HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-08, Page 7THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 FRIENDS FOR LIFE Clnlstopher Lunt, one of tiro younger children evacuated from the Halted Kingdom, was in a happy snood when ho reached Van- couver after travelling by Canadian Pacific steamship across the Atlantic and by Canadian Pacific train across C'anada, He is shown here saying good-bye to his new found pal, Porter George Living- stour, win) took grind care of ]tial on his long train ride, Christopher had a grand lime on the journey and is now safe from German raiders. 110 Will live with friends on the West Coast. STRATFORD Stratford -on -Avon -is a city. of beau- ty, industry and education. Stratford is centrally situated ---27 utiles from Kitchener, 45 1011ee from Godericb, 43 miles from Guelph, 40 miles from London, 98 utiles from Toronto and 100 utiles from Detroit. The beauty spots are numerous and marvellous, The Avon stretches over a. mile from East to West and includes a miniature lalte. The river le toward the North side of the city. The South side is dotted with parks and trees and Rowers; ,picnic parks, with tables and seats for everybody; also bad-- lugs uild-lugs for soft drinks, ice cream and eatables. The large white swans break the monotony of the river; with occasional row boats acid the motorboat, the Juliet, operated by • the Parks Board. The boathouse. is just above the dam. Boats may be rented at moderate rates. Excellent provision is made for campers in Queen's Park; hot and cold water free every day, including Sunday; electric and wood stoves. modern toilets, police protection; free swimming err Quaen's Park, As you stroll you will find yourself can- opied by the lacy willow branches which almost kiss the water. The pool just below the dam is largely patronized by old and young. The fresh spring water is chlorinated -with overhead and under -water light- ing for night swimming; private lockers and suits to rent at small ad- mission. There is free swimming at the lake just. above the darn and at Queen's Park; dancing at the casino; games galore ---tennis, cricket.. bowl- ing, golf at country .tiro, ball in ICroehler park which is fitted with lights for nigh) games. The park sys- tem contains 130 acres. There are two modern shows—the Avon and the Classic. Queen's park is decorated with life and beauty when 1200 sold- iers march to the skirl of the bag- plpes, They drill twice a day, after- noon and morning. Then' barracks Is the former McLagan factory, The sol- diers are a group of clever, obedient young (hell, Stratford Is not only a city of beau- ty and recreation, but an industrious centre—including the Canadian 'Nat- ional Railways locomotive repair shops, five or six large furniture fac- tories, four textile plants, felt shoes, rubber, leather, brass, pork packing, poultry packing, glass and corrngat- el pipe industries. The educational Institutions are magnificent in design and aro built upon heal(iifnl grounds, The schools anti churches embellish the city. There are six Public schools, two Separate schools, a collegiate insli- tine, and an Imposing normal school. There are beautiful churches of all denominations. They are well attend• ed and faithfully administered to by reverent pastors and priests. The railway and bus service to and from Stratford is convenient and courteous. The board of trade furn- 1511es information for the tourists. There is a beautiful drive on each side of Avon. The resiliences are large and convenient, with Beautiful lawns and Rowers. Wo have no doubt left out aro e. of the beauties of Stratford Than we have mentioned; however our object IS to demonstrate that the tourist o' visitor who spends even a month in Stratford shall return (tome with a gain in weight, knowledge and exper- ience, J. M. ROBERTSON. Seaforth, Out. Want and For Salo A'ls, 3 week, 50c THE SBAFORTH NEWS ECM ONDV1LLE HOUSE BUILT 90 YEARS AGO ily N(,'is:>. At( it,•' :11cl•n„'.: London d gee 1 ress. -Irl th_ :town ,i E.instudtill', 4,11(11 and adjoining, the larger •torwn ,y1 Sea- ,Rrntll, is aituat.11 a lovely Louse among Itlre trees, over 90 years old- In this '!louse 'litres Earl Van Gg'ruoa4 .and his another. Though handicapped by a danteu'ess .through injury, IMT. Van Tlgntond engages its bhe art of rem- odeling and refinishing• antique ffur- nibure. Mr. 'Van Egmont is the fourth generation deo:enle.1 from the fatu- ous Col. Anthony \^an 1. gmonl, 'Mild- er of the H'urou roast and the fir.4t seat -tier in the Huron 'Pratt, Col. Anthony Van Egmord lin•alty ole tended from the a' .•.tat Eo - tnonri, who (figured i u i1r.u,a.i•, 11 the H shirt' of the Fat! ,; re- •r) itt 1 Ili -public.- Van 1 rmtul was 'bore Holland at the close of .