HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Ceeelbrating Mr. 'Ohas. MCDonell's
!birthday •wieh him on !Sot islay were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman of Liss
towel and Me. and Mrs. Van ,Laugh-
ton and elhildren of Toronto.
Miss Dorothy :McQueen of London
is holidaying ,with her parents Me'.
and Mrs, Ex 'MdQoeen.
IMiss Mae et Morrow 'of Chicago
is visiting with ,Mrs. 'Lou Simpson
and Mrs. Rolbt. Bonthron.
Mr. and •Miry. tJoe Hep+burn and
'children of London .visited :on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pardcine.
Mr. and Mrs. IW. Tideswell ,visited
over the ,week end in •B6yth.
The many friends of Mr. Harold
'Willard are pleased to see +hint oa•t
again afiter his recent operation.
•Mrs. Van Laughton of Toronto is
n•i:,uuag with her .parents, Mr. and
Mre. Chas. • 1 cDonell.
Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam-
ily returned home after a pleasant
holiday at Wasaga Beach.
Mr. Harold Shepherd of Toronto
spent the week end with relatives
here. He we accompanied hone by
Mrs. Shepherd who spent the -past
Wreck with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Smillie,
The infant daughter of Mrs. A.
Prior is serhniely.cl1 in Scott Memor-
ial Hospital at date of writing.
Mies Irene Floskins of Toronto is
visiting ,with her grandmother Mrs,
Maafartin, and members of the
Mrs. R. Lahr .f Johnstown. Penn.,
and -tire, Donald Thomas and son •af
Altoona, Penn, who have been visit-
ing Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Ortwein and
members esf the family returned home
this week,
Miss Mona Redden returned 'home
after a Pleasant visit with her sister
Mrs. I\V. 'Carter in Clinton.
Mr. and Mr-. E. L. Mitkle, Billy
and Betty, lefe this ,week for their
cottage at Rondeau Falk. :where they
s,pen a d two weeks' vacation
7c Loaf
Baked to a satisfying Flavour and Freshness
gave an address "Tenx.tanve-
and quoted eicerpt- tr n Mrs, Craw's
address and a beautiful poem by Lord
Roberts.The many friends of ,\lies 'Irene
Douglas are ,pleased to hear she has
been able to return from Scott Mein -
oriel Hospital, Seaforth, after her re-
cent operation,
Misers Mae and Jessie M•cMorran
and .Mr. Wilfred .Anderson of 'Chica-
go attended the funeral of the ease
ter s sister, the late Mrs. Geo, Diok
on Tuesday,
- Miss Lettie Love of Toronto is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs, Win. Love.
Miss Hunt of London is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hunt.
Dr. Smith of St. Marys visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C
Petty. Mrs. Smith and obedient re-
turned home with Dr. Snaith after a
pleasant visit -here.
Dr. and Mrs. Spellman and eMld-
ren of Kitchener spent Sunday with
M. Spellman's parents. Mr, an
Mrs, Weir,. accompanied by a gad- Mre, Gordon Bolton,
ie:' quartette comprising Mrs. Mac Mr Wm. Redden and Mr. Lee Hed•
Dougall, aU. Misses Irene Hoggarth and den of Hamilton visited with relat-
'Mabel Workman and Mfrs: W. A. Ives here on Saturday,
MacLaren motored to Smith's Hill Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren
on Sunday and contributed numbers are holidaying with their cousin Miss
at the anniversary services. there. Alice Glenn at Clinton.•
Mira. MlacLaren also sang a solo, Miss Tune Saundet•eock underwent
Mr. Robert Richards of Sarnia au operation for removal of. her tom
visited can Saturday with Mr. and ails at the office of Dr, Steer on
Mre, Jas. Parkins.Thursday.
