HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-12, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1940
These prices
it lk' T Y0I
good September 12 to Sept. 18
OXYDOL, Large size each 2 1 c
Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg... , . pkg. 21c
Niblets CORN, 14 oz, 2 tins 25c
Mallow Biscuits per lb. 17c
Snowflake Ammonia per pkg. 5c
St. Williams
Salman Fancy Pink
Sam Y
Green Giant Peas,
Corn Syrup, Crown
Baked Beans, 'Heinz
Corn, Garden Patch,
P. & G. White Naptha
Lux Flakes, ....small..l0c
01d English Floor
Old English No Rub,
Gillett's Lye, "Eats
rf Flakes, large
Chipso, Deal Glass
Orange & Grapefruit
32 ezper jar 23c
Cascade. ....?z " ••' ••• ••.....Is. 17c
Now Pack, 16 oz. per tin 15c
Brand, 2s 20c 5s 43c
2 tinss25c
med. size tin 25c
17 oz. per
Soap 6 bars 25c
large 24c
Wax, is ............ . , • per tin 53c
pints. wax per pt. 49c
Dirt" per tin 12c
per pkg. 20c
Sugar and Cream with 1 large pkg.....all for 28c
per pkg. 1Oc
Pancake Flour per pkg. 17c
Ready Cut . , . per M. 5c
Allen's 8 oz. .... per tin Sc
... per pkg. 20c
Mustard per jar 10c
Flusho per tin 21c
Aunt Jemima
Macaroni, Loose
Apple Juice,
Kraft Dinner
French's Prepared
Hillcrest Pure
Blue Boy Coffee,
Royal York
Tuna Flakes
Brunswick Sardines
A.B. Gum Drops
Spring Mops
Cotton Clothes
Clothes Pins,
Classic Cleanser
Parowax, is
Fly Coils, Aeroxon
Sinko per tin 25c '
Household Washing Soda, per pk 15c
Lard , , ..... per Ib c
1s per ib. 35c
Cheese, 1/2s .. .. per pkg. 15c
%s, Frier's Fancy White, per tin 18c
per tin 6c
per lb. 15c
„ . , each 19c
Lines, 30' each 18c
Round Hard Wood 3 doz. 10c
per tin 5c
2 tbs. 27c
2 for 5c
Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8
iss N ® Pryce PHONE 77
Holder of Government diploma
and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our steep
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any time by
See Dr, Harburn -Phone 105.
Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150
Thank You
I am assuming that the Seaford
Lions Club have not accepted met
challenge of last week, and wish to
express my thanks to you for the
valuable space granted in your paper,.
and for the other courtesies ex-
I don't blame tbo Lions for not
wanting to publish their statetnent;
especially after the Clinton Lions
have just announced a profit within
a few dollars of Seafortlfs, and,
believe it or not, their expenses were
•only oue-third of Soatorth's. It does
not appear though, that any of the.
Clinton Lions or their firms, received
payments of $200 or more.
Again thanking you, and wishing
your Lions Club and its members con-
tinued prosperity, DONOR
Anniversary services will be held
at Hill's Green Sunday, September
155th. The speaker at the morning
service at 11 o'clock will be Rev.
Arthur Sinclair of Blyth. At the
evening service, 7.30, the Rev. N. J.
Woods of Main St. United Church,
Exeter, will speak.
Mr. Edwin Hodgson of the staff of
the Sylvanite Gold. Mines, Kirkland
Lake, was a recent visitor with his
uncle and auut, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Jean Reid, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Reid, will enter
Clinton Public Hospital October 1st
to train for a nurse. Her many
friends wish her success.
Itev, Mr. Wilding of Hohnesville
will occupy the pulpit in the United
Church next Sunday.
Itev, and Mrs. L. W. Diehl of
Thameaville called on friends here
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stephenson and
family, Mr. M. H. Stephenson of Mar-
lette, Mich., spent the week end here.
Miss Leona Webster underwent an
operation for appendicitis last week.
HULLEY-In Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Monday, Sept. 9, 1940, to
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Holley, Walton
R.R.2, a son.
A meeting 'of the ,H,umon Comity
Fruit Gnawers Association executive
was 'hell in the Agriouilbural offices at
Giinton Tuesday afternoon. President
Mgrs, D. A. Smith was in the chair.