(e 1(11 1 ciap- or). \1 the 'battle of Waterloo \-au iia- ntonrl was severely wounded and after a e n'ery a u -igrate d America and resided -in Pennsylvania f n eight years. He then casae to Canada awl (mind his may to oho Huron 'l'racr where he engaged in building the famous Huron Road. :\t first the road (wasa titer• sleigh track, 11 feet wide, through solid high loud the ',irk was done by mule teams and gang. of men who nutted their camps along as the road pro- �gressed. At ithe sante (001' the ('.014 was being huatt three inn were er- ected and Dutch huntigr rt;, lleluhu•, Fryf n,le alnd Seebach, were made host and the Canada company gave them a bonus of -)u, '5u and no -p unds, respectively, to keep these inns i�,,en for travelers. Cal Van E round made. itis own home ra(ither !west on the Huron Road near What is now Alma Corners, half way :between Seaforth and Clht- ton. This home Was always open to travelers. Van I:gmlol14 tris a friend of the settler. After the road was lbn11t Van I9g- nrond -operated a -horse drawn !trans - gum) system- :between Toronto and Goderich, 5o bltrifty was he that :fore- seeing a rush of intmigralbion he laid in a stock o4 '5(10 (barrels of Flour. Van Egntond tw,as a tall, soldierly lookin'g man. He .always swore a close fitting cap and the legend is that his ears were ,out off. M the same 'flute that Col. Van Lg- mon•d !built the inn an the Huron Road. be also (buiilt a few anile: ,south and east where the Van Ey aloud 'home is .today, in order to get the (p'ow'er -from the 'Bayfield river to drive las mills. His first 'frame house stood in front of where ,the present 'hriek :home . eenareul ay;ency 'wihen buying ,food atsp- stands. I'plte is (because it anuvt ,buy in flange Oaf. Van Fignrond joined 'witch 'Mac- :and laseared ,volume, Dr, William Al- kemzie and later was taken .prisoner. ten, Agricultural ,Conunis,ioner, Mer- I\\''bile awuaitin'd trial the 'died. He lovas ken(rg Service, Dominion Depart- buricd across the road tfrnut bhe .farm n1(1(1 all Agriculture, stated at the "re occupied thy Heilbeet Fowler on Dominion -- Provitneial Agriculture the Huron Road, half • way !between Conference vatted by bhe Agricultural 'Clinton and Seaforth abut his !body SuIsp'he 'Hoard, which WAS held in wets afterwards Iv:moved to the 1xg- Ott ttyCa, Iat'ly illr.L0. nlotdvitie cemetery, Madantt• Van (anis policy its necessary (because the Egnlond 'lived long enough to occupy rontroi and 'distri!htttio0 of food-.Ibot'h the Iprescnt 90-year-hatise, imported xnd haute 'prodncerl—ia a C'nh Vtur Elglll .ltd 'batt five sons . tren(endou-• prioblem and the ten - and Three daughters. 'l'he sons )vers dency' is for (hat control to bectonw C.onetant, d dward, Leopold, August even 'mare ultcusified. This has anean't and William; the daughters Mrs. Hei- man a 10'5(0 reumga(0(1(11(1 of the 11)0111)8 of 'hanlliog all food product.. 'flhe difficulties of tlu' British 'Min- istry ltrve been increased by the pr,>b- ilies have nearly 'all (passed 011 o that -lent of shipping under near couditains. it is now 'the fourth genera'tinn -that is Shipping deltas are not made known to living. 'Ole only 0(trvivtng ones of the the public nor to the trade. (k neces- 9hircl 'generaltunt are ,Mu.. Susie GOv- sity arrivals are irregular. Often 0 hi1's rnlock, of Sca'forfh and :George Van unload their tangoes at !putts 'where tv annul, •qf Cleveland, Ohio. 'haiiboar facilities are inadequate and Constant Van Rammed twas the remote cream points of consumption, .founder iuf Rg'mnndville and also the '!'his increases the task sof taking the first magistrate. The jail 'was nn the prodaIle to the depots ,for general dis- lbasement of the 'present house, bhe titillation, - wiiulow anal bars stili remainieg. :\0- Dr. Allen referred t., the great ..hitt: cording to records there was only one ie population nv�hich have been tirade, prisoner ever put in jail. thus farther increasing the 'work of Leopnld Van :gamont operated a distributing rood supplies. '1'rnnoporta- saw-ntill and Constant a gristmill and tion: in the 1'nite(1 kingdom is handl- distillery along the Rayfield ricer, e',o (cod Iby fibs black -nuts. Mue'h of They !built the dant and the race the work of handling food has- to the which supplied power for all. 'Coo- done at night and in• airtu:al clau'knees, slant Van Egmunld had four dau,att- -I'his interferes with the free flow of tits (101000 he had any sons and when a,,,,da in a manner whieh camas 'he' his 'first :son mita horn he (Constant) 1 The SSecr&as J Good Looks by \: +r..4 t"a-y;ATHE::'l i;•OftitIES A n'.. ,f i...a, -rr...' 1-u(15 a it). 't.,. ,l, a: •r�- ;}.,, ,. 