HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-17, Page 4PAGE FOU'R
IHE, SI \it)t:l!t '1:\\-s
snow:tut &".s., tat:hat:as
14'(ts. (.", Bennett ami Shirley spent
the holidayin St. Thomas.
Mrs. Bowen spent the holiday at
her home at The Nile.
Mr. Russell Btyans, who is in the
Air Fore'e in Toronto, spent the week
end with his wife and family in the
Mr..Fred Rutledge of Toronto anent
the holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Rutledge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Deacort spent the
week end with the latter's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jo'e Carter.
Mrs. Russell Barrows returned
from Scott Memorial Hospital on
Thursday after undergoing an appen•
dioitis operation. She is doing fine.
The regular W. M. S. meeting was
held Oct, 9th with Mrs. W. Turnbull
presiding. Hymn 378 was followed
by prayer by 1Mdss Smillie. An inter -
testing report of the Winthrop sec-
tional convention held Oct: 7th was
presented by Miss Ethel Shaw. The
treasurer reminded the members not
to overlook their missionary envel-
opes as this is the last quarter of the
year. Mrs. Marshall read a paragraph
on stewardship, The war time liquor
restrictions which were requested by
the deputation of church and tennper•
ance representatives that visited Qt.
tawa in July were read. Mrs. G. Me -
Gavin and Miss Kathleen Leeming
told of the lives of Dr. Tucker and
Lumbo. two outstanding figures in
the Canadian mission at Dondi, Af•
rico. Mrs. McCallum offered the clos-
ing prayer.
Al I(so n-Farquharso n—
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at First St. Andrew's United Church
Manse, October ldth, by the Rev, Dr.
J. Y. MacKinnon. of Muriel Evelyn
Farquharson. London, eldest dough.
ter of Mr, and Mrs. \Vet. Farquharson
Walton, to Gunner David Cowan Al-
lison, .ILC',A.C-A.S,F.. Petawawa
tarc Camp, eldest son of Mr, and
Mrs. David Allison, Lorne Avenue
London, Ontario. The bride were a
dress of soldier blue wool crepe with
black accessories. and a corsage of
Johanna Hill roses, Miss May Me.
Mordie was bridesmaid, dressed in
grey wool crepe, with wine acces-
sories, with a corsage of Better Time
Roses. Gunner Norman Griffith, ILC
A,. Petawawa. Ontario, was grooms-
man. After the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. David Allison. Later the
bride and groom left for a short
honeymoon trip.
Death of John T. Rogerson.—
There died in McKillop at the
home of his daughter Laving (Mrs.
David Watson). on Sunday. October
131h, John T. Rogerson. in his 33rd
year. He was born in Hullett Town•
ship, in 1858, the eldest son of Solo-
mon and Elizabeth Bowe Rogerson.
In 1894 Mr, Rogerson married Jessie
Lowrie, the youngest daughter of Wm.
Lowrie Sr., who died in 1903. One
daughter, Vlna, was born to this mar-
riage. In 1906 he married Emily Bed-
ford, who died in 1981, Selling out
his home, Mr. Rogerson retired to
Londesboro, for two years. Leaving
the village he went to live with his
daugbter in McKillop, until his
death. Of a kindly and sterling dis-
position he endeared himself to all
with whom he came in contact. A
member of the former Methodist
Church, he later became a member
of the "'United". There remains to
mourn his loss one daughter Laving
(Mrs. D: Watson) ; also four brothers
Henry, in Algoma; Frederick, of
Clinton; Walter, of Seaforth and
Robert. of Hullett, and one sister
Elizabeth (Mrs. M. Armstrong). A
brother Charles died in Alberta last
The funeral took place to Burns
Cemetery on Wednesday, Octo. 16th:
Rev. Mr, Gilbert of Walton officiat-
ing. The service took place from the
residence of his sou -in-law, Mr.
David Watson. The pallbearers were
Duncan McNichol, Thomas Storey
Dave Boyd. George Dundas Thos
Y g
Leeming and Jack Robinson.
Don't tforget the Red Cross concert
in Walton, Community Hall on Fri-
day evening, O,ct. Ieth. Your help ts
needed. Ladies please .bring lunch.
