HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-26, Page 2PAGE TWO TILE SEGAPORTH NEWS HORSES Agricult ural -- Foal, Wm. Hamilton & Son. Andrew Crozier; tills, or gelding, 4 years, N. Shantz, Plattsville. and 2nd; filly or gelding, 3 , years, Carman Matthews •Camlachie, Wm. Dale, -Clinton. Wm. HaMilton & Son; !illy or gelding, 2 year, George Coyne. Staffa, J. E. Fal- coner, Dublin, Robt. Hamilton. Cro- marty; filly or gelding, 1 year, VVm. Dale; sweepstakes. N. Shantz, Heavy Draught— Foal, Robt. Hamilton, Wm. Dale, R. Munson, Zurich; filly or gelding. 4 years, N. Shantz and 2nd, J. E. Fal- coner; (illy or gelding, 1 years, J. E. Falconer; filly or gelding, 2 years. J. E. Falconer, Wm. Hamilton & Son. Michael McCarthy; filly or geldings 1 year, Wm. Dale; sweepstakes. J. E Falconer. Wagon Heree— Mare, E. P. Chesney, Hooper & Son; foal. E. P. Cheney,. Elton 13 Goudie; tilly or gelding.. 3 years. \V. Decker. John Kreis, NIitchell, George J. Thiel, Zurich; [Illy or gelding, 2. years, john Kreis. M. Hooper, Jos, Burns: tilly or gelding, 1 year. 23, P. Chesney. 1-1, NIellwaia. Elton B. Goudie. Roadster— Mare, James Cate...sem. Bruesels: -bal. Hooper & Sen. R. Mansen, Jas. Cameron. Carriage- - Mum It, Nlansott, T. Or Scot,: foal Hooper ci:r . San. T. 0. sest-,-; earriage colt, Hooper & Sem Harness Class -- Agricultural •oen.. 'N. Shantz Platteville. carnim, 2,I1ollews, Wm. Dale; 1l'-;tvy .1rougle N. Sheetz .S. E. Falconer ate! ale.; general 1,111' poets team. W. fle,.1.)-e. J. K) Gee. .1. Thiel; •. roadet).e. eers-). .1. G. Gal- besith; teuriage 111,11101' & Son. Lady driver, Fred Hopkins. Holiness ville. Mrs..G. Deters. JUdgee: James EI11/1/11ii/11, Wm. J. -Brandon. - CATTLE Shorthorn—Cow. W. Oestricher, Turnbull and 3rd; heifer, 2 years. W. Oestricher, R. Pepper, W. Turnbull; heifer. 1 year, W. Turnbull, W. Ges- trichm• and 3rd; heifer ,talf. Des. fritter and 2nti, R. Pepper; bun cam W. Oestricher and 2nd, W. Turnbull; bull 1 year. W. Oestricher. W. Turnbull; bull. 2 years, W. Turnbull. W. Oestricher; herd, F. Todd & Son, W. O'Neill. H. Wright, 1.611,20.1111111.1"101.1.11.IM)110,9,1121= THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1940 Gymies 13)sei— e years, L. tarter and 201; heiier, 2 years. W. Turnbull: heifer yoar, M.% Turnbull; beifor calf. W. O'Neill. W. Turnbull and 2rd; steer calf. R. F. Popper. Butcher's Cattle— Fat cow or heifer, R. Pepper & Son, L. Carter; steer or heifer, over 1 year, F. Todd & Son; baby beef, 1 year. W. O'Neill, H. Wright, •R. Pep) PCI' & Son. Ayrshires— - I3u11, W. F. Betimes. Listowel. and :Ind; cow, W, F. Beirnes and 2nd; heifer, 2 years, W. Beirnes; heifer,. 1 year, W. 'Whines and 2nd; heifer calf. W. Beirnes; bull calf, W. Reines. Jersey -- Hall, Trewartha; cow, Irwin Trewarthar heifer. 2 Years, 1. Tre- wartha; heifer, 1 year, 1. Trewartha; heifer calf, I. Trewartha, Dairy Cattle Herd Prize, W. F. Beirnes, Irwin Trewartha, Polled Angus— Ball, F. Todd & Son and Ind. Lorne Carter; POW. F. Todd & Son. L Car- ter; heif-m. 2 years. F. Todd & Son: Itethir. 1 year. F. Todd & Son and. 2nd; heifer tff. F. Todd & Son, L. Carter; bell -calf.- P. 