HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 HENSALL Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratford vis- ited last week with her brother and slater -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mrs. Robert, McKenzie was con• fined to her• room during the past week owing to illness. Misses Leila and Vera Welsh. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Welsh, all of Toronto, visited last week with Messrs Thomas and William Welsh, Miss Floeertee Welsh - and Mr. and Mrs. Alf- Clarke. • - Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Corey of London were recent visitors with the lat• ter's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratfortt has rented the dwelling occupied by Aire Harold Hanson and inttzeds roving -into salve this month. MTS. Hanson intends to move to Thameswfile where Mr, 11ansen ite employed rn produce store A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. W. h Davies n on Thitrsch Y 'tfternoe U whey Welk: er and Mrs. Davidsc•n entert shed their group ,'f the ladies association of Carmel Church to a tea. A contest was given out and Mr:. George Walk er received the first prize. while Mrs. Nellie McCullough won consolation prize. Tea was served and a social half hour spent, institute Reopens Meetings— The Hensall Senior '1\ e men's; tt *Unite reopened their meelin gs ter this season with a pot eek slipper held at the home cf Mrs. D G. Steer or Friday evening. with 'r1 .Steer and Mrs. W. 0. Good*in as hostesses. Beautifully decorated •tatles were set with .an abundance and varloy f food Following the will the pies. •Ident ie- ddent •Mess Peryl Fn:n p elide t over the' bn- ne s An avimers ewe ter cap yrs trot. rl o, 3731h t had hti•ehl •tort ry lie l -:d ai tli d at the Cel : iia.: .arse t; : was displayed and -+a t I7 had won a i tsar It w dee' that each t - to tn, ,:n t ,h jelly a ,t .lir, w t i it ti an, Red Cross r e d, taste \t.; •'t ' buidness period i e s t 1 v is play. ed ad Ili.. t r•. v ors Fr.. ' I r u - # n of thanks wae ev'.e:. .ted sive <!!nl M1s. ':,crca.i-; W, A. 'ala ' arts. and se Brie Ii:ynr aro \lt. \' - -lxnt the ..:1 .. _.. and \i.:ri, 'cl ci., e-. bti Ma iel .t•rthn visited over the trotsMr -'Fits. Mr. and INIre Wen. •Liths Patsy Steer rttorned ramte on Snrday after f.r.tn4;0,g. the past fest weeks at the Meet sa her grand- mother. Mrs. Brazier. r. London. Mr. Harold Hanson , : Tltc.rne tae .spent Sunday with Mrs. Hanson and fant,dy, The Yonne Fcnple's Society of Carrs ei Presbyterian Church n^ll commence their 'Cali meetings with a social evening and we lie- roast to be held at the home ei ;31r, and Mrs, Stewart McQueen on Friday evening. Sept. 20th. Alt rhe young 'people of the congregation are cordially invit- ed to attend. Miss Gladys Sley of Windsor v isit- ed over the week end with Miss Greta Laramie, Mrs. Hannah IWcrsmar. visited last week at the home -•f - her daughter, Mrs. Herb Britton. at Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Grmire Walker have moved into the dwelling recently vac- ated by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Me - Naughton. 'iss Elizabeth ,Mntrray of Milwau- kee Wisconsin. i. -sited this 'week with her sister Mise Hannah Ivier•ray. Misses Violet Sthwaim of St. Thomas, Mae and Margaret. of Lon- don, and Mr. Mervyn Schwair. of Etratiford visited last week with their parents Mr, and Mrs. Peter Schwalm, and attended the littera-I of their grandmother, the late Mrs. 'Phaff of Zurich. • M -r, and Mrs. W. Carter of Clinton visited on Sunday ,with the latter's mother, Mrs. Catharine Heddet. Mr. and .Mrs. Reid kirk of Fair - grove, Michigan, visited rtecently with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Former Hensall Doctor Heads Hospital— Dr. Roswell P. I. Dougall, a former Hensall doctor, now practising - in Petrolia, •offered his services in the second great war and his application has (been aocepted, Dr.,Dougall will the in .nharge of the new military hos- tpital et Chatham now being erected in connection with the.government 'training -scheme, Dr. Dowell has a diettnlgnished milid'ary career, During 18Ii14101'S he served with the lath M 'Battalion in France ,for v' 0 months and received his honorable discharge as lieutenant. I -Ie enlisted at Henstell and daring his (pre -mel days at the University si Western Ontario 119213- 2.5 he ,was second in command of the niedical 'company. of the -Canadian Officers' Training -Corps, He ,was of - firer commanding "D" eom;pany of the Huron Regiment from 1931 to 1•a30 His present job to •rept tnttnent to the R C A.M .C. with the rank of captain. 