Week end visitors with Air. and
Mrs. William Kearney were Mr. and
Mrs. Erle Dow and childreu, Mr: and
Mrs. Campbell Dow of Cromarty and
Mr. and Mr's. Frank Dow of Brussels.
.Carmtel Presbyterian Church serv-
ices were tconducted by the minister,
Rev. Wm. Weir. B.A., :Who chose for
his subjects, morning, "Count Your
Blessings' ; evening, "Ilungs ,for
Which fWe Are Thankful." Music by
:the choir tatter the direction of W. A.
+M1acLaren :consisted of the :fallowing:
anthem "Therefore will I give thanks
end sing," a pleasing trio "Lead us 0
1,...1h or.- (Mrs. \lube,*lit i)ou.iar:, Airs.
\ l) r trill \! i.. Al.t_ ire; Dong a4
rth cm. esti te
,t the llatic.t '
The Mission (:fret • rally of Nor':
it trot twill n iw1:1 m llen-al C m rd
Ciurelt Milt\ evening. th•htr lsih.
Londeshoro ou•cle will eond t t its
worship ,period and during suutter
which q1 ill be served by the \\ M.S..
\\ Ingham w ill preside for the sing.
song. Speakers will include 'Mrs,
Campion of St. AI u y s, a :keenly en-
thusiastic circle .worker who has plen-
did ureas and a delightful way of ex-
pressing them. Miss \T'flma Sentlal-
singh tri 'Trinidad, who :will tell Mier
own .story. Sic is at present attending
University at Toronto. Miss Clara
11dGtwwan of tBlyth will speak, Mini
Irene Douglas Is superintendent of
the Hensall circle,
Anniversary services :wilt Ibe held in
Varna United Church this coming
Sunday, October 11i. Special music
.by the choir assisted by Hensall tal-
ent, also special messaages.
Miss Gladys Luker will the (hostess
at her home :this coining Friday even-
ing.. October 113th, for the October
meeting of the \'i ohe'lo orrice and all
members ere requested to the present.
Baseball Notes.—
l1ensall • Ihite' dtandat :baseball :was
washed out 'Hundreds of:baseball
fans of this tillage were .disappointed
when rain torsed the cancellation of
:he game. Second game of the 0.13.1.
.internu•diate "B" championship .ser-
ies between tColunthus Grads of Tor-
onto and 'Hen.sall. The postponed
game will he .played here Saturday
afternoon, Oetdhcr i'1th at 2.34) p.m.
and the boys here are confident of
sgtta Tina, the series on their Mune dia-
noud. The t ;rads won the lust game
t Toronto last Saturday. Come 001
and cheer Stan Tudor's brilliant home
team on to victory.
Mrs. A. C. Thompson, the former
Miss Marian Maetc av, and little son
Ian, have been visiting at the Miele
of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Shepherd
returned to their home in St.
Thomas. Mr. Thompson, H.A„ who is
a lawyer there. was a week end visit-
or here.
MII', and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, at,
companied by Mrs, Fred Hays. spent
;Monday in Clinton.
F. J. Jones of Moose Jar, Sask.
visited Miss M. Reid this week.
Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell and
family of Toronto spent Thanksgiv-
ing at their summer home here.
Miss Marjorie Adapts of Toronto
was a Thanksgiving guest with Dr.
and Mrs. I. G. Smillie,
Mr. and Mrs. M, G. Drysdale and
Air, and Mrs. James A. Paterson were
in Toronto Saturday attending the
ball game between the Columbia
grads and. Hensen,
Miss McIlvenna. assistant teacher
at. Hensall continuation school here
spent the holiday with friends in To-
Miss Goldie Cross, of Alnta Coll-
ege, St, Thomas, spent Thanksgiving
with her parents, Mt'. and Mrs, W. B.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Shepherd of
Toronto, Miss Hazel Smillie of At•
wood, were Thanksgiving visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, James Smillie,
Mrs. Annie Saundercock was visit,
ed over the holiday by iter daughter.
Airs. Smith of Exeter.
