HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-06-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1940 HENSALL Mr. and Mts. E. L, Mickle, Billy and Betty, spent the week- end with the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Miokle in Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs, Gus Voth end Gwen of -Detroit visited over the week end with Mrs. Lou Simpson and Mrs. Robe, Bonthr'on. Miss Olive Walker, R,N., of Albany, New York, is visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, Mr, Kenneth Manna of Toronto spent the week end with his another Mrs. Fred Manns. Mr. Art Prior of Camp Bordeu spent the week end with his wife Mrs. Prior and family here. Mrs, Rohit. MacLaren, who has been spending the past few months ware her daughter Mrs. Glenn at 1 Clinte:n, returned to the home of her! son Mr, W. A. MacLaren. where she will spend the summer mantles. Miss Pearl Maypole of London! spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. J, Parke spent -the week end t at. Grand Bend. Miss Mary Hemphill of London •visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs.' A. W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smillie re• I turned to Toronto after a pleasant visit with Dr. I, G. Smillie and Miss .Jennie Murray, Miss .Shirley Twitchell left this week for London where she has se.' cured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Ross visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz and Mr. and Mrs.• Leslie Adams at Dashwood. Mr. John Swats of London speut Saturday with his father Mr. Alex Swan. Miss Margaret Hobkirk visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Selves. Mrs. Mnnnshaw of Detroit was a recent visitor with her sisters. Mrs. Annie MacDonald and Miss Mary Mc Ash. • Miss jean i,VIhitesides of Kitchener, Miss Violet '\\ hitesides of Detroit and 'Mrs, Ted Fines and children of Clin- ton. ogled on friends in town on Monday. Miss Helen Moir "pent Saturday ,with re'atives in Exeter. -Mies Edith Parkins of Exeter spent the week end with her parent , Mr. and Mrs. la.. Parkins. Mrs. Brazier and son jack and denglitereDerothy were the guests of Dr. and Mr.. 1). G. Steer and Patric- ia on Sunday. llt s Annie Consitt is visiting with relatives in London. The \\oltelt Class ef tate United Church ere It ,1dutx ch it animal picnic at I t.field in Friday. Ione 'I t.' Miss lemma ;lnlmst n resident of the Marathon hiridge Clubs eery •pier autly entertained the mentbere n Friday evening, The club's pro- ceeds ro- cee1 s goes tet the Red Cross and ;.trey have raised a large sum. Sirs. H. Lawrence, who underwent an operation in Clinton Hoeprtal, is every much improved.. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. t)r. and Mrs. Steer and Patricia here visited by the c,rtner's parents and members of the family from Mit. • Bridges on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Dinsdale, M.L,A., Mrs. Dins.laie, dan.,hter Alice and con \S,11 - limn. of Brandon, Stan-, are visiting with Mrs. J. Dinsdale, ,Mrs. Elda Sim- mtxt. ;Ind Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty and other relatives. The I\V.M S of the United Church held a very successful home taking cade in B,,nthrin and Drystiale's store on Saturday. Mrs. McArthur of London visited last week with her brother and si,cter- in-:awe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold and attended the fiftieth anniversary cttf• the V.M.C.\ of Carmel Church of :whish she was a member. There passed away 00 Thur -day. ;lune 11:1 at his home on second of Stanley. Mr. Jeeeph Hood in ids 77th year. Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary.- -rlte fiftieth anniversary of the 11.5, of Carmel 1're-`,terian Church was laelh an Thursday afternoon last ac ;, 1+.m, in the sebocil room of the 'church e i h has recently '' en re- decorated and presented a handsome appearance to t prefesisa, peonies, rests oi•rl a1. iel .wreade The birthday r,ke. decorated with fifty rend:es,. ave- +'n t -': au ur.v arranged Mr. !`V. .\. MeeLaren :,laved sn thin e't� emests mere re- seised by Mr.. H. Arnold and Mrs. i. SV. ilentlirem The Pent Mrs. C, l4 teen, ieresicied and .ed the ne r., by- r.