'read & Son, L Carter, II0reforiis Bull G.:INIT/4h% NV. O'Neill; cree H. Wright -rati E;rd, W. o'Neilt; years. H. Wright. and 1r)1, W. O'- Neill; h. -'if. -'r: 1 year, W O'Neill ate" :2112. 11. Wright: 11011:01. calf. %V. 13'- "1I' i)td Ind. II. Wright; bull oad 13. wriem, ss, t..Neill; lett% 1 y,,0; W. O'Neill and end. H. Wriglc. Bank of i'oultueice spa,sial - Todd & in. sP,.. la". +1,,Ira- tqif;k, \V. P. S'111,1 -‘y SHEEP Sleareshiredowns)— Ram. 2 years. Orval Mollowtin Myth, W. II. Dmiglas. 11 Pauls; ram 1 . year. W. 23. Douglas. oval Gowan; ram lamb. 'W. II. Douglas and Ind; one. O. McDowiin. W. H Douglas: shearling ewe. W. H. Doug- las. 0. Metiowan; )'Wo 111 21111. W. II Deuglae, NV. M. Henry. Belgrave, Sourlulowns --- All classes. .1. 11 Kennedy and 22u1. Lincolns— • Ram. 2 years. A. D. Steeper, Ailsa Craig; rant,1 year, A. D. Steeper; ram Iamb. A. D. Steeper and 2111; awe having lambed in 1 941), A. D. Steeper and and; shearling ewe, A. D. Steeper and 2nd; ewe lamb, A. I) This New WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE des been mailed to you Far mit meanly deduction of Se you raceiva 2 certificate for 35 53 " " " " "519.4 523 " " " " "S23; S40 " " " " 553 SIGN UP F II THE DURATION in Canada's Army of 2,000,6Z0 Regular iiiiar-Savexs Be one a the first to enlist. You will be receiving your official enlistment blank—the new War Savings Pledge. Use it to instruct your bank to make purchases of War Savings Certificates for you every month — automa- tically. Your bank looks after everything for you—sends your money to Ottawa each month, and the Certificates are mailed direct to the registered holder. There is no charge for this service. Here is an effective way to serve and a sure way to save. And remember, too, you are not giving your fnoney, but lending it, and at a good profit to yourself: a full 25% in 754 years! So watch the snail for this new official War Savings Pledge. When it arrives, lase it to Help Smash Hitler. Additional Pledges are avail- able at your bank or from your local War Savings Com- mittee. Sign up now! 663e. u Serve by S'eving" Invest Regularly in War Savings Certificates Steeper 21111. lAticind or -- Ram, 2 years, Guy Dewane Eph clam. Snell; ram, -1 year, 1'). Snell; ram lamb, blphriam Snell, Guy Dor- ranee; ewe. Ephrlam Snell, Guy Dor ranee; shearling ewe, Ephriam Snell and Itui; ewe lamb, El Snell and Ind. Oxfords— Ram, 2 years, W. M. Henry, H. Mis Ilwain; ram, 1 year, W, M. Henry and 2nd; ram lamb, W. M. Henry, P. E. Dearing; ewe, Orval McGowan. W. M. Henry; shearling ewe, W. M. Henry, Orval McGowan; ewe Iamb W. M. Henry, Orval McGowan. Dorset Horned— All classes, P. a Dearing, 0. Mc- Gowan. PIGS Boar, A. A. H. Warner and 2nd; boar under 1 year, Wilbur Turnbull, A, H. Warner; sow. A. H. Warner and 2lid; A:1W under one year, A. H, Warner Wilbur Turnbull, Berkshiro— Boar, Adam Thomson, H. Mellwain boar under one year, Adam Thom - ,..M. and. .2nd; :Sow Adan) Thomson and 2)1(1; sow under one year, Adam Thinnson. Tamworth -- All classes, Delights Bros. and Intl. Bacon Hogs— Bacon typH At;1111 Thomson. 71. T. Balton. Douglas Bros. j•:•l.;-, David H. Kelly. POULTRY .trehmas-• c. h., P. m. Dearing: cid 7......-.1.•easor, Blyth, Decks. 