HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-19, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940 THE SEAFORTH. NEWS PAGE RIVE pti o 4, :giro0 SEPTEMBER 19 TO SEPT. 25 "Country Kist" Ungraded PEAS 2 - 16 oz. Tins 15c "Aylmer" or "St. Williams" Raspberry JAM 2 lb. Jar 25c "Happyvale" MINCEMEAT 2 'lb, tin 25c "Aylmer" TOMATO CATSUP .,.. 12 oz. Bottle 13c "Aylmer" PORK & BEANS Tall 20 oz. Tin 9c Durham Corn Starch per pkg. 10c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, Karo, Crown 20c 2 lbs. tin Bee Hive Corn Syrup, Karo, Crown 5 lb. tin 43c Shirriff's True Vanilla Extract 1 4 oz. bottle 23c Johnson's Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 59c COCOA in bulk 2 LBS. 25c VERY SPECIAL •aa ..,},i', ., ,n ,'hell u.,..,rxe dl u ,.,t�.,r,:1 .. ., fe a.e , -a 'i Cowan's Cocoa re Ib. tin 16c Cowan's Cocoa 1 lb. tin 27c Glacier Sardines per tin 10c Nupgett- Shoe Polish Paste per tin 12c Red River Cereal per pkg. 25c Surprise Soap 5 bars 25c Ivory Soap. Guest, . .5 for 25c 2 large bars 19c Mazda Bulbs, 40, 60, 100 watt 20c Hemphill's My -T -Nice Wheat Berries 5 Ib. bag 25c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs. 25c Arctic Pastry Flour 7 lb. bag 22c Arctic Pastry Flour 24 lb. bag 53c Woodbury's lc Soap Sale 4 bars 25e PEACHES & PLUMS ARE AT THEIR BEST NOW HOW ABOUT YOURS', •, . McCormick's Butter Sodas 1 lb. Red Bag 15c Plain or Iodized Salt, F.R. packages 2 for 15c New Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 2Sc Sani White Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 25c Choice Blue Rose Rice 2 lbs. 17c Royal York Coffee 1 Ib. tin 49c Blue Boy Coffee 1 lb. pkg. 35c Golden Net Salmon 2 size, ,17c large tin 29c lb. 19c Elimar Mixed Biscuits per ARP Pickling Needs Whole Mixed Pickling Spice .. , . , . 5c and 10c pkgs. XXX Pure Cider and Spirit Vinegars per gal. 39c Crown Fruit Jars Small Pints 99c Medium 1.14 doz. Heavy Zinc Rings per doz. 25c Glass Jar Tops per doz. 25c Heavy Rubber Jar Rings 2 doz. 13c Parawax 1 M. prints 14c Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8 ; Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR. Holder of Government diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Picone 105. Phone 41-Exeter—Box 150 TIME TA LE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. 29TH, 1940 Full Information from Agents Canadian National Railways DUBLIN !Mr. and Mrs. IJdhn Krauslaapf have leased the eesid'ontce elf Frets Et:kart re'cenit!ly vuoated by Mr, and IM's. Perigees Stapleton. Gordon (Dill has returned to Si, Pe- ter's Seminary, Lloecbon, :bo 'I-esu:tale his theological studies. The B'adbara Kieleman Auxiliary of the Presbyterian 'Church are hoeing en efibernoon tea, and sale of aprons !on Tuesday wltermoon, Oct, let, in 'MicTereish's vacant stoire. CONSTANCE The W.M.S. was held Thursday aft- ernoon, Sept. 12. in the church, Mrs. Lindsay presided. Opened by singing the national anthem. Hymn, "Sound the Blessed Tidings" was sung fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Robert Lawson and Mrs. Britton. The min- utes were read and adopted and the business transacted. The questioa was asked the members, "Why Am 1 a member of the W,M,S. " A reading on this subject sent by Mrs. Baldwin was given by Mrs. Lindsay. The last chapter in the study book was given by Mrs. Britton. Offering was receiv- ed and the meeting was closed by all repeating a prayer in unison. The regular meeting of the W.A. was held in the basement of the church on Thursday, Sept. 12th