Int 'was decided to hold a Huron
'county 'Enact silro,w •in the Cllireton town
hall ,and the elate'set 'for Friday, Norr-
omlbor 22. The committees in change
are: Prize list, .Olayban Laithwaite,
Wesiley i3oynt, Mrs. D. A. Smith, R. IJ.
'McLaughlin; grogram and pttb4icity,.
J. C. Shearer, D. J. Lassalinae, Geo.
Saw'edbly, Gealtge IJohnstan; 'hail er-
'ranigome•n'ts, Stewart ,Midcllieton, 7'as•
R. Stirling, Geangle Laithwwite, T. g.
Salkeld. ;An invitation 'is to !be ex-
tended to the Huron 'Beekeepers As-
sociation .to Ilea on a display of
honey at 6Q1e show..
1(.a ilttgh Jack wilt ,:mehe.t an-.
nie,l uy rvis +a on Seedily at
Mr. and MIs Ernest Flynn itnd Mr.
and Min. George Lovell of London
were guests of their sister. Mr4, Geo.
Brownlee, and Mr. Brownlee, on
Mr, and Mrs, Elroy Brownlee and
daughter Penny and Mr, Edgar
Brownlee, all of Windsor, are holiday
visitors at the parental home with
Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee.
Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Box, Richard,
and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vance attend-
ed an electrical convention held on
the s.s. Keewatin on Georgian Bay.
Mrs. Thomas Hatcher has returned
from Lucknow where she visited
Mi•s. Wes Hilt, and leaves for Michi-
gan on Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Kers-
lake and Miss E. Smith will also ac-
company her for a visit.
Mrs. W. J. McKay, who, spent a
few weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Eckert and many friends, re-
turned to her hone last week in
Seattle, Washington,
Mrs. Gladeon Campbell returned to
Toronto on Sunday after visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt.
Mrs. ,Frauk Hunt and. daughter Mar-
ion returned with her.
Mrs. M. E. Desborough, R.N.. who
spent her vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert, and other re-
lative*, returned to her home in
Dearborn, Michigan.
Visitors at the H. 11, Spence home,
Main atre. t -nn Sunday, Were Illi. and
Mrs Bert t Speuee and children , Mr.
H. (r amaer• and lIr. Andy Hole's,
Moleswnn11. ,na Mrs, Russell teethe
ger Gnrrie.
hli'. and MrA. Loni:- 1 rill :e ii Ni`
daughter bI:u} who spent east week
end with their parents, Mr. anti \Ii -i.
Wharf, ri turned to their hone. hi
Detroit, and w ' atcontpatried by
their sun Gordon elle p,e0-, lei, vara,
tion at the li'mi' 0f his anel.., J. M.
Miss Angola Ecltart. riaught r of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, went- to
London: to enter St. Joseph's convent.
Mr. and Airs. Bentson Tucker tend
Mr. Edgar Hunking, Exeter, vi iced
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis on Sunday.
Mr's. George Lillie is at present
confined to her rdom asa result of a
stroke, but her many friends hope
for 11 speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howes cele-
brated their 24th wedding anniver-
sary on the 5th of September by ent-
ertaining some friends, and during
the evening Mrs. Bert Whyard and
Miss May Kennings served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whyard and
daughter spent Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Fletcher in Clinton.
Miss Verna Storey spent the weep
end In Goderich.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Taman of Tor-
onto have returned after a two
weeks' visit with Mr, and Mrs. Roy
&Ir. Lawrence Wasman visited his
hone. on Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Chas, Wasman on Sunday were
Mrs. Leman and her son Lorne and
Mrs. Etti and Mr. Wm. Etty, all of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Thorburn and fam-
ily and Mrs. W. Bell of Kincardine
were week end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Hart,
Mr. Ralph Cresswell left this week
for Toronto enroute to his home in
Denver, after visiting his sisters,
Misses Cresswell.
Miss Margaret Grieve was a visitor
last week in Windsor with her broth-
er, Mr. Harry Grieve.
Miss Ria Hills of Toronto spent
the weep end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hills.
Dr, and Mrs. William Campbell, of
Albany. Missouri, were guests of
Mrs. Chas, Stewart for a couple of
days this week and also visited at
Mr. and Mrs. John Carter. nee
Frances Fowler, of Montreal, were
guests during the week end with the
Misses Cresswell
Scott McKinley of Camp Borden,
spent the week end with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Scott.
Mrs. W. D. Manson returns this
week end after spending a couple of
weeks at Dayton, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gee of Lindsay
are holidaying at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Ross visited
relatives and took in the Exhibition
at Toronto last week.
