HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-06-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1940. HENSALL Engagement - 'Mr, and :Mrs, A. J. Hu'nkin, Kirk - ton, ainoumce the engagement of their tdanugihmer Margaret Evelyn to Alexander 'John, only :son of Mr. and t14irs. IJ'ohn 'M'cBeat!h, Varna. The 'mar- riage to take Place in June. A pleasant eveninte was spent on Friday night a:t itlhe !home 'of Mr, end 'Mfrs. ',Tames Sangster ,when a kitchen 'shower novas held in honor of their ,only dau'g'hter, airs. Leonard Noakes, ,who was married tlast ,week. Con - 'tests were directed by Misses 'Gladys Luker and Gladys 'MacKenzie and a Sing=song was led ley Miss Greta Lantanie. A stock wedding followed, ecitli 'Miss Kay Drysdale• as Ihrid•e. Miss Jean Faster as ,groom, and leers. Harry McMillan as minister. The bride venal. the recipient of many beau- iiful anal useful gifts. Refreshments ye•re served. joynt-Parker- fi weddi rte; of mach mteesst to Hensall people et is stlenmzed at St. 1..uke's in the -Garden schapee, Byron. .cn Saturday when Edith Lillian Parker. 'daughter of •Mr. and Nees, Frank '\V. Parker,. was united in marriage to Dr. Harry joynt, son of Mrs. Alice Joynt. 1-lensail Dr. W. E. MacNiven of IMetropalitan United 'Church, London, officiated. Mrs. Percy King played softly at the organ during the service. and :Mr. Laird iTovnt of Toronto, brother of the .croon sang "I Lave You Truly," during the signing of the register. The ,bride given in ,marriage by her father loake'd charming in a street - length dress 'of sapphire belie with execs:arfes to match, and carried a • colonial !houq•uet of ibutterfy roes and fitly-of-rite-vaeley. Miss Ruth Beadni h, cousin of 'the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a street -length dress of rose crepe and carried a col- onial ,bouquet of sweet 'peas and tbon- vardia. Dr. leV,ieliam T. Joynt •of - Brockville. brother of the ;groom, was 'wet mane Following the. - ceremony :he young :couple left on a tnotor trip end on their return wiil re. -id. --in '._nn io n. Mrs. Alice. Joynt anti \Lr. T. Jciynt attended the 'wedding. Mr. \V. R. Davidson etas ecu a. - n.e1 by the- ses,d-et of Carmel t 1 trc;t 1,, represent ',tris Prce'ty.t,.-> :de General eAetfi.z. in St, •eerines. 01,1 \Ire1 less t 't'cille tire the cur:he •or- erotiter-in lac -n,1 Sister. rice. Nlr . Win. Weir. t week. Mr, :Awl \lr- 1 1Jaye: Tor- - sleet, the ,+ce , with tee ri ' •nt,thcr. \Ir.. Alice i,ont. NIrs. .1Valks tr,.. t t . rc a, - in St. Mary: this :week. tette Weie. (11,110-, eiseee et:entity with relative, here. Mr.. Ge;.rr,- \\ ..rer id, visiting Mine of her .nn -M ra and d.eo r, r. )dr. and Nies, George Gotri 1. in 1!ttten. Ret R. A. Breek conn t t et serv- e - in the United i 1t'•tre or Sunday •,•,ti the chceir sang 'Praise to titter morning itervice, soloi,t, Mrs. lh•y sda., d \L Ruth •uk, :\t tit evening service -the an- ntent '.v,ts "Father t.. Thee I comm." .19-- hore• Murray;gave an inter- -.r.rn add es. entitled "Then and Nes." in tit,- Saillee School. i:las- vith lantern slides. eee, \Vrv, +\\ eir ..ducted er- it; ('arinel t ,,trait on- :`tntdey tier choir rendered tine music. Sunday Sci,:tn: room :,f :he r. h is ibein:t redecorated. The is ,::•ng tom. lty Mr. Kay of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tideswell visited with relatives in Sarnia over the week end. Mr,- Reuben Denomme of Windsor called on friends in town last week, Mr. Robt, Passmore, who has been attending divinity college in Toronto, returned to his home here for the summer months. Mrs. Howard Harris of Detroit was the guest of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Sana Rennie, last week. Miss Pearl Harpole of London spent the week end at her hone here. Mrs. Harold Foster and son of Blyth visited with relatives Isere last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Harty Cook of Toronto left Saturday for Los Angeles, Cali• fertile. where they will - spend a month with the forner's daughter, Mrs. ('hell,'w Mrs. J. W. Bnntltron is visiting in Kirehener with her mother, Mrs. Yuughlutt who is 111. 