HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-07-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
• „ • .•• • • • • ,,
14 Pk.1.1.! NVS
Mrs. Alma' Mecrisen.1. reino, ae-
conteeated by Mrs J. Stewart, Peter
bore. and ale Hetherington. Peter -
bora. spent the week end with Jas.
Bishop and R. W. Hoys.
Mr. D. Johnston has finished his
milling operations this week for an-
other year and has a good supply of
lumber Q11 hand,
Mrs. Alvin Farquharson and daugh-
ter, Beth, returned Sunday atter
spending two weeks at Simeoe with
141r. Alex, Murray, who is in Sea -
forth Hospital with heart weakness,
is not improving as fast as would be
wished for.
The Chillers given in the community
hall last Friday eight was well pat-
ronized and the funds will be given
over to the Red Cross as a donation
from the community hall members.
'Mae: Fairy Fells of Sell Ont.,
and Mr. Devil Scott of 'Bebe:rave, vis-
ited at the hame of the lateer's niece,
Mrs. Earl Mills. of Walton, last 'week.
The Rev. la and Mrs. elysdale, of
Palmerston and airs. M. Keine and
son, I...Lenten, of ;Winnipeg, spent Sun-
day %Nall 'Mr. and ...Mrs, Earl Mills.
Rev. A. Menzies and family are tala
ing their holidays this month. There
will be no ehurch service or Sunday
School next Sunday. July 14th, but on
the following Sunday. July 21st, there
will be service as usual.
Mrs. Gwen of Belgrave is visiting
with her sieter, Mrs. T. Fairservice.
Mrs. E. Crawford, who has been
with her daughter at Niagara Falls
for the past seven months, returned
to her home last week,
Miss Helen Youngblutt of London
spent the week end with her parents
Miss Helen Johnson of London vie.
ited with friends in the village for a
few days last week.
Mrs. 11. Burgess and Miss M.
Duneau. Toronto, are making an eX-
tensive visit with Mrs. Margaret
Mr. T. Pairservice is building the
basement for inc new home.
Mrs. Fred Prest and family are vis-
iting with her mother. Mrs, E. J.
Farmers are very busy gathering in
the bountiful hay crop this beautiful
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon. with their
son, Dr. A. Lyon, of $t, Michael's
Hospital. Toronto, spent a day last
week at Tobermory, Dr. Lyon return-
ed to his work on Sunday,
Miss B. Kirk has beeu laid up for
the past week with the flu.
One of the hest strawberry socials
of the United Church S.S. took place
on the community hall grounds on
1Vedeesday evening, July ltd. There
was a ',word crowd. The play "Back
Again Home Again." presented by the
Relgrave people was well received
and enjoyed. Gate proceeds were $115.
Mrs. tile v. chandler and daugh
ter MISS HOVII, spent a few days in
TOPMItIt rc.ec•1111y.
Master Roy Ferguson of Thames
Road spent last week with his sister
'etre. Oliver Jaquee.
Mr. anti Mrs. Samuel Ropp spent
Sunday with relatives near Poole,
The W.A. and Y.P.S. held a very
successful strawberry festival on
Wednesday evening and was very
largely attended and followed by a
very interesting and well presented
play entitled All in a Family, by the
Varna young people.
Mr. Elmore W. Gaeksteeter and
Miss Esther Price spent Sunday with
Miss Irma Ferguson.
Master Bobbie Love spent- a few
days last week with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fairbairn of
Hensall. •
Bride and Groom Honored
With Reception—
A large number from this vicinity
attended the reception held in Bay-
field Hall on Friday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeath, new.
when they were presented
with two handsome occasional ehairs
and 'out table. The address was read
by Bill McKenzie. The green' made a
very titling reply and all joined in
sin4ing. For They Are Jelly Good
Fellowe. Daacing tris enjoyed during
the evening, music furnished by the
Orchestra. and Mr. William
Hayter was floor manager.
Miss Pauline Cook of Landon is
visiting her grandparents Mr, and
bit's, James Mealymont.
