HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-06-20, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE a0, 1940 FOOT EASEL Tired, aching feet take half the jay from life. They cause distress send suffering and they bring lines to one's face. When you suffer from tired feet, this treatment will bring relief and renewed zest for life: Soak theta in very hot water in which you've add- ed bath salts or ordinary table salt (a Handful). Dry with a soft towel, then massage with warm o11ve oil, Follow up by rubbing the solea with methylated epirits,, ethane busting with tale= If you have weak or fallen arches, and even if you haven't. try this ex- ercise: Place your feet together, lean far back ou your heels and bring your toes up as touch as you can. Then, rise up en your toes instead. Do this for a few minutes each flay. This exercise stimulates the circulation In your feet. Do your suffer from cramped toes or corns? The first essential, to W US T! h UE TABLE Summer Time Table Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 0.25 arm. and 99.211 p.m. Leaves Seaforth for Croderich: Daily except Sunday and hot„ 1.05 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. Sun. and hot., 1.00 p.m. and 0.20 pan, Connection at Stratford for Toronto. Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit. Tavistock, Woodstock. Brantford Agents: Queen's, Commercial. Dick House )ran D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electra Therapist — Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appoi;stment. FOOT CORRF,CTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment. Phone 227. THE SEAFORTH NEWS wear peeper -fitting f- )l.wear. Many Reeve Grain, in answer to 1, query girls and woman wan. shoes that are as to the tenders f:ir the grader put too entail or too short --never saes[ rice comfort for a. temporary tend de- lusive) neatness. If you already suf- ler from corns, the easiest way to erhdir ate them is to use a good, two- way corn plaster which eads pain in- stantly by relieving pressure, while the medicated pad quiokly loosens the corn so that it comes right glut— root and all. Write me for confidential advice, enclosing four one -cent stamps for my booklet on Beauty Care. Address: Mies Barbara Lynn, Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. chased by- the rood ,1M111111SA11111. of which he fa chairman subntittaad the Following: Sawyer -Massey , 59,100; Adams, 58,022; and General Supply. $7.750, the latter a caterpillar grader which waspurchased by the county and over which there was consider able discussion. A deputation headed by Mrs. Sloan - Smith, president, and John Sowerby, of the Huron ,Fruit Growers' Associa- tion, addressed council briefly re - guesting a grant. The warden prom- ised consideration, J. D. Thomas, chairman of the plowing match committee, told of the arrangements made to have the pro- vincial plowing match brought to Huron. Hugh Hill also emphasized that COUNTY COUNCIL interest be stimulated in the young (Continued from 'Page 3)•men in the local competition plowing purge their relief rolls of sympathiz, matches to avoid self-consciousness ars with his majesty's enemies. It in the larger match. was sent to the police committee, Mrs. Albert Taylor, Gnderich, rep. In a day charged with loyalty and resenting the home and school assoc. patriotism. the members unanimous- intern, was invited to speak. The 19 endorsed the following resolution warden assured Mrs. Taylor her sup presented by Reeves George McNeil.. gestlons would be considered. of Blyth, and E. D. Brown, of Goder•I W. I. Stewart, Ashfield, a former ich: "That this county council of councilor for nine years. and ex• Huron, realizing that our freedom Warden Wilmot Hauke, gave brief and everything we hold dear is addresses. threatened by an enemy who admits Concurrence was given to the foe no sanctions save those of force lowing resolutions, considered by the cruelty and evil, and whose