HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR. loom BROPWGNER CHOICETERIA GHIGK STARTER O.A.C- FORMULA 2% CEREAL GRASS o.uxeu n E. SWATTe& SONS PAL CHOI CE'Y+l E i aI IAS Chick S tart ' r The First Step to Poultry Profits A Complete Lina of Poultry and Hog Feeds kspt in stock at Scott's Poultry Farm Per cwt, Chick Starter 92.75 O.A.C. Growing Mash $2.35 O.A.C. Lay Mash 92.35 O.A.C. Lay Mash V, s (Cereal Oraaa)....2.45 Laying Concentrate 3.35 Pig Starter 2.48 Pig Grower 2.00 Hog Concentrate .. , , 3.00 SEE YOUR DEALER Jas. M. Scott SEAFORTH E. S. WATT & SONS Palmerston THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros.. Publishers WA LTON Don't forget the IT,F.W,O. Meeting at Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull's on May 15. Mrs, Nelson Reid will have the topic "Strawberry and Rhubarb Culture," and a demonstration on canning rhu- barb by Mrs. Arthur McCall. Roll call, "The newest vegetable you have. growth" Mrs. Harold Spiers of Brute Bels will give an address. Everyone is asked to mute prepared for the plant exchange. Mr. A. je tart€r of Seaforth is visiting at his eon's. Dir. ,Moe tarter. \Irs. Andrew Bruce and :ohs. John Srut c of .Grey epent an afternoon last week with Mrs. Hugh Fulton. Mr. Henry Sanderson of Hullett and \f -s. NV. Dickson -viited Sunday with their sister. Mrs. \\, S. Forbes, Mrs. Gordou McGregor of \\Ing- ham. end Mrs. Basil Wilson of London spent Sunday with their patents. Mr. an Mrs. 11. W. Hoy. Mrs. Charles- Pollard. wilt) has Its -en sick for some time with du and heart trouble is improving in health w•' are glad to report. 'Alis. Swanson of Wingitam visited at .'Ir, and Mrs, Hoy'' en Sunday. and sang a solo in St. George's Church. Mts. Bolton and son Leslie. McKillop -pent Sunday at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Humphries. LONDESBORO Mr. H. Mon. and Mrs. Fred Arm- strong and little daughter visited this week with Mr. J. W. McLeod. Mrs. Grierson and little daughter. also Mrs, Barker of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland, also visited their brother. Mr. Frank Fingland, barrister, in Clinton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Manning had as their guest on Sunday Miss M. Chambers. supt. of Goderieh Hospital. Mrs Helen Yungblutt of Loudon spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. R. Yung blut. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowan of London are visiting for a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Pickett and .other friends. Mrs. McLeod, Auburn, is employed at the home of James Elsley. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Easley. her condition being not very favorable. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper. St. Marys, visited with the lady's pan ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elsley. on Sunday. The regular meeting of the \Vont• en's Institute took place on Thursday last with a good attendance. Mrs. R. Fairservice in the chair. A letter from the district secretary advising that the district executive meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Oster. Blyth, on May 6th. Also a letter re conserv- ation of the Trillium. emblem flower of Ontario. Mrs, R. Fairservice ex- tended an invitation for the Institute to meet at her home for the June meeting which will be Grandmotker's Day. Mrs. M. Manning and Mrs. W. Brnnsdon to arrange the program. Miss F. Mains and Mrs, A. Wells conveners for the lunch, The fellow• ing standing committees were ap- pointed: Edueation, Mrs. R. Fair - service; Legislation, Mrs. V, Roy Agrie.sand Canadian Industries, Mrs. S tarter; Home Economics, Miss B, Kirk: Canadianization, Mrs, K, Me. VIttie; peace and international rela- tionship, airs. J. P. Manning; health and child welfare, Mrs, C. Crawford; publicity. Mrs. B. Bt unsdon. This eon, eluded the business part. Dr. Douglas