HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bru., Publishers
Mrs. Hugh Fulton has returned
home from Brussels after spending
two weeks with Mrs. Joe Hamilton
and other friends.
Mrs, Ray Carter went to Stratford
last Saturday for a tonsil operation,
Mrs. Joe Hamilton was a recent
visitor in Toronto to see her son
Robinson Hamilton, B,A„ who has
Mr. A. J, Carter who has been
spending the past few months with
his son, Joe Carter, has returned to
'rhe regular meeting of the Wont
en's institute will be held In the ram
;nullity llity hall on Thursday, September
51h. Topic, "Agriculture," Mrs. Stan
Carter, • Dentansttut ion. 'Bouquet Ar-
rangement " Mrs. A', Little. ;busts,
Mrs. J. Armstrong. titrostian drawer,
Suggestions for weed control. Roll
tall. Au idea to improve your garden.
There will e.1so be three quilts to
quilt for Red ('rose. So this will he a
very busy afternoon. A good turnout
is hoped tor. Please bring your
needle and thimble and e10ne at. 1
o',loelt. all who can. 'Hostesses, Ml's.
R. \'olden, Mrs. W. Mains, Mrs. L.
Pine, Mrs, A, Vodden, Mrs. W. Lovett.
Keep in mind the date. Sept. Mb.
Visitors at the home of Wm.
- Campbell during lust Week were Mr.
tad Mrs. Bichan, Vineland. Miss
Spenee, Arthur, 1Ir. and Mrs. Bruce
C'amerou and daughter Ruth, ('incin•
uati, Ohio.
llrs. E. Crawford has sold her
:Millie to Maa Janes •Fati'setvice. Mrs.
Crawford will make her home with
her daughter Mrs. A. Kunkel, Niagara
Mir. George Cowan has rented the
former Crawford house from Mr.
.lames Fait'setvt'e and will move in
Mr. James Crawford of Portland.
Oregon. is visiting at the home of
his brother Mr. E J. Crawford. 13th
('on. It is 59 years since Mr. Craw
•ford left the land of his bh'tlt and
went to the States. He finds many
changes in the course of the years.
The Londesboro Red Cross held
their monthly meeting in the eonl-
nutnity halt on Monday evening, Aug -1
use .:nth. with an atnmdiuu'e of 16.
Mrs. R. Fairservire presiding. Al"
rangetnents for the country fair and
trotie were completed. the fair to be
held en Friday, Sept, (nth at canun111'
ity hall at Blyth. Band to be in at-
teedent'°. The following program con.
mit tee tv'•t'e appointed Mrs. J. P.
Ment ing. Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. .1, Arm-
strong: Spot t'nntmittt•e, Mr. J. P.
Maiming. Mrs. H. lh'unsdnn, Mr. J.
:Arutstrr01. Ucnl,•e committee, Percy
carter. 1Wellare Riley. lark Hones.
Ref re:mi ems. ate• areanl, rte.. Mrs'.
Geo. M,Vittiv. Mrs. It, Townsend.
Rt'freehnient booth, hot dogs. Mee!
Mrs. R. Fairset'vice, Mrs. A. Shad-,
Produce. L. McNall. Mrs. V.
Roy. Clarence .Crawford, Mrs. 13.
Brnnsdot. Harvey Bunking. Fancy
work. Mone E. Mains. Mrs. A, Wells.
Lighting grounds. Mr. A. Wells. Mr.
Ted Picket. Ground committee, air.
George Mi'Vittie, Mr. R. Townsend,
P. Shohbrook, Advertising. Mr. Men.;
zies. L. M'Nall, .T. Leiper. Admission -
to eventide. 25c. Public school child•'
ren free Tit collect produce -Circuit
n Mrs, C. Crawford; circuit 11. Mrs.
Weed: circuit 22. Mrs. L. Shrift-
breek. r ir, nit 25. Mrs. L. Watt . eh,
end. :'... 1."rtu= Honking; circuit 110.
