HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-08, Page 8DUBLIN CEDAR WOOD SHAVINGS
Mrs. lances Hanley have
cedar wood shavings for sale, snit-
\I r, and
retuned tor. jams
Toronto anter (two ,week•::' table for -bedding. insulating walls,
ere. In truck loads or by the bag. Ap-
wacation with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. ply at once to J. Boshart & Sons.
Hanley, \ia and ,\ire. Bruce Hull, seafortlt.
and Kenneth Dill, King Ont., ,with l
Mr. and ills. 1'. Dill; Fergnis Rey
nolds, Detroit. (with Mu', and 'Mrs.
Joseph Canpenter. .Mrs. Reynolds ,who
has spent two twecks with ter ,parents,
returned 'home ,with her 'husband;
Thomas (McCarthy, Toronto, Miss
Marion Dill, London, Frank Kraus-
lkopf, Toronto, Miss Laurette O'Rour-
ke, Toronto, at their respective
homes; Mrs. Newcombe and +baby,
Toronto. are spending two 'weeks .with
her .parents, ,Mr. and IMrs: William
Stapleton; Miss Ella Clarke, Allan._ '
dale, with friends; 'Miss ,Marie Nevens,
Toronto, (with ,Mr. and IMrs. William
Curtin; Mr. - and Mrs. Thomas S. 1
(Melady and •family, 'Windsor, with
Mrs Catherine i.'IcQuade, who accom-
,ponied them to spend a ,few 'weeks at
a summer cottage in ;Northern Ont-
ario; Mess :Mary Walsh in 'Kite'hener;
.Miss Allie Looby fs ,yacationing in
Denfield; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Longe -
way and 'Mr. and :Mrs. Rudy S'herett,
Guelph, spent the week -end 'with. Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Kenny.
The Women's Institute picnic was
held at Grand Bend. Results of the
race 'were: Girls, 6 'years,` Shirley
i'Vallaee; ,girls, a4 Donna Kemp; boys,
12 Bab Laing; ,girls, 12 ;Jeanette Mc-
Kellar; 'bows, 116 Bob. Sadler; girls, dt6
Hazel Laing; 'young men's, 'Clarence
Norris; young ladies, 'Margaret Scott;
married 'Wren, (John Wallace, Harold
Coleman; married ladies, Mrs, Marion
Wallace Mrs. Marion Allen; 'wheel-
barrow race, Grace i2dcLadhlan and
,D'otnie Sedtt; 'needle and thread, Mrs.
R. Wooden and Clarence Norris; ,kick-
ing sl'i'pper, Mangaret Scott; necktie
roe, Harold ,Coleman and Mrs. R.
'Wender; lucky spot, Mrs. R. Wosiclen;
,patching, Doris Soale, Ross S,male;
'bdmlfodH Grace ,McLachlan,
Stagg; relay race, Arthur Sneak; old-
est person iT M, Worden; youngest,
Shirley Wallace.
Norval Norris, of lMonttreal, and
Clarence Norris, of Toeonbo, with Mr,
and Mrs, A. W. (Norris,
Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and
"Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar-
anteed 25 yea's, Roseo Portable Silos,
Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and
gauges, Metal Sidings, Ea.vestfough
and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock
Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary
Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley,
Door Track and Hardware. Extension
Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As-
phalt Products including Roll Roof-
ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul-
Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic
Cement, Building Paper of all kinds,
Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce -
field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays,
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p,m, to 5 p,nt. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. to, to 9 p. m.
House for rent in Dublin, with
hydro, 114 acres land,, will pasture 8
cow; a good well and stable, Also for
sale or rent, a good house and barn,
and garage, with two lots, in Egmond-
ville, good well. Apply to Fred Eckert,
Seatot'th P.O„ or phone Dublin 8-23.
Young boar for service on Lot 17,
Con. 1, McKillop• Purchased from
Norman Free, Dungannon. Will still
keep the old one, Hiland G., for some
time longer. Frank Nolan, Prop.
