HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-01, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 194-0 THE SEAFORTH NEWS rr�- S1UIL5' Some more good values — August 1 to Aug. CARNATION Evaporated Milk, tall 2 tins 15c UNICORN OR GOLDEN NET is 25c Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon GARDEN PATCH 2 tins 19c Golden Corn, 17 oz. Quaker Puffed Wheat per pkg. 7c McCORMICK'S ly �C Strawberry Tarts Biscuits .,, lb. P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP 4 CAKES 18c Send 4 Wrappers and 25e and get. Silver Plated Cake Tiiife Large -23c; .. Giant 650. OXYDOL,IRKS"win a car". Small -10c; ,PER CAKE 5c KIRK'S CASTILE SOAP24s 67c MONARCH FLOUR, 7s -25c: 2 TINS 25c HEINZ BAKED BEANS, medium size 2 CAKES 15o LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP ES 490 KEEN'S MUSTARD, 2 oz, -150: -•.• 1;,s-270;PER PKG. 15c9 SHIRRIFF'S LEMON PIE FILLER Asemazommommermangimmaggramegramemomosszaw "Connor's Sea Foods" Brunswick Sardines per tin 6c Connor's Herring in Tomato, 1s , . , per tin 15c Connor's Clams per tin 140 Connor's Kippered Snacks per tin 6c Brunswick Haddie per tin 15c Golden Area Apricots, 16 oz. per tin 15c ',olden Diamond Blueberries per tin 11c Shaker Salt, 2s, plain or iodized 2 pkg. 15c Aylmer Chili Sauce, 10 oz. per bt.l, 15c Olives, Club House, 11 oz, Queen; 8 oz. stuffed, per jar 25c Butter 131x 13tscuits, 3 oz. per pkg. 15c Serviettes, white, 30s per pkg. 15c Waxed Paper Para Saul, 40 ft, -15c; 100 ft. 25c McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkg. 25c Pure Vinegar, white or cider per ga1.39c Aylmer Tomato Juice, 25?4 oz. 2 tins 21c 10 oz. tall her tin 5c Miracle Whip Dressing, 8 oz. ---21c; ... ...• ,16 oz, 35c Picnic Plates per doz. 10c lb. 15c A.13. GuDrops per2 for 5c Fly Coils, Aoroxon 1So Fly Swatters, wire or rubber .....Medium e each clot, Crown (Hass Jars, small -990 clot, 2 1.14. oz. Pilrowax, 1 lb. pkg 2 doz. 13c 'tubber Rings, best quality RossSproat PHONE 8 Miss N. Pryce PHONE 77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING I. R. WALKER,.IR. Holder of G vernment diploma and license. - Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 •®r Seaforth Monument Works Formerly \V, E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE W(3 invite inspection o1' our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105. Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 TOWN TOPICS Ml at:d 1 Pislt t t'i (i.tttalitar Betty Ale. 0 11,1 \it' 4 "_ . t'o, k •,'i and s+nl.; Bob, then aid Uonldd. Listowel, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Nichols. Mr, Joe Eckert has been transfer red from Camp Borden (0 Pieton to work on a 750 acre air port. Mr, J. M, Eekar't is busy repairing his threshing outfit. Pte. Fergus McKay from Petawawa, and his wife, called on friends in town Sunday. He had to return to report at Damp Monday morning. Captain and Mrs. Dougall of the Salvation Army returned on Friday after spending two weeks' holidays at 'Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Melody and fancily, of Windsor, are visiting his father, Mr. Joseph Moistly. Mrs, W. J. Nott. Hiles Carter, Mrs. Will Jamieson, Mrs. Harvey Jenkins and Miss Edna Jamieson retnr•ned on Thursday after a ten day motor trip to Saolt Ste. Marie. They went as far west as Montreal River. IlIrs, Andrew Kirk returned to her home the past week from Detroit, accompanied by her grandson Fran- cis Creighton and his sister Pearl. and three of their friends from De- troit and Windsor. Visitors at the home of Mrs. A. Kirk were Mt'. and Mrs. ,1. D. Bee- croft of Wiughanl and son Ernest and daughter Florence. Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Hulloed and daughter ,lead aro spending three weeks' holidays at Rig Bay Point. `• Lake Slniroe. Miss Adeline Beaver turd llrs, John Bunt of Galt spent the past week at the home of Mr and lbs. Wm. Old- field. 