HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR,
:A sited;' evennitt-s we.
hail et • Welton :v Ther•,'l.eine
of Iaet Week it honer of a three
• our boys who has- .misted Car art
eve set•vice. The hos. were Robt.
and Gordon Reiland and Will Far
quat'sou, and they were presented
with wrist watches froth the people:
of this t•onuuunity. A program of
Musical numbers consisting of com-
munity singing. solos, etc.. rook up
the earlier pert of the evening and
atter the presentation to the boys
a dainty lunch was served and the
evening closed with tripping the
light fantastic. for an hour m• - two.
We wish the boys the best nt lurk.
Tlt. r•• naseed away at the home of
J. A. Whoosh, Lot 2:1 Con. 2. Mor-
ris 'Irv: p., CathoHnehill Jam 1 ct1i ter. in
her c:Ivd year. Mrs, Conner was 1,,nn
nes':' T:•Jgtave and loft with het par-
ealts whtio young, for Alumna, whet,,,
sir- spout about 2,f, yours nt her lite,
std then wort to Torouto where ,she
hold a politic n for s groat nttu,y
yen)), an,1 then rot timed 111 Iter sds•
t -t . mIt,. t'itas. t';,sr, robe r«• she•
of late- years. 1101 being in poem
health she was tit.•1 cared for by her
nice.. .firs, .101111 N14.11110,41. for the
Peet year. 'Tice funeral took place
from the home Of iter• niece. Mrs. .1
A. 1lebeesle Rev. SIr. Fowler• of the
1'tilt11 Chtu-rh. Bolgt•ave, tools charge
of the finieree assister by Rev. Dr.
Coulter, a rotative - frau) Tnronitt.
who spoke on the text taken from
Corinthians 1:1.1:1. "Faith, hope and
charity," which Miss Coulter did
possess. and did her part in this way.
Her favorite hymns were sung. "Ail
the Way sty Saviour Leads Me." and
\\riven My Life's Work is Ended."
and "I (Toss to the other side,"
which were led by Misses Mary
Humphries anti Beth Shannon. The
pallbearers were Joe Hainilton, Lorne
Taylor. Dick Hoy, Wm, Humphries,
Jas. Fulton and Henry Shaw. She
leaves to mourn her loss three sisters.
Mrs. Archie Clark and Mrs. Chas.
Case, of the east boundary, and Mrs.
Fred Eayz, British Columbia. and
two brothers.. Wm. and James, in
Algoma. Interment was made in the
Brussels cemetery,
Anniversary services will be held
in Si. George's Anglican Church on
Sunday. July 21st at 11 a.m. and 7
p.m. Rev. F. More of Millbank will
he the minister and special music
will be given by the choir.
Mrs. tDr.l Kaine and son Denton
of Winnipeg spent the past week
with Mi, and Mrs. Bert Anderson.
Miss Elsie Dennis and Miss Jean
Aikens were visitor's last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson.
- Mr. and Mrs, Thome Williamson
and Mrs. W. S. Forbes spent Sunday
with friends near Dublin.
Recent visitors at the honor of Mr.
and Mrs. George Hondas in McKillop
were their daughter Ida and son!
Feat*. ttt . Mr. and Mrs. \V. Renate, Mr
eaeter Laaw :one \\nudrow Mercer of
Teretee. Frank is staying on for alt
t tztp,r week, raliyatl elltg lifter all
L 1 n i.tion.
Rev. t am! Mrs. 0. McLean of Inger'•
soli neve visiting the lattersister.
Ales. D. Boyd in McKillop. for a feet'
Mi'. and Mrs. Willie Dundas of Mc-
Killop have their -nephew James Dun -
dos of Toronto, visiting then).
Miss Margaret Nolan is attending
Bummer school at Toronto.
Me. Clarence Grainger. teacher at
Button's school, 1lerris. is attending
silmnrer schoolat Kingston.
Kenneth and Doreen Hogg of Me-
Killop are spending their holidays
with friends around Walton.
•Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon spent
Sunday at Ayton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries
sheat Sunday with friends at London.
Mrs. Hugh Fulton has returned
hone after spending the past week
at Goderictr. Port Albert and Blyth.
Death of the Late John S. Dennis. -
A highly esteemed resident passed
ewes. at his htante to McIiillnp nn
w=sato}. July 14th. in the person of
Jo F:. Stt_wart. Dennis. art tit•- age of
Te :veers. Mr. Dennis had been in
:ening health for more than, a year
but had been able to be tip and
•around until a little over a week ago
when he was confined to bed. Sou of
the late Thomas and Jessie Dennis.
he was born in East Zorra and tame
to McKillop when six years old. In
lite he was united in marriage to
Mary Ross, To this union were -boric
six sons and four daughters: Lorne in
Sunnynook, Alberta; Cameron, of
North Bay: Alex, and William. of'.
McKillop; Wilfred, Eimer, Ethel.
Tena and Jessie at home. and one
daughter, Oral, died in infancy. His
'tt�ite predeceased him in 1931. Also
surviving are two sisters, (Maggie)
Mrs. Robt. Miller, of Brussels; (Nel-
lie) Mrs. Steve Tracy, of Moose Jaw.
Sask., and one grand child, Mary
Dennis, Three brothers and a sister
predeceased him. The late Mr. Den-
nis was one of the sturdy pioneers of
this district and was highly respected
by all. The funeral. which was very
largely attended, was held. on Wed-
nesday afternoon from his late resid-
ence. Rev, R. W. Craw officiating.
The pallbearers were his five sons.
Alex.. Cameron, Wilfred, Elmer and
William Dennis and Stewart Miller.
The many beautiful floral tributes in-
cluded a pillow from the 'family;
wreaths from Mrs. H. Dennis, Porter
Dennis and family, Lorne Dennis, Mr.
and Mrs. J. 9. Ross and Jackie; Chas.
Lupton and family, Dr. and Mrs. E.
A. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. F. Itcd
and familY; sprays from Mrs, Jos.
Dennis and Jack Johnson, Mrs. Robt.
Miller, Mrs, Cuthill and Mrs. Simie
son. Genera] Manager's office of the
T. & N.O. Railway Mr. and Mrs. J.
Diegel and Mr. and Mrs. G. Simpson,
Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Regele and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton, Mr, and
Mrs. K. Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Crawford and Alvin, Mr. and Mrs. A.
McGavin. Interment was in Brussels
cemetery. Friends and relatives at-
tended from St. Catharines, Stratford,
Teeswater, Blyth, North Bay, d
Sea -
forth and other places.
Above are shown ,lir, and Mrs. Jahn Carter of 1inlitIt , with their fancily. Mr. and .)Mrs. Carter celebrated their
62nd wedding anniversary on Wednesday of this week. S eared are ;Vitt anti Mrs. Carter Sr. Standing, from lett to
right, Mrs, McKellar, firs. George Dale, :rialtos Carter, ;Il es. George IIill..ioltu Carter, Mrs. Jack Ferguson,
Death of Mrs. Richard Sillery.-
The tiontmuuity was saddened by
the passing on Sunday, July 14th, of
Mary Jane Mullin, beloved wife of
Mr. Richard Sillery, in her 73nd year,
Although ailing for some time, Mrs,
Sillery had been able to be about and
accompanied her fancily to town on
Thursday .last. A native of Armagh,
Ireland, she came to Canada at the
age of three years and lived at Bell-
wood, Ont, For ten years before her
marriage she resided at Hamilton.
Slie was married to Mr, Richard Sill-
ery forty-one years ago, who survives
her together with. four daughters,
Mrs. Wilhelnine Lupton, at home;.