of Clinton spoke on "The Health of the child to better Adult." Several questions were asked by the ladies. the doctor explaining all questions asked The talk was very interesting mut -helpful. The Red Cross meeting followed tut mediately with Mrs. Fairservice. tak- ing charge. and opened by singing Oh Canada, The president read a daily prayer. A vote of thanks was moved try Mrs. Fairservice to all those who tool: part itt the national concert, also to the children who sold tickets, A Red Cross meeting for all officers will be held in Goderieh an May 2nd. 11 was moved that Airs. Hall be put nit the buying committee and Mrs. Nott the packing committee, Mrs: J, Armstrong to assist Mrs. C. Crawford who is at present ill. in the office of treasurer. Meeting closed by singing the national anthem. A splendid lunch was served by the Institute group in charge. Mr. James McCool is snaking prep- arations to commence building a new store to replace the one which was destroyed in the disastrous fire which took place Last fall, Mr. T. Fairservice has sold out his property to the White Rose gasoline company. who will build an up-to-date service station. Many of the old buildings are being removed, also the front part of the brick structure. When this is done there will be quite a clear space for the new gas station. Mr. Fairservice has bought the vac- ant lot of Mr. D. Ewan, where he in, tends erecting a house and other buildings. Operations have all ready commenced. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dafoe and two children of Tillsonburg were visitors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns. Mrs. John Ford of Exeter North was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Ford. Mrs, Fred Long of Atwood visited at the home of Iter father. Mr. Wm. Johns. last week. Messrs. J. and H. Gaekstetter from near Dashwood. called on friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher of Kirkton spent Sunday with Mr. and Dlrs. Nelson Coultis. Big Amateur Show AND QUIZ CONTEST Cardno's Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 8 p.m. An Opportunity for you to cash in on Big Morley Prizes ! OVER 550.00 CASH — AMATEURS — Class 1— Under 16 years. Class 2—Over 16 years Prizes —$10.00, $4.00, $2.00, $1.00, $1.00 in each class. Drawing for Boshart Cedar Chest will be made during the program. Extra - BIG QUIZ - Extra Professor Quiz will pay to each person who answers correctly the question asked as much as $1.00 Any person sending a quiz question used on the program will be paid 25 cents if present at the quiz Address or Phone entries and questions to Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont. GENERAL ADMISSION 35 CENTS Reserved Seat Tickets may be obtained for 10c additional„Plan opens at McKindsey Drug Store, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 4th at 9 am. Buy your tickets early! DANCING Dancing with music by MURDOCK'S ORCHESTRA follows the Amateur Show from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. ADMISSION TO DANCE 25 CENTS Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association THE SEAFORTH NEWS H ENSALL Rev: R A. Brook conducted service in the Flitted d C'hutch on Sunday and the ohoir sang Be Strong in the Lord and Thine ls The Glory. Next S-undly baiztgsmal derriere twill Ibe held at the morning service. Y.P, Hold Final iMssting of Ssaaon— •Che Young People's Union 'held their closing meeting' of the season on :Monday evening, -which opened by singing `1 Am Thine -0 Lord," after nitwit Miss Ruth Brook sled itt prayer. The Scripture 'was read Iby Mies Elva McQueen. The minutes read and Ibu'- Mness discussed. The Young People will attend the Young People's con- vention in Grand Bend 'next 'Monday evening. Mr. Cross favored twilit a vocal solo, The hymn, ' 1esus Keep 'Me i\ear adze Cross" was sung and the 'meeting closed with a Bible contest and the benediction, Rev. \\'m. Weir conducted services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday and the choir sang "All Hail the Power of IJesu's' Name," and "To God Be the Glory," ':Miss ILrene Hoggartlt soloist, The Young People of Carmel Church were she guests of 'the V.P. of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth on Tuesday 'evening. 