HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-16, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940.
Refrigerator Explodes and
Home Set on Fire --
When a refrigerator exploded in
their home during the early hours of
Saturday morning last Mr, and Mrs.
Mrs. Martin were awakened by the
sound of the explosion and Mrs. Mar-
tin observed through a small window
that tire had started in the kitolten.
141ra. Martin iia mediately sent in a
telephone call to Central to call tie
Ih'e depart meat while Mr. Martin se.
cured a pail of water and was able
to subdue the flames before they got
beyond control. The call for the fire
brigade was immediately 1,10(0lled.
The home was filled with News from
the refrigerator and it was only by
going outside for air with every other'
breath that they were able to sur-
vive. Finally the refrigerator was
dragged out 101(1 the open. Mr. and
Mrs. Martie have not been long set-
tled in their tweedy built home and
the 441110111' and smudge from the lire
settled over everything. The enviable
in the kitchen, the linoleum and a
cupboard were damaged by ire. The
top of the io'frigerntor was blown oil
se that it struck the veilitlgr– l' xeter
Tim es,Ad veea t e,
Wilbur Martie had a terrifying exper-
ience, one that nigh( easily have
ended with disastrous results. About
•3.30 0;111, while sleeping in a sleeping
por'c'h adjoining the kilrhen Mr. told
Truck Destroyed By -Fire—
When lire euddenly shot 1'p through
the flour boards of 11, A. Smitten's
9 -tau monumeut truck on Monday
the driver jumped to safety, but
before help could he severed the
T/i is no. a
-a-cca JUST LIKE
tel ok was a total wreck. The truel1
tee( lire as Bud Wakeford nits pie•
c1' ding along the road leer mil
wee) of lnehnore. So rapidly did 11)4
fit, 'recut( that it 11041 impossible to
sate 1lle 'reek....\i'iugham Advanr•,.
Athlete Dies From Heart Attack
11 was with deep ('egret 111.11
friends leurnerl of the de'a111 of Barr)/
Tholupsun, of Kin c'tu•dine. Harry trap
19 years old and for the pastthree
years managed the Kincardine ,junior
Beton In the Bruce league. For twee
ty years he played baseball and we
one of the heat known playa're. in
the dislrie'. lie died of a head, at-
tack sometinn' alter retiring for the
Fractured Three Bones in Foot
\\'govt he was attempting to shift a
piano at the 1108011X• Ih111 al ',V'ing-
hunt .Ilan \\iitiano,, sen of
Mt'. and tutu~. George Williams, hail
his right foot seriously injured. The
piano toppled over en its hack red
when Alan made a desperate effort to
stop It from falling his tight .foot
was crushed, three bones being frac.
kneed. 111 was alone at the time of
1111 ))1 but managed to eXtiivette
idles( if and cruel lo his 1louti, which
1; 1)4•11 roan'. His moths heard 111111
bung (01 the door, helped him in and
(Idled the (teeter. The fool -was placed
in 11 east. It will be s0au+ ai encs b,,.
(ore be will ba able 10 1181' the 111•
jored mehlher.
Seeding, in Ontario
Spring seeding operations 111'e late
this year. The weather has been. (1001
and cloudy, and although there is a
general feeling of optimism as to the
emelitiou of 111e soil, only a very
small amount of cultivation had boon
dote, on well drained 1(1111s by April
23,th i1) 111' ,townies of smith -western
outwit), except in Essex and lieut.
in Essex, au odd field of oats was
seeded by April 1611). hitt snow stain.,
and rain Arrayed progress for 11 week.
11) ICenl Comity about onehall of the
cell crop 0011 801110 barley were seeded
by April 93ud. In Central Oetari ,
work is just Dow' commencing. and in
l'1181ern Ontario it will be the first of
flay before operations emitmenee. L1
Northern Ontario work on the land is
('011,rrte'0 to start a week later than
normal. Seeding is expected to go
aheadhurriedly in all sections once
warm weather prevails,
when for Yt ± er extra priced gas buyers
voted ajority that
A £ WA 1 MOST:'
I' PIO ea Sr 441
117S users of Newlin?
CaCC/4 e $ttrt foCC coved �p that
toad perfot oIjzIus
AST FALL an independent research organi-
zation asked over 1400 motorists from Florida to
Canada to test Nu -Blue Sunoco against extra -priced
gasolines. These motorists voted 9 to 1 that Nu -Blue
Sunoco equalled or excelled the extra -priced gasolines
in road performance.
JUST RECENTLY a new survey was made among
former premium gasoline users by another indepen-
dent and unbiased research authority. After noting the
performance of NU -BLUE SUNOCO in their cars—
these motorists who formerly used extra -priced gaso-
lines'voted by a big majority that NU -BLUE SUNOCO
gives them what they want most in a gasoline.
For best results use Nu•Blue Sunoco full strength.
Don't dilute it with ether gasolines.
W. A. WRIG,HT, Seaforth; W. J. HANLEY, Dublin;
needier shops and meat depart-
ments of grocery stores are now dis-
playing a large variety of 8ntolted
pork products at reasonable paces.
Why not matte your 110741 meat order
a wholeorhalf hath. or a cured perk
shoulder? They can be purchased
either boned or with the hone still in
the meat eucl, of course. the price of
the honed pork is higher because -
every ounce is solid 1)1411.. There is
considerable difference, too. between
the price of harts and shoulders us
the former are very choice.
From the variety of smoked pro-
ducts on the market a lwnsewife can
c'h0ose the cut to suit her purse, and
the size to suit her needs. The Con-
sumer Section, Marketing Service, re-
commends the following methods for
cooking hams and smoked shoulders:
Baked Ham
Wipe ham. Place in covered roast-
ing pan, Adci lei cops boiling water.
('over. Bake 01 oven at 300 deg. F.
fallowing 211.25 minutes for each pound
of ham. Remove from oven. Peel oft
rind. Score the fat. Rub dry mustard
into fat. Then cover fat wen with
1110:ture of dry bread or cracker
crumbs, and brown sugar, in pro-
portion of 113 crumbs to 2 3 sugar.
Stick whole cloves into surface—
about 111,4 incites apart. Bake in hot
oven about 30 minutes, or until sur-
face is slightly browned.
Ham Cooked in Water
Wipe off ham. Place in large kettle.
Dover with cold water. Bring water to
boiling point. Keep water at simmer-
ing temperature, just below boiling,
allow 25 minutes for each pound of
ham. Take ham from water. Remove
Rhin. Finish as "Baked Ham." One
cup of brown sugar and one cup vin-
egar, added to the water in which ham
is cooked, gives an excellent flavour
to the meat.
Shoulders niay be cooked by the
same methods as hams. If either the
ham or shoulder is boned and en-
cased in cellophane wrapper, the
meat may be boiled or baked in the
In place of using crumb and sugar
mixture the ham may 1)e glazed
with a mixture of 2 teaspoons must-
ard, rya, cup vinegar, 1y¢ cup sugar and
1 cup ham stock. After removing rind
from cooked ham, put in a hot oven
and baste with mixture until well
There is never any difficulty in
using every bit of cooked, smoked
pork, for it makes the finest meat
course served hot, and is delicious
served either hot or cold in many
ways for luncheon or supper.
removed promptly and efficiently.
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