HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-18, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1940 READ EACH ITEM AND SAVE —JULY 16 TO JULY 24 AYLMER TOMATOES, Choice 21/2s 2 tins 23c MAPLE LEAF Sockeye SALMON 1/2s per tin 19c SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER, 16 oz per tin 19c Blue Boy COFFEE, 1/2s -21c; ..Is 35c Peanut Butter, 3 Star, 24 oz per jar 2,3c Quaker Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 15c WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP, lo Sale 4 CAKES 24c ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1/s -27c; is 49c AYLMER PIE CHERRIES 2 TINS 25c CHIPSO—Large, 22c; Giant 49c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 CAKES 17c %4s-270;. %ps 49c 6 FOR 25c PER TIN 10c KEEN'S MUSTARD,..,. 2 oz. -15c; GILLETT'S BLUE RAZOR BLADES BLUEBERRIES, Golden Diamond 19c Values That Save You Money P. & G. NAPTHA SOAP 4 cakes 19c CANADA CORN STARCH 2 pkg. 19c McLaren's Invincible JELLY POWDERS 4 for 19c HILLCREST PURE LARD, 1s 2lbs. 19c HANDY AMMONIA 4 pkg. 19c PARA DOG FOOD 2 tins 19c PUMPKIN, Lynn Valley, 2/s 2 tins 19c TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 19c SOUPS, Aylmer Tomato & Vegetable, 10T/-3 oz. ..2 tins 19c MUIt1FETS 2 pkg 19c GINGER SNAPS, BISCUITS 21bs. 19c Apple Blossom MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS.. per lb 19c CORN; Aylmer Golden Bantam, 16 oz..-- , .. 2 this 19c MINUTE TAPIOCA, McLaren's 2 pkg. 19c +1 TEA 'RISK, n1.ed, size per pkg. 19c QUAKER OATS, Quick, small 2 pkg. 19c SPRING MOPS Each 19c PORK & BEANS, Aylmer 20 oz. 2 this 19c SURPRISE SOAP 4 cakes 19c PREPARED MUSTARD, French's 2 jars 19c RICHARD'S CARBOLIC SOAP 4 cakes 19c CLASSIC CLEANSER 4 tins 19c HEINZ C c'ATSUP, S oz. bottles 2 for 19c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR. Holder of Government diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 sneer Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any time by appointment See Dr, Harburn—Phone 105. Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 WINTHROP The community was shocked when word was received of the sudden passing away of Mr. Andrew Calder of Hickson, on Friday evening, after a stroke, The late Andrew. Calder operated a butter factory here ter a number of years and was widely known throughout the vicinity. After closing his business here in 1918 he moved to Hickson, and bought a gen- eral store, where he had resided ever since. He is survived by his wife and daughter Margaret. We erten el our heartfelt sympathy to those that are left to mourn the loss of a loving husband, father and brother. Jackie Bullard of Kintore is spend ing his hoiidays with Ken and Don Eaton. Ross Montgomery has returned Tonne after spending some holidays with his uncle, Mr. Mao Montgomery of Clinton. Rae Holmanis spending his holi- days with friends th Monkton and PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Atwood. Miss Isabel Betties, nurse, was called to Goderich to nurse her uncle Peter Young, of Goderich Township, Sterling Hab7thlc was in Loudon on who had the misfortune to fall off a Tuesday to enlist in the R,C.A.F. load of hay. He had both wrists frac- turecl and internal injuries, Mr, Leonard Sparks, Dadsland, Saslt„ and bin Neil Sparks of Detroit, THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS I Alrs• M. Sloane, Mr, D. F. McGregor, Clerk of Mr. and Nh: It firnwu and NJ Tuclte•ennith, was taken ill on Mon. mut Mrs, J. H. Long, all of -Brant- day aurl will be confined to bed for a ford, spent a few days the latter pari couple of weeks. of last week with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. KIPPEN Porteous, Miss Mary Kruse and the Misses Misses Isabelle and Doris Alex - Pearl and Jennie Irwin, of Winnipeg, ander of London spent the week end are guests of their uncle and aunt," wall their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. 