HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR,
Snwsdaa Mos., 1 ut -1111.
unnwttn Johnston's sawmill
'1(c an sawing on Friday las. .lar i.
employing tw ave Iueu
Mr. Lewis Russell and Ast:t alias
Margaret Russell, R.N.. Brussels, at..
tended the funeral of the late Miss
Naomi Hanna Which took place froni
the hon' of her niece. .11rs. Clarence
\lamins sth line Morris, last Thursday
afternoon to Brussels cetiietery.
Dr. C. A. and Mrs. .Usere, and dam
gl tet Elizabeth -inn and 311ss Ruth
Hendry, all of Brussels, were in the
villa, B Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bolger of Torun•
to are visiting relatives around
\urs. Mann has returned to Walton
after spending the Past winter with
her daughters in Morris.
Mr. David Watson or McKillop had
a house moved front Seaforth last
Friday to his farm.
Mrs. A. L. McDonald and daughter
Musa Dori; of Brussels visited at the
home of Mr. T. H. Bolger on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Woods has returned home
after spending the past winter in
Miss Evelyn Dundee of McKillop is
leaving for a position near Blyth.
Rev. A. H. O'Neil of Clinton had
eharge of the service i,r St. George's
t it n eh in ]Calton on Sunday
Miss Ada eearls who has h n
visiting at the home at her brother
Me. Wesley Searle in Morris. sinee
last Not.-uabsr, .e;utneti to tet Ir .a_
In Calgary this week.
Young Peoples Union.—
Tis- 'Young l ple (n t t ntertat
IThIts,1 e hit alt o., Monday eye„
wan Miss Ruth Brook p, iitug
-.y .Toynt sane a delightful
sea, -The End i.1- site Road." Miss
r ±li
accompanied on the
The te+ .tiottal was given by
Miss Edna , aundercoc k. The minutes
were, read .and adopted, the roll mailed
i the businese taken up. It- was de.
''d to donate =,e :o the M. and .1T.
F Thetook' on Healing." was
vete: ably given by Miss s Goldie Cross
The .ellpture was read by Mr. Carey
J y :t. The meeting closed with the
_i.,ie - Billy Campbell had the mis-
fortune to :fail and break his collar
bene las: ween.
Death of Mrs. John Zuefie.—
One of He .call's oldest and most
highly respected residents passed
away en. \ionday at her home here
in he person of Mrs. John Zuede in
her 7.Itrrl..year, following a lengthy
illness. The deceased had been a
:elft of the village most of her
The former Frances 'Margaret
Kaska' was united in marriage to Mr.
lehn 2tiefiseorae fifty years ago:
year Me. and 31rs. Z efie obsr v
golden wedding a :t -verear y.
.t ..,.,a her nn. band. two taau h -
:see .Gertie Mee. W.Wm. Bele Hensaai
;Ole, \s. fere B .T., S..
two n -, :ti nt. Fan
E \ O
I irce% .se...
,. 4 yeivete
R :narks a: the ranroa_
r ye
.._ ...
A program of unusual I : was
presented it Memorial -Hall on Friday
evening when pupils .. the, public
e -1a:-: ,net; .::tar anotien. e
Mr .-„ o. as L.. ...
i.. a few :vr _.et remarks
anna-an 'he .` wt _`?re:Trod:.. ad
by :he principal.he hcc
_,. o":. ',WC ::h ..-es y 1111
address i f ;+e::otne. Lorna
Tease. duet Howard 'Wallace and
T, ate-: p. .^:e. 'Basket of
t=ea Fta d Roses." . . .y the -
bays of the 00110x1:'.t:' L....e
aiar.ls at Tea," Lorna Bray. Erma
\i"o:iacs Mavis White and Shirley
P: `lir : play. "Advice :o the Love -
Torn song. -Farmer Lads and
Lax es
"Fnspeete r Iiia Lead was :
seri:and presented awards t:,µ 101
..ring pupils ant' pronciewry
: p art. day last fall: Leonard Fowler:
John Sibthorpe, Ada Fowler. Myrtle
White. Harold Philips, Lois Fowler.
Lorna Bray. Frances Holleman. Violet
Thuell. Keith Iiiorritt, Jean Cart"
Insight, Erma Wallace, Lois Doherty.
Janet Gionster. Beatrice Fowler.
