HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1940 HENSALL Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher of Graven- hurst visited during the past week with her brothers, Messrs. Andrew and William Love, Mr, Rae Patterson returned to Toronto on Sunday after speeding a two weeks' vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Patterson. Mrs. (Dr,) B, Campbell of Toronto visited last week with relatives and friends here. The infant daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, A, Prior who has been seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital at Sea - forth returned home on Friday. Miss Mae McNaughton returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending her vacation in town, Mrs. Reid of Port Rowan visited last week with relatives and Mende. Pte, Arthur Prior and Pte. Mac- Farlane of Niagara Pelle spent the week end with their families here. Miss Dorothy Brazier returned to her home in London after a pleasant visit with Dr. and Alts D. G. Steer. The annual Sunday School picnic of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held on Wednesday. July 24th, at Turnbull's Grove. W.M.S. Meet— The regular sleeting of Carmel Church W.M.S. was held on Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs, A. D. Me - Ewen presiding and opened with the Red Cross daily prayer followed by Phone 50 or 18. the singing of "Unto the Hills Around,` The scripture Psalm 72 was read by Mrs. Annie Logan and Mrs. Hannah Workman led in pray- er. rayer. Hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung. The roll call was answered with prayer. The min• utes were read and adopted and the offering received. Mrs. C. Hudson presided over the business and a'• rangemeuts were made to visit Bay field W.M.S. on Thursday. The topic on "Higher Christian Education in India," was very ably given by Mrs. C. Hudson. The meeting closed by singing "'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer," and the Lord's prayer in unison. Mr. and.Mrs. Reg. Case and (dau- ghter of Wyoming visited on 'Sunday V Forrest, Seaforth; 'John Lome, with air. and 'Mrs. A. L, Case. Varna; lunch committee, 'Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Henry Harburn and deur(' h- I Love, Mrs, 'C. K. Love, \Mrs. G. Pat- ter Norma of Staffa visited .last 'week t.01 e, Grand Bend; Airs. 14acDau•- mith the format's parents Mr. and ,teal) Mrs. John E, .McE'w'en 'Hen'sal}; Mrs, Fred Deters, Mrs. Rae Pilaff and daughter 'mrttec�lhr. Thos. VLove, GrancieRe Bend; week Sheila of Delhi visited last at J. B. Forrest, Zntric'h; .press see- the home of.rs. Alice Phaff.cDonald and 'daughter Mrs, Mare'tary, Mr. Jas, Forrest, 'Seaforth. Mary and Mrs. Leitch of Ailsa 'Craig visited an Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case. STANLEY iMrs. Caw•thonpe returned to her E. A, Howes Passes at Welland home in Tavistock after visiting rel- atives here and attending the fune- rand Tribune will be' of interest in rel of her sister the late R. N. this district: The death occurred Do aa.nd suddenly on Sunday at the residence Mr. \its. John Marks of 'Lon- ,218 Kent street, of Ephriam A. don spent Sunday 'with aIr, and Mrs. Hawes, superintendent of the R. E. Wm, Hildebrandt. Law Crushed Stone Ltd., for the past Sergeant Harold Redden left on 17 years. Deceased was in his loth Monday for London 'where he will year. He w,t, baro at. Fergus. He had train at the Armories. lived in Part Colborne about three Mrs. Tho:. Ferguson of Seaforth is years., coming here from ltitlgewae visiting wen her parents. Mr. and where he had lived for about 15. Mr. M rs neo. Ferguson. Howes was well lilted by his em. Miss ee Rt th Brook, Elva \io- 1.10y4.14.hie kind and p11 1111 nature S.Ineol• Marl 1 dcto 110:1'Hese and wining lira many friends. Ile was H,uvard Love ,e:t this \sec' for an adha•rrnt of Central rutted tiotlerich where they 'a ill ..:.end ,lurch, pertt olhnrm', and a rnenilt =t nn tr .4T of the men', elute Surviving are lir. t :t i. \dr=. int.::: an.; family h's wire•. nee Mabel (.lark: nue son of St Mar:, pro a i,:y with Ourtield a' horn,: hi par mss. Mr. anal 11 r,. .firs !few, s o1' Tornrte: \1r :osl Mrs. i,:l I': il 11a 01t,, sister. Mrs. E. Dobbs of Toronto: sd ‘:itis .cl.tu: r ia't aet.k four brotieos. Alonzo of Alte'Itfurd :;1 e .tcnd d the :-.10,0:11 the for- ,Janus 11 Arthur. Gilbert nt \\'rue 1.110 Mrs. R. N. ,.t,'r and Earl of t;nderich. The tune 11c i ::,•, rel was held trout the Dell and tiler Re,.. Cm 'Weir cemlect.e.1 service ten funeral chapel Wednesday after. (re, y 1 critt11 Linn -ill on neem. Rev. George, II