HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1940 e PE 0 8 S /40 4 Read and save - July 11. to July 17 Garden Patch Golden CORN, 17 oz. 2 tins 17c Hillcrest Shortening, i s 2 lbs. a3c Catsup, Aylmer, 12 oz. 2 btls. 25c Newport Fluffs, 7 oz 1Oc 14 oz. & Tumbler 25c Lealand Crunchie PICKLES, 61/z oz. -10c; 27 oz. 23c OXYDOL-buy 1 large pkg. @ 24c and get 2 cakes �5 P. & G. Soap for lc ALL FOR PEARL SOAP, 5 bars and 1 pkg. 23c Handy Ammonia PRINCESS FLAKES, 2 LARGE PKGS. e� 1 FRUIT BOWL ALL FOR °�0�' Ivory Soap -buy 2 large cakes 19c and get 1 extra large cake for 1c all 3 for20c Quaker Muffets 2 pkg. 19c Royal York Tea, mixed or black %2s per pkg. 37c Blue Boy Tea, black or mixed, %2s -32c; 1s 630 Catelli Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz. -10c; 24 oz. 150 Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1/2s-160; Is 27c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes 17c Lawrason's Snowflake Ammonia ..per pkg. 5c Lawrason's Flusho per tin 21c Lawrason's S1nko per tin 25c Lawrason's Household Washing Soda per pkg. sg.55cc Crisco, 1s -21c; all for 25c Super Suds and 1 Fruit Bowl PER TIN. 15c PEACHES, Aylmer 2s squat ASPARAGUS, Aylmer Tasty Guts, 2s squat BTL. PER14c OLIVES, Rose Queen, large 17%2 oz. pPER JAR 274c FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD PER LB.10c FANCY BISCUITS, Apple Blossom PER PKG. 190c 5c DERBY CHEESE, IVsPER 2 TIJAR5c NS 1 KIPPERED SNACKS 12c McLAREN'S NUT CRUSH, 16 oz. jar PER PKG. 15c QUAKER PUFFED RICE29c 2 LBS.1 PITTED DATES29 PER B . 29c CHOICE BREAKFAST BACON PER LB. c BOLOGNA "Cannng Needs" Verba Seals .... per pkg. 1Oc Rubber .lar Rings" best quality 2 doz. 13c (Town Class Jars. sniall-990 doz.. . .. medium 1.09 doz. Jar Class Tops per dos, 25c Heavy Zinc Jar Rings per dos. 25c Fly Swatters, wire or r i oc each 10c FLY COILS, Aeroxon 2for 6c �.IGiaC 6,011)t LIFEBUOY RINSO Coupons Here ROSS J. Sproul Miss N • ''1 ryc PHONE 8 PHONE 77. WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR, Holder of Government diploma and license. Flowers iurnished Night or day phone 67 Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. 13. Chapman NOW OPERATED 13Y CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH - TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any time by appointment See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105. Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 • CROMARTY The Annie Reidi•e (Mission Band 'ret at the (home of Ada and Ross ldic- LeI:lan. (Jean ,M0Oullloch presided. Laura McLellan read the iScripsere !lesson and -Hazel) Laing read an ,ar- ticile. Lunch NOELS senved Iby Mrs, 1Mbc- LeLlan and ibex (daughter. [Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jamieson have returned! to Long Branch after •hollid- eying at !the .manse. Mrs. James Seat is visiting Rev. R. G. bfacT.Cay and Me -s, MacKay at Bruce Beach. Mrs. F nanik Slpeare returned to To- ronto after •visititvg with Miss ,011ive Slpeare. James Sortie is in Toronto (Mali 1nis brother, John !Scott. Mrs.- Neil 'Currie, rllrs, polls W. .McDonald, St. Marys, (were guests of Mrs. Tufford and Miss Currie. uMs . Robertson is it! at present. 'Mc 'Ladies' Aid of Cromarty church met Wednesday afternoon a the house of ,Miss M. 13, Currie, THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS M11 J. A Brodie and sun Bobbie of Tornuto are visiting hrr mother Mrs. Robert Beatty, Victoria Apts. Captain anil Mrs. Dougall of the Salvation Army are holidaying at Fenelon,Falls. Mrs. Bort Boyes is attending West, ern taking a Specialist course in vocal music and completing supecvis• or's certificate. Mr, William Brown of Detroit mo- tored to Seaforth on Friday and vis- ited for a few days with his sisters Mrs. Richard Rogers and Mrs, Mar- shall Young, Miliett, Mrs. Harry Whitham of North Bay is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huffman. Mr. Joe F,ckart, of Oakville spent the week end with his family here. Mrs. It, S. Evans returns Thurs- day after spending the past week with lien niece, Miss Florence