.e••tt; •,.,ci•'r: ••ireciit 24, Elva Snell:
tt,ett. eee James eleceol; circnit 57.
ie• t; ii; ciroait 2e;, :lira_ J, Shed -
,l lel; Riley; eirenir
Li: .V ( lits. east of hit hen : r11
...a,. ., 1:, Vrnb1e.5 writ 1 high-
Seeferth "gin, lir,. 11. t'arbeti:
-h nerve. .firs. Britten; Clinton
Mrs, 1'• Wanting, Tickets to be sold
to quilt donated by Mrs. C. Throop.l
Chicago. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Smith•
to niake tickets. Committee appointed
to sell tickets, Mrs. H. Sundereock,
Mrs. I. Carter, Mrs. 13. Allen and Mrs.
E. Carbett. - The following is the list
of articles which were recently ship•
Ped by the Red Cross: Burns -54
bandages, 42 pr. socks, 41 pillow
eases, 31 sheets, and from Londesboro
-44 pr. socks, 2 sweaters, 3 pr.
wristlets, 35 sheets. 54 pr. pillow
cases. 7 doz. handkerchiefs, 232 tow-
els, 34 pr. pyjamas.
The Horticultural Society arc hold'
ing it flower show on Tuesday, Sept.
10 afternoon and evening, in the
basement of the United Church. Ml
members are asked to co-operate and
bring flowers. Afternoon tea w'itl be
served, -
Mrs. John Grainger is visiting her
sister in Merton.
Pte, and Mrs. Abe Zapte and fam
ily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
George Armstrong.
Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler spent
the week end in Stratford,
Robert Aldwiekle, R.C.A..F. Toron-
to. spent the week end at his home
;Mr. and Mrs. J. --Ii. Cornish spent
Sunday in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie and
faintly of London spent Sunday with
1Trs. Margaret Mckenzie.
Miss Margaret Moore and -Master
Kenneth Moore of Egntontiyille are
visiting their grandmother, :Mrs,
Mary :McKenzie.
Mrs, G. Voth and Gwen of Detroit
visited her father Mr. C. D. Simpson.
Itev, and Mrs. H. E. Wright • and
family spent a email,- of days at
Fort Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin "afore and
Mrs. Abe Zapfe and children spent
Thursday in London.
The United Farm 1Vnnten Inert
with their president. Mrs. Bttehttnan.
in Clinton, on Wednesday, Aug. Slst
The meeting. opened with the presid-
ent in the chair, and by singing "An.
ole Latu'ie" followed by the creed.
After the minutes of previous meet-
ing Were read and adopted, the roll
rall, "means of getting pin money,"
was answered by member's, An article
written by Joan in the June Rural
t'o•nperato'. in which the question as
to whether the year's of working for
peace had been in vain was answer-
ed was read by Mrs. Douglas. A lis-
rnssdon followed after- the questions
ion democracy and co-operation of
parents with the school and teacher's
were asked. The topic. "The benefit
of a woman having a n separate
purse;' was well given by 12t's, W.
' Staeltitouse. It w'as followed with a
reading, "When ma wants something
nett." :Miss Barks, who had charge of
the social program, conducted two
contests and also read an article on
what God did in the world war. After
singing the (dosing ode, lunch was
served by hostess and friends.
:lir. and Mrs. Leonard Boyce and'.
young son of Brockville visited with
111'. ,and Mrs. Fred Bnyee over the
weep 01111.
Mr. inti 11rt. Peter Douglas, lir.
and MIs. Earl Douglas and daughter
id Clinton. and Mr. and Mr.. Mee
M in hie and nuttily of Saskstchewal
vielred their uncle and aunt. 11r. and
Airs. \Vtti. Denglas, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .Man and lam•
ity visited with lit'. and Mrs. Gordon
Manson and fancily and Mrs. Mt -
Donald at Bruce Beach last Wednes-
Plunkett dinner provided by some
of Canada's foremost food 011010fact-
nt'era will he given in the schoolroom
of the church on Thursday. Sept. 5111
at 11,5et, Secure your ticket now from
members of the Red Cross.
Sirs. G. Voth and little daughter of
Detroit visited at the hone of 1•Tr,
anti firs. 11'. J. Elliott.
Foot Crushed -
Gordon Reid, employed in the Reid
gravel -pit at Dungannon, where the
gravel for the Port Albert air port is
being obtained, had one of his feet
badly crushed when a 600 pound
weight fell on it. It required three
men to lift the weight from his foot.
