HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Mr. lend lie \Alit, uv ed
Mett'1s and Sir. and Mre. Erie C. Dow
of Cromarty Ion. aro Wednesday to
attend the marriage of Lawsuit Kear-
ney, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Kearney. to
Grace Cameron, at Baldersott. near
Ottawa. on Sept. 2Sth.
Mrs. Joe, R. Hamilton entertained
the Ladies' Guild of St. George's
Church, Walton, at her home in
Brussels on Wednesday afternoon,
Sept. 11, A feature of the afternoon
was a dutch -auction. At the conclu-
sion of the afternoon the hostess
served a dainty dutch lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Toronto were
here attending the funeral of Mrs.
Wells' brother-in-law, the late Mr
Hugh Shannon.
Mr, and Mrs. James Humphries of
Walkerville have returned home after
attending the funeral of We brother-
in-law, the late Mr, Shannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar FIollinger and
son Charles spent a day last weelt in
Mrs. J. R. Hamilton of Brussels
was in Walton Saturday evening.
Mrs. Archie Miller and George of
Stratford and Miss Snaith of Toronto
were visitors in Walton Saturday
evening. - - - -
Rev. and Mrs. John Graham of Bay-
deld attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Hugh Shannon.
The regular tumidity meeting of tin
• Woman's Institute will he held it
Community hall. on Thersdav, Oct
3rd at 2.11 p.m. Roil call, -How Cat
i ireentne a good Canadian." "Carnadi
anizatiem" Rev. Menzies_ The Auhtn't
branch will also be t,res•mt and con
tribute program, Sire. M. Rose anti
Mrs. F. Hall. reeeiving committee
Lnnf4t served by rhe L desk -
Iadt's. (IranImothero convener,. Mrs.
M. Ross and Mrs. J. Hanning.
The Red testesh'1I their meeting
in the conununitt tail on Mondry
•-r ting with the pn Ment preei ting.
o Canada was song and Rev. A,
Menzies offered 0 prayer for all those
in active ,e wire. A vote of thanks
was given to '' the BUMS and Con•
'ranee ladies for their donation n1''
quilts ler the Red Cross, 2ss, A 1.11101a for
each branch Inch was made oil to -make
clothing. the buying committee to
secure patrons and materiale fol'
saute. The treasurer reported $515,87
in bank. Committees were appointed
for the Red Cross drive from Sept.
23rd to Oct. 5th. Generous response
is hoped for as the need is great.1
There will he n chnrc'h service
here next Sunday,Sept. 211th as anni•
versary services are beteg `held • at
Burns' Church, Rev. A Gardiner. Eg-
mondville, as guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberton have
moved to Seaforth to reside. Mr.
Roberton having secured work there.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and
Mrs. J. Tanlblyn visited at the- home
of Mt'. Milton Hooper Sunday.
Miss Bina Kirk attendee( the fune-
ral of her aunt. Mrs. Kirk, in Toronto,
on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Haines of Clinton
were visitors at the hone of Mr. Wm.
Lyon on Friday.
Mre. Tont Robinson and Mrs. Jen-
nie Stevens of Clinton visited one
day last week with Mrs. Frank Hall.
Mrs. T. Fairservice and Mrs, A.
Shaddiek spent Thursday in London.
Miss Ruth Shaddiek of Kincardine
is spending a few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shaddiek.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Yungblutt visited
at Ole home of Mr. J. Campbell of
Walton on Sunday, -
Members of The Right The Wrong
Sunday School class met at the home
of Gladys Mountain, their assistant
teacher. on Monday evening, Sept.
11'. in honour of thein' teacher Miss
Beth Arnett. and presented her with
a gets iron and solve kitchen uten-
sils. The following was the address
read by Elva Snell: -Dear Miss Arnett.
We the members of the Right The
Wrong class have gathered here this
evening to offer our best wishes for
your future happiness. Our social in-
tercourse with you has always been
.pleasant. Your unselfish courtesy and
above all your dependability, have
been an inspiration and example to
us, all through these years. You have
demonstrated by your many tine
qualities, the fruit of a genuine Chris-
tian character. It is therefore with
the greatest of pleasure that We de•
co/tiInerd from p.i.g.' one
r- cie,ai b-., Montt.- -.t
t wiped t t••••1 she t itnl
'Look. l o ntv they w!'
