HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-09-05, Page 1•
I can watch wonder darlceniug your
Wonder and eager, questioning sur•
prise ----
That yon should find so many new
In this still place, far front all city
This is a world of fairy happenings—
A world that changes swiftly over-
Tomorrow we may see it clothed in
Adventure walks beside us, little lad,
But oh, for me, the greatest marvel
In the bright, startled wonder in
your eyes !
—"Welcome to a Little Lad."
Phone 84,
$1 a year,
IVORY 'SOA'P, 2 bars 11c
IVORY ,SNOW, pkg. 23c
Half 1b. 25c
'CUCUIIVIBHRS. Nine day pickles
Basket 2.5c
Pkg. 15c
Quarter 1b.
Half Ib.
6 for 25c
10 lbs.
Bottle 25c
.Bdlttle 1,5c
Make your own Javel water with
Javex. Make 1 gallon 15c
IVfaster's Poultry Concentrate.—
oncentrate.Cwt. $3.35
A. C. Routirnige
Phone 166
*'blue coal'.;.
Northside United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m, Sunday School.
11 a.m., The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper,
7 p,m. "The Soul's Lineage,"
Thurs. 8 p.m, Precommunion Serv-
Challenges Lions Club IFirst P,'esbVANCE-sox Walton Church Has
Egmondville United Church
Roy, A. W. Gardiner, B.A„B,D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 ani., Communion service, "The
Price of the Church.”
7 pen., "A Monument to Goodness."
Preparatory service, Friday, Sep-
tember 6th at 8 p.m., "Reasons for
Peter's Downfall."
The Salvation Army
Holiness meeting, 11 a.m.
Salvation meeting, 7 p.m.
Directory "Class, 10.30 a.m.
Company meeting, 3 p.m.
yterian Church, Sea.
Porth, was the setting for very wet- 75th Annilversar
To Publish Statement forth,
Donor Will Give $25.00 If Lions Leona Mae' Box, only daughter of Mr. Special Speakers Will Be Pres..
Will Divulge Names and sod Mrs. Ernest L. Box of Seaforth. era on September 8th
Expenses was united in marriage to Mr. Graham and 15th
Stevenson Vance of Kirkland Lake.
ty autumn wedding at 1.30 p.m. on
Wednesday Sept. 4, when Miss
Club would publish a detailed state-
ment of their summer carnival.
On August 22, It was stated that
the Lions had not yet completed their
accounts and therefore could not
comply, also they did not care torec-1
ognize me because I bad not signed'
my name (I was surprised at this
from a club which has carefully kept
their accounts anonymous all these
Last week the Lions Club donated
to the Red Cross its share of the
carnival proceeds andit was an-
nounced that the town auditors had
made a apecial audit and found ev
erything correct; incidentally, also it
was revealed that the expenses of
the affair were actually higher than
the Red Cross' share,
The accounts now apparently being
complete, I am renewing my offer to
the Lions Club, and have deposited
with The Seaforth News the sum of
$25,00 (Twenty-five dollars) to begi-
ven to patt'iotk purposes if the Lions
will publish in this paper a full and
satisfactory itemized financial state-
tatemeat of their summer carnival. with
the names of those receiving pay-
ment. DONOR.
"Donor' writes:
On August 15th I offered to donate
he Red Cross if the Lions
n o1 Mr^, and Mrs: ll John A. Vance fis l;n
so The congregation of u
of Listowel. Rev. Hugh Jack officiat• Church at Walton will observe the
ed. Pais pink and white gladioli, ase -75th anniversary of the founding of
ere, Dorn flowers and ferns were ef-
fectively massed about the pulpit
platform. A beautiful floral arch was
placed over the main aisle at the en•
trance to the guest pews which were
Marked with white asters tied with
white ribbon.
