HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-08-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR. '1 Ili. 1 I WALTON Tim • !nil and Boundary tnissienary group of Duff's Church, Walt on, • pre seined Miss Isobel -Ritchie, brido. elect. with an electric hot plate and electric iron- at their meeting ,ou Monday ttfternoon at the .hoine of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Williamson. Mrs. Roy Bennett read an address and Mrs. Tolbert Clarke and Mrs. John Bruce preseated the gifts. Miss Ritchie replied briefly and thanked the ladies. A miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Isobel Ritchie was . held at the home of the bride-to-be ou Tuesday evening by the neighbors. A mock wedding was it feature of the program. Bolton Reunion— A large gathering at Victoria Stratford. on July 24, attended the Bolton Reunion. Over fifty men - .'r.' were present. In 1840 Barnet Bolton came to Canada from York. shire. England. and in 1844 Margaret curie left Ireland to live in Canada. They were married and settled in AleKillop township where almost all of their descendants still live. Mrs. Sanincl Glidden. a daughter of Barnet and Slat:gavel Bolton, was the oldest monlier presont and Dorothy Elliott. t u els ter of Mr. mul Mrs. Wi limn Elliott. the youngest member pres- ent_ Sliss Dorothy Belton and Mr. William Bolt ou. who traveled from Rochestsr. Kew York, fume the far- thest to attend the reunion. The 10- 1 the raves were; Children's race up to 1, Nlarlene EIliot. Bays vies. Bobby Managham. Beys' race '1 1. Tommy Hieknell. Young men's moo 'lest Gliddon. Married mos', rase, Ilussol Bolton: Married winnen's rime, .Edatt Bolton. Nlilk bottle race, Bert Gliddon's side. Baskward. frontward race. Bert Glid; don fuel Helen Elliott. Clothes pin race. Mrs. Se011 Bohan. Balloon rac1,. Mrs. I. 11011011 turd Mr. U. Me. Knight. then electlint 01 officers was held for the neXt year: President James Elliott; vire president . Ras - set Bolton; secretary -treasurer. Mrs William Humphries; sports 1:01.1- Tener. Bert Gliddon; sports commit- tee: Robert Campbell, Oliver Elliott Leslie Bolton, Mae Hillebreeht, Lorne F.:BMus George Glazier. Violet Mana• ghum. Glen McKnight. After this sum per was served by the ladies. - Mrs. Mary Dresler of Toronto spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ennis. - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries and Billie -Spent Sunday with friends in Port Elgin. Miss Maureen Morritt of Myth is visiting Mr. and Mrs, John Marshall. Guests at the holm of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills last week were Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells. Smooth Roek Falls. Ont.: Mrs. James Moffatt of Lloydminster, Alta.; . Mrs. Thomas Moore, Langside, Ont.; Mrs. John Fells of Wingham. Miss Kathleen •-oitrass. Miss 1,'- '..•. riot ot it ;M.', Ont, :01 Airs, sif et 111/111.11. Mr. \\'nu. Bolton has roasted to Ins home in Rochester. Nliss Dorothy remained: to spend her holidays with relatives here, - Mr. and •Mrs. Jas. Johnston are visitinghis parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,inis Johnston at Walton. 60th Anniversary- Services At St. George's Church— St. George's Anglican Chureh, Wal' ton, celebrated the sixtieth anniver- sary or its founding on Sunday, July 2 lst, Large congregations wore pre- sent at both services. The special speaker for the services was the Rev. G. W, Moore, of Milverton. The choir under the direction of Miss Mary -Humphries, sang at anthem at befit sonlees. Mrs. Sellers and. Miss Mild' .ed Sellers sang a tlaet at the 1110111- ilig Sonless. MISs Dorothy Bolton of Rochester, New YOrk, was 111c SOIDIS1 at the evening servives. Rev. G. W. Moore was a guest for the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger. THE SEAFORTH NEWS DUBLIN • nilose il•siscs :aka., :dace this ..ea, mis, 1. era Feeney, l'or,lato tt i:h her naftier, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney: 11 Iliont INIet'ormick, 1)etroit, ;with his .grandparents. Mr, and ..Ntrs. James K.rattskissf; ..