HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-29, Page 3THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE etertild \Vilmnt, former Montreal announcer, who is now on the staff of the CRC's Overseas unit, is shown interviewing Lieut. -General A. U. L. Me - Naughton, immediately eller the latter had reviewer the ('.A.S.A'. at Alder. shot in England. ALONG THE AIR WAVES Their Majesties Visit CBC 'When their Majesties the King and Queen visited the Empire program division of the BBC recently,Gerry Wilmot and Gerard Arthur of CBC's overseas unit were presented to them, King George reminded Gerry Wilmot that their first meeting was less formai—his Majesty heard Ger- rye.; voice, when visiting the Called - Ian troops in camp, and upon investi- gation, found Gerry lying under a bush describing the proceedings for listeners in Canada. ^' Special Address The director of public information announces that there will be no broadcast in the "Lot's face the Facts" talks series on Sunday, Sep- tember 1, because of the holiday week -end, but that the series will re. uomnteu(e 00 September S, at 10 pant. k.DST. Tlu speaker on that date will he Henry - [ewe, pubiishei of "Thee", Life: tori fortune' magazines, t`acatiett i, ' c,r. and Just Attire tt es of Rh Wit* t:1 tr else had With It n,ans( coy veeetl1) time long ago . o 11 she Way Nigger than a lady - 1117'd in•rs.•lt. i' .,..m= they found lisp, the mouse and Mary, „they fol- lowed directions and came `to a queer land the like of which they bail never seen before. The ground was rubber and Mary bounced so high in her delight that she got caught on a stair by her apron string, The South American pianist -teacher Albert Guerrero is to be the recitalist on the "Masterworks of the Piano- forte" programme for Monday, Sep- tember 2 at 9 to 9:30 p.m. . EDST. Mt', Guerrero went to New York shorty after his Chilean debut, and came to Toronto in 1919 as head of the pinto department at the Hamburg Con- servatory of Music. Subsequently he joined the staff at the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. CBC's prairie regional talks de - tenement have found a: wealth of nit- tortel in the story of their own rem - antic part of the country. 1)r. Stan- ley, 111.I',, One of the earliest doctors in the coir' country of southern Al- berta, is to be interviewed by Richard Needham, editor of the Calgary Her- ald, di 7.45 pant, ,EDST on Monday, September 2, Dr. Stanley, who writes that he has been "curing the cowboys of tnnttny aches and bringing their. children into the world for the past rtgid.ire Made in Canada THE FAVORITE IN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Built by General Motors, Canada, and covered by five year Warranty. Frigidaire has the exclusive COLD WALL FEATURE which cools through the walls and METER MISER The simplest Cold making mechanism ever built, and easy on Electric Current. For prices and information see J. W. MODELAND Phone 660 - 4, Seaforth fifty years," will tell some of his adventures as a "horse and boggy doctor." Another pioneer, Canada's first woman police magistrate, who was always called "Judge" Emily Murphy, is the subject of the first in Beth Lockerbie's new aeries of talks, at 5,15 p.m. EDST on Fridays. Toronto is very proud of Anne Jamison, who is appearing as Regin- ald Stewart's guest artist with the Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra at the "Prom" 01 Thursday, September 5. Although Mies Jamison was born in Ireland and made her 'first public appearance there When 51)0 was only len years old, it was at the Toronto Conservatory of Music that she began her serious study of ei nt Ing, Highlights Of This Week Sunday, September 1 10,30-11,00 a.m. The Southerna.b•es, Negro male quartet, from New Yo'k, 1.1,15 p.m. Just Mary. Stories for the very young, by "Just Mary", front Toronto, p.m. Old Country Math Talk on civilian life in -Great Britain by R. S. Lambert, from Toronto, p,m, Columbia Broadcast- ing Symphony. Conducted by Howard Barlow, from New York. p.m. The World Today. A review of the week's war news by B. K. Sandwell, from Toronto, 7-7.30 p.m. CBG String Orchestra, Froth Toronto. Monday, September 2 7.30-7,45 p,m. Recital Series, Albert Steinberg, violinist, with. Leo Barkin, accompanist, front Toronto, 8,00-8,30 p,m. With the Troops in England. Broadcast based on the acti- vities of the C,A.S.F., from London. 