HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-17, Page 2PAGE TWO
Members of Crew Interned—
The Nether}ands freighter. Prins
\Cilie n HI. of l' t•edam, put into
pit.- al Uo.ierie h is week after rum
nine up !tom Chicago. and put ashore
16 crew members who had tumbled.
The :it -r, iturell nienibers of the ;gets.
were removed to be interned.
The Prins Willem. a former patteetig-
er- boat transformed into a package
freighter for merchant marine serv-
ice: lett Rotterdam May 9. 1940. and
docked at Chicago ou June 25. She
was loaded there and about to sail on
July 2 when members of the crew re-
fused to rail en unarmed merchant
ship across the atlantic. The ship's
captain, W. P. Helelingen. who sails
out of Rotterdam but whose hone is
at The Hague. stuck with his vessel
and notified the authorities that the
crew had•refused to sail. thus -placing
themselves in the position of having
mutinied. Since the boat sails under
The Netherlands tlag but Is chartered
by the British ministry (with .the cap
itulation of Holland the Dutch men
chant marine turned over its ships to
the British servicee word was receiv-
ed from Ottawa to Ming. z the ship and
her original crew to a Canadian port
Since Holland ie now udder German
control the crew nl !!there could not
go :shore at Chicago because they
would be considered aliens. A Can;
adieu crew was despatched t:''tn
Montreal. in charge of chief ettgit:eei
T. L. Claude of Montreal. a chief :u
gineer in the Canadian merchant me
rim, service. They boarded the tr.:'srl
eat t• -tragic and 'lt.- Niet. -lands ei.o.
was ed ane -'r gaard and cunt—Mei
Mrs, G. E. Hall, Clinton—
Tttet'e passed away at her resid-
eitee on Tuesday. atter a brief illueee
Marion Elizabeth Hutchings, beloved
wife of George Edward Hall, its her
i:h year. Although in failing health
for several yours. it was not until
two weeks ago that she became set,
iously ill. She was born in St. A1batt's
Head. Dorsetshir•e. Englaud. the dau-
ghter of Isaac and Catherine Hutcu-
lugs. itt 1SS2 she came to Canada
with her fancily, and lived fora year
at Ailsa Craig, before moriug to
Soutil llfaaletwt. On June 14. 1144.
elation Hutchings was united ,u man
nage 10 Langton Baptist ehurch c.a
George Edward Hall of Sinuoe. They
resided in titncoe for several years
and later moved to Kitchener. where
they lived a year before oozing to
Clinton in 1106. Besides her husband
there survive two sons. Ernest of
Toronto. Gordon of Cayuga. and one
daughter, Evelyn. at home: a dau-
ghter. Mildred. died in 1907; one sis-
ter. Mrs. Charles Trickett of Port
Rowan and one brother, Percival. of
Tillseuhatrg: one brother and ewe
sisters died several years ago. Mrs.
Hall was a life-long Member , he
Baptiser church, and was ospecially
',al. -tested its foreign nmis.ions, N• -
init..: ,able to attend church for mar-
t :.. •?:t :!suint of iIlcreasing ti•'at-
;1.: leen in touch with her ra.
tri -!ascii means f the .,..511. A
.,, 1.vttte'.. titer. ..:
111 air._ T..
t '1..',}•• AAAA 1i •_ .. .. 1:r ..
P, \, 2 ilf nl tee er
i,c11t1t,Ilip 'f.-
r. aft a 11 ,tar:al:
let.gt 1.a aka., . The Prins
W:liern ill ans im a taste ot war -
fat, t ran the 1; Ho:hand entered th.
war h Priasttit'!t ill was ars
t: ,.y Nstri planes. _.t dying, high it.
the sky. Borah, ..l;ont fan yards
awayfrom tt e t -.seri hitt none hit
it.•' Tae e:1':stn. said :h1e tlanee were
i?ytrg so high they were out oit sight.