profess- legislative committee: From Prince d aha is the destruction and subju• Edward County respecting the O. A. gallon of the British Empire, and 1 P. hospitalization of- "indigent pat- rt�alizing that the only effective de• lent" as an individual who must have fence of Canada is with the Allies on ,>arnfng power of 82.50 a day; County the battlefield of Europe, therefore of Elgin regarding levying of costs in Wel- pledges its wholehearted support to change of venue; the County of Wel• the federal government in every sneer land regarding licensing bakers out sure to speed the immediate prosecu, lids the county; the Township of tion of the war to the total limit of Howink protesting the cut of 1/s mill the nation in men, money and re, Provincial subsidy and the reduction sources until victory le assured and in road expenditures in IIowick of peace and security and justice reign $2'000• :main onthe earth.. It was mound by Councilor Keys. .1. C. Shearer, agricultural repres- entative, announced that the depart- ment had notified him it would be un- able to stake any initial tuberculin tests this year In Huron owing to war conditions. Mr. Shearer advocated the organia Mien of a county unit at the chamber of agriculture, which would further the co-operative interests of ferment and be non-political. Dr. W. F. °allow, on behalf of the provincial minister of health, asked co-operation in the eradication of rag- weed, the control of which was one of the chief preventatives of hay fever tram which 00,000 inhabitants of Om Ledo suffered last year. Ragweed is planed on the list of noxious weeds. Reeve Trewartha of Clinton asked that Provincial Constable McCoy ad• dress the council on Thursday on what is expected of a municipal council its co-operating with the pro• the logical one. vincial police its Fifth Column activi- The institution, he said, could care t1as. His wish was acceded to in a for from twenty to 25 children, The hospital is licensed and approved to take care of fifteen patients. It is the county take care of the winter road one mile and a quarter north of Cranbrook to the country road one mile and a quarter west of Moncrief to county road one mile and a quarter west and north from the village of Ethel to cemetery. The motion was referred to the road. committee. THURSDAY Dr. Alexander Moir on Thursday offered his hospital near Hensel' to Huron county council for one year. for use as a shelter for refugee children, free of rent, also his medi- cal services gratis for the same length of time. The offer was left in the hands of the children's shelter committee. Dr. Moir stated that he would be glad to work on a commie tee in choosing the personnel of the hospital, and the choice of children placed there. He suggested the child- ren's welfare department would be motion brought in by Reaves Turner Ind Watson. - R. ,iohnston, earn borer inspector, modern and free front encumbrances, reported he was receiving good co- and hr,rlr d me $0,000. It Ilse a mod - operation front the farmers, and there ern operating room and sunroont. He was a Marren+q in the pest. Mr, had never asked for a eounty grant as Thompson, assistant entomologist, the hospital had been well endowed commended the work of Mr. Johnston by friends. in a letter read by the clerk. Ittexisliftlwamoomagurdamia Duplicate Monthly Statements We can save you money on Bill and Charge 'Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index The Seaforth News PHONE 84 Till EEomWe 401RLD'S GOOD your home everyy Alt NEWSthrough THE CHRISTIAN MONITOR wDoily Newspaper tY It records far you the world's clean, constructive doings, Tho Mongol, tidoes nob exploit crime or sensation; neither does 1t ignore them, ' but deals correctively With them, Ventures for busy men and all the family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. `. The Christian Science Publishing Society 1 0 One, Norway Street, Boston, Massnchusette Please enter my subscription to The Christian 8efence Monitor for t e period el 01 year 512.00 6 months 50,00 3 months. 