HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
hI1: SFAD. i:1-,1 NE\\S
Nnawden [baa, reign;. -r:+
I'd astl:+r ,ferry Dreeeel i+ r, is isyin„;
in Toronto.
Miss Jean McDonald .rt the Itith
of Grey has been a visitor at Inge
Mrs, Angus McQuaig of Seaforth
and slaughter Mrs. M. Weaver. R.N.,
and daughter Eleanor. have been vis•
sting at Mrs. £,IcQuai s brothers'.
John and James McDonald, Grey
Mrs,' C. Hollington and sons Ken-
enneth and Allen, of Ed nonton, who
have been visiting her father, Mr. T.
H. Bolger, Morris, and sister, Mrs.
Earl Watson, Hullett, has returned to
their home in Edmonton.
Mrs, Wni, Christopher of Northern
' lu relatives
Ontario g tola
around Walton.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Deacoff of Tor•
onto spent over the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carter.
and while here they celebrated their
second wedding anniversary. Mrs.
Deacoff was the former Viola Carter.
Mrs. Basil Wilson of London spent
Sunday at the home of R. W. Hoy.
Mr. and Mi•s. Will Lacombe of De-
troit spent Sunday with bee* mother,
Mrs Chas. Drager.
Miss Norma Steiss of Kitchener
With her mother Mrs. 0, Steles.
There passed away on the lith of
Grey. Maud Johnston, the wife of
.1. Williamson, in her taint year. Site
was in good health until anon; two
weeks previous, when she vas seiz-
ed with a stroke and grade ally grow
worse, and on Thursday night she
passed away. She 1 -arviv td by her
husband, one dao i tet•. Mrs. Alvin
S tintore, and rine soil, Jo rites, at
home. Feur sisters ,..leo survive, Mrs.
Peter Kerr. Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Moon
and lairs. G. Bit\Pti,:', and Annie
Walton; two brother,. at Walton.
Duncan and Thonme The funeral
was conducted Saturday afternoon by
Rev. Mr. Gilbert. and the remains
were laid to rest in Brussels Ceme-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sellars and
Clayton returned on. Tuesday for the
following school term.
Cpl, W. C. Bennett, of the Canadian
Postal Corps, Ottawa, spent the week
end at his home here. Mrs. Bennett,
Ronnie and Shirley, motored to Tor-
onto on Monday and took in the ex-
hibition with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davidson and
Murray of London Balled on relatives
over the week end.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Kreig of Pres-
ton called on friends in the village an
Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart Johnston of
Hamilton were here last week at-
tending the funeral of Itis aunt. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Price have mov-
ed into Mrs. Jos. Love's house.
Rev. F. A. Gilbert preached anniv-
ersary services in Belgrave on San -
Mr, end Mrs. C. Neable and family
of Toronto spent the week end with
friends in the village.
Mr. \\-i11 Mitten of Rochester.
N.Y.. s ,vat the we,rk end with his
mielnr. Mrs. 1. :Viten. Miss Dorothy
Pidtn't. who has been visiting here,
rest rued horn;' with hint.
Miss Norma Berg of Rochester, N.
Y.. spent the holiday with her friend,
To survive the
struggle agricul-
ture, science,
women's work,
trade, industries
must all throw in
their lot together. The 1940
war -time Exhibition shows
how Canada co-operates.
Livestock breeders, farmers, faced
with new problems will meet to see
newest machinery, and learn how to
overcome wartime -difficulties.
f,ONN Mt11,le
4 li'tmphrie,
h ,tiday
anti firs. H. Sim :tt t.. att•i M1.,N
1L sir, -i., !tt i.. 1,. ..,t: :.i Y.1e)1
Walken—Me. - Messrs. Horace and Fred Rutledge
of 'Toronto spell: 'he i -lid:y with
their parents, Mr. and F. Rut-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flutlege f Tor-
onto spent the holiday with Aire. 1.'.