Miss Marion Dougall. uutse-in•
training at Victoria hospital, London
spent Thanksgiving with her parents
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dougall, of Huy
Ait'. and Mrs, Harold Scrttton and
children, Nancy Ann, and Ralph, of
Port Dover, have returned home fol-
lowing a delightful visit spent with
Mrs. A. Scruton.
We had a very heavy frost Tues-
day night,
Mrs. John Gillies and children
Isabel and Brucie. spent the week
end in Owen Sound and Collingwood.
Air, and Mrs, Jack Watson, Miss
Hilda Wright and Mr. Robert Black
of Toronto spent the week end with
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, George
Pte, Ralph Davidson and Pte. Alex
Kerr, of the Elgin Regt.. spent the
week end at their homes.
Lance Corpl. F. Bullard and Mrs
Bullard of Kintore spent the week
end with friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hogg moved
to Collingwood on Wednesday. Mr.
Hogg and his brother, Mr, Adrian
Hogg have been working in Coning
wood for a number of weeks.
The United Farm 'Women held
their monthly meeting at the hone
of Mr, and Mrs, W. Haugh on Tues.
day, Oct, 8111. After singing "How
Pleasant 'tis to meet. again." the
treed was repeated. Minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted and
roll call answered with Scotch
Brucefield United Church
At 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Will be the Guest Minister for the Day
Supper served from 530 on
We have nearly doubled our table capacity for this year to eliminate
We had so much favorable comment on our Pictures last year that
With the added feature of sound effect at no extra charge,
ADMISSION — Adults 60c,Children 25c
jokes, Literature from heats office
was read by Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. Buell.
,st,an anti Urs. Stac•khou.e. Mrs
Wright. r.:3:1. "1-lu11101 1 states health
depends on ea -operation." Question
she was int charge of Miss V irks
Current events -ween given by Mrs
Snider, A ttmpetunee resolution was
passed. Dr e uasiou on district couvt'n
tion followed. The topic, "A I'od of
P's," which was a mystery, proved to
be very interesting was given by
Mrs. W. Douglas. Mrs, \Y, Haugh had
u pie eating contest, which provided
fun for all, Another contest, "Grand-
mother's Flowers," was conducted by
Mrs, Douglas. After sfuging, the meet,
ing closed. Lunch was served by
hostess and friends.
Mr. and Mrs, John Lalte from
Michigan visited with Mr. and Mrs,
'Wallace Haugh last -Week.
Some of the holiday visitors were
Mr, and MIrs. Lorne Manson and
Murray, Mr, Robt. McNaughton, Miss
Margaret Aikenhead and Mr, Harry
Collies of London, Mr. Stewart Hon
ton, Air. John McIntosh and Jean of
Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Man-
son, Jack and Marguerite, and Mt's,
A. McDonald of Dundas; Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Halstead and Floyd of
I Mrs. McTaggart, who spent some
time with Mr, and Mrs. L. Eyre, has
returned to her home in Seaforth.
Rev. A, Sinclair of Blyth will preach
at anniversary services here next
Sunday at 11 a,m. and 7.80,
Air, and Mrs, R . McKenzie and
family 00 Detroit visited with relat-
ides in the village,
Alt's, S. Dutot and Bessie spent the
week end i11 Hayfield,
Miss 'Margaret Aiketallead (rout
London spent the week end at the
home of her parents, Alr. and firs. H.
Misses Eleanor and Kay Snider of
Goderich, and Irene Snider of Lon
don spent the holiday at their home
Mr. and l rs, P. McMartin of 'rot'•
moo spent the weer: end with Airs. A
Mfrs, McKee and daughter of Lon:
dolt spent a few days with Mrs. A.
Pte. A. Eapfe of London spent Stun
day at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grainger, Miss E.
Bowey, Mt. D. Swan spent Sunday at
Dr. Horner Patrick of Calgary is
visiting his niece Mrs. Geo. Elliott.
There is considerable building and
improvement in the village, Mr, P.
Weston is building a cottage for Mr
Grangier of Loudon on Tnyll St, Dr.
Tillman is having a basement built
under his cottage on the Point and
three new cottages are being built on
the Highlands.