Miss Erma Workman, school tea-
cher in Northern Ontario, is spend-
ing ths holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, William Workman, •
The Kippen East W.I. will meet at
the home of 5,1r. and Mrs. John Sin-
clair on Wednesday, July t7th at
:8,115 p.m, The Rev, Mr. Brooks of
iiensall twill be .guest speaker. This le
the hiskorical research program and.
the roll -cell will be a small 'keepsake
and its 'history.
Mrs. Robert Watson returned home
from Clinton Hospital on Monday.
We hope she will soon be feeling all
right again. Miss Hunking is assist-
ing her.
Mrs. Ernest Knox and her mother
Mrs. Fred Shobhrook of Londesboro
called on Mrs. Watson in hospital
one clay last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall and
daughter Elizabeth spent the week
end recently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest and Mrs. Jennie Knox.
Miss Lavine Knox spent the same
week end at the home of her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Knox. Mar-
shall's and Levine. returned to Tor-
onto July 1st evening after spending
the day at the "Knox Reeznion pic-
nic" at the home of Mrs. Arthur For-
man near Atwood.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and fam-
ily returned to Toronto Tuesday
evening of last week after spending
the week end and holiday at the
home of his parents and Mr. and Mrs.
Simon McVittle and other friends.
They attended the funeral on Tues-
day of his father the late Mr. Scott of
Blyth. We wish to extend sincere
sympathy to all the friends.
On the lawn of John Shannon,
13th Concession, McKillop
Friday July 19
8 P.M.
under auspices of the McKillop
Group ofthe Walton Church
Program by talent from Brussels
United Chitral., consisting of hum-
orous Irish play, choruses, solos,
trios, &c.
Lunch served. Booth on grounds
Messrs, Watson Reid, William Tay
lor, Jack and Harry Rapson spen
Sunday recently at the honie of the
formers sister, Mrs. and Mr, Wm
Rogerson near Brin:eflehl.
51rs, Albert Trewm of Toronto was
renewing old acquaintances ou the
13th and llth and around Kiuburn.
Misses Helen McGregor, Edith Bea
cunt and William Leiper have gone
to London to take up the summer
course. We wish them luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ran-
son and Jean called last Tuesday
evening at the home of their cousin
Mr. anal Mrs. Horace Horton near
Dunlop, as the former received word
of the death of the latter's daughter,
formerly -Miss Evelyn Horton.
We are sorry airs. Thos. Colgan 18
Itot enjoying good health but hope
she will soon be feeling better.
Knox Re -union Picnic
Near Atwood—
Go July lst the Knox re-un1on pie -
tile was held on the lawn at the
Imam of Mrs. Arthur Eleanor and
Harry Forman near Atwood. Around
100 were present from Toronto, Lon -
doe, near Hamilton, Pickering, High-
land Creek, Storyville, Listowel, At-
wood, Brussels, Clinton, Seaforth,
Wingham, near Galt, Londesboro,
Blyth and Harlock. After the diener
was cleared away the races started
and prizes given, also a prize to the
parties coming the farthest. Mr, and
Mrs, Hugh McIntosh of Storyville
winning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox of
near Galt, for largest family, Mrs.
Eliza Gorwill, for eldest lady, and
Dorothy Knox for yotmgest child.
Then the young people went to the
field and had an interesting game of
ball. Slipper was served around six
Welock, after which the offleera were
elected. The president, Mr. Wm. Lo-
gan, said to put in a new president,
.o Me. Wm. Knox of near Galt. was
'leered presitlent, and Mr. Harry
ieot'man re-elected secretary. Messrs.
James Chowen of Clinton and Leo
Stephenson of Constance on the
sports connnittee. Tho re -union for
next year is to he held again at the
1101110 of Mrs. Forman.