with the president, Mrs. E. Adams, in the clmttir. The meeting opened with sil- ent prayer followed with prayer by Mi's. Britton and Mrs. Adams. Hymn 216 was sung and the minutes of Met mooting read and adopted. After bus- iness was transacted Group No. 1 took charge. Hymn 239 was sung, fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs Lindsay. The Scripture Leeson wits reed by Mrs. George Addison, atter which hymn 382 was sung. The meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served. VARNA The annual harvest thanksgiviug service will be held in St, John's An- glican Cltureli Sunday, Sept 29111 of which mention will be made later, NIrs. Rathweil and sot Charles are guests of Mrs. M. Reid, Mrs, Elliott of Toronto called on her sister, Mrs, G. H. Beatty, Tues- day. Mr George Foster of Windsor was renewing acquaintances in and around the village last week Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley of Clinton called on the former's sister Mrs, Austin Sunday. Billy Austin, also Mr. ttnd Mrs. Campbell and Mrs, King of Fairview, Michigan, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Mc- Connell last week, Mrs. Haddock and son Charlie, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Regina called on their cousin, Mrs. M. G. Beatty on Monday. Visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wallace were Mrs. Thos. Calwill, Bru.cefield; Mrs, W. P. Dutot, and nephew, William Dutot, and Mr. Disbar,, of Comber. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Joint McKinley of Winnipeg ave spending tin wltl with the latier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Scott Mrs, W. W. Will, Billy and Ellett - beth; of Port Nelson, were guests on Sunday of her father, Mr. H. B. Edge, and sister, Miss Josephine Mtge, at the Royal Apartments. Mies Helen Pearce of Toronto was a guest of Mrs. H. R. Scott, Mr. Alex Aiteheson of Rosetown. Sask.,:and sister, Mrs, D. Calder, Re- gina, are visiting their brothers, James and John Aiteheson, McKillop, Dr, F. J. Burrows has returned aft- er spending several weeks at Winni- peg, Manitoba, Mrs. Edward Mole and daughter Laura have returned home after spending a few days in Ingersoll last week. Mrs, Joseph Bart of Stratford visit- ed her, brother Mr. Joseph Mero last week. Mr. Joseph Bedard of Hay Tp., and daughter, Sister Eugene, of Chatham, were recent guests of Mr. Joseph Mero, Mrs. Wm. Sparks and son Lloyd, and Mrs. .J. Woods and daughter Isabel of Kincardine were Saturday visitorsat the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mole, Miss Eva Holland spent a few days at the hone of her friend, Miss Max- ine Ball, Auburn. Mr. and NIrs. Wna. Cummings and daughter Carol of Rochester. N,Y., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs E. Mole. Mr. and Mre. E. L. IBox were in -To- ronto 00 Monday where Mr. Box at- tended a directors' tors' tit Ming of the Toronto Mutual Life insurance re. MMIr. and Ile-. W. R. Plant of St. eiarys and Mr. and lies. ('eoege Stvnn of Britc,•ii, Id tv, re 14nutl ,y gusts of M•. and Mese R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. G. S Vance left on Soltuday for their lions- at Kirkland Lake. Miss Zetta Dunlop has accepted n position on the post office state. :firs. Ellen eiebityre of Royal Oak, Michigan, has return's after visiting her sister. Mrs. Archie McNnb, for several weeks. \Ir, Robert Archibald has been ser- iously ill this weak and was removed to Stott Memorial Hospital. NIr, Ross iRRNab, of North Bay, is