The U. F. W. O. meeting was held
on Wednesday, August 28th at the
home of Misses Simpson. A good at-
tendance answered the roll call
which was responded to by "A good
health suggestion." A paper on "Un-
dulant Fever" was read by Mrs, Herb-
ert Kirkby. Mrs, Leonard Leeming
read an article on "A New Youth
Movement." Lunch was seryed at the
close of the meeting. The next meet-
ing will be on September 26th at the
home of Mrs. John Marshall.
There will be a work meeting fur
the Red Cross in 'she ,community hall
at 'Walton on Tuesday afternoon,
September loth.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrows and
Mr, and Nas. John Dennison and
Maxine and Mr. and Mrs. Dennison
Sr. were visitors at Toronto Exhibi-
tion last week.
DIr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson and
\Ir. and Mrs. Ed Dougau spent e
few days in Toronto lest week.
Mr and Mrs taf ord of Stratford
and Miss Doreen Ofto 1 ant iiIi.
Near of Toronto wore Sunday guests
of Mr. and airs. B. Anderson.
Mr. Frank Riley atrended tree
ices sr S rralhtoy nu MInllay.
Mrs. Robert (1'Ini ldby 1•etnu:. l
hone' from the hospital an Friday,
and is progressingutter..
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale spent
Sunday with BIr. and Airs. Howard
Miss Jean Wakefield spent the
week end with friends at Wroxeter.
Miss Edna Armstrong spent Sun-
day at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, John
and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Corley
of Detroit spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. David Milison.
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson and
family spent Sunday iu London.
Mr. Fred Riley had the misfortune
to cut his hand severely while work-
ing at the foundry 011 Monday.
Mrs. Robert Clarke of Listowel is
visiting her daughter Mrs. Oliver
Mr. David Anderson spent a couple
of days last week at Toronto Ex -
Sunday visitors at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong
were Mrs. RobertClarke and grand-
son, Mr. and Mrs. George Pollard
and two daughters of Blyth. Mr, and
Mrs. Ephriam Clarke and sten. Mr,
and Mrs. Lovett of Ingersoll, and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale.
Miss Jean Anderson has accepted
a position in Torotin.
Mies Ednspent Sun-
day with her parents Mr. and Mr.
Howard Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and
Mr.. R. Anderson s
the latters brother,
of Hibbert.
pent Sunday with
Mr. Joseph Reed
,Mr. and iMrs. Bert Conhutt and
la t eater Patsy •Iteve returned to ;their
h,lie in ilymeittie, .after a•peni
n i f ;lays at the home of Mm.
and Mr.- Ernest Adana.
. Mr. an,l Mrs. Ciarenee Montgom-
ery attended the funeral of the late
\Ir. !W: .d. "if Bee -field. The funeral
v < hell at Clinton on Monday.
The community picnic held an
Thursday afternoon at Harbor Park.
was much enjoyed Those receiving
prizes were: Children's race, Joyce
Jewitt; Aix to nine years. Betty Ad-
dition; 1t-11 years, Lois Dodds; 11-1•,.
Fern Dexter: young ladies' race
Ethel Dexter: kicking the slipper.
Mrs C. Dexter; married women's
race, Mrs. L. Lawson; married men's
race. Lorne Lawson; fat women's
race. Mrs. Jack Ferguson and Mrs.
George Addison; fat men's race, Jack
Ferguson; pie rare, Mrs. Wm. Jewitt.
Lunch. was served by the ladies. A
lovely tine was had by those present.
Miss Ethel Dexter of - Kitchener
and Miss Hazel Jamieson of Strat
ford spent Wednesday with Mrs. W:n
Mrs. E. Adams , ntertained Group
No. 1 of the W.A. for- a quilting on
Monday of this week. •
The "Plunkett" dinner put on in
'he hall Tuesday evenug by the lad-
ies of Duff's Church. McKillop, was
wall attended. It was a. real treat.
ythitlg went over in a big, way
.seecially t11-_ `S an ages and T tl.•'s
After tho dinner moving pictures
shown. representing the OgiI
• flour.