hates. Tnrmlo. Mr. W. Anderson of Chicago, who was attending the funeral of his sis- ter. Mrs. Geo. Dick, of Bengali, was the guest on Tuesday of his cousins, Mrs. Flett and Mrs. Chesney, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Webster and daughter Beth, of Rodney, spent the week end with his father Mr. John Webster and Mr, and. Mrs. 13. C. Rising. Mr. Webster has accepted a position with the Port Elgin school, commencing next term, and is attend- ing summer school at Loudon, Miss Fern Dunlop of St. Williams is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. Mrs. R. 11, Knight and Miss C. B. McKinley of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. D, Armstrong. Mr. Prank Habkirk of Vancouver cane. Saturday to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ilsbldrk and left on Wednesday to returo. It is 21. years shlee Frank last visited here, after returning from overseas in the last war, where he spent 4 years. Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm J. Arm- strong and two boys 11111 and James, of Port Arthur, have been visiting at the home of the fornter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and Master Bili, of Brockville, and Mrs. Dr, Armstrong of Mitchell, were vis- itors last week with Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Armstrong, Mrs, (Dr.) J. M. Kafue and sou Denton of Winnipeg are spending a short holiday at the home of Dr. Katie's fabler, Rev. C, C. Keine. Rev, 6'. E. and Mrs. Clysdale of Palmerston, were visitors on Sunday at the home of Rev. C. C. and Mrs. Koine. Rev. Ciysdale, who is summer- ing at his cottage at Grand Bend, Was guest preacher at the open air serv- ice of the Staffa United Church on Sunday morning. Lance Corporal Arnold Scott, Corp- oral and Mrs. Campbell, all of Niag- nri-on-the-Lake, and Private Ian Nesbitt of Caine Borden spent the week e11(1 with Mr. 01111 Mrs. Jaynes T. Scott. Mr. rind Mrs. Willoelcs of Ripley were visiting with Mr. and Mr's. A. D. Armstrong. The Seaforth Highlanders. Band took part in a tattoo at Strntfercl on Thursday last. They will gine a band concert at Clinton on Thursday night of this week. Mr. 3. M. Robertson is holidaying at Stratford. Mr. Jack Cameron, Elgin Regt., spent last week end visiting his mother Mrs. Mary Cameron and sis- ter Mrs. Alex Boyce. Mr, and Mrs. John Grieve and David spent last week end in Code - rich. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wasmann spent last week end in Waterloo visiting friends. Mrs. Martha Peck Is visiting her brother Mr. 305, Richarson, Bayfield. Mr. Will Brown, who has been vis- iting friends in this vicinity for two BRODHAGEN visitors: Airs. Clnas, Scherbarth and son Ivan of Detroit visited with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geiger and ratt- ily of Forclwieh with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Miller. M1'. Pete Seheldenberger and dau- ghter of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Victor, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Stewart, Els- ton, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. J. An- drew of Allan, Sask., called at the home of Mrs. Ilannah Steiss one day last week. Mr. Elmer Burnett of Detroit vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Christ. W. Leonhardt. Mrs. Geo. Vock of Detroit visited relatives, Mrs. Ed Iu'essler and Jackie of Stratford are holidaying with rela- tives. Misses Rose and Florence Bressler of Stratford returned home after spending a week with Mi'. and Mrs. John C. Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, Ray and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Mueller and Mist Eva Beu- ermann spent Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Mrs. Louie Hillebrecht, Melinda, Norma and Edgar, Miss Betty Rock and Mr. Ed Gies spent Sunday in Grand Bend. Miss Claires Diegel was successful in passing her Grade VII piano exam - Mr. Roy Collins has secured a pos- ition with the Yuudt Constructlon Co. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdioe and son Gary spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Dave Sh0ldics in Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Collins and son Larry visited 111 Stratford on Sunday. STANLEY Mr, Jas. Armstrong and tamily of Cnrrobert, Sask., are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs, W. Arm- strong, Goshen Line, Stanley. Miss Anna Forsythe, nurse -in -train- ing, of Toronto, spent the Past week visiting her friend Miss Novelle 1100- binson. Mrs. Margaret Erratt, matron of Mt. Elgin Indian School, Muncey, spent the past week with her sister Mrs. Henry Erratt and other rela- tives. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS The Association will not be responsible for accounts for goods or services un- less the invoice is accomp' anied by an official order of the Association signed by the Treasurer and two members of the Executive. Merchants and others are asked to co-operate with the Association in this respect. Seaforth Amateur Athletic Ass'n BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS ON THE LAKE DANCING ! EVERY WEDNEDAY & FRIDAY Jack Evans And His Orchestra Admission -Gents 500. Ladies 35c, C. Watson, Manager. Old & New Dancing Every Tues. Admission 35c. "FUEL" Coal prices are advancing. We have first quality Anthracite rolling for July delivery We are offering Stove or Ntit size at $13,50 cash, direct from, cars -haul your own, with 60 cents added for town deliveries Mine prices are advancing monthly --with a possible car shortage later on. "Coal is a good buy now" J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 treelt returned_ 10 Uet)'oit on Ws, na hrlay. 11t'. David Male of Rochester, N.Y.. 1s spending a -few clays with his bro they Mr. I'd Mole and family. Mrs. Alex ('asemore of Whigham is spending a few days at the house 00 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mole, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Montgomery of Brantford were renewing acquaint antes in town on Sunday. Mrs. Mont- gomery was formerly Miss Flossie Stewart of town. They were accomp, anted by a friend, Mrs. Jones, also of Brantford. Miss Ardath Sproule of Stratford was a week end visitor in town. George Case, 800 of Mr, and Mrs. E. Case, has enlisted in the Elgin Regiment. Messrs. Harry Hart, A. W. Moore and Robt. Grieve motored to Camp Borden on Tuesday, Messrs, Hart and Moore returning house the same eight. Miss Hazel Earle has returned to her home after spending the past two months in Toronto. Misses Altyvonne Moore and Isabel McKellar are spending a couple of weeps. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Storey spent the week end In Kincardine. Kenneth Hai't is spending his holt days in Kincardine. Miss Clm'issa Dale is attmndd0g summer course at Western Univers- ity, London. Aircraftsman W. C. Sutherland of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home. Mr. Harry Bolton of the R,C,E„ London, spent the week end at his home. Mr. Reginald Pryce is attending summer school at London. Members of the Presbyterian Young People's attended the rally picnic held Wednesday afternoon at rurubull's Grove, Grand Bend. Six cars went from Seatortli. Mrs. I6enneth Ferguson and child- ren of London visited her mother Mrs. J. J. Merner. Miss Mary Smith, R.N., 01 New York, visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Perey Smith, McKillop. Miss Eleanor Hudson is taking a summer course at London. Miss Mildred Finnigan returned Wednesday evening after spending three weeks at Sarnia with her sister. Misses Isla and Eva Love, Toronto, attended the Dolmage-Love wedding on Saturday and are spending the week with their mother, Mrs. John Love" Mrs. Margaret Hart and daughter Mrs. D. Brown, and the tatter's dau- ghter Miss Marjorie Brown, have moved from Stratford to the resid- ence on George street owned by Mrs. Hart, whose son, Mr. Walker Hart, has enlisted. Mrs, E. S. Harding has returned to her ltonle at Richmond Hill. She was accompanied by iter• mother Mrs, James Grieve, Who will also visit rel- atives in Hamilton and