1511', and 'Urs. ,las. Colquhonn• 14 r. iMrs, 1 dw'ard Neub000l' 111(5 ittul utghter Dorothy Nene of Niagara Falls, N.Y spent the week end with Mf and Mrs- Wm. Oldfield. , Mr, anti Mrs. Milton Stewart were in London cm Saturday attending the Coleman -Agnew wedding, Mrs. 1'. C. Kahle is hone from the Scott Memorial hospital, having und- ergone an operation successfully and is recovering nicely. Pte. Hugh Oke of the Argyle and Suthorlandsltire Highlanders of Ham- ilton spent the week end with his father, Mr. William Otte. Miss Wilma McLean Is visiting at Kirkton. Misses Laura and Vera Mole, ac- companied by their aunt. Mrs. David Mole, of Rochester, N.Y., wore visit- ors on Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. Gordon Millson at Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Snaith were visitors at Milverton during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. ITeale and son Richard of Sudbury are visiting her mother Mrs. \V. G. Fee. Pte. Glen Soarers, Camp Barden, spent Mr. te rat d Mrs, Currie and mother. lIelen visited in Brussels over the week encu. .hiss Dorothy MacLaren of Toron- to is spending a few weeks with her parents. Air. and Mrs. William Mae - Me. Don Dale underwent a seri- ous operation in Toronto on Monday, and is recovering nicely, Rev. and Mrs, H. V. Worlcu(an and daughter Irene returned on Tuesday front Collins Bay where they spent a month's holiday, Proclamation Town of Seaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUG. 5 1 ilereby proclaim that Monday. August 5th, 11)40, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Seaford' and re- quest that the citizens observe same by closing their places of business for that clay. JOHN J. CLUFF, Mayor PAGE FIVE KIPPEN Wedding hells are ringing in the village, Mr. and Airs. \\'in. Diets spent the week end ramping up on .the Georg- ian Iiay and enjoyed their outing very much. Mrs. French is improving nicely after her revert illness and 14 able 20 go out a little. Miss Janet Murray of Gorri,• is visiting with friends around the vill- age and at. Heneall, A large number from the tillage at- tended the red cross dance at Hayfield on Tuesday 11i511 and all report 0 good time. A very large number of the friends of Miss Helen Chandler, pride elect, gathered on tate lawn, at t110 manse, on Tuesday afternoon and prssennal her with a miscellaneous shower. prise, very graciously thanked the Prise, very gracously thanked the ladies for their kindness. 71rs. Porter and son \Irs. not. 1-Iopltins, of Chicago. I11., at0r, visiting the 111(010 sister, Miss Edna Coch- lame. and brother Allan. 15Ir, and Mrs. C. Watson and dau- herp and 1L•s. T. Bruce, of near St. Marys, spent Sunday with the let- ter's granddaughter, Mr. ,and Mrs, Oliver Jagces. Quite a number from here attend- ers 1 110 Bund 'Tattoo in Heiman on Wednesday evening last, 11i's. H. Ricker and Arthur spent 'a few days the first of the week with relatives at Bright and Plaltsvllle. Mrs. H. McMurtoie, Mrs: Porter, Mrs. Robt. Hopkins, Miss Edna Coch- rane and Mr, Allan Cochrane spent the weep end wit11. Mr, and MPs. Ross Dick of Smithville. Mrs. Lorne Eller and daughter of Falconbridge, Northern Ontario, who have been visiting relatives here, have returned hone, Misses Margaret and Mildred Py - bus of Zurich are visiting at the home of their grandmother Mrs. H. Ricker. Mr, and lli's. E. Hotelman of Varna and Mr. Raylnond Mersin of To•ortn visited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horsey. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Johnson spent Monday in London. the dynamo and storage 'battery, li'ut Miss Whtnma and Master Edward spent last week a� over :North t � meloca original with Lorna and �1Vtiyne Ellis. Morse 51114 0bet with the tricky 'spac- I NII Elliott oP Oakville and Mrs. cd letters" remains in use to'bht day. 1 Dr) Kenlletly. of Halifax, N,S„ vis \When in Europe the:companies 'or lted at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Nei governni(I1ts operating telegraph lines alio Keys recently, They are cousins turned from their earlier and Mesa ef- of Mrs. Keys,. firicnt systenrs and adapted ,Morse's A1. mu1 Mrs, Leslie Rapier and all 1 1 1 the'g' 1 Jenkins, Godelich, I MORSE CODE When SamuelF. .13. Morse aston- ished] the world rather snore than one (hundred years ago with his very prac- tical 'form 'of 'eal'octric tellelgrap'h, therewas not, anywhere, a (body' of exports alongthat (line. The young artist burn- edengineer,had 'with tome 'aid of some friends, to improvise ev'eryt'hing'. He had to (malice [drawings and (plans forhis apparatus, to select the 'foamof generator for ,the electric 'current, to stket li the 'details ,for constnaction ofthe, lines wllroh'were to carry thatcur- rent, 'and, 'finall'y, to improvise a sys- t em of signals, ever after to Ove known as the M'arse 'Code, 'In all cif 'these 'departments the first efforts ,were very .crude, The lnsldrti11- e s were (bulky and ,c'lunisy, the wires ,were '(regille and ,poottly insulated, The ,chemical ',batteries 'used to provide the earretit required 'renewal every 34 hours, and the code of .signals, ti]- though ingeniously devised, contained im'petiections'which Morse ,very early recognized. in the 'course of time the 'wires, fir- stthy the use of Heavier iron conduct- ors 'and tater thy the rediscovery of hard-5ra,wn Dapper, were (broughtLIP • e ''hi'g'h standard in tensile ,strengthand in 0an.du'ctuvdty, the apparatusaas- ,snmiod neat and ;handy :form, sod the Clower became constant, 'first Ib'y, the employmenttndnewer tattter with 'forms tl o.of 't(se of un- ical (battery, e telegraph -,Which was not effected completely for some twenty years af- ter North America bad !been listening to the "merry little scxttfder"•--'Uhey had experts to snake surveys of every department, 'they 00nilived in- -strnments 'for smoother working, they found better insulation for rhe wires, and they perceived that the'or- i' nl al Morse rode was not scientific- alh designed, that, although ingenious en nr>th, toss really a rule of thumb af- fair, and they supplanted an 'amended code, thnu;,h adhering to :the original principle. It Inas said above that Morse soon recognized the deficiencies in his a'l- phAet. 1 -Te world have revised it, pro- bably along the dine taken in. Europe and followed throughout the would, but he thought that so many telegra- phers had .learned his system that it world the too aniteh if an ineonvience for them to have '1,1 .'l, .'ge over toa. t two daughters Eleanor and Carol, of Chicago, 111., are spending the week with Mrs, Rapiell's 11101.1101.,Mrs, D, Regele, Mrs, \V, J, Dickson, with has been visiting Iter brother M1'. Saudersm(, near Bly til Ts spending the week at her Mune here, Misses Ida and Eva Love of 'Toron- to are visiting their mother. 11r5 John Love. Miss Betty Stevens, Kitchener. is visiting her aunt, Miss Belt hncksou. Mrs. McElroy Sr.Is spending e rev days with her sister, :Sirs. El- liott, Goderich Township. Mrs. W. 1).11000011 is visiting her daughter Miss Mary Kling, Hamilton. Miss N. McDougall has r,'t tn'ne d after au extolled visit in Detroit, Mr. .1. 11. Sproatanti solos Jaeltie and Jimmie, of Tetnaganli, have 1e - turned after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs, James Sproat, ,different one. Irl this she was ,w,holly in Fifty recruits from the local col error. At that time operators were not puny of the Huron -Middlesex Regi - receiving thy the sound, 'butt reading 010nt go to canip at London on Fri - the tnansmibted signals dram an em- day, Six sten went Thursday morning hossed 'slop, or ritlbon, 'of paper ivlbidh as advance guard. ran through a clockwork instnumeot Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Stewart of. ,known as the register: The averaige Emmerson, Manitoba, are spending a telegrapher 00.114')1 'have 'chan'ged over few days here with their sister -in - .from the .o'l'd to ,the new