded m . ,t snit\A, convention at Waterloo Hamburg. ,nue slier the family re - last . 3. Wednesday. I :''led- in \\ id -tock Brantford rd 11.1 Mr. J. R. Sproat of Tentagatui spent T1 rtithun here she r uhd n Jam e er- few day with his mother Iii 1 r itl her irushtnl .he James Sproat al years. leave- 1,, a urn her , t' \\. n: Mr. and alts, E. L, Bos. Richard and ,ne daughter,- Raymond and .1- uqd Edward, were Thanksgivingng vies tors at Kirkland Lake with Mr. and ]lairs .nisi \lr. Rue el Mitchell all .t Mrs, G. S. Vance. I Hamilton, .1 -es her f i > r, \Ir. Keeler Miss Isabel Robinson of Toronto >'t Uu'.>lin and rn, sissure.. M rs. 1 ohn Bible College, spent Thanksgiving Quinlan x Eau le n 'I tale and Mrs. . with tier parents, air, and bits. Thos. r Fdtward Anderson - New Tlam,nn%1. Robinson. One hrnther, Private AV. J. heeler, Miss Irene Maloney of Detroit le predeceased her in 1918. visiting with her grandmother-. Mrs.1 The funeral was held at Hamilton Margaret Maloney. on'\Vedue day- with Requiem Mas in Pte. James Riley of Chatham spent Holy Family Church at t; ,clock. the week end at his home. conducted !by Rev. Father 'McCoweih Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and Mrs. H. W. The cortege then ;.re.ceeded to Holy Hart visited friends in Stratford last Family 'Church, New Hamburg. where week. 'a prayer service not held by Rey. Fa- Mr. Robert Rennie of Saskatoon is cher iWinter. .who ales' officiated at visiting his sister, Miss B. Rennie stilt graveside in the local cemetery and aunt. Mrs. Adam Dodds. ;where the retrains were laid to rest. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, of Kincard• Besides many 'Mass card;, heautt:u' ine. were week end gaests of Mr..and billows, wreaths and sprays were tent Mrs. H. W. Hart. by the Barber Die Cast Co. of Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ferguson ;on where tMr. Hopi is employed, of Toronto were week end guests ,from his fellow employees, neighbor, with the Misses Ferguson. and irirnds in Inzereoli. WoodstockMr. M. McKellar and Isobel spent and Brantford. Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs Gordon McKellar at Sudbury. SISTER OF MRS. MERNER DIES Mr. Neil Tyndall of Sudbury spent Mrs. Gertrude Lirtdeniield aid=>vw' the week end with his parents, Mr. of Charles A. Linden'fleld, died Sud - and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, Tuckersmith. of at her home, 291 Cheapside St., V HILDEBRAND-LAYTON r London. an Saturday. She was !boret in Goderidh and 'had lived 1s' Parkhill The wedding took place at Outline ,until oiniq to 'London five years alto, Street United Church parsonage. SIrs. Liitdenfield attended St. \Iich- Clinton, on Saturday, October 12th. aeps Church, 'where requiem high at 2 p.m. of Verna Helen Elizabeth nae was sung he Tuesday morning. Layton, only daughter of Mr. and Sur -riving are one son, Dr. C. E. Eln- bfrs. "Walter Layton, of Hildebrand. denfield, Bata Ont.. three daughters, to Mr. Gordon John Hildebrand, eld- de 'home, and a sister, Mrs J J. Mer- bst son of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Burton aer. me, and formerly o Seaforth. brand of Seaforth. Rev. wore Burton Mer - officiated. The bride a navy tailored suit with navy accessories and a corsage of roses. The brides- maid, Miss Donna Lobb, was dressed in soldier blue with black acees• stades and corsage of roses. The groom was attended by Mr. Glen Lay- ton. After the ceremony Mr. and M1•s. Hildebrand left on a honeymoon trip to Kitchener. The young couple will reside in Seaforth, also a good one. Making apple butter and cider is the order of the day. Quite a number from this district took in the sights at the Goderich Sky Harbor and Port Albert Sunday. THIS WEEK ONLY Home Remedies, Toiletries Rubber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Store bund' ed AT HALF PRICE! Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 17-18-19 McKindsey's DrugStore Seaforth y CONSTANCE Tile annirersary services were held on Sunday, October loth and were conducted by Rev, j. W. Johnston of Fordwich. His message in the morn- ing was in keeping 'with Thanksgiv- ing Day. His text was from 103rd Psalm, 2nd verse, "'Bless The Lord, O my soul. and forget not all His 'benefits," The choir sang two anth- ems at the morning service, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus ay," and "That Sweet Story of Old" also a solo by Mr. 'James Scott, In the evening, \1r. !Tahnston 'brought a very forceful and timely message taken zrom I\Iark 10, 35-39, "Can ye drink of the carp that T drink of and be baptized with the 'baptism that I am baptised with and they said unto Him. we can," The •choir sang one anthem, "God Is There," and a men's quartette by Clarence Weldon, Kelso Adams. 'Wil- liam Jewitt, William Britton. Mrs. Lindsay and 7lr. James T. Scott sang a beautiful duet, 'God Is Love." A reception wa.s held at the ihoine of Mrs. Benj. Snell on Tuesday even- ing for the newlyweds, her nephew and his •bride, ISIr..and Mrs. John Not- tingham (nee Miss Warrena Oliver of Ledner, B.C.) recently of :British Col- umbia. The •friends and neighbors iga- thered to ,welcome them to our com- munity. Ray. A. E. 'Menzies was the chairman :for the evening's program. Those taking part: Mrs, Robt, Grim oldby, a solo: readings by Stirs E. Adana and Mars. CGnimoldby; 'guitar seleotion by 'Mrs. 'Menzies; duet /by Helen and Edith •Britton. The address was read by Miss Helen Britton and ,the presentation of a beautiful trlltte floor lamp made by Alvin Dodds and Wilber J'ewiltil. The 'dining 'room table was 'centred ,with the Ibr'td'e's 'cake and decorated with tall pink candles and !bouquets of pink carnations and ferns, A dainty lunch was provided iby the ladies. 