Mrs. Irene Innes, St, Marys; Marie,
St. Marys; Marguerite. of North Ton-
awanda, N.Y. Two sisters also sur-
vive, Mrs. Fleming, of Toronto, and
Mrs. Andrew Foote, of Fergus. One
sister. Mrs. Sho'treed, predeceased
her. The funeral was held from the
home on Wednesday afternoon at
2.311 p.m., Rev. Dr, -Hurford, of Seas
forth. -officiating. Interment was In
Stalin cemetery. The pallbearers
were 'William Sillery. James Hill,
Frank Bt•uee, John Sadler, Robert
Livingstone. Andrew Foote; flower -
b eaters. `+pervert Jeffery, Ross Hog-
rth. Bobble Steller. filer. Douglas Gray,
Roy Hannon. alurray Balfour. Among
th se front -a distance who attended
the funeral were Mrs. Mary Jane
Sillery. Hatniltor Mr. and Mrs. Hole
aye Sillery and Gloria, of Hamilton;
Sir. Rohe., Livingston, Hamilton; Mr.
and Mrs. Gen, Russell. London; Mr,
and Mrs. John Nesbitt, Palmerston;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald -Innis, Embro;
Mas, Alvin Initis, of Embro; Mr.
Gordon Innis. of Embro; Mr. and Mrs.
John McArthur, St. Marys; Mr. and
:Vers, Andrew Foote, Fergus; Mrs:
Dave Foote, Fergus; :Vies. Russell
Foote, Fergus; Mr. Andrew Foote, of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ready, of
St. 3Iarys; Mrs. John Howe. of St.
Marys; mfr. Dave McKay and Miss
Mary McKay. of Stratford; Mrs.
Thomas Simpson and Tom, Wing -
ham; Mr, and Mrs. Melville Gray, of
'Mrs. Cuthbert and Hiss Gladys
Frt. L•e•rt. Tirotit;, visited •fres. Alice
Nit-. and -firs. Harry Baker grad
t rte+.• Joan. of h-tri1'.i'a. -were guests'
t \ir. and Mrs. R ,`t:. 1\'.iZltttttan.
t{sorry. Baker is a former tli th raid-
.M'E my o^ :.t. Mery'
is -.tine sots umbo r. Nies. J. R. Bell.
Miss A ria Ri :mond.oke at
the eVenitc:d-rri'ice itt the United
Church. Auburn.
Joe:: Ross and ...m Gordon, Mrs.
Mex. t\J i ,,van, Dr. Annie Res.. and
Miss Clare McGowan left for a motor
trip to i\\ extern Canada.
Mrs. N. Johnston and her daughter,
Mrs. James •Gibson. have returned
home from Sault Ste Made .where
they visited with :qrs. \\-. M. Arm-
strong and 'family. They were accom-
panied by Mrs, Armstrong and son
Mr. Kenneth Lyon, Crediton, wisnt-
ed his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Want and For Sale. Ads„ 1 week 25c
Mrs. Augusta Topp, Miss Joyce
Tapp, Master Junior Topp. ,Mrs.
George Kalle, of Buffalo, have been
spending two weeks with Mr, and
Mrs. (John El,gie.
On the lawn of John Shannon,
13th Concession, MoKiliop
Friday,July 19
8 P.M.
Linder auspices of . the McKillop
Group of the Walton Church
Program by talent- from Brussels
United -Church. consisting of hum-
orous Irish play, choruses, solos.
trios, &c. -
Lunch served, Booth on grounds
Ch arch slrrviee and Sunday school -
will be conducted as usual this Sun-
day, :July 21st, but - the following
Sunday, July lSth, there will be no
Mrs. Margaret Manning, Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Tautblyn, ,lack and Mu••
garet, and their friends Mrs. Burgess
and Miss Duncan of Toronto spent
Sunday with friends at St. Thomas
where friends of Mrs. Manning were
present from Niagara Falls, Toronto
and Grants Rapids, Michigan.
The new service station on the
'• s e 111'.
corset is almost completed and
Gordon Radford, who has leased the
place has - moved in and started
Mr. Fred Sloman o4' Capreol, New
Ontario, who is on holiday, is expect-
ed to speak at the next institute
meeting in August. I•Ie no doubt will
he very interesting to hear as his
work is rather unusual.
