HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1940, LAST CHANCE TO BUY iCott't R.O.P. SiredhICKS Barred Rock FOR THE SEASON Just two lucre hatchet; on May 30 and June 3. These dates nearly booked. A few week-old chicks on hand. PHONE IN YOUR ORDER WITHOUT DELAY SC Material for Range Shelters #6.00 each TT'S POULTRY FARM Seaforth Phone 851 r 32 THE PLAY "DEACON DUBBS" Will be presented by the Egmondville Y. P. U. in the Community Hall, WALTON FRIDAY EVENING MAY 31ST Under the auspices of the \V, A. of Duff's United Church, Walton Admission, 25c and 15c -THE SEAFORTH NE\1'S Fnnerdnn urn,.. P,hti.har. ....._ WALTON D.t't forge: the Red Cross euchre and dance in the community hall on Wednesday evening, Jane 1'2. Oldenberg-McLeod.— The fallowing wedding from a Van- couver paper will be of interest here as the bride's father is a former res ident of Walton: In Queen's Avenue United Church. New Westminster, Thursday at $ p.m.. the marriage took place of Edith Mae. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Earl McLeod to Mr. Herman Nils Olden - berg. son of Mr. N. 0. Oldenberg and the late Mrs. Oldenberg. Rev. A. M. Sanford, D.D„ was the officiating clergyman. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a heaven pink fres with flared skirt. and bracelet sleeves, the barque bodice trimmed with pleating. Her hat was a minia- ture tricorn of period design. the dusky rose blossoms held in place by rose beige ties. Accessories were also beige. She carried a bouquet of Calla brie., urc'hids and Illy of the t•ulley Mrs. William F. Cromb, of Powell River. sister of the bride, was matron of honor wearing queen's blue with draped bodice, bracelet sleeves and front fellness to the skirt. Her navy veiled hat sponsored fuchsia flowers and accessories were navy. Her bow quer was of pastel snapdragons. stocks and carnations. Mr, Claire Cunning- ham of Vancouver was best titan. At the reception held at the home of the bride's parents for members of the immediate family. Mrs. McLeod in a navy twill crepe jacket dress with shadow sheer bodice and navy straw hat with white flowered crown, re• ceived the guests assisted by Airs. M. Levine. the groom's sister, who chose embroidered silk fuchsia crepe with large black hat and toning acces- sories. For travelling the bride don- ned a beige Prineess coat and beige accessories over her wedding dress. On their return from a wedding trip south. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will re- side at Powell River. Mr. and ML•s. J. H. Humphries of Walkerville spent the week end with friends in the village. Miss Margaret Fothergill spent Sunday with her mother in Londe& born. Stewart Bryans of Timmins spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryan. Miss E. Baxter spent the week end with friends at Carlow. Lew Armstrong of Grey spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Sellars. Mrs. F. Kerley and Margaret, of Toronto, spent a day with her mother Mrs. Joe Love. Mr. and Mrs. George Dttndas of Mc- Killop entertained at their home over the week end Mrs. A. M. Henry of Stockton, California. Mrs, .1. Freder- ick and Mrs. P. Brown of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rennie and son. Misses Ida and Agnes Dundas and. Mr, F. Law, of Toronto. Mrs. M. Mercer of Toronto is visit- ing her sister, Ahs. D. Boyd and Mr. Boyd. Mrs Earl Dow and children wbo have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kearney of Mortis, have re- turned to her home in Hibbert Mr, George Kirkby of St. Marys was in Walton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger visited Rev. J. and Mrs Graham at Bayfield Sunday evening. Mrs, Andrew Bruce, Grey, spent over the week end with Mrs. Hugh Fulton. LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will take place on June 6th at the home of Mrs. Robert Fairservice, This is "Grandmother's Day," which is always of special in- terest. A good program is being pre- pared. Mrs. Fairservice