The Seaforth News, 1940-05-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL Council Meeting.— The regular meeting of the val�lage council ,was 8eid Monday evening at 8 p.rn. in the council eham'ber ,with all ,members present. .Minutes of the ipreviuus teeeting read. Horton and Moir, !that the ,minutes be adeleted as read. Carried. Lee Hedden reported re the culvert installed on Richmond St, north, east of the London road. The 'clerk reported re taxes seat to Goderich, also communication .with Int'perial Oil representative and Mrs. Cornell re spraying oil and gravel. The reeve reported interview writh chemical company representative, also reported re C. ;Mitchell, Geo. Fee ap- peared re drain near his residence, same explained. R. Moore and H. Howard appeared as representatives from the United Church re insurance on the commtunity shed, to be cwnsid- ered later. Robinson and Moir, that we 'collect the garbage .\lay 1115 and 1;6 and all 'garbage to he .put in contain- ers. Carried. Robinson and Cameron, that we hold court of revision on 'the assessment roll May 27th at 8 p.m. Carried. Correspondence read: Motion Pioture censorship anti Theatre in- spection Branch, Dept of Public Wel- fare, Mrs. C. Cornell. William Mit- chell, Bank of Montreal, Hensel! Red Cross .Society, Dept. of Health, Same tiled.. Cameron anti •Horton, that we refund the hall rent of $24 to the Red Cross. Carried. Bills and ace—mats read' Thos, \Velh, relief wood SUM; Oliver Rawcliffe, relief milk, 81.0(1; \V. R. Davidson, coal relief and rink, ;6.10: H. 0. Hayman. relief groceries. '10.0e: Treasurer of .Ontario, licenses >6.00; Hydro COOL. hall, $7.30; Bank ci Montreal. interest, 522.40: Red Cross Society, rebate hall rent, 404; A, Basilic, repair streets'50c; G \i'. Case, teanning and coal, Mali, t 30 50; Bonithron 'fi. Drysdale, suppilies, $317:57,, 3. A. Patterson, express, 30c, 0. Tvvitohell, supplies and service, 415.45; 'Lee Hedden, salary, 1515( Total $2116,- 71. 'Mair and Rolblason, that the (bills and accounts as read the paid. Carried; Lee Hedden, general 'utility man, handed in his resignation, same to take etiect'May ;31st. Horton and R.o- tinsan, that we accept ,the resignation of Lee Redden, same to take. effect May i1k'1, Moir and Horton, 'that we adrerttee for applications for rhe 'posi- tion of a (general utility man, full time man, applications 4o be in on or be- fore May ISth at S p.m., duties to continence jute lest, or part time man including caretaking of town hall and all other •town work a4 so Hauch per hour, also ,police ditties, fire depart- ment mechanic, included, or by sep- arate 'parties. Carried. Robinson and Horton, that we adjourn. Carried. James A. Patterson, Clerk. Former Postmaster Passes Away.— One of Hen: all's oldest residents passed away on Saturday evening in ,he person of Mr. George James Sutherland in his 182nd year. The de - 'eased had been in failing health for the past few. months. Born in Embro Mr. Sutherland mot ed to Mensal, with Iris parents, the late Mr, and Mrs. ,lame; Sutherland and was post- ma,ter at the local ,postoffice over sixty years. \Ir. Sutherland mot the train with the .mail for many years until failing i ealth prevented hint. He was a member of the fraternal soc- ieties .\.F. tC .\\I., I.0j0 1'., and ,the Canadian Order of Foresters. Surviv- ing is one sister, Miss Hattie .Suther- land. A private funeral service ova, EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THE THE 1940 WILLYS CAR Don't buy any car till you drive a 1940 Willys. The only car sold with a 100,001 mile guarantee, and 35 miles to a gallon. See us for free demonstration, etc. J. E. HUGILL & SON 3 Miles west of Seaforth on highway THE SEAFORTH NEWS held from the late residence on Tues- day afternoon at 2 pan. conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook assisted by Rev. A. Sinclair, of Blyth. Dr. 1, G. Smillie sang a solo "The Sands of