Mrs. Gillies, Isabel and Bruce,
have returned home after spending a
few weeks in Collingwood and Mid.
Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett, IYMo: a
and Billie, Mr. Mel Merriam, Mrs.
Peter iM'.Cowan, Robby and Jackie.
hire. George Eaton. Ken and Doti
spent Monday in Owen Sound,
Mrs. Ferg Bullard, Mr, John Bull.
ar'd and Jackie, Mr. John Armstrong.
Miss Betty Bullard, Mr. Ralph Me.
Lend of Kintore spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton.
Pte. Alex Kerr and Pte. Ralph Day
idson of Landon spent the week end
at their homes.
Pte. Ernest Mailers and Pte.
George Mathers of the Kent Regim•
Ent, Chatham, spent the week end
with their sister, Mrs, Arthur Hend-
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and fem•
ilv of Arkona. spent the week end
with Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Henderson
..",ii Ih:•G•n Johnston of Landlut
sp•,c t11, sc,-t01141 with friends hero
11r and Mr .1. P. ;Manning, anti
1 l yllt yt itr'd i': rnitto Month: ower
-.'.re Label, Day week eml and also
silent a021t.3' title at rho national ex-
Mise Helen Youngblutt of London is
having her holidays and is spending
then at tier home here.
The following are some of the
changes on the committees for the
Country Fair: Program committee,
Mrs, P. Manning, Rev. A. Menzies,
Mrs. J. Armstrong. Sports tom„ Mr.
P. Manning, Mr, J. Armstrong, Mr.
B, Brunedon• Ground com., G, Mc-
Vittie, R. Townsend. R. Youngblutt,
F. Shobbrook. The committee ap-
pointed to gather produce or what-
ever one wishes to donate to Red
Cross will be -on hand on Friday to
gather it up. Please have it ready. A
good time is expected so don't fail
to attend on Friday night at Com-
munity Hall, Londesboro. The Blyth
Band will be on hand.
Ma's, E. Crawford spent part of
Mast week with her sisters at Clinton.
Miss Watkonte of Munro is teacher
for S.S. No. S. Sehoot opened on Wed-
nesday Sept. lird. Once more holi-
days are over, Miss Walltome is mat.
ing her hone at Mrs. Win. Lyons.
BIrs. Barker and son Ross of Tot' -
onto spent ttie ,week end with Mrs,
Barker's father, Mr. John Fingland.
Ross in in ttiinine at Camp Borden.
Mr. and Mia Ernest Morris. Nicag
are Falls. N. v.. .lit. and Mrs. Georg,,
Francis, Juno and Joyce, St, Thomas.
spent the •,voek end with Mrs, M,trg-
aret Manning and several families of
tittle to In tate t'oiiiiuunity,
Miss Fera . Watson donated live dol-
lars to the Red Cross recently.
Bir. Robt, Gibbs and Mr. Donald
Gibbs spent the week end with Nia-
gara friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morris of
Niagara Falls, New York, Mr. and
Mrs. George Francis and fancily of
St. Thomas, visited over the week
encs with their aunt, Mrs, Margaret
Manning and also at the homes of
Mrs. R. Yungblutt and Mr. Willis
Mrs. R. Townsend and Miss Dor-
othy Little have returned from a trip
to the West.
Miss Kathleen Yungblutt of Brus-
sels visited at her home over the hol-
Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Wagner and
son Dwight of London spent the holi.
day with Mrs. Wagner's parents. Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Sprung,
Miss Joyce Fairservice of Loudon
spent the holiday with her parents.
Mr, James Crawford of Portland.
Oregon, is visiting his brother Mr. E.
J. Crawford.
Miss Helen Yungblutt and Miss
Helen Johnson of London spent the
holiday at the home of Mr. R. Yung-
Mr. Jack Sinclair and daughter
Ann, Mrs. Sinclair Sr. and Miss Mar.
garet Sinclair of Kippen, visited at
the home of Mrs. C. Watson on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart Johnston
and family of Hamilton spent the
week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lao Watt, also visiting at the home
of Bir. and Mrs, Sinton McVittie for
dinner on Sunday and Mr. and Mrs
Nelson Lear's for supper, They re-
turned home on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid of neat
Walton visited on Sunday at the
hone of Mr. and Ars. Leo Watt.
