HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL Reid -A I la n --- A pretty wedding was solemnized at the• United Church manse, Hen- sall, on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. when Rev. R. A, Brook united in marriage Iva Margaret Allan, of London, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Allan of Hensall, and Clarence E. Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Reid, of Teeswater. The bride looked charming in a floor length gown of white sheer with a smocked bolero jacket, white hat with veil, white net gloves and white shoes, and car- ried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Miss Peggy- Schwalm of London was bridesmaid and wore a floor length gown of blue organdy, blue picture hat trimmed with pink satin ribbons and white accessories, and carried a bouquet of pink and blue larkspur, sweet •peas and fern. Mr. John Reid of Hensall, brother of the groome was groomsman. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's _home, wlideh was beautifully decor- ated with standards of gladioli and lank and white streamers. - The bride's mother reeeived in eggshell sheen' crepe and the groom's norther '•-eeived in black triple sheer. both wearing corsages of rosebuds. The rides table teas adorned with rose. ends and eeutred with the wedding 1 e Serving were the Misses Eve. 1Y11 Lawson of Louden. Nellie Hark- s of Teeswater, Beryl • Wilson, Auburn, and Agnes Appleton of Hen - sell. 'rheic were foto guests present from Teeswater. Lueknow, Seaforth. London. Grand Bend c remarry .end Hensall. The young eauplc left amid snewers 0t e an1''•tti and hew wishes for a motor trip to Nitgora halls and Toronto. The bride travelled • in a avy ensemble. They will reside • in London. • Triebner-Dalrymple- • A Pretty nidsunuller wedding took r nee at the United Church manse, He•usall, or Saturday at le a.m. when r. R. A Brook. united in marriage Tony 31t1 0elu11'. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Dalrymple. Heat: ill. and let vol Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs, J 'n Meitner, Hai Township. The' ''.•id.- chose- a ttu'quoise blue floor. --ngth gown with smocked bolero. Hee velvet i tutdean and white se- bs anfl -amid bouquet 01 rte asters. snapdragons and maid- itaii fern,• The bridesmaid 1Miss .. rater hell, were a door length _.e1vn of pmt sIt•.r• with white at, series and ea1)1 '!-uapdraeoae. white asters and fern- The groom eves ,ttte1nh d by his brother M r. dam Trnhn,r. Following wing the ter," s1r,y the bride and 00011 left on a le-ytueon trip to Northern ttntari)). The bride donned a •iu-iiy rose me senile for travelling. On their return they will reside on the groom 's farm ,tn highway 1 north. I•Ir. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tate '-ntet spear the Week e•nl with t11,.' torni is patents. Mr. and Mrs. Corn - ...tins Cook. Miss Helen Glen of i •ndenn visited yet' the ween end with he r par,nit0, THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1940 Genvaise; The Dare Cob,' Plunkett being the omen street Of the village, nviten the time for incorporation came in 1573 she splayed the part of a co- quettish maiden, :With affeotions divided -!between the two su'i'tors, since both counties sought her, she found thersedf in a real dilemma., The 'county council for H'u'nan passed a ibipl'alw for the incanpora'tion of tithe elllaige 'upon condition that she the an- nexed to Huron for masn'icipal pur- poses. The county council for Bruce passed a isimillar bylaw rwibh the 'proviso that she should Ib'e annexed to ]truce. The village showed her inde- pendence by appealing to. the Provence lel Legislature for a Special Act of In corporation which was granted. In January, 115714, the first .council was elected as follows: Malcolm 'Campbell, reeve; with Mex'McIntyre, Walter Treleaven, Thomas Lawrence and Chas. 