Time." The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem with •wihioh the 'deceased ,was held.. The pallbearers were Messrs, \Vm. ,Oonsitt, IWIm, Fee, Dr. Smillie, Dr. A. !Moir, Chas. Jinks and Geo, C. Petty. Internment was in H•ensall Union cemetery. Those at- tending .from a distance were Mr, and -Mr 'Charles Nichol, Mrs, Margaret Scott, Mrs. Stewart 'Gunn, of London, ...Mrs. Charles 'McCrae, of Toronto, Misses ,Margaret and Georgina 'Mur- ray of London and 'Miss Hope ..Mc- Crae, Toronto, lis. Evelyn Cobbett is spending a few clays with her !brother-in.law and sister, .Me, and ..Mrs, Roy •'Ma'cLaren, Present Program at Zurich:— The Senior I\Vtomen s Institute of Hensall were the 'guests of the Zurich institute on Monday evening and pre- sented a very fine program, Mrs. :Ileyers of Zurich 'Instiitnte welcomed the guests and oipened the meeting by singing the Institute ,ode, follower] Iby repeating the Lord's .prayer in unison. The minutes were read and addpted, the roll called and the !business eli•s- etts. (d. Miss Beryl Pfaff 'presided ov- er the follow'in'g program: 'Miss Flor- ence Welsh and Mrs. Laird Vickie .played a (beautiful piano duet; a skit entitled. "A Business !Meeting'," was presented by Misses Mabel Workman, Beryl Pfaff, Sally Manson, Margaret Kilpatrick, Mrs. 11.'0.• 'Dayntan ,Mrs. Erie Kennedy Mrs. E. Doerr, 'Mrs. Peter \1cNau,htot, Mr. jas, Patter- son and 'Miss Gladys Passmore, dir- ected by Mre, W. O. Goodwin. A trio. tomprising Wks Florence-lVielsh, Miss 'Greta Laramie and Mrs. G. Hess, sang "Neop.alitan Nights," and "Mag- nolia Bloom," accompanied by 'Mies Gilady_. Luker on the piano. Miss C. McGowan 'of Blyth ga\e an address on (tuna and showed interesting sou- venirs of 'china. M sing song tw•as ,led by 14.. Greta l.amntie accompanied at.rhe piano by \Lis; Florence Welsh: Dr. Annie Ross of Blyth was the 2,uest speaker and was -introduced dry r, Revbt. 'Moore. Dr. Reiss gave a c,ry ieli'glstful address on her trip to Europe and spoke especially of Fin- land, A cote of thanks was moved to the• Mensal] Iats'titttc 'hy 'lrs. 'Meyers to which \liss Beryl Pfaff replied. WANTED Housekeeper for a family of two adults in a village home with modern conveniences, State wages. Apply Box 22, Seaforth News. FOR SALE White Blossom Sweet Clover seed No. 1, Grade 2, $2.90 per bus. George Wheatley, phone 849r14, Seaforth. ELECTRIC WELDING And Machine Work. Accuracy and satisfaction guaranteed. Kenneth M. Campbell, in Gallop's Garage, Sea - forth, iimmommininim The Surface Has Only Been Scratched of the Values a SEAFORTH'S GREAT OSINHUrr�;' �i I+a • i, P i( 'its, .u� , 1�� ,tLE WHICH STARTED SATURDAY AT cTavish's by J. R. ALLISON, Liquidator 1 .R: DRESSES Silk Dresses, Sheers, Chiffons, Crepes, in attractive styles. Reg. up to $10.00 LOO d and $ L98 MILLINERY Attractive styles in Spring Hats, flower and ribbon trimmed. Reg. up to $2.95: 69c COATS Ladies' Tailored and Dressmakers' styles. Many made by manufacturers only two (months ago. Values up to $20.00 $3.95 to $9.95 MEN'S SUITS Entire stock of Suits and Overcoats. Many English made fabrics in good styles that McTavish asked up to $25.00 for. '$4.95 to $14.95 Only a Few of the N if ,tuberless Values That Are Offer , -d THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 PROCLAMATION Civic Half Holiday Having been petitioned by a majority of the merchants of of the Town, I hereby proclaim Wednesday Afternoons From 12.30 noon in the months of May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October, 1940 Civic Hall Holidays, except when a Legal Holiday comes on the day before or the day after a Wednes- day, and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same, JOHN J. CLUFF. Mayor God Save The King AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the hone of the late Mrs. William Hart, Rail- way street, Seaforth, on Saturday, May llth, at 1.30 o'clock. Kitchen table, kitchen , cupboard, wash stand, dining room