The Seaforth News, 1940-06-27, Page 2PAGE TWO
Ft Makes a Nicer Coot Drink
Died In Toronto—
Word has been received bete of
the death 10 Toronto of fl former
well known Clinton resident in the
person of helmet Leavteuwortln.
widow of Hobert Holmes, who pawed
away on Tuesday at the bonze of her
daughter. All's. Charles Wheaton.
Mrs, Holmes had been in failing
health for some tone. She was a
sister-in-law or Airs. H. B. Chant and
aunt of ,lira. J. A. Sutter. The re•
mains will be brought from •Tnrouto
for interment fu Clinton cemetery._
Clinton News -Record.
Barn Burned—
The large barn on the farm of Tel-
ford Montgomery, a half utile north
of the 'Orange Hill corner, was
burned to the ground when struck by
lightning. Two pigs were killed by
the bolt and a number of hens per
fished in the flames. A hen'110 se.
alongside the barn, was apparently
struck first, tate cornett then igniting
the 111)1111 sale ofthe nlaill structure.
Approximately 25 tons of hay. some
grain It wagon and some minor inn
plenlents were also consumed—Ford,
with Record.
A quiet w,eldin1 Was eriell nixed
at Wesley -Willis United Church pur-
snn00e. CIfnl011, by Rev. Ione. when
Iletin Bertha, daughter of Mr. anis
Mrs.. AWm. Hoy of Clinton, heceaile the
bride of George Douglas Dowson,
son ei ,lir. and Mrs. John Dowson.
•\'area: The hrlcic' looked charming in
a street -length dress of dustry rose
emit,• with hat and accessories or
white, and a corsage of white e•arna•
tions. She was attended by Hiss Ruth
Carter, friend of the bride, who w'o•e
a light blue chiffon dies with 11.11
to. match and white aceess(rie-, and
a corsage of pink carnations. Glenn
Dow:1,11, brother of the groom was
hest Ulan. Following the eeren1011y,
the wedding 11 - Ikfast was served at
the house of the bride. after which
the newly -a'n'ds left on a Motor trip
to \Weiesor. Detroit and other
poiltt un their return they will re -
see, (1e' grcwm's farm at \'tn•na.
Married in Toronto -
11 Fl reme. Evelyn c'oultwell.
etolsie, ef ells anti lits. A: T colt%
well, Se (':,tharinr•$, and 11r. \\'athn•,
Gr: c: .t ui 0011 et \l,. and 'Mrs. R.
G. )«1•1 ,. , of Exet"r. were married in
lime 1-•niv:'rslty Chapel. Toronto.
ftev. .1. Rhodes ,1(lic•ial, el and ,hiss
Sial y playei1 the wedding music,
elks Renu 1 'oakwell was her sister's
ht•i,l- •maid. Mr. Heiden Newman of
Kingston. nephew or the bridegroom.
was gr00msman. The reeeption was
held at the Savarin Hotel, Mr. and
Mrs. Selden will live in Exeter on
their return from New Work.
The engagement is announced of
Wilma Elizabeth, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, John W. Partridge,
Brussels, and Mr. Clarence Edward
Connelly, fourth son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Connelly. also of
Police Arrest "Jehovah's
Four t arrests were mad" fn Gorier -
township on Saturday afternoon
w•k1u P1'1010(4aI pnlice took int»
('((51 11) 111. and 1110. Charles Oscar
Iter .t -eel lir. void Mrs. John flay..
cul, of Toronto. They were Int
n,,.11: 1: arraigned before Thomas
;midi y, 1111)1.00,1 1111111.1' the Delete,'
nf ('0110da Regulations with unlaw-
fully making statements "intended
er likely to he prejedirial to the pro-
seeuiion at the war." The quartette
were remanded to jail until- Thurs-
alas- The 11('(•110011, known as ,101100-
ah's Witnesses, are alleged to have
visited several Gnderieh township
farm homes and several complaints
were received by Provincial Con-
stable McCoy.—Goderich Signal -Star.