'Mooney, councilors, They voted for annexation to Huuon and it is a'lle'ged that the order -in -council 'tv'a, passed in favor of this pro'cedau•e but 'before it was gazetted it was sup- pressed, having to strong political opposition and an agent was sent front Toronto to take a vote of the resid- ents on tate matter. The result, ob- tained fairly or unfairly, was a tie and rhe Legislature annexed the village to Bruce. In spite of 'protests it re- mained so, In the 70'e there were eight hotels and a liquor store at the time to cater to the thirsty ones cd Luc'know• with about 1,400 inhabitants and the surrounding country. By 1500 these had dwindled to one hotel where the traveling ip'u'hilic could secure food and Meting.. During t'he 80's, the Sepoy 'V•iJdagc to give it her self-imposed name, was fana'i1.c throughout Western Ontario for the annual Caledonian games rele- hratione, attended by thousands, The Caledonian society was led by the popular chieftain, the late Dr. Mc- Crinnnon. A unique distinction is that the first gist null, built by James Somerville ibut rebuilt and remodeled is still run- ning. It' has been in the possession of the Treleaven family for well on to FOR SALE OR RENT three-quarters of a century. A brick house in Dublin, Apply to Airs. Thos. Brown, Dublin, Ont. Britain Offers U.S. Lease SAVE TIME AND MONEY On Air And Sea Bases By trucking your grain to liritc0- field, Kippen or Hensall. Elevators \'iscoutlt Halifax. For'eig'n 'Minister. operated by George T. Mieltle disclosed to the House of Lo'ds in Sons. !baand a„ntmy he had frogsm C'Invllke kforntatlon Mores ngas London Tuesday night that an agree- and oil stiction at Seafortlt. Phone mem in - In'ineiple already has been 14e, Seaforth. Same Chesney. reached with the Unitech States gov- . and Mrs, Geo, Glen. erienent on the leasing of British The entity friends of Mrs Boy I'M'aida's I tittle House, .Maida's Little jj School, Irwin;: Iieide's iChildren, Spyret Girls of the Snyder: Crossing 'Canada, Strec'hl Story .of 1 Baby Sandy, .Dantott; 'Little Lauri of Finland, Bailey; First Term, 'Wool n Term, De Faatlberte Etre fa 'rte Fifth, IDarch; Joan Betty 'sect the Sea Gul'1, Fisher The Sinister Sign Post, Dixon; The !Mystery 'of 'the Brass Bound Trunk, Kiene. Mrs. -'G'eo. Xless pleasantly enter- tained a n'unnlber a'f friends tfroin toiw'n at their cottage in the Pinery last Fri- d'ay, The 'afternoon was spent in !boat riding 'followed 4ty a delicious supper alter 'which bridge was played. A Red Cross frolic will the held in Hensall on Friday August 30th, spon- sored ihy Hensall, Zntrich and Klippen war servi'ee committee. Open Fair dancing, thinggto and other !games, Former Resident of Hensall Married at Wigwassan Island— A quiet wedding 10041 place recent- ly at the summer hone of Rey Ar- thur Page at i\\'i±vyassait Island, 'Mils- kola, when Elsie \larzllre1 Rutb!hins, formerly of Ilcnsal'l, youngest dau- ghter -cif Mrs. Frank Gunning and ,'tite late- Richard Robbins, was onited in nutrrla;'c t0 Royl:otce Arthur \\'est- cott, elder sen of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward R'e Cott, Miss Edith ]'aster and Allos Ner- ds() 'Norton of Tonawanda., N.Y., and Aire titre 11, Campbell of Toronto visite)! Trend- herr last week, Hiss 1.0111 Logan visited 1x51 week with relatives in Shirley. The 'lsvcl'tn ••f 1!r. Thomas Sher - lite iust. t 1: 1 of the vitt (,;C .was n u k 'b;y iightttin.e during the thun- der ,that on Sunl,ty morning, T'he cli timer was T,-011 e.rf 1111' house and other damage dune. t\[r: , Fisher of Tarontn is the guest of 11das Fame Logan this wee! 110. 'Battey 11111(5111 had the 111100r- t11ne while unloading grain lett 1101, on Saturday to .let his 'hand ,ele in the slim;, roes. The Lingers on -1.0 Brolly torn. He was attended thy. 1 tar. Steer. Rev. R 1. Brook conducted ser- vo c in the United Church o1 Sunday morning. Miss Helen hick very ably presided at the organ. Mrs. Hellin :tett Mr-, Hess s,ota, :1 beaniifnl duct 111,1. ".1 ) -its T!te Savior Fen• 11e," Miss lcc?. n Soruunt of Toronto seeut ! be a••••1: (1111 1Ci0t her mother,. 