11r. Howard Hemphill of Toronto and Miss Mary Hemphill of London spent the weelt end with theft pan- ents, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. E. Hemp- hill. Mr. anti Mrs. Van Laughton of To. roeto visited Sunday with the lalter's parents, lir. and Mrs. Charles Mc, Dnnell. Engagement - 31r. and Mrs. H. J. Kuhn of Creels hon announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Elizabeth IN MEMORIAM P1NKNEY--In treasured memory of our dear mother, Mrs, Mary Pinkney, who passed away two years ago, June 8, 1938. Sweet is the spot where you are laid, Many a visit in silence is paid To lay down a flower in remembrance of thee, Never forgotten and never will be, --Ever remembered and sadly missed by her son and daughters, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. A. M. Kirk and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many kind expressions of sympathy, and to all who lent Cars and brought the beautiful flowers. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smale wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy in the death of their infant sou; also the members of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodgeantithe staff of Scott's Poultry Farm. HIBBERT iL.iss .4angaret O'Reilly of Toronto tt, returned tri 'spend rhe summer months at her ,home here. 'Miss 'Mary Atkinson of Toronto visited with her ,parent's, Mr. and \ftp Joseteli Atkinson .over the 'week end. Miss Margaret Atkinson has ,seattr- Kuhn. R.N., to Mr. Mervyn Grant ed a (position in Stratford. Mess Miles spent last week with her parents ,Mr, and ,Mrs, 'Mark 'Able.. i\lrs. James J. O'Reilly spent dant nveel: in 'Toronto with friends.. A meeting of the :parishioners at St. •Colunnhan was 'held :on 'Monday night to arrange for their summer aortal, \ football 'game 'between Brussels Ryckman. Phm,B., of Flint, Mich.. son of Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Ryckman. of Hensall, the marriage to take Wave the middle of June. A very pleasant afternoon was .pent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drover 00 Monday when their daughter, Beatrice, bride -elect. was presented with a miscellaneous shower. 'rhe bride -elect was the recite a•nd. St, 'C-ntunniban 'tank blase Monday lent of many beautiful gifts. Lunc11 evening. The result was no score, was served at the close. _- District Annual of South Huron W,1.- CROMARTY The drstriet annual of Reedit Hu Ree }'etet Jamieson delivered a fine run 1\ omen's lustinun was held iu the sermon ,n Sunday morning, 1'nit,'d church• on Tuesday. ,lune 4th.The tier :\ txdliary of the \V:Nf.C, to - Mrs. \V. 1•:. Walker of 'Exeter is dis- trict presid,'ut and Mrs. Emitters. ,gether with the Home Helpers Soc- Falnner of Creditonis 151it t .erri + tt .5i11 ,roll their aunuel joint meet- tary. The address of wtdiunu> opened in,� at the manse on Thursday a'bter- the morning session and was given noun at 2,30.. by Mt•s. It, A. Brook : end was replier( 'lin' women of this viflare atit tic - tet by miss L ,l,rkell of 19xi4e1.- The i•,ity ars urged to do War tcc,rk ttudc•r reports followed. Pres,mtatbtu ,0' • '< t r .re. „i tile 0.11.E. and the junior program: enmity coach. Miss 'cV'.t.n, n . Institute. T. intrniu. 1'hmganuon rtqu,t•t of tiro \ir-. Roy McCeliot'b has returned ,rc a iiug t•,nnnrdttet•. Inane economies. Fraili waforth hospital and is slowly Mrs. N1fit•, eler. Hurondale: health •'t 'roving in health. and child well:li . Mrs, Neeb, /.uri,•it; Nfr. and Mr.. Felton cif Mitchell eerieulture and (•tinadian hnlitstt•ies were callers in the vdlare on Sunday Mrs. A. iler_en: ronmunity singing. tit- r:loon. Mrs. 11. Hes, Zurich: legislation Hein:, ilVeltieir 5114 :heir' little tlat- 11rs. H. Caldwell; historical rescaneh getter called on friends on Snndav, end etirrett dent., Miss .leeltell, Ex '\Ir. and \lr-. 'Phomas Oliver hare et. r: entuvnity activities :and relief returned home after a few day, at Lite Nies \\'limo Broadfnot llruettield: home of Dr, Fraser Oliver and Mrs. dui:ufut, Nii•s. A. crozier, Seaforth: (Inver in `;'L Anne l)r Ilea•'tpre, Qae- peooe ,'duration and international re ',rr. .• latin1sltdp, firs. A. Hoggarth, leippen: pnhitc•ity. Mise B. Mason. enrich: piano duet, Mrs, F. Morlock and Miss I. Moihtrcl. Crediton. Dinner was sere• ed by the Ilensal institute front beautifully de,'orated title arranged in the Sunday school snout. The ,-1,r lints of effirers titbit plate,• in the atter ti n greeting- were brought. by .lits. E. Curran. Sarnia. convener and Miss 1.fillnitiii played 1 violin .uta. Mee. te Fraser. W. I. representative tf Ibiertr11. g,.ve a very interesting address, HOW TO TAKE SOIL SAMPLES •t,m. -I' ,,, .ru..