Mrs. Robt, _Townsend and Dorothy
left this week for Regina where they
will spend several weeks visiting
Daring the rentadntl.e'r of July and
the month of August any one may
secure yarn Inc knitting for the Red
cross frau' Mrs. James McCool and
0nyone haring finished knitting
phase• 1 i t t' with Mrs. McCool.
Mrs. ,I. 11. Hossttek of C•tttningt nit
1s visiting at the home of Ma.
t'ranv4ct•d tel tete Utile
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McCool spent
Sunday in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Mohr. Yuugblutt, Mr
and Mrs. Willis Mountain and Gladys
visited -with Gorrte ft'ientls Sunday.
Sirs. Harold Sprung has returned
bonze after a two weeks' visit with
Toronto friends.
Miss Eleanor Sprung and Mise
Beryl Carter are holidaying at Gode
rich this week.
Mess ,Margaret Yungblutt of Clin-
ton is visiting at her horse.
Mr. James Eckert from Brooklyn
N.Y., is spending Itis vacation with
his parents, Hh•. and Mrs. Peter
Miss Bernice Manley front London
is holidaying with her parents, Mr
and Hers. W. Manley.
There will be a lot of stook thresh-
ing this harvest, as the most of the
barns are filled with the big hay
.'trop. Quite a number of the farmers
are still busy working with the hay.
Many are leaving the surplus for
The date rain has freshened the
root crop and helped the grain crop
to till out, and diel not injure the hay
that teas cut.
Me. anti Mrs. Chas. Batten and son
George of Kirkton spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of Strat-
ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beuermann, Ron-
ald and Muriel, of Thamestord, vis-
ited relatives.
Mr. Carl McFarlan, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Wessman and Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Squire and daughter Marie
of Mitchell visited with Mr. and
Mrs- Roy Collins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baskin and Miss
Jean Eiekmeir of Kirkland Lake are
holidaying with their parents,. Mr,
and Mrs. Ed. Eickmeir.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Walton
with Mr, and Mrs. John Betueewies,
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Betrermann
and Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Shoidice and Gary spent the week
end at a cottage at Kingsbridge.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Kuntz and fa-
mily of 13aden with Mr, and Mrs. John
Miss Melinda Hillebrecht is holid-
aying at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gies in 'Waterford, -
,A nomination meeting was 'held in
Ilpintt vi11e to select a councillor for
the Ga lerich (township council, 'a vac-
ancy having been created by recent
death of Councillor Herbert Cox.
W. H. I a!sb acted as chairman and
N. aV . frewartha of Clinton gave a
short address. Ex -Reeve Heacke,
Darold Montgomery, Frank Powell,
George Sotwerby and James Sperling
were nominated. Jaynes Sterling, mode
known farmer and fruit grower, IGad
erich township; ,became the neiw mem-
Want and Fnr Sale Ads, 3 weeks '50c
1\\'•ilbur 'Rattlers, C.N.R. operator,
is in Stratford general hospital 'there
he is receiving special medical treat-
Mr. and firs. •R,. 1Jowtrey -of Dutton
visited friends here,
11r, anti Mrs. Edward McGrath. of
Idderton were ;guests of Mr. Frank
Michael \fel- rttIty, in-Kiialae; M.
Mathers and I\Irs, 'W. IMathers, in
Stratford; hisses Doris and Helen
Mather:: in Se Marys; •Miss
'Murray at Grand Bend,
\[r. and Mrs, Philip Flanagan, of
Toronto, are vacationing 'here,
Mr. and Mrs, 13. Diegel, (Mitchell,
visited +lir. and Mrs. A4'bert Rock.