110s. A. Sermon. \lr-. Lettell 0 \t 't i'r:u1 spent Si 'lac with her stet -in-law and daft- r,'11r. and Mrs, .\. 1.. t:ase, it br- ie.; t9r occasion eel - Mrs. 1.eitrh'.e birthday. Ali— Marion Pa l y retnrttcd to -tar '1„trle to 1 03(utn after 0 pleasant visit here. Rev. U. t'. 1E11 1. xeer comfort- ed ondomed service in the Presbyterian einlrch n uilac morning. The choir sang he autieel anthem."Come l nto •1[e," \lis' Rath t'lutpntan, R.X., of .11- '.t:oty 11.011111. N.Y.. is holidaying wir11 her parents, 11 r. and 11rs, \V.. t1\. i 1 a•'tn:ut, - CARD OF THANKS Mr, Joseph Carlin wishes to thank the friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses anti expressions of sympathy and for the spiritual and floral offerings, NOTICE Having been associated with Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, for the past two years, I am prepared during his illness to conduct sales in this dis- trict. GORDON M. GRANT, Auctioneer, Persons intending to have sales will receive prompt attention by phoning Elliott's house, 203, at Clinton, or Gordon M. Grant, Gode1 rich, phone 142. AUCTION SALE Lambert Saleyard, Stratbroy, urday, Aug. 24th, 250 Mixeci Stockers, Yearling 2 -year-old Heifers and Steers Stock Calves. Stock sold privately during week by seeing Mr. McAlpine. Trucks to cleliver. Terns Cash. A. G. McAlpine. Auctioneer, Sat - and and the TENDERS WANTED - Township of Tuckersmith For cleaning that portion of the Jack sun Drain from the outlet of the tile portion for a.pproximately 100 rods Tenders to dee 'by - 1st. A lump sum. 2tnd. By the rod. '3rd. By the 'day, Work to h'e done to tine satis,fac- aion and approval .of the Council, and to be commenced and completed as soon as p'ossi'ble, Tenders will be received until Sat- urday, :Aug, 3I11st at 5 tp:an, - Any further information required may be secured from the Reeve, S. H. I\\''ht•utore, E. P. CHES.NEY, Clerk Pro item, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for ten cords of hard maple wood. 12 inches long, for delivery this fall, Captain Dougall. Salvation Army, Seaforth. Tenders close Sept. 7111. HONEY FOR SALE Clover 111e. Amber Sc. In your own c'ontaine's. Also comb honey in small seetirnls, Wallace (loss, North Main street, Seafotele Phone 135 1, VARNA :tit's. Harold Foster end Billy of LUCKNOW weste•ru hemisplicaas air and natal Doween will he pleused to knot- she 11yth visited last we:,•i; w'i•h t-lativeg I',ven'y-two 111!1. tlorrh of tinder -bases. his been able to return haute after I' ' ich, v care i; is re 1 li' 1 fey' vire Nor- l Lord Halifax nettle tit etaten.,•111 treatment in the hospital, .n -s i, It„li,iariti_ hole of reeve t,reee, leoed, 1: situated the after Prime Minister Churchill had Miss Logan of Hensall vaned last r n.e,ruts, lir. ! \ Pc -ter piernr,;'prc. 4011131 ,. I.:rrl01 a'. (1w- disclased to this House of 1 11000os a week nn friends in the village. Selea'alici.e,st re.1 ars, '.r•nrhas of 1,,,,,, d offer of 'env •n• leases An ti .\]r. and Mrs. P. ('lrntet called on Nora Stilt,1 1 v' 1 thethe Ni ,,. 11,le h:, r rrnnr, 't •011- b.t e's, ud :.1 11.1 Ii ': n "t . 1.10 11 Halifax .-:aid Ili,' b315 .$ "o1 . 'd 111 (,t,:• l '1..1 lith"ti . '1`'t,.. tc ,:-la.c nal• tini� y,u' 1 u' friends in Lueltnnw• last week. Hiss Sarah and Alury In vonipculy 1. with brother Will wore guests at the reseed involved Nevvfnnnitaud q.- bnme 111 Geo. 1 r triv Sr. 'Tuesday. r ir,.tr"lr rlt., .' e , seeface. ev,••nditt. from: the ,;W5ireing 101 ide- re• tita givine t tide ^+• ••tit dyer are rem1':i'.g -„r tw'e1,. k;, c ..r .1 a e:.tng amt 1 it'd:0 :cull'1- 1 1 in `res sees tee'. H 1olnrstcta in the NO- le-mire/1 r e valley tt . .1 L; t 5111 :,-n t 1 •_. 