HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-22, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1940
e I. 'd
.4' STOKES it
Kellogg's Cornflakes, 8 az 2 pkgs. 13c
Aylmer Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 tins ' 5c
Golden Bantam Corn, 17 oz. 2 tins 19C
Aylmer Peaches, size 2s, squat tin 15c
Aylmer Tomato Juice, 10 oz 5c
251/2 oz. 2 tins 21 c
Elimar Assorted Biscuits lb. 17c
Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz tin 2 tins 190
Chipso, small -10c; Large -22c; ....Giant 51c
Pastry Flour, 7s- 23c; 24s 67c
Salmon, Fancy Pink Cascade, 1s -11c. Is 17c
Hillcrest Shortening 2 lbs. 25c
Ovaltine small -38c; Med.-58c; large 98c
Neilson's Cocoa ?/s 19c
Sanifiush tin 27c
2 in 1 White Shoe Polish, Liquid bottle 15c
Red River Cereal large 25c
Ivory Snow pkg. 24c
Heinz Catsup 14 oz. bottle 18c
Woodbury's lc Soap Deal 4 cakes 24c
Corned Beef, El Rancho or Helmet , .. , tin 18c
Ingersoll Cream Cheese small 15c
Apricots, Golden Area 1(3 oz. tin Tin 15c
Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
Royal York Tea, Mixed or Black, j zs 37c
Blue Boy Tea 3•4 lb 32c
Blue Boy Coffee .. 1s 35c
Brunswick Chicken Haddie Tin 15c
Vinegar, Pure Spirit or Cider Gal 39c
Magic White Bleach 3 bottles 25c
Tuna Fish Flakes, Fancy White 3' s .. , ... .. tin 18c
:\pple Juice, 8 oz, Tin -5c; 20 oz, 2 tins 20c
Gilletts Blue Blades 6 for 25c
Whiz or Fly Tox, 8 oz. size 25c
Parowax, is 2 Ms. 27c
Fly Swatters. Wire Or Rubber ........... eaeli 1 Oc
Breakfast Baron, Choice lb. 310
Bologna ... 11). 18o
J. Sproat PHONE 8
J. R. W.\LKER, JR.
Bolder of Government diploma
and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our Stool(
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any time by
See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105.
Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150
Continued from Page One
spiritual forces within the national
life. France had, "'Sown the wind
and was reaping the whirlwind."
Could there be any more striking
object lesson to the people of the
nations of the world, regarding that
aspect of their citizenship which 111nIces
for a worthy Christian morale? in
Canada, as elsewhere, there has been
a weakening of the hotel of the
church upon large sections of the
populal ton. Perchance, the violent
shocks, which proved a rude awaken-
ing in France should be snl'I'ici(:nt I:0
make people 01oughti'ut and reveal
with grew (unphasi0 I'ha1, "Righteous•
ness exalteth a nation and sin is a
reproach to any People,"
"The Church, (writes 1T 5• TIgner.
in a book just published), for all its
- faults happens to be the only ins1.1-
t.ution whose peinnary object is the
seeking and teaching or the Christ'
tan gospel, on the basis of which, or
in the light of which alone 1 believe
our life and health are to be securely
intrad," -H, V. W.
C. W. L.
St. Columban
Admission 35c
at Bayfield
Floor Show
General. Admission 35c•.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riegel, Claire
and Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. George
Francis and Donald spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Queren-
gesser in Kitchener.
Mr. Neal Gregory and Miss Helen
Shutt of Embro spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins.
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser
and Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Russ-
ell Sholdice and Clary spent Sunday
at Ipper'washand Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tian. of Stratford
visited with Mr, and Mis. L. G.
lir. Ivan Quereugesser of Whalen
spent the week end with this parents,
Mr, anti Mrs. A. E, Qnerengesser.
The next open air band convert
will be this Sunday evening, August
Miss Grace Wtetesen Of Detroit is
holidaying with her graudpm'enrts,
Mr. anri Mrs. Aug. Hillehrecht,
Miss Nol'nm TTillebrech1 is holiday-'
ing in. Kitchener.