Mr, and Mrs. McInnis have return
ed front their honeymoon and are oc-
cupying Mr. B. Stephenson's cottage.
Miss Margaret Ferguson of Windsor
spent the holiday at het' home,
Miss Ruby Fisher returned to her
home in Waterloo after a two weeks'
visit with her aunt, MIrs, F. A. Ed.
Mr. J. Cameron and Miss Elva De-
war, of the teaching staff of Toronto
Public Schools, spent the holiday at
their respective homes.
Mr, and Mrs, .Guest and daughter
of Toronto spent the week end with
Mrs. Guest's sister, Mrs. M. Toms.
Miss Lucy Woods is spending a
week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, J. Stewart of Handl
ton spent the holiday at breis cot-
Mr, and Mrs. A. Pfeibeck spent the
week end iu Kitchener,
Alr, and Airs, F. Edwards of Tor
onto spent the week end guests of
Miss R. Ferguson,
Mr, and Mrs. Hart of Toronto visit.
ed Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr, and Mrs
George Ring,
Mrs, Prentice of Toronto is visiting
her mother, Mrs, W. Stinson,
Mr, and Mrs. McLaren and (laugh.
ter of Port Elgin spent the holiday
with Misses Sterling.
Mr. and Mrs Blyth th Stephenson of
Toronto ant Miss Bingley of Detroit
spent the week end at their cottage.
Mr, and Mrs, IIatold King of Sarnia
spent the week end with Mrs, Chas
Mr, and Mrs. Burt of London spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs
Many from here attended the Sod-
ality dance held in the parish hall
Dublin, on Monday night.
Miss Maty O'Sullivan of the Nor-
mal School, Stratford, spent the week
end at her home here.
Miss Loretta Holland, Kitchener
spent Thanksgiving at her home.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Moylan visited
Mrs, Peter O'Sullivan over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Lorentz and
family of St, Clements spent Sunday
with the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. P. Flannery.
Mrs, M. Miles and daughter Mary
spent the week end in Toronto,
Mr. Kale Holland and friend, of
Windsor, spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Holland.
Miss Irene O'Sullivan of St. Clem -
eels, spent Sunday with her Parents
The C.Y.O. are holding a program
and dance in the parish hall Monday
evening. Oct, 21st,
Mr. acid Mrs. Bill Ryan, London
visited Mr, and Mrs. Terry Flannery
Miss Evelyn Malady, Woodstock
spent Thanksgiving with her father.
Mr. Win, Dorsey has returned
from Stratford hospital and is able
to be around again,
Anniversary services next Sunday,
October 20th, will be held at St,
Andrew's Church, Kippen, The Rev.
Harold Currie of Bayfield will be the
preacher at both services.
On . Sunday, October 27th, the Sao
rat -tient of the Lord's Supper will be
Mr. and Mrs. James Balfour of
Thames Road, also Mr. James Dal-
rymple of Cromarty visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Stewart during the week.
Miss Greta Blackwell, R.N., of Buf-
falo, N.Y., is the guest of her sister
and family, Mr, and Mrs, L, Clark,
Mt•. 1t:lvid Jolntsteu of llattit+tbr 1.
visiting actin it Ps here
The tuned t'It 0 11 anniversary will
he held next Sunday, Oct. 2e. Rev
Mr. Lane of Goderit'h will preach at
11 a,nt. and 7 pent.
A heavy crop of apples are being
harvested from the sprayed orchard:
in this vicinity.
The W.M.S. held their October
meeting in the church with eight
ladles present, The president opened
the meeting with hymn 577, followed
by prayer by Airs. aicClymout, The
toll call was answered with the
word, "Thanksgiving," Delegates to
Winthrop convention were Miss
Bertha Diebl and Mrs. Peters and
Rachael Johnston for the Mission
Baud, Au invitation was received
frim the Kipper society to visit
them on November 6th. Our thank
offering service will be held after the
anniversary. service. Bertha Diehl
took change of the meeting for Weil
group, Hymn 148, "Breathe on me
breath of God," was sung. There
were short readings by Bertha Diehl
Mrs, J. W. Johnston and Mrs. S
Keyes, 1'lie study book was taken by
Mrs, Ben Rathwell. Text word for the
next meeting is to be on China. Col
lection was taken and hymn 400 was
sung. The meeting was closed with
prayer by Mrs, David Stephenson,
Mr, E. Ctiutot' and son Wilfred have
been engaged for the past few weeks
at the airport at Port Alberta
Miss Jean Reid has entered the
Clinton hospital to take a terse ill
training as a nurse, We wish Jean
every success in this worthy cause.
