HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-26, Page 8SPECIAL SEPTEMBER STOVE SALE 1 Heating Stove, Large.... $20,00 1 ? 1 Heating Stove $10,00 1 Heating Stove $$$ 5,00.; 1 Master Piece Range $28,00 ' 1 Cook Stave 915.00 These Stoves all In Good Condition All our Stock of Coleman 1940 Models at 10% Discount during this Sale JOE McCULLY & Co. General Merchants, BRUCEFaIELD'r Phone, Seaforth 659 -31 - Phone, Clinton 618-31 PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL Mr. ilobert Passmore left on Mon- day, after spending the summer months at bis home here, for Toronto 'where he enters Honor year in mod- ern history. This is Bob's .fourth 'year and his graduating year. and upon completion intends to study theology, The W.C.T.U. meeting will be held at the home of Miss Jean Murray on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Robert Passmore conducted services in the United Church on Sun- day. Mr. Carey Joynt sang a solo en- titled "Out of the Dep." Mr. W. 0. Goodwin favoured with a stoic et. the- evening heevening service, The Young People of Carmel Fres• byterian Church held a euceesstul we inrr roast et the home- of Mies leen :vleQueen on Friday evening. She .Ladies' Aid of t e r.,e 1 1 reeby- tet an Church held their regular meeting on Tuesd y eveeing. The ladies' 'group from irttcet eld pre- sented a buniorous progrum in the forth of an old fashiot.ed set tele Mrs. • John E. McEwen'e and Mrs. John Stewart's group will be responsible for the next program. Jchns-Venner^-- A pretty autumn wedding took place at the home ct Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venter, Chiselhunst on Wed- needey. Sept. 2tth at 12, o'clock high noon, when their only daughter. Jean Evelyn, became the trite of Gilbert Warren Johns. son of Mr. Wm. Johns and the late Mrs. Johns of Elinzville. The bride, given in mated - age by her father. entered the living room icethe strains a7 to 'wedding march flayed by MI'-. r . leybes of Exeter. The e -[cane y 'woe leriorn;- ed rt cel areh of autumn .rave ,.,d gladioli with stare/al de et gledit li lr.ot..ttee. the re,n-. .: v. It A. Brook of H t. iii ter. Church e,f.I flouting. Tt bride hese _.r- lergth gown el white: teen eeiteen hhit-..v.-t c : 1 pt :d. seew 1.c length of rite ti +. t with srr 7 white daisies. t x p V4';'13 ci' 1 . ` N,1,0411,1:' tions with 1.11iiiii,.^.ht,: - s1i.' .t•. t y..T.Ohns. sistert .. 1 s l -'ride It .tial 1 tl - Ie•1.gth gown of n 2.tahing 0€5511,: , i:,:1 .. d le.equeet. (e. pitta Mee L(.re,-ti lean (2011,i!) .'..e bride was a riffs: i ''.•, cower :. ail (liesse'd in :Rnit sn'it :ritt:n:0d wail baby blue ribtez.a end ,triysng n k and blue lareemee The grotara w s attended by ele. a ant twat( line Following the a ei et. r y a wedding. toner was erved IC -taut thirty guests. The bride's tale, was centered, with the three-tier wedding cake White candies in 1.•-i. rose 1oider s and •pink and white streamers. .env ing were Mises Hazel Johns Blanche Harrison of Kirkton Mrs .ale'` Mc- Beath. c Beath. Varna, Mrs. John Munn end Miss Helen McNaughton cr Chieel- horst, assisted by Mrte Roy Mac-, Laren and Mrs. Glenn Bell of Hensall.' Later the young couple left on a motor trip to the Muskoka Lakes. The bride traeelled in a gi' y tailored suit with black and white aetessories. They will reside on the grooms farm at Elimvflle. Mr. and .Mrs. Robt, Higgins and Mrs, A. Bowen of Exeter and Mrs. A. J Sweitzer. Leis and Ralph, of Beach a' Pines. visited an Sunday with (Mr. and t\fre. Ed McQueen, Dr. Harry Joynt and Mrs. Joynt of Ryror ,visited on Sunday with the formers. mother, 'Mrs. Alice Joynt, .