Before the bridal party proceeded
to the altar, a hymn, "The Voice that
Breathed O'er Eden," was sung by
Mrs, Wellington Gibson. The bride
given in marriage by her father, ent-
ered the church to the strains of Lo.
hengrin's wedding march played by
the church organist, Mrs. M. R
Rennie. She was attractively attired
in a floor length gown of white slip-
per satin fashioned along Princess
lines with leg -o -mutton sleeves and
(full skirt ending in a train over
which her veil fell from a coronet of
orange blossoms. She wore a pearl
necklace, the gift of the bridegroom
and carried a shower bcuquet of
Killarney roses and blue cornflowers
Miss Mary Weleker, of Tavistock,
roister of honour,was a.. in dusty
rose faille moire with turquatse
trimmings. Her flowers were Holly-
ollywood roses. The bridesmaid, Miss
Labelle Hawkins, of Seaforth, teas
flocked in turquoise: faille moire with
dusty rose trimmings and colonial
nosegay of Briarcliffe roses. Each
wore matching doll hats. Mr. Richard
Box. brothel' of the bride, was best
mean and Messrs. C. E. Barrett, Lionel
Fortune and William Box were nein
ens. During the signing of the register
Mrs. Wellington Gibson. aunt of the
groom, sang "All Mine Alone. A re-
ception was held after the ceremony
at the home of the bride's parents on
Jarvis street. Mrs. Box received the
guests wearing a floor length gown
, of heaven blue amaranth crepe. large
wine wattean felt hat and corsage of
Talisman roses. Mrs. John Vance.
mother of the groom, wore navy blue
triple sheer, a navy versatile felt hat
and corsage of Hollywood roses. Din-
ner was served at the Commercial
hotel to the immediate relatives and
the young ladies who assisted at the
trousseau tea, Pink Briareliffe roses.
bouvarilia and tall tapers decorated
the tables. The bride's table was
centred with a four tier wedding cake.
A unique feature of the gathering
was the presence of the bride's grand-
mother, Mrs. A. E. Dunt of London,
The grandparents of the bridegroom
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gibson of Ltato•
wet, also his great aunt and great
uncle, Mr, and Mrs, William Ward of
Exeter. The happy couple left imme-
diately by motor for Toronto and
Points east, the bride travelling in a
navy blue tailored suit with navy
blue and white accessories. On their
POSTMASTER GENERAL return they will reside at IC.irkland
�— Guests from out of town: Mr, and
War time measures—the new war Mrs. J. A. Vance, Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
regulations, censorship, foreign ex- Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Gibson, Mrs, dwKoch.
change and control and national reg• M
Mr. and Mr,rs.and E
William Spencarde, Mr.
Istration— as affecting postal regula- and Mrs, Morgan. Welsh, Mr, and
tions were the chief subjects When Mrs. T. 0. Gibson, all of Listowel;
Hon, William P. Muidck, Canada's Mr. Robert Gibson, Kirkland Lake.
� Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, of Exe-
new postmaster general opened a ter; r. and Mrs. H. Minett, Toronto;
postal conference of Ontario post -1 Mr James Vance, Cromarty, Mr. and
masters at the Hotel London in that Mrs. A. Moffatt, Brucefield, Mr. and
city on September 4. The postmaster' Mrs. J. D. May, Mrs. A, E. Dunn, Mr.
general spoke at the noon luncheon
which preceded the sessions. Several
officers of the post office department
gave papers of great importance.
In addition to the war time sub- &et conitron it 9eave5 hint "Inpsfded"
A very delightful shower was held
in honour of Mrs. Andrew Calder
formeely Miss Jennie Hawkins, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore
on Tuesday night. The evening was
spent in playing progressive euchre
is which Mrs. Stewart Cudmore won
the first prize and Peggy Chesney
the consolation prize. Crognfnole was
also played, Mrs. Hawkins and Alma
Elliott being the winners. Among the
bride's gifts, which were many and
useful, were two end tables and a
tea set of dishes, a gift from boy
friends of Mr. Calder. Lunch was
The marriage took place quietly at
Riverdale Presbyterian Church manse
on Monday, Sept. 2nd, of Jessie
Isobel, second daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, W. D. Smith, Seaforth, to Gor-
don Malcolm McKellar of Sudbury,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc-
Kellar, Seaforth. The marriage was
performed by the Rev. Gordon Mac-
Pherson. The bride wore a wine suit.
with accessories to match.