1'»t and n THRESHING NEEDS We have stocked up invited to take Dutch Loaf-. lb. 27c Jelly Veal, Ib. 35c Olive Loaf, Ib. 25c Rolled Picnic, Ib. 29c Pickled Roll, Ib. 28c Bologna, choice - 2 Ib. 27c Tomato Loaf, Ib 25c Sausage, Ib. 23c Bananas, large - 9c Ib. for your threshing needs. You are advantage of these specials Peas, can 10e G. B. Corn - 3 tins 29c Pork & Beans 1011 Certo 25c Quality Vinegar— gal. 39c Solid Cabbage— each 8c Potatoes, 15 lbs. 25c Apples, large basket 25c Tomatoes - at market prices Apples from Wm. Archibald &: Sons' Fine Orchards �C� a J• Finnigan MORTGAGE SALE Under • nd by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage. which will be produced tit the time of stile, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, the 30t11 day of August, 19.1(1, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon al the Commercial Hotel in the Town of Seaforth by Harold Jackson, Anc- tioneer, the following peeper 11'. namely, A11 that ceetaln parcel o^ tract of land and premises, situate., lying and being in the Township or Tucker• smith, in the County at Huron, and being composed of Lot Number Three (3) - in the Third (3rd) Con- cession, Iiuron Road Survey, of the said Township of Tuckersnlith, and containing by admeasurement (1110 hundred acres of land be the sante more o' less Upon this property there is said to be erected a two storey seven roomed frame house. with well and cistern, drive shed, largo bank barn and other improvements 'ferns—Ten per cent. cash at dune of sale and the balance in thirty clay,. For further part1cttlars apply' to H. 0, 11I4111, Solicitor for Mo'tgagee. CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE Bouquets for sick rooms and bospi- till. Also sprays made up. A. L. Port eons. FARM FOR SALE 11»1 acres choice cloy loam, good buildings. Running water. 10 'teres hardwood. 4,11 iu grass. Apply on premises to Mrs. T. J. Webster. NOTICE I have taken the Feller Brush Agency at Seaforth and will be pleas ed to ha0e Fuller Brush ,u,touters vale -.Sam nutter. FOR SALE S» cords of :labs joists :i” x »" and 10 feet long: posts for horse stalls 0" x .', S ft. long, dressed ready to go in. \Valtnt Saw 11i11 1)n»cIm Johnston. \\'Mint(. NOTICE Iantie isl:uuis, 1 .hiss Welsh. of Ripley is v'is'iting Township of Tuckersmith pet'hups 11 referent e 10 '1r1' sister, Alts. (1, 11, Leahy win is , n Bermuda1 and \Vest tndilln points improving after her reveal illness, The council ,it the 'l'owi,shtil of "t ant satisfied 1 hs 1 no great dial Miss 111103' (Muter has returned to 79Ti•kea•sulitlt requests that any pea'• tJoudon after t pleasant beat trip Mt - Lakee, and it wee!( at tit' Imo nt etnty will arise in tate discussion of sen I "1. 1 n iw ledge of the name !,1 sUles.11 .'-t,0 1. Ir wee ( 1 i et her hem, 111 Loeid,41, Lnnd,'11 free 1'ress, details." said the Foreign 1linist,-r, 1 t to al home unit and number of itny soldier from r::v. and Mos. \\-in Weir who are 1..ying a months vacation, were in team last te.eek - Mr and Mrs. Alfred Hankin and Eleanor of Thames Road visited with Mr. and Mt's. George Ferguson and Mr. and lIrs. Roy MaeLaren Sunday. Miss Margaret Schwalm and friend 011 London visited on Sunday with the fo•nter's patents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sehwalm. Dr. and Mrs. Charles of Toronto visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Middleton. 110. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and family of Windsor dsor at holidaying with the formers parents. lir- and Mrs. Otto Fisher Mc. and Its. Peter S hwalnt were lied on 1nnday by Misses Mar- and '1iaret 5eitwaitn nt L: -alae. Mr. 1 - M,-ry'y*, a r v1-. . of Stmt. A:1,1 1/1 n1 EXc'tS Rao Vie• h. '111e fn1±5' i1a1 • ,tre lt: i trtl •.. - H,-1. ,_l, Pub; , s;;;;,. 1 ('eiC N, ;ill Itis, Tao l, . t.•:e . 