\1 r. and Itis. Harold Tomlinson and family, Toronto, with t111. and Mrs. M. Nagle. Frank D'autzer is on a fishing trip to Colpoy's Bay; .1Irs. A. Sutherland and family have returned home after a month spent at a stunnter cottage at Iluelingtou 'Beach, Hamilton: Mrs. C. Benninger and Hugh Benninger at - feuded the funeral of Mrs, j, C. Dal- ton at Kaingsliridge on Saburday. Mr. and INIrs. Riehl, London, and Mr. and Nils, D. Shanahan of Sea - forth, at taw haute of Mrs. Catherine Carpenter; .1Irs. I1V. Doyle, Hoderich, with ,11.e, and Mrs. -Joseph Donnelly: Nlichael ',coley has seemed a Oh itt \Vinilsor; Nliss tlencrieve Feeney, of Port Hope is spending a week at her hone here. 1Irs, t ;Its 1) vn mum, of Zurioh 10 xisiting with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, ree,rd at tetclanee was present at the Si. Patriel,', elturelh -garden partj. held on the Separate school ground, 11 Tee evening. "flie .various booths. Hugo, shod fortune, 1-al14S, iish pond, refreshments, .were eontin- eons!). patronised :old the dancing elatform wassilljed to capacity for sev- ',rat :Or II an Ci ai'as 111111i:heft 11.) rollo orchestra. IitThes 1art111 bas severed a job al kirkton ;bakery; 111ss Mary Fareell was a visitor in 11:x field; Nit. and Mrs. Edward NI 01':1 11 were recent vi.itor, 1\101 isranl< ONIciontiell; .11- :terRock is undergoing medical treati1e111 itt Hospital. HARLOCK Gordim .1.11kins of St. ('itt hill" ines spent as few days WW1 her father Mr. chitties Parsons. 1lessrs, Bert Beacon and Wm, Bell got th,11. W0011 suited 'l'lut'stltly. 'Ai I'S. OS, IC 11 ON en ler I a fn oil her 3 grandchildren, Ilarohl. 'Marjorie and lanothy Knox, and tilos, anil 2 nephews. Nliss Isabel and Bills Chowen and Bert 11 1111%. hut, has been visiting for a while. The Angus' Aid and W.M.S. meeting was held NVedie,stiay after- noon or this week at the home of SIP. and Mrs. A. W. 13euenm. Sir. and 'Mrs, Lorne Marshall and Elisabeth at Toronto visited nt the home of NIrs. Jennie and Mr. and \Its IS:vilest linox and Ili. and Bit's. \Vasil Knox. Mrs. Robert Watson is imtertaining a little girl front Clorlerielt. MANLEY The thunderstorm last Thursday night mused some damage to the heavy fields of grain by lodging it. but Ohl not damage the fall wheat, which has all been cut and promises a good erop, although the prize is not high enough to pay the funnel for his work. Mr. John A. Evkart and his (Ohm Sir. F. Extort, motored to Sarnia last Friday to get repairs for his thresh• Ing outfit, and on their trip took in the sights, seeing the train wreck at Strathroy, which they report a real disaster. Pte. Fergus McKay and his. wife mid family spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MeKay. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c CROMARTY V:. ami Mts. t tine, IS. 'lisle., of l'or sit,. 0 r vier, ,nt a tineor 11-4 cnr,t11.,. \\' • 11tt,itt:t. mended -.1e2 -01'000 on Sunday at the church o litre 't, ,t little boy Inatly ears 4, lowny" Hislop had at- tended Sulitaj school and had always been an active participant in any Sun- day School program, He has been !for many years in the employ of the C.P.R. cabIle and telegram .departatent in Toronto. His father, the late Jantes 'was at one time a :prosperous storekeeper here lbefore leaving Tor a business in Toronto where he was equally .succesSfult. The Communion service held on Sunday -morning and conducted thy the minister, Rex-. Peter 'Jamieson, ,was largely attended. The cammunicants' class isf aen young ;ample joined the church at this time. McKILLOP July meeting. 0 the and NV..NI,S. of 1)101, ilnited Church. Mr- Killop, was held at the home of Mrs. Che,ter Henderson with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Ross iMandie ;presided. The theme of the meeting MaS 'Peace patriotism and .Christian stewardship." Mrs, iMuralie gave a synopsis of eche ItOt Stinly thk On Christian steward - hip. dialosfue on peace in the world, written by Sirs. 11,ittli Taylor, xvidow tti the late Ilev. Hugh Taylor, was given in Which members ;of the ...whey represented apan and Canada. A prayer for peace iv'as of- fered by Mrs. R. W. Craw. During Go' 'business perioti tire W.A. made arrangements for a ,m,,ps.s, ..s.sss. A, lWatson Have a reading, Mrs. Eldon Kerr read it poem, ."rh, Removal Slip." The meeting closed with Bite national anthem and a delicious lunch was served he the ladies. BLYTH The Suneral of .11rs. James Scott tool: place frent her late residence on Monday. afternoon and was ('try largely attended. filer pastor., itt i', 11 1'. Boyle, assisted shy Rev. R. 11. \Vottlites oti -the Anglican C:hurch, ,con- tIneted 111e envies _Mrs. Scott was at faithful rnember of the Presbyterian Chnech, 'being a devoted worker in \V 101115 SlisSioatioy Society. She lived for many years on Cotters, stou 8, Morris, moving tto htivlli aboat ei .1 year, ago. Silt e is survived Ity her husband :mil 10 SOnS, .