Farm Clubs Organized—
Agricultural Representative J. C.
Shearer supervised the organization
of two new junior farmer clubs last
week. They are the Blyth District
Turkey Club. sponsored by the Blyth
Women's Institute, and the Zurich
Heavy Draft Foal Club, sponsored by
the Zurich Agricultural Society. For
the Blyth club the membership com-
mittee is composed of Mrs. Harold
McCool. Mrs, M. Murray and Mrs. R.
Fear. Mrs. McCool is also club
leader. The members enrolled are
Lorraine Fowler, Archie Watt, Eddie
McNeil, Leonard Fowler. Richard 0,
Leggett, Margaret Nesbit, Mary
Nesbit, Blyth; Lawrence Platzer,
Donald Ynngblut, - Harold W. Ureas,
Alvin Plunkett, Auburn; 140 turkey
ponies of the bronze variety were
purchased. The Junior Foal Club
member -hip oommitaee is composed
of Arthur Weber. Dashwood; William
Deek 1•. Roland Geiger, Hilton Truem-
n01. Zurich. Mr. 'Weber is elUb
leader. The members are Karl
Decker. Karl Geiger, Albert Erb,
Nelson Masse, Zurich; Otto Willett,
Wellaee Becker, Dashwood, who will
raise Pereherone; Mozart Gelinas, Al-
bert Hoffman, Zurich; Alvin W.
Rowe, Exeter; Herman Stein, Glen
Walper, - Dashwood, who will raise
Appointed At Exeter—
Mise Marian Snell, 13.A., of Lan-
d,ahnto gold medalist to lassies
from I'aiversity of Torun lo. has been
appointed to head the Isatin Depart-
ment in Exeter High School. bliss
Snell w118 a member of the special.
class in ('lassies at the ().1•:.C.
the past terns,
Remanded on Beer Charge—
For the third week in succession
\Wilfrid Champion was remanded at
Goderich on 11 charge of breaking
and mitering the (21.1eeu'5 110101'
13rus01s, and stealing a keg of beer,
valued at $1n from the cellar. Cham-
pion had been in jail since his
arms t.
Bequest of $1,000 to Children's Aid
\ler:ht„ for tulle first time in their
neve apartment in the Children's Shel-
ter. 1110 members of the )heard of dir-
incctor, of the Children's Aid Society
erre pleasantly surprised at 'the ac-
e mnie,d.(t n which 111111 'been provid-
ed for the officials and Alam elves,
.\n additional source 00 gratlhcation
was the announcement that 1110 sums
,4f 1,110t1 had been 'left to tale lininane
l,ranch of the society shy ;Mrs. Helen
G. Shepley of Toronto, recently de-
ceased, a sister of lir. Thoma 'Nies
Demon of (;od'erlch, The activities
of the Society are ,county—wide stn
their scope and Superintendent Harry
Edccank ;;ave a detailed report of the
work in 0111' of 1110 rtort:her11 sections
of the county, showing where lthc
wards of 'the Society are located and
tee etas: of hones in w111c11 they
11000 been placed. The executive of
the hoard will consider, in conjunction
with - the finance 'commi'ttee of the
Its rotnlail. iyhat steps to take for
1.1 -11)'1(0 of -refugee children from
war stricken Europe, within the
c lnty of Huron. The offer of Dr:
Mar •u elaciez his hospital at Hen-
• t". an 1 ale, selnleet4, w•ithotlt
at the disposal o: the 111ther-
ities .!•'r the benefit of the refn¢res,
was uarmly approved.
11 1e as aeoi led to rile 1410. Geier-
ich ,.uracil to reliever the alrislkin:g
n :n;• f.,r dee- in collet hoose
este. \Ira illative, the recently ap-
',fare Barker -fee the .1.010 -
to was introduced ro the members e
•' meiren, .\i t I rh er. --t, ale ri' it
eeles" Star.