table, 6 din- ing room chairs, buffet, 5 kitchen chairs, camp chair, bedroom chair, dresser and wash stand, electric iron, electric hot plate, small chest of drawers, library table, 2 smoking stands, magazine. Tack, 2 table lamps, 2 becllamps, large mirror, cooking range, electric washing machine, electric toaster, odd chairs, mat• tresses, springs, bedsteads, Pictures. vaulty bench, linoleum (about 12' x 14'), linoleum (about 6 ft, by about 8 ft.), linoleum (about 6' x about 8 ft.), odd bits of linoleum, pots, pans, dishes, gears, floe' mop, dust mop, and many other articles. Terms ---Cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Mrs. Richard Oldfield, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effeets, At Lot 29, Concession 3, Hibbert, Tuesday. Mal 14, at 1 pm. Heintztnan piano, oak bedroom suite, Single iron bed, new spring air mattress. new mu'shall mattress, otlt noting desk, walnut end table, set- tee. wicker chair, chests of drawers. Antiques—Walnut wardrobe, wet- nut clinking room table and sideboard, mahogany hall rack, maple chest of drawers, maple bed. 2 stoves. Also kitchen cupboard, tables. chairs, Coleman gasoline iron, copper kettle. 2 clocks, set of dishes, kitchen utensils. Quantity dry wood. Terms, cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Mfrs, Gerald Doyle, Proprietress, AUCTION SALE Of the Estate of William Anderson, Kipper. Property and Household Ef- fects, Saturday, May 18. at 1.30 p.m. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, FOR SALE 16 chunks for sale. Alex Stirling, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 8521'32. PLANTS FOR SALE Very (^helve Delphiniums plants, also Canterbury bells, Best time to move tem, One block east of Hospital, A. L. Porteous, STRAWBERRY PLANTS lVhic'h produce the finest tasting berries in Canada. Our customers eau hall: this statement 100 per cent. Now is the time to get them set out —phone or call at the farm for pal, tieulars P.S.—Also have some seed Potatoes left. Hitgill's Specialty Farm, Phone 34-616, Clinton, MEN WANTED A good business paying good in- come and with future possibilities. Selling Familex Products men and Women all over Canada have found the secret of success. Why don't you get in on it too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 21)0 necessity products and pian. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, 570 St. Cle• meat SL, MONTREAL. LARGEST SELLING FENCER 1 have the agency for the Parmak Flux Divsrter Electric Fence!'. It is the largest selling Fencer in the world. It is a tried and proven Fencer. Guaranteed for live years. Free demonstration. Orville Workman, I0ippen. Phone Hansen 77r11. NOTICE Parties are forbidden to dump rub- bish on McKillop road sides, and anyone found doing same' will be prosecuted. By Order of the Coulee]. COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith The Municipal Council of Tucker• smith will meet as a Court of Revi- sion on the Assessment Roll of 1940 at Seaforth or Saturday, June 1st, at 2 p.m. All appeals must be iu the hands of the Clerk on or before the 20th of May, 1940. Interested parties should govern themselves occordingly. D. F. McGregor, Clerk. MANLEY Many farmers were disappointed with the weather man of late, and have brought seeding almost to a standstill. But if the old proverb (cines true, as they used to say, a cool May brings much corn and hay, Let us hope that It will Come true this season, The cool weather has prevented the insects from playing havoek with the early fruit. Private Fergus McKay and his wife and two children were visitors in our burg and with friends in Seaforth last Sunday, as he has heeu advised that he may have to leave Listowel by the end of tate mouth for Pete - wawa, northeast of Ottawa, to com Mete his training. 