0, 1, '21. p, M. A. Roeks, cid. p, Douglas tes,.. end 2133. A. 1). \':. Reck, 11, M. A. Ilvas.a. Dorking,. c. jacob Battler, 'lair ich. M. A. Fraser; H. p. Al. A. Fraser hoed) Battler. A.O.V. Hamburg's, M. A. Fraeor .1. Battler; h. .1. Battler, 0131, p, J. Bat ler. Langshans, h. ('ltl, 1). M. Fraser Orpington, It, NI. A. Fraser, elti, p P. fe. Dearing. NI. A. Fraser. Black NIinorcas, ckl, p, Fred Mt, Clymont. white W'yaulot t,'s.r, 11, ekl. 11. Battler. A. 0. V. Wyantiottes, c. h. NI. A. Fraser; ckl. p, NI. A. Fraser. F. Me- Clymont. Anconas, c. h. NI. A. Fraser; ckl, J Battler. Rhode Island Rede. ckl. NI. A Fraser, Douglas Bros.; It, Douglas Bros.. M. A. Fraser; p, AL A, Fraser Meelymont. Andalusians, h. ekl, p, Battler White alinorcus. 0, 11, M. A. Preset) Ftility Barred Rocks, 11, Dnuglas littoe,; ekl, Douglas 13100, 3. Battler; p, J. Battler, Douglas Bros. White Leghorns, c, NI. A. Fraser. Douglas Bros.; It, Douglas 81.0S., 13 A. Fraser; ekl, Douglas 13ros.. and 2nd; p. Douglas Bros., II'. Mcelymont, A.O.V. Legborns, c, h. NI. A. Fras- er; ckl. J. Battler, M. A, Fraser; 11 NI, A. Fraser, P. Metilymont, Jersey Giants. o, 13, ekl, Dough) Bros. and 2031; Douglas Bros. F elymont. A.O.V. Bantams. e. p. M. A FI'11,F3.31'. Douglas 13ros.; 13, Douglas ,Ire'., NI. A. Fraser. Game Bantams, 0, 2, p. Douglas firposu.,,ks_ Pekin ducks, e. h. p. Douglas liros., 3. Battler. Rouen Ducks, t), Douglas Bros.. J. tattler: la J. Battler, Douglas Bros.: dd. NI. A. Fraser, Douglas Bros.; p M. A. Fraser, J. Battler. Ailsbury 110021, 0, 1.1, ckl. p. Doug. as 13ros.; Indian Runner ducks, c, 11 21. p, J. Battler, TGoeUsl:u-s-s) geese, 0, 11, p. Douglas Bros.; Emden geese, c, p, noughts 3ros.. 31.A. Fraser; h, ekl. NI. A. Prism% Douglas Bros. A.O.V. geese. c. h, ckl, p. J. Battler. Rabbits, old buck, Jno. Regier; old OP J110. Regain. P. E. Dearing; young nek. M. A. Fraser, Jul). Regier: oung doe. Jno, Rogier. M. A. Fraser, Utility Pens— Wyandotte, .1. Battler, F. Melly- ; tont; Plymouth Rock, Donglas"..Bros. 13at ler ; Legtorns. Douglas Bros. McClymont; Rhode Island Reds Muglas Bros.. F. McClymont; liras, F. McClymont. Judge, Wm, Carter. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apples— Collection of apples. Laithwaite & winter apples. Laithwaite; 13 applee. Laithwaite & Son. Fred lorlymont; Baldwins, Laithwaite. F. (2') '13001)1?; King of Thompkins, F ictlyniont, Laithwaite; northern de.). Fred McClymont, Laithwalte, Fallawator. Laithwaite; golden rits. et, F. McClymont; Westfield seek 0 -further. Lail wai ; wealthy. F erlymont, Laithwaite; pewaukee ailhavaite: Ontario. Laithwaite, ecismont. Wagner. Laithwaite; roxboro rus- ts, Herb Desjardine; gravenstein. tithweite, Fred McClymont; Cayuga ,1 )1 10 NI 21 red streak, Laithwaite; spitzenburg Laithwaite; fameuse or snow apple Laithwaite, Fred McClymont. Calvert. Laithwaite., Herb Desjard- ine; menu, Laithwaite. Maiden blush, Herb Desjardine. Crab apples, yellow, F. McClymont Rhode Island Greening, Fred Me. Clymont; rihston pippins, Leith wake; fall pippin, F. McClymont. Plenheim pippin, Leithwaite, Canadian red, Laithwaite; McIn- tosh Red, Laithwaite; talman sweet Trod McC)ymont, Pears -- Win ter pears, Lai thwai te ; nears, Laithwaite; lien -ash beauty Leith walte; duchess of agouline Leithwalte; beurre clairgeau, Leith. waite; clapp's