Marc Geo. Fee and Miss Mary Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. Young and
Forest returned home this week after family of Fergus called on friends in
an extended trip to visit the farmer'stown on Saturday.
brother Mr. Louis Lippert in Seattle, I Miss Alice Pilaff, who underwent
iVs ashington, an operation for appendicitis in
The Legion held a successful !bingo Clinton Hospital last week. is doing
on the hotel Iawn Saturday es -ening. i as well as can be expected. -
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Taylor attended , Miss Olive Walker, R.N., who has
the funeral of the Tatter's sister, the been holidaying with her parents
late •:firs. Hatskirk,"in Seaforth on ;air, and Mrs. George Walker, left
Saturday. '1 this week for her hone in -Albany.
Mre. Fenner of Montreal is visiting New Ym'Ie
with her brother and ister-in-taw' Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon
Mr. and -Mr . elf Taylor. + dun visited over- the week end with
R.°v. R. \ Brook ccmdncted eery-
. in the i note 1 Church nn Smday
morningi=ted ;by Ree. E. :Ahi,-
wer., of Statin. The chair s:a. "Be -
eels ilod is My H•' er Rev. E.
v.,r•ii still et: 1 tin. ti,.7. r,in:; -er-
lrrlt:,e !iter sane. Strmiz in
... R. v ii am
, r:. I,
,i •crri •,. SIZIffa j:ut-
We.. Wei,. • !.•_; . I seeeies
to .; , Ire'.. Esse-
rn.1 11n .i in Cannel
\l = 1 11....1.1.,r:'• and
-V,',.-1::•u;(1. ..t ileo:
An.: L
• Thy 1 •v .i.r ...''
Decoration Day Held.—
• t. ,: t 1 t., -1,0,F,
,t • il'n :r: ▪ at I1 i i'1
f .inn \l•.'f t.-_ • . :!t:cti'ri': ,%il
.\ "11,71
,',..it't was held at
..r Ir011t It iucr, t, .t rioted los• Mir.
r L.al:. Mr. i\\'. O. t;ortw•in •Plac-
ed the ,wreath, •Mfr. Fred Derr sounded
tue last l,n..t and Rev. Wm. Weir
the lattet's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
,late. Parkins.
Hies Donnas McI'wen returned home
on Sunday at•to•r a pleasant visit
with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. Blake 1Iae1)ont't1d, Royal flak.
Mich.. who is holidaying its Grand
Bend. with Mrs. Annie Mar
Donald :nisi Miss Mary iii Ash ,til
Mr. and Mits. ri tr•. nee Shepherd
:tall dell ,:•f Exeter visited r•'
,..tiny with 1-1::1iv,..; lr,•,'c
Council Meeting.—
The re ular mooting of the vault,•
•,ntre•iI 'i a. held ..n Monday-v.1111W.
11., corned: chamber er with
all u..nleus helm; present. 1linntes
•f the previous ulteting read. rune
.ion and Horton, that the minutes be
adopted as read. Carried. Thu. Kyle
reported the work done in the past
month, also the borrowing of len
yards 11' gravel from Orville Twitch-
ell, also asked about a new flag and
some protection for the bell rope,
pronounced the ,bene it t:•;•n. The sante to be looked after. The Reeve
members of the Legi vt decorated the reported re painting the town hall.
-{rates at Hensall inion cemetery un- rnrrespondence read and tiled. Dept.
der the direction of the president, S.' of FneniPloyment relief, county treas-
Dougall. The Oddfelitw s also decor- urer, E. Stapleton, Tuckersmith emul-
ated the ;raves ander the direction of cit, Pedlar People, county clerk. Ivey
Mr. Wm. Dougall assisted by Mr.' and Logan. D. E. Holmes, Liquor
Earl Campbell. Rev. M. A. Hunt of Control Board, Attorney General,
Exeter stleliveree an address which Dept. of Highways, Mrs. E. Cornell,
,wa.• followed 'hy an address by Rev.; Imperial Oil Ltd., Mark, McLeod,
I\\ tt Weir. Decoration services avere Tew. The clerk reported re the Hed-
u ,tded at MicTaggart's cemetery,den rase in division court also pre.