'Mdse M'•nude-Botton and girl friend of London spent the week end at -rhe .home of the former's agents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bolton. The congaleum rags 'which were given away at Mr. S. G, Rennie's and Mn, \V, D. Goodwin's were won ihy Mlrs. Frank Farquhar and Mrs. Harry 1-1orton, Miss Helen (;:lent of London spent the week end at the hone of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Mies Pearl Harpole of London pent the week end at her -tome here. ,Mr. Wm. Glenn returned home at - ter spending several 'weeks itt the 1\•est. The W. M. S. of the United Church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church, Mrs, Chas. DIc• Doneli presided over the meeting. ' which opened by singing "0 Clod Our Help in Ages Past." A number of Bible passages were react by Mrs, C. Cook. Airs, Hedden, Mrs. Spencer, 'Mrs. Harpole. Mrs. Ballantyne, Mrs, N. 1. Cook, Miss Irene Douglas, Mrs. Chas, McDonell and Mrs, Victor Fee, followed by prayer. The minutes were read and adopted and the al- location rend, which is $510.00, Mrs. Lantmie led in prayer. Mrs. Hedden favoured with a vocal solo, "Never Alone." accompanied on the piano by bliss Irene Douglas, Mrs. Brook gave tite topic on "Higher Christiau Edu- cation," which was very interesting, Hymn. "Take My Life and Let It Be," was sting. The Hensall society are to be the guests of the Chiselhurst sot• lety on May the 14th and to supply the program, Miss Jennie Murray gave an interesting account of the Huron Presbyterial, which was held at Seaforth. The meeting closed with singing "When Morning Light is breaking," followed by prayer, 'Funeral of the late Mrs. Zuefle— The funeral of the late Mrs, John Ztfefle was held from the late resid• ence on Thursday afternoon conduct• ed by Rev. R. A. Brook. The lute Mrs. Zuefle, whose maiden name was' Frances Margaret Kaiser,passed g t away on Monday, April 29th, after a long illness. Surviving are her hush and, two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Bell I Hensall, Mrs, Peter Buchanan. St. Thomas, two sons Earl in Northern ' Ontario, and Lorne in alt- Forest; two sisters. Mrs, Sharpe, Seaforth, Mrs• Maddock, Flint, Mich., and two bro. thers, Mr. John Kaiser, Hensall, and Mr. Albert Kaiser, Vermillion, Alta. The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem in which the de- ceased was held. The pallbearers were Messrs. Wm. Consitt, Thos, Welsh. Geo, Douglas, Geo. rollick, Harry Howard and Dr, Dloir. Interment in Baird's Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Ferris Cantelon and children of Schomberg spent the week .end with the former's mother. Mrs. Kate Cantelon. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins spent the week end in London with their sondn-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn, Mr. Harold Bonthron left this week for Toronto, where he will spend see'- , eral weeks. ' \irs I ,-t-ence Baynham and child - Exeter visited :his week slob ML s. B•aynham. parent-, Mr. and Mlrs. Peter Moir. Mr. Albert Whitesides. protincial n,r.ice officer from Kitchener. called n friends in town last week, I Carmel Presbyterian Church anniv- ersary services win ,be 'held on Sun- day, :fay 19th, when Rev. W. A. Volute, former castor. of Fergus, will he ;itc guest. speaker. Special music by tile choir Mr-. H. Abray and children of London spent the creek end with tite former- parent-, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mr. and Mn.sCarl Passmore spent a 5 a days in Toronto this week. The anniversary services of the Untied Church will be -held on Sun- day. May 26th. The former pastor. Rev, A. Sinclair of Blyth, will be 'tlte guest speaker. Baptismal services will be held in the Pre.ebyterian Church on Mother's Day. May lath. Miss A:znes Fairburn has re tuned '.tome after a 'pleasant visit in St. Thomas. Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Harding of London visited on Sunday ,with 12r, and 1Mrs. Fred •Cotabett. Dr, I. G. Smillie is having improve- ments made to his residence on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett attend- ed the funeral of the tatter's grand- father, Mr. Morenz, 'in Dashwood, on Monday. Miss Helen Flynn of Exeterwas the guest of the :Misses Enid and Edith Parkins over the iw•eek end, 'Mir. Don 'Rigsby and daughter Don- na of Blenheim spent -the rweek end with .M,re. Rigley's parents; 'Mr. and :Mrs, Stewart :McQueen. Mrs. Russell Broderick and pupils presented a dance recital in the town hall. Hensall, on Friday evening, to a very large audience. The Stage 'was - beautifully decorated in mauve and 'purple with silver trimmings. Follow • nig is idle 'prugiam, .Clog, •Paula Han - sett. atttl -group, solo, MMang'ut:rite Ho- garth r.lcg, Patsy Anne Mapper and ,soup reading. Dorothy Greene; • medley, loan Hopper and .group; trombone :solo, Ed Little, \ationc on Parade — 'Canada, Norma Sangster and agrowp; France, Joan and Patsy Anne Hopper; k ngtand, Anna Mac Kays Ireland, lcyce Broderick and Mary Anne Penning -ton; Scotland, 'lurk Sisters; Hungary. (seniors), Marjorie Flynn, LoisFloater, Shirley !Mtotz, Anna i.Mae Kay; Holland, Bet- ty \Fickle and Eleanor Cook; Hawaii, Kay Drysdale, Ed Little, 'M!erey-n Ste'tk and juniors. Sweethearts on Pa rade—Me ngueri te 'Hogarth, 'Joyce B:rnderiuk, Paula Hansen, Joan Hop- per, Patsy .Anne Hopper,Mary Ann Pennington. Duet, 'Joyce Broder-10k and 'Jack Agar; tap, Dolores 'Klapp. The \Vonnee in •the Shoe—Patsy Mee Donald, .N!arma Sangster, Doris Buchanan, Rath Hess, Gloria Twitch, ell, (Joyce Broderick, Mary Ann Pen- nington, Shirley 'MMotz, Lois Hunter, Marjorie Flynn, MManguerite 'Hogartih, 'Marian Cowan, and Tuck Sisters ,Miss Ula Iitle•ns was 'pianist. 'MIr. and NTS. Van Laughton of Tat- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tantanof Listowel spent 'the' week end with Mr. and M'Irs, 'Ohas. IM'cDone-l. Mr. and !Mrs, Fred Bonthron have had inpprgventents made on their neat residence, KIPPEN Mrs. John \\•itcom'be Ingersoll visited with her father, 'Mr. William Mioore on Sunday. ,Miss Mildred Heitz has 'gone to London where slte has secured a .good cosi tion. Visitors nt•ith lir. -and Mrs. IJantes MkCly moat on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Ru sell Geolgherean and. into sins and Mrs, A'tice Cook and daughter, Pauline, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. I\\-nt. Kyle returned last -week trout Detroit where they spent a otitic days visiting relatives, Mrs. Chas. Eyre tiles 'taken to the Seaforth •hiespitat last ;week. for an operation for tppendicitie. Her tuany friends Will he pleased 1t) hear she i- 'wavering, ,favorably. Mr. and Mee, \\-tin. Dein: and fancily scent last Friday in London. Mr, Roht. Jarrett, Mir. Thos. Butt. :uni Mr. 'Clarence Taylor spent Satur- day evening vieithtg friends in the FSrest •City. Miss Jean Long we,- in Exeter one evening recently taking part in a re- cital ;given Illy pupils of '11r. Geettlditrg. Mr. Bill Glenn returned this week from a visit •with relative; at Rock - ;ten, Sa'eh. VARNA The United Church Sunday Schoo] will hold a Mother's Day service next Sunday at 10.30. Mr, J. Redmond of California, Mr. R. Redmond and Miss I. Redmond of Marlette. Mich„ called on friends here on Sunday last. Mr. Mervyn Johnston uttderw'ent an operation for appendicitis in Sea - forth hospital last week. Hug -ill Bros. are busy erecting a cement silo