12..8. Kruse. Alexander. Mr, Gordon McKellar of Sudbury Mr, Walker of Toronto is visiting spent the week end at his home here. at the home of Mr, W. Ivison. Nies. James Grimoldby is spending I Mrs. Sullivan of Toronto and Mr. the summer with her mother Mrs. Joseph Dayman of Michigan are vie. Mary Howes, McKillop. It is her first tiing their brother Mr. and Mrs. visit home since going West in 191? Robert. Dayman. to Edmonton, where Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, John Coehrane at.; .Grilnoldby and their daughter Dora- tended the ('oc•llrane Reunion at Jove thy, still reside. ett's Greve, Bayfield, on Wednesday. Mrs, Flarry Whittam has returned M. John Oke and Miss Rr t r Oke to her home in North Ray after of 1 xeter, Mr. Lambent Witmer of spending the past week with her ll tsh wood, Nlr. xnd \t s. P:. i P101 parents Mr, and Mrs, H. Hufman. and family. Mr. 1'. Pyran and Nims Mrs. Joe Eckert -motored to Dalt• 11ll , l'ytn of Thames Road visited en villi last Sunday to take her huebaud suud,ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to ('anhp- Borden where he has been WmHomey. 10 help put. up winter quer. Niles Velma Ferguson of Chisel!! term for the soldiers who are in luust is holidaying with her aunt and training there. I uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Mrs. Louis Beall and sots Gordon!Master Gerald Parsons spent u and her two daughters Mary alar J few days last week ai the hone of Joan, from Detroit are spending their, his aunt• add nude, Mr. and 11 re. vacation with her pareiht's, Mr, tied I Joseph Fenguson of Chiselhtirst. Mrs, C. Eckert. About 15 relatives and friends of Mr. tied Mrs. Chas, Harrigan and Mr, and Mrs. W. Homey met at their daughter Kathleen and sons Wallace home on Friday evening last, 18 being Kenneth and Jackie, of Niagara the occasion of their 35th wedding Falls, visited a couple of days lust anniversary, During the evening the weep with friends in this vicinity and bride and groom of 35 years ago re• were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wallace. Miss Margaret McDaid has accept ed a position in the Cosy Grill at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogerson of Jamestown, N.Y„ returned on Mon- day tater spending the past week with their cousin Mr. Walter Roger. son and Mrs. Rogerson, Mr, Clifford Fairies of London was a week en(l guest with Mr. and Mrs. Fred R, Parsons. Mr. and Mrs, Fred R. Parsons and soli Walter spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore A. Keyes, Varna. Misses Eileen Robinson and Doris Moody of Blyth spent a few days this week with the former's sister, Mrs. W. C. Sutherland, Rev, S. J. Goforth, M.A., of Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, was a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. M, McKellar. Misses- Margaret and Isobel Mc- Kellar are visiting in Toronto and Lindsay. Miss Frances Fortune of St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Ml's. Leo Fortune. Mr. and Mrs James Henderson and family of Godei ich, Mos. Sant Garter and Miss Myrtle were Monday visitors In Brussels, Mrs, T. A. Hatrhe• of Blackie, Al. ceived many lovely gifts and al. though Laken completely by surprise Mr. Berney thanked the donors for the lovely gifts. The evening was epoul in games, after which a dainty lunch was served and all re - tented to their respective homes wishing Mr, and Mrs. Homey many more wedding anniversaries. Johnston -In Clinton Hospital on Friday, July 1280, to Mr. and Mrs, Allan Johnson, a daughter Infill horn), W.M.S. Hold Baby Band Meeting— The July meeting of the Kippen Auxiliary of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, T. Workman on Wednesday afternoon, July 10th. Members of the Baby Band, their mothers and grandmothers, were guests of the society. Mrs. C. W. Christie, delegate for South Huron to the London Conference Branch meeting was the guest speaker and was assisted by Mrs. Page of Exeter and Mrs. W. Thompson of Centralia. Mrs. Page conducted the worship service at the close of which