HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR. See how the Navy, the Army, the Air Force are being supported by the whole Dominion -industries, sciences, agriculture, women's Work.A dramatization of Canada at War. Famed throughout the world is the big Goldman Band from the United States, Playing each night from the modern outdoor Band Shell you hear it without charge. Direct from the San Francisco World's Fair, and presented through the courtesy of Inter- national Business Machines ... "Art of 79 Countries" -an im- pressive contemporary show. Duke Ellington, Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Sammy Kaye, Eddie Duchin, Al and Bob Harvey with their Canadian Coster Band, head the list of big-time dance bands that will be featured in this year's vast, cool Dance Pavilion. Don't miss them. A brilliant presentation of latest advances in the automotive in- dustry including a preview of many 1941 models. r One of the most brilliant and daring Horse Shows on the con- tinent. Many special features, harness and hunter classes. Sept, 2 -7th. Women's war work dramatized in a huge Red Cross Exhibit. Learn there how you too can help the national effort. CANADIAN NATIONAL IBITION CROMARTY h visitors in the Tillage I rev t a teacher from Miss Edith Alias, who -,-.ek end Miss Mabel ---,et rvig' who A•e:,' [see w itl ,Mise Lila :>uis principal if the \Vie , e .e e continuation school Miss Hai! : \v r and Miss t osle of Tor- r e vit" \flys M, B. Currier little I ,frothy and Irene Kemp witlh- Mr. and Mrs. William Honehton; The members of the Ladies' Aid are paP- -ering the large entrance 'ha'llw'ay of the manse during the absence Of Rov. and Mrs. Jamieson who are on lion- . ;days this month. THE SEAFORT!'l NEWS Snowdon erne. Publisher, THE SEAFORTH NEWS WALTON ]1on'I forget the IT.F.AV',O. ntereing on Wednesday. August :2111, at the home of Misses Shllpsous. The topic wil 1 be given by Miss Prnrl Thanter. Roll call, A good herd seg• gestion. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston and family and Mr. Janes Lawson have returned from a motor trip to Gt., tawa and other eastern points. Mrs. Dave MacFarlane has re, turned from visiting her father Mr. Somerville and her daughter Mrs. Alan Thompson of Middleville. Late Harry Tomlinson- llarry Tomlinson, 240 Piccadilly street, London, formerly a resident of Walton mut Thanteslord districts, cited Tuesday evening itt'St. Joseph's 1 iospital in the city, after some months' illil'se. 1 -le was in 11114 771h year. Mr. Tomlinson was horn at Thanlesfo'd. a eon of the late lir. eat Mrs. Jame, TontlinSe't1. lie flu'm- ea for some yours til 'I'hanlosfo'd dis- u9c't and thea moved 114 elcKillop. Re• eeutly, he had been living in London at the home of his son, Harold Tone lineal. He was a member of the Un - 11 (el Church. Surviving are three ous, Frederick. ic•tt. of 1.1111100; ,tack. 11 Flint, llitil.. and Harold, of Iondod Iw1 daughters, Mrs. Russell Martin, of Saskatoon. and Mrs. Reward Il„erns. St. Marys. The flnleral will be held front the Carruthers funeral hone' in London at 1.30 pan. 'rhmrs- 'tay. Interment will lie in Maitland' hank cemetery, nem' Seafortil. '1oy-A i11 n - A pretty wedding was solemnized :it the hone o1 the bride's parents on Wednesday, August 14th, when Mar- ion Johns, second daughter of Rev, A. he and Mrs, Arlin, Goderich, was united in marriage to William Arthur Hoy, eldest sol of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Hoy, R.11-4, Goderich, .Rev. A. !..:\Ilia nl'ticinled. Miss Edwina. Allis sister of the bride, and Alfred Hoy, brother of the groom, were the at- tendants. 