Knight on 0011 �,.nday cr.nmti and the choir sang ducting the service, assisted by P.ev "Sun of My Soul." 1'. L. Poole of Ridgeway, Interment \it'. Brown, layman of tioderich, was in Ridgeway eetuetery. Many wild conduct service in St. Paul's An- relatives and Mends attended the giican Church daring Rev, M. A. service paying tribute to the well Hunt's absence at 9.43 each Sabbath known resident of the district. Many morning. beautiful floral tributes expressed the Miss Mona Redden is holidaying sympathy of friends. These included at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tributes from Welland County Road Hedden at Chiselhurst, Superintendents; Eta chapter, Phi 'Mr. Bab Drysdale is enjoying a Delta Gamma; the Quarry boys; men week's vacation, of the Edenvale airport and the Rook .Mrs. Walks, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake club of Sherkston. The honorary pall. and Billy visited with relatives in 'St, bearers were Roy E, Law, E. J. And, Marys on Tuesday. erson, M.L.A., J. C. Kaiser, R. J. .Miss Elizabeth Murray of Milwau Scott, Harry Atkinson of Toronto, kee, iWis., visited last week with her Ernest Gorham, Thomas Hann and si t er Miss Hannah Murray. C. Daybol. The pallbearers were Rev. R. A. Brook conducted serv- Charles Teal, Clarence Howse and ices in the United Church on Sunday. Robert McKinney of Ridgeway and At the morning service .Miss Greta Edsal Robins, Russell McGuirk and Laramie presided at .the organ and Lloyd Blackmore, all fellow employes Miss Mary Goodwin accompanied at of the deceased. Friends and relatives the piano. Rev. R. A. Brook and Miss attended from Goderich, Buffalo Ruth Brack sang a Ibeau'trful duet Wroxeter, Arthur. Owen Sound, Tor - Came, Holy Spirit."At the evening onto. Welland, Sherkston, Ridgeway service lir W. 0. Goodwin contrib- Hamilton St. Catharines and Bayfield. .tied a 1401, , \Vhen Jesus Walked by Gtflee.' t Mrs. Jas. Patterson was confined ' DUBLIN to her room 'last week owing to ill- ness. Her many 'friends are pleased to see her out again. The town hall is being repainted and is presenting a fine appearance. The work is Toeing done' by Mr. Fred Kennings. The Hensall Citizen's Band partic- ipated in the band tattoo held at Sarnia on IW'ednesday, Bride and Groom Honored.— A 'wedding reception was held in Watson's hall, 'Kippen, on Monday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Varley, who were married re- cently. They were presented with a studio couch and end table. ,Murdook's orchestra Burnished music for the dancing, Citizens Committee to Ask for Tokens for District Soldiers The •citizen's war 'time cotnmittee , 'meeting 'was 'held in the teawn hail on Monday evening .with the president, Dr. A. R. 'Campbell, ipresiding. Rev. Father Power, of 'Zurich, led to ,pray- er.: Mr, B, 'W. Cross and Ret iWm. Weir ,explained zone ibcundaries with south 'boundary 'two and one half miles south of Hensall, west to Lake Huron, east -to sixth concession of Usiborne, north to Hiibbert 'boundary, east one anile,, north three-gaarters, ,west •five miles, month to .fourth ton - cession of Tuokersmrth to Mill Road and straight 'west to lake. A comanit- t'ee was appointed to interview 'corm - tit for suitatblei 'tokens 'for .soldiers 'front chis district 'on overseas Service, A . committee 'was appointed to look affter parcels and gifts. A co'mmit'tee mffiummeaummissmiss_ Midsummer Opportunity If your hair requires a new AFI -Over or End Permanent, you should come to the "B" BEAUTY SALON 0 SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY PRICES 7.00 WANE, (with or without machine) et tw \\'AVE (with or without machine) 5.1a. WAVE 4.80 !\'A\'E 5.00 WAVE END CURLS; 3.00 END CURLS, 2.00 Prices for 10 Days only L. M. BOX for $4.50 for $3.50.. for $2.75 for $2.25 for $1.75 for $2.00 for $1.50 Seaforth was appointed to'look atter names sf enlisted melt, their rank and tum'ber. A ,vote of thanks was ex- ended to Mr. Cross for defining 'etonedaries, The next meeting is -.e be held in Zurich at the call of the president. Love Family Reunion Held.— The Love family reunion was held Saturday at Grand Bend with 11125 present. Sports 'were the main heature of the afternoon, conoluded by .a sumptuous chicken dinner. 'Me, Ross Love, Hil'isgreen, president; Mr. Hugh 'Leve, Hillsgreen, secretary -treasurer; sports committee, C. 3. Love, Roes Love, Garnet Patterson, Grand 'Bend; Mr. atui'Mr.. ares. t 1 +t, Mr. and Mrs, Hulrbs, whose mar- riage took place in Toronto recently, ti,ted 'Thee Catherine Stapleton, Haying is almost completed in the district, the crop being 'unusually heavy. Ted Carroll, Guelph, with Mr. and Mr. {William Curtin, Mrs. Fergus Reynolds. 'Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canpenter. 