favorite, Fred McCily• mont; belle lucrative, Laithwalte; sheldon, Laithwaite; louts bonne de jersey, Laithwaite, F. Mallymont, Bartlett, Fred McClymont, Leith - vette, seckel, Laithwaite; beure d'- anjou., Laithwaite. Plums•• - Washington, Laithwaite; green gage, Laithwaite; diume's purple, Laithwalte; Lombards, Laithwaite, Rene Claude, Ladthwelte; german prune, Fred McClymont, Laithwailae; any other variety plum, Laithwaite. Judge, E. 8. Goudie, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Totnatoes, red, T. Battler, Mrs, Brimblecombe; collection tomatoes J. Battler; onions from seed, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe, Fierb Des;larditte. Onions from Dutch sets, Mrs. Ellaa.beth Dickson,. Herb Desjardine; 1011 sets, J. Battler, Mrs. E. Dickson. Cucumbers, J. Battler*'butterbean, beans, Mrs, F. L. Turner, Staffa, J. Battler; white beans, MN. Elizabeth Dickson, Mrs, P. L. Turner. Carrots, stump mote& Mrs, Hugh MacKay, Herb Desjardine; carrots, long, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Pickling beets, J. Battler, Mrs, E. Dickson; turnip blood beets. David J. Grieve, Mrs, Brimblecotnbe; cucum- bers, J. Battler; parsnips, J. Battler David Grieve; peppers, David Grieve. Table corn, J. Battler; winter rad- ish, .T. Battler; sunflower. Herb Des- jardine, J. Battler; novelty In vege- tables. Mrs. Brimblecombe, Red cabbage,. J. Battler, David Gl'i-'re; fall cabbage, Mt', Brimble- conthe, Mrs, E. Dlekson; vsinter cab bag.), Mrs. E. Dickson, J. Battler. Red onions, Mrs. E. Dielison, J. Battier Whitt, Or yellow onnnts, me, E. Dickson, Herb I?. )'di; Citrons, stripod. Mrs. E. DleIrson J. Battler; nit, ons. 1 '11 I ifornia, J. Battler; watermelon. J. Iloilo)). Pio ptunpkins. .1, Bat' ler Mrs Ininiblecomb0; table squash. .T. Bat - Her; hubbard squash. David Grieve: largest pumpkin. David Grieve. Fitt tarries, 3, Battler; Aw.ffto rdps, reed, Mrs. P. 13 Turner: laite mangolds. J. Bauler. Mrs, F. Telmer; intermetlia 1,mangolds. Mrs Turner, J. Battler. celery, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, David Grieve; Irish Cobbler tett:Imes, .1 Battler, NIrs. Turner: any mho)) vans iety early potatoes. J. Ihittler; Groot) Mountain potatoes, J. Battler. Wil- bert Cornish, Dublin; any other var- iety late potatoes, J. Battler, Mr, Turner; garden produce, MN. A. I.. Porteous, GRAIN COMPETITION Fall wheat, Herb Desjardine, J. Battler; oats, Herb Desjardine, Wil- bert Cornish; barley, J. Battler, Mrs, F. L. ; beans, Mrs. F. L. Ttirm er. H. Desjardine, Judge, E. 13. Gotli». CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES Canned apples, Mrs. BrImblecombe, 113 05. Frrollt Storey; red raspberries. ',Martha Flannery, Mrs, Frank Storey; red cherries. pitted, Herb Desjardine. Mrs. James Carter; canned pears, II. Desjardine, Mrs. James Carter, Canned strawberries, Mrs. Prank Storey, Mrs, James Carter; canned plume. Herb Desjardine, MI'S. Brim blecombe; canned peaches, Mrs Brimblecombe, Mrs. Aft. Robettson St. Marys; pickled cucumbers, Mrs James Carter. Mrs. Alt Robertsom Canned chicken. Mrs. James Cat'. I131'. Mrs. Brimblecombe; canned situ - sage. IMrs, Brimblecombe; canned beef, Mrs. Frank Storey, Mrs. James Cart (11 13 pickled