Ali that could }.- h-•ari was the whine
,,f the bombe: as :hey f fl
t tit }..t. A t -i
\ .t : itla
Building Locker Storage—
'1- 3n'i 1:'31' :+•'1 Ala-
sttt.er.i 0 Albert
altar-rm. next to Ba; tltft's. by Mt.
iti--rryn 13atkin One ti the interest-
ing construction details is that the
locker room itself is being insulated
with 6 inches of solid cork, installed
such t manner that the el fur'?i Hensall Champions I
Deer Visits Brussels—
will tot'm the actual parti-
tions its the building, thereby iortt:-
g the wartime refrigerated rooms.
In the immediate froth of thenew
plata there will be a convenient lobby
for patrons. 111'. Barkin has announc-
ed that a complete processing service
will he Inaugurated so shat patrons
who have not the facilities or knots'
little about cutting up meat purch-
ased in quarters. trill be able to buy
their requirements from a wholesale
butcher or bout Mlr. Batkfn, have it
sent to the ageing room, where a
card will be provided on which tate
customer will specify the cuts he
wants front the quarter of meat. After
the meat has been aged according to
specifications. it will be processed.
wrapped and stored for use,
Mfr. Clifford Hunter. who was suf-
fering from blood -poisoning and was
taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don. returned home Sunday last and
now able to be around again. Cliff-
ord owes his speedy recovery to a
new discovery in the treatment of
blood-poisonir.g that has been inn e
a comparatively short time. Blood-
loodri is:n starred to JIr. Hunter's finger
front ft sataTiii received while em-
Irleyed with Rutuart's Packing Co in
.:itch-. ;ci:tet. h,r had bee!,.,.•..
.. 1.! dial.
Crista'-• Clerk $95:,105-_
At : meeting .11 1:,, "".:
.:!1 ..
B. E. Mlanttine. leiii
h treasurer t•rr a numl.ert
handed his is_,:slanatien to ta..,,rt.
-n:1 of .the ,own's
yeal. atter the audit lase bean
eorapleted. The 15 itti n le bine tea
t Trice.: and api c-. tot • for a new
clerk and treasurer will be reer-ited
111, To
ust about
In making electricity j
NIthe cheapest service the house-
holdears'anf p ac klvdeo is doing its
bunt to keep your living stands to lily
your cost of living low• ice pro -
through the years: the sere
sided by :our otic public utility has
e thriftier and thriftier- `a our
per kilowatt-hour today,
become was
average rose my 1 /• what it
for he sta.cof he last war.
at the star cathing on'
Hydro system is re-eiL ' ith
Vous of
on she industrial front, as panty
times the system capacity
ten Hydro is meeting
19 dern-1S, vital power needed to
droduct vital war equipment
and materials of all kinds-
You—and everyone in Ontario--canii
be proud of the efficient war
Hydro is doing. Hydro is your utility
. the co-operation and. njtienhave of all Ontario L
made it she strong bulwark of home,{arm, mine an dfactor9 that itis today.
Trounce Hagersville A dean wae .teen tin the Pm -Mater' .r f✓se'
tiro manse lawn itt Sunday til !,!•!both tea
but did not stay Song. These anlnlate„
are reportedly getting quite numer-
utsr•ous in this district and front time to
time have partaken of their food in .
sore well kept gandefts.—Brussels
Hensall baseball sedni. champions
of th Hornet -Pettit baseball league, I
led by Stan Tudor, had ambition to
become the first club front their ch--
cuit to coin an Ontario baseball assoc-
iation championship. Iu the final
round for the intermediate B title,
they stet Columbus Grads of Toronto
in Toronto on Saturday. The second
game of tate two-iu-three series was
played at Hensall on Monday after-
Hensall went into the finals the ,
bard way, by eliminating Hagersville
in a saw -ori at the Waterloo ball
park on Thursday afternoon, Thei
score was 11-4, and that just about!
