HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-29, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS TRUCKERS! Bigger Savings with this i NEW Tire with the HIGH-Wi E Non -Skid Tread (in 32 x 6 size only) • The biggest truck tire bargain you ever saw! It gives you extra mileage at extra low cost! Equip your truck with this big, new 32 x h Marathon it runs and runs and runs . . and the longer it runs the more you save! Note the high, wide tread with the deep notched rib and non-skid tread design, W. G. WRIGHT, Jr. Seaforth Pickett -Steep— A -'quiet weddiu-2 was sobenmized at 111. tent.it'10 street Cuited Church manse et Clinton et 3 ei eloek Steer - day 11: rnonit. when Dorothy Jean S.,'.•- 'c:us;ltter of \Ir. ein0 Mrs. An. 01..•W . Steep. Clinton, became the bride :ef junees Kenneth Pickett. sun of Mr and M. W. G. Pir•kett, rcn. P,' -v, (;, (1. Burton officbate.l. The l:ri,!,.'e eest;ntl.• was air 'Torre blue Weil haat incl a., ;Dries Of- bur- .. ely. ellee Marjorie Steep. sister of the teat eves' relaid 1/1 101.1. .veering reyal nine.:.bd rout, hbna: 'it r • s tn. \L 13 Dun.tor4. Hit, hence. •1)111. cif tie- f i r1'gl . Illi. Sear beat ratan. Ai- , , ,c:ieny :1 r••e'•primt and w••,' 11r:p ;[Huai toe111),'• at the icreie,:•'1u• when ,11x:-, .1 W. L•:itee. etree etesems, \!r-. ;Zeeman Griffith ;,) ,.f Mrs. George F. Steep ars. 1.0tet 311' anti Mrs. Pickett left teen a :nutter trip. the bride tree. tilling '1; .1 grey suit with burgundy aeve.,s,aies. on their return they will reside in Clinton. The bride was hon- ored previous to her wedding by a gat geeing '.f her friend; of the elite ton Knitting Company at her horse. when she was presenter) with a show- er of nhievel1au1eonls gifts. Engagement Announced— The engagement is rrtununced of Kathleen Matilda. youngest daughter of Mrs. Snsau Merrier and the late George Merrier. .1 Dashwood, to Gnarl.•- Elliott IbarrlitT, eldest urn of Mr. am Mrs, Harry Bartli1. of Clin- ton the: marriage to /eke placer early is SeLrenitter. Married At Clinton- -. taailey tbeeme quiet wedding ea, .-.c.):ir,•i a11.r t'l:u'o)2 i Ana' r th .t'nem 11 .lar, ,(1l5.'1'11,trt2t,1.•2at :41;' u,1 , 311 S. 1 1;"t1.11. e'bt.t..n. ne•:i:..- :U' i, rifle n1' .L,l, la Jn:1-1,1t A1 :,. :. oaly -ort of Mr, and elrs. Ch ries ,lila,>on. t'lintnti, Rev. W. J. Cowherd officiated. Inmmediately af- ter the ceremony the young couple left on a trip to northern Ontario. On their return they will reside in Clinton. Remanded For Sentence— Convicted of dangerous driving, Robert envier. 1 7, West Wawanosh youth. last Thursday was remanded for one week for sentence by Magis- trate Makins in police court. at God- erich. The charge a•nse out of an are cident. on July 28 which happened near BIyth on the county road 24 miles west of highway No. 4, in which Archie Mason of Blyth was fatally injured. Envier, driving a model A car, was returning from a hand concert in Blyth with his chum Archie Mason. Reeve George McNall of Blyth. who was early at the srene of the accident; said the road was twenty feet wide and was in ex- cellent condition. The tracks of the car on the road indicated the brakes had baser, applied ctrl that the ca' had swung across the road into the ditch. hit a post and turned entirety around. He examined the rear and found the left rear tire was fiat. TrafRr Officer Norman Lever, who investigated the accident,said the roadster had no top, and that the lights were all right. Ile found two holes in the tube of the flat tires and gravel between the tire and the rim. Walter Mason, 4th concession, West Wawanosh, father of the dead youth, testified that he, his wife, son and 1ovie r had :spent the 'lay at river. His said his sots and the the an- e•useci had been friends for years. Ro• heft Gorier, 17, the accused, called to the stand. stated he, and Mason had left Blyth between 11 and 11.11 ..'click. They had had nn intoxicants. .\s 11e fame no.•r the brow of the hill he thought he heard a noise. Think - Mg it was a tire: he applied the Peak. s. The car swerved and he tried to pull it back and could net. Garfield Doherty and Ilett 'Walsh. Myth. tumor mechanics. also gave ,•yid lice. -'I1 is jut another rase nt :=p -•-d and ,arch„rat'-s,' declared his 1orahip •'li l” 15as a hey with 5 light cer eravellieg at , ap••ed a'hicit Would I.