3Lrs. P. 'Matthews has returned front Galt, Want and For Sale Ads, '1' week 75s BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Fisher of Water- loo spent Sunday with the former's anut, Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Miss K. Drysdale of Hensall is vis- iting Mrs, Chas. Sootchnter, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and fauiily of town were guests over the week end with Mrs. Gemienhardt. Mrs. A. Shields spent the week end with her daughter Mrs. Ainslie in Goderich. Mrs, J. V. 'Fields of Tavistock is at her cottage for a few weeks, Her daughter Mrs. Penhale and Mr. Pen - hale, of St. Thomas, are with her. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto spent the week end with her mother Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Walter Johnson left Monday for London where he has enlisted with the R.C.R. Dr. and Mrs, W. J. Tillman and son Peter of London and their daughters Mrs. Mason Johnson and baby, and Mrs. J. Brent of Montreal and Miss Margaret Tillman of London, are at their summer cottage in the village.. Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Alexander of London are at their summer home here. The latter's sister Mrs. W. A. Stratton of Toronto, was with them over the week end. Miss Helen Larkin of Toronto is spending her vacation at the "Little Inn," Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and sort- who spent two weeks with Mr. anti Mrs, W. Ferguson and left for their home hu Sudbury. The main street is torn up this week while workmen are laying tile and putting new intakes in the drains. Mr. Lawrence Fowlle, of London spent the week end with lits sisters. the Misses Fowho, - - Mrs. R. 11. 1'', Gardiner entertained nit Thnrstlay afternoon when nineteen tables of bridge were set in Iter spac- ious 000me which were tnstefully de- corated for the ()evasion tsion 101111 masse* of garden Ihtwets. 1511+, 1,0111s, Mor- ley made highest score in bridge. Other guests came for the tea winch was served in bullet fashion in the dining route. Sirs. N. W. Woods poured lea. Over iw'entyaw•o dollar's w,t, n ;urged for the P.ed Preys, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Mr, G. W. Holman of Sgmondville has received word from his son Gor- don, who went overseas with the 33rd Batt., that he had landed safely and was located at Camp Shorneliffe, Kent, England. I•Ie can plainly hear the big guns across the channel, Mr. Holman's other sou is still at Camp Sewell, Man, He belongs to Mount- ed Rifles,—A, dumber of the Listow- el merchants were in town the latter past. of last week interviewing the hydro commission with regard. to the workings of the hydro electric system which Listowel is considering install- ing in place of the plant in operation at present,—Mr. and Mr's, G. B. Scott left on Friday for their home in Chi- cago after spending a couple of months with friends here,—Rev. Mc- Intyre of London gave two discourses at the Presbyterian Church SuudaY in the absence of Mr: Larkin who is holidaying in Toronto.—Mrs. Holmes has returned to her home iu Clinton after visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas, Archibald.—Mr. Dave Sproat was a Guelph visitor during the week.— Mrs. eek:Mrs. Wut, Sleeth and Miss Ada have gone to Port Hope to visit relatives. —Mrs, A, E. Forbes and Miss Steph- ens motored to London Saturday.— Mr. and Mrs, Ed Mole motored to Au- burn on Sunday with Mr. A. A. Nay- lor and spent the day.—Mr. and Mrs. D. MacKay and son Donald left on Tuesday for Muskoka where they will spend the remainder of the sum- mer holidays.—Miss Brown, of the nursing staff of Toronto General Hospital, has returned to the city af- ter spending her vacation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. Brown.— Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney and family, of Stratford, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark.—Mr, and Mrs, S. Cudntore, Mrs. E. Daly and Mr. E. Cudniore motored to Detroit on Fri- day.—Mr. Arthur Scott, Windsor, vis- ited his father Mr. John Scott, Rox- boro.—Mrs. Pangman and children, of Toronto, are visiting her mother Mrs. F. Case at Maple Hall.—Misses Mary Gillespie and Phemia Cowan are in Toronto correcting examina- tion papers,—Mt. and Mrs. A. Naylor are spending a few days at their old home near Donnybrook.—Mrs, (Dr'.) Mullilgan of Grand Forks, N,D., is visiting her toolbar, Airs, McQuaid.-- 1\Ir. Geo. Davis left Saturday for Kash), R (.