The young couple were attended
by Miss Isobel McKellar, Seaforth.
and Mr, Frank Black of Toronto.
After a brief honeymoon at Manitou-
lin Island they will reside at Sudbury.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
Stutday School 30 :a.m.
Morning service, 11 a.m. Rev. J. K.
West, Monkton, will preach.
Evening service, 7 p,m.
Midweek meeting, Thursday event
ing at 3 p.m.
St. Thomas Church
Recto': Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. Day of Intercession for the
7 p.m. The Bishop of Keewatin.
Sunday School at 10.45 am.
St. Mary's, Dublin
0.30 a,m. Day of Intercession for
the Empire.
Union War -Time Prayer Meeting
Will be held at the Salvation Army
Hall, Thursday, at 7.30 p,m.
A meeting of rive committee to push
sale of rwar savings a'taarups was 'held
in the (town hall ion Tu.esiday evening.
The (meeting noted (Jas IA.:S.tewant,
.chainman, and D. H. Wilson, secrel-
ary. Present 'were Chats. Holmes, rep-
resenting 'the council, E. C..Chainlber-
lain, the Lions Club, E. !C. Boswell
'Ohre Legion, 'Mayor 'Chili and ,Cleeic
Wilson. A later [meeting 'will be held
'wlhen swdp'plies ane eeceivect.
Total amount on deposit at Sea -
!forth at pend of June, i11940, $1,6113.73.
• 'Conmanati'ee rdgnrmes ,of a years ago:
Approximately 100 members of the
local company of Huron fit Middlesex
regiment, N.P.A.M„ left by special
train at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning for
two weeks at Thames Valley Camp
at London. They went to Hyde Park
station and marched to the grounds.
The camp will close Sept. 1.8th.
the congregation on September 8th
and 15th, On September 8111 the guest
preacher will be the Rev. 101. C. Mac-
Donald, B.A., secretary of the Home
7Vlission board of the United Church.
The Westfield male quartette will as•
sist the choir. The guest preacher on
September 15th will be the Rev. L.
Hussey, M.A.,B.D., of Mitchell United
Church. The committee in charge of
tate anniversary have arranged for a
social evening to be held on Monday
evening, September 9th, when an in-
vitation is extended to all former re-
sidents of the Walton community to
gather and renew old friendships.
The anniversary will conclude with a
supper on Tuesday evening, Septem-
ber 17th, when the program following
the supper will be presented by the
choir of Listowel United Church, The
congregation of Duff's church was
footledand at that time was
'rn 1865
connected with the Brussels and
Ci an brook Presbyterian churches.
The iirst minister to be called wee
the Rev. John 'Ferguson who remain-
ed pastor of the charge until 1877 la
"Lopsided" people. 'When one
uses but one of his three faculties
jests the postal conference heard of-
ficers speak on public relations and
air mail. District offices were also
represented and a demonstration of
high speed sortation given.
Postmasters, postmistresses and
their assistants were present from
all sections of the province. Registra-
tion began on Tuesday afternoon and
the conference ends on Thursday.
With so 'many 'oi 'oua boys now, 4n
traininlg or oeeoseas the ]public
Awned •'kno've that special effort is be-
ing made by the Post Office Depart-
ment to serve these sten both by
letter mall and Parcel post, Special
parcel 'post rates are given our laver -
seas troop's so that comforts right
from (their 'Canadian homes ¢nay
react them pmomlptttly and in good
,00ndvtion. The limit .of ,weight for
auch parcels is eleven pounds. 'Certain
amounts lee stoney may Ibe 'sent our
soddices 'overseas, in some cases Iby
(postal note and in others rby !p'ost of-
.frce trolley order. The Postmaster
and staff ,we'll ibe only 'poo (pleased 80
help in any 'way with indorma)bion or
'otherwise Which may !help bring
'Canada closer eo these ,fighting anon
of ours.