Mrs, J. Henderson sang the conference hymn. Mrs. Christie's report was 10• teresting and instructive. She was assisted by Mrs. Page, who gave the missionary monthly and - world Mende' report in the form of a radio broadcast showing -whether the dill'• bend, is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Brent presbyterials had iucrettsed or Kerslake. decreased in sulnsu'ipllons to these Miss Wilma Weber of Hamilton is two magazines. Mrs. Thompson dra• holidaying with Madeline Fortune, =Used the conference branch cm, Mr. and MIS. Jason Ellis and fan, rsependfug secretary's report l'wd ily are spending their holidays in allowed how some presbyterial ad• Midland with Nit and Mrs. Bryson vancel and some retreated in their McQuh'ter, wade. The singing of the hymn, "Take Mr. trod Mrs, Frank Murray of De- '1'11(10 10 Bo holy,' and repeating the troit and Miss Hilda Kennedy of Lard's prayer brought the meeting Loudon were week end guests with to a ('lose. The nlenlbe•5 and 5uesrs Sirs, Catherine Kennedy and Miss numbering between 45 and 50 retired Annie, to the shady lawn where a dainty Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hanna and Mrs. lunch was served bythecommittee J. H. Reid were week end visitors at in charge. A picture of the babies. Ilar'riston, mothers and grandmothers was Mr. Jack McNab spent Sunday at taken. London. The many friends of Mr. Arnold Members and officers of L.O.L. No. Gackstetter will be sorry to ]earn he 793, Seaforth, celebrated July 12th at underwent a very serious operation Harris ton. in St. Joseph's Hospital ou Monday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Fruin of Mitchell We wish him a speedy recovery. were in town on Wednesday and are Miss Margaret Pyhus of Zurich moving their household effects to Mitchell, Pte. Fred Willis of London was a visitor during the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Willis. Miss Loretta Leifso of Walkerton is the guest of Miss Norma Habkirk, Maxine and Donna Bain are holi- Michigan, called on their cousin, Mr. laying at Liman. John Aitcheson. It is 30 years since Mrs, H. Utley and (laughter Miss Mr, Leonard Sparks was here. They Pauline, of Zurich, are the guests of came home to visit their father Mr, Mrs. Sydney Dungey. Alex Sparks of llensall, who has been Howard and Earl Gass of Moore - very ill, but is progressing favorably. field returned home on Monday after Mr. Elton IIeist and daughter visiting their grandparents, Mr, and Betty of Gravenhurst spent the week Mrs, Walter Storey, Main street. end with his mother Mrs. John Hoist.' Misses Blanche and Joyce Mac- Laren of Cromarty spent the week DIED AT ISTRATFORD end at the home of trier grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Mac- 1-I'ighly thought of by raidtwatymeu Laren. throughout 'Western ,Ontario and ay Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kling of Elmira citizens in atl't rwa'lks ,of life, Ernest H. and Mr, and Mrs. Shantz of Kitelh- Trethowey, IST, 'died 'at his home, 74 ener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Nile street, Stratford, on Tuesday W. D. Manson on Saturday. evening following illness the (past two Mrs. McElroy Sr. is visiting her months. He ,had suffered a heart at- son, Mr. John McElroy and daugh- tack. 'Born in Serabliond, the (was the ter Mrs, John Gordon, McKillop. gen of the late William H. Treble- Mr. Stewart Geddes of London wey an.d Anna Vivian, who twene res- spent the week end with his parents idents of Seaforth some !years sago. He Mr. and Mrs. B. Geddes. :had dived in. ,Stratford ail his fife Mrs. Kilpatrick and two children twith 'the .e,ception of a (Few years in of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc - (Western Canada. At an 'early atge be Donald of Molesworth were visitors entered the employ of the Grand with Mr. S. Carter. Thunk railway. At the time ,of his Mrs. H. F. Welford and son Fred of ,passing she was a train 'dcspatdher at Cordova Mines are visitors at the the