Bride and Groom Honored,-- I seated the financial report for the
Moult three. hundred relatives and first six months of the year. Bilis and
friends leathered at the Bayfield. pave accounts read as follows: Bonthron
eien en Fr lav in honor of Mr, and a. Drysdale. supplies, $21.86; Ray
Mrs. Alex Mcrleath nt were married Weber.. supplies, $6.25; Imperial Oil
rec.eriiiy and preented them .visit two teal oil. $813.85; Pedlar People, Signs.
:•v n.il .h i - and a tafole. The ad- $7.•iit; B. T. Cudmote, gravel, $T.511
dr. vas este ey lir tC:it. licKen- John Zuefle. plants 95e. Root Middle
)t,, cbur :va- enio_:ed to the tan. supplies, 61.1' : Municipal World
�` Ltd.. 81.54: G. R. Hess, $45; Orville
MI tr i' kt> r
with •
Twitdtell. supplies P.1).. $4.50; Hen-
\\ n. H,,; t ,. iso n ins• sail I'iydro, hydro, $5,61; E. Willard.
vl V -• s'-rtee trucking. streets. $2; W. Otterhetn.
1'1"".-ireet' 2t,1 1. Kipfer clot $5*"'• C,,_rcont, • l,cfng,i,ny Todd 60..5 L. Hndsou
it arises
$2,S0, E. Fairburn $51.40.
Ir. n.. Flder of the •
I ova "'• G. Al. Case, teaming Streclts.
• 1 •a nh his parents. a. .vert and t•. Smillie, teaming $9.20; W. De-
r hn Eldest - bm ]tabor, $4.60; Tiros. Kyle, salary,
• rte .annlr reran t ne i alt ,, J. A. Patterson, salary and nos -
Saturday with -the unlhi,v` $113.90. Total $1442.05. Robin -
F,; ;ot..tyling frnfroma distance: Mfr. I ",gr.
,art and Mall' that the bills and ace
and Mrs. A G. Smillie lir. an<I 'Airs. counts as read be paid. Carried. Rob•
Mia ray Smtine
pr. Tenn:e Smillie, I insnn and Moir, that we now adjourn
Miss Margaret Smillie all of Toronto, 1 to meet. again Aug. 12th at 8 P.m.—
Dr. Roy Smillie, Weston, Dr. Smillie. lames A. Patterson, Clerk,
Niagara Falls. lir. and Mre. Stewart: Mts• Stanley Love of Brucefield via -
St. Catherinec tor. Lorne area on Sunday with her cousin, Miss
Fide . Galt; Mr, and Mrs. J, G. Eider,' Reid.'
The Hensall public library will re-
open on Tuesday, July lath.
Recent guests with Miss Minnie
Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Orr and Miss
Orr and Mrs. Bidet] of Aylmer, Mrs.
Lloyd 'Hudson of St Marys, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Reid and children of
Miss M. Reid visited last week
with friends at Forest.
Funeral of Mrs. GeO. Dick.—
A public funeral service was held
at the residence on Tuesday after.
C) n ;vat Relatives were also present
drum Dakota, ,California. British Col-
ombia, Mianitdba, lir. A. G. Smillie of
Toronto is president.
W.M.S. Meet—
Tine regular meeting nt ithe W.M.S.
r>f the 'United Church was held on
Th irssay afternoon with Mrs, Cross
ore reline and opened shy singing "O
Our Help In Ages Past," Mrs.
Spencer reported a number of visits
nulla. It was also reported that $35
was realized alt the home ;baking sane
which was held. It was .decided to noon, conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir.
purchase the annual blue book and The floral tributes were very beauti-
the Mission 'Circle was to have :use of
the .same. A letter ,was read :from .the
tGomferen•ce +branch and a number of
resolutions (passed. "Take Time to be
Holy," ,was sung, Mrs. Spencer read
the Scriplbhre, Malde 13. Mt's. ,McDon-
nell led in prayer: ,Misses Ruth •Brook
and ,Goldie ,Gross sang "The Cathed -
Tal en the Pines." Miss J. •Murray, ,Monday,
ful showing the esteem with which
the deceased was held. The pallbear-
ers were Messrs. Wm. G. Bell, W. R.