For sale, Waterloo separator 33.43
with straw cutter, high elevator,
straw blower and self -feeder cone
1)1ete; 22.45 Eagle tractor with high-
way rims. Complete outfit in good
condition. Will sell reasonable for
cash. Apply to W. G. McSpadden, at
Winthrop. -
l'ea'nt of 1011 acres on and Cann. of
Tuckcrstnith, good lard, 611 acres h1
beaus at present, ready for next
year cropping. New wind mill. ce-
ment silo, new litter carrier in untie
barns, which 111'e connected. Spiem
slid stables for horse and cattle. box
slants, etc., ]say fork; ropes. etc. A
modern white brick two story en-
rage with frame kitchen. A tine cool
cellar throughout. Two wells, orch-
ard, spruce wind break for north and
west. Near to c1)111(h. school and
paved highway to Stratford; two
blocks w. of Seaforth. S neves of
bush, a large driving sited. Posses-
sion in the fall when crop is taken
off, Also a spat of horses, mares, 12
years old, Clydes, Will sell these sep-
arately or with the farm; and a
quantity of lumber, newly cut elm.
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Seaforth, Ont.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Dexter - on Sunday were
Mrs, GordonChapman, Toronto, Mr, I
and Mrs, A. McCartney, Clinton, Mr,
and Mr's. Jos. Yungblut and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter were
guests on Saturday at the home of
the former's aunt, Mies, Joseph
Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener
spent the week end at the home of
herr parents, Mr. and Mrs, Austin
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Gould of Gin,
Won visited on Sunday ,with the tat-
Ler's parents, IMr, and Mrs. 'Geotlge
Mrs. Roy Parlmer and daughter
'Caroline :cif Windsor spent the week
end ,with the 'former's ,parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Johu ,Fisher,
Miss Grace Brock of London 'visit-
ed this 'week at her home there,
;Mos. Peter •B'uc'henan of St, Thom-
as is visiItintg with her father, Mr.
John Zuele.
Mrs. S. M. ,Barbour of St. Hyacinth
Quebec is visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggareh.
'Misses Helen and Rose Passmore
of Thanes Road are holidaying with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fater Moir.
Messrs. Rae Patterson and Kenneth seareltigigSMISISIMISOMMAIMMIngliEtallear
We wish to thank all of the many patrons for your
courtesies during the past years, that have made service a
pleasure and success.
Who is a very efficient Hair Dresser, and a continuance of
your patronage will be merited.
\'suns of Totaarto .pent the w e'k Exeter spent the week end at Grand
end at their !homes :here. Bend.
Mg and 'Mrs. Ted 'Fenian of Lista- The Hensetl War 'rinse Citizen's
-w el visited over the ?tonl:ty with the conunittee intends peeking parcels
;tatter e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. for men from this district who are
McDonnell. now erring overseas, They are ask -
'Ir. Chas. 'Jinks has Ween seriously tng the public to contribute - articles
al: during the past wee:. for these parcels. Donations to it
Miss 'Margaret Kilpatrick nt Strath- left- at Goodwin's store. 'Hensel);
ray visited with friends here this Kyle's store, Kippen; Oesch's store.v eek. Zurich. by Saturday. August 1011.
Miss Hazel Fox of London was the Following is a list of suitable articles,
guest of Mrs. Marjorie Sparks last eigarettc lighters and flints, cigarette
-R-eArvhur\IrAsh of Queencv l'le tnv. bnce° and papers, cigarettes, plait)
Rechocolate, chewing gttm, soap, paper
,visited on Monday with his- aunts, handkerchiefs, khaki handkerchiefs,
Miss Mary McAvh, .Mrs. Annie Mac- writing tablets, small brilliantine,
Donald, Mrs. 1Mariorie Spar
ksand tin opener and sallcorkscrew, shaving
trade, 'M'r, Geo. Douglas• cream or sticks, safety razors. malted
Mr, and Mrs. A. Buehie and son milk tablets, dental cream or pow -
Vent the holiday at London and der, playing cards, tobacco pouches.