53,00 1 month 51.00 l` Saturday tame, including Magazine Section: 1 Year $2.60, 0 issues 210 0 1, Name •'- Address Sampls Copy on Request He suggested that feu' paid help• ers would be necessary, namely a goad housekeeper, a trained nurse, a cook and a ratan of all work. Helpers for the children would be voluntary workers. The staff and children can all be accommodated in the building. The County Home committee was authorized to purchase 50 acres of land adjacent to the county borne property at $40 an acre. 17p to this tine property across the highway has been rented, half of which is tillable The price of the new property is 52,000. The revision of the County Home bylaw was read. It had not been re- vised since 1907. The number of members on the county home com- mittee is changed from five to three members. Another change is that in- mates possessed of personal property shall be charged 54 a week instead of 51. In answer to the question by Reeve Trewartha, "What is being ex pected of a municipality regarding subversive activities?" Provincial Constable McCoy told the council that it Is up to everyone to report such to the police. He said to keep eyes and ears open, and let the police know of any suspicion. The police are properly equipped for any emerg- ency and he is satisfied with the pre- sent n+,amber. 110 woulti suggest the pollee its tOWne and villages be "ort their tees." They tan help the pro- vincial and county police a lot by doing so. Reeve Trewartha e0muiemled Mr. MOCoy. - - All constables' fees received by county constables are to be returned to the county treasurer. This action was authorized in an amendmept to the existing bylaw adjusting cen- stables' eateries and allowances. The agricultural committee will at- tend the provincial plowing match this fall Motions: Gamble -Weir, that the road be- tween Howick and Wallace town- ships be examined by the good roads commission, and if Perth county council decides to assume their share of the road as a county road, that it be taken over under the county roads system. This was referred to the road committee. - Duncan -Telmer, that a resolution of sympathy be sent to Mrs. James Bowman in the death of her husband a former reeve or Morrisandwarden whose public spirited services are gratefully remembered. Carried. - A motion by Reaves Tuckey and Bowman that the Chlidren's Shelter committee be appointed a comittee to girl the Unminiou Governmemnt In handling refugee children, they con suit the warden's committee concern ing expenditures, was adopted. - in honor of the king's birthday the session was opened with. "God Savo the King" and a half holiday declared for the afternoon. Council adjourned to meet 111 1.0 o'clock Friday morning. - FRIDAY At Friday's meeting of Huron county council, Reeve Turner, of Goderich, again enquired why the read cemnlission bought machinery from an American firm. There were only three tenders represented in the report and he understood there were four. While he had no axe to grind in the matter, he would like the en- quiry cleared up. Reeve Grain claimed that he had been misquoted. The local firm did tender but they had not the machin- ery at that time for delivery. The county road commission was authorized to purchase hotel proper- ty roperty in Auburn, comprising hotel build- ing and stables on one acre of land for 53.000. The buildings are to be used for paint shop, storage and of fine. A repair shop will be built. As the locality is ideal for the purpose it was considered good business to purchase It. The commission's recommendation that the road north of Gerrie and the road north of Zurich be replaced on the eounty road system was accepted. The total estimated expenditures for 1940 by the roads eommi siou for construction were set at 550,700; for machinery, 5201,000: superintendence $5,000; maintenance, 5173.2:15.5.1. [be -Pints: Levy, 1.55 twills, 504,lee: sundry receipts, $1000; rental sea Kitty, 52,500; other subsidy, 671,0e0: machinery earnings lees operating east of equipment, 515.040. 