Bali, Sid MGArthur, Geo. Armstrong,
Lorne Luker and Thos. Laing. Inter-
ment in Hensel] 'Union Cemetery,
Mr, and ,Mas. Neil Sparks of Detroit
visited ,with ;'Mrs. Marjorie Sparks on
The Late Mrs. Geo. Dick.—
:\ shadow of gloom (was .cast over
the community on Sunday morning
,upon hearing of tete ,passing of Mrs.
Geo. Dick, formerly Miss Nellie Ros-
11111"11,1,1111111l11,lllllllllilllllMOW lllllllllll111llllll,l,ll 1,,,
Mrs. John Murray and son Gregg
+ of Preston are staying with Mrs. R.
Hammett while Mr. Murray is spend-
ing a time its the West,—On Wednes-
' day morning Mr. Percy Monk of
Tuckersmith lost a valuable driver,
He had left his horse tied in front of
a house on West William st. when a
passing motorcycle frightened the
animal and it broke loose. Instead of
turning the corner it ran straight
I ahead hitting a tree so hard its back
I was broken,—The Misses Marian and
i Beatrice Larkin left on Saturday for
! Toronto.—Mr. Elwin Rivers of the
35th Regiment, Niagara, spent a few
I days with his parents,—Misses Ethel
' and Margaret Williams left on Satur-
day for a lake trip to Duluth where
they will visit their sister Mrs. John
Dorsey.—Miss Minnie Laidlaw is
spending her holidays in Calgary.—
Mrs. W. Mottle of Lucknow visited
friends in town over the first,—Mr.
Sas. McGee has bought the house
ena Anderson in her sixtieth year. next door to Archie Barton's black.
She ,was a daughter of the late Mr. smith shop.—Mrs. T. Stephens is via
and 'tire. David Anderson ,of 'Chicago iting her daughter, Mrs. Rogers, at
and granddaughter of the date iMr. London. --Russell Bristow left on
and .Mrs. Wm. Bell of Hensali, The [Tuesday to visit relatives in Tots
deceased had been in 'failing +health of onto.—Mr. J. H. Reid was an Ottawa
late but her death came :suddenly and visitor this weep, --Mr, Jahn M.
unexpectedly. Mrs, Dick ,was united Hinchley caught a seventeen inch
in marriage to cher ihereaved husband black bass weighing two pounds at
thirty-one years .ago- in ,Chica+gto and Roxboro an Tuesday morning.—Mr.
has resided at her late residence westThos. Andrews, Rockport, N.Y., is
of •the village ever since. Site 'was a spending a few clays with his mother.
(kindly nvoman and will the greatly —Miss M. Iiartt-y of Edmonton is
missed by her family and friends, spending her summer vacation at her
Surviving is her husband, two sons, home in town, --Mr. A. K. Chettenden
Earl and Edwin of Chiseilhnrs't and is visiting this week at Brantford,
Four :daughters, ,Mangaret, of Stratit- i is
and Toronto:—Mrs. (Rev.)
ray, Mrs, .IW. Broadfaot, of IBrnce- ! Casella and son DeWitt are visiting
field, Mrs, J. Veebeeem of Kippen and her sister, Mrs. Archie Scott, Goder-
Heten at •)tome. One 'brother, rvifred bit St.—Miss ?hernia Cowan, Dundas.
Anderson, of 'Chicago, also survives.
funeral service was held Brom
the late residence on Tuesday after-
The Late Mrs, Peter Murray.—
Mrs. Peter Murray ,passed away at
,her home second concession of Hay
an Friday hi her 69th year. The de-
ceased +was formerly Mary Catharine
MfeS'hirray and had ,been in ill health
for some time. Surviving is her ber-
eaved husband, two sons, Jack Of De-
troit and William its 'tire !West, four
daughters. I:salbel, lire, Hart, of De-
troit, •H'attna'it of ,Hensall, Elizabeth
of ,Milwaukee and Violet at ]tome. A
,public ,fanera4 service vas held ,from
the late reeidcnce on Monday after-
noon conducted by Rev. Wm. Weir.