Springbank. (shaving brushes, ink in safety case,
Mr. Rob•t. Passmore conducted ser- pencils or pens, steel mirrors.
vice in the ;United Church on Sunday cannbs, tobacco, neat pastes, tube
morning and Mr. Carey Joynt sang mustard. catered fish—all kions, oxo
solo, 'Fare to Face." cubes, biscuits. fruit cake in tin—
Rev. D. C. Hill of Exeter delivered small, shoe polish, bard candies, salt-
ed peanuts. canned fruits or vege-
tahies, canned coups, canned milk,
sweet or evaporated, shelled tints, as-
sorted, ipkgs), olives; pickles. ?slices,
hOnt•y, maple syrup. cans.. pork and
beasts, fish pastes, prepared coffee.
prepared cocoa. cheese—clean), rats -
ins (pkgs.). figs (pkgs.), 0taple su-
gar. small flashlights with batteries,
flashlight batteries, socks. toilet tow•
ale, bottle opener. shortbread. Troops
00 the move do not wish articles of
too great weight to carry. It is better
10 «end small articles -of food, which
can he- distributed among a man's
friends and finished at one sitting.
Some uteri do not get any parcels
and, their pals always share their
good fortune. What is visitable Inc
Wren in England will not always be
suitable for men in active service but
the above list of articles are suitable
now. Men in barracks always
well for food but also always '1-
(1)1110 a change of diet. It is the
"touch from home" that counts.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson of Tor-
onto epent the week end with the let-
ter's bother -ht -taw and sister, Mr.
ami Mrs. George Walker.
Miss Alice Dougall of 'Toronto is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Will Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry rook of Tor -
,,tin spent the week end holidaying
with the former's parents. Mr. and
11rs, 1'ornelins Cook. \tis,
Mr. Lloyd Ortwein and friend visited
Margaret Billings of London
ever the holiday with Mr. and Mre•
J. W. Oriweinl.
Mr. and Mrs. Vali Langhteu of Tn.
i nt r visited utter the vvr li end wtlh
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
t h ts.. M,Donell.
Mr. Casey Hudson and friend of
Listowel visited n11 Sunday with the
former's parents. Mt. and Mrs, (leo.
Mr. end Mrs. 1'. Donnerest of ('ang-
ary and Mr. and Mrs: Guest of Mont-
real visited this week with Mrs. Do-
merest's sisters, Miss Amy Reynolds
and Mrs. Frances Robinson and Mr.
Wm. Reynolds.
Mr. Ian Filshie, instructor of the
R,C,A,F. at Crumlin, visited with
friends in town on Sunday.
Mr. Lee Hedden, Mr. and -Mrs. Will.
Hedden, Betty and Marie, spent tine
week end with the former's mother,
Mrs. Catherine Hedden.
a tine sermon at Carmol 'Oh.ttrch on
Sunday morning and the choir sang
an anthem, "As Paneth the Hart."
\1r. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore and
tai lily of Thanes Road visited on
Senday .with ,Mrs. Passmore's parents,
Mr. and MN. Peter Moir.
Mr. and. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale en -
',eyed a pleasant motor trip to Port
Fl;in and points north over (the holi-
Mr. and Mr... E. L. Mickle, Billy
end Betty. Miss Fk'renee \\'elSh and
it nos \V 'i visited eeith Mr.
nd ,Mre. t leo. Hese. r o + and Ruth at
their cottage <a: the Pinery on 11\lon-
Succumbs From Lockjaw.—
: ado,v g,icc; n1 was cat over
tele eornmunity on ll onday upon
'hearing , f the passing of Charles - Brien. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
O'Brien of Hay township in his 28th
ear. The deceased had the misfor-
:t,ne• while at hie work last week to
eat his foot and .n' :he coarse of a day
.cr so he cont aimed ,'f a sore throat,
--which was not thought to he serious
en01 he was taken quite i11 on Sunday
morning. Dr. G. M. Fletcher of Ex-
eter was called and ordered the young
man removed t.. St. J eph's Hospital,
Lnndou, in the ambulance. ,where lie
;passed away -early 'Nfonday morning
11t lockjaw. Surviving are the par-
ent and one sister. Gladys. Funeral
.e. vice •,vas hell 7rnm the Iate home
n (V edneeley at 2 een. Interment in
Bvet:r cemetery. The sympathy of
ti , nm:mt:lit , t'vi 1, 1 u, the her -
1 family.