He will be laid up for some time al-
though a.0 x-ray revealed that no
boned were broken and the lot was.
crushed only,
Busy At Dunganon-
Work at the Port Albert air port
has made Dungannon quite a busy
place. With drivers of gravel trucks.
operators of big machinery and
ethers working 24 hours a day seven
days of the week, men are coving
and going at all hours of the night
and day for meals and sleeping ac-
commodation. Everyone who has all
extra room or two has no difficulty
in renting it for sleeping quarters
or to some who have thein' families
with them. Women who serve meals
are called upon to be up much of the
night to prepare lunches and serve
Mrs. A. 11'. Beacom returned home
Thursday of last week elm* holiday.'
ing for a tow days at Niagara Falle
and with trienls in Grey.
\Liss Jean I.eipef, atrompitnied her
sister Itis:: :Agnes Leiper. and Miss
itrit'e', en a trip North.
Master Bert Lynn, at tear leter1,'s-.
here apron inlet week at 1110 home ni
his ereedpareas, lt''. tool lits- A. \V.{
lit -wenn. spending wet -int -day after• :
amen at the haute of Mr. end. Mrs.
letetc Ilapsot, with little .leant ant
Kenneth Gibbings of near C 1111(0 1.
The .Misses hathleen and Edythe
Hi,aentti are holidaying np North since
the middle of last week.
Miss Levine. Knox of Toronto
spent the past week at. the hone of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox
and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and Mr. and:
Mrs, Audrey Knox entertained friendsi
on Sunday.
Little Jessie Watt spent Sunday'
afternon at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Wesley Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt
and Miss Doris Lear spending the
Mrs. Thos. Colson spent a few days
at the home of her daughter Mrs. and
Mr, Harry Sturdy near Auburn. We
are glad Mrs. Colson is some improv
ed in health and hope she will soon
be feeling fine again.
Mrs, Knechtel and Maxeen of the
West. who have been spending the
last few weeks at the home of the
fo'mer's brother, Mr. Reece Ferris,
and other friends, expect to leave for
home the latter part of this week,
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Rapson spent
Sunday evening et the home of 1450.
and Mrs. Robert Watson.
Mrs, Ernest Knox, Mee. Warr]
Knox and Mrs. Leslie Noll assisted in
parking a box for the soldiers on
Monday in Londesboro.
Mr, Kelso Adams and Miss Donelria
Adams are spending the week in To-
ronto attending the Exhibition and
visiting friends.
Mrs. Jack Busby and daughter
Shirley of Chatham are visiting Mrs.
Busby's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert
The Varna Red Cross Socicty will
meet on Wednesday evening, Sept, 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewar of Ton
onto called on their aunt Mrs. Mossop
on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Smith and ram -
spent Sunday to Wittgham.
Nir, and Mrs, Alex Murray of Olin -
ton called Sunday at the home of
Mrs, M. Reid and Mrs. .1. Rathwell,
Miss Beattie of Londesboro was
the guest of her brother Mr, Stewart
Beattie, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ptyce visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ings recently.
Miss Mara' Tooley of London is the
guest of her grandfather Mr, C. C.
The little fresh airs of Toronto
who have spent two weeks with Rev.
HMI Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Mc(''iymon1
Sr. have returned home.
The many friends of Mrs, L. Beat-
ty will be pleased to know she is t'e•
covering from her recent ilhteec.
Mr, and Mrs. Dave Ferguson, 'Por.
unto, ML'. and ML's, George Wother.
ITensall, airs. P. Fisher, (2rave)lhurst.
her slaughter (1re, Walter Moffatt and
son Mt'. W. Johnston Holulesville.
Mrs. Conk, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Johnston, Godericlt, Miss
.lean ,Inhnston, nurse is training,
Brandon, Mane were recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Ali', and Mrs. Ili, Chiller entertained
last Sunday their family of tea 11110 -
ren and their most immediate as-
Mr. Bob English of Greenway, an
old time resident of Varna. called on
Mr. T. Dennison and Mr, George
Beatty Se. Monday.