extends an invitation to all the ladies of the community to attend, and all will be made Very welcome. All Institute ladies to serve lunch, excepting the Grandmothers. The tea collection will be turned over to the Red Cross. Come along and spend a pleasant a1'.' ternoon with the grandmothers. Lunch to be cake and sandwich. The representatives from /Andes - bora who attended the Red Cross meeting at Goderich were Mrs, Ella Garbett, Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. Townsend. Mrs. 0. Moon, Mrs. R. Faiis,rvtte. Mr. A. G. Becksen of To- ronto . Yield sec'y of the Canadian Red Cross was present and spoke on the work and needs of the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook spent Sunday at the home of their 'daughter Mfr. and Mrs. E. Knox, near Harloek Miss Jeau Cowan and Mrs. Barnard Walker of Toronto were callers on Mrs. J. Tantblyn on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Gormley - Thompson of North Bay visited with -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning on Sunday. Miss Helen Yungblutt, who spent last week with her parents here, re- turned to her work at London on Monday, from un attack of tensility. Rev. A. Menzies and Mr. Frank Mr. E. J. Taylor of Montreal spent '1'arblyn are attending the London the week .end here with his fancily. Conference this week. There are several cases of measles Hiles tarter of Windsor and his to the community, mother Mrs. N. Carter of Seaforth.I Miss Jean Ivison and Miss Jean Mrs. B. Tyerman and Mrs, L. Smith Long were guest singers at Porter's. of Leamington were callers in the Hill United Church anniversary: on A shocking accident occurred a Mr. and Airs. A. Te, Runihall, elite village on May 24th, Sunday evening- last short distance west of Seaforth nn ton, wish to announce the engage - Saturday evening when the ear driven uu'nt - of their youngest daughter by Mr. Harry Riley. who was accnm- .Ilelen Elizabeth, to John Arthur, eld- panied by Mr. J. Scott, left the road est son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur And - and ttu'ned over several times, injut• emote Keeton. The marriage to take ing the two men severely. Mr, Scott place early in June: suffered many cuts about the head I A large number from the village and face. while Mr. Riley sustained a and vicinity attended the farewell for broken hack and chest injuries. They the soldier boys at Mr. and Mrs. Glen were taken to Seaforth hospital Mr. McLe an's on Saturday evening, Scott is expected home In about 10 Mr, R. J, Cooper spent a few days days. Mr. Riley is in a very serione visiting with friends in Michigan. r oniiitiou. t Mrs. French is improving slowly after her severe illness. DUBLIN i The continued wet weather is hold. 1 rnu rc,ui=m attended the Mg up farm work badly. argr Mrs. Jus, B. McLean and Missn-p anual arade and crowning ceremony \I;1TInl1 MtLeatt spent the week end d the -B used \ irgin and "he revel,- in Hamilton, guests 01 the fm•nter's. tint of new uumthers into the snl,vi- son. "?'“• in •0 P:u' Mrs. Earle Sproat spent the holt• t birch. 3).rhlin. ,in :+Hula} rc-' day µcolt end with Termite friends, elite:. \lis- '('mesa kr•au lee,f, car- ry-ne the ',antler 0ith'two little rib- 1 HARLOCK ,nr bearers, Barbara Holland and led the procession. :gr. liobta't Watson spent Sunday at the home of his brother. Mr. and Mrs, David 'Watson, in Mc'ICillop, Mr. Robert and Miss Agnes Leiper accompanied by Miss Levine Knox metered here. spending the holiday and week end at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs, James Leiper and other friends; the latter at the bone, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theis. Knox end brother, Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Knox and other friends returning to Toronto Sunday evening, Quite a timelier from this neighbor- hood attended the funeral service ou Monday at the Ontario street Church in Clinton of the late Mia Nelson Ball of Clinton. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to the family and all the friends, of which there is a large el e. Mr. James McEwing of Winnipeg spent last week at the house of his brother, Mr, and Mrs, A. W. McHwing and other friends. Last winter be spent a couple of months in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, Miss \cline Rapson of Toronto, Miss Eva Rapson and Mr. James Cook of Clin- ton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Warren Gibbings near Clin• ton. – Mr. Jack Blake and friend from near London called on Mr. and Mrs, -Robert Watson Sunday evening. The tatter intends enlisting in a short tint e. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs: Oliver Fee and Mrs. \Iuude I t ii t-• spent a clay itt London reeentie, Mr. and lira R. K. Homey and (Frain theM\adent News) • 'tit ,s Mary Ilnrn y, of London. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W, sorrow veiled Wadena and dein- Henley. it y. Just .at dusk on Sunday evening,. Mrs Heckler is visiting her (laugh- \lay 19th, when news enure that ter curd stein taw Mr. and Mrs. S Mrs. Samuel Love, had passed away. Reim.- Mrs, Love was horn near Setrfot•th, Mr. and Mee, Jneph Lindon of Dote Ont, in Huron county. 00 March 31. field and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter 1893, and was called to het eternal and Marie of Clandeboye visited on rest on Mother's Day. May 12. 1940, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie at the age of 47 years, 1 month and Parson" Mr. Robert Jarrett attended the wedding of his soft Jack to Mise Hazel Barber in St. Aldan's Church, Toronto, on Friday. Misses inti and Vera Ropp, Messrs, Alfred Ropp and E. Shuotz spent blessed with one daughter. Mrs. Love Sunday with relatives near Poole. was a good wife and mother and was Miss Verna- Linden, who spent the very highly respected by all her Past weep with her sister Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons. returned to her home in Denfield on Sunday. Master Mrs. Samuel Love Dies at Wadel'ia, Sask. REGE 12 clays. In 19111 she came west to visit her sisters Mrs. Lantb and Mrs. Erickson of Wadena and ou Match 26, 1919, site was united in marriage to Samuel E. Love of Wadena. This union was friends and neighbor's. The late Mrs. Love was a faithful Christian and took great interest in Gerald Parsons returned with her forthe church. As a gh'1 she sang in a couple of weeks' holiday. I choir, attended Sunday School and Miss Isabelle Alexander of Maple worshipped in Caren Presbyterian , spent the week end with her parents, Church at Winthrop,- Ont. During her 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander. membership with the Wadena Baptist Mt'. and Mrs, W. Horney, Miss Citurch she had worked untiringly and Irma Ferguson and Mr. Arnold Clack. served well. Site has served on num- stetter spent Sunday with the form• emus committees, as chureh clerk, Ws sister. Mrs. Lottie Colwell ofpresidentof the Ladles' Aid, teacher, Cargill of the primary department, and first Miss Mildred Heitz of Loudon spent vice pianist of the church and Sunday 1 n few Clays visiting with her parents. School. Mr. and Mrs. \Wnt, Deitz, Mrs. Love also took great. interest. Mr, John Dayman of Regina, Sask. In the welfare of the :community, be• 1 t• visiting with his brother, loselth tug a menthol' of the Rebekah lodge I) during its activity in Wadena, a ntem-' T THEATRE - - Seaforth NOW PLAYING "The Blue Bird" In technicolor and starring Shirley Temple with an all star oast Also "THREE MESQUITEERS" ill "Kansas Terrors" MONDAY & TUESDAY, June 3-4 "Daytime Wife" A comedy drama starring Tyrone Power Linda Darnell Warren Wiltiarn WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, June 5-6 "GONE WITH THE WIND" 2 SHOWS DAILY AFTERNOON 1.45 P.M'. NIGHT 7.45 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, June 7-8 John Wayne Ray Corrigan 111 "Wyoming Outlaw" A fast Moving western Mr. a Mi•, and. Mrs. John E. Butt and her of the Michael O'Leary Chapter BAYFIELD daughter Joy of Flint, Mich„ spent LO,D.E„ a director or the Wadena A concert will be held in the town the week end-tvitlt -Thos. and Edgar Horticulture Society, president of the hell on Thursday night In nil of the Butt. Ladies' Carling Club, and a member bed Cross, biles Ruth Watson of Clinton spent of the Hospital Auxiliary. I Mr. and Mrs, ('hurrhtttt'd, London, the week end with her parents, Mr. She leaves to mourn her loss her spent the holiday at their cottage. and Mrs. Clifford Watson.