The „h„0. despatch .v1).alks for it
.-if. Th.. Red t-'rns is a veritable
godsend ht toes,, .0(111 k,en people ❑ id
gives them fresh c'ourag<' 10 carry on.
This work is only possible through
the col -operation of every Canadian.Surely we, from our abundance, can
share with those who have sacrificed
and are cnntinulng to sacrifice so
much. An emergency call has come
asking for a large supply of winter
clothing: The Ontario Division has
been asked to make 250,000 articles
of clothing for men, women and child-
ren within the next two months. In
order to divide the work, each branch
has been given a quota. The Seaforth
branch has been given the following:
10 women's coats, size 38
10 women's coats, size 16
10 girls' coats, size 10
100 mitts, size 16
30 nightgowns, size 12
10 boys' overcoats, size 6
10 boys' pullovers or rarigans, size
12; `L0 socks, size one; 20 boys' mitts,
_s.+ size 10; 50 boys' shirts, size 12,
The clothing for indoors needs to
be warmer than we use here, while
the outdoor clothing is lighter.
The units, working with the Sea -
forth branch, have been asked to co-
operate and given tbeh' allotmentfrom the above. Those who would
.tare to donate tory article, or could
assist in the serving art asked to get
in 1 (1011 with Mrs J. P. Daly. t.ele•
1'il _fear • int tette. 1)','1.,'tet. ley The
tun ,tmUt fall on Fri-
t r ill 1 ntip-t mite,- 1- Humphrey Snellr..'11.r•• ',resident ,t - careen:
1 v0e.':Ile :literal u . -t
ioy, 111,)1 rev,' 11101,) 11 R.''>'., ;'1 \\ itittm,r'' 0.11,.T't+!:el
and 10111 Froornen. (lei' es In nilddl• pi' „n is Erlrvin 1'. ('h,.:n•y,
itcle . ,r Ith. welt hie1 '.-.. whe It win ,.2t,t.t „air., h.,reoe'.. in flu
h a-., ,_•� 1'ln 0e'.1 u • ”' al 111 'h" bolo' 't r
•• l.t nt.nt
1 •f' t-� 111.: ..l. Farr. <t T,icl1'-1sn.dth: Th,.!::, I,1 1 ,:.yu::. of lin,,m,
.1 Hallett. and R..1. Meelillen, S, .tuu•,e.
We are puttling on Special Prices
for our new store Opening, from
Sept. 28th until Oct. 5th.
A Special Prize will be given
daily for the person coming the
furthest distance.
Also a Hotpoint New Model El-
ectric Iron for the person making
the largest purchases during the
opening week.
Your choice of a Copper Boiler
or a Copper Tea Kettle will be gi-
een for a lucky ticket prize.
Paint, qt. 49c
Maple Leaf Salmon, Large....35c
Pork & Beans, large....2 for 25c
Forest City Baking Powder
quart 29c
Lexia Seeded Raisins... ,..14c pk.
Ammonia 5c pk.
Peas, 3 cans for 25c
Ladies Silk Hose, pair 25c
Children's Cotton Hose, pr... ,15c
Men's Hose, pair 25c
sir.' 10 give this tangible eviden, .- of
the high esteem in which w.• regard
you. May this iron and rte..'}divine'
ute11+iis as you use them front day t
day remind you of the pleasant time
We 1 spent I se
tet sol;ether-and the plea
ant ones We still hop.:' to have. and
cast its radiance along the pathway
of your married life. Signed on be.
half of the Members and Asst. Teat•h-
en:4 of the Right The Wrong ('lass,
Weddings •
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of Mr. Harold
(chits of Loulr'sbo'o, when Anna
F.11zabeth Arnett, was united in mar-
riage by the Rev. A. E. Menzies, to
Sydney David Lansing nn Saturday,
September 21st. The bride was be-
comingly dresser( in a Root' 1'ngth
dress (If pink embroidered net over
taffeta, and was given in marriage by
her cousin. Mr. Roy Peter, and car -
tied 'a bouquet of roses and babies'
breath, She was attended by Mrs.