W.M.S. Meet
tol. r. -.;.i1.: e •. • .ilio W.M.S.
.he United Ctn r:•� .i as held on
".itrdal •afte ni e with Mrs. Toho
.. reser r si.lr Mr,. Chas..McDon-
11 acted as .e.retary in the absence
1:Mr . N. E. Cook. The meeting op-
ened by singing a hymn. ,Mrs. Victor
Fee read the Scripture and Mrs.
Lanunie led in prayer The roll was
called. Mrs. Gen. Hess' gave the topic
on "Facing the Future Task of Life in
India." which was very interesting,
Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Mona
are visiting the former's sons in Ham-
i,iton and St. Catharines.
Mrs. Frank 'Young spent the ,week
-end with her husband at Ca'm'p Bor-
Miss Marie Bell of London spent
the week end with her parents, Mr. 1VIcKILLOP
and Mrs. G. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson left Late Henry Beuermann—
en Saturday on it week's motor -trip Henry Beuermrtna, who at one
Mrs.thrank De Ontario. time was a member of. the McKillop
Frank her
sisteeet of Miss
Ay is township council for a mintier of
visiting yal with her si tats. Al Rs Amy years, died at his home on the south
end Mrs. F. Reye Robinson
and hrnther NII•, Wm. Reynolds, halt of lois 5 and 6, concession 8.
Miss Margaret Hobkirk who has McKillop, last Thursday - night. He
me --n employed as bookkeeper for was in his 83rd year- The departed
"colt Bros. has resigned her position. man had been in good health until
,vlrch has been tak,n i,y Miss Nora ahem) three weeks ago when he suff-
1< i esnn of ',melee. n-. creel a heart attack.. Since then he
'1r and Mrs.. E. 1.. 1lickle, hilly has been more or less confined In itis
t1 Hefty, re tarred name this week bed His death, however, came quite
eater a very llseset,r holiday at unexpectedly about 7.90 p.m. Thurs.
day. Boni to Fullerton township on
egee meeem e. P eee„get of Lnndou December 22. 1017. the late Mr. Ben-
• is spn.nding her summer vacation at r'rmlaltll ranee to McKillop -with his
ne home of her parents. Mr. and parents. the late Mr. and Mrs, Louis
Mrs. Peter Schwalm. • .13. Beuermann, as a child, He was
Misses Margaret 'MacGregor. Enid raised on the farm on which he died.
Parkins and Edna Saundercack re-; His wife the former Katherine Koeh-
ler, home after a pleasant wive.:ler, who he married 64 years ago,
tion at Grand Bend.
Misses Jean Foster. Margaret Tie -
dor, Morris Tudor and Max Hudson
enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay
and Montreal.
Mrs, Horning and Son of Palmer-
ston visited recently with Mrs. C.
Ballantyne and Miss Katie Scott,
Dr. Byron Campbell, Mrs, Camp-
bell, d Jean Camp-
Dorothyan p
hell; Misses
bell and Mr, Keith Campbell of Tor-
onto spent the week end here.
Mr, and Mrs: N. E. Cook and fam-
ily returned home after a pleasant
vacation at Wasaga Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and
Billy and Mrs. Walks returned home
after a motor trip to points north
along the -lake.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hicks and fam-
ily have been holidaying at Grand
Messrs. Carl Passmore, Russel
Hedden, Ed .Little, Harvey Hudson
and Bitten Fairburn are camping at
Thames Valley, Springhank, where
they are training for home defence.
