HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-26, Page 6PAGE SIX
ro li
xi t tuactanttaa„`<'
a;ai?at;k'.;ii ', irr iletegiv.I1ai'htti.
'Even so, your Excellency,' was
the reply; "and he said that if Cap-
tain Moray was with us, he would
surely speak for the humanity and
kindness he and his household had
shown to British priscners."
"You speak, then, for this gentle-
man?" he asked, with a dry sort of
"With all my heart," I answered.
"But why does he ask protection ei
this late day?"
'New orders arae issued
to lay
waste the country: hitherto
n all pro'
pa^xty was safe." wee the General's
reply. "See that the Seigneur Duver-
ney suit is granted," he eteled to hie
officer, '-end say that it is by Captain
Moray's intervention.—Tigre is an-
other matter of this kind to he ..,
ranged this noon." he ,until:sell: "en
exchange cf prison ae:+:•ngwhom
ark some Mies of birth end breed-
ing, captured but twe ciiye age. A
gentleman knee fr'om, General Mont -
taint directly open the paint. You
might be useful herein." he added,
It you will come to try tent in an
hoar." He turned to gee
'And my ship. and perp ssicn to
meet the town, your Excellency?" I
"What do you call your—ship?" he
asked a little grimly.
"I told him how the sailers had al-
ready christened her. He smiled.
"Then let her prove het title to Ter-
ror of France,' he said, "by being
pilot to the rest of our fleet up the
river. and you, Captain Moray, be
guide to a footing on those heights"
—be pointed to the town. "Then this
army and its General, and all Eng-
land, please God, will thank you.
Your craft shall have commission as
a rover—but if she gets into trouble?"
"She will do as her owner has clone
these six years, your Excellency: ebe
will fight her way out alone."
He gazed long at the town and the
Levis shore. "From above. then..
there is a way?"
"For proof. if I come hack alive—"
"For proof that you have been—"
he answered meaningly, with an
amused flash of his eyes, though at
the very momenta spasm ct pain
crossed his face, for he was suffering
from an incurable disease, and went
about his great task in daily misery,
yet cheerful and inspiring.
"For proof, my wife, sir!" said L
He nodded. but his thoughts were
diverted inetantly, and be went from
ore at once abstracted. But again he
came back. "If you return," said he,
"you shell nerve upon my staff. You
will care to view per operation:."" he
added. motioning rewards the in-
trenchments at the river. Then be
stepped quickly away, and I was
taken by an officer to the river, and
though my heart warmed within me
to hear that an attack was presently
to be made from the sot re. net far
distant from the falls. 1 eels that the
attempt could not succeed: the
French we -1e too well intrenc'.1ted.
At the rinse et an hour I returned
tc the General's tent. It was lunch-
eon -time: and they were t -trot to sit
as. I was announced. The ::;r_nerel mo-
tioned me to a seat, and then again,
as if on second tLcught, teade
though 10 intiodni.e me to me tine
who stood reside hire. My an.zeme it
was unbounded wi_. n 1
rynictilly el. me, Me is -rir
Be was the envev frons Qnet;ec. 1
looked hint -a the eyes _ eedi y ter 0
moment, hall, nlaiielu es, t:nswervirg
eyes, is na.uton-..y art ...'xervingiy
myself: area then o' -r it,. bowed.
"Captain. Moray a.tel I :have set at
meat together batt;:'." be said. with
mannered coolness. 'We have played
host and greet also tut :.at was ere
he won our hearts by bold, romantic
feats. Still. I dared sce.etely nr,
sleet him at this table_"
"Which is sacred 10 good man-
ners," said I, mear,iugly and coolly,
for my anger and surprise were too
deep for excitement
1 saw the General lock at both of
us keenly, then his marvellous eyes
dashed intelligence, and a grim smile
Played at his lips a •moment. After a
little general conversation Doltaire
addressed me:
"We are not yet so overwhel ned
with war but your being here again
will give a fillip to our gossip. It
must seem sad to yon --you were so
long with us—you have broken bread
with so many of us—to see us pelted
so. Sometimes a dinner -table is dis-
ordered by a riotous shell."