71:x1 .1173,1101), Et'very eve wire urged to attend a patriotic meeting to be heli in Cita ton town !tall on Sunday, Jnne 10, at three o'clock. The property c•onnnitt:'' was eat powered to ask for tenders for a :steel flag pole for the court house park; and the purchase of coat was left with that committee. It wee deemed in advisable to embark on an expendi- ture to enlarge the engineer's office at this time. Repairs to tate roofs of the registry office and court house will be done under the supervision of Caretaker James. The Huron ratepayers and trustees' association represented by Bert Thompson, past president, and Mrs le Davidson, requested a grant of 550 On the recommendation of the educa- tion committee the grant was refused after considerable debet 4 grant of 550 reiniosted by In 4pect0r Game for display o1 ,chem children's work at t•1'• a'.N n• was authorized. No action was teken hn the req'lest for grant by Hr1t 't b r u;t Growers' Associatimf nobs 5541 to -h. Seaforth collegiate for i.hi' t.anchinti of agriculture. Council debated for nearly an hour on the recommendation of the execu- tive committee to raise the salary of Ervin Jacobs, assistant superintend ant at the county home, from 540 to 550. Motions, amendments, and aataidetn+nt' to the 119)1110uatt rot - lowed in quick u: adsfon e'tnaiiy ties amendment, leaving t)19 .tahlry in - 540 wee eeri^ir l 00 clivi. i')n of 18.11 The children s shelter v)nlmtitee reported that the children's aid o£fie- er has now been moved t0 the Shelter, where is room has been equipped for the purpose. • There are at present 1.0 child pro lection case,;; 27 unmarried parents cases, and 58 children in care. Four children are in the Shelter, four in boarding howseo, eight under adop- tion probabtion, eight in wage homes. 32 in free homes, one in a correction institution, and the whereabouts of one are unknown. 'rheas -children are visited at least twice a year and if necessary more often. ed the aup'artanse of extertainmenti have been added, namely the Feed Recently two new sctrtiatn+ of work •features at this criticarl time in .theII nation's life. lees' Settlement and Maintenance 1 and Child Refugee, Due to the: la elle Corparati,ru's 'policy of pres- enting to its network andiencee syen-. ph xlic m'ttiic, •played by leading or- ehe;:tese throuigle.eit 'the Dominion, eontinates this ,untmer as inpast seas- ons Already, the weekly breedeaste PAGE SCVL=N Firm Music Programmed Wthiie. the .OBC is .playing all int. ,oreasingly important 'part 'in 'Canada's wax effort with its news and Iptulbilic service broadcasts, it ihte not neglect - creased sett•, dual 1uparvieein re- qubed, 1 h1s Wiwi fond neces'aurY to engage a seei 5) service Wo) kyr to 040140 ter, sup rintendeut Arrange menta were made to give the system a trial for one yeeir. The expense cif >f -the 'Prone' Concert;, !played he- eds experiment will be paid out of the 'remote) I'ntlharmonee. Oroheeara, money left. In legacy l.0 the society. The cosinty will 11,1t, be called upon to assume any expense this year. The assistant, Mrs. Chafae, has already assumed duties, and so -far the is sults are more than satisfactory.. Reeve Trewartha rlaIlarsl the Get up was out of date, that only two ccuntiee to Western Ontario have children shelters—some were closed so1110 rented. This departmeht does not want chilrlrerh In ahrokt r,; it pre. -f, es• them in hoot'4. Th $5,0eo r year for provisions, etc. conlii be saved. • H, T. Edwards, superintendent of the c•ltitdrea'4 aid societies, nottp4d. several counties which have retained the shelters. 'The'' are a number of unplac.eahie children who have to he sheltered, It sent. Mrs. 4Aiatc• , aewly appointed 4); MI worker in c•hildreree aid work was introduce", and in a brief ad dress promised Iter most earnest co- operation.