HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 HENSALL Iiensall Red Cross Notes— Trite Hensall ',branch of the Red ,Cross is making a collection oaf nc'asite material consisting of the following item's: Newspapers, mixed !papers, magazines, rags, (burlap, rope, &thing, ,canpet, auto tires, tuibes, !bat'teri'es al-. uminntmt, castings, German silver, cop- per and !brass, iron, siteel, etc. We desire especially ;that the 'farmers share in this 'effort When you .co'nle so town, if you have any of these articles, :put 'them in the (back of the car or on the trailer , Papers may Ibe left at Orville -Twitchers Gaarage, while 'scrap anon enay be leift (behind the Town Hall. We want to complete this e'alleotion of material as early as possible. Let us all pull together in one final effort. Lf it is impossible to bring material hi .please phone W. R. Davidson at the Coal Office, .Hensal'h I A .word of hearty congratulations is extended to Miss Etlis and 'iter group, of lady workers who were in change of the sale of Red cress Tags on the night of rhe Band Treece The .pro- ,needs of approximately X4.00 Were received, We appreciated the support given by tire public. During the nom- inee Smite donations have 'been rec- eived be 'the village Inc the support of emr ;work. i\Ve appreciate the thought- ,fa>!aless of cur children coal admire • their splendid spirit of industry and self-denial, Are you listening in to -The Voice of the Red Cross" over station C.B.L. every Sunday evening ihetween 5,30 and 6 p.m, E. S. time? The Finance Committee of the Hen - ell Red Cre-s will hold its first Fail eetitu on I hureday September St'h -at 5 p.in. h the Council Chanebeer. All mor Members are in\i.ted to be pres- ent Do not forget the Frolic on Fri- etay evening, sponsored by ;the Zurich- liensall'-Kippcn \Var Service ,Coni - eat tee. The \\'e,nlan.. Association of .e United •Churc'h t l conduct a C,oufy booth, the proceeds of 'which sea he devoted to the work of the Red Cross. The Red Cross •work Room,: will Ise reopened during the •erand week iu Seatetnher. Wateh rids paper for ,further announcements. i-?ospit•al supplies. tee., are being or- dered 'so that materia: will he on hand for our workers. 'There is a • great. demand for sweaters and mitts, especially'. for ;mitts. ,We hope our knitters twill take special notice of this urgent appeal, Secure 'won'; from firs. W. O. Goodwin, • Dr. and Mrs. I. (i Sami'lic are en- jovitug a two week's vacation. .Mliss Mary McKaig of Exeter spent the 'week -end with her mother Mrs. Mchaig and aunt Miss Eliza Sewell. Mrs. Verne Smith;of Exeter 'visited this week with her mother Mrs. An- nie Sanndereock. Improvement are 'heing made ar- orlon? the E'ost Office and some paint- ing done e ay air. Fred Kennings • - winch adds greatly t: the a>pearanee. Rev. R. A Brook conducted ser - 'vice in :he C nittel Church on Sunday ,n;mnin.i. Miss Lettie Love sang a solo entitled All I Nerd Is In Jesus" ;Miss Helen Dick presided at the or - awn. Mr. Bert Riley of Chiselhurst is seriously ail in Scott Memorial Hos- pital Seaford' suffering with 'blood poisoning, Mrs. P. H. Devlin of Stratford and Mr. and ,Mrs.'Wm. Inc;ram of New York were recent visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss •Kay- Drysdale very pleasantly entertained a nuanuber of her 'friends at a wiener roast at Hayfield Friday night. The Hensall, Kippen and Zurich War Service Comimittee are sponsor- ing a Frolic in Hensall on Friday ev- • ening -Aug. 30th, •'Geo. .Little's six - piece orchestra of Goderich will fur- nish music for .the dance, Bingo games and (heel of (fortune will Ibe added attractions. Master Ross ,Corbett visited this week with his (uncle and aunt ,Mr. and Mars. Wesley Jones near ,Cromarty. T'he annual Parker Picnic meas ahead at Tvrn'buil's Grove on Wednesday. M. and ;Mrs. R. D. Bell and Mr, and (Mrs. Glen Bell visited on Sum - day ,with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hogter in London. Miss Annie Gilchrist of Toronto has- been holidaying with Mrs. P. 12anson. Miss E. Johnston left on Monday fer Muskoka district where she will spend a few days. • The Red Cross Marathon Bridge Math Will meet at the home- of Mrs. Cornelius Conk on Friday evening, Sept. 