- - husband, Samuel E. Love, one laugh• Dr, C. Stogdill autl family spent the - Mr. Orville \Vnrinnan is recovering ter, Doris Kathleen. six sisters; Mrs. Week end at their cottage on the Ter - Dora Williamson, 114rs, Dinah Toll, race. Mrs. Elva Hogg, Mrs, Cora Price, pt Mr, Geo. 81110(1 and fancily were Walton, Ont Mrs. Lillian Murray of London visitor's over the holiday, Dublin, Ont„ Mins, ,lean Erickson or Rev. J. Gale of Caledonia, who had \Vedette. Sash one brother. John been eventing a few days with his Staples or Blyth, Ont., and a host of father Rev. R. M. Gale received the I i:• =pre t itu:. \lis. Franey, Delaney, attod as crown .hearer ;tad aas follow- ed 11y tri., little Clower girls, Rost' Marie Woods and Patricia Ryan. Seven nen- members :preceded the t.zaelielists who nttnthered (bout thirty. The crowning of the Ble 'tl \'irgin was perorttted 'iy the president. Rev. Father Durande,f S:. Peter's Semin- ary. London, delivered a very impres- sive sermon, his topic ileing: "Tit' l le..ed Virgin as the ideal of -woman- Ree. Dr. I totilkes received se- ven now member, into the Sociality: \i -.es ll ary Woods, \largaret 1' ra t-kopf, Elbe tc Jordan, \lary Mar- taret Ryan. Katherine Tr rdan, Mary Siiplet n and Eleanor \I tirttli, .\f - ter the reception. the Swialists sang the hymn. "immaculate Mary.' Ser- vice was concluded In solemn bene- diction of the Blessed :Sacrament and retial uirayer- for peace. - Visitor \liss Lucille McGrath. nurse -in training at St. ?Mary's Mos - :dial. Kitchener, with her father, Mr. Joseph McGrath; Miss Rose Dorsey. 1' .rant',, with her cousin, \Ira. D. M,Cannell, Mrs, Kathleen Feeney in London. - Miss- Edith -Roney and Miss Hazel Norris of Seaford) visited with Mr. and 'Mars. Ale. Roney: Miss Mary \lOore, Stratford General Hospital with herparents, Mr. and !Mrs. 'Jos- eph Moore: Joseph Evans St: Peter's Seminary. Landon, at his 'home: Rev. John Jordan, Detroit, with his anoth- er, Mrs. Teresa Jordan: Kenneth Dill, Toronto, and ,Miss Marion bill, Lon- don, with their parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, P. 0131; .lark and Mowat Stacy, at St. Marys. A ,meeting of the Anglican --Wo- meu's Guild ,was held at the 'hone of Mrs.- Joseph Moore .with a represen- tative attendance. Among the theology students at 5t. Peter', Seminary, London, lase week t-, receive minor orders are Gordon Dill and .Harry Feeney of Resurrec- tion Order, - Included- in the .number at Toronto of the Basilian 'Order to receive ton- -are and minor orders appears the name of 'Donald Bellinger, t • - apent. STAFFA- STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton of Owen Sound called on Mr. and Mrs, George Campbell and Mr. and Mrs, John Turner last week. Mrs, J. M. Tough, Bayfield, is visit- ing with Mrs. W. Carole. Mr. and Mrs. John Newcombe and son Billy of Goderich were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Russell Heard have returned from their trip and are gett- ing settled in their home on the Bronson line. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhale and' family visited friends at London and St. Thomas one day last week, Mr. Edwin Hobson of St. Thomas Friday evening and Saturday vi it' relatives on the Bronson line John Gordon Beverley Norris, in- fant son of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Nor- ris. lot 11, con. 9, Hibbert township, died early Sunday in the Sick Child. l'en's Hospital, Toronto, The child had been rushed to the city on Satur• day and succumbed quite suddenly, Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norris sympathize with them in the loss of their youngest child who was born April 28, 1939. Mra, Norris was for- merly Miss Orpha Balkwill. Besides the parents, two brothers, Jimmy and only, and two sisters. Margaret and Ethel May, survive, The funeral was held on Monday to Staffa cemetery, Rev. W. E. Aldsworth officiated and interment was in Staffs cemetery. The pallbearers were Bobby Sadler, Reggie Elliott, Ross McKellar and Donald Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs, John Patterson of Toronto attended the funeral. The service was held in. the United Church, s ng and in Bayfleld. Mr. and Mrs. R. Grainger visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr, on Sunday last. - Mr, William Lamont of Zurich, and formerly of Stanley, is in a critical condition in the hospital in London, Mrs. Margaret Erratt, Matron of. Mount Elgin School, Muncey, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, Henry Errata, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Mr: and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey visited on Sunday with their parents. relatives and frieuds. Funeral services were conducted on Thursday afternoon, May iii, 2 pane at the \\°alma Baptist Church be Rev. C. Alvin Johnson and assist- ed.by Rev, 0, S. Fryklind or Midale, Sask., and the Itebekails of Foam Lake halving part in the comm lttal service. Interment took plat's in the \\'adette cemetery. The funeral service was Impress- ive, Rev. Ft'yklind rending serrpture and leading in prayer. Rev, Johnson brought the message. choosing his text from the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verses 1 and 2, During the ser- vice Mrs. Wreede and Mrs. Jolntsoil, with Mrs. Elitism at the piano, sang Ferguson. "Gods Way Is the Best Way" and "1 The young people of the failed Have Hetu'd of n Land on a Per Away C'hurc'h, Hrucefield, are presenting tate Strand.'' At the close of the service, play, "The Glory Lights of Sun Rey," Mrs. Eliasoa and Mrs. Johnson sang in the them hall, Hayfield, on Friday 'Ther 's No Disappointdnent in Heti' evening. May 7, in aid of the. Ilayfield twit of the Red Cross Society. WINTHROP The ladies of Caven-dhur•dh are having a social *afternoon and ,bazaar on Wednesday, 'dune 5th, and will en- tertain Bethel Duff's and'North Side ladic-, A cordial invitation is extetrded to the dallies. Send nt the namue . of yihlur ,visitors. sad news of the drowning of his son. At time of writing the body had not been reeovea'ed. Private I. Gavin of Camp Bordeu spent the week end with Mr. Wm. Ferguson, Miss Betty Gardnier of Toronto University is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. R. F. Gardnier. Miss Peggy Boyd or Graveniturst is a guest of her grtu dmoth'r, Mrs. G. Woods. Mr, C. Guest and Mrs. Guest end family of 'reroute spent the week end with Mr. trod Mrs, M. 'Porus. Miss Mary Moorbnuse of London was a guest or het aunt. Mrs. .1. A. rent ' Peace upon her memory, Pallbearers were Messcs, S. ('01(1, of Margo, C. Westby, of hose Valley. t', Stevens, of Kelvington, T. 'White- head, H. Ft'anseu and M. MacMillan, of \\'adette. Floral tributes were sent by the following: Husband and Wilily, Jean and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. G. \\'il- liamsoe, Walton. Ont,. Mr. and Mrs. E. Toll, Walton, Mr, and Alrs. J. Price, CROMARTY Miss Mary Currie, who has spent the winter months in Toronto. bas re. turned to her Monte here. Mr, Archie Hoggartlt iii teaching as supply at. Dungawtton. Visitors: Mr, Tont Cooper of Terme et with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Allen, Mr. Walton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogg, \Val- and Mrs. Jamieson and little daughter ton. Mr, and Mrs, L, Murray, Dublin, at the manse, Earl and Dorris Sararas of Toronto