Mr. Pat Murray and Mr. James
Nash are holidaying in Vancouver,
and left for there last Wednesday
1.11c death occurred in Hamilton
ileneral Hospital, on Saturday morn-
ing of Miss 'Irene 'May De La Fran-
ier, sister of Mr. L. De 'La Franier of
aMeKillop. Deceased who was in her
thirtieth year, 'had 'been 111 for some
weeks. Mil-1volt Miss Pe La Franier
had 'been in poor health she had con-
tinued 'with her teaching duties at
La 'Sallette School, Hamilton 'until the
end af the term. The 'funeral 'was
held from the home of her brother,
Alvin De La Franier, 20 'Grange Ste
Stratford. to St. 'Joseph's Raman Ca-
tholic Church where Requiem High
ala:s was sung at 11 o'clock. Inter-
ment was in Avondale cemetery. The
pallbearers were five nephews, Alvin,
Raymond, ;fames and Dor-
land De La Franiee and Patrick
Stock. Friends and relatives were .pre-
sent faun 'Windsor, Guelph, Hamilton,
T 'retie\ Seafortli, DrySdale. Strat-
teal niti dis.trict. There were many
levely floral and spiritual offerings.
The remains 'Acre ar,etialit to Strat-
;era ay mean- ear Saturday evening.
Mi.- De 1.a Franke- 'wiz, ;born in
Stratford. daughter of the 1 'Charles
lb. La Franier anti Ellen Durand.
aitended St. Joseph's Separate
sch,vil and later attended Loretto
cademy here :before going tc, Tar-
nto where .she attained her B.A. at
Laren.) Althey. 'Mies De La Franier
alo : ti her al' and Separate
school teaching certificate at the
Hamilton INormal school, She was a
member of St. ljesephle Roman Cath-
olic church. 'Before teaching at La
Salleate school. Hamilton, she taught
in other Hamilton schools, in Tor-
onto and in the 'district surrounding
both the aforementioned .cities. Sur-
viving are a sister, Mrs. G. Granville,
Windsor; and five 1broehers, Peter,
lag Elgin street; William, !715 Guelpa
street; Alvin, 29 Grange street; Hec-
tor. Guelph and Lawrence, Seaforth.
Mrs. Gordon Webster and son
Douglas. of Toronto, eame Saturday
to visit her mother Mrs. Geo. B.
Mrs. N. Norris and children of
Long Branch are visiting her para
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rising. 1
Visitors last week with Mr. and,
Mrs. B. Rising were Mr, and Mrs.'
Canham, Mr, and Mrs. Collins and
son Ed and Mr. Harold Norris, all of
Toronto, Mrs. Leach and son. Fran-
cis and wife, all of Champaign, III.;
visit with her sister.
Mrs. Leach remained fora month's
Died at Goderich—
Daniel Nelson Harrison. 84 years
resident in Goderich, died in hospital
there Sunday night in his 69th year.
HP was a carpenter and well known
ln building trade. Mr. Harrison was
born in Stanley township, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison
He is survived by a son, Ross Harri-
son. Goderich; a daughter MTS. Earl
Meilwain; a brother, Wood Harrison
Buffalo; three sisters, Mrs, Samuel
MacEwen, Mrs, Samuel Houston and
Mrs. Murdoch Ross. Hayfield. The
funeral was held at Goderich on
z,00ricioo ranjoyili,
11..• ot trio
Mre. 111.NIlinit
Let!. ItutPerteed ehitr
nal - e"" was the guest la.t We,k
her eousin, Mary Elizabeth Beatty.
Mr. Harold Rathwell of Windsm
seem Sunday with his parents, Ma
and Mrs. John Rathwell.
airs. Austin and daughter Mary, it
company with Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Austin of Seaforth spent Suite*,
with friends in Londesboro,
Mr. George Elliott of Toronto is vi
siting bus aunt, Mrs. G. H. Beatty.
Mrs. George Foster of Windsor is
spending a few days with her sister
Mrs. Rathwell.