'Captain Dougall t ill be in -c, n 1 tete Charge of the r a Aistied ht pital. Dr. Dougal' move.] t • 1'etroltt 'front Hensel! ten years ago and has taken an active part in civil affairs ever since. He is ease president of the lawn 'howling ct;rb, past district deputy of the Keielits of Pythias s and a staunch. snee rtt Lit :".ta Sporting-ciaths. r• rt a al- expects rm leave fie i new position about Sept. 20. Mrs. Dingell, who- is also a ;graduate in medicine, cine, ti; ll continue to reside in l'etrolia and will carry on the Practice. • Dr. Dougall is a son of llr. .and -Mrs. Wm. Dougall Sr., Hensall.. Harvest Home service: .will he held in -C rrtnel F es'byterian Church neat Sunday. Rei. \Vet, \\'eir will cnndatot eta of cervices. During the coming two weeks Hen - 1 and. Kipp en district will he can- vassed an- a ef hy the local branch of the 'Canadian. Red Cross in conjunction 'eitit the n t to wide appeal rvf the society. lit the campaign of 16)3e more than $l,U0d wa, .. t 1 , E311101111t 5200 vvIts sent centrai mane's in Toronto since ae _ranches ora:mized last fall, Mere ,hair 51,150 has Ibsen expended to purchase material and supplies to titt.ke hospital and other supplies. For making: the she-te mentioned possible e '1;3.11011 tat mh it itwere.. thanks e thi; c.:ntrilntted to the campaign and to those who in cases• s e a•ner a ly later -on ,ht-:rdtrparts, It is hoped that the ,-;13-011.SS will greatly exceed that 1 ,<i and to this end 've trust that re'd those who gave liefore ,will do so rme!. wherever ,,sickle increase i;e d statim, and that everyone will see that he or she is not missed. Mission Band Party. -- 1 \l,ssi ca kind of the United ,o . held t party on Saturday af- te n , ,n in the school room of the ca rrth with 55 numbers 'present and was a great success. The President, Miss Lenore Norrnintcoi, presided ew- er the following program: sole •by Joyce Broderick; Norma Smillie, of Toronto, a reading; Patsy MeDonell and Rttth Hess. a 'cluet,Miss Jean Murray told a very interesting story and Miss Eleanor Smillie of Toronto sante a solo Eleanor 'Cook played a piano solo. Miss Kav Drysdale made the foliowing presentations of prizes to George Beer, .for securing most mentfers and to Eleanor 'Cook ,for sale of most Christmas cards. Treas- tire hunt followed and refreshments were served. Harvest Horne Services— Paul's Anglican 'Church 'avas heantifttliy decorated with flowers, fruits. vegetables, grain and maple leaves to celebrate harvest home ser- vices on Sunday. Rev. -C. F. 'Johnson of St. George's Olsurch, London, con- ducted morning service and the choir •sanI '•It Is A Good Thing To Sing Praises..:' Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Middleton sang a duet "My Task," Rev. M. B. Parker of St. Luke's Crn:trch. London, a former rector of Paul's Church. conducted the ev- ening service. The choir sang a Ibeau- ti.ul anthem, 'lWe 'Give "thanks" and ;\Sr. Carey loynt sang "The Old Rug- ged Cross." Rev-. i\'vet, Weir conducted services in Carmel Church on Sunday and the choir rendered two anthems, `To God Be The Glory," and "Crown Hint 'Lord of All 'Rally Day Service.-- Ra1ly Day service was held on Sun- day morning at the United •Church when the Sabbath school classes at- tended •wceshnp in a body. Mr. Clar- ence Smillie presided over the service. Miss Mattis Ellis told the story, of the Leaves and Fishes. Miss Greta Lamrnie's class formed the choire and sang, 'ieseisl. J . r•,`1`tlllt, Brown, 'Wort, Reynolds, Geo. Follidk, Geo. 117ouglas, Harry Howard, 'Mtn 1 Passmore, !Harry 'Horton Sr„ Jladk Forrest, ,Geo, Hesse, Sprays were sent by Mr, and BMus. Wait. Forrest, 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Wright, Douglas Corbett, Robert Pasenrore, and the United Church, Those attending the fsnteral areal a distance were Mr. and Mos. Colchester, +Norwich, Mr. and ,Mrs, j Geo. Moir, Toronto, Rem, and Mrs. Aldan Long, Toronto; Rev. David A. .Moir, Hamilton, Dtr. and ;Ides. M'c- \Allister, 'Georgetown, Professor and1 Mrs. Buchanan, Guelplh, and Mr, Weir of ILondon. Interment in I3en- Dress our all anion cemetery. Dr. and Mrs. McAllister of George - towns Gvisited this 'week With Mrs, John I Hair McAllister and lir. and Mrs. Peter 11 • torr. • o • .