HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-09, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 upHHcate M nthly Stat i _ ents We can save you money on Blll and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay SOB to see est' samples. Also best quality A'Ietal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index The Se Orth News PHONE 84 Tl'1 WORLD'S GOOD NEWS Will name to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR do dnternasional Daily Newspaper it records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. Tho Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does It ignore them, but deals correctively with them. 0CatUres for busy men and all the family, Including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for period of 1 year 112,00. 6 months 06,00 3 months 0300 1 month 01.oe Saturday issue, Including Magazine Section: 1 rear 0260,. 6 Issues 26o Name Sample Copy on Request address —✓-/l!-- THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE SEVEN FATE OF A U-BOAT (By Taffrail. This eye -witness story of the sinking of a U-boat which at tacked a convoy, gives a vivid picture of the war at sea.) An assort vessel was in company with a convoy, The weather was hazy, with a strong following wind and a heavy sea, and at daylight three ships of the convoy had lost touch with the others. Soon after ten in tate morning there was thick fog, and about an Hour later one of the steamers in the convoy, a neutral, was torpedoed. The explosion was seen and heard from the escort vessel, which at once went on to full speed and steered for the position of the submarine. After a few minutes definite contact was obtained with Asdic, that wonderful instrument which has been referred to as"impalpable fingers groping be- neath the surface of the sea." Presently a periscope was sighted dead ahead. It was seen for a mom- ent or two, theta dipped, then reap- peared and remained in sight for at least twenty-five seconds. and only 151) yards ahead, One can imagine the suppressed excitement at sighting that periscope right under the bows. The TT -boat seemed to be offering herself rep on a plate. and appears to have been incredibly careless. Her captain was so intent upon inspecting the ship he'd torpedoed, that its was apparently unaware of the escort vessel's presence. in less than a minute the escort. vessel started to let gu her depth charges, which exploded One after the other at various depths below the surface. Two large air -bubbles cane to the surface; but for the time, no signs of the U-boat. So the hunt cow, tinned. A little later the hunter regained contact with her Asdic, and dropped more depth charges. Still there were no signs of tate submarine. Mean- while, other ships in the neighbour- hood had been informed of what was going o11, and just before two o'clock two British destroyers arrived and joined in the hunt. Then a French destroyer appeared. At half -past two, the weather hav- ing cleared a little, the escort vessel suddenly sighted a submarine on the surface at a rauge of about two miles. She opeued fire, and so did the Frenchman. A flying -boat joined in the search, sighting the U-boat on the surface with several men on deck, and dropping a bomb which fell With- in twenty feet of its target. The U-boat, long and low, was very difficult to see from the ships be- cause of the patchy mist on the sur- face. Then she disappeared alto- L- SCIIIPTION BANGAINSI )7/ak HAPIkY,+ y s -!'/venture i f j 9!rr" vz. 'w' r ' Here's the thrifty, economical way to subscribe for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational. These offers are good either for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon TODAY BIG FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Any Three Magazines CH91Cs THREW MAGAZINES — ENCLOSE WITH ORDEs [ ] andeeda Igagaotne, 1 yr. [ 1 National Rome Monthly, 1 yr. [ ] Chatelaine Magazine, 1 yr. [ 7 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. (] Canadian Horticulture & Home M.gazine, 1 yr. (1 (1 (1 Cl C] [I C] [l [ ] Rod & Gun, 1 yr. [ ] American Boy, 8 mos. [ j Parents' Magazine, 9 mos. I) Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 71. [ j American Fruit Grower, 1 yr. • ALL• FOUR ONLY 2,00 SUPER . YALUE OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and One Magazine Group A, Two Magazines Group B GROUP B—Select 2 GROUP A—Select 1 Liberty Magazine, 1 yr. Collier's Magazine, 1 yr. True Story Magazine, 1 yr. Woman's Home Companion, 1 Tr. Newsweek, 6 mos. 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But steaming on, the escort vessel saw five men strug- glingin the water, so threw a Carley float overboard as she passed: Then elle sighted another object, which was at first taken to be the 11 - boat's conning tower, An attack was about to, be made when the mist cleared and the objeet was seen to be a raft with a large number of men clinging to !t. There was a thick scum of ail all round it; but no signs of the submarine. She had sunk, and front the number or sten on the raft it was obvious she bad been abaudoned. The men were rescued. and a de- stroyer picked up the others from the Carley float. They saved every man of the ll -boat's crew except the cap- tain, who had been too late in making his escape. Describing the attack, the Germans told how one of the first depth charges had caused, the stern gland to leak and to admit some tons of water. While they were trying to re- pair it, another