Rev. and Mrs. Peters are spending
a Inc weeks et their cottage, Mus
Rev. Mr. Penrose will be in charge
of the circuit in the absence of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark and dau-
gb her Doris motored to Port Col
borne last week to attend the fune-
ral of the former'brother-in-law, the
late Mr. Ephriam Howes.
Funeral of Mrs. Wm. S. Bates.—
The funeral of the late 'ales. Wil-
liam S. 'Bates of Toronto was held at
Bayfield ,cometery, ,following the ar-
rival of the noon train alt Seeforth on
Thursday, July ard. Rev. H. 'Wright
of Brucefield 'Linked Church officiat-
ed. The pallbearers were five neph-
ews and a stepson: Melvin E. 'Clarke
(Seaforth). Williatn G. 'Clarke, 'Percy
Johneton, Lloyd Johnson, Lawrence
Ha.14 Beelike Finkbeiner, Itay
Hewitt. Marie Mel -
"lee. 'eaten 5111a, Amine
P.111,1,, • P:11%4011,, 111)1,-
Stitt 11)11.
Pass Shirley Appleton, Shirley
Baker, Calvert Heckler, Mary Cald-
well, Donald Case, Jean Elliot, Har-
t old Elliott, Keith Gordon, Norman
Hackney, Helen I-Ialst, Betty I-Iavn-
ess, Douglas alarness. Eric Heywood,
Marie Heywood, Lois Hunter, Eric
Jennings, Eileen Keown, Marion Ker.
nick, Mary King, Mae Ring, Jack
Muir, Richard Pilon, Viola Rollings,
, James Schroeder, ,Itme Smith, Isobel
Snell, Archie Webber, Wilmer Wein,
Ilelen Wilson.
Passed under the provislotts of
Regulation 10 (5) of the High School
Entrance Regulations — Frederick
First-class honors Doris
Elaine Chester Beattie, jean
1111, Ilarliara 'Cub:, Albert Durk, Bet-
ty I:engem llonna Fisher, Marion
Garrett, Robena tirant, Rosemarie
1-I art ney, Marjorie Hays, Douglas
Holland, Lillian Lewin, Peter'
Ewan, 'Colin I), „Mahon,
Verna Masterson, Frank Moore, Ma-
deline Shackleton, Edna Somerset!,
Peter \\leiter, Elaine ‘Villiams, Jean
I\Vilsoci (Victoria school).
Second-class honors — Shirley El-
liott, Jack Evans. joint Graham, Cap -
ley Hill, William I-111, John Holmes,
Read (Toronto), and 'Willi= Bates Pauline •Lasealine, Norma Lisounith,
AlacDonalil, William MacDon-
(P•oronto). Among those aren't a ,dis-
tee aid, Frances aleCeeight, Phyllis Mic-
tance attending the funeral 4were
deceased's 'datighter, Miss Florence Milian, William 'Moltring, Eric 'Moore,
Bates, Toronto; air, anti lairs. Wile ki,,t
i..aoli'luir, (Rauittitaltisapuentctieerrss, \oGeeroa.
'Ham Bali'-, Toronto, and the ffonmer's
sister, "Miss 'Mildred Bates, Hamilton; Schmidt,Irene Stodelaet, Philmore
bars, R. 51 Nee Leamington; Mr, Sturdy, Ethel Turton, Elaine Vickers,
Tuesday morning, after a 'few days' Mary .atistin, Edwin Branch, ,attne
illness following a beart attack on 1110,111 hill, Boyce, Donald
:tune 2/ilth, dram Which she did not Bridge, Harold 'Chase, Eleanor Den -
rally. Her illness occurred a 'few alason, ,Alexander 1Margeret
hours before She intended leaving 'for Farrow, Jack Fritaley, 'Bernice Fuller,
a week's visit in this 'vicinity. Former- Audrey Feagan, 'Helen Graham, IMad-
ly Rachel ealaeke, daughter of the ethic Gravelle, Thomas :Hartney, Dud -
'lase Mr. and -.Nfrs. William Clarke, she
was born near Varna and' lived there Huckins. Elmer
hey H'Ailles'
until her marriage about thirty years Killough, Dorothy Leonard, Donald
ago to Mr. 'William S. 'Bates of Tor- MacMillan., Betty 'McIver, lila Master-
orao, 'who prede.cetteed 'her about aigh- son, Robert Needham, 'Loreen
teen years ago. A 'daughter, Miss .Douglas Orr, George Parraltt, Ken -
Florence Hetes, Torenito, and three meth Porter, Edna Ruffen, 'Joyce Sa-
step-daughters and a 'stepson survive; ger, Audrey Smith, Edward Stratsgh-
also a ibrotater and three 'sisters: "Mr. an, Leroy Taylor, Edward Thomas,
George Clarke, Varna; Mrs. J. (W. 'alarie Viatson, Hubert Wigle, Jam -
Johnston, Verne, Mrs. R. Miller, merson 'Willis, Lillian Young.
