HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-06-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT PROCLAMATION The Council of the Village of Hensall proclaim a MASS MEETING Of The Citizens of Hensall And The Surrounding Community For The Purpose of Forming A War Time Citizens' Committee To Encourage And Assist The Government To Extend Its War Effort TOWN HALL, HENSALL TUESDAY, JULY 2nd, at 8 P.M. ALL PATRIIOTIC CITIZENS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND GOD SAVE THE KING R. E. SHtrDDICK, Reeve, HENSALL McBeath-Hunkin The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Dunkin. Thames Road. was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, June 22nd, when their dau- ghter Margaret Evelyn. was united in marriage to Alexander John Mc - Beath, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John McBeath, Varna. The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreen, orange blossoms and ferns with a large fern for the back- ground. Given in marriage by her father the bride looked charming in a floor length gown, of teal blue net and lace aver taffeta, with white ac- cessories and bridal wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of Lestra Hibbert roses and Philadelph- us orange blossoms. Mise Jean Vete ner of Chiselhurat. cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid.eond wore a floor length gown of pink sheer over taffeta with blue velvet bows and white accessories and carried a bou- quet of early roses and white ivory carnations. Miss Audrey Cochrane. of Kippen, cousin of the groom. played the wedding music. Mr. Wm. Mc- Kenzie of Kippen was best man. During the signing of the register Mrs. John Hodgert sang "I Love Yon Truly." Following the ceremony a sumptuous wedding dinner was serv- ed ereed to silty guests. The bride's table was decorated with pink and white streamers, rosebuds and peonies. and centred with the wedding cake. Serve ing were the Misses Helen Selves, Dorothy Armstrong. Helen McNaugh- ton. Gladys Jarrott. Lois Darling, Be-th Ballantyne. Mildred Hodgert. as- sisted by Mrs. Percy Passmore and Mrs. Clifford Allen. Mrs. Hunkin re- ceived in mauve triple sheer and lane with a corsage of pink carnet Bons and ell's. McBeath received in navy chiffon over taffeta with a c•nr- sage of pink carnations. The young "mole left amid showers of best wishes and confetti for a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Toronto and North Day. For travelling the bride drained ,•r+•pe dress. Acadia blue coat with^F white aeeessnrles. Upon their r'•int•m they will reside ort the grom's farm at \'tu•na. (sue-ts were resent l's tit from Varna. ihneetteld, tiip teem Hensall. Zurich. F.a.-r •• i'hi.• 1- iolt•st and Thames Road. W.C.T.U. To Hold Convention At Hensall- The e regular meting of the W. T r. was held- in the sehoolreent. of the Felted Church on Thni day after- noon with Mrs. (show. finis presid- ing ie iding cover the devottonal e•xett ices. The meeting opened with prayer by 'Mrs. Jinks, followed by the Scripture reading by Miss Irene Douglas. The theme song, "Spirit of God.' was sung. followed by prayer by Mrs. Laramie and Miss Jennie Murray. Hymn "0 Happy Day," was sung and Mrs. Jinks closed the devotional with prayer. Mrs. Geo. Hess then presid- ed. "Onward Christian Soldiers" was sung and Mrs. Hess led in prayer. A pamphlet was given on the meeting of the W.C.T.U. Bible study to be held in Toronto in August. Arrange- ments were made to hold the Huron County convention of the W.C.T.U, in the United Church. Hensall, on Friday. June 28th. Mrs. Ethel Craw of Seaforth is to be the special speaker in the afternoon and Rev. Duncan MacTavish of Calvary United Chureb, London, is to be the special speaker in the evening. A lunch com- mittee was appointed, Mrs. W. Cook, Exeter. Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Exeter. Mrs. Geo, Hess and Miss Annie Coni-itt. Music committee. Miss Jen- nie Murray. Mrs. Hedden and Miss Irene Douglas. Misses Patsy Merm- en and Ruth Hess saner . duet "Yield Not to Temptation Mrs. Me- Queen gave the treasurer's report. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker received a cablegram from their son Pte. Don- ald Walker stating that he had ar- rived safely in England with the last gmit.ingent to sail. Mr. and Mrs, \W, E. Hedden and daughter Marie and Mr. and Mrs. t M 0 e d h e THE SEAFORTH NEWS \lr. ,J'aanes Bersgoiitgh (while alt work in (Moore Bros, machine Sinop last ,week had the misfortune to (have a heavy iron drop on his '.foot, (badly bruising it and -crushing tare :bones, (Jim's many •friends tope to see him oat again Scion. :Special !prayer services are (being held in Cannel Church each Tuesday and Friday evening. Motor Accident, - On Monday at Hensall on Highway No, el, to scar striven by Mr. Earl Tref- rfry of Chiselhursit, rankled ,with a car driven thy Mr. 'Wile Hoggarth of Exe- ter, the former having Sailed to stop at the highway crossing and collided with the I3o'ggarth car travelling on elle highway. Mr. Treffery's car was paddy damaged. ed. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn Of Lon- don, spent the weak end With the lat- ter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs, James Parkins. The Hensall Citizen's Band took part in the icounty patriotic meeting in Clinton cut Sunday: ‘Members of the Legion from here attended as ,well as many •citizens. Masonic Installation. - The Huron Lodge A.F. & No. 2,24, Hensall, installed the officers for 194041, on Monday evening. \Wet, Weed of Hamilton visited over me Metaallati0 i was performed Iby he week end with the former's.etVor ,Bro. R, Dalrymple es ;follows: \Wor. Master, A, +C. Rdbertson; I.P.M. D. E. Ryle; Sen. War., A. H, Hyde; inc.War., IDt•, Smillie; chaplain, T. Chapman; treas., IJ, Ivlt'.-Bonfihron; pother Mrs. Catharine Heclden and members of the family. Mr. Ken Mangnall, Mrs. Constance angnall, and Mrs.- Margaret Scott 1 Beachville visited on Sunday with ,.euty \W. O• Goodwin; Sen. Deacon, hiss Hattie Sutherland. ], II, l7pshald; Jun, Deacon, Geo, Mr.- Verne Hedden left this week Thomp•soic; I. Gaand, Dlr. !Bryce; S. or St. Catharines where he has se- ,ti.1etw.ard, Dr. Steer; Jarn..Stetward, V. uredMe. a good position. Dinnin. D. .of '0., G. M. Drysdale; Mr. and Mrs. Earl kaiser or De - hi Jas. Priest. reit are visiting the former's par• nts Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. TRACTORS FOR. SALE Miss Eleanor Bell, R.N., of Lon- Number of second, hand tractors, on spent ate (week end at her hone including one, imperial threshing ere, tractor and one Waterloo 3 plow IMr. Lee -Redden left this week for tractor.- Hyde Tractor & Combine Co., Hamilton !where he will- spend sev Allis-Chalmers Dealers, phone 1.28, ral •weeks. 1 Hensall. ;Mr. and Mrs. 'James Priest of Port Huron visited over the ,week en -ti with the foraner's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Priesit. Miss Mina ;McEwen accompanied them home far a holiday. Mr, and. Mrs. Gus Voth and daugh- ter of Detroit are visiting with. .Mrs. Role. Bt,nthron and Mrs, Lott Simp- son. A -refugee shower will the held in the Red Cross• work rooms in the towvn hall• Hensall, on Saturday, June 39th, from 8 to 10 p.m. Second hand clothing in good repair. quilts or goods that can be made into clothing will he gladly received by the com- mittee. The Hensall Public Library will he closed from lune 257th to July 16rh, All )books are requested 'to the in by Saturday, June 29th. Dr. anti Mfrs. 1. G. •Smillie spent a few days this (week in Toronto where the doctor attended she =di- ced,l,.,.- n'iati,'n meeting. - The petidir whorl) held their ,picnic to 'l'urni itll'.s Grove on Wednesday. card rhe continuation school pienic +as ire's) at Grand Bend, - \(r.. Bailey of Huntsville is the guest of her son-in-law and `daughter, Rev, \\':t. and Mrs. Weir. Mr. :oil Mrs. (leo. Ferguson and Miss Violet Hyde attended the Nott- Ferm., a eeditin:; in Seaforth on Saturday at roItirh )lis Hyde was 'rr I n -lid. R< Witt. Weir conducted services in Carmel •tin:trch on Sunday. .\ir. \W, R. Dawids;nt addressed the congrega- tion in the morning on the General Assembly held in St. :Catharines re- cently to -which he (was a delegate. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser- vices in the United -Church on Sunday speaking no the crisis in Europe. The choir sans two (beautiful anthems, "Behold God Is My Helper,' and "Beneath The Cross of iJesus." Commencing the -first Sunday in tha1y- there will the no morning senvice in Carmel Church. Service wrll he in the evening only. During August ser- ,vice w -i!11 lbe held in .the morning Only, conducted by Rev. D. 