holidaying with his parents, \1r. and Mrs. Alex McNab. Mr. and Mrs. S. Carter visited nn Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Storey. Mrs. Herbert Whittaker spent sev- eral days last week in Toronto. Miss Jessie Wallace left this week to teach school at Hartsmet'e. Mr, and Mrs. H. R Spence attend- ed the anniversary services at Moles- worth United Church on Sunday. Mr, Bert Spence has leased the res- idence on North Main street, owned by Mr. George Pryce, Winthrop, Miss Isobel Robinson, who spent a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Egmondville, h returned t Toronto Bible Bethel Women's Association are holding a Baking Sale SATURDAY, SEP. 21 Also Farm Produce, Quilts and Aprons DOORS OPEN AT 2.30 P.M. IN ROUTLEDGE'S VACANT STORE, SEAFORTH FUNERAL OR MRS. J. MERG The death ocourred on Thursday at her home on North Main street of •Matilda Bedard, an esteemed resident and wife of !Joseph Mero, 'Mrs, ;Mero was ]Morn in Hay Township 715 years .ago and .was married in 11887' to Mr.Mero. They dived in Hay Townslhip near Drysdale !for a number of years acid then came to dive on the Huron road west of Seaforth, sctovitig to Seaforth eighteen years ago. Mrs. (Mero had Ibsen in 'failing 'health for 2 yeaIb rs, utwas not seriously ill until 2 'months ago. Besides her husband, •sthe is survived Ihy three sons, Albert of Goderich, Adam of Seaforth and iMican of Kitchener and 8 .daughters, Mrs. Andrews, Port Colborne, .Mrs. William Lani�ka, Kitchener, /errs. John Klein, Pontiac,NMichigan Mrs. B (Hamilton, Toronto, iMr Marie Hickey, Seaforth, •Mrs. Elmer Ross- mePontiac, IMtch, Mr Emily(.Rimm., Londonand Mies \ih'ntin- Melee Hamilton, also ht- stn ai.rptrd -an Pt •, 1 rag .Mero of Camp B rlen, tet , .-:trvived fry two)ober. 1 J ucph Ee lard, Zurich William •trd. \Girls.T',^ and Edward Red ihart , ysda!e: three sis\1 ters, r., 1',rr'- veat 1]rt ane, AJr Frank Jeffery., t, a lerie and Mrs. J.,ut ,- it ': e, » ,alericb. 1 -to fcnnrt: ,il: : Satm•d,t u,•,rnin; t. l4tii"from!co- late iri' d ate 11..:0,toSe, Jantes' Cath ,lie ch•trell ,5i rhino she wasiecot"1 meneher and thenceSt. -lam••s' 1 CLEARING sale We offer you the following Used ]Machines, with money back guarantee if not satisfied. 1-7 ft. Massey Harris Binder 1 Cockshutt Sulky Plow 1-1 horse Plow 1 Walking Plow 2 McCormick Deering Cultivators 1 Electric Washer 1 Electric Stove 2 New Vacuum Cleaners 1 Gasoline Stove 1 nearly new Rangette $90.00 $25,00 $12.00 $ 4.00 your choice) . , $40.00 $12.00 $40.00 29.75 $12.00 $20.00 1 Massey Harris Manure Spreader with auto steer$40.00 1 Massey Harris Hay Rake $25.00 1 Cockshutt Gang Plow $10.00 1-2 furrow Cockshutt Tractor Plow $25.00 1 Massey Harris Sulky Plow $25.00 1 McCormick Deering Tractor Plow $45.00 1-2000 tb, Scales $15.00 JOHN BACH MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts Murphy Paints Electrical Supplies & Appliances DUBLIN Miss \t 5l , 1t has 'torr ;tile! lien n..- r. week, it, beet .',t .M1', and 7,' ;out Alr•.. Dan. \i,'il!i , . sehulntan spec- 5;. ,.p i:. •air with Air. and elle. 1 s. E t•,Ii The breed;. it • s ci itis „, la, 111111P -I'S ,.:,..tie 1 cemctert. 'o At„u l;c .c,-!, r ,. 1 _ i ia,t._ Rev. Fr. T. I'. Hussey i fic ared. I 'l''t t tit toe J The pa'.lbcarers were: i'. . J. Dttn-'ie. now:a t .roes H:: t eeeee,0ttu can. Con Erkart, J. J. Cleary. Joseph - card fico tr`t T'!1: a, s'. rio- Dorset, Gordon Reynold:, wee Laav- ear orae ua ,f :it '',ori : -i hell i ., t ranee De Lairanier. Friday day - evening. i - ep.t 7 m actino Attending the funeral front a ,lis- m, chairman. Aet vttrtt of .Mr;. twice .were Mr. and Mrs, Albert . Frank Smith as ..e r,•:ary int john \sero, (rodcrich; \Ir, and !Mrs. Alton \\'aleh a. treasurer a.