Huron Trustees and Ratepayers
Meet at Brussels
The 1,1111 annual contention of the
Huron County Association of 'Trus-
tees and Ratepayers was dteld in the
Library Hall, Brusse'H, The ;president,
R. H. Thompson, BelLrave, was in the
chair, and firs, R. Davidson, Dungan-
non. was secretary.
M. H. Camille% 'president of the
provincial ass0ciaaion, speaking for the
department of education, 'said .why
hoards do not accept ,bhe services of-
fered is a problem to him. He dealt
%%itis ;rants firer transportaltion, 'for
which. if two or more schools co-op-
eret,' iii tran.portine pupils to high
sehoels, 0 .rant of 01011 .st the 0os1
will be received ..from 1110 department.
He 1.,111 also ,.f the r_raut of 30 .p.c.
•,c l -r. -it limy be obtained for dent -
el in•pecti,m from the department of
h,.at9 i the. 'hoard has the wink done:
Purchase of .ehool sat/idle, -for child-
ren, for which e41e department allows
a grant of 30 per cent and reduced
rate, at which the 'supplies may [he ob-
tained if purchased wholesale -makes
the cost almost nil.
I -1-e could not see why the resdial-
tine regarding school 'boards conswht-
ing inspectors 'before engaging a tea- ,
eller was turned down at the Toronto
J. M. Game, I.P,S., Bnuce, paid ea -
hate to the 'lathe Thornton Mustard, a
victim of the A'themia disaster, who
was Menest speaker at a convention .of
the Huron County trustees here in
E. -C, Beacons, T.P.S. for South Hur-
on, told of 'Ube ,progress made -in his
inspectorate in nrilidh agriculbu're is
tours0let in every school. He ;spoke 'Of
the project of reforesltation .um'demtalk
en by a number of schools in ids 'in-
spectorate in .which one :acre of 'land
was purchased 'by Nhe section for this
purpose. -
Etleetion of offirers resulted as fol-
lowet Past President. R, H. Thome-
see. 'B¢clgravr1 'president Robert
S'hortreed, Walton;- vice-president,
Ruelren (evert.. 1)ashworel: secretary -
treasurer, Airs, R. Davidson, Dungan-
non; -committee, Lyle Hopper, Brea
sal., and Theodore Heber, .Zurich,
The Yorkshire folk, like the Scots,
waste nothing. A. man was seen com-
ing out . of a house with a kettle:
"Hello!" said a friend, "tbowt tha'd
removed from yon house?" -
"Aye," said the other, "we re-
moved last nest, but t' penny were'tlt
done in t' gas, so Ah've °bin boiltu'
t' kettle theme"
J. Kilpatrick, Exeter
Slavin With Axe
Samuel Dodge, 40 Year Old In
than, Taken to Goderich to
Face Murder Charge
Duthie the week end Sainuel
Dodge. forty year old Indian, was
held in the county jail at Goderich.
charged with murder after the al-
leged axe -slaying• of James Kil
Patrick, 05 year old carpenter, whose
body was found by police about 10
o'clock last Thursday night to the
Dodge home just west of the village
of Exeter on the Dashwood road. 11
was believed the slain man had been
dead about five flours.
Dodge was found in a bedroom of
the 1(0100, not litany feet trent the
body of the dead man. Kilpatrick
was found in the living roots of the
imine, his head terribly battered. A
blood stained axe was foiled nearby.
Lust Thursday afternoon. Dodge end
I, Kilpatrick, who were partners in a
small contracting undertaking, shing-
ling roofs of !louses and doing other
repair work, went to London. They
drove- in Dodge's tar. It was said
that in London they purchased a
gallon of wine. They returned to the
Dodge home about five o'clock in the
afternoon ned ate supper, Mrs.
Dodge later left the house and the
' two men remained alone.
About 10 o'clock Thursday night
County Constable J. Ferguson who
was in the uptown section of Exe-
ter, received a Message 'from his
wife to go to the Dodge home.