; indicates the difference between the
two teams in Thursday's play. After
the first two innings Carter Kerslake
settled down and held the Hagel•e-
ville team scoreless until the ninth
when be allowed one more run.
There was .had blood •oeaw-een the
two emits. anti 0. B. A. oaieialc :
precautionprecaneions to prevent any repetition
of 1:5, rietie eatele 't tl , k ;daze i
when Heneail played a, Hageraville,
Players a iter teams were called -rx,-
?tether the gtantd 40 aniicr
v iv. and were warned that no sq hah-
)Ani v- ', 'le tolerated.as it turned
ve a;; r .a.:.r . Atere n:.•
Deal Dissolved—
In an advertisement at Exeter last
week. signed by 13. W. Tuckey, an-
nouncement was made "that the ileal
between the Tuckey Transport and
the Epps Transport has been dissolv-
ed and that the Tuckey Transport seer -
are in no way connected with tate
Epps Transport.,'
Boiling Water Fatal
To Zurich Child—
Ruth Ann Schnee, aged two, of
near Zurich. died suddenly early one
morning last week at Clinton Hospital
where she had been admitted a week
previously by Dr. A. J. Addison of
Zurich. suffering front burns about
the hody reeevied when playing about
its the home and upsetting a pail of
boiling water. Tai tutt.r-a was held
at Zurich
t < .t r v,... • la Clinton Will Vote
c n:
{ . His matcs
3 .i. _ an a
arc 11. sot. sees -.t :' 1+t the
:wore t. a,. _Ir,k Tu ier €„. .•s: in
,viee. tee reit zee: ereke the tee.
..i t :l . ..
Stade,aeaed tete , :so -,
h osis
.1.after il.'- y
7. had :15-
-.:'t 1 - 1 - t .
li and Oa t. tie -r:, t 1.7 next two
ansall eateers.'t ie. Lasnrint.in
t e i,:,,: to .
'•1? anti to e pave of
eireeet ,iltc %er„ the \Vat -
^:Ass's ;am:.
the sir:- n:a'.': :tatter r>
fare `
ein4led. _endo^ %Veit. to
11'ii' -rt ' 5 - sari, Kett
"Set. .-i.it`-E, t sr-:ake
,•t •Iy rt: .'1:.._ 1;x1:- eat
Vele n2 -':1 - :ice '.'i:ell
.erM1-1 s:i.d',:' heat. •:.r .re 't.'.il
1 ,'c .far ',eta '''t \Veit.
1fteree nor. eves awe--aweal eee
r !mors
1.' H l .o
.rarallitzse 7andt
:'e •'ra-ars; in te, ..,..e lee
1 „Tone 'er . eeee ni,
l .:r .:ake .was choke tt= and - ,o
i.-eviee in the eix7:-.:r t e1
eeene 1 ren.
s'i,,ty .7-.1717,7--
771 :Ile 7
p = to ia,
see a 71'.."7 7'77,
-en wee, tee
an! Seale.
ete.t ., T pri i
1 ti
• r
4 2 it a It
I• .. AAAA. 0 1
t 1
..... 1- 1 ' : rt
e i . is
13__h -s e ....3 '1 0 0 r is
T 7 let
v t'
Preei See r'eil; 77
'-5-'-y 7 7 :-
Bree.e. iora 9t.h.
-.ed for tti_ ta.a.
' :y . 6os' T rr.::a- in 'a;':.
Re2lated Ke e
He _. i73 1+1 it 13 1
Hagersvil'e...1.2f5 ft it sol— . 5
To Hold Banquet—
The Deanery. of Huron A. Y. P. A.
will hold its annual banquet in St.
Paul's Parish Hall, Wingham, on
Tuesday. October 22nd, at 7 p.nt. It
will be followed by the service of in-
stailation of officers at 1.10 in the
church. The installation will be con-
ducted by Rev. Francis C. Watts and
the address will be given by Rev, E.