Harinck school teacher, Mrs. Arthur
Colson, and scheoi children, started
duties again for another year. School
opened on Tuesday.
Mrs Kneehtel and Maxine left on
Friday of last week for their hone at
Calgary after spending a few weeks
at the home of her brother, Mr
Reece Ferris, and other friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bewley, Arth-
ur and Walter. also Mr. and Mrs
Isaac Rapson spent Wednesday even-
ing of last week with Mr. Reece Fer
ria and Mrs. Kneehtel. •
Miss Maxeen Knechtel spent Thurs
clay afternoon of last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shep-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper and Bert
spent Sunday at the house of Mr. and
Mrs. -A. W. McEwing.
The Young People of Barns church
iheldl a roast on Monday evening at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. S. McVittie•
Mr. Win. Leiper and his brother
Robert of Toronto, recently holiday
eti at Quebec.
Mr. Wm. P oa:•onc of Listowel visit•
ed on Sunday at the home of his
;uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom.
Mr. Isaac P,psnn spent Sunday of
te•rn,.on at the home of Mr. and Mrs
A. W. Bear•om.
Mrs. A. W. Beacom recently had a
ricer, from the West visiting for a
few days.
The Misses Kathleen and Edythe
Benemn rcturt:elon Thursday of les`
week from :1, 1,' trill up North and
on Saturday they attended the wedd
ing of their cousin, Minn Kathleen
Bremner Hoar Listowel
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Rapson :bent Sun
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mee. Warred Gihhings.
We wish to extend sincere• sync
pathy tc Mrs. Simon McVittie in the
IONS of a sister Mrs. Williamson
whose funeral was on Saturday last.
MIes Eva Holland, Clinton, under-
went a tonsil operation Tuesday at
the Clinic.
Miss Ardeth Erickinson of Detroit
is holidaying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ball, Clinton.
Miss Dorothy Holland and Mr. Vic-
tor Heeley of Toronto spent the week.
enol at Mr. and Mrs: Noble Holland's,
Mr, Bill Holland has started
threshing beans. He has added an
elevator and weigher to his machine.
(An 1 ridgy night, Menet 3nth, a
reel home e'ultitlg re'eptioti was giv
x'11 to Lewis Williams and his bride
from wheeling. West Virginia, which
was held in the Staffs hall. The
music was rendered thy a local orch-
estta. To say that everyone present
had a good time is putting it mildly.
Seemingly every one came to have a
good time and no one was disappoint
ted. During the evening Mr. G. I-Ioe
land of Dublin addressed the crowd
and in a few chosen words welcomed
Mr, and Mrs. Williams to our midst.
and assured them felicitations front
all. On Tuesday morning the young
couple left on their return trip for
hone, but will long remember the
pleasant vacation spent in our midst,
Bride-to-be Honoured
At Linen Shower—.
On Sunday afternoon, Miss Elizab•
eth Carlin gave a linen shower to
honor Miss Ann McGrath, bride -elect
of late September. A number of girl
friends gathered at the home of the
bride-to-be. A beautifully decorated
basket of gifts was brought in and
presented to Miss McGrath. She was
the recipient of many beautiful and
useful gifts. Contests were directed
by Miss Carlin. A buffet luncheon was
served and Miss Carlin was assisted
by her sister, Miss Barbara Carlin
and by Mrs. Ed Conlin
Mr. Hugh McGrath is on the sick
and in Scott Hospital, Seaforth, About
a week ago he was hurt in falling;
front a load of grain. But recent re
ports an his condition are favorable
and we hope he will nta,ke a speedy
Congratulations are in order to Mr.
Joe Rytin, Dublin. Iris wife presented
him with a girl. so Joe Is happy.