• Lieut, Sam Rennie is training the militia at Thames Valley this wveek. Mr, and ,Mrs. C. Yager and family of Kitchener visited •on Sunday at the home *1 Mrs, Annie Saundercock, I Miss Margaret MacLaren left this week Inc Waterloo where she has been appointed Professor in History . at the Ladies' College there, i Mrs, A W. Kerslake and Billy and TO RENT Urs, Weeks are enjoying a motor 6 room apartment, splendid cnodi• trip Yo Northern Ontario, stopping at 13race'brid' e. tion, all conveniences, on Main St„ On all Permanents — g Dublin. See Mrs, Teresa Jordan. IrienUul a Shampoo re and Mrs, Thos. 6vi•c with n of �i .p Forest visited on Sunday mink Mr. - SPENCE PRODUCE and �ingerWaVe and .sirs. Wm. Ticleewyeld. I Next to Crich's Bakery. We are in the market Inc all kinds of Poultry Bl20DHAGEN. and Eggs. Phone 170w for quotations. Mr. and Mrs. George ge Jacob arid HR. Spence & Son, Seaforth. rth. Helen, of Kitchener, Mrs, John Koch ARTICLES FOR SALE and Miss Mattlieis of Tavistock with Rubber Goods, Sundries, LE., mall. Mr and Mrs, Christ. Leuaihardt, ,a ll. MISS F. GIPP staid in lain, sealed wrapper. An experienced operator, Quite a number from here attended ed postpaid p the Decoration Day service in Mitchell 80% less than retail, Write for mail. PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth on Sunday. order catalogue, Nov. -Rubber Co., Mr, and Mrs, John Fisehpe turd sons Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher PIGS FOR SALE and Dorothy, Mr. and Rlrs, Chas . 19 choice pigs 8 weeks old, 5 chunks 'Thee," Mr, Rpbent Passmore dolly- and 1 .c t Verna spent Stnrduy h about 70 lbs. 2 sows with seed she sermon at (both services. r weig int; tvit.h Mrs. Win. Mueller, )utters of 9 and 12, four weeks old Benson S'tancntan sang "My Task," Mr, and Mrs. Rnsaell Sltolclice andlApply Wm Boyd• 41.54S, Seaforth, in the scoring service. Gary spent Sunday with his parents, Mrs. Lawrence ted m and chit- Mr. and Mrs. Adana Sholdice in Walt- HONEY FOR SALE lien of Exeter visited 00 Snmday with on, and also attended the anniversary I Ligltt ember, mostly dower, Se Walt - the fortner's Parents, \4r. and .tris,' services at Dulf's Vetted Church. I Buckwheat is in ,rout ow•n eontaiir liter `foie. The community was shocked to . ens. Wallace Ross. Phone 135 3. - r, and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon- hear of the sudden passing of Mr. don visited on Sunday wiiih the 'rat- Jas Flanagan. Mr. Flanagan was ouri WOMEN, GIRLS WANTED ter', parents. Mr. and ,airs. Jan. Par- ; oldest pioneer, having attained the � Earn- from 51o. to *15. weekly sell - kms. age of SS years, He enjoyed the best fug FA\i1LE\ HIGH QUALITYDr. Moir Passes Suddenly,— of health and was quite active. He GOODS to relatives and established Dr. \lextwder Mole passed away farmed within a mile of Brodhagen 1 clientele. Evet'yone spends money on suddenly at his home on Highway 4 all his life. ' household and toilet articles, etc. s;,nth on Thursday from heart 'failure A severe electrical storm swept 1 Every FAMILEX customer is it satis• in his PSth year. He- had 'made his lits- this community ou Sunday morning fled customer. Work 5 of 6 hours per nal trip to the village for his mail and and lightning struck the barn owned day, profit by our experience, and on retaining hone complained of feel- by Mr. Geo. F. Moeller, and burned !you will succeed. XO RISK ..good 111 ill and lay down and when his it to the ground. ' earnings assured to workers. Let us wife returned to itim in a short time The men of this community 'let 511 help you. Write at ence to Miss St. she 4vtunsl trim dead. The- deceased G. Miller's hall on Monday evening George, 570 St. Clement Street, Mon• was a son of he late Mr. and Nine. to organize a Men's Patriotic Society. treat George Moir and w•.as born in Hay I township and spent ail 'his life herc : HENSALL SOLDIER WRITES with 'Che exception of ten years silent Continued from Page One in Western Canada, Dr. Moir was ed- them go for our hard tack and hurry ucated at Goderich high sdhool, Go- beef. So I have come: to the conclu- elerich model school, Harbord Colleg- cion anybody and everybody back in late Institute, Toronto; Denver 'Nor- Canada, should alt tight and feel con• mal School, !UtliIvorsity Of tbaFOR SALE nitdha, tented. Rationing in England is an- A Goodison separator, 36.50 with and taught school for a number of other hard thing to put up with, 1/4 lb. Milverton feeder, and a Mildmay years before practising medicine in butter per person, 14 lb, sugar Per grain elevator; in Al condition. Ap• Hensald, He sold his practice to Dr. person per