Dr. Wm. T, Joynt of Brockville
spent the week end with his mother
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Misses June.Sa,ndercock and Mar
ward Beuermann, Thasnesdord; Mr,
and Mrs. Cecil Frank, Preston; Wil -
'limn Rock, of the R. C. A, F, Mon-
treal; Henry Meyer Clifford Mr.
and'\irs. Anson (Wolfe, (Mr. and Mrs,
N. Dickers, Lakelett; Mrs. H. Wesen-
bong and 5011 George. Ethel; Mr. and
Mrs. Tam Ryan, Bnttssels; Mr, and
Mrs. J. Koehler, ,Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
man 'Koehler, Wellesley; U Rehbeng,
Miss Mary Ramberg, Stratloed; Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Wilhelm, Stratford;
IW. Koehler, ,Milverlton; Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Hoetpy, Mr.'and Mrs. 'George
Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Leonhardt,
Grey township, and friends from See -
forth, Zurich, Mot,Cheil, D'uOblin and
the surrounding district.
The following is a report of the
races run at the Chiselhurst United
Church Sunday School picnic, held on
Tuesday afternoon, July 28rd at
Tu rnbull's Grove. Children, 6 and
under, Virginia MoOlinchey and Ross
Riley. Girls, 8 and under, Joan Hol•
ton, Dorothy Mae Keyes. Boys, 8 and
under, Murray Brintnell, Irwin Ryctt-
man, Girls, 9-11, Shirley Caldwell,
Leta Kinsman. Boys, 11.11, Grant Mc-
Lean, Keith Brintnell, Girls, 12-16,
Erma Chambers, Jean Wright, Boys.
12.15, Bruce Glenn, Roger Veneer.
Young ladies. Verna McLean, Marg.
Glenn, Young nten, 13111 McLean, Ken
McLean, Married women, Mrs, Pc'.
Broadloot; Mrs. -Dick Kinsman. Mar-
ried men, Clayton Horton, Harold
Parker. Fat women,. Mrs, Belt Riley,
Mrs. Clayton Horton, Ladies' kink
slipper, Mrs. Carl Stoneman, Marg.
Glenn. gents kick the slipper, Bill
McLean, Wm, Brintuell Wheel bur-
row race, Mrs. Carl Horton and Bill
McLean; Verna McLean and Carl
Horton: Needle race, Ruby Dal-
rymple and Clayton Morton; Bill
McLean and Marg. Glenn. Tie rare,
Calvin Horton, Marg. Glenn, Gerald
Glenn, \'ertia McLean. Tug o' - war:
Clayton Horton, Gerald Glenn, 11. A.
McDonald, Bill Parker, Wilmer Dab
ryniple, Carl Stoneman, ,Tac•k McLean,
Bill McLean.
Mrs. James Dalrymple of Avonlea,
Sask., and Mrs. Rohs. Dalrymple of
Clinton spent a couple of clays with
Ain and Mrs. George Dalrymple.
Mr, and Mrs. John 115811 of Detroit.
Miele, spent last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Vetoer. -
.Mr. David Gibbs of Prince Rupert.
B.('., spent a day with Mr. and Mrs,
George Dalrymple and Winter friends
in the vicinity.
died on May 5, 1906. The late Mr,
Beuermann was a- member of St. Pet.
er's Lutheran Church in Brodhagen.
Surviving are six sons, Harry of La
gen, Daniel and Leslie of McKillop.
Emmanuel of Brodhagen, Edward of
Thamesford, Norman on the home-
stead, one daughter, Mrs. Rhinold
Kahle of Mitchell, and one sister.
One daughter, three brothers
and tiu•ee sisters predeceased him.
There are 21 gratdehildren The
funeral was held at St. Peter's Luth.
eran Church, Brodhagen; on Monday.