- -Ml's, Bropkey, Wiutti• peg, is visiting friends In town.— Mrs. C. Layton is -visiting friends in St. Thomas,. Mr. Jas. McGee spent Monday at Winghautt,- Abatit one hundred and fifty guests spelt a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Sum IIouston, Turkersntith, on 'Tues- day. Mr. Milton Chesney lett on Monday morning fur Mtu•ntora.--•In u fast exhibition of the Carnelian me tionel game the south ward derated the north friday evening by a score of 14.5. Ilrilliant play by I2eg Reid, Ken McKay, T. Dick anti B. Muir re- sulted in tt majority of the tallies. 'For the north "Dad" Snaith, W. Mor- row and Peter Jones played stella' lacrosse. Others on the line-up were, south—T, William, D. Nixon, C. Freeman, R. Reed, W. Spain, Ie. Do- herty. North—H. Barnett, H. Mach - ley, G. Fraser, A. Hays, G. Brown, T. Howard, T. Scott.—Seventeen lodges celebrated the Twelfth at Lucan. The leading speakers of the day were Dis- trict Master Southgate of Seaforth and Rev, D. W. Collins, of Exeter. T. Rands of Seaforth was the best Mer. Past Grand Master of Ontario West John Scarlett was among those Imes- ' ant, Winthrop, No. 313, won the prize for the best parade.—Dr, Michell and ife of Dublin motored to Windsor HARL0CK Master James Watt is holidaying in Toronto at the haute of his aunt and uncle, Mt'. and Mrs, James Scott. Master iter Scott of Toronto is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. McVittie. Mr. Kneehtel left on Saturday for his home at Calgary 3n his fine new ear which he got at Ti.11sonburg a couple of weeks ago. Mrs. Iinechtel and Maxeen are spending the holi- days at the home of ]ler brother Mr. Reece Ferris and other friends. Mr. Cliff Ball of Windsor spent the 12th of July at Harriston and called on friends in this neighborhood over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings, Jean and Kenneth, and Messrs. Ad- rian and Kenneth White spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L Rapson. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox spent the 12th at Harriston. w CROMARTY I this week,—Quite a number from .Miss Jean Hall, is the guest of Miss Dublin were present at Mr. James Currie after a motor trip .From Chilli- Malcolm's barn raising on Monday.— wack, B.C. Contractor Chas. Macnamara of Sea - Mr. and airs. E. Graham and tram Porth is rushing along the brick work ily, of Komoka, Mrs, A. C. Russell, on Mr. J. H. Campbell's new house Avonton, 'were visitors avith 'Miss M. B. Currie and :Mrs. Tedford previous at Winthrop.—War news: General to the latter's return to Toronto on Botha has accepted the surrender of Monday, the German military forces in Ger- The first step toward .the erection man South-west Africa, The sue - of one more residence in the village took place when a 'large maple tree render is unconditional, -The fight- twas out down on the property 'where ing on the Gallipoli Peninsula at the 'the residence of 'Mr, and Mrs. games Dardanellles has been terrific.—The Scott twill stand. U.S, government has taken over the Miss Lila 'McCulloch and John Mc- Culloch 'c Sayville, L. L, wireless station, the Collo 'h 'visited \4 r, and Mrs. 'Cole at Bruoefield, only remaining privately operated direct means of communication be- tween the United States and Germ- any. This action was deemed neces- sary because of alleged violations Of neutrality by the company's opera- tors. It has been charged that when the censors had left the wireless room for a minute or two, unneutral messages had been sent. BUY IN EGMONDVILLE Pure Lard, 3 lbs, 29c Shortening, 2 lbs. ,,,.,...,250 Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 55e Purity Flour, 98 lb, $2.69 ,Western Maid, 98 lbs. . —32.49 ,32.49 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar—. . , 70c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 21e NEW POTATOES, 15 lbs. Large Ivory Soap, 3 cakes„21c Large Pkg. 'Oxydol and 3 Cakes P. & G, Soap 29c Pearl White Soap, 5 cakes and 1 pkg. 'Ammonia, for, ...23c Super Suds, 1 pkg. '& Fancy Glass Dish 23c 33e -We Awe ycarAc nge JiIS-o REDEEM COUPONS HERE 210 IN TRADE FOR GRADE A LARGE J, Finnigan CARD OF THANKS ELMER U. BLLL B.A isP's. S. Dungey and Mrs. 