HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-05-02, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1940 *They're So Convenient L *TEA AGS HURON NEWS Death of Miss Keddy• - A life-long resident of 1.•sborue Township passed away Friday morn ing at her residence ou the third real• ceesiou of Usborne- in • the person of Miss Hannah M. Keddy, aged 77 years. Miss Keddy had been ill for about two weeks with pneumonia. She was the daughter of the late Ralph Ke<ldy- and Susannah Down. MI her lite had been spent on the farm where she died, her grandfather has ing cleared the land about 92 years ago. Miss Keddy took an active int - SEE THE NEW NORGE REFRIGERATOR Also our Display of LOCOMOTIVE WASHERS IN OUR STORE ON MAIN ST. 'nest to Willis Shoe Store) -RADIOS-- DeFonest and General Electric Radios Electric Appliances and Bulbs Electric Irons. Heaters. Pads, Waffle Irons, Toasters. Sunbeam Electric Shavers. Food Misers. General Electric Mazda Bulbs You can get your Radio License front John Earle. Supervisor and Issuer of Radio Lireuses. at this store, If your Radio is not in good work- ing order you may need new Radio Tubes. We can supply your needs from our stock of new tubes. Expert Radio Repair Work Boshart Electric ENOS BOSHART Phone 75, Seaforth Greet for many years in the Huron. dale Women's Institute. She was an active member in the Methodist Church and later of the James Street United Church. Exeter. She is surviv- ed by one sister, Mise Nettie, at home and by five brothers, Wilbert H. of Fenwick, Mich.; W. Charles. at home; Nelson G., of Calgary; E, Norman of Detroit, and Herbert F.,, of Mel tort, Sask. The funeral was held Mon- day afternoon and the many beautiful floral tributes and the large number who attended the funeral attested to the esteem in which the deceased was held. The service was conducted by Rev.A, Page assisted by Rev. 1). McTavish and Rev, S. L. Toll, of London. Miss Pearl Wood sang a solo. The bearers were Messrs. Han ry Strang, Clarence Down, Rufus Keene. Earl Mitchell. C. W, Kestle and Alvin Voir. Interment. took place in the Exeter eemetery. Among thus, from a distance at the funeral were, lir and Mrs. D. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawke. :tire.. Turner. Me. and lir=. L. Stepheusott and mother, of Clinton: .11r. and Mrs.. Italpit Slop h. euson. Mr. anis tlrs. David Step Lee- son, of Varna: lir. and Mrs. Albert Sm,rte and Mr. and Mrs. Itowumtt. of t-zt tfa. ELMER D. BELL. B.A, Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. It+jcConneli, H. Glenn Hay' SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build" ng, Seaforth. Office hours:- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:3t) p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p, in. to 9 p. m. Bert Ruston Electrocuted The town was deeply grieved yes- terday morning to learn of- the tragic accident occurring to Bert Ruston irennet of the Public utilities Com- mission. He was working at the 650'. volt service ou the P. U. C. building! j at Ole time. about a quarter to ten. i His helper, Clarence Benneweis, who Was holding the ladder looked uii to see his body rigid, electricity appal, ently having entered his body. Elie Feet had slipped in such a manner that they were caught in the rungs of the ladder and his body was held. Benneweis rushed up the ladder and his screams for help were heard by a woman passing by who summoned Dr. R. B. Gillrie, standing in front of Dr.- Aberhart's office. The two medi- cal men rushed to the scene and through an upstairs window in Aliss Noreen Churchill's beauty shop 'drag- ged the body, with Bennewies' help. into the building where they were aided in giving artificial respiration icy willing assistants. Two auditors working at the rural Hydro 'office also At MitchelI-- Seaforth Monument Works (FORMERLY W. E. CHAPMAN) NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS SEAFORTH -TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105. Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 �ARGARdS PICKUP 33 CHEVROLET 1 30 FORD SEDAN .. WILLYS COUPE, 38 Model .. I WILLYS COUPE. 36 Model 1 36 FORD COACH ..... . S250.00 5475.00 5575.00 $400.00 5425.00 $175.00 las vu runt stuary 5675.00 Th•.ears are al: in O.K. shape and fuliy a a,.,.ed. Get your order in now for the new Willys 1 1932 Model B FORD PiCKUP .... . .... SEE J. E. HUOILL & SONS R. 2, SEAFORTH, Ont. Phone 34-616, Clinton. TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAX PRE=PAYMENT EIPTS FOR 194+ The Town will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August ;:;1, 1940, on all prepaid 1940 taxes. Certific i ?.