\Itis Peart liar -peek. of London visited over the week end ;with her Mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole. 1 yn ,\frs. Lawrence Baha= and chil- dren of Exeter visited last week with Mrs.- Bavnham's parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Mrs. George Walker had tine mis-' fortune to fall and hurt her bark' -while moving furniture in the dwell ing they recently moved into. She has been confined tc• her room for •ne past week. rMre. Stewart +31nCatlum, Mr. Duncan McCallum and Mr: James l• Sweet of Landon vi-ited last week with Mr, and :Mrs. Free Corbett. Next Sunday morning Rally Day service will ,be hem' , Camel Pres- byterian Chu -ch and the Stet bath Scheel schelare are requested to meet at 10.e9 a m. Special service of song >< l! h. .eld a: t+he evening service. • The rechool cars. vat be held in the Town Hall, Heneall. cc Thursday evening. Sept. 26th. Ali the rural, school,: :rill participate. iMr. and Mrs. Geor_e Gro d of Clinton spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. ,end Mrs. George Walker. The death occurred at 67 Hackett t f en.lon cit T a sr!ay rf Miss lLt ie. CColemar, in Ler Tete year after. a lengthy ry lness. The aorea td was �. d,t ..;,ter ef Mr. anis -Mrs. Arthur Celt -men. Mr. Craem:ar, is -e eon t f Mrs. Wen. C 1 r coat ti tit. 1' and 11r.- Coleman ityaa rrnert Mese Tillie . M ddleh It of Rennie. Attending: the funeral on Saturday wee Miss .Annie E. Consitt and Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Coleman. The Fympsihy of this crrn- mitnity extended to the !bereaved family. - In ernitmcrrn -with t rl-:e r,atic•n wide appeal •of the Red Cro-F Society the following canvassers will call at your homes during th.e 'coring t.eer, weekee for Hensall: Messrs. Jos. Hagan, Geo. F+olliol , Geo. Hess. E. L. Mick - le. G. -M. Dryedelc P.. W. •Cress. H. W. Horton. -Wm. Fet. rice Flynn. R. E. S'haddiele For Hay: 'Messrs. Hugh eMc'M.urtie, Wen. Alexander Orville Smith, Jas. 'Broadfcnt, Sidney. M'•e, Arthur, Alex, Crerar. Thos. Lair,!e, J. E .ibirli!wen, Gee. Armstrong, W. R. Dougall. Tuckeyrssmith.— Melvin Tra quair, Roy Belle Anettrs Robertson, R 1\IrLLean, Louis Clark Sr.. Andrew Biel;, 'Wim. J. F. Bell, -R. J. Cooper, Emerson Kyle, Rani and -W. R. Kin= - mean. Stanley -Archie Parsons, Nor man (Lanes, 'Cleve ,Codhrane. eesiborne —Elgin Routcliffe, Jos. Ferguson, -S. McQueen. Hilblbert—Deuvid Chappell. Wm. Parker, Thos. Drover. Calvin Horton. 'O+the.r names are to he added to this list. Haitve'st Name senvnces were held Rev. WmWeir preached special! ser- mons, The eihoir sang tat* anthems, "Sing to the ,Lord of the Harvest," and 'A Song of Praise." A ladies' quartette comprising Miss Irene Hog- garth, Lois and ,Marion ,MacLaren and-Maitgaret :Dawga@I, contrlbtated a suitable selection. 'Miss Mary Thonvlpson spent the week entl in London, ;Complimenting Mies `Jean Venner, whose marriage rook place this eveefk, alboout 1100 relatives and friends ga le- ered et her home and (presented her with a misc:ellaneaus shower. The glees were ;presented to the (bride in a decorated basket. Mrs. Alex, refeBeaath fevered with a 'hntnornus reading. 'Phe bride's trcersseane linens, quilts, sily- erevare and dishes were displayed. The +bride was the recipient of many heautiful and useful gifts and made reply, thanleing. the donors. Re- h.nenrs were served, Mfr. and (Mrs, •Caine Flynn of Lon - wee visited on Sunday with the late ter parents. iMr. and Mrs. James Parkins. •;Air. Bourton Keyes. of Parham, vis- t+et] ou Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr. and 'Ma's. Enoch Parker, Mr. and +Mrs. E. Park- er ar,ccnnpanied him home veltere they wit! spend some time, Pte. Harold Bonthron of Thames Valley spent the week end at his iacene here. MT, and (Mrs. Stewart Gnietn, :Mrs. C. W. 