Leamington, and 'Mrs. R. S. Evans, Passed tinder provisions 'of re,gu-
. . lation 10 ('51 of the High School En-
trance Regulation's -- Ronald Allen,
Agnes Austin, Eileen Kelly, 1Winnie
K city.
'lite Robert Peek memorial medals
were won by M.adeline altaokleten of
Central et:hoot and lihiltut Irwin of
Victoria school.
. (atom a
The first meeting of the Varna
United Church Mission Band was
held in the church on Friday after-
noon at 2 o'clock. There were 16
present including tbree visitors. The
meeting was opened with a speech
from the president, followed by hymn
eta', "When Mothers of Salem." The
president led in prayer. The minutes
of the last mooting were read and
adopted. It was decided that every-
body wishing to join should pay a
fo, Of 5 cents. The vollectIon which
uas taken eame to 4:1 cents. Hymn
1111, ''.1 'site bids us shine," was sung.
A reading was given by Mona Reid.
followed by a recitation by Margaret
Merlymont. Mary Reid grave ft Short
A piano selection by Leona
Webster was enjoyed by all. follow.
ed with a reading by Maud Keyes, A
duet, "I am so glad," was sung by
Mona and Doris Reid, Ivan McCly-
mont gave a short reading. An ex -
On Saturday morning., lane 311, iit
St. :Michael's Catholic .Chnrch. Eda-
ingtett Lane, 'Wheeling, AV. Va., Miss
\ %mkt Marie llorcs, daughter of
51r, and Mrs. 'C. Ilore,, of Birch
Lynn, became the bride of Mr. Lewis
Francis NVilliams_ son of lir. anti
bit'. Dan ILVilliame of Dublin. Rev.
Father 51ichael Cotter, pastor of the
eeeeea, performed the ceremony and
sang the nuptial mass in the presence
cd t'he immediate 'families and a few
intimate friends of t'he couple. The
tremely short play, "Grammatical 'bride's only attendant was her niece,
DIffieulties," was put on by Mary and .Miss 'Kathleen Ryan, and lair.
Margaret McClymont. A reading was ward Bach 'wee Ile these man. The
given by Doris Reid. The meeting altars of the church 'were 'beautifully
was brought to a close by singing decorated with a proilusion of coltanfell
"God Save the King," summer 'flowers and palms, Miss E'va
The July meeting of the Varna Vail preskled at the organ and 'Miss
W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Nancy Oriole of Bridgeport, 0., sang
Fred Reid with 14 members present. "Ave Maria," The 'bride 'wore a
Hymn 112, Lift up your hands, was lovely.,'•own of pondre 'blue chiffon,
sung and Mrs. D. Stephenson led in fashioned 'with square neckline, ehirr-
prayer. The roll call watts answered ed ibc,clice, with short 'puffed sleeves
with word rejoiee, Text word for, and full 'tee -length skirt. Her hat was
August to be fellowship. Oh God our a 'draped turban of cameo pinlc silk
help In ages past, was sung, follow- , jersey 'with slippers and .gloves itt
el by sentence prayers by several marching color. Johanna Hili roses
members. Bert ha Diehl read a Meee and light blue delphinium, 'formed a
on temperance. Mrs, Alex McConnell atatedee ,ceaseae, alas Ryan 'was et.