Mrs. Ferguson bad received a tele,
Phone call from some person, advis-
ing her there was a fight at the
Mouse. When Constable Ferguson ar•
rived Mrs. Dodge had already le
turned home and the police officer
found the body of Kilpatrick lying on
the living room floor. The. policeman
mid there were evidences of a
struggle. Dodge was In a bedroom of
the fionse.
The policeman said Kilpatrick's
head was badly battered and a blood
stained axe was found nearby,
There was also a partially emptied
gallon wine jug.
Constable Ferguson summoned
Coroner Dr. W. E. Weekes when he
examined the body and concluder)
that the main was beyond medical
aid. He then called Provincial Con-
stables P. E. McCoy and L. Rather•
ford of Goderich. The Officers tea;
Dodge to Goderich jail
Dr. Weekes summoned a jury and
member's viewed the remains lust
Thursday night.
Mr. Kilpatrick had been making
his home with Arthur Bierling on the
Dashwood road at •the outskirts of
Exeter. He was said to come from
(lie Henstill district.
it Is a korona fact that tine two
Mee had a gallon jug of wine bee
tweea thein when they entered the
!Pelee hone on Thursday at'terrnoon,
111x' wine. police said, was bought in
Leedom During the late afternoon
and early part of the evening they
0llpan•'mtly consumed considerable Of
the wine, but police are assn 1Ousiel
wing the fact that there was a good
quantity left when they arrived on
the seem?. Whether or not the In -
1 dial was abnormally intoxicated
when arrester. police would not say
but it is understood that his condi-
tion "was not too bad." Police -a1'e
believed to be working on the theory
that Dodge and Kilpatrick slay have
bad some kind of an argument over
money matters, because the two had
been working together on some
shingling job. The living room of the
tiny home bore iudications that
there had been a desperate struggle
aid it was also pointed out by ob-
servers that Kilpatrick was a much
bigger mat than his alleged advers'
any. It was believed Kilpatrick had
been struck a single blow on the
Bead with the tooled end of the axe
and that he must have died instant-
ly. It was learned that the axe, with
blood stains en the handle, had been
found outside of the house and that
an attempt had been made to wipe off
the blade. Dodge was described
around Exeter as a quiet type of In-
dfan laborer who went around mind-
ing his own business and trying his
hest to mance a living. Dodge has four
young daughters. Martha Mae, who
was twelve years old on Thursday;
Susan, age 6; Caroline, age 4, and
Shh9ey, the baby, aged seven months.
Mrs. Dodge and her four daughters
were around the house during the
week end when the polite carried on
their investigation. The pollee probe
is in charge of Inspector W. Oliver
of Kitchener.
Death of Joseph E. Carter, Auburn—.
'Death dlaimed an honored 'resident
of Auburn village and a native of Mic-
K4lllee township on ,S'abunday in the
person of Joseph E.' Carter. The de-
parted man suffered a stroke some
days previously. He was lborn in 'NLc-
(101-h op 79 years ago, a • on .of the 'late
IM'r. and Mrs. !John 'Carter, He atitend'-
ed the •MicElroy school. On 1M'ay 14,
1086, the married Mary Ann Homey,
who Iprecleceased 'him 'one year. For
some years ;Ifr. 'Carter 'worked as a
firick layer at 'Winthrop, 'then &rmeld!
scar Goderioh. Twenty years •agio the
moved to Milburn .where ll,e n,wac a
teamster until healttth 'preven'ted him
carrying, on this work. He was a
member of Ehc K1100 United Ohenrdh.
00 a 'kindly disposition and always
ready to lend a helping hand, hlis .pass-
ing pis keenly felt by a beet 'af young
and, roti fucncts. He 'leaves to 'mo'urn
two ,datg(hltcro (Ru'by). Mrs. William
Tlagg it
,off A'u'basrn, with 'whom her
'father resided; ,Mrs. George Baxter
°011ie) of Goderich; Joseph, 'af Sault
Site Marie Forest of 'Goderich; three
thnothers David Carter, of Bl'ytth,-1J'ohn
and Samuel o:f Seeforth;: three sisters,
Mrs, 'Henderson ((;Mary) of 'Sleabarth;
Firs, Heart (Fannie) ,cvf ,Owen ISonm'd
and Mrs. Parker (Margaret) Owen
Sound, There arse oleo nine Ig'randlrlhid-
,cl'ren. The funeral was Ihdid on Tues-
day •a'ft'ernoon.
