HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-08, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST P, 1110 • THF SEAFORTI'f NEWS STO. AUGUST 8 TO AUG. 14 Marmalade, St. Williams Orange and and Grapefruit, 32 oz per jar 20c AYLMER CATSUP, 12 oz 2 btl. 21c Quaker CORN FLAKES 2 pkg, 15c PINEAPPLE, Singapore, sliced or cubes, 11/4s 2 tins 29c Sweet Pickles, Crun 51135 28oz pe r jar 25c Pearl White Naptha Soap 6 bars 25c Newport Fluffs, 14 oz. pkg, & Tumbler per pkg. 25c 375 � � a Lipton's Tea, black or mixed, zs perpkg. Salmon, Red Sockeye, Maple Leaf %s-230; lits 42c Royal York Tea Royal York Coffee Is 49c Blue Boy Coffee, 1s per lb. 350 Blue Boy Tea, mixed or black 1/2s -32c; 1s 63c Ivory Soap, Guest -5 for 25c; 10 oz. -2 for 19c jar10c 1 tard 6oz. per -e .red Mustard, a P )a French's 1 1 Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. -14c; 16 oz. 23c Hawes Lemon 011 Polish, 12 oz. per btl. 23c Hawes Floor Gross per pt. 590 Quaker Health Bran 2 pkg. 25c Quaker Oats, small pkg. 2 pkg. 19c MACARONI, Loose Ready Cut per Ib. 5c HILLCREST SHORTENING 2 LBS. 25e FANCY BISCUITS, Pineapple Finger PER LB. 17c CHEESE, Royal York t/s PER PKG. 15c ASPARAGUS, Cuttings, Aylmere1. 2s squat PER TIN 15c TOMATO JUICE, 251/2 oz. Aylmer 7 TINS 21c JELLY MAKER, Kkovah PER PKG. 14c HILLCREST TOILET PAPER 3 ROLLS 250 PINEAPPLE JUICE, Doles 12 OZ. 14c CANDY PEARL JELLIES PER LB. 15c FREEZING MIX JELLO PER PKG. 10c LIMA BEANS, Aylmer in Tomato 2 TINS 23c PARD DOG FOOD 2 TINS 19c SULTANA RAISINS 2 LBS. 25c AYLMER IRISH STEW PER TIN 14c AYLMER LAMB STEW PER TIN 15c AYLMER BONED CHICKEN, 7 oz PER TIN 27c CERTO PER BTL 25c Poss J. Sproat PHONE 8 issPryce PHONE s S y� LK E R W A FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING 3. R. WALKER. JR. Holder of Government diploma and licence. Flowers fulrniehed Night or day phone 67 i ...111•11011101101101OMPINO .111•1010•0.0., Seaforth Monument Works Fernherly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED 11Y CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE 1We invite in:,peetion 01 our stock of Cemetery Memorials SF.AFORTH -- TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 1.n• any time by appointment See Dr, Harburn -Phone 105. Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 ST. COLUIVMBAN Malone -Morris - The marriage ioff Carmel Morris, <laughter of IMr. ,anst Mrs. James iris of sof iaibibiemt, to E'm'nie'Pt !Mahone, son sof M'rs. Jlohn IMa'lonne land tile fate Mr. Jldh,n Malone ,of M'cKlildap, book ipll:ace at 9 -o'clock Saturday morning, August third, in St. Columtlban •cIIiurdh, Revs F. J. 1O'Drawski officiating. The ;bride, given in nlarriatgc Ibyher 'faNier, looked dheanm'intg in an e:ffeditve i5loar length 'gown of white 'slheer and 'bead- ed .holero, (wearing white picture Stat enol .carrying sweetheart ,noses and fern. T1he Ibrides'ntadd, bbary Norris, icnusin of !the bride, iwore '11 hem gown of 'slheer itononolse !bine with hat to match nvi'tlh Noe streamers :and ican- ried Talisman roes and 'fern, The (bridegroom ewes assisted by his Ibro- hlver, Josreph, nnsl die nts'hers were Clarence iMalone an:d Alfred Reis of Detroit, neiphew of the !bride, Foldow- inng!g the ceremony a n{odcling dinner. was served a't Nle 0ateen s 1 -Intel, 4eaifnra)), to tbhe twedcling party and a itirntlher of immediate relatives. tttl5 s. Mr. and lfrs. iiToreis'left on a honeymoon trip to Detroit and other,points, •after Obi ch R9te:y tw'i'll reside in 'Stratford, Miss Alice Flannery Honored - In