Miss Mallard of Ilrautford, and
Misses Sylvester and Green of De-
troit, are holiday guests of Miss N.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Carson of London
spent Sunday with Mr. J C.tu•son,
Miss Jean Butler of St. ('athcrines
spent the week with 1it'1' aunt. Mrs.
\i'. Ferguson.;
Mr. and &Ars. Gilmour and family
of London have been occupying the
churchWard cottage for the past
two weeks.
The date of Hayfield fall fair has
been set for Sept. 25111 and 26th.
The summer visitors of Baylield
put 00 a programme in the town hall
last Friday evening, the proceeds 1n'
ing donated to the Patriotic- Fund,
which will be used to give comforts
to the miners of this 451' 1ict., The
concert was very much enjoyed by
all prl'st'nt and was very nitmli ti
precltit ed by the audience. Prose"ds
;m armies tt1 tiro. tltillars.
Mr . S. Castle of Sitecne, wlto has
been vishini his mother, Mrs. G.
Cantle, returned ie his home Sunday.
.lir. and Mrs. 13. Mills o1' Sudbury
spent the week end with Bte. Mills'
1111111. ltD's. G. Castle,
.lir. and Mrs. N. Tants of Detroit
spent their vacation with his mother.
Mrs. ,T. Tanis.
Alr. and 'Mrs. Little and two chit
ahem of Ilrantfo'd have spent the
last three weeks with Mrs. Little:
aunt, Mrs. C. Toms.
Miss Margaret Ferguson spent a
few days this week in Seaforth with
her aunt. hiss S. Govenlock.
Miss Katherine Krau;kopf is a pat-
ient in St, Joseph's hospital, Lon-
Visitors. Mr. and \lies, Alvin McNeil
Palmerston, tvitln Mr. and Aire. l\Va'-
ter Carttenter: Mics Janet Benning-
er, Ser'rt't. with her anon. t\ars, Ka-
thcrinr Re inner; Mfr, anal Mrs, John
V; a'slt i Strutt:'rd Mrs. N. Renninz-
er toll .m. Dan. in Lend.',n.
\hiss - Irene (YRv,irkt. ; i,1 Vet';ttt-
.,ta \i vnfox bare reuirneti hail e
Jr em 0 trip to Toronto., ;the Thnusned
I,?ands and Quebec.
V r : 3ir< Robert McCorntick
and son, Rihert ;Tames, Detroit, and
Miss Helen Kraualcopf, London, +with
their parents. Mr, and Mrs. James
Krauckopf Sister Paula, St. (Joseph's
Community, Petetiborough, with her
mother, t\irs. Banbara Holland; Mr.
and Mrs, Edward M'cGrath, Illderbon,
with Frank McConnell; dynes, Mc-
Grath':.sisters, of thee TJrsulline Con -
:vent, returned to London with them;
Mr, and Mrs. Theo Jordan and family,
Detroit, with Mr. :and Mrs. games
Jordan; Miss :Mary McGrath, nurse -
in -training at St..lJosepth's 'Hospital,
London, with her parents, tMt'. and
Mrs. Patrick BcGrath;'Miss,es Peggy
Walsh and Allberta Beckett, Toronto,
With Mr. and ;Mrs. John Walsh; Mr,
and M.rs. Anthony Hutgeunwerf, De-
troit, with Joseph ,McGrath; Joseph
and Patrick McConnell spent the
'week end in Toronto; Janes Curtin
and .Don Benninger at KintgsIimidge.
The maty friends of Mise Helen
Finnegan life pleased to know that
the is folly rettovered from a tonsil
operation in the Stratford General
Ilospital and is able to return to bel'
home neat' Duplin,
Miss Maty Callighnn, Saginaw.
Miele, is visiting with Mrs. Teresa
Mrs Catharine Carpenter, one or
our oldest residents, is ill with pneu-
John F. McGrath has secured a
clerical position in the Department. of
Public Welfare at Ottawa,.
Sister Paula, . St. Joseph's Com-
munity, Peterborough, and Sister
Stephanie, Ui'auline Convent, Glen -
garde., are vacationing with their
mother, Mt's, Barbara Holland.