• t in• • )o :oat•- " Read Grader Hit - Mem the road Grader he was rid• lug v'a, sIru.-k by a C.P.R. train. Ro- bert M.•Donald, of Wroxeter, was 11111-011 to the road. He was plcked rap enol taken 10 the Winghant hospi- tal where it was found he had n broken ankle, head injuries, lacera- tions and shock. ,3I,Donald was grad- ing thet road hetweett Wroxeter and Beltnnre when the accident occurred. He was beside the tracks when the WIngham train passed and. struck the end of the grader. In Police Court— The first person 111 pay a fine in Huron County for failure to register as an alien enemy' 15 Charles Keller. German, of Hay township, He ap- peared before Magistrate Makins at Goderich and was fined $111 and costs. Now sixty year.; rat -age: K.13-5 'a:a teu)'re:en when he carne to Canada. ,.r it trial laStitll: flu +lone. W. G. brown 11,1 Turnuto, curl William Bem- bridge.:.-. rat Niagara Falls. wet,- eort-' rioted of being u.r•mhers of en il- legal arganizatiou, ,Jehovah's Wit- nesses. Each was tinedin and rusts or twelve days in jail. Tits men. who were arrested on July ash at Blue - vale by Constables Jennings and Gardner. were defended by J. L. Cotten, K,C„ Toronto. Crown Attorney Helmet: was able to show that accus- ed, when arrested, had copies of of- fending tracts and books in their car, and later nearly half a ton of it was seized at their place of abode. Be- cause of the death of (Constable P. E. McCoy, chief crown witness, the Crown Attorney said he was unable to present evidence in similar charges against Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bebson and Mr. and Mrs. John Raycove, To- ronto, all of whom are allegedly "Je- hovah Witnesses." They were arrest- ed last June after visiting several Goderich township homes, where they were said to have told people not to taste any side in the war, They had been at liberty on hall. The -ease of Kenneth Hamilton, charged with fraud was adjourned indefinitely af- ter Ma Ostrate NI Elkins 1,00min cod that the young matt heel been eeut- en,ed to out-. in jail et Kit theme. on another charge. Duke 11cLister. Windsor youth. for '155au111ng Con- stable John Stewart at. Grand Bend un August. 1stwas sentenced to ,1115 month in jail. The sentence Was dated back to the time of his arrest. "Really, Billy, your argument With' your wife last night was most amusing." "Wasn't its And when she threw the axe at me I ,thought I'd split," Going To Camp Sept. 2— The staff of "C" Company, Middle• sex -Huron Regiment, at Goderich, was informed .on Friday that another camp will probably open at London on September 2, and it is authorized to take 100 men there. There are 150 Hien in training at Goderich and 120 turned out to drill last week. Joined His Unit— Dr. W. A. McKibbon of tt'ingham left last week to takeover his duties as medical officer of the 24th Field Ambulance which ie at present sta- tioned int Listowel, Rally At Exeter— A downpour of rain did not prevent more than 2.11n1 people from attend- ing a patriotic rally foe Huron coun- ty aitizens eitizeus held in the Exeter .cateran last week. Among those attend- ina were n1em11ers of the ('anadlan Leaiou aur hands from Clinton: Dashtt'ood and Exeter. Warden Yea - :tan acrid as c•harinan 11110 Reev,- 0. W. Turkey. of Exeter, gave: the ad- dress , of ,welcome. I Champion Rifleman— J t shooting with deadly arc•urecy tier roiled up the impressive ecnre of 71111 points out of it possible Scut Etweee Epps et' Clinton receitly betaine the 11940 Canadian outdone small Lore rifle champion. He outsbot over 11112 other riflemen in the sixth menial Donduim, 1211 ksmen outdoor small hater rine eeeetetbtinll at Montreal, Re- 'eatly 1'Ilvoort Epps won the ooveted Donon1uu marksmen expert shield award, one of the highest distinctions in marksmanship its Canada. In win- ning this .prize the Ontario champion posted a score of 9947 x 61)011 points. On ly a small number of expert rifle shooters in Canada have over 05t•nm- Wished the feat, Epps is also the captain of the Clinton rifle club) team. which has for several years won the Ontario provincial ehainpionship, The prize winners and loading scores in the