C.N.R. depot 'tat Stratford. Ilie home of Mr. Will Thompson, ha.d been a ,despatcher for 30- years. Mr. Fred Jackson is the guest of In 19431 he was married to Agnes Dr. Clarkson at TemagamL Packert .of Stratford. Mr. Trethewey In the list of registrars announced ,was identified with 5t. John's United this week is the name of Mr. J M. Church, II'le was a men -Ober ref the Hinchley of Owen Sound. Mr. Hinch- ley and IOdd Fellows Ilodtges, ley has volunteered to act as regis- an•cl of cilia ,aider of railroad belle- trar in Grey County without remun- grapMers, Surv'iiving are ,lids ,widow,, oration. six ,children, Charles, Alma, Richard, Mr, Russell Walter of Dundas spent Robert, 'Geonge andJohn, all at the week end in town. borne; one brother, 'William H., of Miss Laura Stewart, Toronto, is I nturn,dUvw,\\ 'Wash., one sister, 'bias, spending two weeks' holidays with Ethel 'Brighaan, ,Owen Sound, ,and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, one niece, 'bliss Daisy Hamilton,of •Egmondville. ,Otwen Sound. 'Mrs. W. IW'. Cowan, .of Canon and Mrs. Appleyard and town, is an anent. The ,funeral ,wi1.l the daughter Miss Gertrude Appleyard, bold ,an 'Friday ,at Strabfo•nd. of Hamilton, were guests of Mrs. J, H. Best. ~ Among those attending the funeral Mrs, Alex. McGavin was in Brant of the late Andrew Calder of Hick - ford attending the wedding of her son, formerly of Winthrop, held in nephew, Dr. Donald Twins to Miss Hickson United Church on Monday Jessie Shannon, R.N„ of Brantford. 1 afternoon, were the following from Nirs. Geo, Stewart and two children Seaforth: Mr. Robt. Scarlett (a form- are visiting her mother, Mrs• J. B, er .partner of Mr. Calder In the Win - Thompson, 1 throe creamery), Mrs. Grace Hog - Ma and Mrs, Roy Yeandle and.sieh garth, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barber, Mr, Richard of North Bay visited W. A. Wright and Mrs. Jessie Brown, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Moore on Wed -1 Misses Lois Sloane and Kay Wil- nesday afternoon, son of Toronto are holidaying with ,1515.1 ECIALS PAGE FIVE MINSILIMAIINELSIIV We are able to supply you with the following machines and appliances ordered by us before the new war tax became effective: WESTINGIJOLISE REFRIGERATOR WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS SEVERAL RADIOS 1 Model A FARMAL TRACTOR 3 ('R1AM SEPARATORS 3 VACUUM CLEANERS Stor:k of LIGHTING FIXTURES JOU\ Mair: Street. Seafortli BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Robert Iaw•sont spent a revs days witb her patents at - Inwood. Mrs. J. Hohner and family of Lon- don are visiting Mrs. A. Hohuer. The S.S. picnic will - be held at ,lnwet.t's grove on Friday. July 19th. Everybody come. Mr. C. D. Simpson spentthe weep end at Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd. of Stratford visited Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler. Dr. and Mrs, Albert Aikenhead of Calgary, Alberta, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, H. Aikenhead, Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. R. N. Douglas of Blake last Friday. Mrs, McTaggart of Seaforth, who has been confined to her bed at the home of her nephew, Mr, L. Eyre, is gradually impsovhng. Mr. AbeZapfe was home on Sunday. Mrs. W.'Stevens attended the wed• ding of her niece Miss Margaret Tough, who was united in marriage with Mr. Joseph McGillawee 011 Sat- urday. Dr. Carman Haugh and family have returned to their home in Tor- onto after a short visit with friends here. The United Farm Women will hold their monthly meeting on Wednes. day, July 24th, at the horn' of Mr. and Mrs, J. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright of Brucehcld visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henderson. Goderich, 00 Sunday. EGMONDVILLE The Egmondville \t'.NI,S. met in the vestry nt' the cltureb on Thurs- day, July 11 with the president. Mls. Gardiner, in the (halt. fleeting opened - by singing a hymn and pray- er rayer by president. Mrs. .1.1nws Allan tiered as secretary. and Nva, appoint d assistant secretary to Mrs. A. Boor), by motion u1 Mrs. Nott anti Mrs. McMillan. Minutes of last meet. Mg read and adopted as read. Roll cull Was responded to by 11 memh ors. 