Mr, and Mrs. William Elliott of
Mitchell visited Mr. J. M. Robertson
on Monday.
Mrs. W. W. Maier of Port Nelson
was a visitor on Friday with her
father, Mr. H. B. Edge, and sister.
Miss Josephine.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner of
Sarnia spent the week end in town.
Mr. E. W, Edge of Toronto spent
the week end with his father. Mr. H.
Il. Edge and Miss Josephine. Edge. at
the Royal apartments.
Mr, John Taylor of Los Angeles,
California, visited on Tuesday with a
former schoolmate at S.S. No. 7,
Hibbert, Mr. Henry Hoggarth. Mr.
Taylor is a city engineer in Los An-
geles. It is three years since he last
visited here. He was accompanied by
his son John, also of Los Angeles.
After visiting at Exeter and London
tor a couple of days, they will
leave for home. The 3,000 mile motor
trip from Los Angeles to Ontario was
merle in six days,
The death of Thomas Geo, Wheat-
ley. a highly respected resident of
McKillop, occurred on Wednesday
morning, Sept. 11, after an extended
illness, The funeral will take place
from his late residence on Friday af-
ternoon, at 1 and 1.30 o'clock to the
Maitland Bank Cemtery.
The services will be conducted by
Rev. It. W. Craw.
Mr. Wheatley was in his 69th year.
He was born in 'lucicersmith, about
two miles south of Clinton on the
Loudon Road, a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Wheatley. When he
was quite young his parents moved
to the 9th concession of Hullett to
the farm now occupied by Mr. Austin
Dolmage, In 1899 he was married to
Mise Minnie Robinson of 'McKillop.
He resided until Ms death on the
will be held
AT 2 P.M.
Also Farm Produce & Aprons
Under the auspices of Ladies'
Aid, Caven Church, Win-
In Arthur Routledge's Vacant
Store, Seaforth
farm on the 8th concession, McKillop,
which he purchased several years be-
fore his marriage. He is survived by
his wife and three sons and three
daughters: Mrs. Wnr. Armstrong, of
Brussels; Mrs. David Shannon, Mo-
Killop; Fern, George and Dyke. at
home, and William, of Liberty, Sask-
atchewan; also two staters aid a
brother, Mrs, Miller Adams, Me-
Killop; Mrs. Robert Rogerson, Hul-
lett, and Joseph Wheatley, Clinton.
A sister, Mrs, Andrew Snell. of Hul-
lett, predeceased nein last December,
and a brother George, four years ago,
W.M,S. Meets -
The W.M.S. of tate United Church
held their September meeting on
Wednesday day afternoon Sept. t'h at
the home of Mrs. W. Alellis with a
gond attendance.. The meeting was
presided over by Mrs. John Hender-
son and opened by the singing of the
111110(001 anthem, Mee. Long react the
srup1ure reading from John 10. Hymn
:140, was then sung, after which Mrs.
He nd arson bit in prayer. Sirs. Mon-
ti,'tl1 had charge of the topic it beide;
the beginning of a 111'W study hne1:
Iht Lilo of .lames LV li(l. who was a
missionary among the Indians in On.
11,110 and Western Provinees. Atter
the topic there wits a diner business
discussion. The roll call and offering
were then taken. The meeting closed
with Hymn 182 and repeating of the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
ilr. and Mrs. Welltitan and family
of Port Hume visited on Monday at
the home of Mrs. H. Ricker and
Mr. and -Mrs. Archie Parsons and
Gerald visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Carter of Claude -
Mrs. W. Homey, Miss Irma Fergu•
son and Mr. Arnold Gackstetter vis-
ited on Wednesday with.. Mt'. and
Mrs. G. Robinson of London.
Council met on Saturday, Sept. 7th
All members present, tate Reeve pre-
siding. The following rates were
authorized for 1940: County rate, 6,3
mills; township rate, 3.3 mills: gen-
eneral school rate, 3 mills; relief 3.10
mills, Arnold Westcott was paid 616.39
for providing identification disc's for
soldiers on active service. Roy Mc-
Geoeh and H. Chesney were given
the contract of repairing portion of
open work on Alexander Drain, in
answer to complaint of Frank Up•
shall. at the rate of 60c an hour for
man and team and 25c an hour for
man, and F. Upshall was authorized
to inspect the work. The Council de.
riled that no action be taken on re
pair of Jackson Drain at present as
the complainant has relieved the
Council From any responsibility. and
being assured the necessary work
will be done by community effort, H.