'The bride served the 'wedding cake. The guests departed !giving the bride and 'groom their best 'wishes. !Miss Doris Lsewvon of London spent a few days with her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fail Lawson. Mrs, Earl Lawson held a family re• union on Sunday for the Taylor farm ily, at her hone, where Mrs. Taylor her mother, has been making her home, There were present Mr. and Mrs, Will McMillan and daughter Marion of London; Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ferris of Provost, Alberta; Mr, and Mrs. Webster and family, of St.. Helens, Miss Florence Taylor. Reg. 1r,. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and daughter, and lir. and Mrs. Verne Dale and two ehildreu. of Hullett. Lawrence Taylor. of Pete wawa, was absent as the last word they had he expected to go oversee, Those visiting friends on Sunday: Rev. J. W. Johnston with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison; Mrs. Menzies and children with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brit ton; Mr. Fred Elliott, Toronto, and Mrs. Elliott of Clinton, with Mr, ant' Mrs. Jack Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson and daughter Marion with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch; Mr and Mrs. Johnston of Varna with Mr and Mrs. Lorne Lawson; Mr. ane Mrs. Walter Broadfoot of Walcot with Mr. and Mrs. Beni. Snell, Mr and Mrs. Will Leentiug with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Mr. and :Sire John Armstrong and family of Loud esboro with Mr. and Slrs. Peter Lindsay. Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson of Stratford spent the holiday week end with the lady's parents. Mr, aw Mrs. J. J. Hugill, Among the visitors at the hone 01 Mr. and Mrs. A. Dexter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Puller, bliss Estelle Wilson. bit•. Wm. Sandie, Mr T. Williamson, Brampton, Mrs. W Vodden, Clinton, Mr, and Mee. H. Wells, Londesboro, Mr, R, Gibbins of Toronto. bars. T. Gibbi•.ngs of Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibbings of Clinton visit• ed with Mr. and. Mrs. J. J. Hugill ou Sunday. The W.M,S: will hold their Thank offering meeting at the home of bars Win. Britton on Wednesday, October 23. Mrs. Craw will be the guest speaker and Mrs. Menzies will sing a solo. Lunch will be served. Will the ladies of the Constance Church please accept this invitation to attend. Mr. Gordon Mathews and friend. of Stratford, called on Mr. and Mrs J. J. Hugill on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong of Londesboro had dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Lindsay on Sunday, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Dexter and Mr. and Mrs William Jewitt were bh•, and Mrs. Guy Cunningham and family of An burn, Mr. and. Mrs. J. Yungblut and Miss Margaret of Clinton, and Miss Kathleen of Brussels, Mr. Henry Adams and Mr, John Adams of Lon desboro. CIDER MILL Will make cider and apple butter Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri• day of each week during October and November. Cider mill located on the street leading to the golf course. West Ward, Mitchell, Fred Helmick Proprietor. Terms cash. Telephone 181, Mitchell. PAGE FIVE MEN'S REGULAR $12.95 PONY HORSE JACKETS Special Purchase from one of Canada's Best Makers of Jackets — Hurry for these. They won't last long. Soft and pliable as a kid glove, these jackets have become the hit with young men. Full satin, and celanese lined, fancy backs, full zipper front and zipper pocket. Contrasting color piping on edges. Colors include bhie, green, London tan, fawn. brown and natural. Sizes 30 to 42 only. ON SALE FOR THE WEEK END ONLY at $10.95 ALL WOOL MELTON & BLANKET CLOTH WINDBREAKEt S New stock in wine, green, navy, brown and plaids in full zipper styles, Priced according to weight. $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 YOU CAN PROCURE WAR SAVING STAMPS AT OUR OFFICE i STEWART BROS. CLEARING SALE We offer you the following Used Machines, with money back guarantee if not satisfied. 1 Massey Harris Cutting Box $15.00 1 Cockshutt Gang Plow 10.00 1 Massey Harris'Dunip Rake 25.00 1 nearly new Rangette 20.00 1 Gasoline Stove 12.00 '. 1 Electric Range . , . 40.00 1 McCormick Deering Cultivator ... , , 40.00 1 Sulky Plow 25.00 1 seven foot Massey Harris Binder q0 00 JOHN BACH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts Murphy Paints Electrical Supplies & Appliances ANNUAL INOCULATION for Tuckersmith Township An opportunity for Small Pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever vaccination and inoculation is be- ing made available by the Board of Health of the Township of Tuckersmith. The treatments will be (riven by Dr. Mc- Master, the M.Q.H., at his offlce commencing Saturday, October 19th. All wishing treatment will kindly start promptly and continue regularly. Prevention is better than cure. It is the duty of every parent to see that each child is given this opportunity for prevention of disease. The service is free. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia- gara Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay. Miss Rhea Ross 01 Hamilton spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Westaway and family of Hamilton, and Miss Marg. aret Patrick of Toronto with Mr and Mrs. Mont, Patrick. Miss Frances Houston of Brantford spent Thanksgiving with her brother Mr. Andrew Houston. Mr. Arthur Jackson and Mrs. H. Jackson were in Watford on Satur clay attending the funeral of the late lvir. Brown. Remember the Egmondville United Church anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 27. Rev. T. W. Neal of Toronto will preach at both services. Fowl supper on Tuesday„ Oct. 29, followed by a play from Thedford, "A Pair of Country Kids."