Daroh SForab. Donald Cowan. Ivan
Hitbern: a rhythm band. composed of
twelve boys and girls with Howard
Wallace as director: Topsy Turney
drill; Dixie dialogue be- ten girls and
boys; Dolly's Lullaby by five small
girls with dolls and doll buggies:
Dutch 'dance by twel; a girls: action
song by thirty girls and boys of room
one; twopart chorus by 36 boys and
girit; soldiers' parade by twelve
boys; play, "Red Riding Hood"; drill.
"Angels of Night," by eight girls.
Mar,. H t Vl 1 sel,'1
i\ , c. .1...1 Mr-. \\ e -;; y lIraainock.
.uldDoa.:1 t:.yereaiat
,. ,1 rale t:' \It: ovior
aisfes to the + cand
\\ e ter .,:resented nem m w±tl±
r n.;e nt , of kitchen In -
+ and red enamel +, ,i,
- tie coaemegation and Coe
7:1t.'11 reoliel thanking' t.: .Arany
e r kind. +' t:'.tt' aml -ten-
ero.:=4 . R_fre Dent: .+ ere .:rseti.
warm n o the -Cason w hila
1\101',.1:1;!. . t1 Tlt• All i
aN TA02,,lay a t 1 they 'A, re
•t rue I ditTerinee in ter loek
qtr a 'tea, :and day fields. The
,rt s117w'ing rapid growth,
M' Mark n Mackenzie. R.N.,
Mi., T''r 1\ tk-, R.N..supervise
ors of:.
i .f. t : utast 'H vita.,
irs t It entes:s with \t:- 1)1r -
n RN
Nese . , t 4):: `it and \ir.
• In: Droll 71. of t see
t Mee, \ it..;n ,"en.s
M c t 1 Miss
Daylight saving tin has tarted
kofu10 11 mall`' semis,. hilt as fair as
tl - farmers are roarerued-Itis no
tor the slur time is then-
I. ±s r: it. 1._ a ka'eat i17Pe:n Yellienee 11
radio fio li teners. But all the country
alt+s aro husy at -seeding operations
and ara looking forward for a benne
-otts harvest to a al'l'y on in the
emergencies that are racing them.
Mr. Joe Eckert has engaged Mr.
Raymond Murray for the -summer
months on his farm.
Tuesday morning's rain stopped
seeding for the day, but the results
can't 'be estimated. as it was a wel-
rntnt' visitor.
A former resident of Hihberte Miss
Enna Swale, passed away at her
home at Mitehelt on Saturday. She
had been ill for more than two years.
Miss Smale was born in Hibbert
Township Nov. 2S. 167S and moved to
Mitchell about twenty years ago. She
had been employed all those years at
the :Mitchell hosiery mills, which -pre-
viously was owned by pr. Burritt.
She was one of the oldest employees
there. Her parents were George
Smale and Catherine Vipond. Sun
y it ing are two brothers -and two
- sisters, Gilbert Stoats. Hibbett; Dr.
t R"• male.
Se Si.Catharines: Mrs. Al.
hitt Norman. Hibbert: Eta Snralt
'Detroit,- The funeral was held at
ienee ('Itiselhtlr 1':1`.i yy -r.• th
A..7-.1": guests of the Kipp .r. Y.l i , on li ng
.. l{ •1111 �.
,g- day e•velting last Tt, t-'ngrant Por.
t -ter? 01 Coln f v let Br to li,•tu. it
111. n:_ 1 1(
1,11 Ivy' 1 '1, Sr )L :111., antral
�.. ,. .
Al..,'',\ -7.-. \! ,tau 11:071ll-ort_1, Art
•\ 1 du,.r its J.,, . Lottg and
+r rsat re:
ar enar:a..0.11 Sir5. Ge?rife s ass.
+ . re +1-nnrs diet Nur en d Mrs.
e- et eon nseeeeo
Harry R- :; .:
i rt c iy idea C T. Earl 'Mc -
'Ku r:•,, pairs in \I3 .amt i x on
t \ 1 ' fere -'e Kuri
7r . ,r,I. +. .. n nib
tt t, ea . i sirs tet :n :be
I Mr. anti Mr. Tri 11i'1 'reseer.ta
r.nd \. and Mr; Samuel Code of
G 11er:en a..ended the sumire.t
Miss 'Margaret -Brace on Monday.
Mr. Joseph Speare has returned to
is borne hue here after spending the win•
surf: h- in Toronto.
Miss Jessie Hodgert of Exeter is
visiting friends and relatives in the
s a'ini y
Mr aml Mr- An•it"ety McLachlan
Sunday with relative: at
Ktopee. 1
31 d 31 11 r,b a -F
a 1 Pettre alt000
Dick • List -t i spent Sunday with
It 1I. Andrew lI I -t..a;",nnu,tnuum.•e,n,n.o,....,,,,nu.guu,tt.uu.nnt,
1 • o t lees 1i aaati-r 1111..