view of her approaching Moab riage a largemoved of friends gath• Pied at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Flannery, on )i'ricla.y even. ing, and presented their only dangly ter Alice, with a miscellaneous 'liow- Schools Will Delay Re -Opening Primary Schools Open Sept. 15 and Secondary Schools on October 1-- A serious emergency exists in On- tarii1 at the present time, with re. 7711r751 to 11 shortage of farm labour. Due to enlistments, the speeding up of industrial production, and because or o11105 factors existing as a result nt 111e war, the Ontario government tdnde it nece wall to appeal to the public for assistance in harvesting the 1910 erop, slates N. 0. Ilipel, minister of labour. 1'xperie11od fern) help in not avail- able in sufficient 111011111105 to assist appreciably. To 111 etthis problem the Ontario Griv(ennernt has depicted Irr l'1119' 1 1e -a1 r re -opening of rriunl•v schoolsuntil 15111. and of se(1ndalt sehools until Oetobei 1st, thereby making avilebdfor farmn help thousands of teen -Aged boys. 111 the rural areas this will permit the boys to help on their own farms; in brie t Ontario it will release for farm 1101p many youths, who, while inex- perienced, 11•e anxious 11nd willing to aid in this emergency. An organization has been establish- ed to enlist these young people in this patriotic effort. All farmers needing help, and all young people desiring to volunteer, are requested to communicate with the Department of Labour, Queen's Park, Toronto. The younger boys can perform a use• ful service in many phases of farm activity, while the older ones 01101110, to a certain extent, be able to take the places of young men who have left the farms to serve their country, or have taken on. other duties in con- nection with Canada's war effort. Full details of the scheme will shortly be available er or useful and valuable articles. A dainty lunch was served and a plea; sant evening enjoyed by all, Miss Marry Downey, mime in train- ing in St, Joseph's Hospital, To'ntt°, 1s vacationing 0k ho• home- here. BORN M(/tRTN10Y --- 111 Scott. Memorial Hospital, on Monday, August 5, 1040, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mc- Cartney, a daughter. 801 (1: ---Ai the Brockville General Hospital on Wednesday. July 24, 1940, In Mr. atoll Mrs, Leonard Boyce, 3S Pearl Sl. said., t1 son, "1\ntat is the new ratan in your of- fice like?" "Awfully nervous chap! He can't sit still a minute. He no sooner sits down to his desk than, he starts Working." TOWN TOPICS 1 BRLICEFIELD - •1L 1. 1l!':' ', rt frbot,t, Mrs. Alrin Logan and-uatpr' - n -,3 - O'l 0t a- a the villus«- on Sunday. iii 1s..r.l: ,pert rlu• week eI d with till,; 1> 9wal) .p11.' a F,,,2 Bays -i_t Mr. tool Mrs, John ilothanl. Miss Alice I11(02011 174. holidaying at Kew Beach, 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and family are spending August at their cottage at 0r11nd Bend. Miss Leone Hothani spent Civic holiday at the - home of her sister Mrs. C. Laithwaite, Goderich. - Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Cooper and Douglas ot Kippen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hothanl. Miss Helen Steele has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks' holidays with Miss Nancy Nott. The matey friends o1 Mr. D. F, Mc- Cleego• are glad to know he has re- c'ovcred. from his recent -iihn s. Mr, and Mrs. H. Miueti and Miss Mauretania of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Box. Mr, and Wire. Murray Savauge of Toronto are spendthg a few days with his parents, Air. and MIrs, F. S. Savange. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley. Christie and two daughterattended the Ware1'2 relation a1 Memel -51(1 on Monday,- •Mt 21211 Mrs. W. J. Faulkner of Sauna who have 1.521 holidaying here, are ,pendnlg a tete days In Kitchener and Toronto. Mr. Angus :MacLean is a Toronto visitor, ]'t e. Ralph C cmineli 1t.C'.A P Mel- ton, spent the ween: end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis and :tIr. and Mrs Frank Storey. Nlr, and 1,11. Gordon Lit Ile took a motor trip ftp the St. i.awren'e ever the week end. Mrs. ,Toler 1311.111 and daughter 1 Es- telle troe n'tlnrel to their 1U r af- ter spending the past week with her dnugh1er Mrs. Tomlinson, who is re- covering from ht su'ions operation at London. Messrs. Gerald and Lorne Burns ns of Dorchester and Rosetta of London called on 031021 13 Here Monday, - Mr. Alex Ross is 1)111511 improved after his recent illness, Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth A2)tent. of Kitchener spent the week end ][ere. Ptn e 5013 C Borden . Gln Som of Camp 1)t) ethe wee end onhis w l• home over k 1) last leave, Mr. J. M Robertson has returned to Seaforth after spending the past 111011011 at Stratford. Miss Isabel MelCellar is visiting in Toronto this week. Miss Marion Moore is spending tins week in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Brown of Toronto were the guests of Mr. H. B. Edge and Miss Josephine for a 'few clays this week at the Royal Apts. Mrs. Louis Brenn and her two dau- ghters June- and Mary, returned to their hone in Detroit after spending thrix holidays the past three weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart and their many friends in this vicdnity. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hotbam of Brantford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotharn. - 041t. Jack Fortune spent the week 1 t end 1)t Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. David Mole rettu'netl Friday to their home In Rochester, N,7„ after spending a. month with the former's brother, Mr, Ed Mole. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stone and son ,21111 of Norwich visited Mr, and Mrs. A. Hudson on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Herbert Baker and Mr. Wil- liam Brown of Mitchell we50 ptlesta on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Hudson. - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. nett. Mr, Stewart Geddes, London, spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Geddes. Mr. Walter Gi'nssie and grandson. Walter McElroy, of Vancouver, arriv- ed Monday for Mr. Gtassie's annual visit here, and 111'0 gue5ls at the Cenmlel'(la1, Air. .2. Ronatl 01 MOIAe ,Taw, and Mr. ,James Roneit with itis friend. of Ottawa, spent, the week end with Mr. Nelson Keyes. Hiss ,lean I)al*. of Eitehener spent ills week end with her pmrlllsMr. and Mrs. Harold -Dale. 'et Smith. 1Ia1 •ill .114 h' 'Betty and R ATI . Y T01.0711.0, spent 3111' w ek 011,1 With tnt 1 and Mt W. I e nr('nt Bl t•. . 1 n a their , T Smith. - MI. and Mrs. L. Shepherd and son o1' Thorold are visiting het rather Dr. F. .l. Burrows. - Mrs, Leonard Vet•beem and sons Leonard, Gerald and Lawrence, all of Thanlesville, spent lest week with her daughter Mrs, Gordon Reynolds. Mrs. Andrew Kirk returned - front Wingham on Saturday and is spend- ing a. few days here, Mrs. A. Hanrahan, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leo For- tune. Miss Ola Reid, nurse in training at Stratford, and Mr. Andrew Blair of Exeter called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hothanl on Sunday. Miss Marie Neves, of Toronto, is visiting her many friends here. Mr. Ted Southgate of Mount For- est is holidaying at his Monte here. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Dodd (nee Helen Charlesworth) and baby, and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Prentice and son Bobby, of Toronto, spent the week end With Mr, and Mrs. W, 0, Goven- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland and children of Toronto visited at the home of his parents, Ma'. and Mrs. H. Weiland. BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE DANCING ! EVERY WEDNEDAY & FRIDAY Jack Evans And His Orchestra Admission -Gents 50e. Ladies 05c. C. Watson, Manager, Old & New Dancing Every Tues. Admission 35c. (' hat ham Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt of Centralia 91133(0(1 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler on Sunday. - On Wednesday afternoon, July 31, the W.M.S. entertained the Baht' Band and Mission -Band with their mothers and grandmothers. After singing "Can a tittle child like me," the Lord's prayer was repeated. A recitation by Margaret Zapte was followed by primary class singing "Jesus Loves Me." Scripture reading, Mark 10:13-16, was read by Blanche Zapte. Hymn 005, "Tell me the Mer- les of Jesus," was sung, then Made- line Wilson read a missionary story, after which a duet, "1'01 a little Pil- grim," was sung by Nora and Verna Eyre. accompanied by their norther. A recitation was given by Alai -ion Hill, the offering was taken and dish - vatted; after a piano solo by 1111135 Margaret M,Qurem a song "Ter. I3ooks of the 13iblr was sung by the girls from 1 ul l er'uhitll No 3 school. Prayer was offered by Mrs. R Allan. 'rho address was given by out guest speaker Mrs. John AleKin o 4 Mrs. 115.113[ 11 spoke 1 Clinton.l l ley at lin u. .1 y 1 o11 th childhood of Jesus. The meet Inc I nosed with Iiynuh 1,3s, -Away in a manger." and prayer. et A 401101 hull hour was $petit When 11105!7 was waled Bobby and Berth Allah spent last week al the Pinery with their t n tt133 1 t. Bobby and Ruth Hess. Pte. Ah: Zapf() of London spent the week al his home intro. Spr, Ross Grainger til 1'.'(aw awa slnent the 0,4-1.: end 11 his home here. Mr. and Mrs. (' Halstead and son of Stratford and lit and Mrs. Wm. Jervis and Lola of Holnnasvlllr visited Mn, uml Mrs.T. 1I 1\ ha I i• Sunday. 910, li, M1('nrine t 12,1'A, of Tux - ford, SasIt,, spent the week end with Mrs. A. T Scott, Mrs. TI F. Berry entertatlnetl at a trousseau tea on Thursday. 'August 1st for her niece. MIs Elsie Smith, whose marriage Io MrGordon Elliott took Wave nn Saturday. Mr. 1.. Smillie of 141riu spentthe holiday with Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Berry. •s. M H 11a Mt and Mt and t Zap re, Mrs. Ii, Kaiser of Detroit and Mt, land Mrs, J. Kaiser of Hensall spent a couple or days at Niagara Falls Mrs. H. Collins and fancily and Mrs, Mary McKenzie spent Saturday at Niagara Falls. Mr. Lee Kipfer of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home here, Misses Ina and Ellen Seott of Lon- don spent the week enol at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. J. Moodie attended. the Chandler and Alexander wedding at Kippen on Saturday. Misses Anna Cornish and Clrac! Dalrymple spent Sunday at their homes here, KIPPEN Alexander-Chandler- St. lexander Chandler St. Andrews Church, Einem), dee- prated ee'0111 pd with ferns hydrangeas and phlox, was the scene of at simple wedding on Saturday. August 3131. when Helen Mabel, eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Chandler, was united in marriage to Robert Norman Alexander, elder sort of 1\1r. and Mrs. Wnl. P. Alexander, ITensel]. This was the thirtieth wedding anniver- sary or the n ides 1 e l parents. 