11r, and Mrs. Hoy will re - Sine 11 Walton, where 11e is employ- ed as first man on the C. P. Raih11117 and has leased Mr, 3. J. Seller' house. \Vo all congratulate him on his marriage and wish them the best of 51100050. Donald Wilson has retnrn'd home to London after spending his holidays with his grandparents, M1'. and Mrs. R. \V. Hoy.. Russell Bryans left Friday for To- ronto training 5011001 of the flying cops to join in the trade enlistment. Mr. John Pryce has leased the hone belonging to Mrs. J. Love. Mrs. Love is being cured for by her daughters 'ting to poo' health. 'Mr. George Badley and Miss ,lean Badley of Kingston. Mrs. McEwan and piss Pauline M1'1':wan of Gode'- ic h railed on the Humphries and Shannon families of Friday. il. and Mrs. 1o11)1 Pryce are mote tug into ;111',. Joseph. Love's house. Mrs. C. (lowland of Fergus visited her sister Mrs. T, Williamson last Mr. Huglt Shannon has disposed of kis farm "est of the village le Geo, Kirkby of St. Marys. Possession will be in September. \\'e welcome Mr. end Mrs. Kirkby and family to our (401l111111117', AUBURN 111. ') t:ar;r People of Knox United Church were in charert' of the morn - service 111 Sunday. George Stra- -su1 presided and Elvin I\\ rghtman e'fered prayer. 1'he choir sang an an- them and Aubrey Bolt sang a solo, -tithe Kenneth Reid. (loch -rich. press +l ut t ,Huron Y. 1. Preahytery was 411eet speaker. Service •wiil be cancelled next Sun - 'lav in this chure'h. The 11. V. P. '1'. of the Baptist i'1P.trc'1, ;tad charge , :hr service on S.111;1 lr afternoon. The meeting had ,ere-een.9 1,y )Jr. and Mr-. Frank 1 10 and Eley.1 Rat lay t (r.d- 1 11 11 .r T1,0 Scrilware e•di-t :'l \l.,r,a T.el', • ,•1 and '+)' 1011 1cr .-\ vocal c. ern it^<,1 ' w Vert,. \tiller. " 11 Stine ve asItteshiee \lis: 'so , Fret.4 ha_ y. Thr li14''01 '1 0 -lin sit. ''10 in chanlr ;r ! Reid. ".an11e4 Jodlnst' 11 and Rt thiy. Rev.F. Silver e 1 '101 t' (1'x1 7, 11Vlar t. n'nduct :1141 .0011100. The Venn( People of \\-e.tiield 1'nited Clmnh, had eharae of the ening service with Harvey Mc - fee) -11. The president, condnctina the meeting'. Rae Vincent led in prayer 11.1 \lildrrd Thornton led in the S:rieture reading. Clarence \Ic Clen- nethan of Whitechurch, gave the top- ic ,'.n "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of H raven." 'lir. Ford, Mies Bernice 1 >rd. Miss \\ nnifred Ca:n~`vlael':, of Comber. .,lent khe •seek -end w(1-1) .Mr. and Mrs. \V. F Can.'hell. Mrs Fnrd remained for a eveek'> vacation: Edna and Aud- 011 \Val.h ;'i Hensen, with Mr. and Airs, A.'inert I1Valeh: Mr. and Mrs. Parst rf Benmiller, with Mr. and -Mrs. lrl,tle. NIet;ill, \irs. Hilliard 1 tier en and daughter, I:on . e with trent', Mr. and .N1 rs. l,eore TI1,rntoa, near lllnerale: Rev. R. .3.1. 11A ocher addressed 'his coneregati.n Olt Smelly :m'rnin;e. au "Carry The Hon - r: F.ncenra:rfetneltt. Cr.miIrrt (11111 -\-ppreciation, :i.10 '.•.011 sake aryl for the sake '1f others a< , 00 travel life's L•:.;iesety.' Rev, A -\I. re,ylo ne 1.ried *We. .1011pit 411 Knox l're le :enol: ,'1011,11 11 r1 1 ., ho div ,'t-nt at wVa.- a11 Bear!l awl -.peke o.1 "The V -,ice \ ii trail St v11! I( n i Tettenhani. with his parents, Mr. and Nlre N. T l I. a,>n,t Archie 1)t ie,n1 1 tel Ed- ward H1u 1t. n ;if S' inef lir+- u '.with his sister, Mrs. Charles F„ \,eplith; Reeve Raymond R. Red nuinrl 1(:h \Tr. and ,lr.. Patrick O'- Malley, of Torent.: Mr. and '\Irs, Robert Stalker' have returnee to -then home in h lief, IM'ici1., -after a short wis- h with \1r. and Mrs. ,Maitland Allen: Visitors -w•ith I\firs, F. Ross, Donald 114114111111 lllllllll n411414unuuuna a unnmum nn41uaue 111. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 'l944J BLYTH \ wedding of interest in :the Arab - at 0 INN TOPICS urn vicinity With rerrntl7 ,ealeanniz'ed t'ht'Linked -Ohairch tisanes in 'Blyth by Rev, Arthur Sinclair, wdleu Flor- ence \l q 1Iadllul, daughter of ,Mr•, mson,4141,. ",1414nnrn'4141nu14u'a""""""""" and Mrs. W. Hallant of Gainsborough, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO \Ir. Robert Smillie, ,\lark'et St., left on "1'.uesday for a trip ,to the \\'cst.