1, s Trail Th" I). A. 11 1 1. -. candle. r I•,r. There is L• '' Lor. for, 2..0005 to \I.. tit:. '.: Nanning ..t:.. and Pies, Rent 01''' e' Alive- @ cons of tlie• v. 11'-. Raine. of the Range, Ort -y. Kingdom est- the Cartes. Seltzer. The Four of H:arts, Queen. To Morrow's, Promise, Marigold, Hill. The Million. PlrTramp, St. Jelin i ';-aper. The ri 10 Tr'•r•, Gondgr. Ct;:,••e 1)±-3701111 The Reef, Holton. Dent • Wears a White Coat. Dubois. Ht r-1 IInstr55,1 Baldwin. Other Gods i 1 -k. Mystery House. Norris. The flee. %t.n1. Rine - 'tart. The Alan in Low, t Tee. Rine• 111.11 Storm over Erten Iillet'. Myst- erious Sancho. Gregety of the Range. (cane. Macao-- of Miss Felty Sloane, Willituls :ou-Pfrt.ior -...The Old Log Scheelt a -r. Huron Gild Boys to Pioneer Leres. Green. Ballads of ('heecharka ~r:yfcre. Fail• 11t'S' of a Mission, lrendt-, et.. Book of Marvels. The Occident, Haliburton,. His Story of Life x dv-e :tures, Hal- Ibatrton: Canada, Europe and Hitler, Kirk: Connell, Thinking Aloud in Wartime, Weatlterheadt Forty Years a Country Preacher, Gilbert. Juvenile Fiction — Inc'Sleeping' Bteauty, Aladdin and 'the Wonderful Lamp, Ali 'Barba and the Forty Thiea'es, Amer; The Land of Oz, The Road 'of -Oz, Little Dorothy 'and Toto of O'z, Baum; Mysterious Sally Fall advantage has be'e'n taken of this and we tied as w( explore the -1,1011 that ye >•ttlni'h le 1111011 011 - expected beauties of buildings or positions. The only advantage is the sonew•at scattered residential areas but rthis will be corrected in time. What a wonderful field there is h'e're 'for civic beautification and in imagin- ation we can picture what :this pretty little 'tow'n will be 50 years hence. The first settler was a German, named Eli Stauffer, who is said to have 'been the first while clan Wilt, ever crossed the Township of Kin - 1.• -s. He purchased the farm in this 3 3n,hie .r, ',rhich file larger portion the vilia,ve is built about 15511 \\'alto; Armstrong eaute i11 1'851 and settled 'Vest ,\oe:m eslt: Others ...1.11).seta! . a t' cert' 'William ;fames t n 1 I1 1 1 r.,,,n Roder- ick Daniel Weitster end 101.4 t'.at the 'first •d.tt . ,: ti- f tit 'lar ice" (den jam: je..n4r;ilie. 11, 1.0:,0 L'., ..: to:tfer's farm and cre''t1(1 the first dear mill in Kinloss. Ile also surveyed the .site and named it Liteknee after tin an1u115 city in 1n,h0 that had been -relieved by • Sir Henry. Havelock in the Septnp Itehel- hnn. He also named the streets after the British generals, Havelock, Out- ram, etc. The next winter 'Malcolum Camp- bell arrived and opened a general store. ;Luffy 1, 1800. a .post office was establi. hcd •with Mr. Campbell as p..stmaster. He continued in this pos- ition until his death when he was succeeded by his daughter, Somer- ville and Campbell were a tower of trengtn to the village as long as life lasted. In 1052 the former was elected member of parliament for South Bruce. Bother enthusiastic business men and did much to advertise the village with the result that it grew rapidly, In fact, the village has been 'fortunate in the business men twho. resided there. As the village site was situated about half in Huron 'County and half in Bruce, with Ithe county boundary, the main entrance. Detailed n,egotiutioes have not vet ! the township enlisted and tweet), ed Local officials have been busy at• begun, he added. I tending to the national registration for service 001)11005 kindly basal this Britain, stronger than before the air blitzkreig started, producing papers the last few days. MINISTER iOF EDUCATION planes faster than Germany, looks to DES SUDDENLY information to the Clerk at an early date. 1) F, McGItEGOIt, Cleric. an early offensive and it strangling; Dr, Leonard. J Simpson, :55, min- SALE OF RESIDENCE blockade to bring victory perhaps ister of education for 'Ontario since _ To close the estate of Marina Sholdice, deceased. the executors will offer for sale by