He was bent on torturing me. It
was not hard t0 da that, for how
knew 1 what had happened! How w'as
it he cane back so soon front the Bos-
sily? It was incredible. Perhaps he
had never gone, in spite of all. After
luncheon, the matter of exchange of
prisoners was gone into, and one by
elle the :lames of the French prison-
ers in our brands—ladies and gentle.
men apprehended at the chateau --
were ticked oft', and I knew their all
save two. The General deferred to
• e several times 01 to. the persons.
. and positions of the captives, and
asked my suggestions. Immediately 1
proposed Mr. \\'ainfieet, the chaplain,
t an t:t hangs for a prisoner. though his
n the was not on the list. but Dol-
taiga- shook his head in a blank sort
c t way.
"There was not such prisoner in
unru." he said. •
1 insisted, but he stared at Int, in-
. serutably, and said that Ile had no
record of the man. Then 1 spoke most
forcibly to the General. and said that
Mr, Wainfieet should be produced, or
an account of him be given by the
French Governor, Doltaire then said:
"I am only responsible for these
names recorded, Out- General trusts
to your honour, and you to ours, Mon-
sieur le Generale."
There was nothing more to say,
and presently the exchanges were ar-
ranged, and, after compliments, Dol-
taire took his leave. I left the Gov-
overnor also. and followed Doltaire. He
turned to meet me.
"Captain Moray and I." he remark-
ed to the officers near, "are old—
enemies; and there is a sad sweet-
ness in meetings like these. May I—"
The officers drew away at a little
distance before the suggestion was
really made. and we were left alone.
1 was in a white heat, but yet in fair
"You are surprised to see me
here," he said. "Did you 'think the
Bastile was for me? Tut! 1 had not
got cut of the country when a packet
came, bearing fresh commands. La
Pompadour forgave me, and in the
King's name bade me return to New
France. and in her own she bade me
get your papers. or hang you straight.
And—you will think it singular --if
need be. I was to relieve the Govern-
or, and Bigot also, and work to save
New France with the excellent Mar-
quis de Montcalm." He laughed.
"You van see how absurd that is. 1
have held my peace, and I keep eny
commission in my pocket,"
I Nicked at nim amazed that he
should tell xoe this. He read my leek,
and ',aid:
Capt. Carl Aberhart Married-
-rt':' -::t1- 111" rt Capt. Carl Ater-
] - i!i 1,.. inti -:'81e':1 111 111E wt�t'tl
trot:: :r:gland of his mt:rriage to
Nursing cls; r Diana Dirkett of To.
1 Met, 74:1;1 went anlreeas
.- itn a aro.... ;di.1.l:.s_'ital- min. -Chap-
in H. .. Tt6:.1 of Toronto l,er-
1cr:!.;t-d the ..., _,... _ , in Bransivatt
of the hospital
a f
, .. i .
- ..1s at` ..dad, Nursing
``.stun ..7< .Inglewood.
Ont. anted titii.lesleeiti while Capt.
P. 10 Sn'g-ct Tere,- war 'rile
?i ,t:n.su.ar . ..]. •1. -\. Rae of T;irmn•
of the, hos.pl-
t.l, e..ve the in marriage. While
11l '1ST, G".1 .,..-:+ F!1Eett was on the
staff of the Has.pi':el tor iek
rIo emipl. Kee:hurt was on the
T 1 -: t�: '-r:tl . t spiral staff. He is
a brother ci ;sips. Wro. Aberhaa't of
fviitt• te;l row ..t''ar•had to the 11070
Medical ('hips at London.. and young-
er eon of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Aber -
hart 01 town. also a nephew of Pre.
Mier Wm. Ai,erha't of Alberta.
"How long is my sausage going to
be, waiter?" demanded the impatient
"Four and a half inches, sir,"
Blyth Fall Fair
t Cmltinuea From Loot Week)
Turkeys, Melvin Taylor, Belgrave.
Geese, M. A. Fraser, Itlyth. and 21111
Rouen ducks, M. A. Fraser; ; ane
variety ducks, Mrs. John Grieve, Sea•
Legltt r trs Set. brown, M A. Fraser.
Fred t ,
I d \t4ly.,nnt Varna ; Laf,horn.
any other variety. M. A. Fraser, Fred
,Ie lynit'rt. Mfuorcas, I'. 111,-Clymont
and 2nd Black Spanish. Id. A. Pius.