encumbers. Mrs. BrImblecombe, Mrs. James Carton Mustard pickles, Herb Desjardine no name. Tomato catsup, Mrs. Hugh Mats Kay, J. Battler; pickled cherries, :Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Mrs. Geo. Dale, Green tomato pickles, Herb Des. jardine. Mrs. Alf Robertson; tipple jelly, Mrs. Alf Roberton; grape jelly Herb Desjardine; black currant jelly Mrs. Geo. Dale, Mrs. James Carter. Orange marmalade, Mrs. Alf Rob- ortson, Mrs. Brimblecombe; straw' brt'Y jain, Mrs. Alf Robertson, Mrs. Frank Storey; any conserve, Mrs. Alf Robertson, Mrs, James Carter. Chili sauce, Mrs. Alf Robertson. Mrs. James Carter; canned tomatoes Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Canned corn, Mrs, Geo. Dale, Mrs. Brimblecombe; canned peas. Mrs. Frank Storey, MN, A. Robertson. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter, crook, Mrs. Frank Storey. Mrs, James Carter; butter, prints. Mrs. Frank Storey. Mrs. James Car- ter; butter, fancy, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Storey. Hen's eggs, white, 3. Battler Wilbert Cornish; hen's eggs, brown J. Rattler, Wilbert Cornish. Dressed chicken, airs. James Carter, John Carter. Home-made soap, Fred Mc- islYmontc David Grieve, DOMESTIC SCIENCE White bread . Mrs. Turner, Mrs, James Carter. Jean Scott; brown bread. MIs, Geo. Data, Mrs, James Carter, Mrs, Frank Storey. Muffins, Jean Scott. Mrs. Air Robs ertson ; buns, plain, Mrs, Frank Stns., ay. jean Scott; buns, faney. Mrs. F. Storey, Jean Scott; cookies, Miss Leona Murray, Mrs, Jannus Carter. Fruit bread, Mrs. Frank Storey. Mrs. A. L. Porteous; raisin pie, Mrs. James Carter. MI's. Geo. Dale; short- bread, Jean Scott, Mrs. G, Dale; tea biscuits, Mrs. James Carter, Mrs, G. Dale; butter tarts. Mrs. Geo, Dale. Mrs. James Carter; dropped cookies. Mrs. J. Carter. Mrs, Dale. Angel cake. Jean Scott, Mrs, James Carter; parker house rolls. Jean Scott, Mrs. Alf Robertson; man'. breakfast, Mrs. 1.3rimblemmthe, Mrs, Alf Robertson, Mrs. Frank Storey. Sponge cake. Jean Scott, Mrs, Alf Robertson; dark fruit cake, Mrs. A. Robertson, Mrs, James Carter; light layer cake, Mrs. A. Robertson, 'Mrs. James Carter; chocolate layer cake. Mrs, Frank Storey, Mrs. James Car. ter; apple special, Mrs. P. StoreY, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs, A. Robertson. Pumpkin pie, Mrs. Frank Storey Mrs. James Carter; lemon pie, Mrs. A, Robertson, Mrs, James Carter: supper dish, Mrs. F, Storey, Mrs, A, Robertson; candy, Jean Scott, Mrs, L Murray; ice box cookies, Mrs. A. Ro- bertson, Ivtds. James Carter; salads Miss L. Murray, Mrs. James Carter. Oatmeal cookies, Mies L. Murray. Mrs, A. Robertson; cup cakes, Jean Scott, Mrs, A. Robertson; light fruit cake, Mrs, James Curter, Mrs.A. Ro- bertson; cellection of small cakes. Joan Scott, Mrs. jarnert Carter; date bread,. Mrs. A. Robertson-, Mrs. (leo. Dale; meat loaf, -Mrs. Brimblecombe, Mrs. James Carter; maple cream candy, Mrs. Frank -Storey, Mrs. Brimblecombe; scones, Mrs. G. Dale, Jean Scott; salads, Mrs. Alf Robert) s°ie111, MMrsys., Fjraaninkes-S(tIoall'etye,r. Merl's:741 , Ds pc'.. Judge, Florence E. McGavin, FLORAL EXHIBIT • Cut Blooms— Asters,. Walter Peebles, At wood. David Grieve; display asters. Walter 'Peebles, Mrs. A. L. PIN't"1101114; cosmos. W. Peebles; dahlias, display, Mrs. A. Ls Porteous, Walter Peeblee; dahlias. 