HaroIrd Aclams, who wore a soldier
blue lace floor length dress, and car-
ried a similar bouquet to tate bride.
Little -Gene Adams attended as flower
girl and looked very winsome in a
floor length dress of pink taffeta and
carried a basket of rose -buds and
babies' breath, Mr. Harold Adams
acted as groom's man. The wedding
party stood before a bank of ferus,
dahlias and gladioli. The wedding
music was played by the groom's sis-
ter, Alrs. Eimer Roberton, During the
signing of the register Mr. Elmer Ro-
berton sang 0 Promise Me. The
guests were received by Mrs. J. C.
Adams, who wore a dress of black
sheer and corsage of roses. The
groom's mother also wore black sheer
and a corsage of roses. The dining
roost was prettily decorated in pink
and white, the table being centred by
the bride's cake. The lunch was serv-
ereed to about 31) guests by Miss Phyllis
Ball, Miss Alma Hunter, Mrs• Herb
Peter and Mrs. Roy Peter. The
groom's gift to the bride was a silver
fox fur. The happy couple left on a
motor trip to Montreal. On their re-
nnet they will reside ori the groom's
farm.' 1n the Base Line.
Burns' Church are holding their an-
oiversary-services this Sunday, Sept.
29tIvat 11 o'clock in the morning and
7.30 in the evening. Rev. Mr. Gardiner
of Egmondville is expected to have
charge of both services. A gond at-
tendance is hoped for:
Mr. anri Mr, Ernest Knox visited
tin, latter's parent4 air. faul Mrs.
Fred Shobbrnok do Lon ),rnll,rr,2 0(1
1irs, .1:'unie Knox returned htnt-e
4,111 l iv ...vetting after holidaying last
week. n' the home of her rdatlghter
''rs. and Mr. ilraydon N ,lh near
'lar. A. R', 3IOEr'.ie'O was hi Tor-
oteo she wet nal, r. -Tuning
Inane With a Jonah et 'neve, oh 'lint.
0 1\'e wish, bin leek with ht
\11 .1s.. M,•Flwing and his mother
Mrs.AW. McEwing spent Sunday
evening a' the honer of the hitter's
,bete tt'r, Mfrs. and Air. Wm. Pepper.
near lirne,etdeld.
-.lir. and Mrs. Isaac Rai; -nn spent
Sunday at the (tome of lir. ,,/r1
Warren ildbbines tl'.'a1' (Tinton. other
visitor, at the tome ',f th-' latter
y r it :UPI Mi' Thos Appleby.
Rosamond and Marian of Mchil(nt
Mr. and Mrs. \,'in. Rapson and soh
Dilly of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs.
'1't'.,•,•,: McAllister of Mimico.
Mr. Bert Beacom and .,inters Kath-
leen and Edith and cousin, MIs Eve-
lyn Harkness of the West Who has
been holidaying at their house, visited
the airports on Sunday,
Mrs. Warren Gibbiogs and Ken-
neth and Mrs, Isaac Rapson spent
nnrt of Monday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Beacom,
We are sorry Mr.. A, \P. R,acom is
not enjoying good int 0ltll but hope he
will soon be feeling better.
We Wish to extend sincere syrup
athy to the friends of the late Mr.
Hugh Shannon of Walton but former-
ly of near Harloek. The funeral was
held on Monday of this week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Win: Rapson and
Billy of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs,
Ti +,.. lir•A,li t r <,f Pantie o called en
Sunday at the home' of 31r. anti Mrs.
Albert !Lipson and Mr. Ulla Mfrs.
Isaac Ransom
Tit, Nippon East W.I. will visit tate
Exeter canning factory on Friday -'v-
ening, Oct. 41111 ltnit:ss later arrange•
aloins are made. The remainder of
the evening will be spent at the home
of Mrs. W. Kyle. Plan to meet at the
town stall, Hensel'. 111 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mr. John Casey of Luc'an
spent Sunday with Mr. and bit's. \Vila
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons visit-
ed on Sunday with the farmer's els-
tet', :lir. and Airs. Joseph Ferguson,
of t'hiselhttrst.
Mr. end Mrs. Samuel Hopp. Ina and
Luanne. spent Sunday with Alts and
Ales. J. Martin of Hayfield.