- \liiss Irene Carhert •was a Clinton risitar.-\Irs. 'l. H. Broadfoot 'was Stratford •visitor this week.-A4ds$ .\ria and -Jennie Gov (110011 are -Mit- ehell visitors t•11ic week.-t\lrs, L, L. \iriaaul is in 'Toronto -visiting her con Dr. ' J. IL Atelie,WL---Mr. D. Sproat -of Be'hgrame -visited 'friends in 'town this week. -Mee, Dalton of (((Id- erieh iii !visiting '.Icer 'pit -rents, ,\Jr. and .Mrs. D. Donovan. -\4r, and Mrs, G. D. Haigh spent Sunday in God-eric'h. -\1es. Lela Kruse Telt Friday for her i1o111e i11 Gall, all tr 111ititl'g at the parental home herr for a couple of weeks. - 141 rs. \Van. •<)'uightun wird ehi1110011 htavc rc'ttirned .from Toronto. \lis. Vera i\\`eI11 of \\'foghant 15 visiting at t111' 'Slone of Mr. and Mrs, ins. Thu 1 14111... -\fess Neely and ilali, I1ler ,,i 1 orehr.ter are visiting at die Monne of 1411;. S, ;Neely, North ,\lain St.---KI-win Ricers, of the 1 -1 -u4 - 1i rti cc C41,1,., Nia.Oara Camp, spent 111e AN eek cold 11011 his 'parents in 01.--\l r. 1). \yeller of Brantford is eis-it ie.; :friends here.-Soho'ol days :will -soon be -hem-Nit.. A. E, F:otbes lets ,been appe,in ted general nlanager .;he Dunnville Engine Co. and is tuovine Id Dunnville alis Week, -Miss Lynne Gi'115spie stet to Toronto Thursday and -will -visit her -sister Mrs. Milford of elevanl.ville ,before re- turning honte.-At the regular ;nett - Mg of Fidelity Ledge No. 155, IPO. O.F. ut '\Vednc clay evening Rec. tier. Brother liaaburn read an ad- dress :h' Brother Fratek Smith and presented him 'with a signet ring as 1 renlcnrhtanee from the lodge '111 the eve of his 5lepairlllre to go in training for aetite service ,broad, ,Mr. S,iniltJt replied suitably and a short ,address was given by .Bra, lames ,13eettie, Frank -is the fifth +nlcudb'e-r of Fidelity Lodge to go to the front, -Mr. Har- v.ev \\'illis of I\V'ingham silent the week earl in -town,-Miss Ruby Bristow is visiting friends in Sarnia. _etre, ', 1.' C. Greig was a Goderich visitor this 'wreck, - 13Gr, \Warren :\stent is a visitor at fie Toronto Ex-. hihitden this week.-4\Jrs. \I'urdie of Detroit is vi -siting friends in town. - 14l iss 1Ielen jetties -on of -Brooklyn, N.Y., is visiting in town,-1Ur, Thos. Andrew, of 'Lockport. N.Y„ .has-ac- tepted a position with T1n'bt:'Btali Fn - gine Ce. -NI -r. Hector Hays of -Gede- rich rd lted Itis brother, ;41r. R. S. Huy, on Saturday. --- \les. Harold Bost lei; on Thursday for Toronto to join \Ir. Test, before 'ltaa-ng for ;their home in Regina. -- -\Messrs. \V. T. Tex and E.. L. Box are visitors at the hxhieition.-\I r. Lippert 0i Berlin was a Sunday visitor in .0,1v.n,--'Mrs. F, .\V. Lenge of Guelph is spending this 'week evith her mother Mrs. John liarnea.---,\Ir-1405. Walter 'Murray and Ralph Elli.'tt .arc Ir,tiirlin,c an addition to Dr. Burrows' residence. --Miss Ef- fie Hamilton of K11145(on, Who has '?ern visiting at the .parental home of Nit'. :eel -Mrs. II11gh Hamilton, 'left on "Tuesday to take in the Millinery op- )'nin',1 in Tor;lntn.-\1 r. George Ran- kin el. Philadelphia, Pa., has been n'is- iting relatives here for the -past month. \Ir. Rankin has been away .from town for av, year: ant- notices unruly changes since 11e lift. --Owing to the long -con -tinned rain harvesting o.perations are very slow, as it was nest to impossible to rant the ]hinders in some field. end 11111141st as .big a task to yet o^he grain dry alter it was rut, .\ considerable quantity of it was 4r 14 ing al the shock. - .As the threshing machine of Norman Lam- ont eves 'being taken dote Ed Woods' hien near Brn514cls. she gangway I,roke, throwing the machine ulpside down. It 'trees a Tang of mien erith 11a':ey and ru'k1e to right it. Some lun•t_e w -Ione the machine :hy its tltn:lle.