1115 olid was given away by Mr. John H Cochrane, a member of the session Miss Jean Ivison played (hp organ. The bride wore a floor length gown of minuet sheer, with head band of the same mrtterial with white Itcces series, and carrie(1 a bouquet of Rap' the roses, The marriage ceremony was performer) by the bride's rather. The couple here unattended. 1)0riue the signing ot the register the organ lit played quietly. The ushers wept. John Alexander or Hensall. and Johu Alexander or Georgetown, brother and cousin of the grooms. Following the reremuny, th reception was held ie the Manse, the bride's mother rt eeivi(g in flowered green mere 811,1 the groonh'5 mother u) navy sheet'. buffet luncheon was sec•ved to about 111'ty guests from the tall• t 'utret `, Bober( 1 bride's 1 111 111 will Uhl. 11111 o' 1 1' Cool 11111 Airs. \ Nay l olclyC a t sa Il1 u let' 111 e ly l prntt d I 1 it 1 Nevin» (oak Dolis :klexander, 1•-' bo1le.Alrxatnler 1)t Georgetown, 11111 • ' 1.m Ney. BeatriceCooper and Airs Ed McBride served, Guests were pre sent from Blenheim, Brnce(ield Charing Cross, Chatham, (leol'getown Fordwicll Hensall, Kippen, Lislowe and Walton, The toast to the brill was proposed by Principal John Gil Christ of Blenheim High School where the bride taught for the pas seven years. The groom replied t the toast. The bride and groom lei on a motor trip to Manitoulin Islas( and 'Northern Ontario, the hrid travelling in blue crepe dress an hat to match with beige coat an white accessories. On their ream they will live in Hay Township neat Hensall. Melvin Taylor Honored By Friends - On Monday evening about eighty friends and neighbors gathered a the home of Mr, and Mrs. Richer Taylor Sr. and took the oppol'tunit to present their. son Pte. Melvin Taylor who was home 'from Cam Borden on his last leave - with 1 signet ring and a pen and pencil set also a pair of socks from the Kipper East 17I. Dr. Campbell or. Hensal was master ot ceremonies and Mrs H Caldwell 50ad an address whin Mr. Wilbur Trenleerpresented. the girlie, Melvin thanked his friends 101 their gifts and all" joined in singin He's A Jolly Good Fellow, and Gni Save the King, and then the ladle. served ice cream and rake. • Mr's. Jessie Fowler of Toronto 1. the guest of her sister Mrs. J. L Henderson. Mr. and Airs. Russell Gengliegal and their two sons, Mrs, Alice Cool and daughter Pauline, all of Loudon are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas Mallymolt. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Alexander o Georgetown, with their son John JI and daughter Miss Isabel spent til week end with Mr Alexander's Ura PAGE FIVE ...................._ and became 1 Massey 1 1 0 d a n i- y ).- p , tITNEY i e SPECIAL5 We are able to supply appliances ordered effective: WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS SEVERAL RADIOS 3 CREAM SEPARATORS 3 VACUUM CLEANERS Stook of LIGHTING -Harris 5 disc Tractor _ __________________ you with the following machines by us before the new war tax FIXTURES Plow in perfect condition $110 We also have several used Binders JOH\ 12111111 Street. at very Low Prices i>ff' !-2 e4t�,. 