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman of Lis- towel spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. aral Mrs. Chas. , McDeneil, Mise Elizabeth Slavin is' spending x 'ew days this week et. the (tome of r nephew, 3'Ir. Fred Sievtu. near iselhurst. itIr. Jack Swan ot. Lc::,Ten was in. 'awn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs (liIle i' lynu of Lond- on visited on Suncl _, with the lar• ter's parents. Mi end Mrs. Jas. Pat kits. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson of NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC New regulations make It obligatory for all owners of Shot- guns or Rifles to register such firearms with the local Chief of Police on or before September 15. According to law any person who owns a Shotgun or Rifle and fails to have it registered, is liable to a severe penalty. The registration of such arms is entirely separate from pur- chase of a license for the arms. For the convenience of the public I will attend at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Seaforth, on the afternoons of. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 5, 6, and 7, and on the same days for the next succeeding week, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., when persons owning Shotguns or Rifles may bring them to be registered, HELMAR SNELL Chief Constable Mesa's. Ed Norm intcn and Peter McNaughton. •tssisied by thirty-eight: volunteer registrars. Mrs. Fencer of Montreal, who resides with her bro• ther, Mr. Alf Taylor. was the first to register and Mr, J. W. Ortwein, who is in his ninety-first year. was the oldest to register. Post Nuptial Shower.— Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Gm. don Appleton, who were recently married. a number of friends of the bride gathered at the home of the bride's father, 115, Wm. F'airburn, on Friday evening and presented then( with a miscellaneous shower. Con- tests were directed by Miss Gladys Luker and a mock wedding was very luunorons with the following taking part: Miss Beatrice Gerber. as bride; Mrs L. Noakes. as groom; Miss Mar- ion Sangster as bridesmaid; Jlrs. J Taylor, hest Tuan. and Mrs. H. .1. aIe al Man, minister. Mrs. Leonard Noakes sang at solo. Little Audry Walsh and Eleanor Vetoer carried in at beautifully decorated basket of gifts and preeeni1 'hent to tate bride, the a(companyiug address be- ing read by Miss Gladys Luker. The hrirIe was the reeipient of many beau- tiful turd useful gifts. Refreshments were served. The home was tastefully decorated with pink and white stt•eanters and gladioli for the oe• cuslott. Bride and Groom Honored.— About 20o relatives and friends gathered at Staffs hall on Friday ev- ening in honor of Mr. and Jlrs. Gen. Boa, who were married ueent ly. During the evening ,lir, and firs. 11051 were presented with a purse of tint'' by Mr. Cameron MacLean and the address was read by Mrs, Henry Halberts. The groom made a fitting reply. Following is the address: -Dear George and lered. We have congregated ]sere tonight to (-elide nate your recent marriage and to niter our emigre tulanone. Our sin- cerest wishes are that your wedded life may be long and happy. May peace, happiness and prosperity ever follow you and guide your wedded lives titt'ough lands of joy and eou- tetttnteut. Please oweeltt this puree as at token of our good wishes. Sign- ed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. Lunch was served and dancing was enjoyed to the straits of alt. Ken McNichol's orchestra. Rev, D. C. Hill of Exeter conducted service in Carmel Church on Sunday morning. Services next Sunday will he held at 11 a,nt. and 7 p,nt„ eonduet- ed by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billy of Blyth visited this week with the former's parents. Mr, and Mrs, A. Foster. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Gran) of Lans- ing, visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Gram. Miss Mabel Workman had her ton- sils removed at the office of Dr. D. G. Steer on Tuesday. Mrs. Catharine Hedden and Mona who have been visiting for the past Pew weeks in Hamilton returned home on Saturday. Miss Helen Moir returned home this week after spending a few days at Ipperwaah Beach, Report of Hensall Continuation SchooL— I. is 731100: II., 67-7,4; III., 60-66; c, 5049. Subjects in 'brackets are failure, Grade IX.-- john Beer, Eng C.rnnp, Eng. Lit., Geog.. Hist., Agric., Math., Art, (Music, Fr., Bus, Praot, and writ- ing, (urdon Campbell—Eng. Lit., lamas Comp., eler g„ Hist., i Agric.), Math., Art('Music ), Fr., Bius. Prac, and •writing. Shirley Fairhurst—Eng. LiteEng. Conti i Geoq., ;Hist., Agri., Math.). Art, \lnsic, (Fr., Bus. Pract, and ,writing), Ross Kennedy, fang. Lite Eng. tenth„ Geog., Hut.. Agri. Maths., Art. Music, Fr., Bus. !'tart, and I'vrititee. MMarrtarct Sangster— •1 Ern., Lit.) Eng. Comp., Geog. '(Hist, A4ri.), Math, Art, Music, Fr Bus. Prac(. and Writing. Lis :\Maclaren, Eng. LiteEases Geog., , Apace Meth., uc is Fr Bus. h Art, f ' Prac.( and !Writing. Carl Schwalm— (Eng !Lit. Eng. Comp.), Geog. (Hist. Agric.r 'Math, Art 1Music, Fr„ Bus. Pratt. and Writing), John :Shepherd —Eng. Lit., Eng. Comp 'Geoge Hist. (:\tri., Math.) Art (Hosie, Fr., Bus, Prac. and Writing). Robert Hess— Eng. Lit., Eng. Comp., Geog., Hist. Ataxic, Math Art, Music, Fr, Bus, Pract. and Writing.) Grade X,—Robert Cameron—Eng. lit. Eng. comp., -geo., hist,, agric, math, (Latin), Fr, Dorothy Chand- ler—Eng. lit„ geog., 'hist„ agric., math., (set., Fr. Allan 'Crerar—Eng. Int (Eng. comm,), geog., hist., agric„ math, (Latin, Fr.) Donald Joynt, Eng. lit, Eng. comp„ ;geog., 'hist., agrit., snaffle (Latin) Fr. Robert Sangster, (Ent;, lit., conip„) geog. (Hist, .agric. math„ LatinFr.) 'June Sa'uncler- cack-'(En lit.), c.onep., sgeog., (Hist. agric., math. Latin, Fr.) (Jack Smith—Eng. lit„ convp,, geog. hist., 'agri•ce math., Let, Fr, Mary ,Goodwin—G IX, agric., G X, gecg, Gracie XI -XII — Jim .Clamvpibell— Can. hist. C, anc. hist. C, 'geom(. II, chem. C, iphys. C, Latin comp. C, Lat. moth. 0416), Fr. Camp. C, Fr. Attie II'I Roma 'Chandler—Eng 111. Eng. .comp. anc. hist. III, ;geom. I, Phys. I, Lat. 'comp, II, Liat, with. 1I, Fr. comp II, Fr auth. III, !Marry Goodwin, Eng. lit, Listowel visited on Sunday with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson. Mrs. J. 3. O'Brien of Brncefield vis- ited en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren. Mies Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto visited this week. with her brother - In -law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walt- er Spencer. Messrs. Milan and Lloyd Ortwein of London visited recently at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Drysdale and Jack spent a few days last week at Niagara Beach and are in Toronto this week attending the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spencer are visiting in Toronto with their daugh- ter Miss Mavis Spencer. Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth is visit- ing with relatives near Cromarty this week. Mr, and Mrs. Keith MacLaren and. family of Cromarty visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac - Laren. The national registration was held here last week with 546 persons reg- istering. The deputy registrars were Eng. comp„ anc. !hist, (37), ,geom, C, art, Fre cote. :Norman Jolly—Eng, 'it., Eng comp„ anc. hist. Id, geom, 1, phys, II, Latin, Fr. Carry Joynt, Ane, hist., I, .geom. I, iphys. II, Latin comp II, 'Lat. auth. Td, Fr. comp C, Fr. auth. I. Margaret Kercher, Eng, hit„ Eng. comp., anc. hist„ III, geom 1M1, phys 11, Fr. conn, I3awerd Lave —Ent. lit, Eng, conte, •anc..hiet (46), geom. C, ploys. II, Lat., Fr. Norris 'dc 1 w'en Etng, Lit., Eng. comp„ anc. hist. 48, gout. 42irhysics C, Lat (Fr) Gerald Passmore—.anc. hisit, I, (geom. II, oily:. 1I, Lat. omits. ti, Lat. ay. II, Fr. comp. III Fr, auth. I. 'Jeanne Pttltus--Eng. lit, Fng. zona., anc lust. •5..geotn..II, physica III, La't, Fr. \\ illiam Sproat—Eng. lit. Eng, coma. anc, hist, I. geom. C. Physics II, Fr. Florence Schwalm—Eng. lit, Eng. imp„ .rocs hist C. r„*tont, II, 'physics 1I, Fr. e,m. Blanche Thomson, Fang. lit., lanes comp. anc. hist, C, geom C, phy s. 46, (Fr.) :cont, Jean Long— Ane, hit 'C, lit, comp 411, Lat, ati. 43, Fr. emote. C, Fr. atilt. C, Grade XI Ii.--•1ion Campbell. Eng, romp. II, En>s. lit. 57, Carey Joynt Ene, comp. III, Eng. lit. II1. Gerald Passmore, Eng. comp. 44R, Eng. lit, 41. ale. and Mrs.'\Cot. \\'ilson and son Joseph of St. Catharines visited- this week with 'airs. \\'ilsson's anot, ,Mrs, C;ttherine Hedelen.. :Messrs. Robert, Kenneth and Gar. aid Passmlore are enjoying a holiday at Pike's •Bay. \tics M:te MaYsi s ihton of Toronto spent the week end.with her brother and sister -is -slaw, ,Mr, and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, Mr. an+I Mrs. N. 1:. Cook and fam- ily are in Toronto ink •week attending the exbih tinn. airs. Hebb. Britton of Dublin spent Tuesday with her ,mother. Mrs. 1i:or nab \Vnrkntan. Rev. 12. A. Brook viii attend the (lettere! Council or the United C'hureh to be held in Winnipeg en Sept. lith ,air. and 'airs. Male lin Dougall, Jli: Ca ser Deagsll, \lea Kate len- ottgit and Jim visited on Sunday wail relatives in Lletowel. Alen and Airs. (Mae Rosser and chil- dren of Blenheim visited on Sunday with Mr. and •Alis.:\. L. 'Case. airs. Rosier and daughter +N'nsna of Denfield and Mr' Leitch of Ailsa Craig and Mr. and ;';ins. Case Troyer visited recently with Mr. and 'Mee. A. L. Case, AIR RAID 'DUEL CONTINUES .AS NAZIS SHIFT TACTICS 'Phe British and German air duel Itthat !began Aug. 24 continued this week in intensified form. Suddenly shifting their tactics, the Germans this ,week struck their most serious :blow's so 'far in the air (bli'tzkrie'g On Britain. A series of scattered, yet in- tensive, day and might raids, including several .attadJks on the (heart of Lon- don, presented British forces with tate most serious defence problems they 'have yet had to (meet. Following a British night raid on armament factories in the Berlin area. northwestern Germany, the Ruhr and elsewhere, massed German raiders attacked Dover, Folkestone and south coast points. T'he Irish ,governmtent announced a German plane deop,ped hennas which killed three tgirle in southeastern Eire 'Monday. A protest was sent Berlin. The lbont!bs were reported dropped near New- Rosc in County Wexford, A British check-up :showed S5 Ger- man planes shat down nn Sttnelay. Fruit and Vegetables Western Ontario: While fruits Wan, sonsewltat adversely affected. and retarded clue to earlier Weather conditions, a more satisfactory de'- velopmentis now in evidence. al- though all crops are being harveeted somewhat later than usual. Apples are developing well. Pro- duction of all varieties except Spy in expected to be less than last year, Peaches, plums, pears and grapes are all progressing favourably as