public tuctiol on sooner than expected, Premier Win- ston Churchill told the British Parlia- ment Tuesday, C 1tltrahfll's main point: were: Britain Inas overflowing reserves of every type '11 aircraft and an "as- toundin'g' increase in production, -w•hf.h is closing 111 gap between Bri- tish and German reserves. British airmen are "torero„ the tide of war," but Nazi raids ran be expected to coutmue nniess ",pree c ati,nl with the 11 nesian at, fore 111;0` Iltt...r :, <le.sAt. 1?t• lh'i,t-11 i, miters :arc indicting •,.,err n 1111 lye the whole Nazi eed •1 -1,,e101 Hitler -land to tit eates o;. India. it -.0..e11•1 mean 'Ytx 0031 his 11•'me nen r6 1 shattercd anal in ruins. 1 teltaa, A111 keel 011 na1,111i114 tin 10.rnialis ❑ ,;ter 1 i "0nrh•Inn nt y anti as 1011.; he rents pleases,' 3nt1 1'Sr, strenl:r. .11 ;nu.d that it 1s ab, Inert strength to deal- Milt the Mali in army. se that far larger operations are impending in 't?11 tlfid- 1'e Last. Britain's food storks are many tines greater than they were in Ithe days of ,peace, .bits not a scrap of Eared will be allowed to :get thrangh the tlockarle to G'crinany, Italy arc count tries they •clolninate. France's puppet grsveruatrent May at 911y moment -be forced to 'become Britain's foe. Tile U.S. Was appealed to to send Britain her over-a;g,e twarehips to !lxol'- ster -the thea that, as in -Nelson's; -day, takes British first line of de'fen'se richt lite enemy porta, An "immense ,na - of munitions" of every sort has been brought from :the ,14. in the last month without a single loss. The total of British casualties, dead wounded and missing, from aril sers Vices acrd including civilians, is •42,000, as compared to 305,1100 casualties for the sante period of the last "War. Traveller --"They threw me out of the side door." Sales Manager—"What did you save" Traveller—"I told them I came from a very important Iirm, so they took me inside and threw me oat of 1934, died 9udden'1y Sunday of a heart attack while visiting .at Picton. H•e was walking across a lawn with bis wife when he suffered the seizure and died almost instantly. Native -of Thornton, in the •Barrie district 55 miles north of Toronto, Dr. Simpson -first was- elected to the Ont- ario Legislature as Liberal represeitt- ative ;or Simcoe Centre and 'was re- ele'ltcd in -19,34. He was appointed minister ,,f education in July, 1934. Dr. Simpson was educated in Bar- rie and at i'n versity 10 Toronto. A ' 1110 Ontari ,.fedical As - 1 . SATURDAY, AUGUST 24TH Ata P,1F7. at the premises, Godet'ich Street East, the t'esidence of the late Martha Sholdice. known as the South half of Lot Number Five in George Sperling 's survey of the Town .01 Seaforth. Terns:—(1ash in 30 clays. 1•or farther particulars apply H. G. 1121II, i' 1 ) t ' Siur,."n lir-4 practised Solicitor 101' Psxretttnl's. in Stn 1l and I lmva le. also in Barri, Seaforth, Out. '1'• t r' :tad :•. r in Barrie. theold.la,'heut1. alai• t innt•.er. Irv, n' rua t ,:d El) atter Ines err i l+il y1 nett—in. ur-,l,•s `Notice To Creditors i alt L at ll.. tr:+„ l.l.^.ard and ITre-t'u I,( ei n 1 1i .10 1 1(1 I'ic- 1.1, :t ,.lr deeder-, 1)r,I t "' 11 test 'night election to 1102 I e.>l.lr;ur Ili 1)3.1 ,Merl was de- feated in :, iiere-c,nn'rd fight, On his 10,wnh attempt in 1931, he nett eniv van the riding for the lint time in 37 year. for itis party, but was the only I toter! gain in the province. In the 1934 election 1)r. Simpson had the largest majority ever polled •int. rhe riding. In the 1937 election. he de - ,eaten the then 'Conservative leader, Hon. Earl leowe, :for the riding seat. CONSERVATIVES WIN TWO OUT OF THREE SEATS Three !by-elections filled all vacan- cies in t'ite House of Commons altd the only change -front results of the !larch 20 general election twits a Con- servative igain. in the other Contests, -, Liberals and Cotlservatives each re- teined 'malt A ksrrbh Iby-election sclte-' -dulcet was made unnecessary Iby the 1 acclamation in Kingston of Hon. An-. taus Macdonald Minister of National. Defer e for IN1val Services, 'The Con- o-rvtttives gain.was in Sasleatoon where Ald. A. H. Bence won, :Saska- 110011 voters elected the late Rev, W. G. 