Interment was made in the adjoining
Funeral services were held Mon-
day :afternoon at his late nesidence
and at St. Peter's Lutheran .chatrch
,with the pastor, Rev. S. Friedrioksen
in charge. Pallbearers were six sons,
'Harry, Daniel, Edward, Leslie, Nor-
man and Emanuel, Tlhe 'floral tributes
were 'beaultiful and in tinge numbers
testifying ,to the high esteem in .which
he was hell. The flower -bearers were
grandsons, Harvey, Stanley, Mired
and Rdbent ,Beuerman•n. 'Mervin and
Nelson Kahle. Thechoir of the clturclh
sang anthems. Among the Who at -
ion MacLaren, accompanied by Mrs. tended were} Mr, and Mrs, John
Verne Smith and Mrs, Penhale of Woltz, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Ed -
Three rings, keepsakes: two were
solitaires and one was a dinner ring,
Some place in Seaforth on Tuesday
afternoon, Reward. Phone 838r 6,
We will sell best quality Hard Coal
during August at $13,60 per ton. Cash,
direct from cars. Haul Your own. 60
cents more, delivered in town, Sep-
tember prices will be higher. J. H.
Scott, phone 336.
100 acres In Stanley Township,
Lot 18, Con, 10. Good buildings, good
well, land in high state of cultiva-
tion. Apply to Thomas Reid, Varna.
By trucking your grain to Bruce -
field, Kippen or Helical] Elevators,
including a large extension to the
Hensall elevator this summer operat-
ed by George T. Micltle. & Sons. Bags
on hind at Clarke & Moore's gas and
oil station at Seaforth. You may hare
prompt delivery of bags by telephon-
ing No. 146, Seaforth, Sant Chesney.
Phlox, hydrangea and fern in art
istic arrangement in tit., Paul's ,4nglt•
eat) ('hunch, ('Ihttou, formed the set•
ting for the pretty midsummer wed-
ding of Doris wean. younger date
ghlr•r of Mr. aurl Mrs. George Tuylor
c'liaton. olid Harold LeRoy Mc-
Pherson, Clinton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. William McPherson of Hibbert
township, which was solemnized at
one o'clock Saturday afternoon. Rev
A. H. O'Neil, rector of the church, of-
ficiated. The bride, given away by
her father, looked lovely in a floor -
length dress of white hounded
French marquisette,
length veil held in place by a band
of orange blossom. She wore white
kid gloves and carried a white kid
prthe valley,
book y, the gift of the bridegrtreamers of oy of
Missthe valley,
Miss Margaret Taylor, niece of the
bride. was bridesmaid, wearing a
floor -length dress of azure blue tall•
eta and carried white Sweetheart
roses, Alvin Lobb, Clinton, was best
man. The ushers were the bride's
two brothers, Stewart and Barret
Taylor. Mrs. Theo Fremlin played
the bridal chorus from Lohengrin as
the bride entered the church on the
arm of her Mather. Following the re
ception at the home of the bride's
parents, Rattenbmy street, Clinton. a
buffet luncheon was served, when
Mrs. Taylor wearing a dress of
Royal blue with corsage of white
roses was assisted by Misses Marg.
ares Tasker, Norma Streets, Frances
('.alter, Marjorie Steep and Geraldine
Denomme. Colorful summer flowers
made attractive house decorations.
The bridegroom's gifts to the attend•
ants were, the bridesmaid. a compact
to the best man a bill fold. Later Mr.
antl Mrs. McPherson left for a motor
trip to the peninsula. For travelling
the bride wore a dress of navy blue
and white with white accessories.
The guests included Mrs. M. M. De
Gruchy, Vancouver, B.C.. Mr. and
Leghorns, Rocks and eNew Hamp-
shire pullets, 8 and 10 weeks old,
Priced reasonable. Platteville Chick
Hatchery, Platteville, Ont,
I am buying grain for George
Thompson, of Hensall. We
carry a stock of bags at all
times. Also will do your
For latest quotations or in
formation, phone 655r2, Any
service cheerfully given.
Tile Yard
Cow and calf veering two months.
Apply to NIrs. Jack Glew, phone
835x• 11,
Township of Tuckersmith
For cleaning that portion of the
Jackson Drain from the outlet of the
tile portion for approximately 100
rods. Tenders to be by—
1st A lump sum,
2nd. By the Rod.
3rd. By the day.