week, 2 oz. tea a week per, ply at the News Office. Smillie and has specialized in radium person, and you realize how the Eng. WANTED for the past Went), years. Eight years lisp people go for their' tea, and last ago he esta'bdished the Boron Springs but not least, a hand thing for the An experienced girl for general Sauatariunt which -was patronized by , young fonts, 5 gals, gas per mouth. housework in small family Capable of patients from all over the province. Cigarettes 1/6 for 20--36c in our taking full charge. Apply to The The deceased was a prominent mens- - money. And oh, yes, John, my opinion! News office. Iger of the' United ,Church and a. mens- b of the beer, Well, it's rotten, as far as WANTED lber of 'the Session. Surviving is 'his I'm concerned. Applications for Music Teacher for wife, one (brother Robert, Hensall, • 1 transferred to a new outfit, motor• S.S. No. tl Hallen, will T received and one sister, ,:firs, Colin McGill, in cycle squadron. Have a new Norton Sp to Sept, 21st. t, w Lee Steepen• Manitoba. A 'public Funeral service single, nice job. 'Pell Jack, would tike sae, Sec.-Treas.. Seaforth R.R. 2. was held 'from the 'late thome on ,Mon- to go him a race. Also tell him there day afternoon and was ;very lamgely are 10 girls to every guy, as all their' attended, showing the esteem in wvhicit boys are in the army over here. The the deceased was held and was con- people over here aree very nice, they ducted lby Rev, A. a te ' Wee tIan boys. Met to one Iike n cethe Caned- policeman item Store must accounts settled by 0c ober Fern - former paster of she United 'Church. i b y \]r. Robert Passmore 'read'9he Scrip" iHeitorokomewhile ometwithfour ltimytoleave stay, collection. placed in other hands for and had a very Mee daughter, in fact think I will -spend next week end Notice To Creditorsthere He took me through Palette__ ment buildings, also Westminster Ale IN THE MATTER OF the Estate hey, Very interesting to see, but the of HENRY BEUERMANN, late to most interesting thing I've seen 50 the Township of McKlliin the of Par is the underground, sore can go County of Huron, Farmer, deceased• places in a hurry. NOTICE is hereby given that all See Bob Venus about anoa week, and think he is gettingalongfine' 1 Persons having claims against the oft can't mention any of the places I've Estate of HENRY BEitERMANN, late been as it is against regulation. of the Township of aleKfllop, in the My version of the whole matter, County of Huron, Farmer, who died though, is another long war. Belgium on or -about the 1st day of August. and France cashing in the way they A.n. 1940, are required to send in or did but as we all can quite easily see. deliver to the undersigned Solicitors anything and everything Jerry has for the Administrator, on of before got so far is either through treachery te full p 27th daday s of pt ember,aA D. 1940 or fifth columnist, and 1 don't mean NOTICE is also given that after that And maybe. Say bona to the folks in Sere Hate the Administrator will prorated to distribute the Assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have For the Fall Fair With a Superior Perma- nent by taking advant- age of the SPECIAL PRICES Work Shoes & Rubber Boots We have agood stock. Our prices are the lowest, These facts have stood the test Taylor's 'Soap Flakes, 5 lbs 33c Star Weekly 10c Royal Purple Pig Starter $2,65 RecleanedRaisins, 2 lbs„ .. ,25o Royal •Purple 'Hog Concentrate„53,75 Salada, with glass, / ib,, , , 38o New Life Hog Concentrate 52.75 A good stock of meats. New Life Pig Starter $2.35 Work Shirts 51.00 Robinhood Flour 53.15 Work Pants , , , , , , , ., , . 51.25 Prairie Rose Flour 52.90 Overalls, 9 oz. 52.00 Pure Lard, 2 lbs. 17c Work Socks, pair— Rolled Wheat, 5 lbs. 19c 23c, 29c, 30c, 35c, 39c. 49c Keep abreast of the times, follow the war pie.t.nres in the Star Weekly innigan J. B' BeautySalon FOR SALE A numbet of 5 months' old White Leghorn pullets. Wm. Rutledge. Sea - forth R.Rt2, Phone 6160, Clinton central, • Notice lure, 203rd Psalm, and Rev. Davi Moir of Hamilton (led in prayer. Abide with '\Ise and 0 God Our Help In Ages Past were sung and Mr. W. O. Goodwin sang "There Is A Land. The honorary bearers were [Messrs. Henry Horton Sr., Geo, Douglas, T. Welsh, Mervyn Brawn, Geo, Politick, Wm. Reynolds. The acting bearers were Messrs. !John Passmore, Harry Howard. Peter tMoir, John .Ztiefle, Bent and R. Faker. Floral tributes ,were very ,bea'ut'iful. Wreaths were sent by Huron .Medical