-s,liee'. ,shore passage_ Mrs. Annie L,, as rteel the Scripture acre Mrs. C. Hat 1. tt eaye ' t rdress -of eveleonie. The roll call .,f former r e n'a 's 'Nes rtlicrl n the secretary, Mr -s. ciee. Walker and anseyered by i eat ere read by Mrs. ,Weir received ifr:,n forme m,,riit,er aho were un- able Ito attend. Mrs, R. V. MacLaren gave a very interesting .paper on the 'history of the Society since 11890. A ladies' quartette comprising Mrs. liaci)ouga•II tars. Andrew Dougall, EStee. W. A. Maclearen and Miss Ma- bel Workman sang "As Panteth the Hant." The offering was received and dedicated, Mrs. (Rev.) G. M. Young ai Luoknow rwas the guest speaker and gave a very inspiring address. The .meeting ptosed with a hymn and the national anthem. Rev. Wm. Weir pronounced the benedlctian. Dainty refreshments :were served, MCAdam9•INeeb,-- ,A quiet wedding was solemnized at Calvary United Church manse, Lon- don, when Rev Duncan 'MacTavish united in marriage Bernice Grace Nceb of London daughter of Mr. and firs. A, H. Mee'b, Dashwood, to 'Wil- helm 'James McAdams- of Hensail, Ssnn of Mrs. T.'McAdems and the late M. 'McAdams of Zurich. The 'bride - to -the looked 'charming in a street ;length dress of dataky'pink sheer, pink .picture hat, white shoes and 'w'hite accessories and carried a (bouquet :of red roses, lily of the ,valley and ,fern. Miss ;Mildred. INeelb ,of London was bridesmaid and wore a street length dress :of Acadia Ibiue sheer, (blue plc - Mere ore What, .white Shoes .and :white ae- cessories and carried a (bouquet of yel- low roses and sweet peas. Mr. Harvey Week, li n:ether sof the (bride, was ,the iProOrnsmr:a'n. Folllawing 'the ceremony the young couple lett on a unoitor trip • ,Clat•ksviille, raid t. The bride more a queen's !Ware and nanny ,coshlrne with white accessories for travelling, Upon their reborn a recepltion turas hold at t he Ibride's home set 'Dat,iawood. Ryckman-Kuhn.— A very tpretty iweddinlg twee per - Sennett at ebbe home of Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Krohn, Crediton, at high noon, Saturday, when their daughter, Mar- garet E1izatbeth, Reg. N,, theca= the bride of Mervyn Grant .Ryokrn n, 'I''hm.B., of Flint, Mich., son of tMr. and IMes. E. G. Rycknaan, Hensall. 'Phe ceremony was performed by Rev. Blotch. Miss Betty Brown of Detroit played the 'wedding music, The Ibrede, g iven in marriage lby her Mather, lock- ed'charming in a floor length gown of initlte net over white taffeta • .with a putted hull skirt, .veil of net and white accessories and carried a !bouquet o8 Briarelitfe roses. Miss Hazel Smith, Rett. N., of Tilisoniburg, was brides- maid and wore a floor length dress of pink silk organza and carried a 'bou- quet of sunset roses. 'Sir. Eugene La- mont, Phyt B., of Toronto was the hest man. Following .the ceremony the .wedding dinner was served to thirty Iguests. The ,bri'de's table was centered with (wedding feake and ,deo- orated with candles in tall tapers and ro thuds. Sirs, Kuhn received in dusky rose sheer with corsage of pink roses. The young couple left anted showers of confetti and these wishes on a honeymoon trio to New' York, For travelling the bride wore a thine dregs and pink swagger coat. Upon their return they mill reside in Flint, Mich. Red Cross Notes.— 'Phe F'Ienetell branch of the Red Cross Society desires eo express sin- cere thanks to the '.people of Hensell and vicinity for the magnificent xes- Iponse to the appeal .for blanket's sent out ewe weeks ago. Up to date 36 (blankets have ibecn shipped to head- quarters along m'ith the following supplies; 7 pairs rpajann., .dressing g w h s 131", doz, khaki handkerchiefs, ell hospital bed jackets, 1156 pan's sof soots, 18 seamen's scarves, 110 sweat- ers, 1 pair wristlets, 1 pair rifle Inhbts, I Quebec helmet, 3 large quilts and 8 crib quilt, 11 nightgown and three pieces underwear, 9 washcloths, The • operation of oar rituens has sheen !nest granifying. Special attention - rad be apache of our elder citizens rain, from the first bene ;elven them- selves to this task in a Moet self- sacriticiii.t manner. The need for sup- plies still continues. There is work f..r all t., do. We have room in our w,rk rooms for r'wo or more sewing machines. If any person has such a machine that is stat in use and would like t- help oar workers 'hy loaning •h: machine to the Red Cross for the duration o' the war, please phone Sirs Robert P aater,.san or Mrs. Don- ald Steer regarding sane. The recent contribution of over $140 'from the ntenn,ers of the ,Marathon Bridge Club has been received by our treas- urer, )Jr. Lawrence, and