McMillan was appointed inspector.
The Road Superintendent was in-
structed to advertise in local papers
that all weeds on unsprayed Town-
ship Toads be cut on or before Sept.
21st, and that tlfe municipality will
not be responsible for payment for
weed cutting after this date, except
an direct orders of the Road Super-
intendent, who must inspect all weed
cutting on roads. The following ac-
counts were ordered paid: W. M.
Sproat, fuel, relief, 823.50; Stewart
Bros., clothing, relief. $10.58; Maple
Leaf Dairy, milk, relief, $14.70; W.
J. Finnigau, supplies, relief, 810.98;
Christie's Meat Market. meat, relief
$11.30; A. C. Routledge, supplies. re.
lief, $28.45; W. G. Willis. shoes, 36.35;
M. A. Reid, road ins. prem., 3106.75:
Arnold Westcott, identification discs
319,39; Sidney Gemmell, work Alex-
ander Dr., $1.65; E. D. Bell, solicitor's
fee, 36.30; road accounts, $41.60:
rents, relief, $15.00; salaries and
postage, $54,61. Council adjourned to
meet Oct. 5th at 2 p.m D- F. Mc -
Grego!, Clerk.
Thursday. Sept. 1210 is Civic holi-
day in Bayfield.
Mr. B. Robinson is in Otetw.a this
Mrs. Topping of, Toronto is u guest
of her hr'other-in-law Mr. A. la. Erwin.
Dr. C. Stngdill spent the w.ok end
in the village. Mrs. Stogthil and dau-
ghters returned to Toronto with the
doctor• having spent the last two
months at their cottage oat rhe Ter-
Professor Lloyd Hodgins is in the
village this week closing his cottage.
Dr. N. Alexander and Mrs. Alexan-
der left for their home in London.
They spent the summer at their cot-
Mr. J. Callon of London returned
home Sunday after a two months'
vacation in Bayfield,
Mrs. Evans and Miss Dorothy
Birch of Thorndale returned to their
home Sunday.
Mr, and Mas. Mullin of Detroit are
spending a two weeks' vacation in
Mr, and Mrs, E. Kendall of Elmira.
are guests of Mrs, Kendall's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jowett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Duncan and fain-
tly of Seaforth returned to their
hone Sunday after spending the holi-
days at the Highlands.
Mr. K, Newton of Detroit spent
the week and with his grandfather
Mr. R, Weston,
Mrs, R. H. Gairdner and Mrs. Ed-
wards and Mrs, Watson and son spent
Tuesday in London.
Mr. .7. Stewart of the staff of Ha-
milton Toch. Sohool, spent the week
end at his cottage, Mrs. Stewart re-
maining until next week.
We offer you the following Used Machines,
with money back guarantee if not satisfied.
1 Electric IWasher $12.00
1 Electric Stove $40,00
2 New Vacuum Cleaners, each $29.75
2 Used Cabinet 'Radios. Your choice $18.00
1 Gasoline Stove $12,00
1 Nearly INew Rangette $20.00
2 'Used Cream 'Separators. Your choice $18.00
1 Low-down (Massey ,Harris Manure Spreader with
auto steer $40.00
1 farm wagon $15.00
1 Gang Plow $10.00
1 Massey Harris Hay 'Rake $25.00
1 Sulky Plow $25.00
2 McCormick Deering Cultivators, Your choice $40,00
Spring Tooth Harrows $20,00
Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & epair Parts
Murphy Paints Electrical Supplies & Appliances
Miss Mary 3lnt p tv ret .1 n a' To
Port Lanrbton •n I'..,;1311?,` 1 . t ac•le
.11 r, .1. I •al •oner w a- .t Taal,' ,.t k
Fair showing g his :.,..1 1_ stiirk ut
The L1 ;r C.Y.O. 1 l 1 Y
umbar (.l -(1., le ng t t ,, E'!..
]Hiss Rose n't',)3to.0 Ir ,a
1e111.11 in (:limon SChoril,
The annual retreat
Luurlatl Dinc dye wlll 11-1.1
1'ct0I's Seminary. Loudon. tats,`'c
Donald Benninger au3
Looby, students of the Basilian Order.
who have been v,eil.ie1...,nC
homes here, have 1"'ttune:i t . Tett;e:re
to resume their studies.