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
Dorothy .pent the week end at 'Lion
and St. - Marys.
Miss Norma Pybus who spent the
Past week with her grandmother,
Mrs. H. Ricker, returned to her
home in London on Sunday.
Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr.
Arnold H. Gaekstetter spent Sunday
at the home of Miss Esther Price of
The many friends of Mrs. French
will be 50rry to learn that she under-
went 1111 operation in St. Joseph's
Hospital, Lodon, on Friday, and at
date of writing Is in a very serious
Mt', and Mrs. John Henderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper were in
London on Sunday where Mrs. Cooper
visited her sister, Mrs. Trench, in St.
Joseph Hospital.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended Seaforth anti Exeter fairs
last week.
Air. Robert Jarrott has returned
home from London where he spent a
few days taking special treatment for
an infection in his eyes.
Miss Mabel Whiteman and Miss
Jean IvIson spent Tuesday in London,
Mr. Orville Workman met with an
acctident on Saturday...While picking
apples he fell off a ladder and broke
a rib.
The many friends of AL'. George
Handley will be sorry to hear he is
in Victoria Hospital, London, where
he was operated on last week for ap-
pendicitis. At date of writing he- is iu
a serious condition.
fit's. Jane McGregor of Seaforth
spent the week end with Mrs. Susan
Ser. and Mrs. Clifford Watson and
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kyle visited Niag-
ara Falls over the week end.
Basses Ruth and Tbecla Watson of
(•limon spent the week end at the
hoose *,f their parents, blt'. and Aits,
r. i 1111 s't'alker of Kadcanazoo,
niebbran, spent a Yew days with Mr.
.1. W. ti Leen, Mr. Walker lived in
n err; h, his younger days and
r cs e trip back 001910 his old
Quit-• a number from here motored
to Port Albert en Sunday to see the
new airport.
Jit'. Norman Hitlebrecht underwent
+n operation for appendicitis in Stott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
Mrs. Wm. Die.gel, Calvin and Mar-
lene, spent the week tend with her
sister in St. Catharines.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Seohaven of
Muskolta, Miss Katie Hinz and Mrs.
Agnes Qnerengesser of Stratford vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz
0n Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kuntz and family
and Mrs. Henry Kuntz of Haden vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs, John Amsteln
on Sunday, Mrs, Henry Kuntz re-
maining for a week.
The Ladies' Auxiliary presented a
play in Zurich on Wednesday even-
The Men's Patriotic Society will
meet nn Monday, Sept. 10. All men
Want and For Sale Ads, .3 weeks 50o
phone 218, or alt's E. II. ('lose, tele
Phone 157. before Friday. 1)1 1, 1' 4.
l Continued from I he ,)net
the government her a della'. a year
Thr t t00ty had ,ts.nnterd that Ilii
government would operate the school
Ifowtv't-, tinder the air training plan
elementary selmois are turned oa-e1
lv th g,lvioaila01 r lir.ensiirl flying
01111 to 44)..r110•`. Au'ardingI)'. three
Iii h a,:r m u nienibers of the Kit
eliett'1-1i'aterloti Flying Club. had up
;eared cn, the grotntcls at Goderieh
on? day whe uilding. were beng
erected. w'itltilgobvernulettt 1uoh01i1(7
to operate the training school. A
;roup of Nitron county Hien felt Hut' -
on should have some share in con-
trol sf the school and a delegation
asked the government to compromise.
The result was a provisional emn-
tnittee of Goderieh men was named
to co-operate. 1151 common SlIf11.08
00110 granter( to the Kitchener -
Water -loo Flying Club for their Past invest-
ment, and 0500 preferred shares at
ten dollars each allotted to Huron
county, to provide $10,000 working
capital for the company,
On Tuesday- evening last a meeting
of the provisional directors was held
and J. D. Thomas, Goderieh, was ap-
pointed chairman of the campaign to
sell the preferred shares. Other
members of this ennondt10e are J. c',
Shearer, Clinton; Thomas Pryde, of
Exeter; W. L. Whyte, Souforth; Hugh
Hill, Colborne.
"We felt no one nntui'ipit tit y
should have all the control," Ah'.