'Bt'owft -as -a United Reform candi- date in 'a Iby-election last Dec, ;111 and also in tlte-genera) election IM'arch 21lr, ,Miss Agnes Maclt hail contested this scat. L..0, Bre'llhaatpt, Liberia% was elected in Waterloo 'Nadel and tG, Russell Boucher, Conservative, was chosen i11 C'arle'ton. In the Estate of Martha. Sholdice, A11 P I' W,:' having - rlel»(F t 1 ins• the. 3 , late of 41 1.1 Hhrddf(t gale. of 1hn Trawl 111 l4eaf01111. ll,n•ri,'ll WOW11ti, deceased, w•111 (11),11 1)11 01' about. the sixth clay of April, 1940 air hereby notified to send in to the ITTIde ,.igue'l on or before the, 30111 day of August, 1941), lull pat•licnl:n's of their "Iaims. Innnedict trdy after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst, 1.111• patties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which lin undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all ()there, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned 511011 not then have notice for the assets so distrllt rated or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of August, 1.940, II. G. MEIR, Solicitor for tit. Executors, Seaforth, Ont, ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H, Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.ul. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m, to • 9 p. m, FOR SALE Bosco Steel Roofing "7-111b" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar- anteed 25 years, Roseo Portable Silos, Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door 'Track and Ilardware, Extension Ladder's up to 44 feet in length. As. phalt Products including Roll Roof. fug, Shingles, Brick Sidling, Insul• Brick Siding, Rooting Paints, Plastic cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, ole. Murray Tyndall, Bruce, field. Pltotte Clinton 018 ring 12. WANTED Boarders wanted. Al] ('onvaticnces, MI's. M. le. C'ho'ke, phone 42.Sea- forth. HENS FOR SALE Fifty ye:nyold Leghorn hens. laying Food. Apply at News office. FEED FOR SALE .i quantity of mixed grain, barley and wheat. Sae hundred at the barn. Apply to William lloyd, phoney S4SI••11. Sr a forth, FOR SALE 511 neves west half of lot. 24. ('ou e.ssiuu 2, Township of Ribbert 25 tures iii croft and 211 acres in grass, .11 u—bligltl. roamed frame !muse with all modern conveniences. hard and soft water in house and 'automatic' frump, bank hal'n and 1mall frame barn, beim; the 1'asideue' of the late )curves Cronin on Jolla SL, Dublin. For further particulars apply to Mrs. James ('ronin, Dublin. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres 111 Stanley Township, Lot 18, Con, 10, Good buildings, good well, land in high state of cultiva- tion. Apply to Thomas Reid, Varna. PROPERTY FOR SALE On Main Street, Hgmondville, sev- en roomed frame house, newly paint.- ed aint=ed and papered. Good cellar, cistern, never failing well of hard water at door, telephone, township taxes, hy- dro if desired, good garden land. All in good repair, reasonable price and terns. If not sold would rent to re- liable parties. Close to store and. church. Mrs. Alex Gordon, Box 51, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- enteWindatorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed first class copairies. 01' 0,11tnn mcheerfully civrn E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES II aau buying grain for George Thompson, of Hensall. We carry a stock of bags at all times, Also will do your trucking. For latest quotations or in- formation, phone 655r2. Any service cheerfully given. WM. M. SPROAT Tile Yard DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.