our thanks is hereby extended Ito the ladies. alias ,Mary Thompson of the stall of the Bank saf Montreal is enjoying a a ee u s holidays. KIPPEN Sirs. Aunie Mr aughton of London is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Emma McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sinclair have returned to Ktppen after spending the past few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. McKibben of London le visit- ing with her niece Miss Jean Triton. Mr, Geo. Dinsdale, M. P. R of Maoeoiaw. Sask.. with Mrs. Dinsdale and their sou and daughter have spent the past week visiting with 31r. and \Irs, Robt. Dhtsdale and tither relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Chhpehase. 3H'. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle and Mr. Sandy Pepper motored to Camp Bor. den on Sunday and spent the day with Jack Chipehase. 1Ir. Thos. Kay spent Sunday in Seaforth with Mr, and Mrs. Wm Butt. Mr, J. Ti, Taylor of Montreal spent the week end with his wife and family. A birthday party was held at the "Rendezvous" at Hayfield last Friday evening in honor of Miss Gwen ('donor triton an ':njcyable tithe was had by all Mr. and Mrs. Jas Mrt•1yntont and Mrs. Warren Sehilbe were in London en To slay etteuditig the funeral of 1 1 Alex Cool'. DTr, t'r,ok was rivet• Thane's atter AI"il Gib end the body was hilt found 1111 •last Sl ley-. Sir. Tena Monroe spent last. Friday Chandler delivered a very inspiring message to a large congregation. The choir sang two anthems, "Still Will We Trust in God," and "Geed Has A Phan." Solo parts were taken by Mrs. 19, Mutt and Mr, Andrew Bell, Bride -elect Honoured• -- On Friday evening, June 14th, about 60 girl friends and neighbour's gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen in honor of Miss Evelyn Hunkin, bride -elect, and pre- sented her with a miscellaneous shower. The girls gave a very flue program of readings, guitar selections and singing. Tho bride-to-be was seated in a chair under an arch of maple leaves, beside a decorated basket laden with many lovely gifts. An accompanying address was -react by Miss Shirley Duncan, After open- ing the gifts and reading all the ap- propriate verses, Evelyn expressed her appreciation for the flue gifts. Ali joined in singing "For She is a Jolly Good Fellow." A dainty lunch was then served after which all de- pau'ted to their homes wishing Evelyn. much joy and happiuoss. Following is the address: Dear Evelyn:—Knowing that a very happy event is to take place in your life, we your friends and members of Thames Road Miss- ion Circle have gathered hero this evening to wish you much happiness in your new adveetm'e. We have val- ued your citizenship, not as a paste ing visitor, who has remained a short time and then carried her influ- ence elsewhere, but as a citizen of this community who has grown and developed in our midst. Your cheer- ful disposition, willingness and sun- ny smile will be missed at our gath- erings, but we fees what is our loss will be another's gain. Goocl friends always find good friends no matter where they go and we know you will soon have Many in your new com- munity, It is a right and natural thing that everyone should desire a life partner and a home of tlteir own and while it would be very romantic to live on love, it has been found very impractic'.abe, Many things are necessary for our material comfort and convenience. We wish to help you begin your household duties with a few of the necessary gadgets to lighten and brighten your work, so we ask you to accept these gifts and we hope you will have as much pleas- ure in lasing then as we have in glv- ing them. Wishing you a long. happy and prosperous wedded life. Signed on behalf of Thames Road Mission Circle, Dlrs. Keith Colborne of Godericlt is sin -oiling a couple of w•eelcs with her mottte-•r, before moving to Brantford on the 1st of July. Don't i„1. e•t the ',i; nar-den panty - theing {part on by the happen East Women's Institute on Wednesday ev- ening at the Red Tavern School. Next Stiutiay. June 28rd, is baptis- mal Sunday at St. Andr'ew's Church. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be administered at Sl. An- drew's Church on Sunday, June 3nt.h. The Bill's Green ('nngregation will unite with St, Andrew's for this service. About 110y members of Iiurnn Masonic Lodge attended the service of worship at Kippen last Sunday. The following poem appeared re• comb- otty in the London Times and ex- presses the thoughts which are in many hearts in these crane days: A BRITON'S PRAYER Help me, 0 God to search my soul That 1 ntay know for what I fight, And knowing may achieve tine goal If it be worthy in Thy sight, Is it for power and wealth we send The flower of our youth to fall? If that be so, God let the end Be swift and certain for us alb But if, in troth, for Freedom's sake I gladly cast my all away, Thant let me Thy forgiveness take And, losing all, still win the day. HARLOCK We are very- glad tlutt Mr's, Norman Shepherd and her sister-in-law Mrs. Eddy Farquhar; who are in the Clin- ton Hospital site both getting- along nicely and hope they soon will be able to get home. We wish to congratulate Mr. A. W. IlicEwing, also the Beacom fanihdy on baving purchased line cars anti hope they ntay have great pleas- ure out of them. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox. also Mr. and -\U's. Herb Maturing were Sunday' visitors at the home of Mr, uud Mrs. Audrey Knox. Quite a number' attended the fane- ral to Lnudeshorn Church of the late 11r. John Jenkins. who was a neighbor 1111 last fall when he sold evening in Fayfleld• • ' his farm and went to live in Wing - Mr, Clarence Taylor spent last! limn with ]tie sister, We wish to ex- w•,.•k end with his parents Mr. and tend sympathy to his sisters and Mrs, Harry Taylor of Bruceitelii. friends. - - Mee. Levine Tomlinson has return Mr. end Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent e d home from a visit in Egmondville Friday evening of last weak at the with her -niece Mrs, Geo. Hills. Miss Helen Chandler of Blenheim spent the week end with her parents Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Chandler. Miss Doris Alexander of London spent the week end with her parents , Mr, and Mrs. W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons visit- ed recently with the latter's parents. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Linden of Den- i field. Master Gerald Parsons who has been holidaying with his grandpar- ents, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and Dorothy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson of Thames . Road. ' Quite a number from this vicinity attended Decoration in Baird's eem- etery on Sunday. Miss Irma Ferguson and Mrs. W. Horucy were in London on Saturday ' to see the former's brother, Mr, Alvin Ferguson, who left on Monday for Quebec. to train for active service overseas, - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Varna visited on Sunday with the tat- ter's brother Mr. and Mrs. E. Me• Bride. The Y.P.S. and W.A. are holding a strawberry festival on the lawn of the United Church on Wednesday ev ening, - July 3rd. There will be a pro- gram following the supper. Further notice next week. A large number of Huron Masons attended service in the United Church on Sunday morning when Rev. Mr. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. 3, Rantoul and family wish to drank the many friends and neigh- bor's, also the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, for their comforting words, and other expressions of sympathy in their late bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Joseph Hood and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness and sym- pathy in their bereavement, for the beautiful flowers and the loan of cars, also Rev. Mr, Chandler, Kipper, and Rev. Mr. Miller, London, and Dr. Smillie, for their kindness during Mr. Mood's illness. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs. Frank Stagg, wlto died June 22, 1932, Oft we think of you, dear Grace, And think of how you died. To think you could not say good-bye Before you closed you eyes, - But the flowers we put upon thee . May wither and decay; But the one we loved so dearly Will never fade away. - -Sadly missed by all the fancily. AUCTION SALE 0f Household Effects. At the home of the late Rev, R. M. Gale, Bayfield, on Tuesday, June 26111 at 2 p.m. consisting of: Dining room suite, kitchen stove, Morris chair, beds, springs and mat- tresses, lawn mower, Terraplane coach, in good running order, correct mileage 27,000 miles, and numerous other articles. Terms, cash. Mr's, R. M. Gale, proprietress. Geo, H. Elliott, auctioneer. FOR SALE Quebec type cook stove, in good condition. Ideal for use in summer kitchen or