- The rsfrtgees will present problems to be worked out, she stated. Enthusiastic support Was urged by several reeves its ties formation of a county emit of agriculture in the. cllantber Of commerce. By a reeorded vote a motion brought in by Re:'vee Wilson and Passmore was passed in which the Ontario Government. will be petition- ed to have the traffic art amended eo that any motorist who strikes any livestnck, where he has a clear view of the road fee at lrta:,t ten rods shall be heli r:+sponsible for any damage done to said animate, Reeve Brown of Grldarkh eejected "The road Is :i place for traffic, not for pasture for castle. is is prspoe Tereus." Two weeks it hiidays were granted under the djreerion of Reginald Stew- art,- have been Beard- on Thereday evenings :at 9.00 to t0-0(5 pen :EDS'r. [ . Concerts Synvp'honkues de !Mon- treall .:ire :c;hthis is (broadcast period.,the first concert having sheen given'from Montreal an June 20, ender the Unction of Wilfred Pelletier. Or. Pelletier '5l1 cert.-levetagain on Phone. 'day, 11111C 27, and the !first programmein Jelly will t'eturit es Varsity Arena, 'Den-into, !with the Philharmonic)Again an thi air, - ilJyihltt'e" announced h4 series of 14} :cone its recently, the • fleet leroad-- caet 'having !been :presented on 'Wed - n. ;day, June 19,•at 11.1'5 pin. FDST wi':h G:off'treystin.y.add Melon, of the: C onW' Symphonic Exchanges In sdditi,xn iown 's s it; owponsored np see he)ity presentations, .the CBC -friaginx - from the united States, :oro er-chandt 'features, the broadcasts or' the Colombia'Broadeastinx Symlpiwn•• les on Sundays at :3.00 p,m. .EDST, and the Summer Symipihonies of the National Breaiceeting Company,withguest t iiduct ,rs, Sundays, -,frpm SAO ass 9.00 pare EDST. Distiguished Musician in West One of .America's leading olboa play- ers is a member of -the IWinn4►dg Symphony 'Orohestra this :season,. 'Ho is Martin Fleisher former first oboist •of the .Washing National and Tor- onto Symphony •Orchestras. oMr, Flee - eller i, a native of Philadel'plhia and re graduate mf the Cur is Institutein that city He 001 member ember f ,Stir Iestmest. el act::lim,ns rchestera in. Tod+- v >• i.hist ,winter, buts returned. to Pini- ai a1r,hia fee- leie Irarriagt, iwihich took). ). tee a f w eke ke a.5o. His brider• cr. e -nerd snit on thee his tits clera,rr't;rrer anti 1;1, cat, ,141, , ter .ern Cinida..ut(1 wets er. ie the r 1'e'ece !-it the first eoneort, }dr. Lai:glen. of {)r'r sleet lirer,t; \t)'1 -•e -lay, ;nue :9. r lr col, .tpt;•itr•e-:f tene,e, oh, 1'-',101,'.' tier 1.1,4;,, visit. 11•, eh<lol, at whit:!' th 01.4 ,11' nt pee;en! 4i),) in ,t . •°n.iu.i,,c , nor, 11'. ' be two 0raeuat":4 trans Horns fear Holidays for P:ggyr 1J;,•n r .i,> x)51 ,1,•ulaald Punct'tiom. 1.4,1e .)t in.::la 111.)41 'popular young eee.11 e tee-, Clends,(querns there at preen') and eight bays on ln_g, dinlinutivka Pe, gy Loder, Il? -year- tilt' waiting list from the tenors. Motions: Webster-Rednuonct, teat tee road from division lime between Rest and We,t Waw.iuu'li be opened for mo- tor trade during the winter; also the rune from Lueknow-Dungannon county road be opened for motor traffic two blocks east to St. Helens. This was referred to the road com- mittee. Redmond -Whitmore, that the Agri cultural committee be delegated to support and plan organization of the Huron county unit of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Carried, Warden Feagan expressed his thanks to all members for their sup port, and tit • tn'.,ting was emcee with the 4in,mg S1.91 the King. The c•olonet of e battalion billeted in the country wan invited to a neighborithed tarot for irr.)crt Ho astounded thrt farther by eating ,:wo et the inode ,wa g ,reit on time small eeastwi fowh. L,a . , whit problem that .merit- the 41841arhy walking in tate farmyard, he noties t a cock strutting ab•.out, and remark- ed, "By gad! That's a proud bird." "So he should he," answered the farmer, "he has two sons in tee