- „...1r..:.y ,yt.:. ::.. t..tdw+-1,
Wirellani TOWN TOPIC'S
hlr aild Mrs. tiaelin 1:. lila
,. .fit. Sunday.
Mr. William Trewartha
Passes Away—
With iieepe:t regret we le:irtieti of
the deathof Mr. William T'ewartha,
who t'-et1 pe. ic:efully av+ ay in Sour
Memorial Hospital Saturday. April
27th. in his Stll year: He was beim in
Dund a in 1553: He was a veteran of
the Great North West Rebellion. also
u staunch Can etvatiye and a mem-
ber of L.O.L. S1$ for So year. He was
married to his late wife years ago,
and Who Missed away only 7 weeks
before his death. whohe mourned
very deeply. There are left to mourn.
a daughter. _Mrs. Zack Medpadden,
two sons. Irwin and William Jr.. all
of McKillop. After a short service at
the house, the funeral was held from
('aven Church on Tuesday where he
had been a faithful member and elder.
and themTce to Maitland Bank Cente-
tery. The pallbearers were Messrs.
:Nelson Trewartha, Bert Trew at tha,
Edgar Trewartha, Howard Trewartha.
Elgin Waters and Bert Cox. The
flower bearers were Bert McSpadden.
Oliver Fryee. Walter Eaton, Reginald
Little and William Montgomery. The
flowers were beautiful and included a
pillow: Family: spray, Mr. and Mits.
Zaok McSpadden. spray Alonzo and
Garnet Chapman. Fort Erie, spray. L.
O_ L. 61 3. spray. Carets Church, spray.
Dr. end Mrs Harhtu•n. The funeral
was under the auspiees of. the Orange
Order. Rev, James Mord of Egmond•
rills of11 tat-il. Those That attended
th - tltneril from a distana e were Mr,
t,1 lit N. n Trewanl a MI and
H.war,i Tr swarths \ia and "firs.
Bert Trewartl_,:. Mr. and \it'
Trwa tlta. M and Mrs. Porter
. Mr,.
.711111,'S and daughter. Curtin 11r.
olirt hire Langford ('haps an. (es -lel:-
ion. tit :end Mrs. Elgin\\ t -t and
,.it. m:11, : r• of Arthur. 111 .:oi Mrs.
F u 10' V. I7=n1 1 much Din+ ,i r tnh a'infwnthr. Ln 't o7. Air=
Min, :fate .a verv•
l e git n r iic. The :i: 1( d r of ill.l
t,a:i.t w speli1 u.• Oam.•. ,rod •o•
-t- site]' ty Itch lnr,t-h was se1'v.,1
.:-tiff the natftltal anthem sung.
Sundr.y School opened at Burne
Cliureh this week. when the service
was changed to 11 a.m. Missionary
meeting at the home of the Mises
Jean and Agnes Hamilton this week
on Wednesday. Please take your
thimbles and conte early as there are
two quilts to quilt.
Beryl Carter is spending the week
end at home.
Mr. Clarence Rozell. young Clinton
hardware merchant, on Monday pure
chased the house and property in
Clinton belonging to Mr. Andrew
Kirk of Tuckersnrith.
\i -e are glad to see Mrs. Will Black
looking so much improved in health
after her recent illness.
Mrs. Beecroft, of \\'hiteehureh
visited her parents. Mr. and Mr
Andrew Kirk on Tuesday last- She
brought a party of ladies w the
W. - li. S. epttventiGn. .
• ::,111,
.. _ r1 ? .:... ettNeat
y.._ . c: Fiat:al:an arid
w^........ ... Chatham
:. Rev. De'.
af Landon. as =oder-
than fa =e•: in
t io r_ -thealit
his father-in-law.
11 11a. :in: e1', n-
.. Preebyterc aed cyricl
_ _ 1
laa7. The idea -time e f the-
_. .a:nr constituted the drat brei-
_ session en Monday, The
..-w moderator has an =preserve
s an adinirAietrater a d
_ . Caiedon East. he Isan
honor aduate of Torent e i nice] sir;
^tpleted hie th-nlagieai cavus_
;11,x Ce lege. He has bed elnarges
as C ^:arty. Palmerston. Trenton `ol
1 and has served a various
as moderato. of four different
-shy-ries. Stratford. Saneeo. Icing-
yoHamfr:oi Actively
' people's work. ti a
..' been traerabsrt
arid the board of h
y :he i •r:.