1,1 'i:»ely-:. t it „ ,:•iy Firs' '•( 1'- til' 1(„1'. Sunshine 1,1111s r., airy the Nati -; >'u 1 give it Iragile»t. applications ,: flair runic. Hale. shampoo win �l:tue a' your shampooing problems and help give your hair a.delightful guess Now fee the oilier extremity, Treat your feet kindly and they will spol. Hattie theta often (1(i dusl. with taleutii puwde:. ('„.lis are par- licularly pelmet in the hot wea(]r't• so ('e1r11•iil her that corn? are ('1(05 )1 by pigsor and friction. Hone par- ing rs only temporary and might Sett cause infection, su be sate unit use 0 good two-way 1,nrn plu-tier. It will end pain i1151.11 11 bt a 'moving pie s - ((i', while the meditated pad gently loosen the tenet so that it mines right airy.” root and alt. We-ctli get hot (1(1(1 perspire. This is inevitable and natural. But we CAN keep fresh and sweet, and here 1s the way: Always waste with gentle paltttolive• soap, and after washing. dab a tittle deodorant creaur under the armpits to banish odour. Write to me for confidential and personal advice in your hetatty' ln'ole lents and enclose four one -cent stamps for toy booklet of Beauty Care, Address; Miss Barbara Lyntt, Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. BRITAI,N'S PROBLEMS WITH FOOD SUPPLIES The reason ,that the British Min- istry of Food asks to deal with a mar, M Waterloo eonnky, Mrs. 'flbwai- tcs, of Clinton, and. '\frs. 'Phomas Govenlork, of McKillop, Their ism - realized here in Canada. rolled a Iharrel of whisky mato the While the British ..Ministry of Food street for the Ipulhlic to.drink. IHe also 11)15 control ester both 'imported and buried one and repeated the action home ,produced food, it, in turn, is for The second son. These have never sl1Isject to the rigid regulations of the been ,located but ,the 'present owner is Treasury. The Treasury miles with an (0111 'hopeful of ifindin'g'the two (Mar- iron :land, '11e said. rebs uw•Illf011 toy 1100' . i11 be 82 'I'd 86 He 'pointed out that .paying dor years in oak. 'goods is 'a comparativelysimple mat - In 'payment ,for building the Huron ter iwthen if is all (within the country Road, 'Col Van Egmont accepted 100 for there is no 'problem of Torek n ex - en n s ana ,a t nerved, 'there is an adverse 'balance of pleat trade against 'Great 'Britain to an as rood cans. amount of 'about 1$500,000,000 for the 011 cans are not food cans and first 'y'ear of 'the war. This ,makes should not be used for any food Canadian .dollars expensive in Eng' h land, Dr. Allen did not tbelievc this product. situation 'was dikely to Improve, ,prdb- aibly rot oioold (get worse. From the viewpoint of finance alone the (United l�lingdom tenet do all in '!'ts power ,to encourage food ,producbuon at home 'Where exdh ange is ,not a ,pndh- lent. Food at 'home is readily available anal also there is no shopping problem in conneatiog with it. Consequently the British Ministry is doing every - 1111(1g in its'pow^er to stimulate the ;pro- duction. and use of home'p'roduets. As- istanee is generously .given and 'prices have been raised to encourage sndh production. He said Cauaclian should not try to compare- price to farmers in Great Britain (with prices paid for Canadian produce. \\ e should try ao forget that if the (policy is to favour aunt. line of agricultural production 'wit'hin Great Britain, it is easy to do 'o." 1' ie diets 011 !which the people aro Riot cannot 'be compared twtbh those 'before the wan Dr. Allan .aid >t urd- «1.45'h'are ibeeii modified and will ttlit- tin'tie ,to Ibe modified to ,a (greater ex- tent. ''We will he misled if eve com- pare .conditions affect now with :those existing ,before the war". If it is pos- sible to obtain flood ,products cheaply and 'with little tronblle, then 'bhose ipngdiu'des wi.tl floe (oonsidered. But tit they ani too cl{Efiowlt ,to dbtain !bhe& will not Ibe ,aotisidered. Tihe plan is to pew/tide a duet 'which 1s adequate acres of land 00 Which Straitf d low change. As far a, C d 's con - stands and 1¢5100 ,acres on '04hieh tithe town of pMitdheall is located. Ito ad- dition to this he ,purchased numerous acres in 'the Seaforth 'dis'tridt 'amou'nt- intg im all to apgeoxfmately 14,000 acres .After the Rebellion all this eland TESTED RECIPES RASPBERRIES TO Ti -IE FORE There is no denying t1( fort that sihrelulent sun -ripens( berries, and fruits fresh from held :and orchard are among the most delicious foods a person can eat. C•roadizns will-au- anintously agree to .ilia as they en- joy the hone prod:meal fruits 00 the market at this seas'in Raspberries are abundant just now. This year the 'or,rp is gold, the goal- iiy ,•xrellerit, why (:,lt make the most cof the situ:a tt-: tier that rasp. PAGE SEVEN YOU 'PAY aS YOU USE LESS tit t l(! t ry day ..RESULT'S tcltlh.• tit y h,:. „, 't, I-. ' .and with u 111004l0 1l' 11)'- "111'.!'1. r'nra P -am'-' • . into (tut urfai inn - -i 111a klillg jellies. Th, c'ou4 _.ei ..n;. 1(1ar- keting nervi.,, r••c:rt>,,,;;>r:,is td;•' to!