7 Piynuttu Rocks, white, F. ele.
Ivmonl 00,1 20d. Black breasted rtti
game, M. A. Fraser and 2nd.
White Leghorn—Cock, F. Maly.
0101111 hen, pullet, F. 'ticClymont
and 2nd. Barred Roeks--Hen, M. A.
Fraser. Cockerel, F. McClymont, M.
A, Fraser. White Wyandotte—Pullets,
10. A. Fraser.
Rhode Island Red—Ckl, F. McCly-
mont, Ni. A. Fraser; hen. Fraser.
Best collection in show—Ni, A.
Fraser, F. McClymont.
Early potatoes, MIrs. Alf Haggitt,
Carrots, Mrs. Frank Benninger,
Mrs. A. Haggitt; turnips, Mrs. Ben-
ninger, Ken Taylor; beets, J. Leckie,
Mrs. John Grieve; parsnips, Mrs.
Benninger, Mrs. J. Grieve.
Sugar beets, Mrs. Benninger, Ken
Taylor; mangolds, any variety, Mrs,
Benninger, Wm. Taylor, Blyth.
Pie pumpkin, Mrs, Darling, Cla ude-
boyo. Ken Taylor; pumpkin, Mrs,
Benninger, Mrs. Grieve; squash. hilts
Grieve, Nlrs, Benninger.
Red onions, Mrs, Brimblecombe.
Alma. Yellow onions, Mrs. Benninger.
Brimblecombe; silver pickling
onions, Mrs. Brimblecombe,
Citrons, Mrs. Benninger,
Watermelons, Mrs, Benninger.
Muskmelons, Mrs. Benninger.
Cabbage, Mrs. Brimblecombe, Mrs.
Alf Haggitt: reel cabbage, 11101. Alf
Haggitt, Mrs. Grieve; cauliflower.
Mrs. Brimblecombe. Celery, Mrs.
Grieve. Corn, dent, Maitland Henry,
! Belgrave. C'otleetiotn of roots, Airs.
;Benninger, P. McClymont, Collection
of garden vegetables, Mrs. Benninger.
Mrs, Haggitt. -
Spies, 10. Henry, F. McClyniorit.
Greening s, F. McClymont. Baldwin
I', els Clyntont, Ken Taylor. King, 1
1h-t'lyrnont. Pippin. F. Mcelytttont:
i McIntosh, Ken Taylor. Snow, F.
iicelyntont, Ken Taylor, Wiliam P.
ilc(ly'mont, M. Henry. Russett, F.
Mc('ly'nnont. Crab apples, Ken Tay-
lor. F. McClymont.
Winter pears, Mrs, F. Benninger.
F. McClymont; fall pea's, F. Nicely.
Mont, lien Taylor.
Beans. M. Henry, Mrs. Benninger.
Ensilage corn, Ken Taylor, 31.
I Henry.
Butter in crocks, F. McClymont;
butter in prints, F. McClymont, Mrs.
Harry McCool, Blyth; butter in rolls.
F. McClymont.
Apiary, Etc. --Honey, Mrs. Darling,
M, Henry. Maple syrup, Mrs. F. Ben.
Winger, Mrs. George Dale, Walton,
Dozen hen eggs, M. Henry, Mrs.
Brimblecombe. Home muds soap, F.
McClymont, Mrs. Grieve.
Loat of bread. Ni. Henry, Mrs.
Thuell; layer cake, Mrs Darling.
Mt's. Grieve; brown bread, Mrs. Gen.
Dale. 'M. Henry; white bread, Mrs.
Geo. Dale• Mrs. Harry McCool.
Sponge cake. Mt's. Darling, Mrs
Dale; chocolate cake, Mrs. Dale, M.
Henry. Shortbread, Mrs. Dale, M.
Henry; rolls, M. Henry. Mrs. Thuell;
doughnuts, Mrs. Thuell, bits. Dale.
Raisin pie, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Dale;
apple pie, 111. Henry, Mrs, Dale;
pumpkin pie, M. Henry, Mrs. Thuell.
Rolled cookies, Mrs. Dale, Mrs.
Brimblecombe: brat muffins, Mrs.
Dale, M. Henry; date muffins, Alts.
Dale, Mrs. Brinibleeontbe; tats, Mrs.
Darling, Mrs. Dale; lemon pie, Mfrs.