outdoor small bore matte' were: Elwood Epps. Clinton. Ont., Rifle CIO, 796 x Bon; W. Brass, C',N,R.A., Prince Rupert. B.C.. 795; F. Can Eg- nmond. Clinton. Ont.. Rifle Club, 795, Takes Civil Service Position— Last Saturday morning, before leaving to take a position in the De - pertinent cif National Defence, Miss Helga 3Tar3ltith was honored by the Mee'. staff of the Murray Shoe ('o„ 1.1111111111. rat white' she has been a very r•itici,-nt member tem several year". MIiss eltle3Irdh- was presented tvbi h et 1)1.1111 hill 111nroreo ;grain 'temente suitably initialed. us a token of best wishes in iter nett• venture. Miss Mac- 31uth 1.5 a daughter of 31i•. and :Mrs. 'i. It. Mae:Math, East 0treet.-- Goder- lrh Signal -Star. Injured In Flax Puller— Norman Stewart of Lueknow sof- i'ered painful injury and narrowly escaped losing three fingers when caught in one of W. 13. Anderson's flax pullers, The machine was being operated in Kinloss at the time of the accident. Norman's thumb and first two fingers were caught between a belt and a revolving Iiy wheel on the puller. While the two fingers and thumb were not broken, they were crushed and bared of flesh to the bone. Hamilton—Grainger 1 hr ',r 1 a arch of St. I'au1•s manse, 11050',e c icsenship, near I.1.rtilanl, aerateil ,r the eccmdon .with white anei link and blue streamers, was 1121- 551-0(2,412 lovely (mitt 'wedding on Sat.. Aug.3rd •when Brsaie Marie Grainger: formeriy of the Canton Hoepital Staff, daughter ,of lir. Geo- rge and the late ,Mrs. Grainger of .lbvin-ton, because the bride of Ger- ald'Mason Ha.niilton ,of the Bank ,of Commerce, Windsor, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry Hamilton of Free- iton, ,Ont. Rev. George Morley, pas- tor of 'St. Paul's United .Ghurdh 'offic- iating. The •bride given in ,marriage iby her father, entered to the ,strains of Loh, 'engrin's Bridal March played Iby Mrs. Geo. 'Manley, 9o'dkod charming in a ,gown of white 'chiffon and a .corsage of .gardenias, sweetheart roses and 'baby ibrdatrh, Miss I .alhel Kirk of Gan'wortih at- tended the 'bride in a arose ,and white sheer .gown 'w+.ith a corsage .of ,garden- ias and 'w'h'ite roses, Mr. IM'u,rray Grainger, t'w'in-throther of (the (bride, attended the Igrcionl. Litele 'Miss Marfa), Grainger clang - liter of NIT. and ,Mrs. A.rde'll 'Grainger,. ar .Alvinston, in Millie 'was a dainty flower-4ir1. She carried 'a 'tiny nose- gay of pink roses and Ibl.ne :cornflower, d r 1lenwint.t the ceremony a recept- ion was ghee] Iby IMrs. 'George :Morley. The n:6ble for dote 'guests ,was Ibeauti- fully deroraterl in pale 'bine and ,pink streamers and nosegays, candles and Ihouqutts ,of pink roses and ,balby (breath, Amid showers of 'con'fetti and 'best 'wishes die couple 'heft ,Ear a trip :and 'have taken tap residence at 19413 'Wyandotte St., IWeet, Windsor, Ont. Working At Airports— Orders were received by contract- ors at Port Albert to Have one of the three paved runways at that airport ready for plane landing by September lst. Indications are that the order will be fulfilled. Armstrong Bros, have completed the ,grading of the landing field, half of the gravelling of the runway bases is completed, and hard•surfaeing commenced this week. Operations at the Port Albert field are so numerous and varied these days that they are hard to keep track of. More than four hundred acres of level treeless farm land is fairly dotted with machines of all descrip- tions, groups of workmen, temporary buildings. ;shacks, and tents. Build- ings are beginning to rise and gravel trucks are shooting along the 41st eoneessiou to and front the pits. It is on these gravel dump truck —vary- ing- from twenty to thirty according' to the breaks in luck, or misfortune --- that high pressure is really being ale Plied. Nealy 2,000 tons of crushed gravel are being transported from the pits and dumped on the runways every 24 liners. By the time the boys are through with the' job over 150,0on tons. a veritable mountain of gravel. will twee been transferred from C'ul- ert's pit mar Dungannon to tilt:• 1(11' Port five miles away. Broken rules and blowouts have been fairly mine eraus, but always the show must go on. The \V. t', Brennan Contracting Co. has broken ground