'treasurer Mrs. 10 3111lau gage the treasurer's report. Requested that 0 letter be sent to Mrs. H. and Mrs. J. Modeland, who are still con- fined to Kitchener hospital. The study hook Was ably taken by Miss Mabel Cameron and Miss Margaret Chart ere. The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. J. Allan assisted by Mrs. Watson, Mrs. McQuarrie and Mrs. Allan closed this by prayer. Meeting closed by singing hymn 500 spent a few days last week with her and prayer by president. grandmother Mrs. H. Ricker. AUBURN The Kippen and Hill's Green Sun- day School picnic will be held at sn nalnhan Kenneth ~cert snake 'to ,lowett's Grove, Bayfleld, on Friday h1. trentw. Mlr. and Mrs. Robert i, of this week.. • Scott on .1 +broadcast from Aldershot. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Long vsited His message. "1,4,00 to Mother and with relatives at Owen Sound over Dad" ,e, very plrin. 111forhm01112 the week end. M{r•.an.ed IMFes.'Scott did not bear their Mr. Wm. Bennington of Cleveland rltt• Kenneth welt to 181154anrl curly 11\''iothtt+l Besides bt: •wife there is \Voi'kd (nad Orville with Mrs. Susan 1t Derenrber .with the first division. 11110 daughter, ,Mims !Milan aret Calder. Workman 01( and OWorkman. Mliss Vernice Lawson at Galt; Mfr. of the staff of the Ontario Hospital at Nnet and Mrs. sa511., areMoffattiting and Mars, John \icholsen, \\ iugham, 'Wood took. MLr, 'Calder w.ts 0 metu- 1 menet, I w ith M1 r. and 'Mrs. A. J. Ft rgeson. her nt the Presbyterian Church. The with Mr- and Mrs, Alfred Moffatt. Miss Erma ft s ran has gone to; Mks rialto Murray. Seaforth, with remains 'wrote (laid to rest in Wood- stock cemetery'Mionday afternoon, fol - London to takeea summer course of •Mlr. .111,1 Mrs. F:dear Lawson; Mrs, lowing service at Hickson. Mrs, A. M. Bernick and son Robby have been spending the past two weeks here owing to the illness and death of Mrs. Kernick's mother, Mrs. A, Johnston. Mrs. Kernick and her husband are at present moving from Little Long Lac to their new home in Toronto. Death of Mrs. A. E. Johnston— The death of Mrs. A. E. Johnston occurred on Wednesday morning at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dor- ranee, MoKillop. Mrs. Johnston suf- fered a stroke four years ago but had been able to be around again until taking ill eleven weeks ago. She was Susanna Catherine Heaman be- fore her marriage and was born near Centralia 72 years ago. Fifty-one years ago she was married to Mr. Albert E. Johnston and lived in Lon- don and Exeter before coming to Seaforth about 15 years ago. Mr. Johnston's death occurred 38 years ago, Mrs. Johnston had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Dor- ranee, the past ten years, She was a member of Northside United Church, and a life member of the W.M.S. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. A. M. Kernick, Toronto, and Mrs, Rus- sell Dorrauce, McKillop. A daughter Pearl predeceased her fourteen years ago. She is servived by three sisters and four brothers, Mrs. Wm. Baker of Exeter, Mrs. James Tapp, Mrs. Thornton Carsfoot, Thomas. James, Jeremiah and Joseph, all liv- ing in the West. The funeral Will take place from the home of her son-in-law, Mr, Russell Dorrance, on Friday. 3111y 19th at 2 p.m.. to the Exeter cemetery. McKILLOP Andrew Calder Dies At Hi.ckson.— \ndrew Calder, prominent Hickson merchant and widely -known resident ,sf Hickson community, succumbed at his home ;anent 9.3(1 Friday night af- ter 'having .snfered a lseviere lsroke when he was out for a !pleasure drive in the afternoon. 