Misses Doris ,Hinz and Ilelty Rock
lent. on Sunday to spend a week at
Fisher's Glen Girds' Camp near Sinn
Mrs. Mervin Miller, Keith and
Donald returned home after spending
a week with her father in Harrlston,
Mr. Carman IVTogkk left on Suuda.y
to train at Thames Valley military
camp at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rands and
Mr. and Mrs, Guy Ryan and little
son Tornutie, of Lucas, visited with
friends 10 town on Sunday.
Mr, Leslie Hogg is holidaying at
Ripley with his sister, Ml's. Walter
8115. Robert Grimoldhy underwent
a serious operation on Tuesday
morning, We wish iter a speedy re•
Mr: and Mrs. Ed Henderson and
daughter Margaret of Brussels were
guests on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Carter.
Miss Agtles MacNiven and Miss
Florence Ddnney and Mrs. E. M.
Flynn of London were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ('lose on.
Drive, Richard Rogers spent the
week end visiting her si tr'r-iii-laws,
Mrs. John Sanders, who is 87, soli
Mrs Joseph Ridge who is 81 years of
age, at Fullerton.
Reconguests al the holm' of AL'
and Mrs. Robert Reg0r0ou al Con-
stance were Mr. and Mrs. It. Stanley,
Termite, Mrs. Dr. Archer, 13altlnrre,
Oltio, Mrs. Graham and Mr. Elliott.
of Clinton.
Miss Ethel McDougall, 10,N., n•e-
turned to Detroit on Sunday after
spending her holidays here. She and
her mother, Mrs. Henry Hoggai•th,
spent a couple of days last week
visitingrelatives at Ingersoll and
Gunner Frank Grieve of Petawawtt
spent Ole week end with his p110011ts,
Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve:
Gloria and Fred Faulkner of De-
troit are holidaying with their grand-
mother. Mrs, F. I. Fanllnter,
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner. who
have been holidaying here, have 1'0.
turned to Sarnia.
Visitors at the home at Mr, and
Mrs, Alex. Wnllaee Sunday last were
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and dam
ghters, Lois Jean and Mary Lon, of
Harlock, Mr. and Mars. Norman
Walker and ami Bruce of Brucelleld,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake. daughter
Bentley and son Gerald, of Holmes -
Miss Jessie Wallace, Seaforth.
Miss Marie Williams, of Dublin and
Pte. Kechnie of London,
Mrs. J. F. McMann and Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Scott left for their home
in Chicago atter spending last week
with their' many friends in this vic-
Mr. Charles Bumstead of Detroit
celled on friends here last weak while
on his way to visit his parents at
Owen Sound.
Mrs. W. J. McKay from Seattle Is
at present visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, C. Eckert and her brothers
and sisters in this vicinity.
Sister Clover of Toronto is spend -
Ing her vacation with her sister, Mrs.
1', Eckert and her brothers, Messrs.
Philip and Frank Kenny of Dublin.
Sister Isidore and Sister (laver of
Toronto were present at the Ih'st
Solemn Mass celebrated on Sunday
by Rev. Fatter Louis Purcell.
Mrs. Harry W. Haut underwent a
tonsil operation lame week.
Mrs, Lillian Hanna intd daughter
td -
1 Kingsville, a'e spend-
lr r
'\ as •\ to (1
Miss m1
Mrs. ti
hag the week with Mr. and \L..
Hamm and other friends in Seaforth.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Nays and
their 1agghler Mary Patricia from
Detroit are
spending theirr vacation
with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.
Eckert and Mrs. It. S. Hays and their
nlatu7 friends hare.
Mr. and Ml's. Frank Burgmier of
Toledo, Ohio, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Shanahan.
