HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-30, Page 8lr PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS • NENSALL NE,s Eur :beth \t 17 1 _y ,f ti visiting with Mr sire Nauss ;- uu,'it \lu ray. i1r. and Mrs. llert hra l -urn , a c tcrth visited .this week. with ;\1r imel Mrs. \V. '!'ids y+dhh \Lss Irene 11 girth ,has returned • i,.nte after a pleasant visit with Rev. V. A. Young and Mrs. Young in Fergus. \Iy 'rs, 1.1 )vii and \1ilton Ortarein Latitin spent .the 'Week end with the .latter'; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. IW. Orb/Vein. \Mrs, lw fideswell visited with rel• atiy es in • S-eaforth and Blyth last !w e ck. \I7. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron re- turned front .a very ,pllea4ant meter trip to Barrie. Huntsville and North Pay. Mr. and '\lrs. •Philips• and two children and Miss 'Beatrice Otvdmore ,of Toronto visited on Sunday with Me. and Mrs. James A. Patterson. Mr. and Airs, J. \V. lt'ombhronspettt the week end in Kitchener Hvibh the S.atter's mother, Mrs. Yutt blutt, 'wlho is ill, and attended the funeral of •Mrs, Bonthron's anent. Anniversary Services Largely Attended - Anniversary services !were ,held in the United 'Church. on Sunday when the Church Inas filled to capa 1ty. The special speaker for the day was Rey. v. Sinclair of B'.ytit former minister f .he United •C:hare n who, delivered very inspiring addresses s at both ser-. At the morning service the t etiT -tang a 'ova ttl..t: ., nt.'tetit. °I ) .aril flow Excellent 1- Thy Naim•,,, laie quartette e,r11 tr.•n4 \fess-. Marc i'1,,r' t:trey (l, , tt "\t) ..ichor Holds.- Dr. Simlliy sanci :a heamtifnl solo coil:led • hht Reees- na.' \t a , ' '' r - sri v --,-' sant -Love Inold a dies' tri:, coinpri,ing Nli,s Florence v c Mr.. Carl 1 u rc i au Mrs. i„ti...orste II vs, ,d.114;s c;e \ c 't, \i Carey I oynt s.ob. it 'c rt - l., \ f.art•ar-, tia.rty a,a. 'Mild on Sat - t lay evening a,the tt me .. \Ir. anil Mrs. Glen \1el.eal, in honor of Pte. .Albert t2.inpchasc o In R.C.R. of 1 ,:ronto, tth., pr .din;: east. Dar- ing the evening \1r. l hipch ase was presente,l ,vvith a ,wrist nate•!l from neighbors. friends and the t'h.iselimr-t hockey team. IteIretit men t- were •newel at the close. The Late Mrs. Chambers- 1'hrr1r t t 1 away last week at tier home ,.1 her son near l'h se:hurst 'Susan .Augusta Fiteger.t'-d. wne -of rite late Mr. :ioitn Cham her- ,a t.hiscl- ?r art, in herr 79111 year. The deceased w.as a daughter of the late Mr. anti Mrs. John Fitzgerald of C4rtlhnr-t "and .pent all her lite uteri•..urvivine is one sial George, ,t Chi.elhurst, and one lerother. 'Mr. Geo. Fitzgerald, of arrand Forks. N. Dakota. A private tntttral service' '-as held from the home of Mr. George Chambers- on Satutdty. Interment to a\lacl at,'gart's cemetery. The liter:bearers were Mt rs.:\War. \Wexden heti, 1'. Wren, t,Vitt. Venner. David t t appeI, George Parker and Phos. Harris, • Observe Empire Day- Empire Day ,. was direr erd in The •iilie .eit,.,a `ase Thursday when Rev. \Cut. Weir was the special speaker and .awe a very inspiring ad- dress on "\Vicat 1)o t\Wie Mean by the British Empire." i\liss Beryl Pfaff's' room, gave a flag drill and 'Marguerite •Moore .rave a readitng...Miss Mattie Ellis' room gave group singing and readings by Shirley Wolff and George Beer. Mr. 'Claude B r +d r s resin gave readings by Jim Clarke Rob (Hoke and Ruth Hess. Marron San stew gave a speeon on 'Canada' and Len- ore R %re Normintun Iehave an interesting reading on the British Empire eutitl ed "Where the Sun Never Sets." Noakes -Sangster. - A quiet 'wedding was solemnized at he Prestbyterian manse, Exeter. on Saturday evening at 8.30.0.m., ,when 1 Rev. D. C. Hill united in marriage , \Vihheaininu Sara'1t Sangster, eldest elaarghter 'of Mr, and Mrs. James Sangster. Hensall, and Leonard Rich- ard Archibald (Noakes, eldest son of Mr. and ,Mrs. E. A. !Noakes, Hensall.; The bride 44.okevl ,ettarmiog in. a .floor I length ,gown ttf -white triple sheer, A iA h fol itiodice.. short full sleeves and nigh neckline ,with access ries in white and tarried a Ibougttet of A•nter- intn Beauty rnse'bude, The attendants 'at•re \]r, and Mrs lulu! \enheett. ',\Ir CernBent wort a black sheer crepe dress with,wine eters-,ries attd carried ,ink rnsehni . Fnllp,wing the -erentnity the .vee rhtg dinner was e ed at rite 'home of \Ir. and Mrs. Veri,evni. Later the young c Mlle left en t honeymoon trip i London, Ayl-. a rs ::fid l nsnt i ter. The 'bride tray - tiled in an air fore'blue tweed tailor - snit ayith blue and ,white as e e. sor- ies, They twilit reside iu Mensal!. C,nntnatiot service .was held itt Carmel •church on 1- i day conducted any Rev. I\,Vint. 