- Raspberry Mousse 3 raps fr'•sh r t j 1'i`•. iy stip fruit dlisa;.1 pitlell salt 1 tableopnon go -twine 2 tublespnnn.s cold .:' et is pint Whipping s'''eas; Pr,'., hrrri,•, tura, :=i=•c,a t'., re - more seeds. dull sugar and salt. seek gelatine to r„'1ri %V•tt••l. Dissolve ever hot water. Stir hot, fruit pulp. When mixture is per lolly eat fold in creme. w hip11('d mite .tiff. Allow to t Serve. 41x, Raspberry Tarts 2 t(gg white. pinch salt 1%' cup 111(1t slight' 1 phut 'fresh 7a::rn-ili ta Add salt to ,.ece ah» . a. nil heal ntati1 stiff. Beat in sugar- Fuld in rasp. berries, Pile in baked tart shells. Bake in slow oven, 300 deg. F., until meringue is Rl'tll--abort 3e) minutes. Makes six tarts. Raspberry Jelly 4 cups raspberry juice c?_ cups granulated sugar 1 cup liquid pectin Use 3 quarts raspberries. Press through sieve, then drain through jelly bag. Measure sugar and juice into large saucepan. Mix well. Bring to boil and stir 01 pectin, 13oi1 hard ii robotic., Remove from heat and skint. Pout' into sterilized glasses. Seal with hot paraffin.. Note --2 quarts raspberries and 1 quart red currants may be used in above recipe. Raspberry and Red Currant Conserve 4 'cups stemmed entrants 1 cups raspberries 1i cups Rugal' Mix and let stand one haul•. Heat slowly stirring often, until boiling point is reat•hed. Bnil 111 minutes. Peer 114tc sterilized jags, and seal at once. Raspberry Vinegar Cover raspberries with vinegar. Allow to stand over night. Strain and measure. Add 1 cup sugar for each or lambs 10 Western Canada, will cup ]ignitl. Buil gn minutes, Skim not be in effect this year. Information 5nd battle. regarding stook offered for sale will, however, be available at the otflee 0t OIL CANS CONSIDERED the Produrtion Service of the Depart- DANGEROUS epart DANGEROUS FOR FOOD tent, 401-411 Public Building, Cat- 1( has been brought to the utteR• gary, and from the stockyard agent. t rn of the Dominion Department of of the Department at Calgary. Ed- Hon that. many people are mouton, blouse Jaw, Regina, Saska.: use of nil Taus for the rue• loon, Prince Albert ami Winnipeg. makingInformation as to feeder lambs uLig 00 ;Dods, aunt breeding ewes will also be 005da- Tsil use or oil cans for fond 's able through either G. S. }{erring•=i, considered to in very daugeran Secretary of the Southern Sashat-n-- practirc .ince titer• are made of ; lean \\'ool (.rowers' Limited, 51(1;. • Tern, plate, 11 piating which is al - muss wholly lead. and very suagB ('reek, task,, or G. S. Benson, ; - tau'y of the Southern AlbertaSi: - ,s atumults of lead a poisonous, t'uu. made rxp10501 l'ur foods t0•1' 1 Breeder ' Association, 132121/4 e0(t''"ly different and tau be Wright true South, Lethbringe, Alberto. a1 a u01ninal price from hardware 1 stores and until ender houses, Yours' of research have gone into the matte - facture of cans for canning rood. with the result that the inside plating is lead free. This is dote to make it im- possible for fouls to become con- taminated with lead, and no 115110 5111,011 be used for fruits, vegetables, s m• fts1 other than those made Besot • DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER, BUS TIME TABLE Summer Time Table Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a,m, and 5.15 p.m, Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hof„ 1,05 p.m, and 740 p.m> 0011. and hof.. 1.05 p,m. and 9.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto. Hamilton. Buffalo, London. Detroit. Tavistock. Woodstock, Brantford Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House Cancel Feeder Purchase Policy The Feeder Purchase Policy of tire'! Dominion Department of Agriculture, which has been in effect during the fall months for a number of years, and which provided for tite refund of one-way travelling expenses of farm- ers or their agents who- purcltase:I one or more carloads of feeder cattle was oonfiscate,d and never restored, ho his descendants. Van. Egmond came Ito Canada with wealth and need this own money to pay ttthe 'myon building ,the iliatron Road and took the land from the Canada Company as his own Ip11'y. He paid 1$11;.- 10 k150 an acre tfor'thee land and could 'have solid it, .had it 'not been •con'fiscaalbed, at an acre. ANEZWA2 BECOME STENOGRAPHER Our system wri nen in abc char-. nclers enables you to qualify inside three months. guy our books, and recohte free Criticism of exam as well as assistance in securing 11 positron. Free folder describes system. Write to -day Cassan Systems TORONTO A quartette of longshoremen were singing on the waterfront when the tenor fell off the dock into the water, Trite incident passed unnoticed by the leader, but he realized that something was wrong with the harmony, "What's the matter with you chaps?" he asked. "One of you don't sound right," "It's Bill," rumbled the bass. sol- emnly, "He's off quay. ' Send us the name.: of your visitors. and, although nutritious, is sontew-hat restricted The 'Ministry of food is getting away with it. .flee dietis not strffering':tnd there is no malnutrition. Dairy, 'beef and sheep production is Icing maintained, 'hut 'begs and poul- try arc (tieing restricted. By the ,fall of 11(110 (both will Ibe down to one third of the numbers in the 1'netted Kingdom of a 5.eal• ago. Dr, cAllen felt that the people of 'Canada should 'try to see the reason- I. alhleuess 1of 'the British effort to kelp sup Shorne-,producItion of necessary pro- ducts There is no defeatism there 'an'd 'Che people realize 0,01151 they are up ,against. 