Interment in Exeter cemetery, The
Reral tributes 'ss'cre very ,beautiftel.
The ,palihearers mere Messrs. Russell
Plarkwell, Louie Clark Jr, Earl aitei arta Mrs. H. R. Scott returned home
\\'illiam •Collins, •C, Psl,�^rim arta R. on Tuesday and are now comfortably
S•peare. settled in their residence on Gado.
Ctacit St--Seafortit Is not. only doing
ame ANCE itf London is vas• her part in the great war by sending
Mrs. Jessee Snmes htt' Sous to the front to tight, but is
Iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, also contributing her share of the
Jerrie Ferguson. labor Of t1108e at home be manatee -
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ferguson, of taurine, Shells. The well known bran.
and Mrs. ,Tames Ferguson of Robert Bell E. & T. Co. has received
t'lininn visited at the home of \Ir, out order for tett thousand shells.
anti M I'S. Jack Ferguson on Tuesday.'. This a •itatoti the hisuumt of
Mrs. James MT.•1 is spending a tnuch vee','ssturd exl,,•ie eve tntltudttiinery.
few• days u '1'nrwith her iw•,l 'I'he material used is a very- hard
hrothle•s. .\L•i. .Anthnt, ony Lawson of ,1nality of nt,tehihe sur„I which is
Pickering. and M r. Krell Lawson of
supplied lin ental pieces :5.1' inches.
Ternnt 1 After shaping and machining the
lairs Helen hold.. of r)inton. hoe nose 1s threaded ready to receive the
been holidaying n1 the home n1 Mr. liming fitse• plug. and a capper hand
and Mr 'Ernest 1d ams.
Mrs. Jnht Hesselwnnd .Tr. had the
mistbrtane un M outlay to break a
hour- in lie'r hog and t will he ecnttined
to her home for some tithe. She was
Standing rut the gangway, holding the
itarn door, when It started to blow
shut with the wind and in trying to
get clear she suffered the mishap.
Mrs. Jervis and Marilyn, Mrs, Gib.
hangs and Edith and Idris .T. J.
Hugill visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Wilkinson of Friday in Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Chiltenden of To.
rontn called on Mn and Mrs, 3. 3.
Hugi11 an Sunday.
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas, Cowan.—A terrific storm last
week not only did great damage to
the wearing apparel of those wito
were caught in it but was respon•
sable for the death of a number of
chickens and young ducks. The hail-
stones were as large as marbles and
came in sufficient quantity to cover
the ground an inch deep or more in
some places.—Dr. and Mrs. Russell
Hartry motored from . Wiarton and
spent a day with itis parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. Hartry.—Miss Marion
Watson, Ayr, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mts. Jas. Watson, for a few days
and, on Tuesday, left for a trip up
the lakes.—Rev. G. McKinley and
family arrived from Lucknow and
are getting settled in their new
home, bIt'. McKinley is known in
town as his mother, Mrs, John Me.
Kenley, resides of Church St,—Mr.
The following recipes have been
prepared by the Home Economist of
the Consumer Service, Marketing
Service, Dominion Department of
Agriculture, with the view of helping
the women who are making jam for
overseas as part of their Red cross
Strawberry Jam
to ib, hulled strawberries
12 lh. sugar.
Use firm. ripe strawberries. Hull
and wash. Weigh the fruit and sugar.
Place, the fruit in a glazed crock
enamelled pan or china dish and
cover with the sugar. Let stand over-
night. Bail gently to 221 degrees F.
or to 19 lb.
Raspberry Jam
5 lb. cleaned raspberries
61/2 lb. sugar
Use firm, ripe raspberries and
wash if necessary. Weigh the fruit
and sugar, Mix well and boil to 221
degrees F. or to 10 lb.