Work to be done to the satisfac-
tion and approval of the Council, and
to be commenced and completed as
soon as possible. Auy further inform-
ation required may be secured from
the Reeve. S. H. Whitmore
Clark, Pro tern, -
Mrs. R. Walker, Stratford; Miss Ara.
belle Cameron, Glencoe, Mr. and
Mrs. and Miss McPherson, Hibbert;
Mr. and Mrs, Cameron McPherson,
Hibbert, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Robin-
son, Clinton, great uncle and aunt of
the bride, and immediate family. Mr.
and Mrs. McPherson will reside in
Clinton, The bride had previously
been honored at a miscellaneous
shower of beautiful gifts from her
girl friends of the Clinton Knitting
Company and received from the cont
pany a walnut table and table lamp,
Hibbert Township Council.—
The Hibbert: Township Council met
in the Staffa Township Hall or Sat-
nrclay, August 3rd all members pre-
sent, the Reeve presiding. 'i.'he Clerk
read tate minutes- of the previous
meeting which was adopted as read,
Bylaw No. 985 for the levying of
fates for the current year was given
the third and final readiug and pees -
ed. The following accounts were
paid: Beacon Herald, advertising vo-
0tern' lists, $3.73; Thos. D, Wren.
stamps, registering letters and of -
‘lee supplies, $4.75; Roy Bm'rhilh
stamps and exchange, 13.45; direct
relief. $14.69. ---Thos. D. Wren, clerk,
Super Suds and
Fancy iGiass Dish ,,,. 25c
Large ,Pkge lOxydol
and 2'P, & D. 'Soap .... 25c
Pearl IWliitle Soap 5 Cakes
and 1 Pkge 'Ammonia 25c
5 Cakes P. & G. Soap 19c
Joy Laundry Soap.
10 'Cakes 29c
Woodlburys Soap
4 Cakes 24c
'Caustic Soda, 3 llbs. 25c
Comfort Lye
3 Tins 35c
Corn .Flakes
3 1Plcges •,,,
Newport Fluffs, Large
Carnation Milk, Tall Tins
4 for
Blue Boy Tea, lb
Blue Ribbon Tea, lb.
Mothers Parker Tea
3 X Vinegar, Gal,
Certo, per bottle
Lambert Saleyard, Strathroy, Sat-
urday, Aug. 10th.
260 MIXED CATTLE, including
Mixed Yearlings, 2 -year-olds, and
some Stock -Calves.
Usual sale of Milkers and Spring-
ers, also one Grand Piano, Sales
every Saturday. Trucks to deliver.
Terms Cash.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer, - -
01 House and Household Effects
at the residentte of Joseph McGrath,
Dublin, On Wednesday, August 14tH,
at 2 o'clock,
G. H, Elliott, Auctioneer,
Joseph McGrath, Dublin, Prop,
For Ihou•se(keeper thy muddle aged
tvidoty 'Can ;take ;fnali ,change, 'town or
country. Mrs. (Nellie Esplen,
A second hand 'ba'by lbed or crib
and high chair. Phone 852 r 3.
\Va'hin'g and ironing done ,at hone.
Apply News Office.
The Seaforth Public Library will
be closed from Aug. 12 to Aug. 26,
Greta Thompson, Librarian,
Little pigs for sale. Reg. Li(tic,
Winthrop. Phone 840 r 4, Seaforth.
Clover honey in all size contain-
ers and comb honey in small, med-
ium and large sections. Wallace
Ross, '1N. Main st. Plume 1353.
On Matin Street, Egmondville, sev-
en roosted frame house, newly paint-
ed and papered. Good cellar, cistern,
never 111111ng well of hard water at
door. telephone, township tuxes, hy-
dro if desired, good gulden land. All
in gond repair, reasonable price and
Terms. If notsold would rent. to re-
liable parties. Close to More mid
church. Mrs. Alex (Onion, 'lox 51.
Regarding Car Parking 1
Victoria Park will be lighted and available for
parking on Saturday nights for the balance of
the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome
to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion
on Main Street.
Police will supervise as far as possible but
motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the
municipality will not be responsible for any missing
F. S. SILLS, Chairman