'Want and Fbr Salle Aids, 3'weeeks t50c
\ na(11',er of earbus •u, in 1111' village
were. tense 0,1 by •it„s' nn Thursday
veni110 'snit no serious damage result-
etie of the c0Ul1— aif aria
tri .t, who hac<. joineal 1 turkey
club of 111yth, and who have received
their young -buds, have experienced
considerable trouble during lube 00111
The ladies sewing, circle of S.S. Aro,
1.0, East I\\'lawauovh, much art The home
of Niro 'George l\11cGGowan on Thurs-
day- afternoon and quilted a quint to -
be donated be 't'he Red 'Cross 'Socioby.
The 'circle has already .donated serer -
other gnti 4ts,
'airs, Mel Colbert of Dungannon,
Mr. Eli H'oitehauer of 'Niagar'a Falls
visited with Mrs. Joseph Inw•in and
Mr, and Mee. Clayton Ladd,
Gordon Raitleby of •Goderich 'visited
with -Mt and 'Mrs. Jerenuah Taylor.
'Mr. and •Mre \ \i Rice of Ayr
called on friends here on Thsarsday.
hiss ,Anna Beadle and Mr, Heavenly
French of Detroit (pent tthe week end
with the •former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Goo Beadle. - -
Mr. mut Nies. \l1 , Arm1stron'g, Gor-
don, Edna and I ors end Gordon Wat-
son of Toronto spent. ,the vveek rend
with 'alts. 'Maar Armstrong.
lir, and -Mr.. Relish Graviston of
Tavistock 'visited on Thursday- with
\Ir, and tales, Russell King.
•Born.—'On !Tune litith, to 'M'r, end
Mfrs. Sidney McClinchey, a dau'g'hter.
\lr, Teddy- 'Jones returned 110111-1
loo Saturday aeltr a foltnignht's visit
with his daughter, airs, James For-
etell and Mr. Forman, of Flint, Mich.
\irs, 'William ,!Lillian, of Goderidh,
visited 011 Snulriay 'witch • Mrs. C. A.
1-hsa son,
• \4r, and 'Mrs, Geo, 'Beadle have re-
turned home atter visiting relatives
se '!':avistock and Woodstock.
lIr, and'Mts. Ernest Craig and .fa -
telly of Goderich visited on Sunday
with \tr, and 'Mrs, Wm. Craig,
\Ir. and Mrs, (\\''iley of Kimberley,
B.C., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, John
\rr, Levi Mare -seed and Mrs. A.
Rabb visited on Sunday with Mr. and
11rs, R. ,MacKenzie of Lochalsh.
.Itis; Edith 13eaconl of Hallett has
been engaged as teacher of Auburn
public a0hool, hiss Beacom comes
highly recommended frons a school in
Last '\Wavvanosh.
The wheat in this district has grown
to a very noticeable •height, '011ie of it
nu'a-urin0 fine feet, six inches. The
hay' i, a 'bumper crop 111111 clotting ,op-
etation have ,com,nlenced•
Miss Dorothy \V'ilscm then Ibsen ens
gaged as teacher in S.S. No. 1117, East
\\-awauosh (the Bailie :school), ion ,the
and co1cessio11 of East R awanosil.
111•. Robert Prost -of 'Brussels has
been appointed teller in the lhank here
sit,:ceecliu0 Earl Zu-hrigg,
Vlr, and .lir.. Harold Kitchen of
Insitheim, were recent 01 Irons •wail
-he lances parents, 11r. and Mrs, J.
1. R ebert.nn.
Mr, \ ;1, Ferguson tock a post -
t acinar(' 1 nree in embalming at Ter -
.01 10 last week.