'Phey lknonv the job they are facing is a :stile 'one and 'they are wil- ling l -ling to (face it, The maidenly school teacher 11,101 been tempted into taking her first moonlight automobile ride, likewise she had just experienced her first hiss. School Teacher (wailing) --"011, what have I done? How will I ever face those dear little children with these two black marks against me?" Young Man—"What do you mean, two black narks?" School Teacher—^Well, aren't you going to kiss me again?" Want and For Sale Ms, 3 weeks 5.0c Heartaches of A Famous Boy Giant Over At Last An article. in The American Weekly with the August 11 issue of The Detroit Sunday Tames, reveals how a real life Gulliver, tried, un- happily, to make the best of it...but be was different from everybody else, needing special clothes, shoes (at $159 a. pair) and everythlug else. and hual13' a special coffin, Be sure to get The Detroit. Sunday Times, D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR 'Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist — Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation -Sun -ray treatment. Phone 227. , Duplicate Monthly Statements i .,�• We can save you money on Bill and Charge 'Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or colors. E Ij' It will pay you to see our samples. Also beet quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index j. The Searorth News PHONE 84 THE SBAFORTH NEWS ECM ONDV1LLE HOUSE BUILT 90 YEARS AGO ily N(,'is:>. At( it,•' :11cl•n„'.: London d gee 1 ress. -Irl th_ :town ,i E.instudtill', 4,11(11 and adjoining, the larger •torwn ,y1 Sea- ,Rrntll, is aituat.11 a lovely Louse among Itlre trees, over 90 years old- In this '!louse 'litres Earl Van Gg'ruoa4 .and his another. Though handicapped by a danteu'ess .through injury, IMT. Van Tlgntond engages its bhe art of rem- odeling and refinishing• antique ffur- nibure. Mr. 'Van Egmont is the fourth generation deo:enle.1 from the fatu- ous Col. Anthony \^an 1. gmonl, 'Mild- er of the H'urou roast and the fir.4t seat -tier in the Huron 'Pratt, Col. Anthony Van Egmord lin•alty ole tended from the a' .•.tat Eo - tnonri, who (figured i u i1r.u,a.i•, 11 the H shirt' of the Fat! ,; re- •r) itt 1 Ili -public.- Van 1 rmtul was 'bore Holland at the close of .(e 1(11 1 ciap- or). \1 the 'battle of Waterloo \-au iia- ntonrl was severely wounded and after a e n'ery a u -igrate d America and resided -in Pennsylvania f n eight years. He then casae to Canada awl (mind his may to oho Huron 'l'racr where he engaged in building the famous Huron Road. :\t first the road (wasa titer• sleigh track, 11 feet wide, through solid high loud the ',irk was done by mule teams and gang. of men who nutted their camps along as the road pro- �gressed. At ithe sante (001' the ('.014 was being huatt three inn were er- ected and Dutch huntigr rt;, lleluhu•, Fryf n,le alnd Seebach, were made host and the Canada company gave them a bonus of -)u, '5u and no -p unds, respectively, to keep these inns i�,,en for travelers. Cal Van E round made. itis own home ra(ither !west on the Huron Road near What is now Alma Corners, half way :between Seaforth and Clht- ton. This home Was always open to travelers. Van I:gmlol14 tris a friend of the settler. After the road was lbn11t Van I9g- nrond -operated a -horse drawn !trans - gum) system- :between Toronto and Goderich, 5o bltrifty was he that :fore- seeing a rush of intmigralbion he laid in a stock o4 '5(10 (barrels of Flour. Van Egntond tw,as a tall, soldierly lookin'g man. He .always swore a close fitting cap and the legend is that his ears were ,out off. M the same 'flute that Col. Van Lg- mon•d !built the inn an the Huron Road. be also (buiilt a few anile: ,south and east where the Van Ey aloud 'home is .today, in order to get the (p'ow'er -from the 'Bayfield river to drive las mills. His first 'frame house stood in front of where ,the present 'hriek :home . eenareul ay;ency 'wihen buying ,food atsp- stands. I'plte is (because it anuvt ,buy in flange Oaf. Van Fignrond joined 'witch 'Mac- :and laseared ,volume, Dr, William Al- kemzie and later was taken .prisoner. ten, Agricultural ,Conunis,ioner, Mer- I\\''bile awuaitin'd trial the 'died. He lovas ken(rg Service, Dominion Depart- buricd across the road tfrnut bhe .farm n1(1(1 all Agriculture, stated at the "re occupied thy Heilbeet Fowler on Dominion -- Provitneial Agriculture the Huron Road, half • way !between Conference vatted by bhe Agricultural 'Clinton and Seaforth abut his !body SuIsp'he 'Hoard, which WAS held in wets afterwards Iv:moved to the 1xg- Ott ttyCa, Iat'ly illr.L0. nlotdvitie cemetery, Madantt• Van (anis policy its necessary (because the Egnlond 'lived long enough to occupy rontroi and 'distri!htttio0 of food-.Ibot'h the Iprescnt 90-year-hatise, imported xnd haute 'prodncerl—ia a C'nh Vtur Elglll .ltd 'batt five sons . tren(endou-• prioblem and the ten - and Three daughters. 'l'he sons )vers dency' is for (hat control to bectonw C.onetant, d dward, Leopold, August even 'mare ultcusified. This has anean't and William; the daughters Mrs. Hei- man a 10'5(0 reumga(0(1(11(1 of the 11)0111)8 of 'hanlliog all food product.. 'flhe difficulties of tlu' British 'Min- istry ltrve been increased by the pr,>b- ilies have nearly 'all (passed 011 o that -lent of shipping under near couditains. it is now 'the fourth genera'tinn -that is Shipping deltas are not made known to living. 'Ole only 0(trvivtng ones of the the public nor to the trade. (k neces- 9hircl 'generaltunt are ,Mu.. Susie GOv- sity arrivals are irregular. Often 0 hi1's rnlock, of Sca'forfh and :George Van unload their tangoes at !putts 'where tv annul, •qf Cleveland, Ohio. 'haiiboar facilities are inadequate and Constant Van Rammed twas the remote cream points of consumption, .founder iuf Rg'mnndville and also the '!'his increases the task sof taking the first magistrate. The jail 'was nn the prodaIle to the depots ,for general dis- lbasement of the 'present house, bhe titillation, - wiiulow anal bars stili remainieg. :\0- Dr. Allen referred t., the great ..hitt: cording to records there was only one ie population nv�hich have been tirade, prisoner ever put in jail. thus farther increasing the 'work of Leopnld Van :gamont operated a distributing rood supplies. '1'rnnoporta- saw-ntill and Constant a gristmill and tion: in the 1'nite(1 kingdom is handl- distillery along the Rayfield ricer, e',o (cod Iby fibs black -nuts. Mue'h of They !built the dant and the race the work of handling food has- to the which supplied power for all. 'Coo- done at night and in• airtu:al clau'knees, slant Van Egmunld had four dau,att- -I'his interferes with the free flow of tits (101000 he had any sons and when a,,,,da in a manner whieh camas 'he' his 'first :son mita horn he (Constant) 1 The SSecr&as J Good Looks by \: +r..4 t"a-y;ATHE::'l i;•OftitIES A n'.. ,f i...a, -rr...' 1-u(15 a it). 't.,. ,l, a: •r�- ;}.,, ,. 1,1 'i:»ely-:. t it „ ,:•iy Firs' '•( 1'- til' 1(„1'. Sunshine 1,1111s r., airy the Nati -; >'u 1 give it Iragile»t. applications ,: flair runic. Hale. shampoo win �l:tue a' your shampooing problems and help give your hair a.delightful guess Now fee the oilier extremity, Treat your feet kindly and they will spol. Hattie theta often (1(i dusl. with taleutii puwde:. ('„.lis are par- licularly pelmet in the hot wea(]r't• so ('e1r11•iil her that corn? are ('1(05 )1 by pigsor and friction. Hone par- ing rs only temporary and might Sett cause infection, su be sate unit use 0 good two-way 1,nrn plu-tier. It will end pain i1151.11 11 bt a 'moving pie s - ((i', while the meditated pad gently loosen the tenet so that it mines right airy.” root and alt. We-ctli get hot (1(1(1 perspire. This is inevitable and natural. But we CAN keep fresh and sweet, and here 1s the way: Always waste with gentle paltttolive• soap, and after washing. dab a tittle deodorant creaur under the armpits to banish odour. Write to me for confidential and personal advice in your hetatty' ln'ole lents and enclose four one -cent stamps for toy booklet of Beauty Care, Address; Miss Barbara Lyntt, Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. BRITAI,N'S PROBLEMS WITH FOOD SUPPLIES The reason ,that the British Min- istry of Food asks to deal with a mar, M Waterloo eonnky, Mrs. 'flbwai- tcs, of Clinton, and. '\frs. 'Phomas Govenlork, of McKillop, Their ism - realized here in Canada. rolled a Iharrel of whisky mato the While the British ..Ministry of Food street for the Ipulhlic to.drink. IHe also 11)15 control ester both 'imported and buried one and repeated the action home ,produced food, it, in turn, is for The second son. These have never sl1Isject to the rigid regulations of the been ,located but ,the 'present owner is Treasury. The Treasury miles with an (0111 'hopeful of ifindin'g'the two (Mar- iron :land, '11e said. rebs uw•Illf011 toy 1100' . i11 be 82 'I'd 86 He 'pointed out that .paying dor years in oak. 'goods is 'a comparativelysimple mat - In 'payment ,for building the Huron ter iwthen if is all (within the country Road, 'Col Van Egmont accepted 100 for there is no 'problem of Torek n ex - en n s ana ,a t nerved, 'there is an adverse 'balance of pleat trade against 'Great 'Britain to an as rood cans. amount of 'about 1$500,000,000 for the 011 cans are not food cans and first 'y'ear of 'the war. This ,makes should not be used for any food Canadian .dollars expensive in Eng' h land, Dr. Allen did not tbelievc this product. situation 'was dikely to Improve, ,prdb- aibly rot oioold (get worse. From the viewpoint of finance alone the (United l�lingdom tenet do all in '!'ts power ,to encourage food ,producbuon at home 'Where exdh ange is ,not a ,pndh- lent. Food at 'home is readily available anal also there is no shopping problem in conneatiog with it. Consequently the British Ministry is doing every - 1111(1g in its'pow^er to stimulate the ;pro- duction. and use of home'p'roduets. As- istanee is generously .given and 'prices have been raised to encourage sndh production. He said Cauaclian should not try to compare- price to farmers in Great Britain (with prices paid for Canadian produce. \\ e should try ao forget that if the (policy is to favour aunt. line of agricultural production 'wit'hin Great Britain, it is easy to do 'o." 1' ie diets 011 !which the people aro Riot cannot 'be compared twtbh those 'before the wan Dr. Allan .aid >t urd- «1.45'h'are ibeeii modified and will ttlit- tin'tie ,to Ibe modified to ,a (greater ex- tent. ''We will he misled if eve com- pare .conditions affect now with :those existing ,before the war". If it is pos- sible to obtain flood ,products cheaply and 'with little tronblle, then 'bhose ipngdiu'des wi.tl floe (oonsidered. But tit they ani too cl{Efiowlt ,to dbtain !bhe& will not Ibe ,aotisidered. Tihe plan is to pew/tide a duet 'which 1s adequate acres of land 00 Which Straitf d low change. As far a, C d 's con - stands and 1¢5100 ,acres on '04hieh tithe town of pMitdheall is located. Ito ad- dition to this he ,purchased numerous acres in 'the Seaforth 'dis'tridt 'amou'nt- intg im all to apgeoxfmately 14,000 acres .After the Rebellion all this eland TESTED RECIPES RASPBERRIES TO Ti -IE FORE There is no denying t1( fort that sihrelulent sun -ripens( berries, and fruits fresh from held :and orchard are among the most delicious foods a person can eat. C•roadizns will-au- anintously agree to .ilia as they en- joy the hone prod:meal fruits 00 the market at this seas'in Raspberries are abundant just now. This year the 'or,rp is gold, the goal- iiy ,•xrellerit, why (:,lt make the most cof the situ:a tt-: tier that rasp. PAGE SEVEN YOU 'PAY aS YOU USE LESS tit t l(! t ry day ..RESULT'S tcltlh.• tit y h,:. „, 't, I-. ' .and with u 111004l0 1l' 11)'- "111'.!'1. r'nra P -am'-' • . into (tut urfai inn - -i 111a klillg jellies. Th, c'ou4 _.ei ..n;. 1(1ar- keting nervi.,, r••c:rt>,,,;;>r:,is td;•' to!- Raspberry Mousse 3 raps fr'•sh r t j 1'i`•. iy stip fruit dlisa;.1 pitlell salt 1 tableopnon go -twine 2 tublespnnn.s cold .:' et is pint Whipping s'''eas; Pr,'., hrrri,•, tura, :=i=•c,a t'., re - more seeds. dull sugar and salt. seek gelatine to r„'1ri %V•tt••l. Dissolve ever hot water. Stir hot, fruit pulp. When mixture is per lolly eat fold in creme. w hip11('d mite .tiff. Allow to t Serve. 41x, Raspberry Tarts 2 t(gg white. pinch salt 1%' cup 111(1t slight' 1 phut 'fresh 7a::rn-ili ta Add salt to ,.ece ah» . a. nil heal ntati1 stiff. Beat in sugar- Fuld in rasp. berries, Pile in baked tart shells. Bake in slow oven, 300 deg. F., until meringue is Rl'tll--abort 3e) minutes. Makes six tarts. Raspberry Jelly 4 cups raspberry juice c?_ cups granulated sugar 1 cup liquid pectin Use 3 quarts raspberries. Press through sieve, then drain through jelly bag. Measure sugar and juice into large saucepan. Mix well. Bring to boil and stir 01 pectin, 13oi1 hard ii robotic., Remove from heat and skint. Pout' into sterilized glasses. Seal with hot paraffin.. Note --2 quarts raspberries and 1 quart red currants may be used in above recipe. Raspberry and Red Currant Conserve 4 'cups stemmed entrants 1 cups raspberries 1i cups Rugal' Mix and let stand one haul•. Heat slowly stirring often, until boiling point is reat•hed. Bnil 111 minutes. Peer 114tc sterilized jags, and seal at once. Raspberry Vinegar Cover raspberries with vinegar. Allow to stand over night. Strain and measure. Add 1 cup sugar for each or lambs 10 Western Canada, will cup ]ignitl. Buil gn minutes, Skim not be in effect this year. Information 5nd battle. regarding stook offered for sale will, however, be available at the otflee 0t OIL CANS CONSIDERED the Produrtion Service of the Depart- DANGEROUS epart DANGEROUS FOR FOOD tent, 401-411 Public Building, Cat- 1( has been