and poured foundations for five of the 24 build- ings it is erecting, Caring 'the Blue Water highway. Those under way are the airman's quarters, headquarters staff, supply building, a barge canteen and officers' quarters. Further south Johnston Bros, have tinder way :our large hangars aitd a ground instruct• thin school. The R,C,A..F, has taken ()vile and furnished the former Dick- son farm home as a works building. Likewise at Sky Harbor the old Flem- ing house has been put to the sante ti,e, This of course is only for the construction period. Its work almost finished, some the Armstrong mech- anized equipment, caterpillars, scrap- ers, searifiers, graders, land packers. elevating loaders, etc., is 'already on its way to lova Scotia to do another airport job, Four buildings ire under construction at Sky Harbor just north of Goderich and ground is broken for four others. The latest with re- gard 10 tilt, Sky Harbor runways is that it is definitely settled that they will not be hardstu'ficed, as desired by Huron county officials. The gov- ernment engineers say the fliers pre- fer grass 1'ullways. It 1s also stated that hard -surface runways deteriorate very quickly and the upkeep is very high. Fencing and drain tiles also have arrived rat Sky Harbor, but there is no word yet as to the ultimate fate 01' llenesetung Park, already "mutilil- ated." County officers state definitely that many more acres of trees will have to come down. Work of remov- ing the firewood on the airport has commenced, Mitchell Delays High School Opening to Sept 16— A special meeting of the Mitchell high school hoard was held on Satur- day, and since sixty per cent of the high school students are from rural community surrounding Mitchell, it was derided that all students should register mi September a, brat classes will not begin until September 16. Derive; that interval time tables and climates will be arranged, in order that vaaelling may begin at nine o'olta'k nn September 16, Public' school will open on September 9. Horse's Tail Caught In Threshing Machine— Threshing did tent proceed with the customary facility on the farm of W. H. and George Nagle at Salford last week. In fact there were a number of features about the affair which set it apart as different from most threshings. The neighboring farmers were assembled in the barn- yard at the particular moment which saw the whole thing swing into a time for prompt and varied action. Roy E. Barnett drove his team up beside the separator in the usual way. One of the horses switched her tail. It was caught by the separator mech- anism and pulled in. The neighbors VELD to the frantic animal's rescue. The big belt was thrown off in the general scuffle which ensued. It was at this moment that the Nagle horses, startled by the general hubbub, de - aided to tette a. break for liberty. And thou., just to .complete the picture, the team of William Anscombe also made a dash for liberty. The Barnett horse was painfully injured, all the hair being pulled from her tail, and pini of aha tail bone ground off. Teacher—"How many seasons are there in a year?" Junior—"Two, miss," Teacher—"How do you make that nut?" Junior—"Please, teacher, baseball and football," SERIOUS HIGHWAY CRASH ON SUNDAY Five persons were in Clinton hos- pital and two in Goderich hospital, while two cars were damped beyond repair as a result of a head-on col- lision on No, 8 highway at. 3.30 Sun- day afternoon six miles west of C1lutort, A car driven by Alex Martz, Richmond avenue, Kitchener, proceed- ing west, was niet head on by one Proceeding east driven by Leslie Howe, Harcourt avenue, Toronto, both ears being on the north half of the pavement. The impact was 50 forceful as to demolish Ole fronts of both cars, Air. Martz suffered broker ribs and head and face injuries, Mrs. Martz a broken right leg above the knee, and shock, Mt'. and Mrs. Joseph Oh1lte'ser, also of Kitchener, pate sengel's in the ;Bartz car, head fn- jurles and shock, Leslie Howe, driver of the Toronto car, suffered broken ribs and injury- to his right arm, itis sister, Dorothy. body bruises, his bro- ther, Robert, was rendered "meow sciatic: and concussion is feared. The two latter were taken to Goderich and the other