Raspberry and Red Currant Jam
9 ib. fruit
13 lb. sugar
Use equal amountsof raspberries
and stemmed red currants. Mix the
fruit, water and sugar and boil to
221 degrees F. or to 20 lb,
Plum Jam
41/•2 lb. plums
6Se lb, sugar
Use Burbank, Lombard, Green
Gage or Damson plums, Remove
steins and wash well. Masit with
potato masher to extract juice. Sim-
mer the fruit in covered pan ten
minutes. Add the sugar and boil to
221 degrees F. or to 9 Ib, At the and
of the boil, some or all of the pits
may be removed by skimming.
Gooseberry Jam
41/ Ib, snibbed gooseberries
61/2 lb. sugar
1 ]b, water (2 cups)
Wash and snih (top and tail) the
gooseberries. Simmer ten minutes.
Add the sugar and boil to 221
degrees P. or to 10 Ib.
Black .Currant Jam
is preseed into at gI's.w1• in the Sh'11
by ail pu•,•ssure ht n spares] utachiue
h,• inside of the sheiks varnished
and the varnish is halted for e=ight
hours at0 heat of 9u0 degrees in an
electric overt. After being passed by
the inspector they are packed in sped
MI boxes which contain six each. The
finished shell meaeures 96'4 inches in
length by 3.29 incites in diameter
and weighs 14 pounds 123/2 ounces.
Only tuts one size is being manufae-
tnred here. They are high explosive
lyddite shells for use of the held
artillery, 0f course the explosives are
not put in here. When loaded the
shell weighs 18 lbs. 8 oz. The mach-
ine work must be very accurately
dote. None of the shells will be ac•
cepeed under weight but are allowed
to go as much as 5 drachms over
weight. This will give some idea of
the great care and accuracy required.
—While apples are reported scarce
there Is the appearance of a fair
crop in the orchards of Mr. J. J.
Irvine. He has over SO trees well
loaded.—One of the largest crowds
ever seen in Bayfield on a Dominion
day spent the day at this beautiful
summer resort. The people started to
come early and by noon the grove
was filled to overflowing,—Mr. Ed-
ward Cudmor'e is visiting friends and
relatives at Klppen. Mr, C.'udntore
comes from Halkirk, Alta.. and the
western air appears to agree with
him. ---Mr, Leo Holland of the. Stand.
and Banlc. Lucan, is spending his vac•
ation at his home in Beechwood.—
Two rinks of bowlers went to IIen•
sall and played several games with
the Hensall bowlers winning one an
on tite round. The rinks consisted of
J. M. McMillan, W. E. Broadfoot, Dr.
MacKay, J. M. Best, Rev. 3. Argo, R.
3. McMillan, John Shine, J, A.
9 ]b. stemmed currants
13 lb. sugar
1 quart water (4 cups)
Stem and wash the fruit thorough-
ly. Simmer with the water 15 min-
utes. Add the sugar and boil to 221
degrees F. or to 21 Ib.
Home Grown New Potatoes
'Good Size 8 lbs 25c
Sneider's Pure Lard,...3 1b. 27c
Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c
Fresh Bologna, 2 lbs, 29c
Puffed !Wheat, large pkg„ , 23c
Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes
3 pkgs. 21c
King Bug 'Killer, 10 lbs... , 33c
20 lbs. 63c
Purity ,Flour, 98 lb. bag. , $2.69
Western Maid, 96 1b. bag, .2.49
Pastry Flour, 24 lb. 53c
5 bars Pearl White Soap and
1 pkg. Ammonia for, , . ,21c
1 pkg. large lOxydol and 2
cakes P. G. 23c
Large Size Ivory Soap
3 cakes 18c
Super 'Suds, large pkg. and
FancyGlass Disli, for,.21c
Stockade Cattle Spray
large can 95c
We 1 Finnigan
Mt', and Mrs. John Hesselwooci Sr.
wish to thank their many friends and
neighbors who helped so kindly at
the time of the fire and also in put-
ting up the harm,
The Hibbert Township Council met
in the township hall at Staffa on
Saturday, ,Ttily 6th, all members pre-
sent, the Reeve presiding, The Clerk
react the minutes of the previous
meeting which were adopted as read.