cottage, Cheap for cash. Apply to The News, - - PIGS FOR SALE 12 chunks, eight to ten weeks old. Earl Mills, Walton. Phone 8431.33. FOR SALE - 9 purebred Yorkshire chunks, abort 75 lbs. Mrs, Paul Doig. R. R. 4, Sea - forth. Phone 6621.3. PIGS FOR SALE Eight chunks of pigs and ten sucker's. Plicine 8471.22. Orville Dale. WANTED A girl for general housework on fat'nt. at once- Phone Clinton central 616 r 2, pt'eseutation party at the house of Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gibbings, They also visited at the home of Mrs, Irene Fornmu, Eleanor and I-Ielry, near Atwood. Miss Helen Lear, who has been tak- ing second forma high school work in Blyth, has been successful in passing all her examinations and has been granted leave from school, not ltav ing to try 0 final exam. We wish to eougt'atulate Ilelen. Mrs, Nelson Lear, who has been poorly, is somewhat improved. - We hope she will soon be strong again, We are gltiel that Mrs. Robert With son. who has been Laid ftp for tate past two weeks is feeling better again. Miss Honking has beeu Look- ing after her work, .lir. Robert Smith, who bas been visiting itis mother, brother and sister. has enlisted. We wish - bio sueeess. Mr. and Mrs. t'ameron and fancily of near Listowel visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, ltnox. We wish to congratulate Mr, and Mrs, Ward Knox on having adopted a little boy (Ronnie) and hope he will grow up to he a joy and comfort to them. The June. sleeting: of the Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. was held last Wed- nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson with a good attend. ance, Mrs, Norman Shepherd returned home from the Clinton hospital the latter part of last week and is get- ting along nicely. We hope she will soon be properly recovered from the operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. deacon and family- entertained friends from Grey on Sunday. Tho Young People's Class of Burns United Church held a ball game in Mr. John Riley's field on. Monday evening and a programme and lunch in the church after. They intend ]folding their picnic to Bayfield title Saturday and all young people of the congregation were invited to attend. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e Regarding Car Parking TOWN OF SEAFORTH Victoria Park will be lighted and available for parking on Saturday nights for the balance of the summer. Shoppers and visitors are welcome to use these parking facilities and avoid congestion on Main Street. Police will supervise as far as possible but motorists are requested to lock their cars, as the municipality will not be responsible for any missing article. PROPERTY COMMITTEE, F. S. SILLS, Chairman SATURDAY SPECIALS BUY IN EGMONDVILLE No. 1 Creamery Butter— with Grocery Order 2 Ib. 45c Salada Tea with Fancy Glass Brown Label, Ib. 75c Yellow Label, Ib..,.,,.,69c Green Tea, !b 66c Purity Flours - 98 Ib. bag 289 Pure Lard— 3 Ib 27c Red Rose Tea, Ib.,.., ... 65c Blue Ribbon Tea, Ib 65c Slue Boy Tea, Ib 590 Red Rose Coffee, Ib 53c Fresh Bologna - 2 Ib. 29c New Potatoes - 8 Ib. 26c Shortening, 2 Ib. 25c Pastry Flour 24 Ib. 55c 21c IN TRADE ONLY FOR GRADE A LARGE Jo Finnigan AUCTION SALE Of House and Lot and household Effects, Sperling St., Seaforth, on Friday, June 21st, at 1.30 p.m, con- sisting of: 8 room stucco house, splendid con- dition, bath room, hard and soft water, furnace, electricity, large garage. Household Effects—Parlor suite, 2 bedroom suites, mattresses, springs, bedding, library table, organ, cur- tains, cherry glass, cupboard, velvet rug, axminster rug, tapestry rug, car- pets (child's crib, Obeli's, cradle), 2 coal oil stoves, floor polisher, 2 conches, tables, chairs, dishes; kitchen utensils, sewing machine, wearever roaster -canner, sealers, gar- den tools, shutters, cold frames: lumber, scantlings, numerous other articles, Terms, contents, cash. Real Estate --Terms made known on clay of sale. Mrs. Ben Tyerman, proprietress, Harold Jackson, auctioneer. WANTED Competent general, willing to go to the city, for fancily of three. Refer- ences if possible required, State wages expected. Apply by letter only to Baa 127, Seaforth News, TO SELL Can still till a fete orders for buck: wheat. Also a setting or two ince duel. eggs. Seed at loth Walton and Brussel~; farms; eggs, Walton. John F. ('atterson of Mary Duncanson. LETTUCE FOR SALE Buy your head lottuee here and get it fresh from garden. Also it large quantify of tomato, cabbage, cauli- flower, celery, pepper, aster's, petunias and many other flower plants. Give us your order. We deliver in town. Any day or evening, Albert Baker, Railway St., Seaforth. WANTED A Maxwell side rake, to wret'k. Phone 238, Blytlt. Alex Mcltlwing, Blyth, R. R, 1. HERE COMES THE BRIDE Yes, anti a grea1. ntlltlher .conte to our Studios for their Wedding Por- traits. Our well equipped and long experience enables us to give you portraits of the Beller kind. Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clintons TEACHER WANTED Teacher for S.S. No. 7, Stanley, wanted, Protestant, for duties to c'ontntenee in September. Applications will be received by the undersigned until July le, State salary aud quail., Muttons. George L. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer. Varna, Out. FOR SALE Seven toot Deering binder, sheaf carrier and trucks, in good shape:, Wanted to buy—A good used corn cultivator. Apply to Oliver Anderson Phone 3501.:,. Seaforth centrad. WANTED Girl for general housework; every evening free, Phone 3.15W, Seaforth. NOTICE Wallace ,Ross, Apiarist, will - pay floc for swarms of bees during the month of June. Phone 1353. FOR SALE Bean harvester and cultivator com- bined. Apply to Henry Weilersnn, Lot 2, Con. 11, McISillop. Phone Dub- lin 521.9. MEN WANTED A good business paying good in C01110 and With future possibilities. Selling Familex Products men and women all over Canada have found the secretof success. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 570 St. Cle- ment St., MONTREAL. ELMER D. BELL, H.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Haps SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build. ing, Seaforth. Office hours:-- Tuesday., Thursday and Saturday 1;30 p,m, to 5 p,m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m, ROPE Am twisting rope of all weights from selected twine for stay-fot'ic blocks, also slings on hand, Order now and give me a chance to make you the best rope at a worth -while 505. big before haying. Expert on all kinds of splicing or piecing. Harold Arm- strong, phone 1G • 658, Be aforlh, TO RENT Six room modern apartment, ]seat- ed, and water sapplied, in Victoria Apartments, Victoria St„ Seaforth. Aplily to Ie. L. Box. NOTICE lh,use to rent. Also a colony hoose. Hay for ::ale. C. U Fewsrel, R. 3 Stretford, out, (St. Mary's lIlghway,1 QUILTS FOR SALE A number of quilts always on hand 1'or sale. Apply to 11. Lightowler, North Muhl Street. FOR SALE Walton sawmill have some timber 24 ft. long 10x10; also wagon tongues 12 and 13 ft. Number of 2 inch hem- lock plank and 2x4 scantling. Phone lilrl, Brussels central. FOR SALE Douse on South Main street, 20x28, suitable for kitchen or double gtu'age; also barn- timber for driving shed. Waiter Murray, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 145 acres, part dols l,", and 14, Cnn. 7, Stanley Township. 11;. miles south of Varna. Good term buildings, land in high stale of cultivation. Together with crop and hay. An excellent dairy farm. Running water. Apply to Frank Weeks. Varna. arf ARTICLES FOR SALE ltubbor Goods, Sundries, etc., mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. es 80%, less than retail. Write for =B- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. D-24, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE Reeve Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar- anteed 25 years. Rosco Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and IIardware. Extension 1 adders tap to 44 feet in length. As- phalt Products including Roll Roof- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Instil• Brick Sitting, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Mails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field, Phone Clinton 018 ring 12. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- 'r.t,Windstorm & guarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. A11 risks placed 'n first class companies. I11c-.rnta'1en :'heerfnily given R. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY ,MEMORIALS SEAFORTH —TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105. Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 AINVIIIISCOLT DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 16. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 1