prclbalbiy in 'a law, Mrs. Alex Stewart. week. This is ,proved Iby the 'foot that I Mr. D. H. Wilson was in 5t. ,at the terntinall stations ,of ,calble .com- Thomas on Friday attending the patties on this side 'of the Atlantic the court hearing in connection with tate 0Nbde operators have a:l'w'ay,s (been death of his nephew, equal to 'working alternately in either Russell McCualg, who died after be - ,code ,with 'ailmostt equal Ifacnl.ity. ing struck by a bit -and -run driver. In •the'orggin:al ,Morse alphabet these Judgment was reserved. are Time .characters composed 'af dots - mid spaces the C!O R,1Z, and the 'am- gersand, or short 1(1115 (l&), ,In the re wised rode European or 'Continental, 1- it is v sau:Jly calilod, these are el,1 r0l laced by riot and dash characters. in the American alphabet the let- ter 1\ is one 1101, space, anal bwo dots, hut in the universal alphabet it, is dot, ,das'h, ,dot, I,t tuts always Ibsen the change against IMorse's ori'g,nal abp,h- a'bet that these "spaced letters" are the .cause of onniertuus errors acon- tention ,w,hudh 'has Breen ,v'igoromay c111tradiete d 'by many 111 a . (position- to make comparisons. It is certain that endless'eruots also resullt from the use of the European,corle in incompetent hands: ECIAL5 We are able to supply you with the following dnachines and appliances ordered by us before the new war tax became effective WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS SEVERAL RADIOS 3 CREAM SEPARATORS 3 VACUUM CLEANERS Stock of LIGHTING FIXTURES We also have several used Binders at vary Low Prices JOHN ACH Main Street, Seaforth WINTHROP One of Horst electric storms of 1 11 I., 0005011 (155(1 n -et the hurt last Thursday 11(0111, July ;5th with rain, hail and wind. 1 large number of ,little, hoses, tees, and houses were struck. Air. William Somerville's barn wa` a complete loss. The tele- phone ruble was Truck and put all the Hues out of ur(der. Our linesman Jack Kellar. is a very busy Hutu. While climbing ai pole 1c couple o1 wreo- he slipprtd 11)1)1 tsilt(: b•oltltsout,ag1'1)0511(5 a pair oil vr.tslidy'o 501.0 arms. It's all in the buslness:.Tack. Mr. Reginald Pryce in attending summer school. He has been engaged to teach S.S. No. G. McKillop, NISI of the village. Hiss. Vora Hut- Inas ibeen rn- ewgaged t0 tet(11 S.S. No, 10, Mc- Killop. Mrs, William Scarlett or London has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dundas, Mrs. George Little and Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. P. Little, Mr. Charles Little and Mr. and Mrs. John Little Jr. and Mr. John Little Sr. Mrs, Fergus Bullard of Kintore and her sister (Greta). Mrs. Dee Haring and sou Billie of Buffalo, called on Mrs, Eaton Inst week, Jaolt, who had been visiting here. returned with them. The haying season Is over and has been a heavy long one. The wheat ('.top will be pretty well cart this week and is a good sample. Gordon Betties had au appendix operation in Stott Memorial Hospi- tal 11151 Sun(111)'. We wish you a speedy re(•0very, Gordon. The \V.15I.S. ami W.A. of (:oven United Church will hold their regu- lar tweeting at the home of Mrs. Hiram Blanchard on Wednesday, Aug. 7th, A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies. Anyone with Red Cross work finished kindly tiring 1t to the meeting. Mr, Lester Gave(laick and Bath:ea n( Mrs, \11 and ,. • a' Termite, dt.y i and Audrey tail er- Wednesday5( Donative spent noon with Mr, tind Mrs Geo. Eaton. Mrs. Gnrt101) Elliott, who was in - jilted rnoona returned au leto h1 it lMan wan Wednesday but will be rnutined to 110(1 for a couple of weeks The accid- ent happened when Mr. and Ma•s- 151110tt were driving from their home on the North road to the home of his father, 71r. Lorne Elliott, 1151" 1Cillop, and wore almost there when the car left the road 00 the steering ;eat• broke. The car struck a tree •1l'ter travelling about 5it feet. Mrs. Elliott suffered a slight head horror. and face