'C. Hill of Ex- eter. Miss Laura Ross of Toronto is vis- itin:gwith Mrs. Marie Hart. Mr. and (Mrs. A. L. Case spent the !week end with 'Mrs. A. Laramie in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bradburn of 'Seeforvh visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mts. W. Tideswell. Forrest-VanAlstine, A quiet wedding was solemnized at the 1 re-hyterian manse, Hensall, on Pharr+lac, Jane 211th when Rev. \\'m. Weir united itt marriage Miss Gladys l'an \keine and {Cooper Forret son of Mr. J. 11 Forrest, Hay township. The bride wore a street length dress of navy sheer with. white accessories and carried a bouquet of roses and orange blossom,. The young couple were unattended. Following the cere- tnony a reception was held az the home of the 'bride's sister in Central- ia. Later ¢hr ynnng couple left on a motor trip. The ,bride travelled in a navy ensemble, - Special Council Meeting- A-pe'cial meeting of the village cout'it was held nn Juice enth in the connr•il chamber with all members present. to consider holding a meet- ing in the near future to organize the surrounding community into a war service club. Several members of different organizations in the community were present. Mr. Thos. Pryde of Exeter was present and addressed the meeting stating the necessity of some kind of an organiz- ation to help in various different ways. which will be necessary in the present conflict, also stating the re- sults of the meeting held in Exeter recently. It was moved that we hold a meeting in the town hall, Hensall, on July 2nd to organize Hensall and the community into a war service club, and that Rev. Wm. Weir, Messrs. Fred Beer, Geo, Armstrong, reeve of Hay, and Reeve R. E. Shaddick be a committee to look after the arrangements of the same, Mr. Kenneth Manns of Toronto is holidaying with his mother, Mrs. Fred Manns. Mrs. Bailey of Huntsville visited during the past week with her Bon- in -law and daughter, Rev. Wm. Weir and Mrs. Weir. Mr. Howard Hemphill of Toronto is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. - and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill: - A plunkett supper will be served in Carmel Church on Thursday even- ing, June. 27th, at 6,30 p.m. under the auspices of the Ladies' Association. Everyone is welcome. Varley-Smith.- - A quiet ,wedding was solemnized at 'l'rivitt Memorial rectory on Saturday evening when Rev. M. A. 'Hunt united in marriage Edna -Marjorie, youngest ,daughter of IMr. and lMrs. Emerson Smith, '•Kiplpen, and George Varlet', son of .Mrs, Rolbt. Dalrymple of I$en- esll and the laite tMr. Valley. The lbride -wore a street length !dress of rose ereipe with white accessories and carried a bouquet of peonies and or- ange !blossoms. They were unattended, Following 'the ceremony the young +coupleleft on at motor trip to .Niagara Falls. A reception rwile be !held at the bride's home ton their return, Schwalm-Schwindt.- A ,pretty 'wedding was solemnized at Zion Lutheran Chetah, !Stretford, on 'Saturday when Pease E. Schwindt, daughter of Me. and Mrs. 'Con Stchwindt of Bnumner, was 'united 'iia marriage to !Mervyn G. Se9hwallnn, son :of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Schlwalen, of. 'Hensall, Rev. H. F Gnuhn officiated: •Mas. •Freida Gropes, sister Of ale bride; was bridesmaid. Mr. Milton 'GroPIP ,was groomsman. Following the ogre-' ,mony the young couple loft -on a 'hon- eymoon to 'Niagara Falls alis) on their return seta reside at Stratford: Announcing The New Rapid Easy Manure Spreader. Made in Ontario by Fleury- Bissell leuryBissell Ltd., makers of the famous Fleury Plows, Disc Harrows, etc. This spreader is heavier fn con- struction, lighter in draft, yet lower in price than other makes. Your local agent also has Plows, Disc Harrows, for horse and tractor. Scut -Mrs, Grain Grinders, Hammer Mills, and all tillage tools in stook, See uteri before you buy, LOCAL AGENT: V. J. LANE Seaforth R.R.5. Phone 46r12, Dublin Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Teresa Curtin. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Teresa Curtin, late of - the Township of Tucker. smith, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 1940, are`ltereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of July, 1940, full particulars of their claims. So soon as realized after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to 'claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not theft have notice for the assets so dis- tributed or any part thereof. - Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of June, 1940, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. PIGS FOR SALE 9 York pigs, 6 weeks old, Apply to James Landsborough, phone 005x16: AYLMER TOMATOES, 26 oz. 2 Tins CORN, 10 oz..... .......2 Tins TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz....2 Tins 25c 19c 19c PORK & BEANS, 15 az... 3 Tins 25c FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb..... JEWEL SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. size.... 43c 8 oz. size....17c 4 oz. size 9c C MAGIC COFFEE 1 LB. 43c 1/2 LB. 22c RICHMOND BLEND TEA 1 LB. SOCIETY BLEND TEA 1/2 LB. 60c 38c Try Fresh Strawberries with Your Cereal. LARGE CORN FLAKES, 2 for ... 19c SMALL CORN FLAKES, 3 for 25c SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 for - 25c QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 2 for...19c Kellogg's BRAN FLAKES, 2 for...19c VEGETABLES CABBAGE CARROTS CUCUMBERS LETTUCE nunuuuuuunuunnn " uunuunn BERRIES GRAPEFRUIT SALTED PEANUTS 2 lbs. 25c ORANGES FOR JUICE 19c DOZ. SWEET MIXED Pickles 20c 27 OZ. Dick's Cash Grocery Phone 91 Prompt Delivery Regarding Car Parking TOWN OF SEAFORTH Victoria Park will be lighted and available for parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion on Main Street. Police will supervise as far as possible but motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the municipality will not be responsible for any missing article. ; PROPERTY COMMITTEE, F. S. SILLS, Chairman THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1940 KEEP YOUR CHIN UP BUY IN EGMONDVILLE No. 1 •Creamery 'Butter - 2 lbs. Shortening, 2 lbs. 25c Schneiders Pure Lard- 3 lbs. New Potatoes, 10 lbs. Pastry Flour - 24 lbs. 55c Robinhood 'Flour - 98 lbs, 2:89 Purity Flour- 98 lour 98 lbs. 2.89 Prairie Rose - 98 1bs, 2.69 49c 25c 25c Peter 'Pan 'Peas - 2 Tins 170 Snow (Flake Ammonia - 2 Pkges, 9c Caustic Soda, 3 abs. 25c Pearl White ,Soap - 5 Cakes 190 P & G Soap, 5 Cakes 19c 'Salads Tea with 2 Beautiful Glasses, Per lb. 69c Sugar Krisp Corn •Flakes - 3 Pkges. 19c 'Rolled Wheat, 5 lbs. 19c 20c in Trade for Grade A Large W. J. Finnigan WINTHROP A former resident of Winthrop, Mr. Joseph Carter, of Auburn died on Saturday. He was one of a fancily of ten children of the late. John and Mrs. Carter who lived on the present Kinney farm at the Winthrop corner for a number of years. His father rented the property across the road from Robert Hanna where the brick clay yard was located beside where the hall now stands. Joseph Carter was a brick maker and carried on the work there for some years. His fa- ther lived on the present Frank Storey farm near No. 2 school, McKillop, where he secured brick clay for a short time before coming to Winth- rop. Joseph Carter would have been 80 yen's of age next Feb. 9th, His brother, David, has been living the past few months just west of Grieve's bridge with his song Russell, who re- cently moved there. A brother, Sam lives in Seaforth and John, near Kin - b tarn. TUCKERSMiTH Picnic and Presentation.- Under sunny skies the first day of summer, Friday, June 21st, was cele- brated at S.S. No. 2, Tuckersmith, in the form of a section picnic held 011 the school grounds. The afternoon programme opened with the sports, and many eager participants took part. The following list is the result of the sports: Straight race, pre- school age, Kenneth McLellan, Shir- ley Chandler; straight race, 6, 7, S Years, Jimmie Chapman, Ivan Wren; straight race, 9, 10 years, Harold Caldwell, Howard Dayman; straight race, 11, 12 years, Gerald Moffatt, Ida Dayman; straight race, 13, 14, 15 years, Roma Chandler, Ronald Cald- well, Sack race, girls, Alice 'Wren, Norma Deitz; sack race, boys, Ger- ald Moffatt, Harold Caldwell; neck- tie rare (school), Norma Deitz and Warren Thomson; Esther Dayman and Jimmie Chapman; neck -tie race (visitors), Mrs. Ross Chapman and ,Tint McNaughton;- Mrs, E. Chipchase