Dale, Mrs. Darling; sandwiches, John
Watson, Blyth; Mrs. Brimblecombe.
Salads. Mrs. Dale, Mfl's. Brimble-
combe; salmon )oaf, Mrs. Brintble•
Combe, Miss L. Livingston; cheese
dish, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Darling; break-
fast tray, Mrs, Brimblecombe.
Preserved fruit, Mrs. Dale, Mrs.
Thuell; calmed vegetables. Mrs, Dale
Mrs, Brimblecombe; jelly, Mrs. Darl-
ing. Mrs. Brimblecombe; Jam, F. Me.
Clymont, Mrs. Brimblecombe; pickles
F. McClymont, Mrs. Darling; marma-
lade, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. ilrtnblecomhe,
ltgspberi'y vinegar, Mrs. Brintble
Combe, 1IIa's. .Dales; tomato catsup,
Mrs. Br•inlblecmtre; 11'. Mc(ly100nt.
Quilt, pieced, Mrs. Darling. Miss L.
Livingston; quilt. applique, Miss Liv-
ingston, Mrs. Darling; quilt.; fancy,
Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Brimblecombe.
Bedspread, tufted, Mrs. Darling
Mrs. Brinnlhl'noontbr; crochet bed
s<I'reac1 Mrs. Darling, ,Mrs,
fancy 'bedspread, Mrs. John
t.:riore, Mirs. P,r!)nhloctnttbc•; comfort-
er, 'Mrs. Ilarlina Mr.. Drinriblecomlhe;
nien's tine sock 'Miss Livingstone.,
Mr'..•Ali Haggitt; 1arc;t mat s, talcs,
II mint., Mrs. Grieve: men's .gloves,
Luv iuigsteii Mrs. Haggitt; nt lt,
.1;ooked, Mrs. Darling, 'Miss 'Living-
V1 s'Livml,-
t r.; braided prat, firs, Darling, Miss
Lie -ire ion; any other math ,Mrs. Dar-
ling, Mrs. Grieve; sport shirt, Miss
Livin•gsten, -Mrs. Brititiblecoanbe; ap-
ron, Miss Livingston, airs..Darling;
',windbreaker, ,Mrs, Hurry McCool,
,Mi=s- i.ivitngston; .girl's ,dress, Mrs.
Darling, Miss Livingston.
Euttnroidery, solid iwhite, Miss .Liv-
ingsiton, iMee, Brintbteconebe; eyelet,
Miss Livingstton, lips. B't'hnlblecoanhe;
out work, Mrs. 'Brinniblecornibe, .Mrs.
'Darling; modern cross stitch, Mrs.
Rrinnblecomlbe, Mrs. Darling; Tapp ]-
gate, Mrs. 'Briinblecoaulb'e, 'Mrs. Dar-
Tatting, Miss Livingston, airs. Geo.
Dale;filet crochet, 'Miss 'Livingston,
Mrs, Brintlb'lccontlbe; Italian hemetilt-
.c'hinlg, 'Miss Livingston, Mrs, Darling,
cushion quilting, 'Miss Lerinptston,
11rs. Brimblecombe; needlepoint,
Mrs, Dale, Mrs. Darling.
Living Room Furnishings
.Wool sofa pillow, Mrs, .Darling,
Mrs. Dade; table 'centre, Mrs, Darling,
Mrs. Brimlblecomlbe; ,wool afghan
Mies Livin:gston,'Mrs, IHa,glgi•tt; .ches-
tterfield set, 'Bliss I-ivingston, Mrs,
Dining Room Furnishings
110I'fet set, .Mitts Livingston, Mrs.
Dale; white centre, 'Mics Livingston,
Mrs: Dale; tray cloths, Mrs, Dale,
Sirs. Darling; luncheon set. Miss I:iv-
in:gston, Mrs. Dale; tea cloth, lMrs.
flrhnshleconrhe, ;Sirs. Dale; tea cosy,
Miss Livingston. 'Mrs. Darling.
Bed Room Furnishings
_Pillow slips, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
Dale; sheet and pillow slips, Miss Li-
vin0anu, rblrs. Dale; bedroom towels,
.Mrs. Brintlbleconttbe, his. Dale; dres-
ser scarf. ,Sire Brinthkcom!be, 'bit's,
Darling; crochet trim towel, lire.