on the farm of Mr. John Ostrom. +Mr, Thos. Stinson has disposed et his sixty' -acre farm on the Babylon line eo Mr. Fred Reid, echo has taken possession. Mr. Dan Hagan of Parkhill end Mr. 1 e Hagan of Hensall were re- newinz, acquaintances in the Tillage last week. Miss Irene Chuter of London spent Sunday at the parental home. Rey \Mr, Peters and Mrs. Peters .spent Tuesday with friends in Lon- don, •Miss Frankie '\I sop attended -the 'wedding dinner in Clinton on Friday evening i -honor of the bride-to-be. Miss Helen 'Manning. Mr. and MMrs. Latham and little son in company.with MiGs Beatty of Lon- don spent Sunday with the tatter's THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940 RESENT THEATRE. NOW PLAYING John •Garfield Ann Sheridan "Castle on the Hudson Seaforth Seaforth iMon., Tues., Wed. Claudette Colbert Henry Fonda "DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAIWK” Solna Mae Oliver Basil 'Rathbone Q Next Thur. 0 Fri. Sat. t.A,. -1595 CUr1VlCi BLAME SOME WOMAN? PICTURE Reserve your seats now for "Gone With The Wind" Prompt attention given money orders accompanied by stamped self- addressed envelope. mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MT -A h attended the reception On Fri,I ty night in hon- or of the newlyiwcds, Nt. and Mirs. Sterling of Gederidt township. i:tis. Mary Armstrong, R.Nof -Toronto, and \Miss Frankie \losso•p were attendants at she wedding of Miss Helen C. Manning of .Clinton 'ort Settirday. The 'bride wore 'a gown of white net while the attendant,. were gciwned alike in aqua Wrist net. HARLOCK Mr. Reece Ferris, accompanied by Mr. Joseph Bewley, of near W altou, in company with Mr. Jonathan Hugill of neat' Seaforth. were in Windsor ou Saturday, Reece bringing home a brand new Wyllie car and was accent• Panted home by Mr. Cliff Ball of Windsor, who spent the week end and blanclay with Reece and other friends. \Ve wish to congratulate Reece on his purchase and wish hint good Well and much pleasure with his tine car. Messrs. Thos. and Audrey; Knox assisted Mr, i'trm. Kttox Jr. with the seeding part of this week. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid of near Walton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt, Mr. and Mrs. McCool of Londesboro and Mr. Harry Moon and daughter Mrs. Fred Armstrong and her little daughter Eleanor visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Simon McVittie of Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Rapson aeconp- DEAN'S DRY CLEANERS & DYERS, LONDON LADIES & GENTS SUITS DRESSES TOP COATS Leave garments with Local Agent: J. A. PULLMAN BARBER SHOP, SEAFORTH Tues., Thurs. and Sat. All articles covered by insurance 79c s®, anted by Mr, Cliff Bali of Windsor spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings near Clinton. Nurse Kathleen Beacom has been home again for a few days. Rev and Mrs. Menzies and children of Londesboro spent one evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Mrs, Jennie Knox, BORN DAVIDSON—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 5, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Davidson, Wal• ton, a daughter. SANDFORD—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Monday. May 6, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. George Sandford, Seaforth, a son. FIENDERSON — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, 'May 2, 1940. to Mt', and Mrs. Arthur Heudei'sott. Walton, a son. lio-. / ' Illlu rc. UTTA PERCHA TIRES Special 6 -Day Offer THIS COUPON IS WORTH 20c This coupon when signed and presented at our store with 15c in cash within six days entitles customer to 1/4 pint of NEPTO a LAC Heat and Moisture -Resisting Enamel—Any Color GEO. A. SILLS & SONS Exclusive SEAFORTH, ONT. Agents for Lowe Brothers' Nepto-Lac Enamel For 15c Regular Value 35c Only one to a customer Name Address BRING THIS COUPON TO OUR STORE TODAY