HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-05, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS RAGE THREE AGC gives light, tender texture every tine° MADE IN CANADA FRED SLOMAN'S SCHOOL STARTS FOR NORTH The following item 'front the ton - don Free Press is of interest 'hecairse. 'Mr, and 'Mrs. S1•ntnan and family are .well known in this district their 'home having been in the -Clinton andBlyth districts tw+hare tltcp spend the huli- days t Completely cOnStructed in the local C.N.R. shops. a "scltorrl on wheels" 'was moved curt -of this city ,yestcnday to start its way tv the htmtberlands of Northern Ontario. There it will serve as a 5ch0.6 for thirty-nine children livin'1c: along- 150 mites ,of track in one •the l,:oneliest place 'en the-eontin- +nlr. \lire than that is will ,he the ;Home fc.r the -school toaster" Fred Slontan, friss wife and live children. a chin far innef•v meal and a kind of sic - al centre for lonelier ,women. A strange hotite, this railway car. but tach the ti. maul Iov'es it, for the children have known no. t thcr home than one n tvltu els since their birth they number five -the Slontan Children they are: Joan, in her early !teens, I-izidhert. Margaret. Freda and William The last two are twins. They are "two point five" years old. A•moltg their friends the children have mor. wharf'l names than those given- them in registrations. They are, to their friends, Punk, Woo, Bo, Persephone and Bu+b:bite. The twins have the tongue twister names; Persephone was • the wife of Satan, according to legend, and B•trh+bite ,was a rabbit in a French story 'Wap was reading .when the twins Were born. The railway car, provided• thy the C.N.R. and ,operated thy the depart- ment of education. makes as many as 10 stops in the school district it serves, These 'stops are sidings, ohos- en ,because there are lumber shacks near by. In these shacks men dive with their families. Sometimes they live alone in a life that !has a ,gray pattern. There are no churches, no road except 'the railway, no sewing circle, no neighbors, no +one to see a ;wom- an's new dress, little -reason to "droll" tip, There is nothing new or,.skrange or exciting 'for these people except the visit of the •.Ohooi• car, that 'brings air et ucttinn TO their rhi.1•rlrcn and'flit outside ,world' to t hent. The car stops tor ihrtt d;tt'i itrt r•wc.h dung. 'Idle children .cane +tu h.dhnol, get their le u, for tihe next five weeks, After ahuti 'linens elan drift- in ito t.tlk of r Attics, tr terg'ite alhnut dicrat' rs. 7 hr} •sit ar•otutd eteP= er for new.. aml titer the schenl master's vide h< seraed cel. {c•e, The sc etti cru:tr to the car for advice alrnaat their •al• t:l',l,ing dal Thcse ;ht, check tvi:h tit Sh.man- before sending the dst to sa.me city, depart intltt Fiore, .tt'. 1)^igl;it so e- tiines •there .are movies. For the "school on 'w,hecls has an r.kl pro- jector that rs 'hand -cranked. Phe films are odd. perhaps an early 't'I tti,p- lin picture, hut it is new is these ,people .who have never moved be- yond the horizon of Cieprrenl- Sonteaintes molten someone is too id to see the movie. the movie goes to her. In her 'little •bedroom ,the pro- jector is set tap and the pictures shown on the ceiling. There are 13 oil lamps in the car that seu'p!pl'y its illumination. Ever since Rhe time that someone told the Slomans a woman sag alp a•1q night Ito watch those lights they've kept as many ars possible 'turning. ,Now more than one •woman sits up amtil dtttwn streaks the gray sky, just look- ing at the lights that shine from a railway carr, .Christmas in the school o t wheels 1ttsts for several tveeks. There is atree kept for the children and presents for all, and 'when Cirri -ours- ls dope, there is always Dui,. • nq ln<ve t;,!he very yo;utg to believe in Dat', t r else the spirit of Peter Pan tiltst ht strong within you. For ;Mb is a 'fairy that live, in a little ; glited 1 tt-e in the scho;,i ronin, And \Ir. Shaman as Ile asks '.ter-cttt•,tt„r, And if you're very elves yon a present. !While Dub is he children's best ,friend. there va -.n cl roan whose eleven cit children were ,n the (id Coun- try who used t -come at night ami ask the school master to tell ,he story of Dub. .Amro.., every time the school ,visited his district he called and the story had to :he repeated. So the school on wheels mill go again into Northern Ontaric. this Sep- tember. A new school on wheels, 12 feet Bang; it has a compact 'kitchen with dozens ,n1 cupboards, a sink, chromium plated .table and a kitchen table, a coal stove. The •refrigerator is compact too. But it is the bedroom and living -roam combined that 'is really a gem of -the carmaker's ant. The .walls are a soft 'buff color with windows numerous. The 'bathroom is as modern as any in an apartment, Heating for the en- tire car is provided by a sort of ftv'- nace, set in a mall and insulated front the outside. It is the school roctun that is most attractive. Complete in every detail it also has a (bell, sliding Ib1ackb'oard, a drinking neater cooler and side seats for parents and adults. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks Mc FIEL SE VICE lot a' YetPyi-_ With all the anxious watching and waiting that precedes the ripening of a crop, the harvest itself seems to descend with "Blitz- krieg" speed. And once on, speed is the essence of success—for delay may be costly to the farmer. M Heavy crops in down and tangled condi- tion give rise to problems in harvesting methods and equipment operations and throw excessive strains on much worn parts of old, reliable machines. li is then that the farmer appreciates the real value of farm machine service as rendered by Massey -Harris. Competent men with experience infield problems and service that takes years to acquire, and a system that provides for the ready availability of parts for any of its machines, no matter how old, so as to avoid costly delays, are what have earned for Monsey -Harris the enviable reputation which it has long enjoyed as— "THE SERVICE ARM OF THE CANADIAN FARM." �M7Z a fo74 r /fes silt O/6,7//'/�/ tlr/l itch'! it//6fa/l/0 l,�j��/�lG tMASSEY-HARRIS• BUILDERS 'OF GOOD F`A DUBLIN Gerald [Lordan has returned home :front a visit 'to Thorndale. ,Miss Mary Reale underwent a crit- ical operation alt St. Joseph's Hospi- ital. ,London, on Wednesday. lames ;Jordan, Jr.. has returned ]tome after spending 'two months in Detroit. A number of our residents attend- ed the 'funeral of 1Miss'Julia Ann Ken- ny at Sea'forth on Thursday. Miss Kenny lived the 'greater 'pant of her life at Dublin 'being the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. tJ,ohn Kenny. Phillip and Frank Kenny are 'broth- ers. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Cath - We Ire SOH q Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles,. Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. arise Carpenter 'mere ,Mrs. 1'villiant Devereaux and Miss Virginia Dever- eaux of Chicago; Father John Jordan, Imlay City. Mich., With .his another, Mrs, Teresa !Jordan; Mr. and .Mrs. Ross ,Murdie, 3.1iss Vina 13,jtirdie and Miss this Kyle. Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. James T. ,Malcolm; Mr. and .Mrs. Harvey Hyde and son, Norman, Hensall, with 'Mrs. Alexia 'Malcolm; Miss jean :Aikens, Seaforth. at ,her +home; J. 'L. 'Roney left for Bulyea, Sask., to visit relaitives. AUBURN Edgar Lawson has just completed shipping 115,000 'feet crf, •luartlber from his mill 'here. He was assisted in loading by Arnold Craig, trucker, and Bah Craig and Russell IKin'g. nvliss Marion Stewart is visiting her aunt and uncle, o\•Ir. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart 'of Ashfield. REVIEW OF THE WEEK Joint board of defence for Canada. and the United States held opening meetings in Ottawa. it means "the Monroe doctrine translated into ac- tion," -said Mayor LaGuardia of New York, chairman of the United States section in a press interview. Decision to establish the board was reached at the Ogdensburg confer- ence between the prince minister of Canada and President Roosevelt of the United States. Functions of the board are to study plans to protect 'North America from attack. Its pro. paeals will be submitted subsequently to the governments of the United Stales and Canada. During the past week, munitions and supply contracts placed totalled 1,535 and had a value of $10.957.68C. Thomas Arnold. Montreal. appoint- ed electric power controlIer, Canada and the United Kingdom will observe a clay of prayer on Sun. day, September 8, first Sunday after the anniversary of the outbreak of war. Changes in the defence of Canada regulations require all Germans and Italians naturalized since 1922 to re- gister as enemy aliens. Previously, only Italians and Germans natural- ized after 1929 bad to register. 'tical' time prices board issued a warning to approximately 40,000 man- ufacturers, importers and distributors of domestic and imported goods against exploiting the ten per cent war exchange tax. Dail service for private and person- al correspondence resumed to unoc- cupied France, including Corsica, Al- geria, the French zone of Morocco and Tunis. Six new school cadet corps author- ized by the minister of defence. There are now 560 cadet corps in Canada. Department of national war serv- ices issued regulations governing the calling up of single men for military training. Tom --"Was her father rough with you when you told him you had sec- retly married his daugbter?" Dick—"I'll say. He nearly shook my arm off." FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 INGERSOLL PHONE 219 - MITCHELL J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a `service Truck -if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will conte promptly Electric Welding Done by an Experienced Weider, Ken elms/then Work guaranteed. The portable welder can be talean any placewith or without Hydro PHONE 179:SEAFORTH All Repairs Strictly Cash. We Aim To Please