Toronto, ilIr. and Mrs. Earl Bell and. Fergus Have returned after a trip to patiwn, Misses Bell. Bechely, Forrester, Smith, Wright and Pretty of town, nett bus Murdoch, Norma Collins and Audrey Murdoch, Brucefleld, are holidaying at Bayfield. Mn'. and Mrs, R Frost spent the week end with their son in Sarnia. MARRIED AT EDMONTON The following refers to a nephew of Mrs, Richard Rogers of Seaforth and Mrs. Marshall Young of Hullett: 40 Are Invited to Brown -Bell Horne Wedding. --Bride and Groom Leave on Fortnight's Trip to Spokane, -The west end home of Mr. and Ivdrs. Lyn - ford Sewell Bell, Edmonton, was the scene of a pretty wedding of mid- summer. Wednesday, June 26, when their eldest daughter Marion A. Bell became the bride of Mr, Roy Allen Brown, the eldest son of Mrs. Brown 1111d the late Mr. Richard A. Brown Peonies, roses and snapdragons in tones of pink and white provided a floral background. Following the cer- emony, which was performed by Rev. W. R. Fonlaton nt '1.30 p.m_ a velem- don wns arranged for 111111111 40 guests. Fashioned with a tilted bodice and a full skirt which just brushed the floor, the brides khw'n wits (n pale bine lave, Rose colored rushing al the hens and touches of rose net at the sweetheart neckline were in chanting contrast Her tiny hat of flowers and lace matched her frock and she wore brocaded slippers. Talisman roses formed her corsage. Both the bride and groom were un- attended. Mrs. Bell, mother of the bride, was in blue lace, her gown featuring a bolero jacket, She wore pink roses encorsage. Mrs, Brown, mother of the bridegroom, had chosen rose-colored crepe with tea roses as a floral accent. A three tiered wed- ding cake flanked by tall ivory tapers in crystal holders centred the bride's table which was laid in cream colored lace. Mr. and Mrs. Brown left later in the evening on a wedding trip to Spokane and Seattle, returning by way of Vancouver. They will be at home in Edmonton in about a fort night. For traveling, the bride wore a frock of brown silk, with which she wore a gold colored topcoat, a brownhat and brown accessories. 4 PAGE FIVE T ake the W ater in A Smart New Swim Suit The Lions Club Swimming Pool has been drained and cleaned and is now open. A. competent life guard is on duty. The lake temperature is right too, so why not "TAKE TO THE WATER" now. We Have What You Need in Proper Swimming Suits MEN'S ALL - WOOL TRUNKS Conte in black, wine, green, navy, with side stripe, and matching belt. Penman's make 1.50 1.95 "MU uu"n"uuu" SATIN "Skintite" TRUNKS New laced side trunk in lus- d, trous satin --in green, wine r f , " and white 2.50 LADIES' BATHING SUITS RIPPLE JERSEY Popular ripple style in plain or printed style, All colors and sizes, "t11,1,1111,u1tN„IIf,UII, n❑"uunuunu"" BOYS' TRUNKS All Wool Trunks 89c to 1.50 "Skintite" trunks 99c to 1.95 ,1111.1111••• 4111151111■••••1111=111116111•11101•11111411111, I SPECIAL ! 59c d° Boys' Speed Style, All Wool Bath - Men's ing Suits. Reg, to $1,95 1.65 1.95 SATIN LASTEX All plain shades, smart -0 95 ly styled. "un,nnlu,nunn,mnl PURE BOTANY WOOL SWIM SUITS Plain colors, i'aney 'weaves. '' tl"1",111"",""111,,, In, POPLIN AND SATIN LASTEX SUiTS A very popular type 1 „ 11 llllll 111,11.11111111 2.95 3.95 4.95 KIDDIES' Botany SUITS 98c 24 to 'i3 size -Red, blue, green 11.1011010111 111011111011 BATHING CAPS. . , ..25 & 35c !I A011144' STEWART BROS. 111111111116 ST. COLUMBAN Mrs, Joseph Moore and family of Detroit spent a few days with Mr, and Ml's. Terry Flannery this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan and baby of Kitchener spent the holiday with Mrs, O'Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs, Trios. Holland and funnily of Windsor spent the week end with friends here. Miss Lois 3Iogg of Walton is visit- ing at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Leo Murray. We are glad to hear that Mr. Harry McIver of the R.C.A.F. is im- proving after his serious operation. His mother Mrs. Wni. MOIver, re- turned home last week atter being with hint for a week et Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Pat Feeney of Niagara Falls is visiting his mother,, Mrs, Thos. Feeney. Mrs. James Montrose of Detroit is visiting her mother Mrs. James Evans. TUCKERSMiTH 13r, and Mrs. Jtts, stc'W:u•t and Miss Velma and James Jr. of Leamington spentn very plensant visit whit Mr and Mrs. .1. U. Stewart and Miss Whittle. Mrs. L. .1, i)oig and Miss Janet accompanied by Mr. John C. Doig of Detroit, relented lime after .haviup enjoyed a pleasant time in Rochester N.Y.. and Niagara Falls. having visit ed with the forme 's sister. Mos. J. Markham and Miss Dora and 1YIr. David Brooks, also 31r. and Mrs. Root. Gooding of London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D Stewart and Miss Winnie. Mrs. Grace Ross of Seaforth is vis- iting with relatives in the neighbor- hood. Bride and Groom Honored - A reception for Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Jackson was held in Kippen hall ori Monday evening. During the evening a handsome chesterfield was presented and the following address was read by Mr. Edwin Chesney. To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson. Dear friends: Out went the call, to neighbors all, Come join with us to -nighty We've work to do, the long night through And wish to do It all right. With hearts sincere, and voices clear We welcome do extend, To Stan and Sadie, and don't mean maybe, We hope that you may never rue The serious step you've taken. May its sense appear to others here And serious thoughts awaken. May Joy and Health, and share of wealth, Attend you all the way, And Love maintain, through every strain For ever and a day. • The loss of life, through war and strife Is surely most appalling, We'd urge you folic, (this is no joke) To keep the rate from falling. For little hands, like golden bands Will link the hearts, you see, To keep things right: perhaps you might Adopt a refugee. We pledge our friendship, scorn the lip And hope you do the same. We welcome you and, lovely bride. We'll always play the game. To mark the day in some siigllt way This gift we. tender you. Kindly accept it measures not What's in our hearts to do, May God bless and keep ya,: through a long happy life. is ::lr wish of your many friends. HIBBERT S.S. No. 4, Hibbert - To Grade VIII --Angela Morris ihon0rs), Jack O'Reilly, Thos. Jones dan. To Grade VII -Mary Feeney (honors), Martin Feeney, To Grade VI -Catherine McIver (honors), Ber- nadette Barry (honors). To Grade V. -Jack Morris (honors). Victor Feeney and Frank Jordan (equal). To Grade III -Joseph Barry, Ursula Feeney, Jack Feeney. -Teacher, Clara Eckert. STAFFA ,Mr. and Mrs, Angus Earl of Whal- en, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hannon and fam- ily and Mr. and 'Mrs. IN. Bus'hfield and Mrs. \Valiant Sadler with Mr, and Mrs. A. 'Jeffery; Mr, and Mrs. Han- non of Logan and Mrs, 13. Vivian of Mitchel with 54r. and Mrs. J. M. IWorder; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephenson and 'family of Varna with Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Small Mr. and Mrs, W. Leake and E. N. French of Mitchell ,with ,Mr, and Mrs. A. W. (Norris; Mrs. H. Kennedy of Clinton ,with relatives and friends; Vires. Duan Hill and fam'- ily of Listowel ,with 'Mo. and Mrs. Jas, (Hill, The 'strawberry social on the church dawn sponsored 'hy the Y.P„ waswell attended. The 'heather was ail that could 41e desired. Woodham Y.P. presented a play and it twos much enjoyed. \Fr. and Mrs. Cecil ,O'Brien and family of Toronto :and ldr. and Mrs. 1W'ilfred O'Btiei and 140(1 o,f O,wcn Sound ,with Mfr. and Mrs. F. ,O'Brien: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lawson and dawghlter of Ba,IFfalo and.Mr. ,and Mrs. Ted Lawson and .daatg+hter .of Flint and Shirley Tl effrey with Mr, and Mrs. Walter 0'141511 1'ir, and Mrs. Gleason !Gill of Pvuss-elldale with Mr. and Mrs. J, l'I. 1Milier; Miss Isalbeil Drake, nurse in -training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, is spending three, weeks holidays Iwitli her Iparenits. Send us the names of your visitors,