For those 10 tnaining, the 'Canadian
air main service -wonderfully shorten
the time of tains* of Meters (bo and
from J!(amle, the extra postage in 'Can-
nada being only gime cents. For in-
stance a il'etter mailed ?from 'SeaifanUh
by air in Itlhe 'afternoon ,is deliv'eretl
nn Edmonton, Alta.. next morning.
Information as Ito the [proper 'addres!s-
in'g 'af !letters to (men in our 'navy as
now ;a'V'aiaable at the Post [Office, land
'with (this ibrand5i of one fighting see -
mice growing 'daily is most important.
—'C, P. Sills, PM..
The absent - minded mathematician
may lose all interest in the harmony
of sound or the (balance in color com-
bination !Mit Ibecanse he has failed to
dev'ealorp his (world .of apprecialtion.
He (becomes an intellectual "'freak."
The musician or painter may oulti-
I'valte his 'emotional nature at ithe ax -
(pease (af his (world (elf iknoweed'ge and
this world of conduct We excuse .him
ib(y saying that it is "ar9nstic Itermpera-
anent," but we knew that he is
Om'e enay also be lopsided in the
direction of this nv'nln. He enay be ai-
rways acting before he thinks (or ,with-
out a ypp'recialting the emdtiona0 values
involved in Isis deeds.
Maybe YOU pay boo much atten-
tion to your IGOass, your GompanF,
your Cards, your 'Carr or is there
ioenething .else that just !holds you,
and outside of rthese affairs all -deter
tbinfis :ams eteslt mat rigtht.
There is a danger of paying too
much attenition to material things alt
'Ube expense of !the S'oul's welfare.
'Why not 'toy it place sof 'wo'rshi'p this
I'Suoday, 'and bn 'Ube words Of rile
Master, °SceOc ye first !the (kingdom,"
I IIE''s 'worilh an exlpanimvental Itria6 at
Jany tt+alte, !amt' it's bound to ,mallce a
''difference in your (outlook on Oi'fe.
--CCa'ptaain Dougall.
1877 the charge was divided and the
Walton congregation called Rev.
Alexander McNaughton who was- pas-
tor until 1885, The following minist-
ers have occupied the pulpit of Duff's
church since that time:—Rev. Fran
cis Ballantyne 1885.1889, Rev, David
Forrest, 1889-1809, Rev. Cranston for
8 months in 1000. Rev. Andrew Mac.
Nab 1001-1909. Rev. R. A. Lundy,
B.A., 1909-1920. Rev. E. F. Chandler,
1921-1926. Rev. W. J. Maines, BA.,
1926.1931. Rev. Chas, Cumming, 1931-
1939, and the present minister, Rev.
F. A. Gilbert, B,A., who was called en
best of any age; ewe, two shears and
1939. The first church was erected in under three; ewe shearliog; ewe
lamb; best ewe of any age and pen
24 pieces of Silver Plated Flatware with 32 pieces of
Dinnerware at the very low price of 14.95; the lowest price
we have had yet. The knives have Stainless Steel blades
and are very good quality indeed, much better than the
price would indicate. A limited number of these only are
1,111 i"n"111114m,un"u„11111111",uu"ull llllnoun"nnn"un,"n11wnuun11unu"wuu,nllllll u"uumnwnnw
Ephriam Snell Wins
8 Firsts At Toronto
Hullett Farmer Gets High
Awards in Leicester Sheep
Classes at Exhibition
Entries of Ephriam Snell. of Hul-
lett Township, (won eight first prizes
in day,the (Leicester 5heep judging at the
Canadian .National Exhibition on Sat-
His entries 'canon the ram, two
shears and over; TOM :vhearli:ng; ram,
1864 and was replaced by a larger
building in 1869. This building which
eoet about one thousand dollars, serv-
ereed the congregation until 1912 when
th@,present building was erected dur-
ing the pastorate of Mr. Lundy. In
1912 the 'United Presbyterian Church,
situated on the site of the present
church, united with Duff's Church.