•re orad'. \o \fern, Kitchener; air, and air.. ,ee w)11 he nese-•are acs seniett.:s et - Cherie; Andrews, Port Coihnrne; :ending the sei.t,,.,, heneefertt:. The .air. and Mrs. William !Lemke, Kit- ment'bers of the itturd .y,c Trustees ehener: \Ir., John Klein, Pontine, are: Janus Krua,i ! Dan O'Connor, ,Mich., Mrs, B, Hamilton, Toronto: ; Frank '\bo>rt', John Weise orad Sirs. !\[r. Einer Rossmeivr, of Pon- Frank Smith. tiac, Michigan; Miss Alh,nt!ne Mero, I Visitors over the week r a et tit Hamilton; Pte, John :Vero, 'Cam'p t; home of Mt. and Mee (eine. t ;, E, Will Borden gad etre, \lero, Stratford; Tams were her s t t NIis 1 tm :.1 \I i. and Mee. \\'illiani Herford, 'Wind- u Doter, R.N., of Starner; her niece sort \lr. Edward Bedard and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pilger and. Am. 'Corriveatt, Drysdale; 'Mr, and etre. Revell?” John. and a n, -phew. [rank Jeffrey anti air, and Mrs. John Lloyd Donee, all of b aytt -t Gravelle, Goderich. • { \'isitur. .Mr. and airs. T51ue.eon land daughter Irene, De'reit, with Mr. DEVOTEES OF LUCK and Mee. Patrick \\o ,ls; lir, andThe practical Canadian of. the 220th airs. Andrew -Kella „tratforl an 1 as re urnec o oron College. Mr, Merrill Dunlop spent the week century need not plume himself on Joseph Kelly, Toronto. with air, rind end at his home here. Pte. Glen Somers was hone over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne J. Pinkney and baby Jayee, Mrs; J. W. Pinkney, Miss land good judgment or possvbly mak- months in Detroit, returned e,ense to Ruth, Glen and Floyd Pinkney, were mg a fortune he operations in land resume his etudies at Dudtlin High Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R, Clark, Aylmer, Mrs, Gertrude Somers is visiting in element" have only 'demonstrated l,,,eph's hospital, London. on Mot- Simeoe, 1 that the Lave of gambling is ane of ;lay. Mrs, D. Regele and grandson Wal- the strongest uhnman passions. Guess- BRUCEFIELD ter Regele returned home on Monday i , rk and a 'belief in luck, in fact run Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy of Hamil'sr after spending tile past week with : tht cath all out 'basinese undertakings Mr. and Mrs. W Me1'lint.h y lout Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Regele at, and hrin.f to naught innttmerahle sort and taught r visited Mr, ane Sudbury. !promising enterprises. 6 have •often nits; H. lapse on Sunday. Mr. Ebner Rhin joined the crew of wished that an ingenious statistician NL•, and Mrs. Km Simpson ant the freighter. Capt. Seeord, last week,, would compute the annual average son of Detroit and lir. C. D Sinupsor Mr. Robinson Hamilton, Toronto, and 'Mrs, Ed Henderson of Brussels, and, loss of mraperty and of life in Canada spent Saturday in Waterloo, Miss FileIircctly attributable to the 'belief in n Scott pont Sunday It his mother, from Brussels, visited. sulk. The railroad corporation takes Iter home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Carter. its chances with 'w'arn-,lust rads and Mt, ttntt Sir., t iltt tu..st nt,d , Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert celebrated I decrepit chance'. es and pays hundreds of of Stretford sp,eur to - wee! td will the fifty-second anniversary of their thousands of dollars in damages; the Mr, and Mrs, T. H. Wh