'Nidhole and :Mrs. IM'argaret Scott of Londost and Mrs, Harry Wil - con• of Winnipeg, Man., visited !an 1 an day with is Heide Sathenta d. Mr.- end Mfrs. Callas of Los Angel- es Cal„ 'visited this week with the iatter's rt;otltcr. Mrs. J. Dinsdaie. and, eire. Elea Simmons, Mrs. remaining for several weeks. I'-. W. fioynt o" Brockville spent v:el: end with Itis mother, Airs,. n t.• t e. Mee lfcNeuthtan of Toronto week end with her eroleee Mc -rs. Peter and Lorne eee Mrs. H. Ahray and child- t :o. are holidaying at the e..f Mrs. Ahray's parents, Mr. i s. Colin Hudson. end Mrs. A. L. Case and Mr. ere :. G. M. Case attended the :fu - their 00,5;5, the late Air Peter Exeter on Friday :red :'anhett visited on Fri- eee.e ',tr. anti Arra. Ren MaeLar- ',btr. :hod (elm Rae Pfaff and Shila -f .t:'!. visited en Sunday with the eeeter's another, (Mrs. Alice Pfaff, ST. COLUMBAN The fallowing is a list of the sew - ng and knitting done by the War Service•-tnit which is affiliated with the fled Cross itt Seaforth: Pyjamas 4,1 pus.. gauge hankies 42, khaki hank- ies e2. abdominal bandages 12, linen - monist jackets 6. hospital gowns 2, 1 doctor's gown and cap. surgical tow- els 24. pillow cases 12. 2 refugee dresses. 1 quilt . Knitting -59 pre. sex, 23 pre, wristlets. This is work done by the ladies in the St. Colum - ban district. They also donated 1 pr. of woollen blankets. Besides this we have the Junior Red Cross of U.S.S. No. 3 St. Colunthan, which did the fol- lowing, pillow eases 12, towels 9, gauze hankies 12, khaki hankies 24, face cloths 2, 1 scarf. They also made and donated $6. Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Pugh and baby of Codrington, Ont„ visited Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke and family of Detroit visited with Air. and :firs. James McQuaid. Rev, Father Thos. McQuaid left for' Vancouver on Sunday to sail front there for the mission field in China. Before he left the Holy Name Society of the Parish presented him with a well tilled purse, also the Catholic Yanth Organization gave him a eh eque. Mise Rose McQuaid of Toronto is visiting at her home here. Mrs. John Lane and- family spent Sunday at St. Marys. Mr. Charles Malone left for London last week where he joined the R.C.A.F. Mre. Vincent Lane. Miss Irene Mc- Quaid. Wilfrid McQuaid. John -Mc Quaid• Misses Florence McQuaid and Nnrn-a McQuaid and Mr. Lou Coyne, spent Sunday in Toronto. Miss Rose McQuaid. R.N., of Chris- tie Street Hospital, has returned af- ter i olidaying with her patients,• Mr. and Mrs. Jceeph Aiceenaid. VARNA :Ir. Austin and Miss Mary. in comp- are, with Mr, and Mrs. Billy Austin .nd little laughter spent a day in Lindon last week. Mee. Rider of Almotte, Michigan, is visiting her brothers John and Ed - w ee. lathe—Ion line., els. i e, Jewell of C'olbo•no spent Sutdey with Mr. Frank Weekes. The annual harvest thanksgiving eel -vice,: will be nerd in St. Johns Church ,rch Sunday evening Sept, 29, at 7 p.m. Rev. D. J. Cornish of Pot Dever will be the special speaker. Pte. Harold Elliott of Stratford was renewing ac'gnaintanees in and around the village. Rey, Henry Diehl of Grimsby call- ed co Mr. George Beatty Sr, Thurs- day. Mr. Elliott Clutter of London spent Sunday 01 the parental home. and Mrs. Lathem and little son ;Lilly of London in company with Miss Pe.ntiy .pent Sunday with AH's. L. leettly ..he, daughter Edith. The many friends of Mrs. Nelson Raid will be. sorry to know she end - env, et nd- er v,et an operation for appm clicritis i eeletee hospital. Miss Rena Johnston. R.N., of Hant- nem returned on Sunday to Handl- ten (Jeer two weeks' holidays at the hcnr:e of her patents. lir. and Mrs. J. W. Jelanston. - Aliss-e Rena and Rachel Johnston spent the week end an a