cats took fifty '2 11 'li ,'s. ; 11-. Elliott had his fats, severely bruised but did not require hospital treat- ment. Mrs. Elliott was taken to Sea - forth ('1ini(• and Saturday evening was removed in 140011, Memorial hos- pital. Site is oinking s ItistactOry re- eovely and was able to return home on Wednesday. louse belonging to Mr. ,lam, Me 1111 s. was struck by a car 011,1 killed. BRUCEFIELD The monthly meeting el tate Unit. ed Farm Women was held at the 15 011 Mrs. J C uta T home of Ar. and Wednesday, June 94th, Meeting n le • sol with the president in charge, by singing Old Black Joe, followed by all repeating the 23rd Psaln, The roll call was answered by "Uses of Salt," Letters rs limn Mr. H. H. lien nate and Mrs. L. Ilarntan were read by Mrs. I-Iaugh and Mrs. Dougias. Current events given by the secret, ars. Qnestiouaire for July was in charge of llrs. J. Cairns. The topics, "How to be cheerful under 5i5fiul• ties" and "The Value of ('heerful- nes5 and 1-Iappiness" wer0 well given by Mos. Cairns and Mrs, Bndu110a1( The 111411 song, "Men of tate Soil," by Harrold Hilareth was sung to a Dan- ish folk tune. Mrs. Douglas had charge of the 5011111 programme. when all enjoyed the duets sung lis her granddaughters. Nora and Vera Eyre. Also the htstt•umetltal snlos given by Mrs. .1. Snider and Hiss Margaret McQueen. Middles asked by Nora Eyre re were aeswernrl by mens hers. Mrs. Ttn(hannan 11121li)'ii the OW) to Clinton for August meeting. After shoring the 0loan. tau, hitt•] was served by hostess and friends After hutch for the benefit of the wren peeseul Aliss Eva Staclthons.• gay(' two humorous readings- wliiett all appt(ctat('1 very much. Mr. Prank t resswellee, 111(5(111 Hien., and Airs. Ed MrAsh, London r visited at the home of 1I r. ,nil Ales. Wm. Douglas last Saturday. Miss Ruth Scutt returned home Sunday after spending a weep with her cousins in Burlington. Mr, and Mrs. Austin wheeler and son of Detroit visited with Mr, and Mrs. T. Wheeler last week. Mrs. Janet Ross who spent a few weeks in London has returned home. Mrs. 0. Haugh visited with her sister at Bruce Beach over the weep end. Week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, F. J. Burdge were Mrs. James Harrison and Dora Harrison of Por- ter's I•Iill and Mr. and Mrs. IOrnie Bell of Auburn and George Harrison of Clinton. Here, waiter, what are these chops—lamb or pork?" Waiter—"Can't you tell by the taste, sir?" Chronic Grumbler—"No," Waiter—"Well, then what differ- ence does it make?" C. W. L. DANCE! ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, AUG. 5 MOONLIGHT SERENADERS Lunch. Admission 35c. LAWN SOCIAL Brodhagen TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 6TH Adults 25c. Children Free FREE DANCING BORN HEWLBITT—Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hewlett (Lillian Reeves) wish to an- nounce the birth of a son, Terrance Jaynes, on Monday, July 22, at Pri• vale Patients' Pavilion, Toronto r.enerel Hospital. MOFIR---To Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mohr, Milverton, on July 26, a son.. BOLTON ---1st McKillop, on Sunday, July 28, 11140, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1301ton, a daughter, EIDT—In Scott Memorial :Hospital. on Thursday, July 25, 1040, to Mr. and acs. John C. Mit, Walton, a son. The barmaid was a dirt, and when the corporal went out to buy a paper she pursed her lips invitingly and leaned over the bar towards the shy young private, Putting her face against his, she whispered— "Now'y your chance, darling" The private looked around the empty room, "So it is," he. remarked —and promptly drank the corporal's beer. CONSTANCE 1 GUTTA PERCHA THE STANDARD Of QUALITY BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wieterson and family of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebrocht. Mr. and Mu.. Frank Elligson and Howard of Stratford called o11 Alt'. and Mrs. W. L. Quereugesser, How- ard Quereu esser