Anniversary service will be held in
St. John's Anglican Church Sunday
Oct. 27th, Rev. J. R. Thompson will
be the guest speaker for the clic.
Morning service 11 a,m. and 7 pan
Monday night a social evening under
the auspices of St. John's Church will
be held in the hall, of \i'hieh meutinn
Will he nittde later.
Mr, and Airs, Laythent and little
son elle London. tu- colltpatty with Miss
Beatty, spent Sunday with relatives,
Mt'. David Johnston of Pilot Mount
Man„ is renewing acquaintances in
this district,
Pte Harold Elliott of Stratford and
Alvin Elliott of Kitchener spent Sun
clay with relatives and friends,
Mr. J. J, Chapple of Landon paid a
short visit to the village Sunday.
The many friends of Mr, and Airs
Harvey Taylor met in the hall Ft'i•
clay night, when the young couple
were presented with a miscellaneous
shower. We wish the young couple
bon voyage through life.
The Rimer brothers of Donegal
agent Sunday with their•. brother Ben
at the home of Mt', Frank Weekes,
Mrs. Mabel Howes and son Garfield
of Port Colborne spent ttte Thanks-
giving holiday visiting with Mt', and
Mrs, W. J. Clark, of the Goshen Line
25th Anniversary of School—
The 25a1 anniversary of the open-
ing of the High School w•as attended
on Thanksgiving Day. by tfornler
pulpfls and friends from all over OJnn-
tario. The mass at 111 a,m, in St,
Patrick's :Church :was sting by Rev.
Father tO'Draw dki, Si, 4.nitmthan;
Rev. Joseplh Feeney, London was
deacon. Res', J. 'O"Rountke, sub -
deacon. The latter Itwo are !graduates
of Dublin High Schaal, Che first gra-
duate to the ordained tfollowing the
opening of the thigh 'school. fives Rev,
INorman 'Woltfe, ,whose 'home tw•a:5
thou in Dutblin Ore now has a parish
in the state Missouri, Rev. Father
Durand. of St. Petter's Seminary :staff,
'London, preached an eloquent ser-
mon on the very capable way the
tpeotpte of the distridt provided an edar-
tation :for their children in tprividitig
a high school. The singing Iby the
pupils of Dublin and Vit. 'Colainlban
Was remarked tby- all Ili bo were fort-
unate enoutglh to he tpresenL The re -
EAr,R 1-I
"Mutiny on the Blackhawk"
Land of beautiful belles, Thoroughbred horses, brought to the screen
in glorious tecltnic'olor
"Torrid Zone"
A prize package of action laden, laugh inciting entertainment
eeptie+tt in the afternoon front s' to 0
p.m. in the parish hall closed 11ilh a
etrhstantial luncheon of sandwiches
nil cake and tea servo! by the hi h
chem girls. From .i to 11'2 cent. cards,
keno and dancing to music supplied
Eby the \liner artily=tri closed a very
happy day.
Misses Alary Nicholson, Llixahetlt
Rent front 4t. Ilttid's, 1 +.,eine
twct'c pu.scnt tit 4'he Milli \las. n;
the year they got their entrance they
attended our school,
Visitors over the week end and
Thanksgiving holiday at the horse of
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. E. Williams, Dub
lin, were ML', anti Alts. Noah 11'Ide
+.1 y -e' emat'lcet, the t'Ormltt'r ht'•
ing Mr. Williams' cousin; Mr, liar
oil Rice, of Seaforth, also Murray
and Marie Williams, wider the par-
ental roof, on Sunday.
Mr's. Gene Giroux with her brother
Alt, Wilfred Feeney,
Mrs. Hugh McGrath is visiting his
sister Mrs. ('onlin, in Lucian.