injured to Clinton hos- pital. ospital. Provincial Traffic ()freer Frank Taylor, Chne01, inve1ti tied A heicvy rainfall caused poor visibility (1111(T1, in addition to slippery pavements. may have been contributory causes el the accident which-oreurred -on tt1' brow of one of the hills in. that section of the highway'. Officer Frank Taylor imeettlguted a traffic accident at liruc•etiold nn Saturday and a charge of reclt less driving agah's1 one of the p,u'tiea t'oucerued has been charged. ,ranks Travis, R.C.R., London, tecta driving north tow'ar'd Clinton and while pess- ing through Brneeileld, swttug to the right to avoid a direct impact 115iinst a car driven by Mrs. Catherine Ailt- enhead who from a parked position at the chopping mill turned across the pavement of No, 4 highway dir- ectly in front of the Travis car coin- ing in from the south. 'Phe rear bumper of the Abkenhead car and front bumper of the Travis car locked and were torn oft, The latter ear. out of ('0ntrol by the collision, careened against a service tt'urlc melted at Munroe: meat shop damaging it ex- tensively. The truck had n1 nrrninml at the time, Thomas Squire 11 l.'oderirlt was taken to hospital aullving With sirs'•' fillet lres rat ihc• leg suffered when he jumped off a 111051115 1rark, the rein' wheel "t whirls Went over his j, g. Mr. Borah''' had been e11(910) ed un- loading a boat and with smite other nem taus (.01111115 up the harbor (tilt at Goderich when the areideut hap- pened, Pio jumped oft' to ge 1.n his horse, lie ]tis been caretaker of Tire tot'itt street United Church at Gode- rich for eight years. B. C. Munnings, Goderich— A highly regarded citizen of (;ode - rich, Benjamin ('lenient Munnings, died at Goderich last Thursday in his 81st year. Mr. Munniugs suffered .a stroke three years ago. He was a ;or- mm' mayor of Goderich, having aero• ed in 11117, He Watt It member of the town council for several al year's and as reeve and deputy reeve represented the town on the county rntnrcll. Mr. Munnings was barn in Markhatu Township, York County. He came to Goderich vicinity when three years of rage, Mrs. P, F. Carey and Mr's. Ito - lend Walker of Goderich are '111ugh- tets, and William :1lumlingft or God. et1ch and John Mtuttings, of content,. township, are brothers,. 'rite funeral was held on Sunday to Mait1), cemetery, Registered on 100th Birthday— All who registered here dining the past three days of compulsory regis- tration and all who were assisted In registering by callers to their Menem will have to how in deference to Mrs, Grace Trewin Greenway, mother of lairs. J. H. Thomson of Mitchell, who on her attainment to the century mark, carried out the duties de- manded of every citizen of Canada, Her card was filled out and taken to the registration booth. If there is anyone in Canada at this age and on her birthday who performed this act. we have not heard of then—Mitchell Advocate, Crash On Prairie Bridge— Two cars met ahnost head on at the centre prairie bridge south of the town about 10.30, Saturday even- ing. A chew. coupe driven by Jack Boyle was coming into Whtghan, the car is alleged to have 515011)) 10,4 side of the bridge and so deflected In front of. Telford Conk's car. Mrs. Cook was the only person injured a -rad she received a rut over Iter eye that was not serious and her glasses were broken, — Wipgham Advance - Times, Senior—"You mean to tell rate that you've been shaving for thus years?" Freshman --"'Yep, and I eta myself both times." THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 emcee AUBURN 'Charles Rodger, farmer of founeh concession of East W'aeanoslt suffer- ed painful injuries in a, peculiar man• rarer on Friday evening at his 'home, Owing to a'b'ack ailment he'asas using !'gasoline as a liniment and was apply. ing it when it is (believed the tlu'mes tame in contact with the heat senora tile stove, and the treated (part of this (back ,wa's ,ignited resu'ltin'g in severe Ileums, FIe .hurriedly rushed ,outside and •cal- led fur help. 'Neighbors 'hearing Idhe screams, came Ito 00 rescue, Merliaal aid ;was given 'by Dr. B. C. Weir o8 Auburn, He ovals removed. to !Wing- '!tern Hlo $t.al, Leslie 11 n,-banan, received a Salr, prlle while ,lr'ri'i1111 in 11,11 ntndo,.r ear in the \\'caffi1id 1I( -trig! eel Friday even- ing, when the trent left 'd'heel of his nutoneshile came off ane rolled acmes the read sletting a targe tree. Accomeanaiir him at tim time tore lint, 01 ,1. 