11.15 - 11.311 p.m. Britain Speaks. Talk by Leslie Howard, Rebroadcast of BBC Empire transmission. Tuesday, September 3 5,15 pin, -3.30 p.m. Why Keelt 'CP With the Joneses? Talk by Phyllis Axford, from Toronto. 7,30-7,45 pen. ltecital Series, ;Marg. a rel steel o, seprtnut, Reginald (Ind - den, accompanist, from Toronto. 9.0,30 pen. Canadian Smlpshot$. Musical travelogue with dramatic cast and orchestra, from Toronto, Wednesday, September 4 G.15-0,311 p,m. NBC Concert Orehes- tt'a, Symphony music front New York. 9,90.9,39 pee. The Question Box. Questions and answers on music, lit- erature, art and science, from Toronto SHORTHAND ON THE TWR Our system written in abc characters may be written on the typewriter, as well as with pencil. Only 9 or 10 weeks' study to become a good stenographer. Free folder describes system, Write— Cassan Systems TORONTO Thursday, September 5 5,15-5,30 p,m. Canadian Harvests. Talk by Muriel Wright from Calgary. p,01. English News Letter to Canada, Broadcast of particular in- terest to Canadians, from London. REVIEW OF THE WEEK Meeting at. Ogdensburg, New *York, President Roosevelt of the United States, and the Prime Minister of Canada agreed that a permanent Jobe board on defence should be ret up by the two countries at once. The board will commence immediate stud- ies relating to sea, land and air prob- lems, including personnel and meter - Mi. It will consider in the broad sense the defence of the northhall' of the Western Hemisphere and con- sist al` four or live members from each country, most of them from the services. Canada is to Issue a s c'cnrd War loath of from $250,000,00u to 5300,- 000,000 early next month. Holders of Dominion or Canada 41,2 Per cent bonds maturing September 1 will be (given opportunity to exchange their maturing bonds for bonds of the new issue. Terms of the new loan will, it is expected, be announced Sept, 6. Captain Victor G. Brodeur, Royal Canadian Navy, appointed naval at- tache, Colonel H, F. G. Letson, M.C., appointed military attache to the Canadian legation in Washington, Personnel of the Canadian navy is nearly six times as great as it was u year ago, announced Hot, Angus Macdonald, minister of naval serv- ices. Approximately 10,000 naval of- ficers and nten are on active service. Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian high commissioner in London, cabled that "1110 quiet but effective work of Canadian destroyers on convoy eery- ce is valued highly by the Admiralty, and it is of especial interest that among their duties lits 1)0,11 the es. ctott. of Australian troops en route- to Britain," Adjustment, of educational require-. moots for appointment to army com- missions in the (',A,S,F, etaroneeel. by the department. lime, C. G, Power. accunlituaiell l+y army, 'navy and air adviser.*, elate r. red on defence with Newt-onndiaad authorities In St. John's, Ne•wfoutel- land. Armored brigade authorized for tile C,A.S,F. brigade will consist of four battalions of the C,A.S.F., and wi11 be equipped with 200 tanks in additions to other armoured vehicles. Cod, F. F. Worthington, M.C., commanding officer at Camp Borden, will command the brigade. Name of the Veterans Horne Guards is to be changed to Veterans Guard of Canada. A salesman was dismissed because of lack of courtesy to customers. A month later the sales manager 'pot- ted him walking about in a police uniform. "I see you have joined the force, Jones." said the manager. "Yes,this is what I've been looking for all my life. On this job the cust- omer is always wrong." Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks Sec nt r • W.,'ri, Selling Quality ooks Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. S aforth News SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, The Royal Canadian Air Force Manning Depot will remain at its official station in Exhibi- tion Park. See their absorb- ing Ground Show, and the colourful "flag -lowering" and "changing of the gpard" ceremonies. hree delightful model homes completely furnished and decorated, Red Cross exhibits, knitting bee, cook- ing school, music, dancing, entertainment. See war vehicles, built for troops of the Empire. See what chemistry is doing to help win the war.. -learn how manufacturers of all kinds are joining the fight to win the war. A famous contemporary art show which has been on dis- play at the San Francisco Exposition—"Art of 79 Countries", presented by International Business Machines. Many World and International Famed throughout the world athletic titles will be decided is the big Goldman Band.This at the Exhibition this year. year it will be a feature of t940 promises one of the the Exhibition—praying most spectacular lists of nightly from the Band Shell. sports events in Exhibition Sit comfortably under the history. skies and listen --no charge. Tickets et Exhibition Ticket Orrice. 44 Adelaide St, W., WA. 2226; Mondey's, 90 King St. W., EL, 1096; Reber's, 15 Bloor 01. W., 191.3425. . JOHN 'MILLAR; President 7;LWOOD A: HUGHES;. r7 General : Manager "BELEAGUERED" BRITAIN Exports and Imports More Goods Than Ever The explanation of the British Government's ability to remove all restrictions on raw materials needed for her export trade is to he discov- ered in the "accounts relating to the trade of the United Kingdon" for the first half of the year. Over that period Britain's imports have gone up by £164,739,621 to 4912,527,356 compared with last year. Exports are also millions of pounds higher than last year, or even the year before: a. total of £249,737.661 or £13,418,937 more than 1939, and £16,544,145 up on the last year of peace, in spite of the disappearance of certain European markets. Trade with U.S.A., South America, Canada, South Africa and Australia, has, in each case, been well maintained. Coupled with the announcement that more raw materials are to he freed for exports is the damping down of home purchases in Britain both by the new taxation and by de- finite ban such as the prohibition of the sale of new motor cars for priv ate use, The volume of exports, al- ready soaring in the teeth of the blockade", is expected. ae a result, to go higher and higher. The bigger the "blockade". indeed, the pretrter the trade, FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" lo WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL PHONE 219 - MITCHELL FUNERAL OF H. E. TOMLINSON The death occurred at St. Joseph's Hospital in London on Tuesday, Au- gust 21t, of Harry E. Tomlinson. son of the Late Mr, and Mrs, James Tom- linson. He was in his 77th year. Ile was born in East Nissouri township and was married to Annie BBgh, who predeceased him seventeen years ago. Mr. Tomlinson farmed near Wal- ton for seventeen years until five years ago he moved to St. Marys with his eldest daughter Ella, Who passed away live months ago. He leaves to mourn his loss three sons and two daughters. The funeral was held on Thursday from the Carroth- ers funeral home at London with Rev. Duncan MacTavish of Calvary United Church as minister. Burial was made in Maitland Bank Cemetery at Seaforth. Warden (on visiting dayl—"Your wife to see you." Prisoner—"Be a pal. Warden. Tell her I'm out!" The family and their guest had just seated themselves at the table. "Susie," said the mother, "why didn't you put a knife and fork at Mr. McKIu11k s place?" "I -Ie don't need any, mother." re- plied Susie. "Yon said he eats like a horse." A Scotsman wanted to sell his estate, lint the prospective buyer in- sisted on an echo. So the owner agreed with one of the local boys tin training') to act as echo. When they reached the chnsen valley the Scotch - man called out, "Are you there?" to which the Tommy duly replied; "Are you there?" After several successful echoes, the buyer called out, "What about a drink, old chap?" This was ton much for the thirsty lad, who, forgetting all his Instruct- ions, replied, "Don't mind if I doll" Send tie the names of your visitors. J. GALLOP'S SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Fervice Truck—if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we Will come promptly EIectric Welding Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell Work guaranteed. The portable welder can be taken any place with or without Hydro PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash• SEAFORTH We Aini To Please