Space will not permit us to tell the
history of the congregation of the
United Presbyterian congregation.
Though not a large congregation at
the time of the union, they have
made a strong contribution to the
life of Duff's congregation. A few
seats from this church are still used
in the baiement of the church. The
first manse was erected shortly af-
ter Walton severed connections with
the Brussels congregation and is now
owned by Mr. Forrest. The present
manse was built during the pastorate,
of Mr. Chandler and is recognized as
one of the finest minister's resid-
ences for a rural church. This sum-
mer the church was painted and re-
pairs made to the property. In the
church union of 1925 the Methodist
congregation united with Duff's
church to form a larger fellowship.
It is interesting to note that in the
75 years of the history of Duff's
congregation only five treasurers have
held office. The present treasurer,
Miss Mary Smillie, is now complet-
ing her fortieth year of service fn
this office.' Her predecessors in the
office were Mr. James Campbell, Mr.
Thomas McFadzean, Mr. James Mac-
Donald, and Mr. Jonathan Moore.
The history of the Sunday School
dates from the early days of the con-
gregation. A newspaper clipping
states, "In 1866, at a congregational
meeting steps were taken to organ-
ize a Sabbath. School." The late Mr.
James Smillie was appointed as the
first superintendent. Sipce that time.
the duties pertaining to that office
Have been fulfilled by Mr. James Ful-
ton, Mr. Peter Watson, Mr, Alex Gar-
diner and Mr. Silas Johnston who is
Continued on Page 8
Mr. Raymond Nott had the mis-
fortune last week of having the ling•
erg of his right hand severely cut
while adjusting a belt on the eons
bine. Seven stitches were required to
close the wounds.
Fred Harburn, of Cromarty, won
the Dominion Single Championship
for pitching horseshoes at the C.anad-
tan National Exhibition this Week,
defeating last year's champion, Dean
McLaughlin, of Oshawa, 50-49. Fred
Harburn is 29 years old. and both he
and his father have won many tro-
phies tossing horseshoes. Fred
pitched 77.4 per cent ringers in his
Toronto matches.
Among the 260 graduates of Galt
Aircraft School, who left that city on
Thursday for Toronto to Join thy
Royal Canadian Air Force as air
eraftsmen was Gavin T. Gemmell of
Tuekeirsmitla: Other graduates from
Huron county were: W F. Hill, A. B
Hutclrkius, L. R. Naftel and J. C
Thornloe, Goderich: J. W. Wettlaufer
Binevale; R. R. Baird and E. E.
Coutts, Wingham and D. W. Weir, of
At the Sunday evening service at
St, Thomas Church the Bishop of
Keewatin will preach and tell of the
work of bis diocese.
The Junior Women's Institute
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Ted Brown (who has recently
moved to the Forest farm) on Wed.
nesday, Sept. 11th. The guest speaker
will be Mr. Glen Hays of Seaforth
and the roll call "a rule every child
should be taught to obey."
Each member is requested to bring
'five cents as her contribution to the
war charities fund of the Federated
Women's Institute,
Messrs. H. R Spence & San are
opening a produce store this week in
the Crich block, having moved into
the apartment aver the store on
Monday, Mr. Spence has conducted a
general store at Molesworth for the
past seventeen years.
Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Spence and their
two daughters, Miss Dorothy, and
Mrs. Ronald McPherson and her son
Bobby moved here Monday. Their
son Bert and his family also intend
to move here in a few weeks. Mrs,
McPhe'son's husband is now over
Red Cross Notes
The regular monthly meeting of the
Seaforth branch of the Red Cross So-
ciety will be held in the Carnegie Li-
brary on Tuesday evening, Sept. 10,
at 8 p.m. All who are interested in
the Red Cross work are invited.
Following is a report of the work
completed during the month of Aug-
ust: 1092 hospital supplies; 4159 sur•
gical dressings, 312 knitted articles,
75 articles for refugee work.