1ii111, John, and Lor• na l nchanat and Genii (Towler, Ilt1' yona,'1'51e eras thought it ;v,)- quite a joke, '.1nt Mr, Buchanln is tltanking'hie ,lucky eters he was driv- ing' at a era -enable :speed. Noone was injured. In the death '0 lir-. ,Lrhte Cook the \\estlfield community Imo, one of it'. moat eighty respected citizens. See pa 4..511 allay on Satl.trdaw morning at :he neem of her :;on Fred .1. Cork of East \Vaeaodsh, in her 751:lt year, She sufi'rreil 0 -Ind:, early Thursday evening' frnnl which .he never rallied. S101 ,11511 aline for . ,me years, be, - de 11 150- a ,heck 1,1 her many friends „f rhe dietriet, 21.1lere had been ) ;eyeing rrsirlrn#. .1 dre•..ut '(Aulst.ain, elle It% as a member of the lWesefietd United (1h•urch and a life member '01 the \\'..3b.01. in which she was 'kneedy interested, writing paper; and poem; for the anelilt24. although not able to attend the Was 'hereavctd thy death of her husband, John Cook, March 23, 1025, and since drift time inade 'her Lente with her family, Fred and \\'ad - 5u ,.f East \Vawanosh, Gordon of 0,'chrane, George of 13eigraee, '(Mae! \Ir-. Rte; Carter of \\',Had;tock, (Eva) 3154. Earl e\IcKuig'ht ,u Althorn. On, daughter, Bell, Ipassed away twelve avers a„,.,, She alae leaves four step- children, ;Ia,per of Blyth, 13a•vid of El, Ilan., Thome: of East \\'aavano=h and \I r.. i, -0e Snell of il'tyth, 0,1 ' one broil“ r, John ked:ger, East - cau,s,lt. are eci grand cllildren :red eitibt• treat-¢rand-chi1iren. f'aner,2 .rrv1rre rya; 0,1.1 1111 \1orrIa afternoon at 2 ,,'else\ fr,,m the 'h'1m,' ,.f 1\1n and I\ira, Fre•t'1, took. Int='* 11,•11.1 .w a; ,role in '.t\' t0 .2,1 Ceti, - < ry. Officer-' "What do you Illeall, You want leave on "ompu.slonate 5romuls? \\'hal are the grounds?" Private Muggius1 "Well, sir . , that is , . a . 0' - , . Oftbc'er--"Come in, man you don't have to be shy about it. Get it off your chest." Private Muggins—"Well, sit', lt's this way -the wife fatale 11 birthday AIL caste for 1111' It MI it's ton heavy to send by post," "The time will come." shouted the speaker, "when women will get. mews "Vis," int e 'ejected the little mem in the framer. "next Saturday 11,1011." The Pure Bred Clyde-sdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolnteut No. .^,Caval Forfar 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) hlurclulent No, 3959, Forte 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment No. 4177 Form 3 Route for 1940—Monday and Tu01• day -1 n the vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wednesday—Through Milburn and west to the highway, south through Clinton, home by way of Tucker. smith. Thursday—Through Seaforth to St. Columbau and Beechwood, home through way of Winthrop. Fraday—Goderich Township and Colborne. Terms—$13, payable March 1, 1941. T. J. McMichael, Prop. and Manager The Standard Bred Stallion BARON LULWATER 2,1111 Form 2 Will 41)1(1(1 at hi owner's stabile in Egmond,villc, season 1940. Terms $1'5 to insure snare with foal. Paya•hl•e Feb, Ilst, '1941, Parties dispos- ing of mares 'before .foaling time ((wind be held •responcible whether in foal' or not. I\\', C. Govenlock, Egntondvflde, owner, Phone Sewforeh 663115. The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORCER (27688) Enrolment No. 3525. Form 3 Route for 1940—Monday noon will leave his own stable, lot 23, con. 5, Logan, and proceed to Peter 3915111' netts, lot 14, con. 5, McKillop, for night, Tuesday to Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, con. 6, MOKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros•, Brodhageu, for night, Wednesday to John Dietz's, lot 8, con, 10, MOKiI]op, for noon, thence to George Bennewies', lot 8, con, 12, McKillop, for night. Thursday to Henry Steinbach's, lot 28, cot. 12, Logan, for noon, thence to George 11. Simmeon's, lot 24, con, 11, Logan, for night. Friday to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday noon. Terms—$12, payable Feb. 1st , 1941. Jacob Hignell, Proprietor and Man- ager, Mitchell, R. R. 4.