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Sleti .l Lev,
moved to Goderieh, where 0 has e1n-
Ideyment at the airport.
Mr. and Mrs. Lout. Matthews 1'."
turned to Detroit after visiting rela-
tives in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hill of Chi-
cago at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
,tame:; Shea.
Sorry to report that Mai. ('ather-
ine Carpenter is not improving as her
friends would like her to.
Mrs. Simpson end daughter with
her mother in Toronto this week.
Father Joseph O'Rourke returned
to Tillsonburg after spending two
weeks' 'needn't with his father. Pat-
rick O'Rourke,
Mrs. Ida Carpenter with 5euto'th
Miss Mary Beale -is making a good
recovery following an ope!'atitn. for
gall stones, in St. Joseph's Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Desmerais and little
daughter. of Chicago, returned hese.
last week, much benefited front the
good Canadian air at Dublin, and the
hospitality of Mrs. A. Darla The
sante was remarked by Mr atel Mrs
Sheller and their party of doe front
Buffalo, N.Y,
Mrs. Nagle returned to London last
Friday and friend St Josephs Ilame
so crowded that site was ai li
take accommodation at 87:1i Ra; h load
St, near St. Joseph. FIospital, During
her visit to Blyth. Kiukora, Logue:
and Monkton she enjoyed the hospit,
ality of her many nieces. and heel a
keen interest in their education.
The C.T.U. Janet, which was held
in the parish hall Friday evening
was a real suecee5.
Miss Evelyn Melady of London
spent Sunday at her home here.
Miss L. Miles and friend, of Tor
onto, and Mrs. Norman Miles of
Brampton visited here Sunday.
Rev, Fr. O'Drowski t away this
week on Retreat.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed ()'Hearne, London
spent Sunday with the latter's par.
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Janes O'Sullivan.
Mr. and ':firs. Jos. O'Connor have
returned to Timmins after spending
some time with their parents, Mr.
aid Mrs. P. Flannery and Mr. and
Mrs. Dan O'Connor.
St. Columban defeated Lucen in 0
softball game here Sunday. -
Many friends of Pat Flannery are
glad to see hint home From. hospital
greatly improved.
Mr. C. Holland has seeur,'d a past
tion ht London.
1Jnl'avorable weather las rata 0
damper on the harvesting.
Mrs. John L. Murphy eas been ap-
pointed to attend the antemi 11 i' \':.L.
convention this y ear. along with the
bliss Mary HarT 111
her position itt Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Ai Maxwell of St.
Thomas and Mr. and Mrs lis... Mt -
:Tent Sunday at the home of
Air. and Mrs. Dan Williams.
Aliss Rita Riley has returned to
her studies in Belleville College.
Nota and Billy Holla1:d, who have
been spending their summer vacation
with their haunt and uncles Maloney
Next to Crich's Bakery
We are in the ulark"t for
RE kinds of
Phone 170 w
For Quotations
have left for their home in Windsor.
Air. Hugh McGrath has returned to
his home front Scott. Memorial Hos-
pital. He is still confined to his room.
But he 1s gradually regaining his
strength and we hope he will .soon be
around as usual.
Congratulations are in order to
Air. Franck Feeney. His wife presented
Mtn with a bouncing baby boy. Mrs.
Feeney is as well as could be ex-
In the Parish Hall
SEPT. 13
and his "Sweet Music"
General Admission 50c
C. Watson, Manager.
Here is a chance for you to per-
form a national service, and at
the same time build 0 !Mitre
eat'eer. •
War creating demand for Tele-
graphers. and Station Agents,
-through big movement of nnni-
tions and merchandise.
Through the use 01 self teaching
hooks, and Telegraph machine.. you
can qualify at ,mall cost..
Free folder describes. Write to-
day without obligation.
Cassan Systems
New regulations make it obligatory for all owners of Shot-
guns or Rifles to register such firearms with the local Chief of
Police on or before September 15.
According to law any person who owns a Shotgun or Rifle
and fails to have it registered, is liable to a severe penalty.
The registration of such arms is entirely separate from pur-
chase of a license for the arms.
For the convenience of the public 1 will attend at the
Council Chambers, Town Hall, Seaforth, on the afternoons of
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. September 5, 6. and 7, and, on
the same days for the next succeeding week, from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m., when persons owning Shotguns or Rifles may bring there
to be registered.
Chief Constable