A resolution was passed declaring
Monday, Aug, 5th civic holiday. The
following accounts were paid: D. Ges-
tetner Co., supplies, $21.98; Municipal.
World, supplies, 690; McKillop, Log-
an & Hibbert Telephone Co., $2.51;
Mitchell Advocate, advertising, $2.20;
direct relief, $12,12,—Thos, D. Wren,
In Egmoudville, S roomed brick
house, all in good repair, double gar-
age. Taxes reasonable. Apply to Mrs.
E. J. Dinniu, Seaforth.
A good heater, either wood or
coal Apply at this office.
Pram, in good condition. Price $7.
Apply at the News Office.
11 York pigs for safe, 5 weeks old.
at lot 2.9, con, 9, Morris, Phone 1819:
Brussels. Gilbert McCallum.
Ice box, sewing machine, bedroom
suite, bed complete, dinette suite,
radio, settee and chairs, small tables,
folding bench wringer, vacuum sweep-
er. All in Al condition. Mrs, E. Yoes.
Main st., over Ferguson's Hardware.
Municipality of McKillop
The Weed Control Act states:
Sec. 4—Every occupant of land, or
if the land is unoccupied, the owner
shall destroy all weeds designated
noxious by the regulations, as often
in every year as is sufficient to pre•
vent the ripening of their seeds.
See, 22—Any person who contra-
venes any of the provisions of this
act Or refuses or neglects to obey any
lawful order of an Inspector given
under the authority of this actshall
incur a penalty of not less than $10
nor more than $50, for every such
See. 13—Every person, ferns m
company owning or operating a
threshing machine or separator, or
causing the same to be operated tat
hire, sila11 each year bet'ore com-
mencing operations register stud
threshing niac•hiae nl. separator with
the Minister of Agriculture and shall
procure a certificate of registration.
FRANK E. STOREY, Inspector.
The farmers are busy saving their
hay crop and a lot of fine bay has
been saved for those who waited,
while a lot of damaged hay will take
the place of good straw,
July is malting up for all the wet
weather during the spring months.
A nice shower will soon be welcome
as the ground has got so hard that
it is almost impossible to cultivate
the root crop.
Mr. Fred Zeigler, formerly of our
burg, who has been sojourning lately
with his friends here, is at present
engaged with Mr. Mike McLoughlin
near Dublin, on No. 8 highway.
Miss Verna Storey spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Louts Bolton.
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. IticConnel, H. Glenn Hay%
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County •of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
Seaforth. Office hours:—
ours:Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m. to 5 p:nt. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. nt. to 9 p, m.
House to rent. Also a colony house.
Hay for sale. C. G. Fewater, R. 3,
Stratford, Ont, (St. Mary's Highway,)
Little pigs for sale, Lot 12, Con.
3, Tuckersmith, Ed Boyes, Seaforth,
R R 3.
Township of Tuckersmith
The Council of Tuckersmith re-
quests all property owners to ant all
noxious weeds on the road allow-
ance, opposite their property, before
seed is formed. Payment made same
as other years, if cut in time.
D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Mary Teresa Curtin,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Mary Teresa Curtin,
late of the Township Of Tucker.
smith, Widow, deceased, who died on
or about the 19th clay of March, 194o,
are hereby uotilled to send in to the
undersigned on or before the 12th
day of July, 1940, full particulars 01
their violins.
So snort as realized after the. said
last mentioned date, the assets of
the said estate will be distributed'
amongst the putties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall theft
have notice', 10 the exclusion of all
others. and the undersigned will not.
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so dis-
tributed or any part thereof,
Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of
June, 1940.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Regarding Car Parking
Victoria Park will be lighted and available for
parking on Saturday nights for the balance of
the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome
to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion
on Main Street.
Police will supervise as far as possible but
motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the
municipality will not be responsible for any missing
F. 5, SILLS, Chairman
immanansam. direr