to sizing and quality. With the excep- tion of plums all show prospects of yield below that of last year. Early tomatoes have shown a re- ducer( yield in the southwestern counties, but other later areas are now producing high quality tomatoes in volume. Early potato yield has been above average and of good quality, with in- termediate crop now starting. Onions grown from sottlt have been generally of excellent quality with market active; and plantings from seed now appear well with the exces- tion of some patches showing exces- sive weed growth. All other vegetables have made or are making excellent growth, with TOWN TOPICS fa TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO \Q'uite a number ,front town motor- ed to Winighans on Lalbor Day Ito see the lacrosse ;game 'between Wingham and Orangeville. They report that al- though (W'ingh'atn are a sp•len'did ag- gregation of 1acnosse experts that Or- angeville 'will very probably Ibe the winner of the series as they held Wingtham to 'a 'tie 6 all, on 'their own 'grounds.—Dr, and Mrs. Fear ,af Tar- anto and :Miss 'Kemp and Mr. Mc- Gregor of Aylmer motored vlp and spent 'Sunday with ,friends,—Mr. E. McIntosh, Sarnia, and Mr. 'Will Mc- Intosh, Ingersoll, are visaing the par- ental home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mc- Intos'h, g'ohn St. -Mr, Warn. Powell acid ;Miss of Pdnilaxi'elliphia, who have been guessts of Mrs. Case, returned home on Tuesday,—lMr, and ;Mrs. '1'. Grieve, North Alain St., are (moving to Dublin where they will oc- cupy Dr. .Miohell's residence.—Mr, and Mrs, Fell left this .week for Tor- onto, Newmarket 'and Bradford, where _ they will visit friends and rela- tivrs.—Jtrss 'Bisset has returned and resumed her dirties as 'head lady in idle nnillinery department of the J. MacTavish 'store,—Mr. Geo, H'ant of Stratford spent Labor Day et 'rite home of his +brother-in-law, 1141'. Geo, Sstagd:111, (Janes St—Miss Belle Gum- milttgs has returned from hen trip to Owen Sound. --+Mrs, 'H, Speare re- , turned titin week after a vis'it in t;rim9hy ,with her 'brother, Mn. H. J. 1"a,¢e.--laie ansa air.. Will 'Gillespie, � J:tntes Street, spent the holiday with their son Will in Bnusseis.--IMr. ((ought. Thornton of Goderich is i is- itiug ells mule, Mr, Win, Thornton, Market St, -•-•Me, D. Shanahan was a Toronto visitor this week,—Mr. and Mee \V. Free spent Labor Day with friends in Dnng'annon.—Mr, and tales. adaan Dodds, Centre Street, are Tor- onto visitors this weeks—Mr. Bert Speare of 'London was a visitor at his home here over the Wreck ends --+fins George Israel has returned after a pleasant visit at his home in i\\ralker- ville.—airs. Frances Parker leaves on Monday for London where she ,will teach this terns,--1\fr, Chas. Hays, of Guelph spent Latiror Day mitis his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Hays,— Mr. and Mtn. T. R. F Case and. Pant- ily of 'Toronto are the guests of Mrs. F. Case, Maple H;c11.—t\fis Mende Cowan left .for Dundas on Mondiay to take tip 'her deities in tate Collegiate Institute as classical specialist, --Mr. and Mrs. Patton returned on Monday after spending a few dans 'with •M'r, and ;Mrs. 'J, B. Gillies, Stratford.— Mr. H. Speare has accepted a position as shell inspector with the John Mor- row Screw and Net Co., Ingersoll.— Mes. Chas. Bartliff of Clinton .visited her 'brother, Mr. Wm. Thornton. -- Mr. C. W. Atkinson left on 'Tuesday 'fen Willow City, North Dakota, ,w'he't he will 'visit relatives ,far some time,—Mr. Geo. Mulholland has re- turned ,Enol Hamilton where he has been taking out a .commission as cap- tain. Captain Mulholland has volunt- eered his services for the overseas Some (but is not sure when ;he 'will he called.-1Mr. 