Dr. 13. t'. Weir has returned home
from Toronto where 110 Imo -,l 'boon at-
tending a medieval health officers'
eorive l'li'-,11.
Peter Austin, a 'former ,resident of
this district, was 'married in Ti'ison-
burg on !June 111th. -He and his (bride
are spending their honeymoon in this
Max Robertson has secured a job
in K)Itchener.
Recent ;visitors; 'Miss Margaret Do-
resteyn, Stratford, with 'her sister,
Mrs, Albert Kranners; Mr. and ,MTs.
James Hanley, Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. Rebut Byrne. Hamilton,
with 'Mrs. Catherine Byrne; F'ran'k
Krauskopf, Toronto, with 'his ;pa'ren'ts,
ilr. and Mrs. Louis K•rauskop'f; Ar-
chie 'O'Connor, Detroit, with his sis-
ter, Mrs. Mary Carpenter and fide. and
,11 re. Waller Carpenter. -
A very interesting,recital under the
capable elirection of ;Mother Maureen
was held in the Perish Hall on Thurs-
day evening and wtes largely attended
The program .was provided by stu-
dents of :the various schools taking
part in the recent Stratford 'i,usical
Festival. The opening numbers were
God Save -the hing, and Barrie Brits
annia; violin solo by ,Miss Doris An-
nie; piano solo, ,Miss !Maida Mueller;
vocal solo, Miss Annie I\Vnilson;
"Night Song,” tby emelt ens ;noble;
two *hornets 'by elle ,Beeeh.wood
group; three antrabers Iby S;t. ,Cdlunn-
ban Rhythms Banks; ,vocal duet, (Misses
Lorraine Roland and Phyllis Roney;
four ('B'o'nuses ;by - St. 'Oalanehan
School; modal solo, 'by IMies (Marie
Evans; quartet by ,Misses IM'aegaret
Holland, Team ,Setdhoiilanid, 'Marie
Evans and ;Leona Holland; •('beau -s, by
Dublin Public School; •vodall solo by
Miss Thereea Ryan; selection Iby The
Holland Trio; :ewe tpiano duets by
Misses Margaret Holland and Maida
Mueller; choruses Ihy. Dublin Separate
Scholl;.qu'artet Iby Mosses Leona Hol-
land, Marie Evans, joan Holland' and
'Geraldine Ryan; 'piano 01110 by The
'Moore's. Al varioaus intervals. delight -
fed violin selections -were rendered by
Owen .Biortlewiek of Stratford. Tlhe
program ,was ;concluded by excel'len't
choruses Iby lithe choir.
"Politeness is tate art of staking
your guests feel they are at home,"
says a hostess—Instead of just wish-
ing they were.
Send us the names of your visitors.
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
Lik+t tED
John Dodds .Passes
In North Dakota
Was Born at Seaforth and
Went to Dakota Territory
in 1882
(Front the New Rockford, North
Dakota, Transol'ipt, of June 7.)
Funeral services for John Dodds,
sr., 76, whose death occurred at the
homestead in Superior township at
Hoon Saturday from the infirmities of
age and complications, were held at
the Houle at half past one and at Ole
Congregational church in this city al
two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Iiov.
George B. Caley, pastor of the church.
being in charge of the services. The
Masonic funeral rites were had al
the grave in Prairie 1,10100 cemetery
tinder the direction of the officers of
Century Lodge, No, 60, Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons, the pall bents
ors being J. L. Prader, 1W, 0, Selmer..
bl, Frank Faltrer, Jtuols Witte, Mark
Hulbert and John Williams.
A large concourse of the sorrowing
friends of the deceased and his fain•
ily gathered at the home, the church
attd the cemetery and the 'oral trib-
utes were litany and beautiful, attests
lug the high esteem in which the de•
ceased was held among the neighbors
with whom he had associated for
10el'e than 57 yea's. Special must
cal numbers (11 the ch111011 were
given by a quartette composed or
Ales, Fred Davies, Mrs. Jacob 1-laas.