•wt ,'i .,.il n.:nl 1n• at an - Council Meeting- alyst when using the rapid -soil testing The regular meeting or the Hen. •„•,,/, 1 t al, t; .nae to t p c,nful re - all village council was held Mon. „rr.uitm tt one two hundred day evening at 8 pen. in the council miihli nth or an acre. If lite purpose ihamber with all members present• of the til testing is to reveal average Minutes of last regular meeting, two ecnditions existing in a field or plot. special meetings and Court of Revise the sample should he a composite one, ion read. Horton and Robinson, that that is, a ntixtu•re of soil taken sy;- minutes be adopted as read. Carried. trunatically, from :feu or mare 'points Mr. Samos Priest appeared asking er 'the If I'f tlt•e test is used to about the sidewalk on north side of account fur an abnormal condition, Richmond Street South, same to be the sampling. should be confined to looked at in the near future. Mrs. C. this area. and another sample collect - Cornell appeared re the spraying of ed from the normal area. Likewise if the road nil, also .Arcading the sand the texture of the soil in elle field ear - on the streets. Horton and Cameron, les markedly, a composite sample re- that we engage Mrs. Cornell to do pmsentim each soil type should be the spraying of the toad oil. also to trhtained. supply the spreader to .spread the 'To take a composite sample, .the sand and operator, Carried. Mr, H. area should !be treated in a systems Atkinson appeared re the road oil as otic ,manner. Conditions such esapplied on the streets. Cameron and h ldaw(S poor drainage, 1 Moir, that we order the same amount g , 'pt ace' as last year from the Imperial Oil of where wood had been :burned or grade Imperial R.C.3 at a price of where straw :err manure diad been ,piled 12.45 per gallon, car to be delivered should be avoided or separate saanieles at Hensall June 12th. Correspondence 'taken .from these areas. A ,clean spade was read and ailed. Horton and Moir. or shoved, a longe knife, a clean ,buck - that the Dept, of Highways he billed et or piece of 'cloth or !heavy 'paper for their share of the snow removal about four feet square and the require costs. carried. Moir and Cameron, ed flambee of absolutely clean eon - :hat the Clerk appear at court in tainers holding about a hint are re - Exeter June 19 at 9,3(1 a.m. Carried. (Wired. Alt theci orad ,points. the deb - Bele and accounts read and passed: cis on top of the soil should he re - Township of Teekersmith. relief moved and a ,mall trench dug about a:''.1 3; 0. 1I. Case, coal, relief, $2.50; eight inc'dtrs deep and about a ft-.nt N.11 . freight, $10,34: School Board, long, :\ vertical slice ,,f snid about one n000,1 : R. Webber, supplies, -$2.97; inch thick and to the depth of teethe Hydro Commission, $5,31; W. Hilde• ation is then removed. The spade :nendt, labor. streets, see: R. Hed• with the slice i, laid oit the ground nett, labor. garbage, $4,60; E. Willard. and trintned with a knife until there .reeking garbage. $23; W. Madge.' remains a narrow piece of soil two dumping garbage, $10;- Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.30; treasurer, band. grant, $100,00; F. G. Bonthron. postage, $5. Horton and Cameron. that the Reeve be instructed to ap- rn•oach County Council as regards to stopping the use of the German len- •tntge in all public places. Carried. ;Mir and Horton. that we :secure all containers then should be eat•eiullc the property of the village from Lee trumtihered to indicate the area frons Hidden before any wage payments ;vhuh the soil w'as taken. are made. Carried. Bylawe 3 and 4 Satttple- 'way he once easily col- eead and finally passed. J. Farquhar looted in the open season and •when end G. Grant appeared for the bandthe n1 1s fairly moist. asking for the balance of the hand' . In order that sr,11 diagnosis and the grant. Robinson and Moir, that. we' .tuhcrgmett rec tamnetel atlons may doe grant the band- the balance of their ;- ,complete as peesible.infonmation gran( 8100. Carried. -James. A. Pat• covering previous fertilizer a'ppiir- terson, Clerk. ' ationlining, crops ' rt win, rand any Mrs. John Passmore is seriously dif'fictiities encountered. as 'well as the III in London in the hospital. Her many friends hope for a speedy re• c•.nvety. Mrs. Don Rigby and