erniy now." old dealing lady in Mary Grannan's features, -Per tate Children", will (blow i kis; through the microphone are Jame '"a, '(7.00 t<o 7.34) .p.m, ED`ST), NSF. 20»17 :iter :.rapt and spick up cher tiny suitcase. I:t :will 'be off to •atop in the -north 'country :for :this typical Canadian youngster, who -with .Boiblby, Johnny (,her radio twin) and the nut•• derstandiug :Mr. Aivastin WOIUo, Ilia; shared her -many adventures with jlun- ur .listeners- this season. Having ex- plored amueeree.nts !peeks, doll face- serle4, the zoo, life on the iferm, .and life in the ,circus for thousands of .Canada young died—twister;, Peggy t 1 ,•1:0 10 her own aper. ones 4')deeenit, a, for the next two month .1,141q •t'ooa 1n 1a.4 t. veeitiou for the-8044ren'.. feature. tea, until 505001 opens. Please Tune it Down le - 1e -e- ,,ebiaine Her ewife our keep 41,141-±t 4,1 111. ear news ilei ,.,rill! During tithe s,umltnknr ,months smooth dancing !melodies wiibt came Dult of hese nilgdhlt Ifior .the Ili steners of the 'CB'C 'National 'Nab nk These wro 16Htowdlceshs' will Ifeatu're ,retheic directed Iby 'Caas- teda's most 1ptgptelar maestros, 'Dhe vet - emu Luigi IRtomane111i, ibdp Ilett wile be directing this orchestra ifeetru, amens MUSIC FIOIR YOUR DANCING Mnnair Richelieu 2)0 IMlurray Bay. IMant !Kenny, ,top oen:bre, and the 'Wes- tern Gentlemen, will entertain guests Of ',Banff Slprings Hotel !high tin the Rlaakies, Horace Tialep, top sight, with this 'piano and this ordheebra !will '!hold Colth in !SheIRaiciE Carden etalpl the ,Biuret Meek IH5te>1 4i1 Mallet $toe eve y go:xd _ig1t1),att-. Bur there the Ludy Down the Street ,who h.{•; iter :ea;,h 'r50 the. line and hes settled down before the open ,window --to- oobhe 'her a set .with quiet wide. Whet oust she think when the radio top ,the ,treet ie pounding in on the midsummer ibreeze to create a 'ea:dh- ophonic din In 'Great Britain, this type of public nuisance le dealt twith by :municipal degislaltion. les a Pity such steps have to the taken 'when lest - emirs can control the 'pnobiem so eas- ily by ,controiiicvg the 'volu'me of their radios. Now, nvtheit nerves are near the s•u'rfaoe, ,won`t all !good ,nei!glhlboime ,practise 'consideration? Canada's nove- lly summer day and niehts need not the made ihideous. In summer :listen• in,g, the Colleen Rule is, a.4 has been palmed out by the CBtC, an exceIIent precept 'te !keep in mind. Young Recitalists Three ,of 'Canada's young •iters etre .not to Ibe featured. in :the ,CBC ,reeitat ,periods during the week of Sun'd'ay, Jeune 23. 'On IMotuday, June 2°4, 'In the Music 'Room" twill 'have as 'guest 0siol10- is't, 'the w•1sll"kno'wn radio and concent soprano, IJ'ean Haig. This ,prngreenme of eight conceals 'music .with on 'hn- atntntneaotrut 'brio under the 'direction of Harry Adastkin, !vio)inist, 'wild 'he !heard :at 1.1.30 I10.'m. EDST with Philip Spiv- ak, cellist and Leo Birkin, Itemise Hroeia Gregory, mer ay, aptauo, 'wtLl !be heard on Tuesday, pine 215 at 7,,10 p.m. t DS r, and on'Mondty Moate 114, 4)1 r.30 pen. EDST. ttred3 i 'rssnoweitt- r c.lh t twill pr "ens .t +I)rief 04'0- 4ramtnu Three 'Epoch -Making Months "'Pile !World in Reviews' iwritten and produced for the 'CI3C they Stanley Max'te'd, rovi111 be presented over the (Notional INletweek on Friday, June 218, to nit 18.00 p'. m, EDST This is t( second Len Hopkins, hewer deft, and ihtis of 'a series of lb!roadieasts dealing with 'dollonuusic, opens in :the deitghitfully .the newsworthy ,happenings of 'the modern ,Panorama Room of the new (preceding .'three rmontl s, 'end sele'ots .Hotel i1an'eauver in dire 1Wtes•t 'Deist dor .comment highlights in ,the twonlel city, Dlon Teener, dower eight, and his ell music, the tbheatrc and lli,berablire, anchestra, ,will the entertaining tviettors as well as the s'pa;0geniug events as tithe to ,the INlonnita udie 'Roof of she Meant Iwotild atinnggl a ifo,r' lits del1ivenan,cc 'Royal Hotel in Montreal. (from a'ntned Ifotoe,