3 blooms, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Da'vid Grieve; dahlias. Six blOoltift, Wnits Peebles; gladioli, , 11 spikes, Mrs. Brimblecombe, W. Peebles; gladioli, Mrs. A., L. Porteous, W. Peebles, Petunias, Mrs. A. L. Porteous. Pansies, MIs. A. L. Porteous, Da Grieve; zinnias, Mrs. Elizabeth DI son; phlox, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Suapdragon, Mrs. A. I,, Porteous Stock, Mrs, A. L. Porteous; sea osa, Walter Peebles. - Pres! Mae mom; zinnia.. display, Mrs. Elizatbe Dickson; °Lineation annuals. NI Brimblecombe: collection parannia David Grieve; liasket. mixoci bloon :soca:ilea, Mrs. poisce,jus. Table bounties, Inimblecanal wapar Peel/los; tiara) L.riao•gs,:na :Mrs. A. L. Postsees; deleeinitee Imitspur. Mrs. A. 13 I,,teeee. Pot Plants -- Begonias. ',Mrs. Elizabeth Ideks, David Grieve; 333 010). iC1,-,1,11 Niles A. L. Porteous; e,diet•do:. ted plants, Mrs. 1 3. Part :a. Deo. Dale: l'agaii:L. 1px. Nis's. Z. finthle.s. Mi', PON ?t)Its 1-1 ,;;i.' 3;!:7V Porteous: 1,,- eel, Mrs. Brimbleeme rs ,- e 2.2 Porteous; • E. abeth Dickson; 1?-) and 3.1:1,sl• Al A. L. P•eteees; Mrs. Hugh MacKay. .I. NI. Oevenlec Judge. Chas, 11d1e. DOIVIESTIC NEEDLECRAFT Quilt, applique, NI iss Leona ;Mit ray, Strut ferd Mr., T. C..m.,:ahle. 11 Marys; Defied wick :'iii,ispretd, Me R. Brintibiecomiles Walter Peedes, wood; quilt, hest (milting, ‘,Valt Peoldes, 'Niro, Britahlecensbei pieee et -01'11'1.s 33?'- 11. o al; salintl sr, V is,31' • 040en, ,Ni !,, •-- B ,Ltssfelts situp, frow ,elaiosa, Mrs I Me; .1 11 (10', M. ; neci,leesork sty- sts flirty year. ),1)1, Mrs. Hymnien, tivres II ri Obi cc oub 111111,15 from flour sacks, Mrs. 1411). Irene 'Broalcg; article for Christina, gift, 'Mr's. T. 01 - Flynn, Fred McClyinent; (piece of needlevenak mai,' by vc, 'Man yeare of age ,0'005I', (MIN. T. poen Brooks, article made irom old stock. lags, H'enh. Desitardine, Mrs, 13rituble- combo; pair men's /wool mitts. ,L. Liv- ingston, t.l. crochet, geton, Ahrs. Consctalbie; porse, J. Battler, Mrs. Frank Stoll. Rattler: fine knit sox, IL. ey; kitchen collection, IMrs. T. 10'., Flynn. Mrs. Hymtnen; meets sweater, 122rs. Constahle, ,Mrs. 1)ale. Judge, M. Olive Scott FINE AND DECORATIVE ARTS Oil painting, L. Livingston, Mrs. Hymen:et: water nolo-r, ,Mts. men, L. Livingston; crayon siket,Ch, Walter Peebles. (Mrs, l?. L. Turner; drawing, pencil, Mrs. Turner, L., Liv-, inkrston; sketch ..'Nf farm 'house, ;Mrs. Turner; band painited china, L. Liv- vid ingston. David Grievo; 'decorated pot.. ek• tery, ,Mr:. Brimlblecandlte. !Mrs. F. L., Turner; •dieplay poster, 'Walter Mee - Sirs. Turner; pen and itik sketch, bi' NI r., rtmlblocomdi a, 'Mrs. Turner; 33 cart, ''1, Mrs. Tusner. L. Livingston: 001150 tray, L. Livingston; novelsiee rs• from areue super, Mrs. 2'. 13, T,urner, l'• Mr.. ilrinshise enbe: e inaction ,o,f an - ,Mr. Hngli M :Kay, Fred Mb. '1 »I:, !Mr.. Hs. meson. isle.. I Wort.-- Tr Ly, I,. Livingston. \Ir.., )4,.3?,., enrs 3 flo,wer Jawsket, • ' • a • ,1 Mr. Brinillilecomble; ..'••••• ,11 14. It rill1?hloem-16e, • • CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT v e.)bles s'e--ie •teese... -V.:. -re .. 