charge exploded close alongside with a shattering detona- tion. This, coupled with a shortage of air, finally drove the leaking 1' -boat to the surface. and surrender. This is merely one incident out o1' many which shows the efficacy ',f the ubnririue d'.t7;e1ing device,; now 11 0. L eel ill 10061British escortvessels and (lest 0oye•s. But it also gives some hh'a et the tun 111u1 watchftthu's.; that is uetesdat'y in 111'• ve66,46 ('seaming .'Chief! (.0100eys, anci of tats liaison between the Navy and Air Force. .. HOW BRITAIN DEALT WITH THE MAGNETIC MINE fly' A Naval Correspondent Magne(ic Ill iues are laid 011 the sou bottom. and are only effective if ships passing over them etre inside the danger area of the expansion. They are useless in 'depths of ;ue feet or more, and are thus comple- mentary to the ordinary moored nines floating beneath the surface and designed to fire on a drip strik- ing then. The development and lay- ing of magnetic nines forced Britain to provide special methods of clear-, anee over and above the ordinary) sweeping of moored mines. As regards the antidote, much has recently been heard of "degaussing" )eats fitted to ships of all types from trawlers to battleships, for the pur- pose of neutralising themagnetism and so rendering then immune from magnetic mines. Dr. Gauss, one be- ieves, was a Scandinavian professor who died in the middle of the 19th century; but gave his name to the nit of magnetic flux, just as the names of Ohm and Ampere are now used in the technical language of electricity. The "degaussing" belt or girdle, or "D.G." equipment, as it is now called, consists of a number of strands of ordinary insulated cable passing round the ship about the level of the upper deck, and energised in a special way by an electrical current, It neu- tralises the permanent magnetism of the vessel, so that she is able to pass over a magnetic mine without deflect- ing the needle and firing the charge. Total immunity against nines, magnetic or otherwise, can never be guaranteed. However, no ship fitted with the new gear has yet been damaged, while au officer responsible for its development expressed him- self as being prepared to take a "de- gaussed" ship over any number of magnetic minefields. It should be added that the appar- atus which was suggested by the of- ficers of one of His Majesty.'s Naval Establishments, with the able advice and assistance of civilian scientists, was developed in less than three months from the time the need for it became apparent. To Stimulate Interest in Ontario Floral Emblem To stimulate interest in the Outal'io floral emblem—the White Trillium— the Ontario Horticultural Association has announced a contest for poems on this beautiful wild flower. The contest will be open to pupils of secondary schools in Ontario, in- cluding private secondary schools. Not more than two poems may be entered from any school. The poem shall not exceed 24 lines. Bach poem entered must be certified tb by the headmaster of the school concerned, as being, the original work of the pupil. Poems shall be forwarded to reach J. A. Carroll, -Secretary, Ontario Horticultural Association, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, not later titan June 30th, 1940. Poems should be submitted in typed; form. Three medals will be awarded by the Ontario Horticultural Association. At a concert an old man was given the job or collecting tickets at the door, After a time he sought out the secretary. "I think there is going to be trouble for you," he whispered. "Why, what's the matter?" "Bigamy, no less," was the ticket collector's awed reply. "I've let in two women- who said they were the secretary's wife, and now there's a third wanting to come in." - .tease , n_. wr. CONTROL OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER the presence ' "lie E!ir's;,nIn em -1 '1•:rr''r 111 Ou,'')ec and 011ttarl .:Ili, b.,01 • ,,:,:i•••.1111 _ ,. .r., . ,.:rr. 011' -.:pr 1. • ,o len• u,.: ,„rr.,. 'ora' -''n' , . 3;e', , 1 ,1' :rt r! In•.•11 .I.. •., d or,w,l I�,rrs: m file r . a- :aria ri-a sang. '0' 1'11 .,1 !!.tr ee, t1.111.-n1,'r! ; 1,0,1 come r:,,u I11 ,'Irl 1St '.'Il ci•rii_.. for it. 1 ,Itir,!. ] he ,114d! ,11.oe !wive cerierl (nota ii/Q. ;d lu-lira; .with Anis.,n at! ,r'nixer iuscrtirir(+• or sh,: ':b• C1«' ia, .,, leirilets the teeth. ie •:'rude oil flims),':+m ,r tort!!,., Ll re- gard to'n.trnin:, t,err'hc_.; mere t1' !le di•tribntad iii the r'un field• and ti,. Wroth, net: ,41159,osctl .> he art 0:(01'0 toe the flame by the 1L0101. )il -t ' ' these methods i'1 control were ,u�- rste+l Ihy those who had little or no l:nrvcledge of (lie lite'-h1s1xy or habits of the, itt.ect. Their :Mind vales, Oe - tote 'being, offered to the public. rarely if ever properly tested, and or:,ved to have had little more evid- ent(' of usefulness than could be ex- pected from the enthusiasm of an in- ventor for Iris !Own invention, .1s afar is is known, none of the ita,ifich; cont' l practice. 