Donald Harris and Jacob Ifaas.
John Dodds was born in Seaforth
Ontario C'auada, on October 15, 1365:
and - 1 100101(1 1,15 educa41011 in the
schools of that city and community,
I i' 2thea of
In the spring n lh3 at lag
nineteen yeah, he 0111110 to 11'11111 was
hien lite territory of Dakota as an
immigrant, ')•riving at Buffalo, Cass
county, on the 15111 day of March
and the following year canto to what
W115 then Foster county' and Mimed -
lately upon attaining his majority
[fled on the homestead which has
been his habitat ever since.
On November 27, 1580. he was
united in marriage to Miss Lizzie
Agnes Miller at Buffalo and the yoneg
couple at 0000 rnunc to the homestead
in Superior towushili, To this 1111inn
were horn 111111' cllfldre'n, all of
whom, with his devoted wife survive:
Helen (Mrs, Ward Smith), limner
Michigan; Charles, Grand Rapids
Michigan; Ada 1A11•s. Jack Rosen
bevel, William, John jr„ Leslie, New
Rockford; Agnes (Airs.- Berger Jen
sent, Drake, 1(wa; David, on the
fal'ns, and Clifford, aleVilh', All the
children were present at the obsc'git
les with the exception of Helen and
who were here for the Plain
sly reunion held on Sunday, May 211111
He also haves twelve gramiehihhrn
111111 '('0111 hr ulllO1's, rho 111111 rs hey
lug a twin brother, Janus, Swift (9m' -
ren. Saskatchewan, who was here fol
the funeral; Peter. Aneroid, 0as11atch
wnu; '1'il»nuls, ~Daub', \Washington1
Charles. Long Beach, California;
weenie, New itnr6Sord: (leo1ge
:1lnose .11410, and Andrew. Swift Cur
rent 0aelenehetw'an, (1r, and Mrs
Dodd, celebrated their 11013a11 wed-
ding anniversary with tl big faintly
gathering iter„ on November 27, Ms
1'onlhrg to Superior township n1 his
youth, deceased early took an active
lute •es ill 1e civic•' " n his
t i the affairs f 1
community; tatting (1811 in the organ
izatiou of Eddy county and in that
of his township at a later date, Fol
five years he served as township as-
sessor; as a member of the school
and township boards; and for some
time as commissioner from the 'First
Commissioner District, He was a
charter member of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen and of Century
Lodge, No,'60, A. F. & A. M,
A good man and true has gone on
in the person of John Dodds. A de-
voted husband and father; a loyal
friend; a good neighbor going about
quietly and unobtrusively to do those
good deeds which becomes a good
Christian character, his presence is
going to be 111155011 by many of even
the younger people, while the pion-
» (n -
eer will s v feel that nt another one of
their number of an outstanding chms
;neerhat: been taken from them,
The congregation of tine Staffa Uni-
ted (Introit gathered in the township
hall on i\V'ednesclay evening last for a
delightfully arranged farewell 'party
liven under /the auspicesof the 'Board
of Stewards ,and Young Peoples Soc-
iety in 'honor of Mr. and Mrs. John
Leary and 'Miss Iva Leary 'who Have
recently taleen'u'p residence ant Munro,
An 'enjoyalbie program was introduce,
ed in' the course of the 'evening. 'A 'vo-
cal solo by taIrs, C. A'ldworth, accom-
panied on the 'piano by Mrs. 0. W.
Reed; a musical quiz by Miss iiv arion
Draike, ;and other contesibs by IMos. .A11 -
tele '\'Orden- A 'very fitting address
was read by 'Rev, 1W1 E. Al'd'wolibh.
Josephs Shleare made t;hc presentation
of a lovely occasional chair. Broth ,Mr,
and Mrs. Leary 'thanked the congre-
gation 'for lbhe gift. 'The Young ,People
'presented 'Iva ,with -a Y:P'JIJ. 'creat
membership ring, the address being
'read Iby 'Miss !Vera Hanbly and M'ns,
Arthur Kemp ntarle the 'presentation.