gar er, wedding quietly at their home last owners of 'buildings take their chances Mr, and Mrs, R MeReath end se. Thursday, Sept. 12. The family re- "lith '`ferry" construction and see Mrs. Brock and Nhs. Jamieson spec:' union took place a few days previ- tlieirproperty disappear in collapse Sunday in Goderich. f before their daughter M W "r its emolae. The ship -owner takes Mr. John O'Brien of Kirktnn visit being much less a devotee of tuck tire. John !Walsh; Father John i,rr- than was elle imaginative Greek. Give elan, Imlay City, Mich., with his moth - the average Canadian ,his choice bet- er, ,airs, Teresa Jordan; f tme: J,or- w'een masking his living by diligence dao, Ir., ,who has ,pent tile :r e .ammer or in stocks, the will take the gamble. school: ,Mr. \\'ilditnt ()'Rourke en - Endless protestations Iby "the moral derwent a critical operation at St. ons y, a ore mer rs. J. McKay, left for her home in Seattle, his chances with rotten hulks on the ed his sister, Mrs, Jus. O'Brien. Mr. Reg Pryce has received word from Western University that he has been successful in passing his sum- mer school examinations. MRS. JOHN POWELL The death occurred on Monday af- ter an illness of six months an her hotne on the lad concession of tyic- K•ill•op of Janet Lowery, wife of Mr. John H. Powell, in thee 67ltdt year. Mrs Powell was (born its 'Clinton and wee married forty-nine years ago. She was a member.° First Preslbyter- ian 'Church and a quiet, home loving woman iwha •roae devoted to her .fam- ily. Surviving besides het husband are seven softs: '\\ra4lace, John, Geo. and Cecil of McIC•illop, Alexander of Kitirlivnc•r, 'Barden, of Seaforth and Arthur at home, also one 'daughter. ,Mrs. Cecil Pullman, of McKillop. The funeral took place Wednesday efternteon, Rev. Hugh Jack offieiatmg. The tpaldhearers 'were six sans, Wal- lace, Alex„ Baden, George, John and ,A'ntlear Powell and interment oras in Maitlandtbank cemetery, Flawers in- clude'd rennenalbrances from ,Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary, Miss Florence Fowler, ,&fir, and 'Kira, Kenneth El-, dine t, George Cooiper, !James Scott, ! Kitchener Police Dept„ Misses Nel- tie and Annie Pryce, Mat and .Mrs, A. . Lowery, M'. and Mrs: Thos. 'Adams, Wm. 'Rmubled'ge, Jack, Harry and i Chris 'Caap,eer, IMr. and 'Mrs, 'Jim 'Cas- ter, (Janes Jamieson, (Mrs. Thos, iMe- S e and Elea.- Mins. Sam Storey nor Mrs, Jake Warm, William Pow- ell family, Toronto; Eileen Shildroth, Kitchener; Mr. and :Mrs. William Shilclrofh, Mrs; Gordon !Little, Mns, Alvin Dade. The Iflowedbearers ,were members and Kiltc'hener Police ,force, Scott Hawthorne and Hebnaar Snell,. Among those •front a dietaaace 'typo• at- tended the funeral were (James (-Lorne, Toronto; Thlatencc ,and Elmer Fow- ler, 'B'Inteviale, Isobel Lowery, Bous- se'I:s; Clifford Lowery, Goderich, Eil- een Sh ilidlnotlt and !Law re nee $'ttseiitzer ,of Kilbchener, 'Mir and Mrs. Rolblt, Watkins aitd. IMtss Sadie 'Watkins of sea and so ive could go on. One Pte. Abe Zap'.^ of London spent tits week end at his home here. Miss Doris Dorland of Lando• spent a few days with Miss Ann. Aikenhe rl Mr. Jts vn. Mies M. Swan amu'. Wesley Hant -_i,• t ; nnday its -Hams'. and all. they are devotees of luck. If you Ifeel like gambling 'why not take LChriet ,for a 'winner, and heaven for a place. Here's a tip, somewhere near your .place of re,idenee there is - place of worship, there also is some- one qualified to advise you on the nr„per procedure. It will pay you to •r,a ,there at vattr earliest opportunity and you will learn where to -place your beta. etc.