-0n1..*1 harvesters, at 1Iensall are making almost superhuman ef- fees to safely ser 1041 the fine crop.- . ,.1 0 . .'a, dao _enIIere 1 see been rh'r1_ :ndin in 101100 up to 11X':1 i 'trt',;e' \'‘ bite. 111c11 -z s'raincrl h1. •,crit: ,t1 14o -s an -I 1. \\ Meld 1 oil Sunday Ray R. Du*". \lis.,- \\itkriired Burll, Blanche 1'irkeil. Edith Rima;, all of 1.eanlin1-1014; Norman Riordan, of P 1 'inr'1, spent the week -end here. CONSTANCE Mrs. William Carter entertained the ladies of Group No. 1 one after- n0n1) last week when they also quilt- ed a Red Cross quilt. Mrs. Joseph Brown of Toronto was a recent visitor with her mother Mrs. R. Anderson. Miss Bernice Sproule of London spent a week with her friend. Miss Jean- Anderson. piss Jean Anderson is spending this week with her aunt in Toronto. Master Victor Walden has returned after a eoupie of weeks' vacation with his cousin in London, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter 0f London spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. The W,A._ are sponsoring a com- munity picnic Tbursdey, Aug. 29.. at Goderich. Anyone not having trans- portation please notify Mrs, Ernest Adapts. Everyone is invited. Mrs, William Jewitt and daughter Joyce spent the week end with Miss Lillian Adams of Londesboro. • McKILLOP C,W.L, Prize Awards- - The prize money donated 1,7 11+ . C'athnlie \Vnmen's League of St. =ban Parish to the three pupils wee. highest standing in the re -eel 10 trance examination, has been aware - ed as SoHo'. s: 1. .hiss, liabella Pm- eel1. S.S. No. 6. McKillop 2. .rose Juan 'Holland. St ('.olulnllan Miss Gracie Connolly, S.S. Seo. 6. 'vie,-itllop ]Miss Isabella Purcell and Mise Greet, Connolly were pupils of Mi<s Clan Issa Tale, and Miss Joan Holland of Sister Theodore, St. Columhan. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 21c England, i -d, ,teas united in marriage to Thomas .Leslie MI.Lllanl of \elest Waite - emelt, von of 'Me. and I\Mrs, Tfi'onas Hallam of 1151Ile'tt tow'nsh'ip. The bride '1t'a3 1)05ttilt attired i11 a navy iblue sheer !frock 'with ,white as- eessorie-s. They here attended Iby Mr. and \ies, Harvey Andrews of West V.aevanos'h. Mrs. -Andrews 'wore a fig - tired sheer d'ress, ;Mr. and. \Irs.' Hallam 'till reside ort the lhridogroo-m's farm in 1\'est '\\'ale- anosll. BRUCEFIELD A number of our girls who belong In the Girl G1111108 were camping at Hayfield last week with Miss 141arg- 1rct McGregor as their lender. Hiss Annie Mustard of London spenta wool; nt her home het''. Airs. Alex Mustard Sr. has return 'd from a visit with 110) sisters at Tiverton. -- Miss Violet Petrie -of Sault Ste, Marie is visiting with her 818110' Mrs Robe. Allan. Miss Irene Snider Loudon, spent the week end with her people here. Mr. Melvin Snider refuelled home from London on Saturday, w•h:ere il' Intik a 51111111101' course at the Pulver sity of Western Ontario, Mrs, Bert Greer, Hayfield, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Haugh. 14r, Gordon Wright spent Monday in London where his wife is a pat - lent 111 the hospital. Mrs, Alex York and daughters M'ryle and Shirley, Toronto, have re turned to their home in Toronto al'. ler a visit with the fo'i11e•'s parents Mr. and MPs, Alex Souter. A tag day for the Blind. \x111 - he held in Brucellel(1 on Saturday, Aug. "i. Boxes will be placed in the Hrucefield stores from Aug, 24 to 11 et so that donations may be received for this \14'ol'th y cause. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. \149111am Spinets were visitors at St. Marys on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edw11111 '1'weutynlan of Chicago spent the week end at the Stento of Mrs. Tweitymanis parents, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Cleave. Mr. Fred Turner of Goderich was a Sunday visitor nt the home of Mr. and Ml's. George Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clark and family of Hamiiten returned las' weep after spending several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, 11'..1. Clark of the Goshen line. WINTHROP Then, will bee Sunday service at 11 o'clock in the morning in Cavell United ('(lurch, Winthrop, on Sine clay, Aug. 26. with Rev. J, C. Britton of Inwood as guest speaker. The .ser• 1ic•e will be under the auspices- of the Young People's Sot duty. - Want and For Sale .\els, 1 week .51.7 E'ENTE TRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING The Jones Family in "Too oo Busy to Work" Mon. Tues. Wed. SCREENED AT LA S IT ... 7 H E BOOK THAT HAS THRILLED THE' l - e Towne presents , NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. A "rhe Play's the Thine" Ploduclion Directed by EDWARD LUDWIG Produced by GENE TOWNE and GRAHAM BAKER Screen Ploy- by Waller Fords, Gone Tawno and Graham Baker Joseph CALLEIA • oil, FCII N Donald MEEK •Fuuy KNIGHT f'OMINCG THP JONES FAMILY in TION THEIR OWN" MANLEY Airs,I\\' I. NIcloay. of Seattle, spent several days with her sisters, \irs. Ph',1s. ,McKay and '\ll.. \\. Manley. \L'. and .\1 r.. Gordon Hays and 'Mr.. C., Eckert, Mrs. Uonira Des'hor-. 'crugh and Sister ('layer called on -friends there on Tuesday. The -registrars -were kept 'b'usy on \Monday. Tuesday and '\\'edncsday. BRITAIN'S COAL Vast Reserves Now Being Shipped Across Atlantic Cargoes from the vastsupplies of British coal which Have aeeumulated as 11 result of the submission of France have already been shipped to South America ntel Portugal. Further inquiries e1'0 00W bring negotiated. and within the next few weeks t11e export of coal front estreat 13ritain will rapidly increase, Canada, as well as South America and Portugal, will have more plend- fttl supplies at dumper prices. - 'rhe British con! industry. which Is aiming at an annual production 'd 2810(1100o twee nr 411 millions, more than in peace -time, had a rrsjle'tablr- S111'01us Its the result of Germany's invasion of Scandinavia. It was nit first. hoped Ilult 1401110 or arta would be available for Britain's enstomers overseas, but when the Germans marched 11111 Holland, Belgium and Northern Feltner,. all availallle sup- plies were rushed to Fenno), whose e illie(le had been seized by the enemy. The subsequent :utbmission of Frttltc'e, however, together with the entry of Italy into the 10111', virtually put n stop to all shipments of coal 10 Europe outside Synth and Portugal, and tiler' IS now a respectable vol.. Unit, of suitable coal piling up at the British ports of shipment. BORN. L0111 1- In 'l'urkersnlitlt on 'Thursday, Aug. 11), 1114(1, to Mr. :old Mrs, Mervyn Lnbll, '1 son. KI.1NKHANIEIS ---In Scott. Memorial Hasid! al, on Monday, August 19, 111411, to Mr. and Mrs. 141artin Blink- lmme', Dublin, a Hull. SCt)'I'T- hl tient Memorial llospit'l on N'ednosday. August 21el, 17ls1, to 14Ir. and Mrs. Roller( ;Scott, Sera forth, 11.11.1, a4 .'111. TOWN AND COD TRI' FOLKS Whether you live in town or in the country ... here's a combination offer to please your reading tastes ... our paper and your favorite magazines at really huge savings. Make your selection and send us the coupon now! "BIG T y EEE" OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice any Two in group. Mark an "X" before the two you desire. Maclean's Magazine, 1 Yr. 7 National Home Monthly, 1 Yr, '] Chatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr, Q Canadian Home Journal, 1 Yr, 1 Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine, 2 Yrs, Q Rod 51 Gun in Canada, 1 Yr. 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