read a missionary reading, The Psrr tired in a peach colored organdy dress
Line group is to he in charge of new designed similar to the bride's. with
ideas for August meeting. Nt."'. which 'wore an off-the•face ,white
Peters gave the annual report of silk 1)1-ai'l hat and other accessories in
supply- secretary. This showed the corresponding calor. Her flowers were
great value and need of hales. Anna Talisman roses and deep :blue delphin-
and Ruby Reid sang a duet, Jesus inm. Immediately 'following the ser -
took my burden, was sung. No. 701 „gee a weadeee. breakfast 'was ,served
in hymnal was read. The closing ot the home the 'bride, after 'which
hymn was Will your anchor hold, and Mr. and ,bars, lWilliams left 'by 'motor
prayer by Mrs. McClymont. At the for an Eastern and Canadian honey-
moon. Mrs. NA,Abltanns is the daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. C. Hores ef Birch
Lynn, and a graduate of Si. Alphone
sus' Academy •and Itas hellel a secret-
arial 'position. The groom is the son
.of Mr. and Men, Dan 'Wiliiams of
Dublin, formerly of Pittaburgh, Pa.,
an alumnus of the University of III41-
110iS, member of Alpha Kappa Psi
and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternities,
,Mr. and Mrs. 'Williams will be at
home et 11107 National Road, 'Wheel-
Mr. •and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer vis-
ited at 'the Martyr's Shrine, .Midland.
;Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan, of
Toronto, 'visited Mr. and Mrs. al.
Joseph McGrath, ibit's, M. Simpson,
of Toronto, ,were bhe ,guests of Miss
Mary Beale.
Frank 'Krauskopf .of Toronto is
ho011idaylllig with 'his parents, ,Me. and
Mrs. Louis Krauskopf.
'Miss Anna Meagher bas secured
position in London.
Miss Irene McGregor, Tnekersmith,
visited her sister Last 'week.
A family reunion was held recently
at the 'home of iMr. and 'Mrs, Allbert
KranAtopf recently it being the first
time the family were at home 'together
for nine years, The members included:
Misses Margaret, Kitchener, Cecelia,
of Stratford, Edith, of Weterloo, Sis-
ter Rose, St. Joseph's 'Community,
London, and Albeit, of New Ham-
James Eckert of New York •visited
his aunt, Mrs. Barbara Holland,
Misses Mary and Anna 1Kreuskopf
of London ,visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Nich'-
ola's Krantstleopi.
A succession !barn dance was iheild at
close a social hour was spent.
(Continued from -Page 1)
Margaret Fuss, Jenny Jolly, Mary
Kinsman, Ellen Love. Gordon Menu,
Laurette. Reichert, Jean Schilbe, Har-
ry Smith, Ralph Stephenson,
First-class honors—Lilly Isen, Mil-
dred Sharrow, Glen Webb.
Second-class honors—Gordon Kraft,
Mona Tetreau, Mary Turnbull.
Pass — Martina Dietrich, Emery
Pfaff, Ada Willett Helen Ziler,
First-class honors—Graze Brock,
Marion Hodgert.
Second-class honors—Donald Bray,
Shirley Goulds, Shirley Murray.
Pass—Annie Simpson, Harvey Sper-
First-class honoes—Leone Dieter,
Shirley Ducharme, Jean Krueger.
Ralph Krueger, Joseph Miller, Wil-
liam Robinson, Margaret Schilbe.
Second-class honors—Hruee Eick-
melee, Arthur Gelinas, Audrey Gill,
Arvie Haberer, Ada Hay,
Pasta—Kenneth Armstrong. Alphon-
sus Bedard, Clair Bedard, Theresa
Bedard, Teddy Jeffrey, Robert Mc-
Kinley, Helen Robinson, Ray Schilbe,
Elizabeth Steekle, Ward Thiele.