—Captain DounraiT, BAYFIELD FISHERMEN RESCUE CREW OF BOAT After drifting helplessly le I. Huron for more than 21t, days h its engine stalled and a hoary tit blowing. the 35 -foot sinap. Tit^ Keteh.e of Wyandotte. e, Michig a was picked tap by a rescue par'y of Hay. Held fishermen last week at••r u member of the sloop .e ,e ew 11:.11 swain a toile to shore to tail for h!'It The crow member, John Gilbert. of Wyandotte, with a litebelr buckled around hint, left the sloop and fought his way through the heavy sea to shore, about four miles north of Grand Bend. From a farm house he telephoned to Bay'tield for aid for his boat, which had left Pout Huron up• bound on Tuesday of last week. With' out food for the last 24 hours, the ship's owner, James Snaith, of Wyau dntte, and the other crew member Paul Sibhins, also of Wyandotte were taken off the sloop only when it was towed into port. The heavy sea had prevented the rescue boats they getting Mose to the sloop, but s Y wero able to throw a tow line to the crippled sailing vessel. It was about 11 anis, when the call was received from Gilbert, asking aid be sent, The "Helen MacLeod II,” with Capt. Lew is MacLeod and his sons, 'Bob and Macle, as crew, and the "Donald Mack," with Capt. John. McLeod, Jr. and Willard 'and Newton Sturgeon as crew, sot out down the lake to where the boat was reported. They located the boat, but experienced difficulty in picking it up and broteghtit to port at 5 p.ni. The two men ou the boat were hungry, but had been able to get h Iter from the stores in the -cabin. Gdilnton. 1 s e ton. Miss Rhea Rouatt of London spin Thursday a Mrs. T•a- O'Bri . Mrs. Finney utay of Detreit i5pelt :to - days •:'days with her mn h'r, Mee. Mars -fret McKenzie :Mr. and Mee, t to of Exeter a.•, viviriug Ms and Mrs. .1. K. t r O t. NIr•, and Mrs. y allaca Hangh ant sorts visited r_ltatty s in Waterio,, (uelptt, [bullies. Toronto and Whit- by los; week. Miee Cann MeNeeeeten tubo wa. ai-a.in.; in \t'hitl t a t•.. r ' to her l:.nat,- in Tuck 'i ,,tilh with them. Mr and Mrs. Chas. i-Ial and Floyd of -Stratford stent Sitmi,y vette: Mr- and Mee. T. t4 t '- Mr and flee. Fred :Anent dui fancily • f tit it:.no i Mr. leave Haugh and Mrs. ,(,cit, ILaitgh of Dtshwttntt visited with Mr, and Mrs, C. Haugh on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Reid Kirk :rf F'air Grove. Mica., visited with Mr. and Mies, Roht. Allan and Mr: and Mrs. ('. Haugh the first, of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moody attended the funeral of the late Dr. Ales Moir at Hensall en Monday, Mestere. Jas. McCully, Cecil Billing and Bill Caldwell left Monday for London to train for home defence. The Herticultnral Flower Show held in the school roots of the church last Tuesday was a. success Rev. Mr. Brown of Lucien was present with a display of his gladioli. Mr, Brown also gave a talk in the evening. Next Sunday is congregational Rally of the church here, when all the members and adherents are ex- pected to be present Last Sunday. Smaday School Rally Day was held at the morning serv- ices. The choir consisted of boys and girls from the Sunday School, ' • Mr. Melvin Snider, who had enlist- ed for active service in the was called to report for duty at Trenton on Monday.. KIPPEN Tli.'t was a large turuenit from ie, Hfl1sgree!. a ,nim 'i'ortry not Nr.. . y las! and ... ':U pleas- ed � ".lets ! 