'Chas, Hall spent Lalbot Day with his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Hall at Constance. .Charles Spas. enlisted and is in training. at 'London. --Messrs. J. D. Flinchley ansl 'Jones of Seaforth spent Labor Dlay fishing at Constance. Jim shoeds 't'he chamtp- ionship for the season so ,far, having caught 'the largest fish .which was a ,heauty —:Mrs. (\\r'• Neal 'has returned to her home at '\\'alton after a pleas - tint 'vacation spent with her son, Dr. Neal, at Peterboro and the lakes.—A great deal ,of oats still remain anent around Winthrop yet, the ground (be- ing sic soft with 'the recent rains 'that the Partners cannot work ,the ihin:ders. the possible exception of sweet corn, which is giving a enmptm'atively light yield of only ordinary quality. Prices obtained to date for fruit and vegetables have generally been equal to or slightly better, than those prevailing last year with exception of lower average returns for early potatoes and strawberries. Cherry prices were considerably higher for the comparatively light yield. FARM FOR SALE 20 acres choice loam. Natural drainage. Suitable anything. Bank barn. Brick house. Adjoining Cran- brook. Highway 114 miles. Ilych•o available. Possession November lst, Reasonable. Alt's. Robert Scott, Bens. seas, Ont. SAVE TIME AND MONEY By trucking your grain to Bruce - field, Kippen or Hensel(. Elevators operated by George T. Mickle & Sons, 'Grain tested, bags and all informa- tion at Clarke & Moore's gas and oil 'station at Seafortlt. Phone 146, Sea - forth. Sam Chesney, WORK WANTED Man wants work on farm or in town. Phone 845 r 23. SHEEP FOR SALE Six young ewes and a purebred Leicester ram; also a Oockshutt rica. ing plow; near new. Phone 8471'31, TIMELY HINTS Keep this advertisement to check prices you pay for food Parowax, 2 Lbs. 25c Bananas, per 1b, ,.,,,.,.,,,.9c Cascade, tails 18c Sodas (salted) 2 lbs, 25c Cooking apples, large bsk...25c Soap Flakes, 5 lbs. ..,,,...35c Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 29e Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 23c Honey, 4 lbs. 55c (Bologna, 2 lbs, 27c Sausage, per lb. 23c !Pickled Roll, lb. 28c Olive Loaf, lb. 25c Vinegar, per gal. .,,..,,,, 39c New !Stock of Spices. Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 63c Castile Soap, 12 bars 25c VVSoap, 4 cakes 25c Older your Star Weekly To -day '.J. Finnigan CARD OR THANKS airs. Mande Deem wishes to thank all those who loaned ears. MORTGAGE SALE Linder and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction On Friday, the 30111 day of August, 1040, at the 'peer of three o'clock in the afternoon at lite Commercial hotel in the Town of Seaforth by Harold Jackson, Aur tioneer, the following pr'oper'ty, namely, All that certain parcel or tract of lana and premises, situate; lying anti beteg in the. Township •of Tucker - smith, in the county of Huron, and being composed of Lot Number Three CJ) in the Tlntcl (>rdl Con cession, Huron Road Survey, of the said Township of 't'neket'stnith, and containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of hind be the saute more or less 11pcu this property there is said to be erected a two storey seven roomed frame house with well and c'ister'n, thrive shed, large bank barn and other improvements Terns- -Ten per vent cash at time of sale and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to H. G. M EHI, Solicitor for Mortgagee, APARTMENT TO RENT Apartment with 4 rood(,' and cellar on North Main street. Apply to George Mere, Seaforth. "FUEL" "First Quality” Hard Coal, stove or nut size, 414.20, Cash, delivered in town. 413.110 haul your own. Prices will be higher later ori, J. II, Scott._ Phone 336. FOR SALE 80 cords of slabs; joists 3" x p" and 16 feet long; posts for horse stalls 6" x 8", 8 ft, long, dressed ready to go in. Walton Saw Mill Duman