and Ross Broadfoot. Egg anti spoon Mee. Alice Wren, .Tack Cooper. Thread and needle race, Alice Wren :nut Isla Dayman, Edna Dayman and Ross Broadfoot. Banana. eating, blindfolded (school). Norma Deitz, Ronald Caldwell; banana eating con- test (visitors), Rotua. Chandler, Mrs. \Wet. Caldwell. Married ladies' race, Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Keith Col- borne, three-legged race, Harold Caldwell and Warren Thomson; Shir- ley Caldwell and Alice Wren. Young teen's race, Ross Broadfoot, Jim Mc- Naughton. Carrying kiss on knife, Dorothy Deutz, Mildred Deitz. Bean and straw relay, Jean Schilbe and Olive Schilbe; Alice Wren and Dor- othy Chandler. Men's costume race, Jim McNaughton, Rev. F. Chandler. Clothes -pin race, Olive Schilbe, Ron- ald Caldwell; pie -plate relay, Alice Wren's group. Pie -eating contest, Ross Broadfoot Banana race Jimmie ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. 1VIcConnel, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build - ng, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.nt. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE 20 acres of timothy or alfalfa hay. Apply to Mrs. B. F. Snell, Seaforth. Phone 833-13. FOR SALE Hay for sale, by load er acre. Ap- ply to John Campbell, phone 837r22. FRESH STRAWBERRIES For sale at current prices Phone Glen MacLean, 21 on 34, Hensall. WANTED A hay loader, cylinder type. Apply st this office. FRESH PICKED STRAWBERRIES For sale. Pickers wanted. 0. B. Perham, Winthrop. ROPE ,Ant twisting trope of all weights from selected twine for hay -fork blocks, also slings on hand. Order now and give me a chance to make you the best rope at a worth -while save Inc before haying. Expert on all hinds of splitting or piecing. Harold Arm- strong, phone 10- 958, Settforth. NOTICE Hauge to rent Also a colony house. Hay for sale C. G. Fewster, R. 3 Stratford. Oui- (81. Mary's Highway.) TEACHER WANTED Teacher for S.S. No. 7, Stanley, wanted, Protestant. for duties to eonmtence in September. Applications will be received by the undersigned unlil July 10. State salary and quali- fications. George L, Reid, Secretary- Treasurer, ecretaryTreasurer•, Varna, Ont. WANTED Competent general, willing to go to the city, for family of three. Refer- ences if possible required. State wages expected. Apply by letter only' to Box 127, Seaforth News. NOTICE - Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay 50c for swarms of bees during the month of June. Phone 135J. Chapman, Harold Caldwell. Kick -the- ARTICLES FOR SALE slipper, Mrs. Ed McBride, Roma Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mailed Chandler. After the sports were over the teacher Miss Ann McNaughton postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. was called to the centre of the group 80% less than retail. Write for mail - where she was presented with a order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., beautiful radio lamp by Wilma Kyle Dept. D-24, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. and Jimmie McGregor on behalf of the school. Jean Schilbe read the fol- lowing address: "Dear Miss Mc- Naughton. We, the pupils of No. 2, are assembled here to -day to do honour to our beloved teacher who has taught and guided us so faithful- ly for the past few years. We will al- ways be grateful for your patience and kindness to us and hope where ever your lot may be cast you will find peace and happiness as the year's go by. We will, now ask you to ac- cept this little gift as a small token of our appreciation for your serv- ices. Signed on behalf of your pupils," Although taken by surprise, Miss McNaughton expressed her thanks to het' pupils for the lovely rememb- INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. infornmation cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES ranee and wished them success in their future work, Later a delicious lunch was served by the ladies of the section. This was followed by a generous helping of ice-cream. The afternoon's activities ended with a ball game on the grounds. Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY - MEMORIALS SEAFORTH-TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105. Phtbne 41 -Exeter -Box 150 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, -LTD.