11110 proved to 'have any real value. t-uquv;tionahly, the only gonerally control for the corn 'borer yet faun', effective, the cheapest and sim'plcst control for the corn borer yet 'found consist, of the disposal or destruction of the corn crop retnnauts of -one veer 'before !lune lot of the following year. This may be 'done either Iby feeding the corn stalks or ploughing tient un- der clean together 'with the 'destruct- ion of the :stu'b'ble by 'ploughing it OM - der clean and finally completing .the job of 'clean-up by 'the burning of the refuse corn cob, and etalks m barn- yard, feeding paddock or such as avert. left unploughed in the field, not later than June let. The Pest Control Products ,\et ad- ministered by the Plant Products Division, Dominion Department of Agriculture, prohibits the sale of ,preparations claimed- to control corn !borer so Ih it any product for this 'pur- ?o e is illegal. Farmers are advised not to buy any such products and to notify the plant Products Division if any such .product's should be offered to them ALFALFA The main 'points to be considered in securing a !good stand of alfalfa are selection of suitable •lan•d and its prep- aration, choice of seed and seed treat- ment, the ,use of a nurse crop, and the fall care of the 'field. Good drainage 'bosh of surface anti :8ulb6oi•1 is essent- ial. Alfalfa yields are poor on water- logged soil and weeds are 'hard to con- trol Many soils in eastern Canada are markedly acid .and an aplplication of lime is required to correct This condit- ion if alfalfa is to the grown. The field should be worked 'up into a fine seed -'bed 'free from 'weeds and grass. Alfalfa is a poor 'weed fighter in the seedling stage; 'although once est- abiis'he.d 'it,will 'w'iths'tand (weed and grass encroachment, The selection of good seed of suit- able varieties is 'i'mlportan:t, states John '\•1, Armstrong, Division of For- age Plants, Central Experimental Farm, (Ottawa. The .seed should germ - irate w,etll and Ibe free from wood ian- p'urities. The grower thas a wide choice of 'su"itable, ,hardy tsar reties, At present, Canadian Variegated and Grimm, 1:00 - sides :being 'hardy and 'good yield-ers are else eesieet available and 'oheepest, if.the field Ito he sown 'has anot!prev- iousiy grown atfailfa for sweet 'clover it is advisable to inoculate ehe seed, The required ittoculin 'may Ibe (purchased from most 'seed com'panie's along with instructions for its use. In eastern 'Canada .the use of a nurse crap is rocomenended as it assists in checking weed 'growth and pravid'es shade far the alfalfa 'seed'lings. Barley and early stiff-strawed oat varieties are the Ibeot nurse crops, The 'llhese should be sown at about !two bhirde the 'u_oua(f 'rate, A seeding rate for adf- PIE AT ITS BEST By: Katharine Baker 1':ven though people are - divide,' Into many camps on the pie question. there is U. oottnnon emend on which they all meet- r, (sully de11010ne rhoeolnti' 0000. That is because cuntldnes delicious flavour with iced pie. a custard tilling covered mete ;; of , hucotatn. it nlulcen sit ideal dessert for a light lunch or supper anti the yellilgot.ere eau enjoy it. too because 01 the eggs and Intel' It contains. Pie Crust -' - - ! tl CUPS Silted Vide, flour (5 teasloon salt . 1 ni carp cold shortening 1:s cul) cold water (about) Sift flour Duce, measure, add suit, and sift again. (rut in shortening until pieces are about size of small peas. Add water, a small amount at a time. mixing lightly. Wrap in waxed paper; chill thoroughly. Roll % tuck thick on slightly floured board. Line pie plates. To hake, prick, or line with waxed peil)el' and fill with rice during first 10 minutes of baking. Bake in hot oven (450 deg. F.) 15 minutes. Makes enough pastry for one 9 -inch shell, or seven 3% -inch tart :Melte. Chocolate Crested Custard Pie 4 eggs, slightly beaten 1?;; cups sugar 1; teaspoon salt e cups milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons sugar 1 square unsweetened chocolate, melted 2 tablespoons bot water Line a deep 9 -inch pie plate with pastry, rolled 1iff lull thick, allowing pastry to extend 1 inch beyond edge. Fold edge back to form standing rim; flute with fingers. Combine eggs, sugar, salt, milk, and vanilla. Pour into pie shell; Bake in hot oven (450 deg. F.) 20 minutes; decrease beat to moderate (350 deg. F,) and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer, or until fIrm. Add sugar to chocolate; then add water, 1 tablespoon at a time, stir- ring until well blended. Pour over pie filling, place in slow oven (300 deg. F.) and bake 7 to 10 minutes longer- or until chocolate is set. Cool thor- oughly horoughly before serving. This is an at- tractive new way to use chocolate with a custard pie. alfa of 10 to 15 pound 'per acre is :euf- ficient. The grass seeded attachment to the grain drill which ;broadcasts the seed is -the usual method for seeding. 1 stroke of the harrow 'will ensure the seed 'being oovered sufficiently. After removing the nurse crop it i; advisalble not 'to pasture the alfalfa stand that fall as this may induce winter -killing. A ,good top growth of ti to S incthes is 'beneficial in trapping a snow 'cover. If any ,weed growth ap- pears it may be necessary .10 mow in which case the cutting .bar of the mower should be set high enough to avoid injury to the alfalfa seedlings. The colonel was inspecting a cav- alry squadron somewhere in York- shire. Riding down the ranks, he stop- ped in front of one recruit and said: "Now, my lad, have that saddle and harness brighter in the morning.” Turning to the sergeant -major he said: "See to it, sergeant -major." The next morning the saddle and harness were still dull, so the colonel said: "I thought I told you to clean them for today'," The recruit answered: "No, sir, you told the sergeant -major to see to it." Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist -- Massage Hours—Mon, and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment. Phone 227.