\rchic and 1.11 retire, livint4 on tConeession :\ 11:11,1 hearers were tlames Laidlatw, David Crag, Robert Laids Itvw and Robert 'NVallatte. Interment took place in Union 'Cemetery. Mrs. Scott passed away fin 1 rid a y evening in the Clinton hospital after several wtitttl:',' \Ir. and Mrs. Leslie Itilborn spent Senility in is:nub-es Their daugthter .wit is a nurse-instraining- at Victoria Hospital, returned with them after 0 short leave. Service in the llnited .oltureh ott Sittulay Morning' ,was conducted thy J. 11..Clianspion oi Toronto in the int- sre,ts ,if the Temperance Federattion. File (.0 vning services .are withdrawn thiring the pastor's vacation. Ili'. and Mrs. Wiliiau Graham of Stratford were Sunday guests with Mr, and iNIrs, Arthur Baru', also .with Sir. and (11.rs. George -Cunningham, 11-elgrave. the -former being in leery Poor ,hcailth. Mrs. N. Leslie and Miss Letia Liv- ingstone have returned from Toronto. Care of Barnyard Manure INIxperimental Farms News) As manure 15 stt valuable for main raining crop production and as losses in its plant food can take place so readily. its ease and preservation cannot be emphasized too strongly. A number of important points }night be suggested which will lead to con- siderable saving of the valuable fert- ilizing nutrients in inanure. First of all, says J. Mooney, Field TH.URSDAY, AUGUST 1, tests HEATRE Seaforth NOW SHOWING ROY ROGERS "DAYS OF JESSE JAMES" GEORGE 1s1/SYS Mon. Tues. Wed. LORETTA YOUNG RAY MILLAND "THE DOCTOR TAKES A WIFE" REGINALD GARDNER GAIL. PATRICK tt will take you days to recover from laughing al the season's mos sensational fun -fest. MATINEE MONDAY P.M. NEXT THUR. FRI. SAT DOUBLE FEATURE TIIE 3 MESQUITEERS lifitPlai COMING—"GULLIVER'S TRAVELS Hushandry Division, Itlxperimental Farms Service, Dominion Department 01' Agriculture, precautions should tut taken to spit that the liquid portion is not lost. In the Stable, this !minds, Providing Plenty of bedding material to absorb the liquid. Straw is prof. ably the most satisfactery material and is available on most live stock farms. If sufficient straw is not avail able, sawdast, Sne shavings, peal moss or dried peat may be used Supophosphate 51-1111 'mot thinly on the floors lessens the odours of the stable, absorbs some liquid and int. proves the balanee of plant food tit the manure. All (-racks or breaks la the gutters should be repaired to avoid seepage through the floors. Hauling manure directly from 1111 0stable 10 the 11 t.10 and spreading it daily is a good inactive. If matter( spread on the field is subjoined It warm dry winds, considerable loss ot nutrients may occur. It is 1.01.011I mottled, therefore, that the mentos he ploughed into the soil as soon tts possible after spreading, ft is sometimes desirable to store manure to Itill weed seeds or 1 0 plais it In a pile to 131'01'0111 washing It sloping land or to mein some other contingency. 1S'Iten stored itt fhb way, loathing by '11 111 may remove FURNITURE at Smashing Low aol • large amounts ur the front 1111' inanure. :Nitwit of this -- van he avoided compacted Walt heap on a ridatix.as stuall base. The malaise at the t. j. will be leached but this u111 serve 0s a seal to prevent access or air to Ito iow"l' laYers. Keening the pile 14311,. NI 1'1 a 110 iixeluding aft envottragoi fermentation and retains fertility elements. A good method is 10 1414 the Iliallart. 011 a vOliCrete foundation will walls high enough to retain the IiuttuIul portMn. Ito -distributing the drained liquid OVI'1' 1 110 pile helps to keep the manure moist mut aids the fermentation provess. Driving 11'.0 team and wagon over the pile or at lowing animals to trample over it helps to keep It compete, It is not always possible to follow the ideal 010thod but It is well to keep in mind the principles involved and as far as possible make an o)ffort to avoid losses of fertility elements. Ohl Lady "Let 1110 see, what did I give you Christmas?" Postman -"Ninepence. ma'am," Old Lady ---"Then hertf'S th pence. That will make it a shilling." Want and For Sala Ads., 1 woo -a. -Walker's Furniture Store Offers Unheard of Bargains in all Lines of House Furnishings After Thirty -Three Years in Business in Seaforth we are Selling Out. Our Entire Stock is Offered at Clearing out Prices Take Advantage of This Opportunity to Get Some New Furniture, Mattresses and Springs. You Have Our Wonderful Stock to Choose From. LAMPS GALORE CEDAR CHESTS STUDIO COUCHES NOVELTIES veryt er s wasmeum. BEDROOM SUITES SPRINGS En! meamma. Imerimmasimomi MATTRESSES 3 Breakfast Room Suites DINING ROOM SUITES 1 PIANO, good as new inggigsgegmengIngnigliallfillg !mu, !CiV,}..,:,.i.:VY0,7niff,Mi.." 61-at1,0,,e in the store must go! ‘urnitti Sto SEAFORTH