Let EY .. 1t.. ..
work in 1.; . _ n:
"Xella•-.7 t•I.. o L
S. Andrew _'h:..-. SL _1:_11, 'sr :4
a last. the P
e. .v a, tate c'L' eie h prepare- t '
Staffa, y Irish r1
l wines ay
.serve'1 e'anlyM
:dr Ge: rge D:ayrap.e ail:
horns, this week.
Q_ Wednesday .v ring f last week
he T.P.i of Steele presented their;
play. "My Irish Rose." which was
much enjoyed by all. Lunch was
erred to the castafter the play, by
the C'hiselhurst Society.
On Monday night the Chi eThnrst
Society will be the guests of the
Klppen Society.
Jones-l'VW"hai s ;sung John doing
Brown—"Riding about all day with
his pockets full of money."
Sones—"Has he come into a for-
Brown= `No. he's a bus conductor."
..'- .t ..:: Tor—at. a.n'-: was in
gals i::_._ -1' f Criclt
snending 10,c.:11. in the \l est: -
1,. Jahn Neely. pe over
Seieley w . , :: ir. t w n.. lir . J
Adams eft fer _`eoyton. Ohio, where
lie WOO. visit i mon h,—:Mas
e r :lit' alcravish left this . w eek for
viett w th. - am", a b: othea's
et . at. and Mrs. Will
Imekaiew. are vi-iting her
.mer. 1Ir Alex Su her;aed. John st.
—airs. W. Sia Br attended
the funeral oft the laze _Mr: Donald
lit Gregor. Side SI.—Mr. A- Archibald
of Toronto was in town itt Monday
visiting friends. He has enlisted.—
Commeneing May let the dentists of
_afor;h will close their .offices eaeb
Wednesday afte toot.—M . and Mrs.
Gee. B Scot:. Chicago. are visiting
friends in this district.—Dr. Steele.
M.P.. and Mises Marjory and Dorothy
of Tavistock, attended the funeral of
the :ate Mrs.. D. McGregor.—Mr. and
Mir:. J. Girlies have moved to Strat"
ford where Mr. Gillies has secured a
position.—Messrs. J. M. Best. Thos.
Stephens Sr., James \Catoon, Russel
Best and J. MacTayish motored to
Hcletein one day this week and en.
ye -d the day fishing.—Miss Taylor.
Ba fe'dreturned on Friday night
from Portage La Prairie where she
visited her niece. Mrs. Frank Willis.
—Mr and Mos. John McNaught. Min -
w -ere .the guests of _air. and
Mr-. G. E Henderson on Sunday.—
unday—M 11 Murphy of the Sao. spent
Sanday cwt with his wife and
Liza' Atkinson left on
T _ -day for Windsor where she has
ee,,-ed a position,—Mrs. Curie and
toy' daughters :eft or, Mei day for
home :. in Taxis -rd. Sasf.. after
ssveiai setas with her mother. Mrs.
E ter lar- Sr. --Mr.. Wm.. Davidson.
ra- rd. spent :he 21s of last month
with his brother. Mr. Alex Davidson.
i.1 :own.. that date being the 60th an-
niversary _f the day they sailed to -
get. -her :rem Glasgow #iii thin country.
—Dr. G. J. Pots pasted away at Clin-
^r Thursday at the age of S0
year,.He had lea a very ath-e life.
He saw active service as a eurgeon i1(
the Anglo-French expeditions against
China. when :he Taken Forts were
taken. and as eergetimmajor of the
federal troops in the American Civil
War.—Mr. George Chesney was of
Buffalo on business this week.—Mr.
Wm. Cask visited his son Roy in
London this week:—fuss. F. Case res
turned home today after spending the
whiter at Toronto.—Dr. Macklin of
Goderich has been accepted as a
member of the Army Medina] Corps
going with the thirdcontiragent.—
An enthusiastic meeting was held on
Monday when pians were discussed
for the farming of several lacrosse
teams in town. Mr. J. Lally, Carn-
wail, one of the leading lacrosse en-:
thnsiasts of the Dominion, was. pras-.
eat and gave the boys a stirring ad-
:1(t t ocli and Mr. h.:s crook. Al-.
tl.n ,
M. ,ad MrsDirt• Cox. Mollis
Mr. Toon. Bullard and Mrs. Ferg
Bul:.:••d, Kintore. We extend our
11s -e r -tt sympathy to these that are
1,11 to Mourn the lass ,t1 :: • loving
father and grandpa.