Whyte said. "I would like to see this
stock held by a vast majority of the
people. I have conte to tate cencltt-
sion the investment is reasonably
sound, but I won't say the guarantee
the dividends because there might her
unforeseen events. However, the
government is the entire sourer' of
The government. besides putting an
adjutant on the grounds to check on
the books, will pay its hill at the end
of each month. At the end of the war,
$35,000 with accrued interest will be
handed bark to stockholders, The
government sets all salaries, Rte.
Hallett and Blyth committees were
organized Tuesday afternoon, '1r.
Whyte said. McKillop. Tuckersnoth
and Seaforth would organize at this
meeting and Brussels on Wednesday
Replying to questions, Mr. Whyte
said that each share has one vote,
common and preferred alike. Forty-
eight students would start training
each. month. The airport is scheduled
to open October 14th.
Considerable discussion followed
Mr. Whyte's address, those taking
part including Messrs. E. C. Boswell:
Frank Sills, M. A. Reid, .T. H, Scott
and J. 31. Eckert. It was stated that
all elementary training schools in
Canada are under the same plata
There was no licensed flying club in
Huron and no equipment for training.
Kitchener -Waterloo was the nearest
chartered club and had a good record
with no fatalities in years.
A delegation of fourteen men had
met with L. E. Cardiff, M.P. and W.
H. Golding, M.P., at Mr. Golding's
house in Seaforth, when it was de-
cided to ask that control of the flying
club he allowed to remelt' in Huron
county, AIr. Whyte saidoutsiders
would gladly tn'uis11 this money.
Reeve Scott stated the government
is putting up buildings on land 010111(1
by the county rotmcih which will ale
handed back after the war is over,
Air. Thomas Pryde of Exeter. ex-
plained thtit the eletilentary training
schools like at Goderieh have a diff-
erent set -sup frons the more advanced
schools because the government rec-
ognizes it is the only means of train-
ing flyers. Before the war these clubs
were all privately operated. It was
then a rich math's affair but served a
very important place throughout. the
country. Mr. Pryde had approved of
the county council's far-sightedness
in regard to the airport. The govern-
ment had named the Kitchener -Wat-
erloo Club to operate it as there is no
licensed club in Huron. It makes no
difference where the money comes
from. There are 26 training schools in
Canada. All the others went ahead
and floated their own companies. At
Goderieh it was felt Huron should
have some control.
"If you beat Hitler, it is the only
thing that matters today," Mr. Pryde
said, giving his reasons why all
should be given a chance to help.
"Don't wait till he is coming up the
Fluron road. Belgium and France
were too late, He is now 3,000 miles
away from us."
Mr. H. G. Meir said he had made a
brief perusal of the company's con-
tract with the government and there
I T ; T ,
"Jeepers Creepers"
Mon. Tues. Wed.
One of the World's Most Beloved Stories
Becomes a Masterpiece of Ageless Screen Entertainment
Goucho Serenade
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was no apparent risk to the. romp -
Warden George C. F'ea0un and .1. i.
Thomas. committee chairman. were
present and spole, briefly. Mr. F"e'ng'tn
•stain( all municipalities in the eemey
are sympathetic and intere. red Mr.
Thomas said two tach from Torrent-.
stud Guelph bud uo, u,d ru pm ul stn.
7,null, 11,11 nt,'n (moot oar re 111100 Ito l
ilterven„d and said county citi:r•nr
tare go,irntI. of retaining centrad of
the field. 1f we don't Wish to 1111111118111
control; we clod'' irate 10. he said.
"Tete only drvirb'nd 1 want.": 't'.
Thomas .1111, '15 avenging the d+'s-
t'netion in the Old t'onntry,"
Twenty-seven machines r 'nild 1u.,
located at Guderh'It, it was stated.
John R. Douglas of Kitt -honer. has
been appointed to the position of fly-
ing training manager of the ele11te11-
(010 training school at Sky Harbor.
.lir. Douglas was horn at Brussels and
is t present vice president of the
iKitchenerr-\Waterloo Flying Club.
Flying Officer J. hT. Roberts, R.c'.A.F..
is fleas( ser. r e tal'y-treasuret'.