with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Howe on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Howe Sr. who has spent the whiter in Detroit returned to her home here with them, - "1'he Ytxutr People's meeting ou Sunday evening was presided 1000 'b} Miss Pearl Houghton, !XMAS Margaret Stott gave an interesting article .,n the topic. Rev. Peter laucfesot tied in prayer and a special tontrihutioi of the tprogram ,,v Its a violin selection by 1 -.aster Gordon Hcnughton, accomp- anier) by iNliss Jean McCulloch. ,\fir. and !Mrs. •\\'. Howitt and fam- ily of Aupi=urn visited \1r. and Mrs. David Gardiner. Alex. Gardiner, Robert 11oCau:gh- erty, Hugh Norris anti Misses Hazel Norris and Esther Hocking spent a day at 'N,iaigara Halla• Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jamieson and !their ,little daughter, of Long, 'Branch, were ,guests with Rev. Peter 'Jamieson and Mrs, 'Jamieson :at the manse, ,Mir, and !Mrs. Stewart Robertson and family of Listowel, w•itilt Iles. Robertson and John Robertson, !Mr. and !Mrs. 'Whitney and young daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ['Miller of Stratford visited •Mrs, S. M iller. Miss Aileen Voting of -Gramm .was the guest -of !Miss M. B. -Currie, - lhitrs. !MacDonald, B'nusseils, visited Mr and !Mas. Btucton-MacDonaid. !Mese A. C Russell and George Rus- sell, St. Pauls, visited !Miss M. B. 'Currie, IMr, Neil Giilesp e, Seaforth, ,visited •reliatiees. 'The play 'given aby the young peoptle of Munro alt. Staffa under the auspices of the Cromarty Winne' -People's Soc- iety, -was very entertaining. Ont., Mr, and Mrs. ,1.'Staples, Blyth, Ont., Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Broadfoot, Brussels, Ont„ Mrs, J. Love, Walton, Mr. and Airs. Wm. Farquharson, \Val - ton, Mt'. and Mrs. Wm, Leeming. Walton, Mr, and Mrs. R. Patterson, Walton, Mr. and Airs, L Henderson, Seaforth, Ont„ Air. and Mrs. S. Ker• ley, Toronto, Ont„ Amy Kerley, Tor- onto, Mabel Allen, Saskatoon, Wad- ena Baptist Church, Baptist Ladies' Aid, Baptist: Sunday School, Baptist Young People's Society, Nightingale Rebekah Lodge 121, Foam Lake, Michael O'Leary Chapter I.O,D.E., Wadena Horticulture Society, Wad - ens Town Council, Ladies Curling Club, Wadena Telephone staff, high school students and staff, Mr, A. A. Brown and family, Vancouver, Mt'. and Mrs. J. Lowey and family, Van- couver, Mr, and Mrs. C, A. WestbY and family, Rose Valley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colby, Kelvington, Mr. and Mrs. M. Benson, Fosston, Miss Len' ora Erickson, ,Fosston, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Erickson and Maynard, Rose Valley, Mrs, Geo, Purcell and family, Clair, Tom and Dorothy, Clair, Mr, and Mrs, Claus Oberg, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Kiland and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs, John Erickson and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mahlum and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kiland, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Anderson, Eileen and Ronald, Hendon, Mr. Robert Lee and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. T, Whitehead and family, Mr. and Mrs. IVY. MacMillan and family, Mr. J. A. MacMillan, K.C., Mr, H. Fransen and family and Miss Storgarrd, Mr. and Mrs. George Meury and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Best and Mrs, Rusnell Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Erickson, Mrs. Anna Julien, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Backlund and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Lindstrom and family, Mr. and Mrs, N. A. 'Nicholson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hayman, Henry and Dick, Mr, and Mrs. A. Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gillespie and Esther, Mr. and Mrs. X. Rusnell and family, Mr, and Mrs. C. Striate, Mr. and Mrs. H. Riney and family, Mr. and Mrs, L. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee and family, Mr, Green, Mr. Chas. Peterson and Yam• fly, Mr. and Mrs. V. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. M. Baer, Pete Johnson, L. Stromberg, Mr. and Mrs, Allister Call, Rose Valley, Mr, and Mrs, Nolan. HULLETT Engagement— Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hoggarth of Huliett announce the engagement of their third daughter Alma Gertrude to Weldon Maynard, eldest sou of Ml's, Fred Tyndall and the late Mr. Tyn- dall of Clinton, The marriage to take place hi June, !Waist and For Sale Alts, 3'weeiee lI!Oc DASH WOOD Mrs. Nelson. Masse, formerly Miss Celina Charrette, died at her home on the 14th concession of Hay Town- ship after an illness of three weeks. She was in her 56111 year and is sur- vived by her husband and five daugh- ters, Mrs. E. Berkt, Windsor; Mrs, Ted Laporte, Blue Water Highway. Misses Hazel, Loretta and Cecilia, at home; seven sons, Edgar of Detroit, Peter of Windsor, Adolph, Hensall; Joseph, William, Victor and Theodore all at home; also seven sisters; Mrs. Frank Denomme, Zurich; Mrs, Con Jordan, Niagara Falls; Mrs, Luke Nigh,• Seaforth; Mrs. Z. Bris- son, Mrs. Adolph Beddard, Mrs, Ar- mand Denomme, Mrs, Fred Siemer' and a brother, John, all of Zurich vicinity. The funeral service was held on Saturday morning, May 25 at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church at Drysdale with Rev.`Father Martin officiating, Want and• For Sale Ads., 1 week 250 ST. COLUMBAN Mrs, Reese and fancily of Detroit spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, James Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moylan and baby girl of Kitchener spent the holiday with friends here, Misses Florence, Anne and Nora. McQuaid of Stratford with Mr, and Mrs, James McQuaid. Mt'. and Mrs, Frank Murray of De- troit visited her brother, Mr. Angu'1 Kennedy. Basil Lane or Toronto spent the weep end with his mother, Mrs. Jahn Lane Sit Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Leiss of Kitch- ener spent the week end with Mr., Thomas Feeney. Mr, Frank Bowman spent a day itt Kitchener this week. Miss Loretto Holland of Waterlot spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland. Charles Malone of Delhi at his lhome here. Miss Mtu'y O'Connor spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor, Rev. Thomas McQuald spent th' past weep in Kingston and Cornwall - Mr. Frank MtCarrol -of Windsor spent last week with Frank Moylan and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McIver. -\T, J. Lane wears a broad smil::H "It's a girl." BLYTH �rrcicc• .vete hell iu the t hurrh .1, lrcuult - -anti Rea R. 4. Brook of Hrnsall, .t former •astir, i - diargc. Large congrr, attnn. nen. ... attendance at h,.til see:ice'', 100 for the muraia..t service was Ie= took the cup and ..tait• thanks." 3• the evening service a rally ;,t ynuti people from Valium, Westfield. ,4tave, 1>3:031on 0111 1. ,dc b n wa. held. \lis .3bierta Ricitnnnt1 pre gide 1 it the yt 1)la( fpr title'wry i e til ;'n• ahead' of -the lee tl president, 'Jante, :ants. Scripture A as read -hy Isabel Cumming and prayer given by Rev Mr. Bra k. :\ •µomen's rh-Cru .we; .offered felroeed by a sole by Isabel ('annul' , - :\t rhr Anglican church :t ,;pcei,ili>1 (kldicllovvs service •w;ts 'held Sunday evening, Rev. -\ir Langford of bit - ryas til. special pea lar, Staid,* 4ihthor•pc contributing a solo. Mr, G. D. Leith, who underwent an operation in ,Clinton hospital ;so weeks ago, returned to his home murk improved in health. 'Miss Annie 'Barr is spending, this ,week at her hnnte here owing to ithe school at Port Albert of Which she is teacher. being closed- !wit'lt an epid- emic'of ,measles in :elle section. James Sints tj'r, spent the week end with his sister, .Miss Carrie Sints, in Toronto, Glen Kechttte who is !training with the 'R;C A.l^. visited with his parents, !Sarco .and ,Mrs. Kedhnie. 'Mts. Cutthtbert and =dau=ghters, also Miss Gladys Fawcett of Toronto ,with (Mrs. Alice Fawcett.