We have had some very heavy
frosts which is very hard on garden
Mr, Scott Bolton has returned
home from Victoria hospital, London.
after a weeps treatment and is doing
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eaton, Larry
and Keith, spent a few days in
Braeebridge with their aunt, Mrs,
Harrison. who has not been very
well, Miss Vera Haist accompanied
them and spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Elton Hoist of Graven-
iun's t.
Pte. Ralph Davidson or London
spent Sunday with Mrs, Davidson and
The kiddies and t.eac'hers will he
knclt to their duties on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Mercer and family of
Dundalk are visiting their aunt.
Miss McNeil lately.
The regular meeting of the W.A.
and W.M.S. of Caren Church will be
hem at the holm: of Mrs. Thomas
Pryce of Wednesday, Sept. ,rel. Boll
call 10111 be answered with a prayer.
Special invitation is extended to all
the ladies,
Go Wednesday of last week death.
chained one of out' oldest residents.
in the person of Mrs. John Eggert, in
her Seth year, She was a lifelong
resident of this place and was of a
genist disposition. She was married
66 years ago to her late husbend, who
predeceased her 22 years ago. Site is
survived by one, yon on the home-
stead with whom she lived. and nine
danght era and 42 grand children anti
72 great grandchildren. The funeral
took place last Friday to the Evan -
Church here of which she was
lifelong member,A large concourse
of friends showed the respect In
which site was held. The bereft lam•
ily have the sympathy of the cont.
nunlity In this their hour of sad al.
Rieti in,
Mr. Steve Murray was the first to
finish harvesting. The wet weather is
delaying the harvest in many places.
The frost last week caused consider.
able damage and will no doubt run
Into thousands of dollars. The buck•
wheat was the hardest bit while in
Me. Dan Manley of Loudon spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Manley,
Thr (':V. P, are holding m dttnt•r in
St. Coluntlran en Friday, Sept, 6tlh,
3Iirs Angela O'Reilly and .Hiss
Marion Malcnini spent Sunday with
"My Little Chickadee"
Mon. Tues. Wed.
MAT., MON., 3 P.M.
"Flight Angels"
They romance, slower and ily -
They'd rather sprout wings --
'Phan live In be e hundred.
"Saturday's Children"
Miss ,Iea;n Jordon of Dublin,
Miss Maty' McGrath of Toronto
wits a recent visitor at her home.
Mrs, P. McGrath has returned alter
spending a couple weeks visiting with
friends at Blyth.
Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Nornmtn.
I•Ioffineyer and family of Sebringvillc
with iter parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elf
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hariza and
Mrs, Fred Seherbarth and two sons,
of Detroit, with Mr, and Ml's. J. 1,.
Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle, Mrs.
J. Arbuckle Sr, and Mrs. Melville of
Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. A. 1:.
St, Peter's Lutheran Nitwit will
celebrate Decoration Day next Sum
Mrs, Russell Sholdfce and :Miss
('lanes Diego] spent several days 01
the Toronto Exhibition.
Mrs. Henry Beunewic's St'. Is :mend,
ing a few weeps in 1Milehell with lice
daughter Mrs. Maxwell Walther.
Seed us the names Of your visitors
tars, S Miller ht- returned home
after a motor visit with ,frieu<ds in
Grimsby sby antd Welland and at her
sister's home in St. Ciutherines; mfrs,
Quarter and IAlt. and.'Mrs. Taylor of
Hensall with Mr. and ,Mrs. Colin
MacDougsohl of Harrington; \Ir, and
.Alts, Young and daughters Eleanor
and Master John Young with I4iss
B. ,Currie; stook threshing seems tit
.lie unite the cuctent in this vicinity set
present as the sheaves have not had
much chance to dry.
Mrs, Lewis Rusk of Saskatoon and
sell Charles of Sudbury, are visiting
the former's sisters, A11's, J. E. Me-
LeHat and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and
other friends, this week.
The Tuc'llr'rsntiih Ladies ('htb will
itolcl their regular meeting on Wed -i;
nesclay, September 4111, at two tett tee .'
at ilio home of Ml's, N. Garret. Tho
roll call will be answered by "Sag•
gestious for storing winter ve.gls
tables.° Mrs. 15'. 1'epper, tetnve ter
of the •a.griculltu•al deparllu '.' will
ita.ve charge of the prograntnle,
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