Johnston, Walton, NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Council of the Township of Tuckersmith requests that any per- son having knowledge of the name, unit and number of any soldier from tate township enlisted and accepted for service overseas kindly hand this information to the Clerk at an early date. la F, MCGREGOR, Clerk, TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith For deanintg that 'portion of the Jackson Drain 'from the outlet of the rile portion Lon approximately 100 rods. Tenders to Ibe 'by— lit. A lump sums. 2nd, 'By the rod. '3rd. By 'the (day, Work to he done to the satisfac- ttion and approval of the Council, and to be commenced and co'm'pleted as soon as ,possible, Tenders will be received until Sat- urday, Aug. 31Ist at 8 item. Any 'further information +required tray be secured from the Reeve, S. H. 1\\"h•itmore. E. P. CIIES'NEY, Olerk Pro tem, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Martha Sholdice. Alt persons having claims against the Estate of Martha Sholclice, late of the Town of Seaforth, Married' Woman, deceased,who died on or about the sixth clay of April, 1940. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before tbe 30th day of August, 1940, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the solid estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the 'assets so distrib- uted or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12t1t day of August, 1940. H. G. MEIR, Solicitor for the Excel tors, Ssaforlh, 0111, ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hones:— Tuesday, ours;Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m• to 9 p, m. ' FOR SALE Rosso Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar- anteed 25 years. Reno Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eaveatrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Flog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length, As- phalt Products including Roll Roof- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insuh Brick Siding, Rooting Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, ole. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12. FARM FOR SALE 100 (acres choice clay loam, good. buildings. Running water. 10 acres hitrdwootl. All in gross. Apply un premises to Nit's. T. J. Webster. re a CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE �p Bouquets for sick rooms and hospl- tal. Also ept'ays made up. A. L. Porteous. FOR SALE A good secondhand bedstead. Ap- ply to the News Office. HENS FOR SALE Fifty year-old Leghorn hens, laying good. Apply at News office, NOTICE Having been associated with Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, tor the past two years, I am prepared during his illness to conduct sales in this dis- trict. GORDON M. GRANT, Auctioneer. Persons intending to have sales will receive prompt attention by phoning Elliott's house, 203, at Clinton, or Gordon M. Grant, Gode- rich, phone 142. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Main Street, Egmondville, sev- en roomed frame house, newly paint.- ed aint-ed and papered. Good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at door, telephone, township taxes, hy- dro If desired, good garden land. All in good repair, reasonable price and terms. If not sold would rent to re- liable parties. Close to store and church. Mrs. Alex Gordon, Box 51, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed to first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES GRAIN I am buying grain for George. Thompson, of Hensall. We carry a stock of bags at all times. Also will do your trucking, For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 655r2. Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard ®er DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.