Mrs. M. Desborough and daughter
Nelcy from Dearborn, Michigan, are
spending their vacation with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs C. Eckart, and
her brothers and sisters in this vie -
Mrs. R. 11. Sproat bas returned
from attending the liarry-Sprout and
the 'Tabor -Sproat wedding in Detroit.
and visiting friends in Anherstburg.
Mics Jolla Ann 'Kenney. who has
been residing with ]tor sister, Mrs. 1'.
Ecicart., Is seriot4sly ill and Iter.many
friends wish her a 01100117 recovery.
81r. and Mrs. John Kenny and sou
('laver from Detroit called on friends
Air. and Mos. 1'.d' Qualm from Dear'-
born called on Meads here over the
week end.
Mr. and Mr. E. Robinson and Mrs.
Cooke, Ashtabula, Olio, are visiting
Mrs, Robinsons sister. Mrs. Chas.
Wasnlan, x110 is seriously i11.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Sproat. Det•oit.
are guests of Mr. John Sproat and
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sprout.
Mt', and Mrs. Gordon Grant and
family. Goderieh, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jason Ellis over the week end,
Pte. Glen Sorters, Camp Boden.
spent the week end at his 11on18 here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barry et De-
troit were week end guests or their
grandfather, Mr. John Sproat.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Tabor of De-
troit were recent guests of their
grandfather, Mr. John Sproat.
Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, is
spending her holidays with her
mettles, Mrs. R. Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hubert and
fancily are spending several days vis-
iting relatives near Mh11911(1.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Storey and party
spent Sunday at Goderlch.
Mr. Lawrence Wasnral is home at
present owing to the illness of his
Mrs. 13. F. Stuart, who has been.
visiting friends here, left Friday for
St. Marys and Windsor, and inter
will visit at Whitby, en route to iter
home in \'anc'ouvel'.
at 8 p.111,.
Ilancy Work Sale
Cake and Candy
-(Continued front Page 11
18 hospital gowns
12 khaki. handkerchiefs
1716 while handkerchiefs
12u pillow 0115ex
2 pneumonia jackets
:1 personal property bags
90 pyjamas
15x1 surgical towels
12 sheets.
As the Red C'5o,is supplies are the
product of the enthusiasm and los
tug labour of thousands of willing
workers, great care Is taken of them
in 11101,' long Journey to their final
use at the war front. or In hospitals
The small bundle Or carton from
the branch wort( roost, such as Sea -
forth. 1s reeeived at the divisional
warehouse, carefully eheelced and
sorted, and full ruses of '8 eh 0(1010
are made sit These cases s then bear-
ing their Provincial designation and
number, for the Identification of
emu P111 start. 1 Imrg joui•lley to
thy sea where at the exporting were
house they join others of their kind
and as .parr' is obtained. are ries.
partchr.1 on their sea voyaf;r' 111 Ellg•
land, 111111 00 t, Slough, where Gm)"
are stored moil need for distribution
.What a useful eargo they ire -sup•
plies l'or the sick anri the wounded.
comforts for the soldiers, clothes and
blankets t'ne the refugees. They hi
elude cases for the Canadian Military
units overseas, made up by Regimen.
MI Auxiliaries and brought over
through the transportation facilities
of the Ited Cross.
The Transportation Committee re.
Port having shipped overseas up to
May 30, 4,901 eases of Red Cross
supplies, 050 cases of hospital equip•
nt ant and approximately 1,01111 cries
of relief supplies and other sundries.
There has also been transported
5 ;'I5 eases anti cartons of canned
goods and provisions to hat used t0
complete the food parcel for prison-
ers of war• confined in enemy come
tries. This makes a grand total of
1198a cases, 1)ttles, etc., sent to our.
warehouse in England. The estimat-
ed cost value of the various supplies
and equipment transported is more
then $700,000.
The Red (Toss hopes you are en-
joyIng the "Voice of Red Cross."
broadcast over CHL every Sunday
evening from 5.50 to II p.m.. F4180'rn
Standard Time.
