HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 Since it appears that more Child War Guests will soon be coming to Canada from Great Gritain it has been thought wise to register the names of those in Hensall and surrounding district who are willing to open their homes to such. guests. Those willing to de so are invited to give the following information to their clergyman or to the Municipal Clerks at Hensall or Zurich. YOUR NAME ADDRESS Sex and age of child or children desired, Hensall War Service Committee REV. W. WEIR, B.A. DR. A. R. CAMPBELL, War Guest Committee Chairman HENSALL Tax Rate Set At 35 Mills The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the councli chamber with all members present. - Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Ken Hicks appeared as a delegate from the War Service Com- mittee as regards suitable gifts for those who have enlisted for active service, advised of the motion passed at last meeting. Orville Twitchell ap- peared asking permission to remove the fence at the rear of his property, same granted. Also asked permission to purchase 10 feet formerly belong- ing to his property. Robinson and Horton, that we sell ten feet off the old rink property formerly belonging g to lot 10, Petty survey. for the sum 0 00 viiTwitchell y l of $1 Or le to pay al transfer fees and right of way to be granted for both lots. Carried. Rob- inson and Moir that all weed cutting done on private property be charged against- property owners on the col- lector's roll. Carried. Correspondence read. W. R. Mountain. Dept. Public Welfare, Red Cress Society. Dept. of Municipal Affairs. Navy League of Canada. county treasurer. Mrs. E. Stapleton. • I3111s and accounts, J. Henderson, relief groceries. 525.8e; W. O. Goodwin. relief clothing, Thos Welsh. relief wood, $2 I Me - Lt •n. 512; Huron Expositor, $1.3e; (1. Geiger, 57.50: Ilene:ill Hydro. 55.02; Jas Smillie telt 51. r .L F3. McEnen, eettmg weed. SOC. Kyle, salary 555: F. G. Uonthron restage. :5, W, e'oientan. Butting weeds.52. Total $1:59 1SHorton anMirthat ..c- <ourtts LIS read be t .id. ,tirr'ird. t.'. moron and Horton. that the tax tate M hack a: follows , ,..onnty 5,2 village 11,5 library debenture ..e Sets()) 14.4 relief e.4. t e tat rate ,,f '?s mills, lose the e1e mill provincial subsidy. er a total taxable rate of 15 • mills. Carried. Robin and Moir. that bylaw be give-( third and final reading and finally passed. Carried. Horton and• Robinson. that we new adjourn. Carried. James A. Paterson. Clark. At the meeting of the council on September 5th the tax rate for the village for the year 1940 was ret at 35 mills taxable rate NOW this is 4 mills higher than last year. The school rate has been raised from 10,e to 14.4, an increase of 3,5 mills, and the county rate has been raised from 3.5 to 5.2 mills, or 1 higher than last year c.nd the- Provincial subsidy has been dropped from 1.5 mills to 1 mill this year. making a total of 5.7 milts extra to be raised and to onset this the debenture rate has been dropped from 4.3 to 3.0 or 1.3 and the village rate has been dropped 19.4 to 12.0 or .04 mills lower, the library and relief rates remaining the same, This seeing leo 'bad but these ere things -over which the council have very little to say, as has been ex- plained and the money has to be raised. The Clerk James A. Paterson states that he has been very busy lately registering guns and rifles of which there seems to be no shortage around these parts,having registeredrs tete d about 200 to date and advises all w 110 have any. to register them now- and avoid further trouble. - The Senior Women's Institutes will commence their fall meetings with a pot luck supper to be held at the home of Mrs, (Dr.) D. G. Steer, on Friday evening. Sept. 13th at 0.30 p.m. All members are cordially in- vited to come and bring their baskets. Mr. Harold Willard has accepted a position as baker at Case's bakery. Mr. and Mrs. Raitt. Moore and fam- ily returned home 00 Monday after spending the summer months at Grand Bend. Clarke -Martin - A lovely autumn wedding was sol- ,-nntized at St. Andrew's United pat .