babe of Bien beim are holidaying with Mrs. Rig - bees • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. Miss Eleanor Fisher of Graven - burst visited with . relatives and friends here last week.', Send inches twirls. and one incl' chick. This sample of soil is :placed in the rpctil or other container and the sampling over the ficid' (us,ually at 'between ten ,r fifteen 'chosen 'points) repeated. The sartiples taken are thoroughly mixed, and from this composite sample nits one of the ,containers is filled. The crop to be 'grown, should the sulhntlt- ted or should accompany .the samples. Only ,wihen this information is avail- :nlrle can reasonalble recommendations be 'given ,by the analyst 'from an inter- pretation elf the ,soil testa conducted, as .the names of ylohv visitors. STRAYED Front llan'ket street. small spot bet pigs. June lst. Please notify Burns. FARM FOR SALE 145 arrest. pant lots 1" and 11. Con. 7, Stanley, Tuwnehip. 1t_ miles south of \'urns [loud farm buildings, laved in Malt state of , ultivatinn. Together with rem) and flay. An excellent daily farm. IUmning water. Apply to Frank Weeks. Varna. NOTICE Municipality of Stanley hestrnv these Noxious Weeds: Sow Thistles. Ox -eye Daisy, Wild Mustards, Rind Weed, Blue Weed, Pepper Grasses, Bladder Champion. Hawkweeds, Stinkweed, Canada This - ,1P, Common Milkweed, White Cockle, Wild Carrot, Wild Lettuces, Common Ragweed, Dodder, Common Burdock, Poison Ivy, Chieo•y. Docks. Russian Thistle, Tumbling Mustard. Cinquefoils, Spurges, The WePd Control Act states: Clause 5, Every orrupent of land unneenpied, the owner shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations as nften in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Clause 23. Any person who con- travenes the provisions of this act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful ender- of an inspector given under authority of this art. shall incur a penalty of not less than 810, nm' more than $50- for every such offence. Weeds have no place in a pro• gretsive municipality: do yam share to prevent their spread. HAROLD PENHALi+:. 'Weed Inspector, AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects will be held. at the home of Mrs. W. J. Woods in the village of Walton on Tuesday, June llth. Sale to begin at 2 o'clock sharp, Terms, cash. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Mrs, W. J. Woods, Proprietress, AUCTION SALE Of House and Lot and Household Effects, At Hensall, on Saturday, June 8 at 1.30 part., consisting of: 2 parlor suites (1 almost new), 3 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses, dining room suite, Jewel cook stove nearly new, 4 burner coal oil stove, 8 burner coal oil stove, kitchen table and chairs, chest of drawers, 3 rugs, Singer sewing mach- ine, phonograph, organ, kitchen uten- sils, garden tools, dishes, pots, pans, cutlery and numerous other articles. At the sane time and place the commodious- 9 room frame house with garden lot will be offered for sale. Terms on household effects, cash Terms on property, made known on day of sale, Mrs, J. B. Todd, Proprietress, Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. SALESMEN WANTED Fantilex Quality Products becoming better known everyday, we need more salesmen to insure the best possible service to satisfied customers. Any active and honest man can make a living selling 200 necessities which bring repeat orders by themselves. There is no RISK with our Successful Plan. Ask for FREE catalogue and information: iFAMILEX COMPANY. 570 St. Clement St., MONTREAL. FOR SALE Crown Millet seed. A quantity of good dean seed for sale. Phone 847 r 31, Seaforth Central, W. T. Livingston TO RENT Six rocifit modern apartment. heat• ed, and water supplied, in Victoria Apartments, Victoria St., Seaforth. Apply to le. L, Box, FOR SALE Steel Imekwheat, for sale, Lon Bolton, Dublin, It,11,1, FOR SALE OR RENT • Four •tires of land on No, 8 high- way, utile west of Seafcirtlt. Gond house, good stable and hen house, Apply at The News office, FOR SALE 'Walton sawmill have some timber 24 fL long toxin; also wagon tongues 12 mid 1:1 it. Number of 2 inch hent leek tileek and 2x4 scantling. Pilose 1901. Brussels ventral, QUILTS FOR SALE ,A uuntbc•t• of quilts always on hand for sale. Apply to 13. 