(Continued From Page 1)
his right. When he was 11111 011 tans
ade the first week here he drove the
officers nuts Trying t0 leach him to
march; but slam alive -did you see
him ear•ry the mail t-o•dtly 1 There
Wasn't a liner soldier on the Resit.
Anil they tell me tint another snout g
fellow- front Seaforth. Chrysler, 1
plink they call trial, stood not like a
regular when they presented oras.
Maybe some of you guys saw hila
try 10 sho1Ader a HOP tt couple of
weeks ago; he held it like it was
glass or (lyallntil1' and h0 was scared
it would hast 00 explode or sonic,
thing. And there's Joe Tm x
south of l0gniondville. What he didn't
know about (filling when he arrived
in vamp w•oulr1 fill a book, and a big
book too, but he knows to lot more
50010 officers . 1 could nt nth n.
i'tn telling you boys, tate way- those
kids stood up during lospectml ter
clay was wonderful. Stiff as ram -rods.
nod with that loop in their eyes that
you 801' Only in rt Soldier who's sore
of himself and proud of his °11110.
There's not another count's in the
world where you can take n lad from
behind a counter 00 a plow or a desk
and male him into a soldier in a
fortnight it's a miriade, 1 tell you."
Again the little sergenut snake.
cecise(1 talking. Not this time In»
cause he wanted the boys to ser
them up for him again, but I think
perhaps because he had suddenly
realized the full portent of what he
had been saying, Anil maybe too, he
ke•'w that it was no nhwch' that had
ua-de these lads give the hest (1101
1010 in duan and try their dau'nl1,•st
to bairn to mddiw', We all of 1.: not*
have known 111111 ]1 was rhes.•
1 110111$P1 yes, with the blood of pion-
eers, ounrsiug strong in time hearts;.
it was they. individually nod sells
iv'1y who had woven this fine pat-
tern for the rest of the tads
cantle after then to follow. And as I
04111(11(1 Out. int0 the warm sunnier
night 1 suddenly was very proud of
these boys. Bids whom I had stood
beside on parade and ween their con
fused look become a proud, 0oh0d-
ent one and whose awkward steps
had turned into a splendid march.
And I knew that all nice (1118 Mori.
ens Canada of ours there were other
kids learning to become soldiers et
their King. And I thought: God help
I•Iitler or Mussolini 00 any other rat
who tries to invade a country that
begets such boys as these. They'll
tear 'ere apart.
The detachment of fifty men from
'D' Company, Huron -Middlesex Regi•
ment who were in Thames Valley
Camp at London for two weeks, re'
turned hone of Saturday.
It is expected that a second de-
taclnnent from Seaforth will go into
camp the first week of September.
Two cars collided at 1110 high 101)7
corner on Main street on Wednesday
aftei•nnou, Miss Sally Wood, of 1110
Collegiate staff, was driving east
w11911 a ear driven by Melvin 0inn1-
ville of Hensell, who has leen em-
ployed at Gallop's Garage. Seaforth
the past two weeks, turned across
the oncoming car. Fenders and other
minor damages resulted to both
cars. Passengers in Miss Wood's ear
were Misses Ruth and Gladys T1101011
son and Miss Norma Jeffery, The lat_
ter received racial bruises.
Editor. Seaforth News.
The Lions Club slogan has been:
"Put up and shut up," for too long.
More power to Donor !
We are able to supply you with the following machines
and appliances ordered by us before the new war tax
became effective:
1 Massey -Harris 5 disc Tractor Plow in perfect condition 6110
We also have several used Binders at very Low Prices
Main Street.
'Nits and r81I's. 1)011 \\'inion,, have
rctufnerl .irr,m l\ hr,zlin;k, 11 c.' Air-
nia. Where they had ?11'1 a visiting
their son and his wife, 111. and \lr:,
Lewis \\illiaii-,.
\lrs. Leo Rutland *pent the-rre..ck
end a'i4h relatives here.
lIr. and Mrs. Pat ityali and Anne
Hyatt spent Sunday with .Mr. and
Mrs. ;Jerry Ryan in Stratfru'd.