Mrs..\icCornuck, Parkhill, is nurs-
ing' ,her mother, -firs. Teresa. Jordan,
,who is convalescing from her recent
A 4neeting of the executive of the
local Tennis Club ,was heli) on Thurs-
day to make pians .for the ensuing
Mrs. Pat Jordan entertained at lw-o
tables of 5(10 on Thursday evening,
first prize 'heing won by Mrs. Mary
McGre:le Delicious refreshments •w -ere
served Illy- the hostess. - •
(Mrs. Dewan, 1,ttran, is wish her
Mother, Mrs. -'Teresa Jordan; hiss
elarinn Dflll, with her parents, lir.
and I\]r I'. Dill; Mr. and lirs. Jinn
Hanley, Iorottto, with Mr. and 11rs.
\V. i Hanley: Miss Gertude 11rGrath
lititEATIt J3
"Beware of Spooks"
"Texas Stampede"
AQP 010411�N �¢I
y,� i.r.
f H " W SO
Roloosed lhru UNITED ARTISTS
lelUEylynn • Alanliaie • t intMcllugh' fennistdolgan • taktann
MM.) Lunmgnn , Guinn "elg 101" 5111am, . ltd by
WILLIlM 1E1611E1 . 5 5151111 Sets: nett National Achim
6rlgula Scram Ploy Sr l••••all ,ores Nible,,r"6 Wan Panne
spent the week -end in \Vacerloo and
\Ii ILurd:
iMis,ses Dorothy and Veron-
ica \lolyneux attended a tt•etltling in
Drysdale one Vatttrday; (Mr. and Mrs,
NP 1'11 tfbe, 'Toronto, and Ed
51011'f ,n, 'tuuntins, with Mr. - and
'Mrs. W. .Stapleton; .1. Jordan, Copper
('tiff, is spending a fen weeks at itis
(tome here: ,Mrs. P, Mathews is spend-
ing a ,weak in Galt.
The reunion at Kennicott was well
attended by many young and old from
our village.
SC Mary's Anglican Guild have a
meeting for work on Thursday neer•
noon at Leslie Moore's, con, 2. ITite
tonlrntatiout services at 3 p;nt, in
St. Mary's Anglican Church by Bish-
op Seager, London, were well at-
tended by parents of the seven ehtld-
reu confirmed. The Army singers ftt-
enured the congregation with select
solos and choruses.
Kingsley Beale and his friend, Mr.
Bristow, Stratford, were the guests
of Miss Mary Beale last week.
Mrs. E. Nagle is holidaying with
nieces in Myth, the guest of etre.,
('ronin and Mrs, James Phelan.
']'eddy Rowland has returned to
Loulnn to his employment in 1ltat
Foolbadl league 011hout a single de-
feat, by heating Atwood 1,-0 in a close.
ly cente:ted ',ante here Saturday
nicht. The Saints Ih.t seven 'wins
rive 'ties during the schedule and hold
top .berth in she league. Both .1twood
and St. Cdlum'han now Italie a rest
mail the remainder of elle schedule is
completed after which an executive
meeting will be held at Seaforth ,when
play-off dates Iwill the !fawn atp.
" wood ttltened strong in the ,match
and pressed the play on the field
throughout tete fires-hal1. In the sec-
ond half, however, St. Col.uanlban talk
eche offensive and aihoat five minutes
after the period hid ,hugun Frank
'William, drifted a hard shot in that
ITynn•rs caught hut the fierce of atlte
lack was so .great the goalie was
knocked over and carried the ball
hack between pile pints. 'Che teams
were very evenly watched and the
game was clean throughout..
\tw;,od Gaal, t flyover hacks.
.Robb and Valiance; , half•+hack , \\r.
1it'cclon, Hannah, ( t) ittcr, ih: for-
wards, E. 1)an,hmnk Saunders 11'; r1,
R. Danbrn sk. 11. Hy tners; salt I c she.
St. t'nhnnhan•--(i,eal F. a tputn:
backs,1;. tt l'nantor, Frank Stapleton;
halt loacks, John 'O'Connor, 11 c Ili ,r.
Jo O'Connor; foments \ic1 arta;',
\1 ttlruus, clean, .\i, ads, F stn r; ;
St r ol,no },fors Irish r i coal-
..letv.1 the sche,l.dde in the Unroll 11 u,' 1\\it.on :\1'.an, Henaal'..
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