First-class honors—Dawson Gould-
ing, Harry Jeffrey, Gwenneth Jones,
Joan Kirk, Marjorie Welsh,
2nd-elass honors—Charles Brown,
Marion Cowen, Robert Davis, Mary
iS'1E61'NTA. Yic(
?",j .1%
IL, it
Blonclie Brings Up Baby
Rio Grande
Don't miss the special performance, Mon. night, July 15 at 8.30.
Get a free ticket with ea. purchase of 2 or more War Savings
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Too Many Husbands
Here comes the bridea—Married to two mon and giving up neither
Louis Hayward
A. great novel becomes a screen classic
Coming ----"The Fighting,* 69th"
Ile home of Roland Kleinfeldt Friday
nigh 1.
Mr. Smith, Se, Edward, Oscar and
Jerry ISmith, latmiltworth, were guests
alt the 'home of airs, J. 'Reticle
51iss Cecelia Feeney, 'London, visit-
ed Iter mother, .airs, laatirleen Feeney,
ale and Mrs. Gar Smith and Frank
Smith attemied an calif hays' reunion
at 'Caledonia.
Well kuown throughout Huron
county, especially in police and court
circles, Provineial Constable P. E.
McCoy, 97, died at his home at God -
elle!' late Wednesday afternoon
from a heart seizure. He bad been
suffering from typhoid fever for the
past three weeks, and was thonght to
be recovering. He wits sitting Up in
bed talking to /I visitor when the
end came without warning. A native
of alncloe, Ont., Percy E. McCoy was
a veteran of the first war, in which
he was severely wounded by shrapi
nel, the wound giving him nitwit 5100-
iti years. He had been 16
years in the provincial Imre in East-
ern and Northern Ontario, ;Intl at
Kitchener before going to Goderich
Service was held in Trinity church
on Sunday with Rev. R. M. IWeekes
in charge.
In the United 'church two services
were held with RCA', Arthur Sinclair
in charge, At the Sunday school ses-
sion an instrumental ,was 'played by
+van Hilbert'. 'Communion will 'be dis-
pensed next Sunday.
Mrs. Noiiie Leslie anti 'Mrs. A,
Fawcett were London visitors over
the weelc end.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Roderick Johnston, of
Gotlerich, were 'Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
Miss Gladys Fawcett, Toronto,
spent some time at •her home here.
Ann Janette Watson, daughter of
air. and Mrs. W. N. Watson, is much
improved following 'her serious ill-
ness of last week:
itmvxoLDs—In Scott Mentorlal Hos-
pital on solidity, July 7, 1.940a to
Mr. and Mrs. (10111011 Reynolde.
Seaforth, a daughter.
ALP1xANDER Scott Memorial
Hospital on Tuesday, July 9, .1.1140.
to Me. and Mrs. Artlzur Alexander.
McKillop, a son,
Your Gutta Percha
McCormick Deering equipment has proven to be the leader.
Come in and ask about our 'deferred payment plan.
We are offering the following used machines with money
back guarantee, if not satisfied:
HARVESTER, Massey-Harrts 60.00
1—ROPE HAY LOADER, Keystone 40.00
1--Massey-Harris Mower
1 new Farmall A Tractor, used by dealer and short hauls
at 50.00 reduction
1-21/2 H. P. Massey Harris gas engine 25.00
1 Cockshutt sulky plow 30.00
1-32 tooth Massey Harris dump rake 30.00
1 McCormick Deering 1 horse plow 12.00
1 Massey Harris sulky plow 30.00
1 Massey Harris hay loader 40.00
1 McCormick Deering hay tedder 30.00
1-17 tooth spring tooth harrows 25.00
1 Miss Simplicity electric washer 12.00
1 used farm wagon 12.00
1 Coleman Gas Stove 12.00
Larger and better Repair Stock than ever. Over 2000
erent repair parts kept in stock. Also large stock of used
.parts at half price.