'Ak'eir. There were three ne v members ers joined. Alp,propriate mu- sic .was furnished by the choir. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted serv- ices in the United Church, Blyth, on 'Sunday. ,Mr. •and ,Mrs. Gnus Veifh and !little., daughter and Mrs. Miller of Detroit spent the 'week end at ,the home of :Mrs. R'obt. B'omthron, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Camille spent S,un- 1 day wltib their sore -in -lave anal aaugh- ter, Mr. and !Mks. IW'iil,ert in IZurich. I At a sneetit,g of the village council on .S'at'ueday evening the tender of \trThos, Kyle was accepted for ,pmth- hc utility man, duties bo commence 'June' 1st. IMr. Lee Hedden, .who at present ;holds this ,office has resigned. -Young People ,Meet The chasing meeting for this team of 'she 'Young 'People of ,Carmel church ew'as 'held on :Monday evening i •witih a good attendance. Bobby Cam- l eron, leader of Ithe losing side Of'the roll call during ',the year, presided. Mrs. 'Weir led in (prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson twos read by Normta Sang - !pier' anti IMtaxinn 'Purdy. The devo- tional -talk was given Ihy Miss 'Beryl Pfaff. A vocal Iduet was suing iby Misses Lois 'and. !Marion IMIaeLtaren entitled, " I Passed, By 'DOM"Win- daw." A piano instrumental Iby Miss 'Heelers •liths and 4 piano !duet 1141. stilus. \ l t,: ar a i M .. Al. l) t all cm, -dr.i the x,41,11. The +,recti',.. \l1 \\ oscr the a;t111e. Ie e re•shro'ttt- ttlr ri. i+r,i hvie have moved into the el + '.n5 recently 'as sated h) Mr. and Air;. Fern AleLetn +ecs moved to '\tr. a\Vizi. Fairinnrn snit 'family have moved into :he re-irlettre vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Kyle. e Mrs, Reale. Hi iu. and daughter, AITS. ti,owen OA' l ,,eter yr ittsi last Week with the fume:: sister. :Mrs. Ed, \IrQuvt•en, Clinton Won First Game. - The first baseball tgamte of the sea- son was played on tion loyal diamond an IMamday evening between •C'lin'ton :and Hensall in the Harron Perth In- termediate O.B.A. The score was l0-1. in fuer of Clinton. It avis a five inn- ing ,game with •blit fo,lilowing score: Clinton 2 B 3 4 3. 12 !nuns (t ,hits, 1 error. Hensall: 0 0 0 '(1 I 1 run, 3 hits; 7 errors. Batteries were Coigns hots and Draper for ,Clinton; Kers- lake and Tudor for Hensall, I Mr. Harold Bonthron of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mt'. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs, Nichols of Parkhill is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hicks, Miss Vera McVicar of London was. the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Drysdale over the week end. I Mr. Harold Shepherd of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. Shepherd was accompanied home by Mrs. Shepherd who has beets speeding the past two weeks with her parent.•. Mr. and 11frs, James t4iuitiie. Miss Helen Glenn of London visit• ed over the holiday with her parents. Mfr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Mi'. and firs. Wtn. Corey of London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Miss Iielen Moir visited ovor th week end With 3i and Mrs. Melvin Moir. :air. Lorne Elder of Montreal visit• ect last week w'itlt his parents ,lir. and Mrs, John Elder. Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto visited on Saturday with her sister, Mts. \\'alter Spencer. \Ir, and Mrs, John Corbett tttteutl• ed the funeral of the latter's grand• mother. the hate Mrs. Moreuz, in Dashwood, this week. Mr, and Mrs, Cline Flynn of Lan. don visited over the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins, Dr. D. G. Steer and Mrs. Steer are enjoying a two weeks' holiday on at motor trip. Mrs, Verne Smith of Exeter visited last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs, Ed MeAsh of London visited with relatives in town on the holiday, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of 14It's. Jeannette c'ontnbs, who passed away on May :tt:th three years ago. Tity will be ilea' sen+tus hard to :ay, When out• we loved has passed away; Some day. perhaps, we'll understand. When we meet again in a better land. -Remembered by her rl.tugltter. Mrs. J. A. Storey, IN MEMORIAM In loving tuentot'y of Jas. N. Camp- bell, who passed away suddenly four years ago, May 29th, 1938. Our hearts wander back over mem- Cry's track, To our beloved -now unseen, Hearts left behind are lonely, But not without hope are they - And, although sorrow's bleak winds beat fiercely, Yet rooted in faith they stay. God grant us courage and patience until We greet them to part no more - MEN WANTED A good business paying good in - I conte and with future possibilities. Selling Familex Products teen and women all over Canada have found the secret of success. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. . Ask for FREE catalogue describing 201) necessity products and plan. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 570 St, Cie. !tent St., MONTREAL. JUNE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be. field in the Council Chambers, Court House, (lnderieh. (.onuteneittg Tuesday, June 11t11, 1040, at 2 P.M. - j All accounts, notices -of deputations and other iiusiuoss requiring tite at- tention of Council should be in the ]lands cif the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Junta Stit, 1940. N, W. MILLER, County Clerk. Goderich, Ont. TENDERS WANTED I Tenders will be received to Jtute 11 for the: repainting of the exterior Miss Joyce Bouton of Toronto) spent the week end with her mother. Mfrs. A. Scruton. Mr. Kenneth Manns of Toronto visited with his another Mrs, Fred , Manns on Sunder - Ai'. Howard Hemphill of Toronto visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, Mr, Stanley Walters visited on. Saturday with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blower. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Parker, London, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith Lillian, to 1)1.. Harry Joynt, son of Mrs. Alice Joynt, Henan II, the marriage- to take place quietly early in June. \Irk. 11/1-.1 1. (1. Smillie returned 11..me after a pleasant visit 'with rola- lives in Toronto, Mrs. Ed. Stewart and son 'Carman of London visited with !Afiss Eliza- beth Slavin on Tuesday. 'Miss 'Marjorie Adams of Toronto is visiting her uncle and aunt. Dr. and '11rs. 1. G. Stnildie Ali eyes anuli be turned to the bowl- ing 'green Monday evening, 'June 3rd, When ii weather permits, the 'bowl'ers h'o-pr to sepem the.season. All :interested ,are invited to ,he nn Band in good time. coal or wood, water front. of Duf'f's United ('hutch, Walton. Also tenders far the painting of the steel roof of the Church Shed. Low• est or any tender not necessarily ac - vented, Robt. McFadzean. Secy, R.R. 3, Walton, Out. PLANTS FOR SALE Asters, white, shell pink, lavender, azure blue, rose, mixed, and Heart of France, Petunias. California giants, duifie raffles, rose of heaven, flatting velvet and balcony blue, zinnias. tont them and giant dahlia. fid, verbenas, seahiosa, salvia, snapdragon, sweet peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, toma- toes and celery. Pick out your plants, we will deliver in town. Albert Baker, Railway St., turn west at Seaforth Creamery. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened and repaired, Liberal al- lowance for old mowers on a new one. A. choice of used mowers for sale. Eberhart's Chopping Mill. FOR SALE Seed buckwheat for sale. Picone 835x11, Seaforth central. Wilson Campbell FOR SALE Two young sows with litters, or ten and trine, about two weeks old. Also a Used car battery, almost new. Ap- ply to James Ltltdsborough, phone 665 r 16. FOR SALE 20 bags of good seed potatoes. Phone 629.03, Clinton. FOR SALE Young sow with first litter of nine extra choice pigs about 5 weeks old. Janes Nolan, Kippen road. PROPERTY FOR SALE 8 -roomed brick house, fully modern, good barn and garage, opposite Coll- egiate Institute. Will be sold reason- able. Apply to James Devereaux, phone 55w, Seaforth. FOR SALE Quebec range in good condition. Alt's. Jas. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs• William Dennis and Mary spent Sunday with Mr. and Ml's. Leonard Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Re.gele spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Alt's. Ed Regele. Ml'. Joseph Thornton is laid up with a broken rib and sore hip, We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Porter Deimis and daughter Elsie were Sunday evening visitors with Ml', and Mi's. Joseph Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thornton and Wayne spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenney of Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming, Ross and Norma, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of Fullerton. Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Munn were visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Munn of Guelph. Mr. Robert Munn, who had his leg amputated, is in very gond condition. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson and family and Mrs, Duncan McNichol spent Saturday afternoon at Stmt. ford. Miss Norma Leeming spent Satur• day afternoon with Miss Kathleen Leeming. CONSTANCE Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mr, and Mrs. Guy Cunninghame and family of Auburn were recent visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. TUCKERSMITH The regular meeting of the Tuck. ersmith Ladies' Club' ;will he held on Wednesday, June 5, at the home of Mrs. Edwin Johns, at 2.30. The i'ol) call will be answered by a nature quotation. Mrs. Walter Pepper, con- veher of the home beautification de• partment, will have charge of the program. I Kerr, Centre street. VARNA I Mr. and Mts. Ralph Stephenson in company with Mrs. Mossop, spent a lay lust week with fre:inds in Goderich, The many friends of Floyd MCAsh will be pleased to know he has recov- ered econered from his recent illness. Mrs, R. G. Reid,, underwent a eery te't'ious operation in Clinton hospital Monday and her many friends hope for the best. Mr. and Alt's. Argo and little son of Toronto motored up for the holiday. Mr. Argo returned to the city. Mrs. Argo and jimmy Lee are still with Air, and Mrs. McConnell. 116141911110112511 SECOND ANNUAL SALE Scotch Shorthorns S bulls ---111 females At Elmandorph Stock Farm, Varna TUESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1940 1 at 1,31) p.nt, Inclined in sale are 8 bulls ranging from calves to service• able age; 7 cows; 8 yearling heifers' and one heifer calf. Heifers and 5 ' bulls are sired by Matchless Clarion -222772-. Cows are bred to Scottish Laddie -235621-, Both herd sites , are richly bred and of show calibre. These cattle are all in good condi- tion and are real foundation or herd header material. All but three \vet'e bred on the farm. Herd fully accredited and blood tested. Auctioneers: Duncan Brown, George Elliott & Son. For catalogue address - CLIFFORD H. KEYS, Varna, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of House and Lot and Household Effects. At Hensall, on Saturday, June 8 at 1,30 p.m., consisting of: 2 parlor suites (1 almost new), 2 bedroom suites with springs and mattresses, dining room shite, Jewel cook stove nearly new, 4 burner coal oil stove, 3 burner coal oil stove, kitchen table and chairs, chest of drawers, 3 rugs, Singer sewing mach- ine, phonograph, organ, kitchen uten- sils, garden tools, dishes, pots, pans, cutlery and numerous other articles. At the same time and place the commodious 9 room frame house with garden lot will be offered for sale, Terms on household effects. cash Terms on property, made known on day of sale. Mrs, J. B. Todd, Pt'oprietress, Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE ill. ltnrotd Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public. auction the household effects of the late Sydney Jacobs at his Mite home on Ord street, on Friday, May 31 at 2 o'clock, con- sisting* of the following: Coal stove with oven, wood stove, coal oil stove, small oil stove. extension table, 2 kitchen tables, 0 small tables, side board, glass cupboard, 6 dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 