1 , ea; le. es. J. st !"••••kLel:a.a. WO. . 1 ...•as ':1)- ('(213133 Des». s131 . I..» • •• Oman s; boss's, '2'. • »I 'mar. 1.. leinlie; 3) 'ettio):•. Arti Fiancis ly. F.n.ers 0i 1olene) ; citrons. Emor 2 son I ailssmail 2 cabbagos. Fr,,nels Po'i 11N ‘r...on Coleman. Donald Fe•ole!s Jack. .1. It Maelsienzi-), I)uu MacKenzie: to r- F. o'Reitly. Anne Echart. : Vin's'tvt-r.t'in- Nnt. Bill Storey, Lois floa- t' garth; pansies. 11111 Storiy; asters, er Jim.. Shaw. Bin Storey. Elaine 1313 11 tees; svaset peas. Phyllis Pretty; bou Mem). Bill Storey, 1- Hazel Coleman. r, ruoldng--- 1- Ton blscults, Margaret (Ylleilly, s. Mary Lou Sills. Hz )1 Coleman; earl dy, Slat•garet Chas:ley, iNlarga cast ; Quinlan. Bill Storey; layer cake, Her - riet Russell, Margaret O'Reilly, Don- na Baynes; apple pie, Harriet Russoll, Lettori Habkirk, .Inne Shaw; rolisl cookies, Margaret Eleanor : Weaver; dreeped )),,ele .5, .11111p Shew , Gladys Hopper, Mealier Johne. Manuel Trainiuge- 1 Modelling, ATM.` P.:Pk:III. .11100 3111. ri1/11,,3!!: TI,' FralletA 1/11.111 Ily, All/1,1Y Itakar: bird models, Allon ty, L° a la Thorne, ilca.'1 Boat; L Doe 5 1,1 7:Mr, Dorothy Dar lon '1*.L.P!. .,s0 OssatiL III, .3e. .•• Vet, -:10'; el - IV, ss• Llyn Lin- en! Dor s .a 'I • iitylli. Pretty: 12 William • M.inTI, A•sc. cis IlLiheri: tirade VI, .rgire• elekart. • ere Dereld MaKesizis. Paniald Sav Darold 11:111,s; tirais- VII, Anne Eck-. num): Grad, VIII, iltnipi Bnyne,,, : Dori: p..enuAnn .1nee Shaw. Primary. Lorna Ellis, Marilyn Hill- is. Ifonaa Burk,; First (11)145. Margar- et Stevens, Gordon McKindsey, Langford; second elass. Mona Ben- nett, Leona Stevens. Mary Boswell; third class, Hazel Coleman, J. IL Mac- Eleauor 3021)5; fourth class, Joseph Hopper, Dole aid McKenzie. Miseellaneogs•-- TdY whittled with knife, Donald Munn, Edward Kohn, Francis 0" Poster. Hazel Coleman, (ler- ahline Eckar). Bud Smith; knitted scarf. Margaret Quinlan. Margaret OT.ellly, Anne Eckert: article carved from wood, Donald Munn, Edward Kehn, Francis O'Reilly; nail box, Mateo Milan., Orville Elliott, Francis O'Reilly; patch on cotton, Anne Eck- ert. Donna Baynes, Harriet Russell; cletheepin einem, Margaret O'Reilly, .Anne Eeltart, Daraldine Eckert ; darns lags woolen, Harriet Russell, Anne Eekaie, Oaraltline Eckart ; d011's Acm. Dupeo. Iiarriet Russell, Margaret D'Reilly;handkerchiot, Mar- B(lanyittitt.t. Margaret Chesney, 1)01100 Barred Rock cockerel. Anne Eckert, Emerson coleman. Gladys Hopper. Barred Reek pullet, Entereon Cole- man. Gladye Hopper. Display of knots in rope, Barbara Russell, An". Eckert, Geraldine Eck- ert. Cushion top, Jack Makins, Betty ienlearkmeek. tuA:t.illie Wood. Bird model, Allan Pretty, Donald Thorne, Gerald - (totem) quilt, W. Peebles; pieced en quilt, David J. Grieve: white be. spread. Mrs. H. fiymmen. Kitchene rs, 31 ritublecom1!)e; coelored be: spread, L. Livingston, Myth, Mr. 1-Iyminen; ,crochei or knit afghan Mrs. Geo. Dale, Mrs. T. Constable 'work apron, !Miss iNlorray, 1.. Lir ingston; men's pyjamas, L. Living "tom ,Mrs. ir)m,:Ale; dress Mrs. Dale. \Ilse Sierras): floor mat •braidial, I,. Living...tam David Grieve hooked floor ntat. J. 