O. Gallagher.
On Election Date—
The eieetet,,col
:Mier ..s 11•
ix t
1 1
ti tee
I it r:. is
Now R.C.A.F. Pilet—
On Saturday Jird Thompson. son
of bits, OM,- Tlt•u;:tis ln. Listowel.
and ht•otfiet of Mts. R. S la -tee -ring -
ton. of town. received his: wiIlgs at
Ottawa. He will now go tel Jarvis i.n-
itdvauced training. Jim, 0. -tune Foca;;
so Lisrttw'.-•} fro:it foe:-' 0,. ..01,- id
tlir- t:.giber y..rtlhe men el our tree.
11' w':r.s a menthe, -r of they tooth flat-
tery, C. A.S,i' !adore he tran't.•t'r. i
., tit:• air Farce. last Aerie Hie eel• •
tnenr al'y training wit, taken at lilt•
eltener. then he went to tetthw:, r'.'r
furth'-r f:istrurtiet2.-14'inn !n: n 1d•
Legs Crushed-
- eelin r iw nanr tt ,tett , who
operates a hay pressing ..unit. ,,
suffering troth two. badly .'rushed
linitis and l and nwfy esvaped death in
an rieteletit reeently While shnvitt,:
the pees, 11:50 the bate ui George
t'.” isenbc•i'g. tar' } rntsrlshila, hr wn,
klt'.r•ftt•d dowa2 by the '.a&titt: polo,
ie—or, it 1 11Li it i ,dd..
:171i7r dtit a by Pat Fergneen ran
rt—et birth b -a. .,::.t ca.tia-ai lam ,tl•
most . f.- With a at - ,tin, of
mind :0 1 't'!1s 1' .,+. £l,: a !t ray 1' ai'.let•
1,.sei, tines% tiee tee, 70: i7d7 f .icer
past iii titht- 1417 r.n.2t-. 4',1 't r, r•1'
tiff ittO- tttt.i.1 r ' •' .r --
Kearney -Cameron—
of Autumn's l t b we ash .s
w: ienir is r kit' 511, 1' , tt. 77i 11.',
at: I 11 Denude 1.. .i i en. Balder.
sun. Lanaark eieuaty, , wire:: their s iia i.t 7 t: i t t _, 't a. tu-
Led 1 .leen ieee r,
le Ail re,. .:r I. l' r .t t.f Air.
and Mr, it i t7 Keareey. l;"v, .1 R.
Iileki3 ) t ofekieted, The bride on
the t ef her tathete entered :h.-
lit , g -!'-'r-. to ttl- , lah2: of ;lie
wedding Iia t t played 1.y Mise Slar-
gatet Whyte end took her plate l e, -
side the In- lei oota beneath :au 'tt•ch
et c-dar. Meer eoily decorated with a
large Whit,. sveiu 'i. The bride
wore a ..aa b.,gtit g:.wti of white
.aur %Bit long veil 014 r„
bioeeeme 1111-a eat t i. .1 a bouquet
t. , ley et thev41.:- ami maiden
hair fern T tae t ,,t 'y
Miee Es-yEselyr, 1 a air tette-eel, elle
w iIr;tilt Na,y esiti
,: e e with iiet atiel
eieveet'teet.te site -e ei t l a: i boo -
weer e >_f td t i t tt !,sit ieru.
Mr. Cecil it Ceinmeon. brother of the
tir'id ae:ed 115 er:m mau. During
the iguing o- the register bliss Mar-
e Whyte ..ave. "I Love You
T.:143. titer the ceremony a buffet
iui Leeli, was 'erred to forty guests,
tete dining r tont being decviitted in •e
cruor scheme of pink and white. 'fit.'
table was centered with the wedding
cake. The assistants were Miss
Mabel Richardson, !hiss Hazel Allen.
Blies Irene Thomson and Mrs, Har-
old Thomson. The groom's gift to tit
bride was a gold initialled locket; to
the groonisman a tie set, and to the
soloist a gold compact. Later the
bride and groom left on a motor trip
to Ottawa, the bride travelling in a
British Navy and white dress with
hat, shoes and gloves to match. They
Rill take up their residence at Blyth.