The greatest need at the moment
is new clothing for refugees and evac-
uees 75,000 refugees from the Chan-
nel Islands are in England. People
have been moved about so often that
many have lost what clothes they
had. Older boys and girls have been
overlooked up to now. In addition to
the refugees from. the Channel Is-
lands, there are approximately 100,-
000 evacuees of all ages now needing
clothing in Britain. In making cloth-
ing, do it with these points in mind:
1. Laundry difficulties.
2. Make every outfit complete in
details as to fastening, etc.
3. Consider what our own famil-
ies want and work from that.
4. Clothes are to be worn in Eng-
land, but may be needed in Canada, if
children come over in the numbers
5. Do not forget adults.
6. All sorts of knitted garments for
civilians are most acceptable.
There is no change in the needs of
the armed forces at present. Gloves
and mitts will be wanted in a few
weeks. Cold weather comes earlier on
the sea and abroad.
It. is with great pleasure one re-
peats words quoted from a recent
cable from our overseas commission-
er: "Clothing reecived first class,
much admired by pleased recipients,"
and from another source, "If the wo-
men could hear the comments passed
on Canadian Red Cross supplies.
they would be partially repaid for all
their efforts."
Loses Fingers from Both Hands
In Threshing Machine.—
A bad accident happened on Friday
last on the farm of August Scharr
berth, lot 33., con. 9, Logan, while
threshing with Mr. Manuel Beuer-
man's outfit, His assistant, Mr. Geo,
Baler, was trying to keep the cutter
on the mill going in that damp straw
and got his hands too close to the
knives which cut his thumb and first
and second fingers off Ms left hand
and part of the thumb and first and
little finger on his right hand. He
was rushed to Stratford hospital
Where it took the doctor's three hours
to dress his wounds, but he is rest -
Mg well after coming out of the
ether. He will be laid tip for this Fall
and then he will be unable to go
threshing any more for he has not
enough lingers. He was an old hand
with the mill as be went with some
trill every Fall for nearly forty years
The wet weather is keeping the
fanners back from getting their crop
in the barns, for it is raining nearly
every day.
We have a fairly good crop only the
late sown don't amount to very much
while some of it will hardly pay for
threshing. There is straw enough of
all kinds but small kernels.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Boehler, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. poetry of Grey took a motor trip
nn Sunday to Fullartoh' to visit some
frfonda and relatives, returning that
An interesting co-operative experi-
ment is being carried out between
the Women's Institutes of Ontario
and the Ontario division of the Can-
adian Red Cross for the preserving of
fruit, for nee overseas. Under the
direction of Miss Mary Clarke, super-
intendent of Women's Institutes un-
der the department of agriculture, the
Women's Institutes in fruit -growing
sections of the province have been
asked to preserve fruit, according to
recipes issued by the department. The
institutes are giving labour, fruit and
sugar; the Red Cross supplies cans
labels and cases and undertakes tran-
sportation costs. Each can bears a
label giving the name of the institute
by which the jam was prepared, To
date 20,000 four pound tins have been
purchased by the Red Cross for the
immediate preserving of fruits in
The United parsonage, Petrolia,
was the setting for a quiet bit pretty
wedding at three o'clock on Saturday
afternoon, when Jean, daughter of
Mrs. Mary Kerr of Petrone, and the
late Mr. G. E Kerr, was married to
Mr. William Lewrence Forrest. only
son of Mr. John Forrest of Seaforth
and the late Mrs. Forrest. Rev. F.
Stride officiated. The bride wore a
becoming gown of Queen's blue
triple sheer. Her sister. Mrs. Albert
Pegg, who was matron of honor,
wore a navy blue sheer frock with
white accessories. They each wore
a corsage of Sevnetheart roses and
ferns, The bridegroom was attend-
ed by Mr. Albert Pegg, Following
t pix.cerentony a receptiot was held
it :the, home of the h'ide's mother.
Mr:; and Mrs. Forrest left on an east-
ern motor trip. On their return they
will reside on the bridegroom's Mimi'
in Tucl:eremitlr,