(nage. Kippen, Saturday. September 7th. at 11 a.m. when Rev. E. F. ('handler united in marriage Gertrude Jane, daughter of lir. and Mrs. Will- iam an. Martin of Kippen. n, to William Raymond Clarke, sun of )Jr. and Mrs. Woodham. Thet o' Nelson Clarke aide was charming in a floor -length gewu of Hut sheer crepe, with melt- ed boltrc jacket. finger tip veil, and he earri-d a colonial bouquet -of est els and .uses. She was attended by her sister Miss Loreen Martin wear- ing a flner•iength gown of pink erg• tuna over taffeta, and she alp carr- ied a colonial banquet of asters' and ions Mr. Arnold Ford of Exeter was groomsman. Later a reception was held at the home of the brides par. ents with some 35 guests present. Mrs. Martin received. wearing a crepe Butz gown. and Mrs. Clarke assisted in black sheer. both wearing tor- sa€er of rose buds. The house decor (bons were pink and white, while gladioli and larkspur were used ef• i Dress Up Your .. Hair . . For the Fall Fair With a Superior Perma- nent by taking advant- age of the SPECIAL PRICES On all Permanents - Including a shampoo and fingerwave B' BeaulySaio'n MISS F. GIPP An experienced operator. PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth festively. The bridal table was grac- ed with the wedding cake, while vases of roses completed the decora- tions. Serving were the Misses Mabel Workman and Helen Moir of Hen- sall, Dorothy Miller of State, and Jessie Hodgert of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Clarke lett for an extended wed- ding trip. the bride travelling in a navy blue ensemble. They will reside near Woodham, Honoring Miss Gertrude -Martin a bride of Saturday last, some hundred neighbours and friends stet at her home on Thursday evening last and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. in a lovely basket decorated with pink and white. The gifts were presented by Audrey MacKay and Lerniee McClinchey. Following a pro- gram of readings and musical nunrb- ers refreshments were served, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and son of Detroit are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, and grandmother Mrs. Robt. Bon- thron. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Henderson and son Stewart of Sioux City, Iowa, vis; ited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MaeLaren. Mr. Albert Dinnin of the staff of the Bank of Montreal in Clinton, has been transferred to the bank here, THE SEAFORTH A ?.- F"AIR hurs. and Fri., Sept. -19-'40 Splendid Entries and Exhibits in Every Class SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARADE & BAND Bicycle and Foot Races Children's Speaking Competition Special Novelty Events, entirely new, going in front of Grandstand all Friday afternoon A Complete Change of Attractions SP ECIAL ATTRACTIONS TRIALSOF SPEED ---TWO RACES 2.30 CLASS, OPEN Heat Plan. Every il('at a race... PURSE $75.00 2.25 CLASS, OPEN :> Heat Plan. -Every heat a race... PURSE $75.00 T Hail open Thursday night Admission 10c DANCING ! Friday Night, Cardno's Hall OLD- AND NEW DANCING Admission 35c. Music by an outstanding orchestra The Seaforth Agricultural Society HUMPHREY SNELL, President MRS. J. A. KERR, Secretary SEE BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST OF ATTRACTIONS Card of Thanks Mr. Jamed H. Williamson and fam- ily wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the flowers and for the loan of cars during their recent be reavement. Auction Sale Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat- urday, Sept. 14th, 400 MIXED CATTLE, including choice Yearling and two-year-old heifers and steers, Angus, Hereford, Durhams, some Springers and Stock Cows, Those needing good Feeders and Stockers should attend this sale. Trucks to deliver. Terms cash, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. GARAGE FOR RENT On James street, near Main street, Apply to the News Office, FOR SALE 2 furrowed riding plow, good re, pair. Ed Dorranee, R.R.2, Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE In Egmondviile, 8 roomed brick house, all in good repair, double gar- age. Taxes reasonable. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Dinnin, Seaforth. Rev. R. A. Brooke left on Monday for Winnipeg, where he will attend the General Council of the United. Church. The Mission Band party art will be held in the United Church School roots on Saturday afternoon. RevR. A. Brook conducted serv- ices in the United Church on Sunday, when special services of prayer were held. A ladies' quartette comprising Mrs, G. M. Drysdale, Miss Kay Drys- dale, Mrs. Geo. Hess and Miss Ruth Hess sang, "In answer to a prayer." At the evening service a ladies' quar• tette comprising Misses .Shirley Fair- burn, Mary Goodwin, Ruth Brook and Goldie Cross sang Thanks be to God. Miss Mona Hedden is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. Carter Clinton. Rev. Wm. Weir conducted special services in Carmel Church on Sun- day and the choir sang two anthems "Give Us Peace, 0 Lord." soloist, Miss Margaret Dougall, and "God Thy People (Come." The choir and congregation of St. Paul's Anglican Church motored to Exeter 