motor trip to North Bay. Landlady "Youll have to pay ycn1' bill er leave!" Lodger—"Thanks awfully. My last in Carmel Presibytertan ,Church ion landlady made me do both. Sunday. The ohvrdh was ,decorated with flowers, ,fruits and vegetables. Want and Far Sale Ads, 3 weeks 5+Oc If Your Hair Requires Attention Take advantage of a SUPERIOR PERMANENT or a Satisfying Shampoo and Finger Wave Prices to suit your purse B' BeautySalon PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace of Carlingford spent Sunday with Air, luul Mrs. John Wallace% Mr. and illus. A. D. Cameron of Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Ilr. John McCullnch and Lila, - Mr, and Airs. Norman Routly and family of Gravenhurst called on Mr. and Airs. Ken McKellar. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton mad daughter of Exeter called on friends on Sunday. - Messrs. Thomas Scott, Will tient- ilton, Robt. Hamilton and Mrs, Lorne Filiott. attended the funeral of Mr, John McItivvr'aIth, a former resident of Cromarty:, on Monday in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, John Young and fam- ily spent Sunday with Miss M. B. Currie, The Cromarty Y.P. Society enter- tained the Roy's Y.P. Society on Sun- day evening with the visitors provid- ing the program. Miss Mary Hamil- ton called the meeting to order and Calvin Christie took charge for, the visitors, Marion Christie read the Scripture followed by a reading by Leslie Hackney. Mrs. Johns and Gladys Dow rendered a duet, "ivory Palaces," and Mrs. John Hocking took charge of the topic. Mrs. Ed Hocking gave a reading and the male quartette rendered a number, The meeting closed with prayer by Mr. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs, Tiros, Laing and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Bios. Hugh McLachlan, DUBLIN (Miss Mary Beale returned home on Sunday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, much improved after her ser- ious operation. Mrs. Michael Nagle entertained her friends .to four tables of fnve hundred on Monday evening. The prize 'win- ners were Mrs. Wen. Stapleton and Urs. James Shea 'and .Mrs. J. Krell -m- etope. A dainty lunch was served by tthe hostess. A highly respected ;citizen, Philip Kenny, celdbdated this 82nd thinthday, surrounded by a group of relatives and friends. His daughter, 'Mrs. Manic Atkins.presented him with a Ibeanti- ful .cake covered with gra -candles. Mr. Kenny is enjoying ood health. He was married 53 years age to eltiss Ca- therine ri rauskopf. He is a native of Logan township and twee a farmer in ;McKillop for the greater part of his life, retiring to Dublin about six years ago. Mr, and .Mrs. Kenny are the oldest married couple in the dis- ercit. They have six children living, Airs. Daniel Bairns, Staffa; ,Mrs. Meek Atkin, Detroit; Mrs, John Cook. eef Youngstown, Ohio; Joseph and Fer- gee of Detroit and Leo of Geraldton, Visitors: ,Air. and Mrs. J. 'Caenlbell, Detroit, accompanied by .Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell and daughter, Ursula, of ITt. Cannel, at the home of John Dillon: Joseph 'Carpenter, Chatham Vocational school, 'with his parents, Air. and Mrs. Jose'p'h Carpenter; 'Miss Anna -Meagher and (Miss Bernice Manley.` nurses -in -training at St. 'Mary's ho p Brat Kitchener, at heir re Pectnee homes; Kenney Berns Windsor with his parents, Mr. and \irs, Dan Burns; Private Clarence O'- Reilly. St. Thomas, with his spa:rents. +bit. and ,Airs. William O'Reilly; !Miss Anna Krausikapf, London with her parents, lir. and Mrs. Nicholas:Kratts- kop:!: 'William O'Rourke in London; bits. Marion Simpson in London; Miss Berndette Flanagan has retu•rne+d home after a snccessfel atp+pendix op- eration at St. 