Before the close of the meeting
over four Intndred dollars was prone
150d fon' subsrt'iptiln. A committee
was mated to canvas. Seaforth,
Reeve J. 11. Scott and Councillor's 3i.
A. Reid and lis E. Smithy
Mrs. Ed Stelc•k Inns been visited by
her sister from Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester•, 3Tsborne, and
Mr. and Airs, E. Farrell of -Ripley
MiSse8 Flnftty of London. Rev. - anti
Mrs. Finlay of Lambeth. were recent
visitors with Ain and Mrs, Harold
Finlay and Mr. W. Finlay,
31r. and Mrs. D. Brown of Ztu'ieb
visited at the home of Mr. and Airs.
S. Hey.
Several are attending the 1ora1
Fall Fairs.
Miss Anna Mae Johnston is visiting
her grmndmother and her auto 'Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston 1,1
Zurich culled at the home of his par.
eons. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston.
Mrs. Ross Johnston continues finite
AIr, and Mrs. Cecil Attridge and
Barry of Goderioh visited AL's. Clarke
and Will.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross and 00(40 of
Seaforth called em Mrs. D:utgitts on.'
Beans are being harvested between
the showers.
Mr, and Alrs. Jas. Inkster of Goele-
rieh and Mrs. Fred Bonthron of Hem.
sail called on friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Arthur Finlayson resumed his
position in the Blake school Monday.
He has been training for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley visited
at the home of Mr. Thomas Riley of
Read Carefully
And Preserve
—wily:: :nail y friend,,
uy oast :rtwtlys
'41V. :Ir• ;, (11- 1 ' l0teulltl
. ,.e• r n11. nuns tui q .rails nL'
,11 .1i1 1: . ( .0, 1; !:) '0t ( x/'11011.
Holding- ,.'nit. etc.,
ne1,1i,iirion to Ste gltn'n' nr Sorrice.
Da.r I' m Ohio,., amass
For example!
0.2374, Sapper John Doe
3rd Field Company
Royal Canadian Engineers
Base Post Office
If addressee is oversea: IO1 .1 .:1)01'-
i:at canoe nr advance party. h•' should
be addressed accordingly.
For example:
Flight -Lt, John Doe
R.C.A.F, Headquarters
Special Course Overseas
lease Post Office
If the addressee is still in Canada,
mail should not be addressed fn the
Rase Post Office, but to hie Knit and
Camp in Canada,
For example:
L-47163, Bombardier John Doe
11.69 Field Battery
Royal Canadian Artillery
C.A,S.F., Field Post Office
Petawawa Camp, Ont.
Clinton on Sunday.
AIr. and AA's. Harold Coakley and
son of Blenheim, Mr. Benj, Riley.
Mr. Ross Mann and Miss Doris Mann
of near Clinton. spent Sunday with
.)Ie. and Mrs. Robs. Grhmtldh3'.
Miss Olive Gritnoldby whit friends
from Seaforth spent three days visit-
ing Montreal and Ottawa, motoring
there by way- of the St. Lawrcuce
1L•,. Ties:. Pollard received word
on :liouday night of the death of 11er
husband. w'hk4t •w,'ut•red do d,oudoil
Hospital. Our sympathy is extended
to Mrs. Pollard.
Mr. and Mrs. Dfrlt Barwick and
family of Stratford visited Mr, Will
Moore 011 Sunday,
-!'le• re iFar fnc:etin r of the Tucker -
smith Ladies' Club will he held at
the home of \Ira. S. Whitmore on
R e dne.day, O0ttliber 2, at two o' -
click. -1111e roll call will be answered
ten the mine of your !farm and eome-
thine +i historical interest about it.
The meeting is under the historical
research d 1partuen,t evith iM4rs, E.
Townsend in charge of the (program.
A special invitation 1s extended to the
Here is your opportunity to buy Novo at a bargain and a
the same time assist materially in Canada's war effort by purchasing'
two war savings stamps. Remember Narvo produces a metal -hard
high -lustre finish to woodwork, cabinets, walls, furniture, floors etc.
and covers almo t any surface in one coat.
Paints & Electrical Supplies BRUCEFIELD, Ont.
Phone 17. SEAFORTH, Ont.
General Store, VARNA, Ont,