'ti^;. B'ird'ttt Fowler have .t: ? to ti:-: tter.;t, it, T.n•utttn pi i!1 vi. r.. with 11, t:tl i s this vedette. The ceeittiimity tend=ered a' Iarge tee:el:Hen te Meier .,f y_,•. and Mrs. 3r tae Fi i. t .,, au Monday evening v'libeit teas gt 0011 success. Htary hay; niter, ttott.. have started up egain after the recent heavy rains. Mee Ella McLean returned recent- ly .ttrer a plea an . visit with friends at \S'aubashene and North Bay, Miss Norma Py'ittt; of London is resiting her grana:nether, Mrs. H. Ricker. Mrs. W.. McAllister of the Parr line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Qtzire t number from this vicinity attended annversary services in Hill - i gt'cen cent -' 1 Church on Sunday. Kipp -'u l m✓ -'i 111111Th Choir were in actmelanee. Mrs, H. Ricker and Arthur spent a few days the beginning of the week with friends at Bright, Miss Doris Alexander of London pent the week end with her parents, :lir, end Mrs. William Alexander, Mr, and Mrs. C. Blanchard and fa- ncily of Exeter spent Sunday with re- latives in the vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Linden and Verna of Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and Marie- of Clande- boye spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Miss Irma _Ferguson and Mr. Ar- nold Gackstetter visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pybus of Zurich. Master Gerald Patsou,a is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden o, Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long were visited by their daughter and sondn- law: of Detroit. over the week end. Mrs, Mlaa Love is visiting her son. Itis. and Mrs, Ross Love. Mr. and Mee. N. Alexander spent a day last week visiting friends at Blanitelr-s. WINTHROP The farmers are trying their luck again, trying to harvest the remain - int; crops that are still out after the tong wet spell, The long continued rain is starting to rot the potatoes. Little Douglas Wilson has started back to school. He was unable - to start after the holidays owing to a broken arm. Gordon Battles is nursing a stirs hand. While playing he had the mis- fortune to get his little finger beak - end and badly cut. Gordon is sure having his share of bad luck. Nir. and Mrs. James McCoy and daughter Frances of Sombre, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bucke and son Charles of Courtright, Mrs. Fred - Grieve of Sarnia, spent the weep end with their cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter MoCoweene Mr, and NIrs. Foster Ben - n tt and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Eaton. • Mr. Gillies spent a few days. with. hs fatty recently. while the freight boa. teeptatn Serer,' was unloading whoa t. at tloderiilt, Ptt,. Ralph Davidson of London spent a rOnl tondays with his family. Rent Montgomery of Ingersoll, An- drew Montgomery of Guelph. spent rhe ev_ ek on I with their parents, Mr anti Mrs. John Montgomery, Mrs. Scott of Cron:°rook spent a row days with her sister, Mrs. Montgomery. Mrs, A. Sparling of Wroxeter and daughter Hazel are sneftding a few ;lays with Mrs. Sparling's daughter, Mee, Walter Eaten. Harry Addicott of the S. S. "Emp- eror" on. the •lakes, was a caller here on Sunday. Mrs. Donald Calder of Regina, and Alex Aiteheson, Rosetown, Sash., are visiting their brothers, John and James Aitclieeolt, KIPPEN! FRIDAY, SEPT. 20TH DANCE TO THE SWEET MUSIC OF MAC McCUTCHEON AND HiS ORCHESTRA Follow the gay crowd to Kippen Your requests are welcome. This Band aims to please you . General Admission. `50c C. Watson, Manager,