110 was drivirti along the 131h concession of East 'Lorra, accompanied Ihy his wife, ,when the first shock overtook him. Fortun- atelyMrs. Calder %%witched off the ig- nition key realizing something was wrong, and the car .came to a stop without trouble. Aid was called and Mr. Calder's partner 111 the general store, A. C', Parker, came quickly to the scene and had Mr. Calder remot'- ed to his home. During Rhe evening he suffered another stroke and the tpassed away soddenly, Word of the wttddeii death of 'Mr. Calder came as a distinct shock to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances as he had been in good health all along Ile avas a .man poss- essed of a keen sense of humor and he made friends easily. He had 'been in the lgeuerai store business at Hickson for more than twenty-two years and previously operated a creamery at study. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Butt of Sea - forth d Mrs J McGregor and lamHowitt es H itt has returned to Sea - tenth. She visited Mr. and c\lrs. Hugh an Chesney; ney; !Mr. and :qrs. Nelson Hill. Fairie McCloy of Egmondville, spent Goclerich Bill Hill, Galt, ,who is in Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar training hi aircraft with Mrs. Janes Butt, Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale and Miss Patricia Taylor have returned front a pleasant vacation spent in Detroit. Miss Etta Jarrett of Toronto is spending the holidays with her mother Mrs. K. Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MoNaughton of London are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton. A reception and dance was held in Watson's Hall on Monday evening in honor of the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs, George Varley. Music was furn- ished by Murdoch's orchestra. At midnight the young couple were call- ed forward and an address was read to them by Mr. Clarence Taylor and they were presented with a studio couch and end table. The groom re- plied, thanking all for their kind wishes. After singing "They are Jolly Good iFellows," a delicious lunch was served. Dancing was resumed till the early hours when all departed wish- ing the young couple a happy voyage through life. VARNA Mrs. Geo, Poster of Windsor has retn•ne1 home after spending a week with her sister Mrs, Bothwell, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Warder of -London in company with Mr. John Seeley spent Sunday with the latter's sister Mrs. Austin and fancily, - Mr. Wnl, Henry Stephenson of Mar- lette, Mich., visited - his brothers Ralph and David, last week, Mr. Aubrey Lyons of Kerrwood was the guest of Frankie Mossop last week. Mrs. Jas. Grassi( spent last week with her daughter Mrs. Wildfong of Hay Township. Send us the names of your visitors. Carter and 'Miss Sadie Carter. Mliss Jean Proctor, Toronto, with Mfr. and .Mlrs. Ralpih 1). !Munro; games McGill, ;Windsor, with Mr. and (Mrs. James McGill; Mrs. Robert Medd has been removed Ito Goderichhospital. She is in her 79th year; Wary IMtaunro, Reid Sheppard, are attending the God- erich summer 0801701 this week as del- egates from the United Church soc- iety. Mr. and 'Mrs. \n iddiam iMGoV'ittie at Ripley; Mr. and Mos. Earl Raithtby, Bill and 1Marie Raibhlby have returned from Picton. BORN BROWN—In Scott Mein rial Hospi- talto on Friday, r. and Mrs. William James Brown, Tucke•smith, a daughter. CRICH—In Srcott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, July 16, 1940, to Mr, and Mrs. Herman J. Crich, Clin10n, a 5012. Love. -At the Chatham General Hospital, on Tuesday, July lath, to ]rev. and Mrs. 11. Keith Love (nee Gwendolyne Lennie), Blenheim, Ont„ a daughter (Gwenda Joyce). an, lommeasommersetamvs- BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE DANCING ! EVERY WEDNEDAY & FRIDAY Jack Evans And His Orchestra Admission—Gents 500. Ladies 35c. C. Watson, Manager. Old & New Dancing Every Tues. Admission 35c. <t_ Miss Carnochan and Miss Short: reed are taking a summer course at Toronto University. Provincial Constable Tilonmas Old- field of Listowel is appointed tempor- arily to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Provincial Constable P. E. McCoy. -