'Hen! (1:e[La,r,,cline; 11,00.ted a ri, mat I), Grieve; lksolse cesir seat. 1)avi. Floor mat. illitstrviii.t rural scene Mrs. Dale, XII,. MacKat mat. XIrs, Idynitneo, Mrs. I'. 151:1,Inn men's work shirt. 'Mrs. leonge 13111e, rs. H3 lumen ; handker chiefs, ,Mrs, Cotist•Vol.s, Hvm 11112 II; :On 111 k,111.1../31'.113113.. Irene Ilr piks, Mitchell; NN', LADIES' WORK koplique, MIs'. Leona Murray, Mr; F. 1.. "rurner. StatTa; ant nark. Mr. Il yin m en, l„ f:1112:12:1 1ling 131 r, T. Coneteble; satin stitch. I, Livingston,Mr Hymeten; stitch, Miss 124urrray, L Livithrston needlepoint. '\'lr'. 1 311s"2:11e, Mrs Brimblecombe: 1111102 1)) a, 'Mr:. Brim. (1)4701116e; tatting. L. Livingsto)1. Mrs T. O'Flynn: knivinz. .cotta, :are, I r- ene B.rooks. I.. Livingston; filet cro- chet, Mr., Consttehle, Mr, Dale; any other work not listed, l). frieve, 1)1,13)111 R.eur Pura (s ings—Luneh- eon set. embroidered, 'Mrs. 1)alti, Miss Murray; luncheon set. tirechet. Mrs. Hyrnmen, Mrs. Dale; luncheon sot, other hand ,eerk, gr.. Hymmen, !Mr.. Brimbleconthe; let doth. Mrs Brim- thiecombe, I,. Li vitia.,..tan; sea cloth, any other 111)11-1work. Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. 13ritulbleco11112e; eentrepiecs, lace edee, Mrs. (Mrs..Hyinmen; tray cloth, Mrs, 13ale. 'Mrs, Hymmen; cen- terpiece embriidered, ,Nirs. Dale, Mrs. Hymmen; hririta "et, I, Livingston, Mrs. O'Flynn; thstffet ;et, L. Livina. sham 'Mrs, Hymmen: sea easy. Vc'. Peebles, Mr., Constable, Bed Room Flrnlsl,in.11 — slips, white enihroiler,d, Hseimen; soon; Mr... Hynimen; pillosc. Nir.. Hymmen, VV. Peebles: pine 11:311d Al ”rk, N!rs. sa.t.ehle, Dale; towels mr.hroile re 1. IMrs. Hy:n- ine:I, 131i'.s 'Nl.nrrar; rachet coveak. Mr.. Hytumell, VIN Dale; es, other hamleveek, ,Mrs. Dale. Mrs. Hasinnsen; '414' 43 towel:, !Mrs, D.ale, ,131111'r3r: hath towel. Living -- ;ton. Mrs. ilynamen: fancy taw sl. I.. Livim.tstoe, Mr.. Hynituen; fancy ;11°53 and pinnw sins., L. 'Living -semi. Mrs. ilvanneu; vanity set, 'Mrs. Dale Mrs. O'Flynn; siresser runner, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Brindblecondhe. Ladies' and Children's ams, IMrs. Dale, bed jacket. Mr...0'. Flynn, ,Mrs. Hymmen; sweat -:r, knit, Miss :Murray, M'rs. B•rintlalecosizbe; knit gloves, NeNr.. Peelhies, 'Mrs, Con- stallric: crochet gloves, Mrs. Dale, Ir- ene B'roolks; mitts, 'Mrs. Constalbie. Mrs, B,risnIbIssoosulbe; rarrigge cover, Mrs. Dale, .M N. Hemmen: scarf and iberet set. (Mrs. D'Flynn. 11.413's. 'Brim- iblecomibe; lbalby's bonnet, jaclket and hoottees, MrS B rineltleromilfe, I relic 'Brooks; 'child's stress, Irene amok., Mrs, O'Flynn, knit suit, Mrs. O'Flyon, Mrs. Dritubileconthe; cannon :dress, L, Liviegston, tMirs, Dale; stoniest animal, Mrs. ID'alle, Mrs. 13 rimlb I ecomlbe. .Living Room Furnishings — Table runner, Mrs, Hymnien, Miss IMurrey; centrepiece, Mrs, PArimlblecombe, Mrs.‘ Hyramen; so6a (pillow, Mrs. Hynemen, .Mns. Brimbilecemlbe; chair set, ',Mrs. Born. FINLANSON—On Friday, September 20th, at. Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finlayson time Lobs Lang), a son, Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" 10 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIM*TED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL PHONE 219 - MITCHELL