Darling, 'Bliss Livingston,
Night 'pyaanas. Mrs. Darling. Mrs.
Brinthiecontlhe dross clip,li1s Liv-
ingston, 'Mrs. Brimlbleeoun111e; under-
wear, Airs. Dariing. Mies Livingston:
shopping. shag, Miss Livingston, Mrs.
dirimihleconlbe; 'knitted sweater, \ins.
Dale, IMrs. "Brinttblecombe; 'crocttctecl
or knit gloves, Miss Livingston, 'Mrs.
Date; ladies' taut, 11iss Lii^intgstnn,
lairs. Brimtb'lecomibe; house dress,
Bliss Livingston, .Bins, ;John Grieve;
house coat, Miss Livingston, IMrs. 1.
Children's Wear
Baby carriage, case and pillow, ibirs,
Dale, Miss Livingston; weal jacket.
Miss Livingston, 'Mrs. Brinnthlecanttbe;
baby sleort dress, ,firs, Printtbdecont]be,
,Miss Livingston; romper,, ,bit's, Brian-
iblecombe, Vis- Livingsiton: Ihonnett
and 'booties. Mrs, ('neo Dais, Mrs.
Darling; playtlress, Miss Livingston,
(Mrs, Darling; 'layette, Miss Living-
I4andcasving on wood. Mrs. Brim-
blecombe, ,bliss Livingston; collection
.of 'Christmas gifts. Mrs. Darling,
Mrs. Brimblecombe; Christmas table
decoration, ,Mrs. Brimblecombe, 1Miss
Oil .painting, Mrs. Brim!hlecotnhe,
Miss .Livingston; nil painting 'from
nature, 'Mrs. Brimblecombe. 'Miss
Livingston; ,animals, Miss Livingston,
'Mrs. Grieve.
'Water -color scene, Mrs, Grieve,
Miss 'Livingston; water tcolor, still
life, (Miss Livingston; water color ma-
rine, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Brinnhle-
,camlbe: pastel collection, Mrs. 'Brim-
hlecunrhe. hiss Livingston; sepia fi-
gure, ,Miss Livingston; 'pen and ink,
Miss Livingston. Mrs. Brinlblecom;be;
charcoal eketeh, ,Mrs. Brimblecombe,
Bliss ,Livingston; china realistic work,
Mrs. Grieve, Miss Livingston; :china,
conventional -design, .14•rs. Grieve,
Why Tobacco Parcels
Fail to Reach Troops
Due to complaints being made of
the non -arrival of cigarettes and to-
bacco packages sent to soldiers of
the C,A.S.b'4' overseas front Canada,
the postmaster general instituted an
immediate investigation of a series of
individual cases. The report received
this week reveals that: in no single
instance was the alleged lose or de-
lay occasioned thrcntgh any fault of
the post office department.
1t was found that in
some e RfS
however. the tobacco, etc., which the
soldiers slated had not reached them
had not been seat by their friends in
Canada, In other instances it was
learned that the parcels had actually
been received by the addressee at a
later date. Many of the complaints of
the non -arrival resulted from the
loss, by enemy action, of a steamer.
carrying 4000 parcels from one to-
bacco firm alone, earlier this season.
It was proven in all cases non -receipt
of parcels overseas was not due to
misappropriation either at the tobae•
ate companies' quarters or at the base
army post office, A prominent official
of the Canadian postal corps in Eng•
land during an inspection call at cer-
tain Canadian units listed the con -
plaints, These were checked up by
the post office department in Canada.
The results follow:
A Winnipeg officer stated that his
wife had been sending liim 100 cigar-
ettes at regular intervals, His wife
told the postal officials that she had
just sent one parcel, which had been
received by her husband.
A private soiclies advised that he
had received a letter from his people
in Winnipeg thatthey had sent
money to 0 tobacco company for sig•
arettes for him. The investigator was
advised, however, that they had rail-
ed to order the cigarette's.
An army captain complained of non•
receipt of elga'ettes from relatives in
Seaforth, Ontario. Investigation show-
ed that the relatives had not wailed
him any parcels, but had sent matey
to a wholesale tobaceo lima in May.
According to records the shipment
would have been sent via a steunter
which was lost through enemy action.