I'va thanked the 'Young People 'for
the rementlbrance, Lunch was served
Iby alae ladies and their assistants. ,Mrs.
Leary ,was also ipresented ,with a Aide
nneutbershi;p 'froom the Stelae W.M.S.
P I -TS fd PA S
this EASY way
X7O more rubbing and scrub-
bing to get grease and hard -
baked food off pots and pans—
Gillett's Lye cuts right through
dirt of any kind!
Use Gillett's Lye, too, to keep
drains clean and running freely.
Doesn't harm enamel or plumb-
ing. Keep a tin handy.
FREE BOOKLET — The Gillett's Lye
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clears clogged drains . . keeps out-
houses clean and odorless by destroying
the contents of the closet . - . how it
performs dozens of tasks, Send for a
free copy to Standard Brands Ltd.,
Fraser Ave, end Liberty Street,
Toronto, Ont,
'Never dissolve lye in hot seater. The
action of aha lye itself heats the worm.
The following changes in taxation
made in the Ralston budget brought
down to the house of commons at
Ottawa 1111 Monday:
New excise tax 00 1101' 11 1111 1111118011
uuu0nobiles ru ugillg fl'uul 10 per ('ort
all nun uftettur(r,' 1'111110 Of $Inn 10 011
pet' 1111 till e0('SS (vel' $1,2110..
l'oni011111 tanme 1110 rite's sharply
turteasell and exemptions for single
and needed person. lowered.
New nal tonal defer,• 1110 of 2 pet.
(''•111 of hug dite 1 p' t' colli int
n1 111051(118 earning more that:.
01.2'', Exemption of 2 1)011 eaelt et'
611111 1, r earls dependent.
LXee s profits (11x revised, aholts%
lug npiienal graduated late in re-
turns 111111 capital. and rate on .total
protils raised from ee per emit to 7e
Per e'en on all 1(1.611(8 in exress of a
baso rate from average profits over
font -year prewar period.
A 11'11 l' exchange tux of 10 per cent
of value of all imparts except those
co incelities entered under the Brit•
1sh preferential tariff.
A 1101• lax of 10 per colt on all
radios, radio tubes, phonograph and
Excise 1110 011 elgal'ettes raised
from 05 to illi per 1,000.
l0xcise tax on manufactured tobacco
raised from 95 to 35 cents a pound.
Excise tax on cigarette papers and
tubes raised from 2 to 5 cents per 100.
New excise lax on raw lent tobaccoes
sold to c0nsttlners of 10 cents pound.
Excise - tax on cigars inc1eased
from 50 rents to $1 per 1,000.
Excise tax of matches increased
one-third. tit: from three-quarters of a
cent Ln 1 (rent on box of 100.
Tariff changes of technical nature.
'Pax of live rents a pound 011 robber
tires and tabes except those on new
oars, compared with two and three
re1115 It pound respectively under
present schedules.
import malt syrup rate ralsed
from 21 to 94 cents a pound.
Dressed or dyed furs taxed 12 per
cent instead of the present 8 per cent.
Sales tax remains at 8 per cent.
First Negro—"What fo' dat doctae
combs' outs yoah house?"
Second Negro --"Ah dnnuo, but ale
think ah's gotta inkling."
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 26c
Summer Time Table
Leaves Senforth for Stratford:
Daily 5.26 a m. and 6.26 p.m.
1.41(15, dea0rth for Goderich:
Daily except Sunday and hot., 1.06 p.m.
and 7,40 p.m.
Sun. and hot., 1.06p.m. and 9.20 p.m.
Connection at Stratford for Toronto,
Hnmllr".•, Baer,ln, London, Detroit,
Tavistoek, Woodstock, Brantford
Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House
Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Colne in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck—if you have ' car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
Electric Welding
Done by an Experienced Welder, Ken Campbell
Work guaranteed. Thtl\ portable welder can be taken any place with
or without Hydro
All Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aim To Please