511, Clement McKay is busy run• wing his farm tractor to rash the seeding, ' Mr. Fred Eckert is in our burg help• ing• to direct the work on his farm. CASH WITH ORDER Saturday Only PURITY FLOUR - 98 Ib. bag 289 Robinhood Flour 98 Ib. bag Pure Lard, 2 Ib. Pastry Flour— 24 lb. 56c Kellogg's Corn Flakes— Large Pkges, 3 for .,.,27c Quaker Corn Flakes—, 3 pkges 23c 2.99 19c MEN'S WORK SHOES— at all Prices and Priced to sell. 20c In Trade Only For GRADE A LARGE EGGS • 4-6 Barb Wire, 80 Rod Roll $4.00 We Jo Finnigan CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thos, Richardson and family wishto thank their friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind- ness shown during their bereave• went; also those who sent flowers and those who kindly loaned cars. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Mrs. James G. Chesney, who passed on May 15, 1932 The flowers grow up and wither and are gone, But her memories live on and on, —Ever remembered by daughters and grandchildren, FOR SALE Nine young pigs, York, Also choice of three young sows due to farrow soon. Apply to Jas. Lauclsbor- ough, phone 0051'16. FOR SALE Six -weeks -old White Leghorn pul- lets, also Pekin duck eggs. J. A. Me• Nichol, Walton. Phone 90.23, Brussels. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for wiring of I'.g- mondville school. Plans and specifica- tions may be secured from Alex Li1- lice, Egmondville. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until May 15th. H. Pretty, Sec.-Treas. APARTMENTS TO RENT Five room, also 2 or 3 room, both with bath. For sale, a wood stove. Apply Robt, Devereaux, "Carbert Ante." ELECTRIC FENCE We are again handling the Shur - Shock electric fencer, which gave such good satisfaction last season. This is a heavy duty Canadian made machine. Extra Hotshots and knobs kept in stock. Wm. J. Clark, phone I'Iensell 87 r12; B. McClinchey, phone Heesall 971.6. FOR SALE First class Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal. Stove or nut size. May delivery. Direct ream ears, Seasons lowest Drive. e War conditions may affect Pennsylvania coal and prices at any time. Secure your supply by ordering now. J. 11. Scott, phone 336. FOR SALE :,even roomed cottage in Eguord• vllle. All t•onvenienc'es. ?t, acre land good barn and garage, Also upright I-Ieintztuan piano 111 gond condition. Apply to Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth. Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth, Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. in. to 9 p. m. FOR SALE Automobile Insurance. Preferred rates now effective, for low mileage and few drivers. Farmers especially. "The Wawanesa Mutual," "Canada's Strongest Company," J. H. Scott, phone 336. FOR SALE Eight roomed house, excellent loc- ation North Main Street, Seaforth. All conveniences, stable, garage, orchard lot if desired. Apply to James Rivers, Seaforth, or A. G, Govenloek, 64 King street, Weston, Ont. FOR SALE Rosco Steel Roofing "7 -Rib" and "Storm Seal" Council Standard, guar' anteed 25 years. Rosso Portable Silos. Galvanized Sheet Iron, all sizes and gauges, Metal Sidings, Eavestrough and Pipe, Galvanized Water Stook Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining, Galvanized Ridge and 'Palley, Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As. phalt Products including Roll Root- ing, Shingles, Brick Siding, Instil - Brick Siding, Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of all kinds. Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. Phone Clinton 618 ring 12, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness C Aceid. ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable, All risks placed 11 nrst class companies. int .m:'lco ch'erfnlly riven C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 334 w Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH —TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Harburn—Phone 105. Phone 41—Exctor—Sox TOWN OAF SEAFORTH TA\ H,E=PAY js ENT RECEIPTS F'!` 1940 The Town. will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD: