HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
'1.1 \ r
- aid seetio of a quiet wedding •ou Sat•
urdaytgut Mai. when Nliss Jean
Isabel Ritchie, daughter of Ntr. and
Mrs. John Ritehie. was married to
?tr. Walter Raymond 'Shortre.ei.
The cevemony was prfermed
Rev. F. A. Gilbert, The bride wore it
gown of powder bine sheer. with
white accessoriesand enrage Of fat.
ismer, resOS and baby breath. She
- was attended by Miss Mae Short -
reed. sister of the groom, wearing
blue sheer. and a norsage of briar.
and baby breath. :Mr.
clifferd Ritehle was groomsman. Fol•
lowremony a wedding din-
-..t ill11110,11ati' rtdat
Ives. m•er whieh ND-. anti MiNs.
left for Barrie, Toronto
and pi-di:TS, The bride,travelled
in. 4 1-:.:vy 'repjaeket dress and
nate.. liar. They will live 'in
Mortl• T.,wnship.
The• of the 1.F.NV.0.in
Wt1,•er_ El he postponed rill h last
itt this tn,thth IT will
••- hem, •Ile Misses
".k11-•• :01,1
1`.1',. F. Dennisen of Ples,,o,
t. home et' Mr. and 'Nirs.
fereeio,, 111,•Nillep Snn.hiy.
dr1 ;oil
- 1,11,1 P
a,.. vIsing
her MT. J. Bet,er moeri..
Mrs. Earl Wat-em in
.Mi— Mary Ilnmphrle supplied as
•in ti ll1.11'r Wes -
Sunday. •
Mr. 1-,ew Herman tOtluelpit
rhi.1 Iii -
1„T1 ir, \\b11
NI• .11 a
Mrs, 1' Bennett sr,nt Tte•-•,1,,Y
London on h11,1ill.,s,
• Wiles-McGavin-- - •
f•Teevieg 111 iheiit-
ebener Trwily it,•,..r.1 win be ',IL 1111
.--•t•t^,1 as 'hi, 111111.-, Was horn in
A MrEil hip 1
pretty wedding was solemnized
at -St Faure -Lutheran parsonage at
three e'eloek this afternoon when
Miss Leona Catharine MeGavin,
daughter of Mrs. Lena .McGavin•
Cherry .treand the late Mr. Alden
McGavin: became the bride of Mr.
Arthur J. Wiles, tem of Mr. and Mrs.
-Oscar Wiles, Maurice street, RPV. A.
Orzen. pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran
cdturch. officiated. Tile bride wore a
baby blue French taffeta gown fash•
bawd in Prineess lines with a sweet•
heart neckline, and short puffed
sle,-ves. 'With it she wore a head-
dre•s .d pink cornflowers and her
eestnne was vompieted with white
at w -len til gloves and white
Iffeiffkitillfl •
At the Home of Mr. Leonard Leeming
Good haul program of readiugs_ short
ploy, songs Laneh served at close of
the program
Admission 25e and 10e
shoes. She wore a eorsags, of But
flv roses. Miss Mildred Sellers of
Walton, vousin of the wasthr
wearing a floor -length
Pink taffeta gown with white c-,lbctw-
length gloves and who*, bios Blue
•ernflowers llindhlrf'SS
and silt. Win, a eurstige of Porno
Donald I, \Miles. Manlier ef
the le.id..gr,-tont. was the best Man.
A 11+-.1 the e. reitiotty it wedding nt
tn wits a rrarigt.ti at the tlrand
Giver teareems. The bride atel
):11 01Y0.11 t11.011. gtIOS,.•• asshntd
15 111, r ws-saring
g,iwn wit whir
VOT.,:aw. of rotl
inni 1,s the britlegro,tin's
ato.: a
nry Igoe 1'' 1111 with
,% bite anti a (so! of
Pretaier roses. A w, tiding tinr
,-twed Iron a told. de, '
'Air!) 1:ink and 151111 I i'ti'
W,,,1,1i111.1 hells a Ti•1 ssens 1.
w.• ,ss li..c.st rs 1,1,1
rdr 1.!1 Izn .1 11,1 t 11., 1,1.•
Ittthe. bridand briteereem 1.0
-lend 'bet- heueynletin .tt StullthrY
11,1 tit,rtil 'Ili pi 1111, The
i,1 1.'1 1 .11i114” 11 1.• -1 old' nr.-
't•-pe fr••, 1: with. niatehint: aeeesser
ies rue? t 11, in V011111 they Will lair.,
itt 1, 12114,11s at 'ill, W,drillnl,
r, , I 1,rris21
I 1,-o•h ..‘ ;del Alilan
At;. 11I1ry lbtlrttiitiii. 1 termer
member of The CW111.11.
died last Friday in his eighty•third
e-ar at the hone-ete:el told was the
jest survivor wile attended S.S. Ni
• when it had an average :olemiance
of eiehty, %Nilo contieuously lived in
010 IliS plat,
00 MolltiaY 10 SI. Peter's Lutheratt
Chereh where the funeral services
wOrt. eontinettel by the pastor and
lmrial tock plat» in the adjoining
eemetery. HP is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Cawley of 'Mitchell and
six sons. Henry and Manuel. of
Brodlineen. Edward of Moffatt, Out.,
Dan ten' Leslie of McKillop and Nor-
man oft the homestead and on. sit: -
ter. Mrs. Henry Wesenberg of Grey
township, who have the sympathy of
the teuninunity in this their hour of
sad afflietion.
The late heat wave has Paused a
lot of grain to be ignited.
Red Cress Gardv.e Party
Hie SIACCSS-.--,
1" ' WIT.' in :,1011,j
a! Hie1 Or Lit ti
.'!.0:1. \0 t 11 11.101. the ans
Nee-. ef in erganizations of yo
Peter's Louiteran Church, 1 3rodhagett.
the Ladies' Aid, Men's Brotherhood
and Luther League. The proceeds
amounting to nearly $800 will be
donated to the Red Cross. Prizes for
bingo were donated by business nicu
of Brodhagen and Mitchell and oth-
ers. Mr. Ed Gies acted as chairman
and Rev. Fredrickson gave an ad-
dress on the work of the Red Cross.
The program included a Bute solo by
Peter Curtin; cornet duet. Glen Dieg•
el. Edward Scherharth; accordion sel-
ection, Milton Dietz; cornet quartet.
Kenneth Smith, Kenneth }Enz. Ed
Scherbarth, Glen Diegel; reading,
Edward Doerr; Selections by the Mc
Killen Merrymakers, Mrs, Deitz,
Manny Bennewies mid Rose I3enne
wies; St•I Pei -101'1S by Brodhageu band.
mush. for open air dancing was fur.
lashed by the moonlight Serenaders.
Ther- Wt',' drawings for three quilts.
the prize winners being J. M. F.It'hart,
Seaforth; Z. Elligsen, Walton 11.12
Henry Koehler. Dublin, 11.11.1. Thc
winner of the bean guessing eentest
was Carl Hill ret ht. Mitchell 1111. 4.
Mr. and "Mrs. Mervin and
family spent several days with
irtends and relatives at Perdwielt.
Mr. and -Ails Fred Dippls.. awl
fmnily 'ii,zsdis 11 spent t'ivie
finny yl..Rieg, 7 lots hens.
Mr wM
et ry. TonM
i oses ssi Milvs rs
. .
1S1 With Mr. aitt Mrs.
Mr. and M r 13(11111.Wh, :Intl
:‘.1r. and Mrs Iterb Wo
ittig ttf 'Wod-
stock' spent Sthelay with Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Itennewies.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug Ilillehreeht anti
II•;;r1 and Mr. and Mrs Henry Wiet•
son attt.teled the litel.-Snider weil.
ding at Iiitelother ou Friday.
Mr. Albert Smith of Durham spent
th. lediclay with his Pill'OntS, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Smith.
mars and Mrs. Jelin A. Arbnekle of
'Jerome and Miss Frieda :Nleitz of
Donlon spent the nee', end with Mr.
and :Mrs. Albert Qin
Mr. and 'NIrs. Ray Hart of 111 1111'
rued with Mr. and 'Mrs. L. G. Rot.k.
Mr, Ed Kressita• of Stratford. with
Mr. and 'Airs. John C. Diegel,
Master Dr,n Wilson of Iz'ordwielt 1.1
epending a week with Mr. and Mrs.
:Mervin 'Miller.
Miss Geraldine Kahle of Mitchell is
holidaying with her cousin Miss Eva
Mr, and Mrs, Alf Mehl and Doreen
of Toronto are holidaying with Mr.
and Mrs. \V. S. Riehl.
Owing to the rain on Sunday l-`5011-
Ina theBand did not have an open
air eoncert. They will have another
concert next Sunday evening.
Want anti For Sale Ads, 3 weeks .50c
111i7d lily 'AI.'
11, 1', • I ,
hall on retisday •Ite !west,
Coon. Alrs 12. Vat, -.1 e.itt the
hair. Aleoing op,11.,1 12 singine
opening ed.. with the Lerd's prayer
in unison. There was sent. discussion
on the one day Short Course 00
enierteeney knitting for the war to
be held in Community hall an Aug.
29th from le amt. until 4 p,m., those
attending to bring with them, set of
bone knitting needles sharp at both
ends, ball of yarn not too Inc and
note book. Not more than 11 can be
ta ken. Those wishing to attend please
send in your mune as soon as poss.
ible to the secretary Mrs. B. Bruns -
don. The reports of the girls who at-
tended the girls' course at Guelph
this summer was read by Mrs. 13.
Brunsdon, Gladys Illountain. E.
Sprung. Mrs, F. Roberton and :Mrs.
M. Ross. Convener of war work com-
mittee. 'Miss Gladys Mountain. The
question drawer was on "Household
Tasks you don't like." Many questions
were sent in and was most interest-
ing, miss E. sprung sang a pleasing
solo. Miss G. Mountain contributed a
piano instruntennil. Meeting elosed
by singing God Save the Ring. Ile
11111.ShIllinItS WPri' st rrod lly Mrs. NV.
INIeuntain. :Mrs. H. Sprung, G. :Moun-
tain. Mantle Ross and Mrs . Hall.
Mrs. D. Brunsden had a pleasant
visit from her nisi '15 anti mother
Mrs. B. efts ef Ottawa, also her bre-
:•11.4 ItTt\f•awt1riiviten
Y;1-tIlg1:flktt'ir. F1r1bli.t3y'
and aver the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis 11,therten e;
Clifford spent Sunday 11 17 tt his mo-
ther NIrs, M. Ross,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Shaddielf and Miss
Ruth are spending this week with
relatives at Port Dover.
Mrs2.1, floss spent 1.7 Wean os.
.May With her friend Mrs. It. :MeCrae.
Mr. C. Hall and family and Mr. and
Airs. Kelly of Alinsbm a spent :\1011.
day with the fortner's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. F. Hall,
Dr, Kirk Lyon called on Mr. and
Mrs. W. Lyon for a Alert time Sun-
Miss Helen yunghluit ,)f London
spent civic holiday week end with
her parents.
Mr. Fred Johnston end Iielen,
and Mrs. Harold Johnston of London
visited friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, II. 'Morris. 'rot.ontn.
called on friends here Sunday,
and Mrs. L. Ball and girls
spent civic holiday- at Grand Bend,
Miss Milly Townsend of Toronto
Ito VP been visiting friends in the vil-
lage and community the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Jack and Margaret.
at t ended the Tainblyn all at
Oshawa last Saturday.
Mr. Glenn Fairservice of Strathroy
was 1.10111P OVP1' the week end,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Troops of Chicago
era sieenlinfr, this weei: with the
lady's situ Pr, Miss 11. MOUS.
Mr. and MI'S. A. 1<nnkel of Niagara
NOW PLAYING -- Double Feature
Bob Livingston Raymond Hatton
"Cowboys From Texas"
Johnny Downs Mary Carlisle
"Hawaiian Nights"
Mon. Tues. Wed.
You've All Read the Book —
Now see the whimsical and fantastic story come to ilf
011 the screen
Coming ''TT
Falls returned to their home en Sun
day- having spent the past week with
Mrs. El. Crawford.
Rev. A. M,nzies mut family ore
Ned,: from Hedy holidays, l'11-‘11' 0111
hrlid its liiatil hist 14110day.
A meeting of the }led cross was
held in the Community hall on )001 -
day last. All those wile have work
finished please bring it in as soon as
possible. in tulle', another shipment
can be made.
Mrs. Mitt and Mrs. Nit.N.41 of
Myth were (milers on Mrs, .1, I). Mel-
ville Monday.
Roy. 21 ..11dcw-tg-th, Staifa 1,nited
church, conducted the Aervice in the
Presbyterian ch,urtlit ,bere; Miss jean
Hall, .Chilliwark, B.C., Mrs. 'Pafford
and ..Nliss ,Mary Gorlc, Toronto, at
the home of .Miss M, B. .Currie 1 tMr.
and 21 rs, Pottle', \Yinebelsea, with
.1 'bit,.McColloelt and Lila Mt -Collodi:
Mr: and NI rs. Duncan .MacKel.lar and
Alexander .MacKenr in S.
.Mrs. 1 itities Scott in Seaforth; .Mrs. s.
,Miller in INVinclielsea; .R,7ty..,McC7olloch
is at the stables of Premier • M,itchell
F. liepharn: the iMisses Pearce of
Brnssok with Mr, tont 'Mrs, 11, Mae-:
w...ek-Hiti and !tenthly visn,
Mr. 1, 1111 Seeley and Mr. ;,'I,1 „\1"
1,,,11.1"11; 1,11If1
Prank Seeley .,1
tIeorge Colbeek of New York. Mr.
met Ales. 3, 1''' 7' of Clinton,
Win. Austin ut Sedforth visited
4untla3 ;:t the home ef Mrs. .3.
tin and family.
Iliolweferd and little
•.+1., itt 1 111 ,10.'S With
(.1. 11. BOUM'. Mr. liutherftwd joinoti
1 h d111 11 210111illy W11011 they return -1
to their home in Hamilton.
(len. Beatty Sr., Mrs M 0.
Beatty and hiss 1.1. Alassop spent
Saturday with relatives in Wroxetor
and Brussels.
Stook threshing is the order of tit
Itis' when 110. weather permits.
"Yes," said the stranger. "this
hiking is a line idea. Nothing pleasos
me better than to see crowds of
people on the roads thesedays.-
"Do you hike yonrself?"
"Oh. no, a Manidneturer •,i
corn plasters."
W.Int •:oid Ver Sale 2,1s, I week- ...II,'
NITURE at Smashing Low
a ker 0 Furniture Store Offers Unheard of Bargains in all Lines
of House Furnishings
After Thirty -Three Years in Business in Seaforth we are Selling Out, Our Entire Stock is
Offered at Clearing out Prices
Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Get Some New Furniture, Mattresses and Springs.
You Have Our Wonderful Stock to Choose From,
g in the sto
MATTRESSES 3 Breakfast Room Suites
e must g