'II Seaforth h .G T U TIRE r Your Gutta Perchati Dealer •p IP S 7.6 '.: ,, , _,1, tID1u1!(I �� Pli9 TUBES AC�E C4SQRI � a. bs: 11 43 r 1.v. 1 GUTTA. PE¢- niESTANDARO oe Quaid ,1 Nl, Tit �, C!7 I • ca ca., ttt\i1\`.,A 1 , 7i E SESI.LCG eelze [Y/ci.�l�ii0eteectf's' titers Albert and William. 11 is about fifteen tears ago that Mr. Alexander moved away from here and their many friends were pleased to meet them again, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mollis spent the wiolc end with relatives to R'roxeter. Miss Weaver or 1)nshwrod is visit Ing with Air. and Mrs, Elzar lions- smut. Miss Tera Ropp visited ou 8111111113' with friends neer New I1 unbnrg. Sunday visitors at 11tH home (1t' Mr. and Mrs. 1\'m. Homey were Ail. and Mrs. A. Collingwnod and family of Hamilton, Air. John Ga111 t tt.el•, \1r. Elmore GuchstRtut1, Miss L ctcr Price of Dashwood and Alr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson or ('hise Ihltrst. Rev. and 1121's. (`.retinol' and Elaine or 1':1111[1.11 1',11le l on friends ill the, el. entity 0(1 li uday. m0. 111111 Mls• (\\n'•I1lnlenHreorFSstetyE1(1fle111d 1t1l1F. all A1..1111 ie Bend nn Hnruey Reunion at Gland 1 u Monday. The nanny friends of Mr. Arnold (11c1103'1ter will he pleased to learn that he returned Rosie lice) St. ,1 0F. eel) Hospital in Landon cu W'ednes- day last _ Mr.. Thompson Scott lit Detroit is spending a couple of wreks with her parents, ll', and Mr-. :1b(• Porsylh Mrs. Wm. Caldwell was taken to Clinton Hos pi l al (''01'1119' for tree t- nlellt and her mala friends hope sit' will be restored to her usual health soon. John week Mrs, week Mr, 1oronl R'anbashent harvesting by the 1(1,V. 311 - Mr. : I3amiltoll McLachlan holiday Tet Mrsblln. h(Taery V('in Mi' are . -Russell The crops Guelph malting at how Semi C. Doig 1(r Detroit spent the end with his n10(11er, Fowler or Toronto spent the end with Kippen friends. ('larenee McLean and Mr. Win. spent a few (lays camping at and Midlands operations are held OT reeelll fails. :aid Mrs. Chandler are cam[• a1- their eottage for a few week; - TUCKERSMITH and Air's Clayton Martin Trus elhart. Ml ami Mrs. Luff 1 (' • and Mr. and Mrs. Hag1' of Brneetield spent th-. with Mr. and MI•s. Lew!. t. Kirk teturnad home cmMoa adlntaer tsLpele1(1ti1l1t25s a Df.ewII weeokfs wit - f g ]l am and Mrs F Pearson of Toror.• holidaying with Mr. and 11.' Coleman. army worm is hard tilt this year. A gentleman t spoke on the havoc they . on the crops and gave a , Mr. Will Ball's on Tuesday to destroy them, n; ;la t:n:s 'i }-.sir ci+i''•, SEVENTH „? :,', ' i S Thorsday, 50 l ,� P l:a { Y a VICTORIA of the ANNUAL zi,v n ;,zaYi1e k Y- F. .4 4. a. �25 AND BAND PARK, AT8P.M. net receipts will Red ; t• BAND 1 s { TATTOO; SEAFORTI-i be donated Cross - LEGION u" .'% 'LI r to the Seaforth S. Reit 1', ay Irl in 15a • fo OUTSTANDING BANDS - 6 Stratford Boys' Band New Hamburg Citizens' Band Clinton. Pipe Band Milverton Geld Seal Band Tavistock Citizens Band Seaforth Highlanders :Band DANCING ' In D -Company Armories. A perfect floor and. excellent music by George Little and his 10 piece Band. Dances 5c each. 1st • Bingo. Refreshment Booths Fun Galore Wheels of Fortune Games of Skill Chairman -W. H. Golding, M,P., Hon. President of Band This is the Big Night of the Year ! Admission 25e.. Gate Prize Children 1 re't' c LEGION -Pres,. G. D. Ferguson; Sec„ B. O. Muir BAND -Pres,, D'Orleon Sills; Sec., Arthur Golding In event of train. Garden Party will be postponed to Friday, Aug. 16 "God Save Tile King" e