The out-of-town guests were from To.
into. Perth, Lanark; Fahibrook,
Blyth, Cromarty and Kamloops, B,C,
*1'17, ru.. (:anadian Appli'i
are 'me of the fiat -.t
foods that ( an be bought.
"1-bey're plump and ,chole.otnt',
le"a"s' wit It 110l100u..•tetiee, fiat
ten or ihr.-c of tit -.i^ apple
,,err day — tin sire gond for
real 1,td be sur,' to ,-(79'se
/dew?. t7- 01'1,t t% apple (1,7..s0'is
apple pie. bided apples. apple
dumpling, and aleph -acre,
!.:medius Apples are in coir
neighbourhood store. If lay then-
.11nrk ur t Serviee
e UupUV(ri aol tIt'Cti C -1't'
tar' ti.nlh 1 i;a_i5 ,.
01"5' tW.1
Lune« G, (,uratner. tIin£.,trr
7kecjYre 0000 set GOOD FOR YOU
Named Fire Chief—
A; often rie..titiq tit ti'ingham 1,47.'11
cr,61ut77€1 Inst w-ss.k. James A. tart W.I.
allioil:re,l ar.• clic. T'':,, tonne!: ..,
t'hie'f .11'11
Business Soid—
€). C. Wal slew. who for tee P:.t
four yeers h ae eco:einn'taal an eleciti-
eal and radio shitp uta Brussels.
sold his business to Ernie Serldotn ef
Wingitar. whir te:ok pose'ssion Met
Some Oats—
It scituo purdl, taught toe
tnislsei of is s w, b-!+- :11 pentad., lair
W. A. 11 -L: -.'t. }Cllr -:,',iii•' towats?sir
r ittst.-*' IS# lit .r this teac'lting- wi'.i
a crop at .'11.1 l.a i':its which weigh .
pounds ta
Mammoth Purnpkir
T', t.it i 117,77:17,11197 i 17521' ,1,'
b.l.t ate! -;'t:,Ali .• ih•re aaaii:. This
Meeltee, !fief
ttnil,la 0
it,: eieeintifeeetice..---Lietee,e,
Gcl• en Weddieg—
tl ,t: mie M. John Terve
t lumbi ry -' a h. act. tai
being a aeleheateir, of tit. -h g l.•ri
wedding. ale and Mrs. T.-irit v
S t •l I ear )Ir ()Wither eta.
- ,.y " 11 5 a. ltt 1 ..,
rte dduhgw u t nv :
whom were forthe bench.,-
Stott last weele Titer were: III.. W.
A. C n rte, 'Mrs. Andrew Currie. Mrs.
George Till Walter Hugga':
1kru eels e Mn. !!avid Currie air.
p etre is in ete etc: year and 31:-
Ter vit is in it.ip.,r 72tui year. They both
have. tine health. tilt. Ters.ir .set-
hot-tt its lees!.1t':iwanr'sh, joust arra-.
the road teen; cis precept residence.
Mee.I'..s 1:7I177 e- maiden name was
Annie Huggate was horn its Harwirk.
a rtla ,i. ,. +., TO Canada visit
her iethei. trra.l. Titer have 07'
i [ r; €1: t tr try. Mete T .r -
tit h :we arethere.Walter ,,f Brus-
sel'. and Ii : 12 California. sir.
pelvis ha Iaia`e st:tets and me bro-
ther. bit- K. W. Adans, Mrs. W. A.
Adams. 11r: Andrew Carrie. file.
teerea, Tcrtit Sr
R hit.'r -Mr. Smith has left his
umbrelle again, I do heliece he would
leave his head if It wasn't on firm!."
Dini'r -' 1 dare may ;you're right.
I heard him say yesterday that he
was going to Switzerland for his
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to