In order that all delay and disap-
pointment may be avoided, and the
soldiers receive their parcels and iei•
tens promptly it is requested that all
persons waiting to the troops should
carry out the simple mailing rules of
completely and legibly addressing
letters and parcels, fully prepaying
postage, affixing customs deviaees-
tions, as well as carefully packing
parcels to withstand the handling
they will necessarily be subjected to
during transmission overseas. Among
the contents of a pante) a slip of
paper should be inserted giving the
proper military address of the sold-
ier, as well as the return address of
the sender.
Maurice Brabant, distinguished Bel•
gian author, tells -----in The American
Weekly with the September 29 issue
of The Detroit Sunday Times—how
prima donnas, professional weepers,
writers, fake clergymen, blondes and
even musicians undermined the in-
vaded kingdoms and democracy of
Europe. Be sure 10 gel The Detroit.
Sunday Times!
Miss Livingston; collection of tut
,painting. Bliss 'Livingston, tars.
Brimblecombe: collection of 'water 00-
lors, .Mass Livingston, Mrs. Brinsble-
Dahlias, Miss A. Gillespie, Blyth:
,Sire, John Grieve; 'gladioli, 11re.
Brintnlecontbe I\,iiss A. Gillespie;
sweet peas, .Bliss Livingston, Mrs.
Grieve; zinnias, I. Lockie; asters,
'Bliss A. Gillespie, 'hiss Livingston;
table 'bouquet, NITA. Geo, Pale, Miss
Gillespie: collection annuals, Mrs. J.
Grieve, John 'Watson; collection hper-
ennials, Miss 'Gillespie 'bliss ,Living-
ston: snapdragon. John Watson, Mrs.
.Brimlhlecomlhe; .pansies, Miss Living-
ston, ,ars. Grieve: roses,' Mrs. Grieve.
Pot Plants—Rex 'begonia, 'M'iss Gil-
lespie; tuberous 'begonia, Miss Liv-
ingston; collection ;begonia, firs. J.
'Grieve, Miss.Gillespie; 'foliage !ptants,
,Mrs. Dale, Mrs, Britnbleconilbe; fern,
Itis,: 'Livingston, Maitland Henry
novelty in bloom, firs. Alf Haggitt,
Bliss Gillespie.
This I.S. Naval Secret for British Only
The mtrtcate mechanism of the gun on one of the over -age U.S. destroyers being tamed over
10 the Royal Navy is here being explained to a Royal Naval rating by one of the American sailors
who manned the destroyers during their transit from the United States to Eastern Canadian ports,
The mechanism is of a new secret type and the official censor has decided that Herr Hitler should
now nothing about it. ►n P
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B,, Graduate
of University of Toronto,
J, D, Colguhoun, M.D., C.M., Grad.
uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie
Dr. Margaret K. Campbell, MD.,
L,A.B,P., Specialist in Diseases in
Infants and Children, will be at the
Clinic last Thursday in every month
from 3 to 6 p.m.
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday i'n every month from 4 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m,
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6J
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
London, Ontario
Graduate Toronto University
Licentiate of American Board of Pedi-
atrics, Diseases of Children
At Seaforth Clinic, last Thuxsday af-
ternoon, each month,
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed
F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction.
eer for Perth and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited, Terms on Application.
Farm Stock, chattels and real estate
property, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell.
Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office.
Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun-
ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction
guaranteed. For information, write or
phone Harold Jackson, 658r12, Sea.
forth central; Brucefield R.R.,1.
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect.
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Win. Knox, Londesboro;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A.
Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher. R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R,1, Brucefield; S. F.
Privates, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; \Vm, Yeo, Hoimesville.
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; James Connolly, Goderich.;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post.
Teacher' had been talking with
great solemnity on the theory of
tui'nieg the other cheek. At the fin-
ish, she said;
"Now, to see if you've followed my
words, I'll asic a few questions." She
fixed her eyes on little Billy Slog -
gins. "What would you do, Billy, if
Tommy Meek struck you on the
right cheek?"
"Do?" said Billy, eyeing Tommy
with a grin. "Why, miss, I'd feint
with the right, jab rim under the Jaw
with the left, tap 'is claret, black his
peepers, put the 'art -nelson on 'int,
an' sell 'is remains for cat's neat.
That's all!„ •