'eight owlet.. North Main Street. FOR SALE Beau harvester and cultic aloe rout blued, Apply to Henry \Veitersnu, Lot 2, con. 11, MtKiilnp. Phone Dub, lin 12x9. FOR SALE :\ sow and eleven page, evened lei• ter, live weeks old. Apply to William Pleti e•attMILL 1 D1114111 CASH AND CARRY SATURDAY SPECIALS Choice Creamery Butter - 2 Ib. 49c Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin 1Oc Campbell's Chicken & Rice Soup, tin 11c Campbell's Vegetable Soup, tin 10c Shortening, 2 Ib , 25c Choice Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. 23c 'Kippered Snacks, per tin,,, 5c No. 1 New Potatoes, ib.....4c My -T -Nice Rolled Wheat, 5 Ib. 19c Eatmore Rolled Wheat, 5 Ib, 19c Good Humor, Pkge. 19c Cubs, 2 pkges. 23c Grape Nut Flakes, 2 pkges.17c Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 pkges. 15c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Large. pkges, 3 for ,25c Robinhood Flour, 98 Ib. bag 2.99 LeIys Soap, 6 cakes 25c Regular Size Super Suds and Beautiful Glass Dish, , , , 23c J. Finnigan NOTICE Save money on oil and grease by bringing your cans. Sold under money -back guarantee. Also sprays for livestock, poultry, for sanitary purposes, flies, etc. Sam Chesney, Eg- mondville (across from the church), LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired. Liberal al- lowanoe for old mowers on a new one. A choice of used mowers for sale, Eberhart's Chopping Mill. PLANTS FOR SALE - Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peppers, Celery, Huckleberry. Many varieties Snapdragon, Petunias. Large variety of other flowering plants, Delphinium, Canterbury Bells, One block east of hospital, A. L. Porteous, West street, The S-tandard Brei Stallion BARON LULWATER 2.1‘1 Fnrnt stand at his cownees sl:thlc in legnemdvilde. season 1.04(1 Baron 1.ul,sa ter ioas rite fastest and ttohe..t 3 year old in Canada in lt',il. tie 1, a ,ho,t h, n., a; %Yell as he st first and rex''-v ,'ia nt:ltiou at tin• Royal 1n itt,i,ti' and lu.: at Toronto F.x. in ledo Iii is will. speed 't1.'. son, Baron Lot?n•lttl i t 1 a record of 2.1.1 and 1.5,1, in 2.10,' •. wittier Btu'oit Grattan. l a r,.•or,l 14'; as 0 three year hl llod year atel was AMC. tf the 'in•.• t. i•vrr race d in Canada i- ht tared aguimet secli horses a• l'etit iliduil' ?.inti, Kathleen {era tan 2.117 ,2, 'I'• tty rattan ',ie aryl other fa,: record bone, nn 1 looked eetod that Vie Fiennuin,:, the tt•aiti'" and ,irisrr .if Billy duvet 1:55, the Astrid' f'n to t horny.• horse, cants over let MI 1111. otlrred ll:50t00 for 'hitt. Teems S15 t , in free mare with foal. le*,,lee Felt. lat. 1'41, Parties disp, ink of nitres :before foaling tim,•. tri1; 'te 1e1,1 rr•pe)i.iltlr nSu•thrt ht foal or nt. '\\', t', ti,,venh,rk, l' nv,n,lill', „'n n<•r, Plume tirti,,r^h nosh, The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion,: ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Finelm,•nt No. :emit Eurus 1 PLANTS FOR SALE FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) \.tees, white, shell pink. latrender, Eu'nitnent Nn, "9G9. Forel 2 azure blue. logo, 'nixed, and Heart of DONALD MONCUR (28559) Franrt•, Petunias,California giant., Enrolment No. 4177 Form :. duffle ruffles, rove of heaven, flaming Route for 19411 -Monday and ()T1 11( vilret and hulruny blue, zinnias. tont day --In the vit'inity of Walton and them and !lied clahliti the verhenax lltussel. srahioga, salvia, siia uh'agon, sweet Wednesday-- Kilburn and peppers, t•abbage, c•tutliiinwel., tonne west to the highway, south through toes and relevy. Pick out your plants, Clinton, home by way of Tucker• we will deliver in town, Albert. Baker. smith, T(oluoutghrnshudbavaya--n)•Tolafnn\odVuigritBttleareSoda.woort[lt 1,tailway St., turn west nt StafmtlhtoomSetthr(reamery, leraday-Goderich Township - and Colborne. Terms --$19, payable March 1, 1941, T. J. McMichael, Prop. and Manager FOR SALE Thorough bred coach puppies, males, well marked. Apply Walter Oster, phone Blyth 160. NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS In order to wind up the estate of the late Samuel T. Holmes, it is necessary that all accounts owing to the said estate be paid at once. Aes counts may be paid at the office. Main street. NOTICE Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay 50c for swarms of bees during the month of June. Phone 1353. The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORDER (276881 Enrolment No, 3525, Form 3 Route for 1940 -Monday noon will leave his own stable, lot 23, con, 5, Logan, and proceed to Peter Hick- nelt's. lot 14, con. 5, McKillop, for night. Tuesday to Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, eon. 6, McKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen, for night. Wednesday to John Dietz's, lot 8, con, 101, Mcliillop, for noon, thence TENDERS WANTED Ito George Bennewies', lot 8, con. 12, Tenders will he received to June McKillop, for night. 