Mrs. Wm. Riley and family are vis
iting friends in Cromarty and Stade
Mrs. M. Benninger and sen Don of
St. Michael's College, Toronto, visited
friends in Kiulcora last Sunday.
Mrs,- A. Blood and her sister, Miss
Ann McAleer, who have been visiting
at the hone of their sister, Mrs. Pal
rick Ryan for the past two weeks
have returned to their home in De-
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis F. Williams of
Wheeling, West Virginia, are visiting
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wil
Miss Doris Ruston has seournd a
position in the Huron ihcttel. Diilhltin.
Miss Teresa Lynch of Seaforth is
visiting with Mrs. Catherine Mc.
Dermot t.
Rev. Fr. O'Rourke is vacationing
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs of Toronto is
spending a week with Mrs. Catherine
Burglar (to heiress, whose home he
has entered)—"I don't want your
life, but your money, ma'am."
Heiress --"Oh go away, you're just
like the rest of them."
"Flight Angels"
Mon. Tues. Wed,
WALTER WANDER -preterits
Isfamne Hr
"Four Sons"
'We're Young.:.
We're Married
pAye °
1411 1oREN
RoecocKar,ls• LeePetrick.DennieMoore
A WARNER BROS.'Fiist NaCl Picture
&,ern Flay by Ana* 1, and Philip C. Epstein
Aunt a aw 5wa„r Pd,, Play by Macre Aeduesn,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose and family.
of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Blogk over the week end.
Mr. and Nit's. Fred Srlisrbarth.
Kenneth and Earl of Detroit, Mrs
Elwood Smart of Windsor are helid
eying with Mr. and Mrs. John L
Benne wies.
Bit'. and Mrs. Ed. Kressler, Rose
Douglas and Jackie and Howard Ell-
igson of Stratford visited with Mr.
and Mrs: W. L. Querengesser.
Miss Esther Davison of Newton
commenced her duties as teacher
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schellenberger
of Clinton visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Russell Sholdice.
Mr. and Mfrs. Mervin Miller and
fancily spent the holiday week end
with relatives near Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Claires
and Glenn, spent the week end with
friends at Amberley on Lake Fluron
Mr. George Beier met with a pain•
fur accident when he got both his
hands in the cutting box, losing two
fingers on each hand, while thresh-
ing at the farm of August Scher -
berth. He was removed to the Strat
ford Comore! hospital.
me. Lorne int ttttr tel' \ti'itailsor vis
ited with 3,1r. aril Mrs. Ed Pruetet',
1111': and Bit's, Leslie \\ i"tetson and
f. tnily of Detroit aro visiting with
Mee and M N. Aug.Hdllebrrcht,
Mr. and ,It , Ted Malone and Mary
a'td Mr. Adair, Fehr of ,Taviitoelc
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wmt,
S. RIehi.
A vary large crowd attended decor-
s ton service,; held at St. Peter's Lu-
theraa Church on Sunday last, The
Brodhagen Band rendered several
selections and Rev. Durst of Owen
Sound was the guest speaker for the
The Brodhagen Band will hold
their final open air concert next
Sunday evening, They will be assist-
ed by the Listowel Boys Band.
"I wish,” said the married man,
looking round a bachelor fiat, "I wish
I had a. home like this,"
"Ah, well," remarked his friend,
"you can't have everything. You WiTi
married men have better halves, but
we bachelors have better quarters."
Drumhead Se
Under Auspices of the Seaforth Branch, Canadian Legion No. 156
2 p.m.
U N Y9 SE . EM EE1';; 1th:
The Programme WW Include
Addresses .By
2 p.m.
Mjo jor the Rev. Norman Rawson
of Hamilton, and Other Speakers
Council of the County of Huron co-operates with the Canadian Legion Drumhead Serv-
ice in holding at the same time and place it
To Encourage and Assist the Government in Its War Effort
"God Save the King"
In event of rain Drumhead Service and Patriotic Rally will be held in
Palace Rink