'Joseph's 'hospital, Lon - AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Farm, Farm Stock and Implements at Lot 23, Con, 12, Mo- Killop Township, on Tuesday, Oct- ober 8th at 1 p. m.. the following: Horses ---1 team heavy draught horses; 1 year old gelding, - Cattle -1 Durham cove to freshen time of sale; 1 Durham cow to fresh- en Jan. 22; 1 Durham cow to freshen Feb. 4th; 1 Durham cow, to freshen March ist:; 1 Durham cow to freshen May etli; 1 Dtu'bam cow to freshen June lst.; 2 Durham heifers to fresh- en March 15th; 3 steers rising 3 years; 1 - heifer rising 3 years; 5 yearling steer's rising 2 years; 5 springcalves. Implements Massey binder, seven foot 001, neatly 110w'1 Massey mower. new; Massey sulky rake Massey bee loader; Massey wagon hay rack and rolling reek. Klock rack; 1-13 hoe seed drill; cultivator, intlu•ow disc: 1 set sloop sleighs; 3 section bar row: fanning mill; cutter; buggy; 1 Quebec sulky plow; 1 cream separa- tor; 1 set team harness; 1 set back band. harness; 1 single harness; horse collars; sling ropes and trip; hay carriage; 3 iron kettles, barrels. fonts, shovels, wlriffletrees, neck - yoke and numerous other -articles. The Farm consists of 100 acres of good Iand of which 10 acres is hard- wood bush, the rest seeded to grass. A good spring creek on this farm. A banit barn in excellent repair, drive shell, and a good brick house. The farm is situated 3 miles southeast of Walton, % nails from Highway and school, and nemh mclt. This farm will be offered for sale subject to it reserve bine. More particulars day of sale. This is an exceptionally gond sale of Stock and Impleruents. The owner is retiring on account of health and you will do well to attend this sale, Terms' --Stock, Implement., cash. `Perms on 0101, ten per cent clay of sale, balance arranged. Isaac McGaviu, Proprietor. Gordon M. Grant, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE • Lambert S ileyurd, Strathroy, Sept. 23th. 350 MIXED CATTLE, including Yearling and two-year•old Heifers and Steers, some Springers and Gress Caws and Stock calves. Shorthorn, Angus and Herefords. Those needing choice Feeders and Stockers should attend this sale. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer, Auction Sale Of Stockers and Feeders at Sea-- forth ea•forth Stock Yards, on Monday, Sept. 300, at 2 pen. 85 head of Stockers and Feeder Steers, Terms Cash. • Win. Nairn and Harold Jackson. Auctioneers. James Shea. Dublin, Proprietor. WANTED An elderly woman wbo is a good Clean cook for good farm home, with two adults. Steady position if suited. Would consider elderly couple. Write stating wages, to Box 127, Seaforth News. WANTED Man and wife want to rent two or three rooms, either furnished or un- furnished, heat and light included, in Seaforth or Egmondville, Apply at the News Office. FOR SALE A good quiet work horse. 6 years old, sound, good single or double. Apply at The News office. STRAYED CATTLE Strayed from Lot 14, Cton, 5, H1l- lett, the middle of September, a veal• old roan heifer with slit in left ear, and a two year old grey heifer, Any information concerning these cattle will he gratefully received. Orville Dale, phone 847.22. FOR SALE An enamelled Range, used 3 years, for quick sale. Apply to Mr's. W. S. Hay, James st., Seaforth. " FOR SALE A number of White Leghorn hens. British Columbia strain, guaranteed high pedigree stock, large type birds, 1 year old and free from dis- ease, have never been forced for pro- duction in any way. Phone 845x22. Seaforth. Airs. Miller Adams. FOR SALE Dog, collie, nicely marked, intellig- ent. Priced reasonable. Apply at the Newts Offlee. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to Miss Jean Turner, Seaforth, WANTED An experienced )girl for general housework in small family, 'Capable of taking -full charge. Apply to The (News office, NOTICE Quality Stoves at the same low price. Liberal allowance on your old stove. Agent for famous-Fireco and Humitho•mic Heaters (give much healthier heat), A. Zimmerman, Stove don. realer, John 5t. MANLEY The cotrtineecl 'wet weather has lett the farmers in doubt of coving the grain, A large ;portion of the harvest which is still in the sneaks may still be saved if fine weather comes. The stranv cannot the counted an hot one cansolatian is there is lots of hay to provide feed. %There are a few in our burg who •slid not take chances with the weather hut got the harvest hone - ed and are now sitting easy. Fall wheat seeding has Ibsen delayed' het .with The rapid tgrpwth it may come out all right before the winter sets in. Mies Helen 'O'Hara is home :from Toronto nursing her .mother, who has returned ;tome from Seaforth hospital atitl is progressing as well as can lbe Notice TWP. OFiTUCKERSMiTH All parties in the Twp, of Tucker- amith wlro are interested in the 'Huron County Flying Training School Limited, are asked to attend ata meeting to be held in S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmfth, (Red School) on Mon- day night, Sept. 30th, at 8 P.M. for the purpose of promoting the same. Stock in the Company may be pm - chased from either of the under- signed, For further information apply to S, 13. Whitmore, Reeve, Sr E. P. Ch eau ey, Treasurer. S. H. WHITMORE, Reeve. expected. E. P. CHESNEY, Treasurer. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1940 CASH SATURDAY SPECIALS OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Schneiders Pure Lard 2 11,s. 15c Paitowax 2 lbs 25c Snow Flake Ammonia - 2 pkge 9c 1 Large Oxydol and 2 Bars 'P&G - 25c 5 Cakes Pearl White & 1 pkge Ammonia 25c Taylors Soap Chips 5 lb, box 33c Super Suds & Fancy Glass Dish 24c P.5iG Soap 6 Cakes 24c Rinso - 2 pkges. 19c XXX Quality Vinegar - - Gal. 29c New Life Pig Starter Per Cwt. 2.35 New Life Hog Concentrate Per Cwt. 2,75 Royal Purple Pig Starter Per Cwt. 2.65 Royal Purple Hog Concentrate Per Cwt, 3.75 New Life Poultry Concentrate - Per Cwt. 3,35 W. J. innitll..Ja CARD OF THANKS Mrs, James Flanagan and family wish to thank their many friends and neigltbom•s for their many acts of kindness and their spiritual bo0Onets and those who loaned cars during their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks Mr. C. Wasman and Lawrence wish to thank their relatives,firen s ad neighbors for the kindness- and sym- pathy shown them in their recent be- reavement, also the beautiful floral tributes and those who loaned earn. WANTED Male boarders wanted. Main 5t.. Seaferth. Apply at the News Office. BARRED ROCK PULLETS For sale, 140 5 -month-old t e rdy-ta- lay pullets, Front Scott's R.O.P. sired A grade sleek, well grown an dealt range, $1 each. Also 150 year-old teens. Ward Knox, Blyth, 11.11,1. Phone 23-12. BOAR FOR SERVICE Young York hog of advanced regis• try breeding. We also still have Hall hog, Roy Lawson. 2 nines we-st of Scoforth, on. highway, MEN WANTED FAMILEX keeps 900 dealers AT WORK! Our assortment of over 200 daily necessities. needed - in every home, sells to relatives and estab- lished clientele. With or without es- perience> you can succeed if you are honest and a willing worker. Every sale of $1,00 brings you profit—who can't sell for at least $2.00 in an hour ?.This means that you earn about 9a per hour: WITHOUT OB- LIGATION write at once to FAAiI- LEX PRODUCTS, 571' St. Clement Street, Montreal. TO RENT 5 room apartment, splendid condi- tion, all conveniences, on Main St.. Dublin. Seo Mrs. Teresa Jordan. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Main street, Egmondville, sev- en roomed frame house, newly paint- ed and papered. Good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at door, telephone, township taxes, hy- dro if desired, good garden land. All in good repair, reasonable price and terms. If not sold would rent to 00• liable parties, Close to store and church, Mrs. Alex Gordon, Box 51, Seaforth, Notice All accounts owing Walker Fern. nitre Store must be settled by October 1st, or be placed in other hands fel- collection. encollection. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of HENRY BEUERMANN, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of HENRY BEUERMANN, ]ate of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron, Farmer. who died on or about the let day of august. A.D. 1940, are required to seed fn co- deliver rdeliver to the undersigned Solictitoe for the Administrator, on or before the 27th day of September. A.D. 1940. full particulars of their claims: And NOTICE is also given that after that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said Estate attiring the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have Notice, DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this etb day of September, A.D. 1940. GOODWIN & ANDREW Ontario 15 O io S ctr•.et. 5tra matin, Stratford. O Solicitors for the Administrator, ELMER D. BELL, D.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. M Co el:l e c nn H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p,nn, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. tn, PORTABLE SiLO Store your silage at a nominal cost. The ROSCO Portable Silo makes available to farmers and stock raisers ensilage storage facilities equal to the highest priced permanent silos, and at a fractional cast. Combined with this it gives you the added feat - me of portability. Build the Roseo Silo as you fill it, and take it down as tite ensilage is used. 12 ft. silo priced at. $7.75 per unit, 14 ft. silo priced at $8.65 per unit. Murray Tyndall, Brucefeld. Phone Clinton 618 r 12. TO RENT 50 acre farm. Brick house, barn, well, orchard, colony house. Apply at the Seaforth News Office, Seaforth. SPENCE PRODUCE Next to Cricb's Bakery, We are in ak the market for all kinds of Poultry Miff and Eggs. Phone 170w for quotations. H. R. Spence & San, Seaforth. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mail - eel postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail• order catalogue. Nov. -Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. KILL THE GERM And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now before your herds and flocks are housed. Charges =Aerate. All work guaranteed. Only modern methods used. Bruce Berry, Brucefield. APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale. Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred McClymont, Varna. HOUSE FOR SALE In Egmondville, 8 roomed brick house, all in good repair, double gar- age. Taxes reasonable, Apply to Mrs. E. J. Dinnin, Seaforth. NOTICE Get your Grain tested. Bags on hand at Clark's Gas and 0f1 Station. Geo. T. Mickle Sr Sons pay highest market prices. Elevators at Bruce - field. Kippen and Hensall. Sam Chesney, phone 146. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windatorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed 'n first class companies. ini'rinaeton cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES GRAIN I am buying grain for George Thompson, of Tlensall. We carry a stock of bags at all times. Also will do your trucking. For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 655r2. Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFOP,TH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.