Mrs. Phil McPhartin and Alrs, Jack
Sebmmner, Detroit, spent the week
end at the home of the former's els
tar, MTts, John Jordan,
Mr's, Harry Dingman, Detroit, with
her parents. Mr, and Alr's. David Mc
Mr. and Air's, Patrick Jordan and
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jordan attended
Hite fowl supper al St. Clements ott
Mon day,
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Andrews and
family of Centralia visited with Mr
and Mrs. Richard Robinson Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Wes Fiayter of De•
tt'oit spent the week end with friends
in Stanley.
Mr, David Johnston of Pilot
Mound, Manitoba, who was culled to
Flint, Michigan, owing to the serious
illness of his sister, Mrs. Chester
Duni in,• is spending a few days visit-
ing friends iu Stanley.
Mrs. Robt. E. Robinson and son
Douglas and daughter Helen spent
Sunday afternoon with her brother
Mr. Jack Chili and fancily in Kirkton
Mr. and Mrs. Pence Johnston aid
Mr, and Mrs. Lee McConnell visited
on Sunday with their cousin, the
Metc'.alfs, of Turnbet'ry.
Mit Andrew H. McKenzie of Knox
reit,,'. Toronto, spout the week end
with his parents. AI r. and Mrs. Wm
\L. and Mrs. \ilea \lc\ittrtrie. and
daughter of l'oronto spent the w•e'ek
enol 11 it'll the fot•nn•t ; 'tt•athers, Mr.
;utl \it-., Huish 0Ir91 trtri', and lir:
Jahn .11ei\luru'ie.
Mr, and Airs. I\\'. Dearing, of 'Exe-
ter visited recently with Airs. H.
R(eke r.
Unite a nu Whey i yin this vicinity
attended the Provincial ''lowing
\latch ;it tit, 'l'drrntas this week.
Mr, and Mrs, \\-. Homey, :Miss
Irma Ferguson an.l Me. Arnold
Gu:aetter v on Sundaywith
Alr, Irvine Foster, a patient in Vic-
toria Ilas,pitad, Landon.
Alt's. Harvey and Mrs. Logan, of
FIerafl. spent one day last ,week
with i11r. and t11rs, John Jarratt,
'Air, and Mrs, 'John Cochrane visit-
ed with the formersister, Mr and
11rs. H, Cameron in Clinton Friday.
Mfrs. 'Chandler, Mrs. J. McLean,
,Airs, A. lAlrMmrtrie and 'Miss lrmta
Ferguson attended .the W. M. S. con-
vention in Roy'es lljnited ,Clturdlt on
Thursday last
Dr, Gilbert IJ'arrott of Stratford vis-
ited one day lase :week nv+ith his
:mother, Mrs, I, IJ.arrott.
14r..and Mrs. E. Taylor and family
moved last Friday to Stratford after
living in thin :vicinity a number of
years. Our ;best :wishes :for their :fut-
ure welfare, go +with them.
Miss Isabelle Alexander, teacher of
near Shedden, and .Miss Doris Alex-
ander of London, spent the week end
,with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A1iss Erma IWtorkntan, teacher,
spent the week end with her parents,
'Mr, and 'Mrs, W. Workman.
Quite a number attended the open-
ing of Sky IHanbor air +port. IMonday.
BOYD-In Scott Memorial Hospital.
on Saturday, October 12, 1940, to
Mr. and Mrs, John Boyd, Mcliiilop
n daughter.
.Want and For Sale Ads, 1 iwec:k 05c
of the
North Side United Church
REV. A. S. ORTON, M.A. D.D. S.T.M.
Will be the guest speaker at both. services
You are cordially invited to hear this outstanding minister.
SERMON Dr. Orton
ANTHEM—Our Blest Redeemer Nichol
ANTHEM—The Lord's My Shepherd (unaccompanied)
"Brother James Alt" Ma'oaa
ORGAN PRELUDE Mrs. J. A. Stewart 6.45
Sabbath Evening Chimes Stewart
Come Sweet Death , Bach
Humoresque Dvorak
ANTHEM -Hear My Prayer
Dr. Orton
ANTHEM—I Will Arise (unaccompanied) Parks