brought to the utteR• gary, and from the stockyard agent. t rn of the Dominion Department of of the Department at Calgary. Ed- Hon that. many people are mouton, blouse Jaw, Regina, Saska.: use of nil Taus for the rue• loon, Prince Albert ami Winnipeg. makingInformation as to feeder lambs uLig 00 ;Dods, aunt breeding ewes will also be 005da- Tsil use or oil cans for fond 's able through either G. S. }{erring•=i, considered to in very daugeran Secretary of the Southern Sashat-n-- practirc .ince titer• are made of ; lean \\'ool (.rowers' Limited, 51(1;. • Tern, plate, 11 piating which is al - muss wholly lead. and very suagB ('reek, task,, or G. S. Benson, ; - tau'y of the Southern AlbertaSi: - ,s atumults of lead a poisonous, t'uu. made rxp10501 l'ur foods t0•1' 1 Breeder ' Association, 132121/4 e0(t''"ly different and tau be Wright true South, Lethbringe, Alberto. a1 a u01ninal price from hardware 1 stores and until ender houses, Yours' of research have gone into the matte - facture of cans for canning rood. with the result that the inside plating is lead free. This is dote to make it im- possible for fouls to become con- taminated with lead, and no 115110 5111,011 be used for fruits, vegetables, s m• fts1 other than those made Besot • DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER, BUS TIME TABLE Summer Time Table Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 8.25 a,m, and 5.15 p.m, Leaves Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hof„ 1,05 p.m, and 740 p.m> 0011. and hof.. 1.05 p,m. and 9.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto. Hamilton. Buffalo, London. Detroit. Tavistock. Woodstock, Brantford Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House Cancel Feeder Purchase Policy The Feeder Purchase Policy of tire'! Dominion Department of Agriculture, which has been in effect during the fall months for a number of years, and which provided for tite refund of one-way travelling expenses of farm- ers or their agents who- purcltase:I one or more carloads of feeder cattle was oonfiscate,d and never restored, ho his descendants. Van. Egmond came Ito Canada with wealth and need this own money to pay ttthe 'myon building ,the iliatron Road and took the land from the Canada Company as his own Ip11'y. He paid 1$11;.- 10 k150 an acre tfor'thee land and could 'have solid it, .had it 'not been •con'fiscaalbed, at an acre. ANEZWA2 BECOME STENOGRAPHER Our system wri nen in abc char-. nclers enables you to qualify inside three months. guy our books, and recohte free Criticism of exam as well as assistance in securing 11 positron. Free folder describes system. Write to -day Cassan Systems TORONTO A quartette of longshoremen were singing on the waterfront when the tenor fell off the dock into the water, Trite incident passed unnoticed by the leader, but he realized that something was wrong with the harmony, "What's the matter with you chaps?" he asked. "One of you don't sound right," "It's Bill," rumbled the bass. sol- emnly, "He's off quay. ' Send us the name.: of your visitors. and, although nutritious, is sontew-hat restricted The 'Ministry of food is getting away with it. .flee dietis not strffering':tnd there is no malnutrition. Dairy, 'beef and sheep production is Icing maintained, 'hut 'begs and poul- try arc (tieing restricted. By the ,fall of 11(110 (both will Ibe down to one third of the numbers in the 1'netted Kingdom of a 5.eal• ago. Dr, cAllen felt that the people of 'Canada should 'try to see the reason- I. alhleuess 1of 'the British effort to kelp sup Shorne-,producItion of necessary pro- ducts There is no defeatism there 'an'd 'Che people realize 0,01151 they are up ,against. 'Phey lknonv the job they are facing is a :stile 'one and 'they are wil- ling l -ling to (face it, The maidenly school teacher 11,101 been tempted into taking her first moonlight automobile ride, likewise she had just experienced her first hiss. School Teacher (wailing) --"011, what have I done? How will I ever face those dear little children with these two black marks against me?" Young Man—"What do you mean, two black narks?" School Teacher—^Well, aren't you going to kiss me again?" Want and For Sale Ms, 3 weeks 5.0c Heartaches of A Famous Boy Giant Over At Last An article. in The American Weekly with the August 11 issue of The Detroit Sunday Tames, reveals how a real life Gulliver, tried, un- happily, to make the best of it...but be was different from everybody else, needing special clothes, shoes (at $159 a. pair) and everythlug else. and hual13' a special coffin, Be sure to get The Detroit. Sunday Times, D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR 'Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist — Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation -Sun -ray treatment. Phone 227.