returning with h them to cpeada few (lays' holidays.ys. Mr. and Mrs. I-Inrold Riegel, Claires and G10011. Mr. Harry Dower and daughter Maly of Noranda, Que„ - spent the week end at Amberley .11: the Lake. Messrs. Frank Dantzor, Rus. all S1lolcdice and Henry 'Hjllebreeht m - on ' -on a (a.mphtg and fishing trip to (• ,1' poy's Bay, near \Warton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pushelh"rs-. Tele(lo, Ahlleta, Lloyd and. Ross. spent Sunday in Goderieh. Mr, and Mrs. George Diegel and Ilr. and Mrs. \\'in. Hiegel. Calvin and Marlene. spent Sunday in Goderi'i, Messrs. Geo, and Ed Eirltlllen ant" Albert and Wm. Querengesser assist- ed si:t- ed the Blyth Band Sunday ev 111._. Quite 0 number from Here attend-, the D'(•nration Day service at t:' • First Lntlleralt Church. - Miss Eva Benormarnl Immo after spending several w with her ..01151 11 Mlss Dads 51,1-r. Soafoi•th- The Drodhagen Band will h other OI' .n Air Band convert u , S":!... day ,.- day y it n'» Aug. 4th. The. I aurin is Society had s lug on the lawn of Air. and . Georg". Mr.glt nn \redo ..1 5 . .. 110011, -Mr. Albert Qtu:•rengs v.•r. Mr,. Sinith I - Snlitli•and 500 Kenneth, Ino; a Mi•s..\1 Albert. T01'0111,1 on Friday. engesser returning house with it nn Saturday - 11, ' 0:;., SW: 0f 14.1)for)11 visited with lir. and 1A.. Dyne Millsow last week. Miss Cart t 1 11dda01 of Clinton spent Surday in the village. all Fred Riley eemmeuced 120)11 iu tli(. Soalortlt foundry last week. Ml. Ileo Stephenson goes to Lou- don this week to continue training. Mr, Stephenson Inas enlisted for home defence. Miss Olive Grimoldhy spent Sun- day or last weep at Grevenhurst and Bala, The W.A. and \V.51.S. held their meeting Thursday afternoon in the schoolroom of the church, Mrs. Lind- say, president of W.M.S., opened the meeting by hymns 81 and 192. Mrs. Britton and Miss Helen 130311011 led in prayer and the minutes were read and adopted. A. reading, the Steward- ship of Self, by Sri's. Hugill, 21115 read. The life of Dr, Margaret Mc- Kellar by Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. Britton Ogee the London orl00nv01111011d part of li and oMrs. Lindsay closed the meeting with prayer. 112'. and Mrs, \\urn. Britton, Misses Helen and Edith Britton, Mr, Archie Hoggart.ln visited Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs Charles Dex- ..ter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE DANCING ! EVERY WEDNEDAY & FRIDAY Jack Evans And His Orchestra. Admission—Gents 50c, Ladies $5c. C. Watson, Manager. Old & New Dancing Every Tues. Admission. 35c. BAYFIELD The trot weather of last week brought crowds to the lake over the week end The Hayfield Brandt of the Red Cross held a successful dance in Jowett's pavillion Tuesday evening. Misses Susie and Agnes Govenlock of Seaforth are guests of the form- er's niece, Mrs. W. Ferguson this week. Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rhynas and sons spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mrs, Charles Stogdill spent last week in Toronto, returning at the week end with Dr. Stogdill to their cottage here. Dr, Wesley Herd and son Bobby spent last week end with Dr. Herd's Parents. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Herd, at their cottage here, Mrs. Gerald Churchward was call- ed hone to London on Sunday due t0 the illness of her mother Mrs. John Jennings. STANLEY Miss Phyllis Elliott of Mitchell, wlio has spent the past 1111.00 wee' - s with her sister, Mrs. Bert Dann ?:,. has retuned to he Monne. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Watson atld fancily of B1'ucefteld visited Mr, are Mrs, H, Penhale Sunday evening- Mv. Walter Scott anti brother (1:,'. once and Mr. Arthur Crinklaw of London spent Sunday with Mr, H. Penhale. Mr. and Airs, Wm. Scotchmer spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs.. Brooks, in Clinton.. Miss Marie Hodgson of Wilton Grove spent a day this week with her sister, Mrs. H, Penhale.