clock, 1 alarm clock, grandola and records, 1 sewing machine, 3 beds and springs, 2 feather mattresses, 2 spring mat- tresses, 2 dressers, 1 chest of drawers. stretcher cot, lawn mower, set dishes, cooking utensils. garden tools, etc, The whole will be sold without re- serve as the estate has to be wound up. Terns cash, Frank Fingland, Solicitor for Ad- ministrator, FOR SALE Seed buckwheat for sale. Apply to Wilfred O'Rourke, Dublin, R. R, 1, phone 37r9, Dublin central. FOR SALE Thorough bred coach puppies, ,Hales, well marked. Apply Walter Oster, phone Blyth 160. NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS In order to wind up the estate of the late Samuel T. Holmes, it is necessary that all accounts owing to the said estate be paid at once. Ac- counts may be paid at the office. Main street. NOTICE Wallace Ross, Apiarist, will pay 50c for swarms of bees during the month of June. Phone 135J. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith in arrears of taxes previous to 1939, are requested to arrange with the Treasurer for pay- ment of same on or before May 30th after which time said arrears will be placed in other hands for collection. E. P. CHESNEY, Treasurer DRAIN TENDERS Township of McKillop 'fenders for the construction of the O'Rourke Drain, McKillop Tp., will be. received by the undersigned until Monday, June 3rd, 1940. Tenders will be opened at 3 P.M. on above date. Excavation -3340 cub. yds; length 5250 lineal feet. Work to be done act - cording to plan and specifications of Engineer G. A. McCubbin. Lowest or any tender not' necessar- ily accepted 10% of contract to ac• company tender. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at Clerk's office. Lot 35, Con. 3, JOHN MONAY, Clerk, Seaforth R.R,2. m THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1940. SATURDAY SPECIALS CASH WITH ORDER Bulk Salt, per 100 lbs, 55c Block Salt, 50 lbs. 45c Purity Flour, 98 lb. bag. $2,89 Granulated Sugar 10 lbs,69c My -T -Nice .Rolled Wheat 5 lb, bag 19c Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 19c Stock -Aid Animal Spray 128 oz, tin 95c Rex Fly Spray, 8 oz. tin ...,15c Rex Fly Spray, 16 oz, tin .,23c Royal Purple Hog Torrdc and Worm Specific, pkg. , , . , 59c Tomato, Cabbage and Celery Plants at Lowest (Prices, 20c in trade only for GRADE A LARGE EGOS W e J.Finnigan NOTICE Save money on oil and grease by bringing your cans. Sold under money -back guarantee. Also sprays for livestock, poultry, for sanitary purposes, flies, etc, Sam Chesney, Eg- nondviile (across from the church). SEED FOR SALE Quantity of Sudan grass seed, gov- ernment oyernment graded and tested. Apply to W. C. Sinclair, 11.11,5, Clinton, Phone 621x22. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Puppet's, Celery, Huckleberry, Many varieties Snapdragon, Petunias. Large variety of other flowering plants. Delphinium, Canterbury Bells, One block east of hospital. A. L. Porteous. 'W'est street. 1 he Standard Bred S,tallivn BARON LULWATER 2,111; Form 2 1\ 111 stand at his owner's stafiIe iu Hgnwndcille, season 111410, Baron Lulvwater ,was the :fastest and too hest 3 year nil ,n Canada in 1930. He is a show bony as we'Ii as he was first turd reserve ,ehantpinn at the Rioyai in 1''031 and first art Toronto Ex, in 1030. ile is siring ing speed also, as his sou Baron Rothchild, to,i1 a record of 2,13 and ants a dose second in 2.1(11 ..Another .son, Baron Grattan, took a recerrd of 2.1-0J as a three year ohd last year and was one of the best oohsever raced in Canada as he raced as,a'inst .such horses a- Peter Ridavrdl. 1_.00, lKathleen (;rattan 'forty Grattan 2,lig a til neper fast record luir,es and looked ,n fond that ''ie Flentmittff, the trainee and driver of Billy Direct 1155. the 'world fastest harness horst, carie over from the C S. and offered $Ii1500,00 for .him, Terms $1u to insure mare .ivtit foal. Payable FAA). fist, 111).11 Parties dispts- inn, 111 -mares before In thug tent ,wilt the held recpetusi fie whether in foal or not, \\t. C. Cre,yenlock F;mtontiville, owner, Phone Seaforth 'iio3r5, The Pare Bred Clydesdale Stallions ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No, 3500 Form 1 FLOWERPRINT SUPREME (28352) Enrolntetit No. 3959. Form 