Congratulation. to 7lr. and Mrs.
Martin K.limkl mini cr on the arrival of
al stilt.
Mr, Hulbert '81illcr and family are
visiting at the 'hams .of :her ntoflher,
t\irs, ,\lacy \]r(l,riuIh of the .0illage.
Mr. Jerry Donnelly and his niece,
Miss Catherine Donnelly, asci with an
accident early 5urtday m0000114 1)11
their .may home from P,11ffalo to visit
friends here, Catherine 1)onneliy is in
St. Mary's Hospital, -liitchelter. .suf-
fering from a ;broken arta.
1)an William, anis Jr. has ;beenspend-
ing two weeks n•aeation at i iiehiganti
'nr Lake Harron.
Visitors at the home of Mr. anti
Mrs. Geo. F., Holland during the week
were, Mr. Frank White and Mrs.
Farrel, Brantford: Mrs. Leo Holland.
\ indsOr; Sister Patricia, ltegina:
Mr. and Mrs. 'foot ('1111it110, etrab
ford, Mrs. J. F. McMann. Chicago.
Edward Holland 11115 returned from
a three weeks' visit in Blyth at the
home of Mo. Wm. Heft'ron,
Mother Marion and Mother 5l,
Albert id the l'rsulino convent in
\Vundsley, are spending a week here
101111 111 0i father, :lir, Prank Me
('anon, Mother \larlon has be 9a
leaching for ten years at Wo0dslev
and is now Mother Superier there.
Donald iloininarr, rhe Basilian
1Inter. St \11 hurl College. Toronto,
vacationing yitlr 11i. nu Ila, \1r..
Benninger. i1' ana Arthur 1..s',y
r.ra ,011.ts at the 1010er 11,1.1 in
• sill in 11.81,r of 1-alle'r Louis
Parcell, '.yin, er':o;lrate.1 hi• first sol -
nm hiatt nets. to SI. Jain+•• Clnir0li.
▪ north, 01 Sn,,,l: 81r.. Frank
51,11111 i0 receiving' s7eci:11 ;eminent,
s( o e lir.
•rr r 1 I. nl n
i \nt a }1 ra
and -\lr- Joseph St a•er, Stratford.
nu'00l,0anied do their la Itohtcr from
Florida. and e\lr. curl i\1r.. Harvey
Mich...visited t the
n er i tt0,
1...ate of \1r. and NIrs. Frank ~.tutor:
\l iss \IaTy 17v10,i 1 cnidun with 1100
father. Joelih 1iiyl,n: \hs. ,\1,111r O'-
Connell leas relurm•d ham, after a
vatiolr in London; \liss
\1.0 y Evan. in Stratford: Nio,.(;are
Smith in Lcnrdon; (Mr. and \urs. F.. 11.
"Cve•rs and .111,111 y George::o•w it, with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank lana \ir, and
lies. 1?dw ted \Ic(riot, Ildelt >n, with
I r.euh
\ iators: \ir. and Mrs. 'Jerome ,l.,r-
dan. 1Irirnil, with V r. and Mrs.
tames Jordan: lir. sent Mrs. Garner
Harper ;eel .on, ('arlinna.fard, with
Mr. ami V;s. t\Villian, Smith; \]r. and
Mr-. 110r4hr I)0tr.lil,.With \lr. and
\Ir•_ 11:r -ri '\l.•t trnnell: Miss Venni.-
ton ,1 'in,,
trip to '1'h0.l.;unl 1.:11111s: \Irs. 111ir-
a•;,eri, Na.,11e in Lnntvn:. l'at•ack \l1
1.o',doa: Mrs. Hank. Sin tl1
ha. returned ;1,ue from \-ict,'riaa iros-
i•,l. 1..,,nd,ril; 81rs. Idilh•r and child-
ren and ,\11-- 1'": •0c Met irath, \\'at-
e'rlo r. Wi:'l 111elr ,litho, hIrs. \L•(ry
\I raAr
)11..s Margaret 'Murphy spent the
week end at her home.