'F• o •' Dungey and family wish to thank their friends for many acts of kind• ness and sympathy in theh' • recent bereavement and for the many beam tifui flowers. also those who prosily loaned their ears. Introducing CARDNO'S New VITA - WHITE BREAD 7c Loaf TRY OUR ENTIRELY NEW LOAF Baked to a satisfying Flavour and Freshness CARDNO'S BAKERY PHONE 32 . PROMPT DELIVERY DAILY SEAFORTH THANKS To all those persons who so ,gener- ously Igeve 'time and money Ito assist us in our 'Motion Picture Industry 1W'in 'tile 'War” Campaign. The total swat realized by the Reg- ent Theatre -vas V'10. In 'partroullar 'we wish to (hark: The Band, The Maple Leaf Dairy, Huron Expositor, The SeaforthN'e b, Mr. W. Montgomery, Lions 'Walker's Fornibure Store, Mr. 11 C. Box All those who donated decora- tions and assisted ,witdt program !(Signed) 'GLEN P'IINtK'NEY, Manager Regent Theatre. The new Swedish cook, who had come into the household during the holidays, asked her mistress: "Where . bane your son? I not seeing hem 'round no more?" "My son?" replied the -mistress pridefully. "Oh, he has gond back to Yale. I miss him dreadfully, though." "Yes. I know 'Dost how you feel.' My brother, he bane in jail six times I sence Thanksgiving." AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at Mitchell on Saturday, July 20, at 1,30 p.m. at the Hicks' residence, Blanshard st., Mitchell. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Eleetrio Rangette, almost new, for sale. Apply to W. (51, Hart, Seaforth, Phone 315 J. NOTICE Municipality of McKillop The Weed Control Act states: Sec. 4 --Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations, as often in every year as is sufficient to pre. vent the ripening of their seeds. Sec. 22 --Any person who contra- venes any of the provisions of this act or refuses or neglects to obey any Melte order of an Inspector given muter the authority of this act shall lnt•nr a penalty of not less than 310 nor more than 350, for every such offeure. TIIIIESTI11RS See. 15--1 very person, firm 01 company owning or operating 11 threshing ntaeldue or separate,, or causing tiro swam to he apr'rated fol hire, shall each yam' hc-foro coir tnc•ucing opet'titions register such threshing /timeline or separator with the Minister of Agriculture and shall Procure a cm -tithed(' of registration. FP.ANK E. STOREY. inspector. A young subaltern, being shownn around the training quarters by the sergeant -major, came across a group of soldiers talking in a corner. "What are those men doing?" he asked. "Oh, swinging the lead," answered the sergeant•major. "By jove," exclaimed the subal- tern, "beastly heavy work, what? Still this war has to be won." And waving his hand to the men he shouted, "Carry on, boys, carrdy on!" Successor to John H, Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Pt1BLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. IVfcConnele, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p,m, to 5 p.tn. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. STRAYED From lot 31, con. 14, McKillop, a light red steer with a hole punched in the right ear, ten months old, Notify The News office and all charges will be paid. Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1940, Municipality of Tuckersmith, County oe Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Vot- ers' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Tuckersmith on the 15th day of July, 1940, the list of all persons entitled to vote In the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection acid I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceed - tugs to have any errors or omisSions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 7th day of August, 1940, Dated the 15th day of July, 1940. D. F. MtG1tEGOR. Township Clerk. 'Tuckersmith. FOR SALE Little pigs for sale. Lot 12, Con, l ic•kersntith. Ed Boyes, Seafort01 h. G. 8. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The ('ouncil of Tuckersmith re quests all property owners 10 out all noxious weeds on the road anew mice, opposite their propen'ty, before seed is formed. Payment made same as other year's, if cut in time, D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. HOUSE FOR SALE 'moi In Egmondville, 3 roomed brick house, all in good repair, doable gar- age. Taxes reasonable. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Dinnin, Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorni & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Informat+on cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSUURANCE AGENCIES Regarding Car Parking TOWN OF SEAFORTH Victoria Park will be lighted and available for parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion on Main Street. Police will supervise as far as possible but motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the municipality will not be responsible for any missing . article. PROPERTY COMMITTEE, F. S. SILLS, Chairman DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.