2 DONALD MONCUR (28559) Enrolment Nn, 4177 Fornt 3 Route for 1940 -Monday and Tues• day -In the vicinity of Walton and Brussels. Wednesday -Through Khtbm'n and west to the highway, south through Clinton, home by way of Tucker - smith. Thursday -Through Seaforth to St. Columban and Beetatwood, home through way of Winthrop. Fraday-Goderich Township and Colborne. Terms -$13, payable March 1, 1941. T. J. McMichael, Prop. and Manager The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion MILTON FORDER (27688) Enrolment No, 3525. Form 3 Route for 1940 -Monday noon will leave his own stable, lot 23, con. 5, Logan, and proceed to Peter Hick- nell's, lot 14, con. 5, McKillop, for night. Tuesday to Joseph O'Rourke's, lot 4, con. 6, McKillop, for noon, thence to Rock Bros., Brodhagen, for night. Wednesday to John Dietz's, lot 8, cons 10, Mcliillop, for noon. thence to George Bennewies', lot 8, eon. 12, McKillop, for night. Thursday to Henry Steiubach's, lot 28, con. 12, Logan, for noon, thence to George H. Siemon's, lot 24, eon. 11, Logan, for night. Friday to his own stable, where be will remain until the following Monday noon. Terms -412, payable Feb. 1st , 1941. Jacob Hignetl, Proprietor and Man. ager, Mitchell, R. R. 4. Notice to Householders TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Sanitary Inspector will shortly make his spring round of visits and citizens are re- quested to have their premises put in a sanit- ary and orderly condition previous to his in- spection. Removal of ashes and other waste and attention to wells, water -holes and bar- rels and out -buildings is especially mentioned Will all users of cigarettes and other pack- aged articles kindly. carry the wrappings to their homes and burn them there. The wrap- pings are often discarded on streets and lawns, and a daily task of removal imposed on owners of lawns who wish to ' keep their premises neat and orderly. Please assist in making the town attractive. ' THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH, Seaforth. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Bald= mh, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Satur'ity 1:30 p.m, to 5 pan. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m, to 9 p. m. PLANTS FOR SALE Tomato plants, cabbage plants. for sale, Thos. M. Grieve, Egmondville. Phone 664x3. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. SO% less than retail. Write for =H- erder catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co„ Dept. D-24, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. LARGEST SELLING FENCER I have the agency for the Parmak Flux Diverter Electric Fencer. It Is the largest selling Fencer in the world. it is a tried and proven Fencer. Guaranteed for flue years. Free demonstration. Orville Workman, Kippen. Phone Hensall 771'11. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for wiring of Eg' monclville school. Plans and epecidca- .11 tions may be secured from Alex Lfl- lien, legmondville, Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until May 16th. H. Pretty, Sec.-Treas. ELECTRIC FENCE We are again handling the Shur - Shock electric fencer, which gave such good satisfaction last season. This is a heavy duty Canadian made machine. Extra Hotshots and knobs kept in stock. Wm. J, Clark, phone Hensall 87r 12; B. McClinchey, phone Hensall 97 r 5, FOR SALE Eight roomed house, excellent loc- ation North Main Street, Seaforth. All conveniences, stable, garage, orchard lot if desired. Apply to James Rivers, Seaforth, or A. G. Govenlock, 64 King street, Weston, Ont. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar- anteed 25 years. Rosco Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrougb and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and Valley, Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As- phalt Products Including Roll Roof- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, InsuJ- Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds, Nails, 'etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH-TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105. Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 16. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.