00 Sunday where joint serv- ices were held in Trivitt Memorial Church, conducted by Re -v. M. A. Hunt. rector. Mr. Robt, Passmore, divinity stud- ent. will conduct services next Sun- day in the United Church, and stir. Benson Stoneman of Chiselhurst will be guest soloist. Rally Day service will be held at the Sunday School next Sunday. Mission Circle Meets - The regular meeting of the Miss- ion Circle of the United Church was held at the -tome of Miss Kay Drys- dale on Friday evening and opened by singing "0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee," with Miss Goldie Cross presiding. The scripture was read by Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Ruth Brook led in prayer. The roll was called and the minutes of the previ• ous meeting read The hymn "Jesus Calls Cs O'er the Tumult was sting and Miss Irene Douglas gave the topic on "Freedom taken from the study book Indian Life in the City. "Breathe on Die Breath of God," was sung and the meeting closed with the benediction. Hensall Men Receive injuries in Accident - Edward Little of Hensall. accomp- anied by Murray Parkins, mechanic of Zurich, son of lir. and Mrs, James Parkins of Hensall, received injuriee. while riding on a. motorcycle driven by Edward Little when it -collided with a car on. No. 4 highway at the sixth concession of London Town- ship on Sunday afternoon. Edward received injury to his right leg and right hand and many bruises, while Murray had both legs bruised, elbow abrasions and fracture of his right hand. Dr. G. M. Fletcher of Exeter was called and had the men remov- ed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. where they received treatment, Both were able to return home Sunday evening. The motorcycle was south- bound as a car driven by Mr. H. L. Sharp, High Street, London, was northbound. and matte a left hand turn onto the sixth concession. The occupants of the car escaped injury. Traffic Officer Lemon investigated. Arnold Circle Entertained At Weiner Roast- The Arnold Circle of Carmel Church were very pleasantly enter- tained at a weiner roast at the home of Miss Jean McQueen on Monday evening. Mrs, Roy Bell presided over the following program, which opened by singing "Come Let Us Sing of a. Wonderful Love," followed by prayer by Miss Violet Hyde. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Bell. It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of MISS Beryl Phaff. Miss Margaret Dougal] favoured with piano solo The topic a Day with Our Missionaries though the Glad Tiding", was t to ti as followe: 'Miss Ellen Douglas by Miss Beryl Phaff: Rev. C. L. Wood by Miss Margaret 11x11: Dirs. Quinn by Miss Irene Hog- garih. and Grace 1iau, of Jhansi by Miss Sally Manson. Meeting closed with the Lords prayer. A weiner roast est followed and refreshments e•shments were served. A hearty vote of thanks w is extended Miss McQueen by Mr's. :11,e . nougat]. Harvest Thanksgiving ec:rvices will be held in St. - Paul's Anglican Church, Sunday, Sept, 15th. Rev. C. 1", Johnson, rector of St. George's Church, London, will be the special :meeker at 11 a.m. Rev. M, B. Parker, rector of St. Luke's Church. London. will he the special speaker at 7 p.m: (Continued on page 4.) Apparently it didn't work: Magistrate --"What is your occupa- tion?" Prisoner -"I'm a locksmith, sir." Magistrate -"Then what were you doing in that gambling house when the police raided it? Prisoner --"I was making a bolt for the door." Work Shoes & Rubber Boots We have a good stock. Our prices are the Iowest. These facts have stood the test Taylor's 'Soap Flakes, 5 lbs 33c Royal Purple Pig Starter $2.65 Royal Purple Hog Concentrate53.75 New Life Hog Concentrate $2.75 New Life Pig Starter $2.35 Rcsbinhood Flour $3.15 Prairie Rose Flour $2,90 Pure Lard, 2 lbs. 17c Rolled 1Wheat, 5 lbs. 19c Star Weeldy 10c Recleaned Raisins, 2 lbs,25c Salada, with glass, % lb., ..38c A good stock of meats. Work 'Shirts 51.00 Work Pants $1.25 'Overalls, 9 oz. $2.00 Work Socks, pair - 23c, 29c, 30c, 35c, 39c, 49c Keep abreast of the times, follow the wai' pictures in tate Star Weekly We JG Finnigan AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings, GodPr- ieh St. west, Seaforth, on Friday, Sept. 13th, at 2 o'clock, consisting of the following articles: 1 single bed, 1 double bed, mat- tresses, pillows, springs, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, cedar chest, Singer sewing machine, dining room table, buffet, 2 sofas, kitchen chairs, cup- board, kitchen table, drop leaf table, range, rocking chairs, small tables hall mirror, 3 toilet sets, linoleum, sealers, dishes, garden tools and other articles too numerous to men- tion. - Terms -cash. Isabel A. Ballantyne. Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of' Household Efft't'ts. At the home of Mrs. Wm, Devereaux, John Street. -on Saturday, September 14th at 2 p.m. Nordbeituer player piano, 100 music rolls and seat, mahogany bedroom suite, springs and mattress, iron bed. springs and mattress, washstand.. pillows, 2 solid oak chairs, 1 oak rocker, 2 mahogany rockers, 1 oak table, 1 mahogany table, 2 small tables, 6 chairs,Wilton rug, Brussels carpet, runners. New Williams sew• ing marline, a number of plttnres. mantel clock, curtains. blinds and rode, books. bedroon, dishes, Moffatt steel range.- t'oal heater. congolcum rug, kitchen table, silver flatware. odd pieces 'of ehina and glassware tray, sealers, copper boiler. step lad- der, tree pruner, scythe, shovel. gar den tools and other articles too num Brous to mention. Terms cash. Mrs. Brilliant Devereaux. Prop, - Harold Jackson, Auctioneer•, • WANTED Applications for Music Teaeber lin S.S. No. 3, Hulled, will be received up to Sept. 21st. Mrs. Leo Stephen, son, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth R.R. 2. PIGS FOR SALE Seventy-five young pigs ready to wean: Also sow, due about Sept. 15th Apply to Gordon Holmes, McKillol• con. 12. FOR SALE Seven roomed cottage in Egmond• vide. All conveniences. le; acre land, good barn and garage. Also upright Heintznran pit.no in goad condition. Apply tc• Mrs. (Charles Finkle -hien Notice All accounts owing Walker's Fm•n- itm'e Store must be settled by October 1st, or be placed in other hands for collection. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of HENRY BEUERMANN, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is -hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of HENRY BEUEISIIANN, late of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of August. A.D. 1940, are required to send in at' deliver to the undersigned Solicitors for the Administrator, on or before the 27th day of September, A.D. 1940. full particulars of their claims: And NOTICE is also given that after that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have Notice. DATED at Stratford, Ontario, this 6th day of September, A.D. 194e. GOODWIN & ANDREW 15 Ontario Street, Stratford. ()Marie, Solicitors fee. 111e Administr. :tot, BARRED ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE 200 5 -month-old ready -to -lay pul- lets. From Scott's R,O.P. Sired A Grade stock. Well grown on clean range, reasonably priced, alt $1.00 each. Alex Chesney SEAFORTH R. R. 3 Phone (1(10-1.2 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m, FOR SALE Rosso Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar anteed 25 years. Rosso Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stook Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining,Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Truck and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As- phalt Products including Roll Roof- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul• Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12. FOR SALE Ram for sale, purebred Leicester, 2 years old. Phone 847r31, Seaforth. KILL THE GERM 1.' And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now before your herds and flocks are housed. Charges moderate. All work n guaranteed. Only modern methods need Bruce Berry, 13rueefleld, NOTICE Get your Glair tested.. Bags on hand at Clark's Gas and Oil Station. Geo. T.. Micltle b Sons pay highest market prices. Elevators at Bruce. field, Kipper and Hensal). Sam Chesney. phone 146. FOR SALE A litter carrier in real good shape; also a henhouse; for sale reasonable. Mrs. Albert McGavin, Walton. Phone 831 r .4. APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale. Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred McClymont, Varna. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Main Street, Egmondville, sev- en roomed frame house, newly paint.- ed aint-ed and papered. Good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at door, telephone, township taxes, hy- dro if desired, good garden land. All in goad repair, reasonable price and terms. If not sold would rent to re- liable parties. Close to stare and church. Mrs. Alex Gordon, Box 51, Seaforth, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES GRAIN I an buying grain for George Thompson, of Hensall. We carry a stock of bags at all times, Also will do your trucking. kiilg, For latest quotations or in formation, pilolie G55r2. Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. ,waseawarnmesehramemsva ., ............ ...,_.....,..,