Mo. and Mr;. Emmet Malone of
-ford spent the week enol at their
Mr. and Mfrs. Donald Miller and
Miss Agnes O'Connor of Dearborn,
Michigan. spent the week end with
Mr, and Mrs. Dau O'Connor.
Mr. James Atkinson of Toronto
visited at his home,
&D'. and :ells. Oliver Jaques and
Dorothy spent the week end with the
former- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley Jaques of ElimvlIle.
Iltrs, ''. Alexander and daughter
spent- Saturday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander.
newlyw5eds, returned home from their
honeymoon one day last week and
were greeted lin the evening by a very
lively t'hwar
Mr. and Mos. William 'Westlake of
Usborne visited with Mr, and Mrs.
W. Horsey on Sunday.
Mrs. I. Jarrett and Miss Vera Cul-
bert. are visiting at the home of the
former's son, 1h'. Gilbert Jarrott or
SVednesday visitors at the hone of
Mr. and Mfrs. W. Horsey were Mr.
and Mrs, Mac Gamble and Tommy
and Mr. Hedley of Glamis; Mr. El-
more Gackstetter, Miss Esther Price
and Mr. Lambert Witmer of Dash-
wood. and Miss Reta Oke and Miss
Mary Westlake of Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. William Parsons and
baby of Cromarty spent Sunday with
the former's brother Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Parsons,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hopp and fa-
mily spent Sunday with Mrs. Ropp's
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ginge•ich,
of near Blake.
Mrs. Wagner of Zurich and Mrs.
Cook- of London visited one day last
100911 with Mfr, and Mrs. Warren
The tuany friends of Miss Grace
Sehilhe wi11 11e pleased to learn she
bas returned to her home here after
a recent operation in the Seaforth
Air,. .1011n 1'. Bell had the inisfor
LIMO to break 0 bone in her foot
which will lay her up for some time,
Mr. W. 3, McLean and snit have re-
turned to their 1140110 in Kirkland
Lake atter a pleasant visit with
friends 1,1 these parts.
The young People of St. Andrew's
Church held a successful Weiner
roast at Turnbull's grove one evening
recent ly.
NIr. e Mrs, . t. an 1 U Junk o' Forsyth
1 D9-
' i •a l
it•ou u 1(ndmg their vacrlti0n
with their many friends in this vie-
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell is
1 much in>•
proved after her recent illness.
Mrs. A. Haring and daughter of
London visited last week with her
mother Mrs. Minnie Littlo,
Miss Margaret Whiteman of Pie -
ton is visiting with her aunt Miss
,Mabel 'Whiteman.
Air. and Mrs. G. Anderson of Ds-
1roit and Mrs, Margaret Stafford of
St. Thomas were guests last west-
with Mi'. and Mrs. 8'. L. Mellis.
Miss Pearl Reid of London spelt,
the 'week 01111 with 1100 90110111 hiss
Marguerite Mrpomtd,
Mr. Verner Mel'lymont of Detre!'.
Mrs. ,Florence 'rerrybei'ry. C'ottar...
and Bobby Geoghegan, London, visi''
ed last week with Mr. and
James MOCIy'numt.
Miss Irate Bengongh is Navies.
hydro Installed in her ban.
1Tr. Jinn McLean Of \Va.nbeshene
visiting with his aunt Mrs. ..
Mr. Howard Joints anti Mr. Lewis
'reblmtspent the week enol in To-
Mt'. George Robb of Clifford and
sisters Ml's, Cousins of Toronto and
Miss Mary Robb of Chicago, 18110 are
holidaying at Kincardine, called on
their old home last Monday, the fait,
now occupied by , Mr. and Mrs.
Tebbutt Their old friends are al-
ways pleased to see them,
Your Gutta Percha