Association, P ofe,sor and Mrs. Jas, 'Weir, Mont- reel. ontreal, W. E. Howarth and family, of 'London; personal ;friends, ilaa R. Dat'- idson, John Zuefle, Thos. Welsh, eemsresseEMIfig ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario forth for me. Tell them to write as we SUIT like to receive mail from Canada, sort of cheers you up you ;.now. Well, will close now, hoping to :,e.ei amm you real soon. I remelt]. Notice. DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this MANLEY fish day of September, A.D. 1940, GOODWIN & ANDREW We welcome news of the wveathet - 15 Ontario Street, Iran predicting fine weather so that Stratford. Ontario. tltu harvest may come to an end. Solicitors for the Administrator. While a tot of damage' has been done there were a few that took advantage of their barn room and are contented to wait for the thresher to some when he is ready, as the grain will save in the straw. The sympathy of the community goes our to Mrs. John A. Eckert and her family and friends, in the sudden demise of her father, Mr, James Flanagan of Logan Township. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Jerry O'Hara, who has been operated on in the Seaforth hospital, is on the way to improvement, and we hope for her speedy recovery, i QUITTINGBUSINESS �� SAL A*U' Still a large number of the very best bargains ever offered, at Walker's 1 alai • lean -Up Sales Co e in and look around this week, specially on Fair ay0 g ur 'lure Stor SEAFORTH Laying Pullets A Number of choice Barred Rock Pullets, laying, for immediate sale. SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM PHONE 666 r3 SEAFORTH McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers SolicitorsEtc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. 'Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 SPECIAL SEPTEMBER - STOVE SALE 1 Heating Stove, Large.... $20.00 1 Beating Stove $10.00 1 Heading Stove $ 5.00 1 Master Piece Range 828,00 1 Cook Stove 515.00 These Stoves all in Good Condition All our Stock of Coleman 1940 Models at 10% Discount during this Sale JOE MCCULLY Co. General Merchants. SRUCEFIELD Phone, Seaforth 659-31 Phone, Clinton 615-31 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN' The Second Division Court County of Huron Office its the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 pan. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m, PORTABLE SILO Store your silage at a nominal cost. The R0SC0 Portable Silo makes available to farmers and stock raisers ensilage storage facilities equal to the highest priced permanent silos, and at a fractional cost. Combined with this it gives you the added feat- ure of portability. Build the Rosec Silo as you fill it, and take it down as the ensilage. is used. 12 ft, silo priced at 57.75 per unit, 14 ft, silo priced at 58.65 per unit. ilfurraY Tyndall. Brueefleld, Phone Clinton 618 r 12. TO RENT 50 acre farm. Brick house, barn, well, orchard, colony house. Apply at the Seaforth News Office, Seaforth, FOR SALE Saxon Treasure combination heat- er and cook stove with copper reserv- oir, in Al condition. Large oval, deep firebox. Reasonable for quick sale, Frank J. Swale, Centre street, WANTED Man and wife want to rent two or three rooms, either furnished or un- furnished, heat and light included, in Seaforth or Egmondville. Apply at News Office KILL THE GERM And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now before your herds and flocks are housed. Charges moderate, All work guaranteed. Only modern methods used. Bruce Berry, Brucefield, APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale, Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred McClymont, Varna. FOR SALE Seven roomed cottage in Egmond- ville, All conveniences. 1/-, acre land, good barn and garage. Also upright Heintzman piano in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner. HOUSE FOR SALE In Egmondville, 8 roomed brick house, all in good repair, double gar- age. Taxes reasonable. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Dinnin, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies, Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES GRAIN I ale buying grain for George Thompson, of Hansail. We carry a stock of bags at all tinges. Also will do your ti -asking. For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 655r2, Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard sammalmminammemsammaxeleamemo DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.