15 for the repainting of the exterior Thursday to Henry Steinbach's, lot of Duff's United Church, Walton. Also tenders for the painting of the steel roof of the Church Shed. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Rohr. McFadzean, Secy, R.R. 3, Walton, Ont Notice to Householders TOWN - OF SEAFORTI-I The Sanitary Inspector will shortly make his spring round of visits and citizens are re- quested to have their premises put in a sanit- ary and orderly condition previous to his in- spection. Removal of ashes and other waste and attention to wells, water -holes and bar- rels and out -buildings is especially mentioned Will all users of cigarettes and other pack- aged articles kindly carry the wrappings to their homes and burn them there. The wrap- pings are often discarded on streets and lawns, and a daily task of removal imposed on owners of lawns who wish to keep their premises neat and orderly. Please assist in making the town; attractive: THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH, Seaforth. 28, con, 12, Logan, for noon, thence to George H. Sienion's, lot 24, con, 11, Logan, for night. Friday to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday noon. Terms -$12, payable Feb, lst , 1941. .Tacnb Hignell, Proprietor and Man- ager, Mitchell, R. R. 4. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to BARRISTER, NOTARY Seaforth, John H. Best SOLICITOR PUBLIC Ontario McCONNELL & IIAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConneR, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build. ng, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1;30 p.nt. to 5 pen, Saturday evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m JUNE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Guderirh..conuleneing Tuesday, ,lune 11111, 1940, at 2 P.M. All accounis, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Commit should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, June 8th, 1940. - N, W, MILLER, County Clerk. Gotlerrch, Ont ARTICLES FOR SALE- Rubber ALERuhber Goods, Sunclrirs, etc., mailed postpaid in plater, sealed wrapper. eti"i• less than retail. Write for mail. order catalogue, Nov -Rubber Co.. Dept. D-24. Box 01. Hamilton, Ont. LARGEST SELLING FENCER I have the agency for the Partnak Flux Divulger Electric Fencer, It is the hugest selling Veneer in the world, 1t is a tried auui proven Fencer. Guaranteed for five )t ire. Free demonstration, Orville 'Mirk:tete Kennel. Phone Hensall 77x11. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for 001-11ng of 140- mondwille .rbuol, Plans and smelliest-- them peciticatius may be secured from Alex I.il- tir), I4gnroncdville. Tenders will be rte. ce'ived by the undersigned until May ltith, II. Pretty, See. -Tress. FOR SALE Eight roomed house, excellent loc- ation North Main Street, Seaforth. All conveniences, stable, garage, orchard lot if desired. Apply to James Rivers, Seaforth, or A. G. Govenlack, 64 King street, Weston, Ont. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar. anteed 25 years. Rosen Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, - Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As, phalt Products including Roll Roof- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul- Brick SIding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds. Nails, etc, Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness At Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed to first class companies. 1t -.,'.5i110 cheerfully given Fe C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w See Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & FRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH -TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Harburn -Phone 105. Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 DEA it AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVE PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.