• Mrs Charles. Pauli of Stratford
spur:1 a few days with Mt. and Mrs.
Joseph Doi:nage.
31e. and Mrs. Walter Eaton. Larry
and Keith. spent the week end with
-Mr. and 7Trs. Alonzo Sperling of
Mrand Mrs, Joseph Little spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs• Geddes of
The euchre and danee held in the
hall last Friday night was well at-
e tended. The prize winners were,
ladies, most games, Miss Dorothy
McClure: lone hands, ,fuss Margaret
Montgomery. Men, most games Mr.
Robert McMillan; lone hands, Mr.
Robert Dodds,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. Mona
and Billie, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
-Peter McCowan. Bobby and Jackie.
spell] Sunday with Mr. and hit's. Geo,
"John, where have been to get
into such a disgraceful state""
j -Golf. m dear -
" NoII ense: how Can you play golf
the dark!"
"Night dubs. m'dear.
Mon, Tues. Wed,—Double Feature Next Thur. Fri. Sat,
assets 14001E Jame DOWNS
tY lfsrtail LAtl1EA1•Cssd CONNIN68AY *
Reserve your seats now fo
,I YQt(N t ]anvil ti'
Xenr allelil1 letome toren • GaO,lei Boy' WYllleme JOAA Uhl
Ail tau LlltAA Padutdon • A 551110 BRGS..mi eon no.
Coining — "DRUMS ALONG
"Gone With The Wind"
Dandelions In Lawns
:el. emenae heels
L:: -. ,1 1,.1i.,, Hort',
I .:i ' r•.• are
1 1:110 .x11.1 Cal)
nr' `•avl.
i ...1(1 t- Rr
..a,. rt1.3 ',rat-
on- of
, ± n.., rr,,. l . ± 1•; alt
oswer •i•t"lte 'f.1'r0 ct t,,nr,i arlean-
Dr \i I+ ,• e .. t )tttari , A t-
ri tlturai t - tt,t hail remarkable
results in t.tru'.„a atandibr,n. by
e.eis .lteth,td. He recoinnacuds tw,, ap-
p a at July. A� igu,t. or Septem-
n -
be at the rate rt one and a hall
p an o _ copper nitrate t,, seven and
a half zellens water per 1111)1 square
feel, T,,t young seedling- would have
',e ki)'ni 'sty a:r,lication the follow-
i±lj year, I lea, not 'been determined
many years this application could
-illi -e.adee, feru:ttmate'.y tete act-
a.al n • copper 'would 'lee, -me tore-
, .... Tile trusty veil',
.1..-'.'.i-iuI::e tilt' r't-- 'i1.1 tilt.
i" .. r or ki l- the iande-
::n;- a ,rt:1 :a trial, -ay- Mr.
-3ran. iia.,:'- are •• ere
,Tuck and Ann Ryan visited Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Hartman of Zurich ma
.lir ;,1(d \1r•-'. J:e oat Iltrchell retu:•u-
r•11 10 their Inane in Mitchell on Wed
1,•s n,y tett Spending the wint.:.
w 111 11111' brolhet• uuei ,=fester; lull. unit
Mrs. Robo•t't Birelal1 of Hilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Y"onlin spent One -
day with Mr. and llrs. John McGrath.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan IVilllants return,
erl home after a week end trip t..
Warren. Pa,
\Fri;. tt-holnau visited friends it,
Buffalo over the week end:
Late C. A. Robertson Left
Estate of $9,446•—
The late C. A. R oe r on t , re,
plc-enttxl llnron-arae e in the Legis-
lature innt 1 t ro-T4s left an e. ate at
$944(..08, it is revealed to his -yi' las'
filet] for pr A,otc 7tta r1i•r s a. Fit=
farm in Colltorne 10 0 7t t.. where he
wie, born and where lie dei, is +-slur 1
at 1.3..00. Insurance amounted t'
daeale and cash in 11311kl $2.034. Thi•. .
t.a!ance i. per- evil T v daughters,
Mrs. Dorothy 3.1111a Reid, of Goderiea.
ural .\lir. Ella Christina Renter on z •
Tor,:11 , are the etc..t.ar.c..
they •'t,rin. the estate equally.
Employer - "Why did you say
you'd had extensive • 1ttstnes- expert•
owe, when you tatty tett st.honi sig
month, ago?"
"Youlll 1 t cnu,. your advertise-
ment stated thee you required s
petite man with plenty of inmagine-
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