• and full particulars niay be obtained from tl-.:= Town Clerk's office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer, DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TENDERS Marked and sealed. for the pur- chase of East church shed. Kippen. Timber frame, 30x69. Will be re- ceived until May lith, 1940. W. J. F. 13e11, Secretary, Iiippeu, Ont, FOR SALE 19'.9 Ford A touring in excellent condition writ license, Will sell cheap for cash. Phone Seaforth 345w, FOR SALE Grade No. 1 yellow' blossom sweet clover seed. Apply to W. F. Alex amler. Phone 13 on S2. Hensall. PROCLAMATION Civic Half Holiday Having been petitioned by a majority of the merchants of of the Town, I hereby proclaim Wednesday Afternoons From 12.30 noon in the months of May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October, 1940 Civic Half Holidays, except when a Legal Holiday conies on the day before or the day after a Wednes- day, and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same. JOHN J. CLUFF. Mayor God Save The Ring least their aid and Hydro crews vers ed in first aid came from St. Marys and Stratford, A pullmotor was also procured from the latter city. But as the anxious citizens waited below word canoe just around the noon hour that all efforts to save him were in vain. Egbert St. Clair (Bert t Ruston was born in Mitchell, a son of the late lir. and .Mrs. Albert Ruston. on ,Tune 4th. 18811. and had lived his entire life in this town. Ile has beet employed by the Public t'tflfties t.'onunission here for a number of years and had lteeu fermium for some time past. Be- sides his sorrowing wife, formerly Millie Littlejohn, whom he married here 'on January 13, 1909, two daugh- ters. Dorothy- and .Audrey.' both at home, survive. Another daughter pass. ed away in 1929. There are also two brothers and one sister. Frank. Ed- ward and Miss Bernice Ruston, all of Mitchell, -Mitchell Advocate. ELECTRIC FENCE We are again handling the Shur - Shock electric fencer, which gave sweet gond.satisfaetion last season. This is a heavy duty Canadian made machine, Extra Hotshots and knobs kept in stock. Wm. J. Clark, phone .Hensall 87 r 12; B. Mceliuchey, phone Hensall 97 r 5. FOR SALE Dooley seed potatoes: also White Leghorn pullets, Apply to S, A. Nichol, Walton. Phone 90-25, Brus- sels. FOR SALE Good used manure spreader. Late model. Cheap. H. R. Baer, Goderich. Phone 282 r 1, Carlow. FOR SALE Ten chunks, three months old. Also a gander. Apply to Joseph Man- ley, phone 45 r 8. Dublin. FOR SALE First class Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal. Stove or nut size. May delivery, Direct from cars. Season's lowest price. War conditions may affect Pennsylvania coal and prices at any time. Secure your supply by ordering now. J. H. Scott, phone 316. FOR SALE OR RENT Eight roomed bungalow, modern conveniences, including electric fire place. Apply to Wilbert Webster. Jarvis et. FOR SALE About eight bushels of alfalfa seed. John H. Cooper. 3 on 016. Clinton central, FOR SALE Seven roomed cottage in Egmond- viUe•. Alt eonver,i.'nces, i_ acre land. good barn and garage, Also upright Ileintzmaii piano in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Charles Finkbeine:'. ATTENTION FARMERS 1 We h ire on hand a full line of No. 1. finest t qu ilita government tested grassseed- Frost f. -nee wire and !supplies. Profit proven Pioneer poul- I try. P111111 and hog feeds. Everything for your spring requirements. Get our ; prices on team harness before fur• ther advances. D. E. Kyle. Kippen. I'hone 114x14. FOR SALE Automobile Insurance. - Preferred rates now effective. for low mileage and few drivers. Fainters especially. "The W awanesa Mutual." "Canada's Strongest Company." J. H. Scott. phone 190. NOTICE The Seaforth Farmers' Club will be nixing Fertilizer again this spring. See us for Fertilizer, Shingles and barbed wire. T. W McMillan. Pres.: R. S. Mc- I'ercher, See. FOR SALE Eight roomed house, excellent log" ation North Main Street, Seaforth. All cmneniences, stable, garage. orchard lot if desired. Apply to James Rivers. Seaforth. or A. G. Govenlock, 64 King street. Weston, Ont. Plane Startles Horses- Palnterston's proximity to Cantil Borden has apparently made it a swell town for bombing practice, and is theoretically" blown off the map most every afternoon. The bombers swoop low over the town, and the full throated song of power from their raving exhausts is enough to startle the most docile horse. There have been some badly startled ones, but the first damage done to date to our knowledge came on Tuesday after- noon. A team was proceeding down Main Street, when a plane apparently with orders to render the C.N.R. de- pot unfit for human habitation. swooped low over the streets. The noise Was ear -shattering, and too much. for the peace-la)ing horses. They bolted over the sidewalk and across the lawn at the United Church parsonage. The tongue of the wagon wag broken and some of the harness parts were damaged. -Palmerston Oh. server. War Order for Fir Tent -Poles- When Canadian. troops go under canvas in a few weeks' time their tents nmy perhaps be supported by tent poles made in St. Marys by Max wells Ltd. This old established Stone Town manufacturing plant is now in the midst -of fulfilling a contract for the War Supply Board for some tltou- :etud_e of tent poles. huge and small. The production of the poles- is re. Oiling the attention of many vee. tione of the factory sirup the couple• Mon of the work involves not only the turning out of -month straight poles. but the fitting of pine and furls TO itt - , nd . Altogether side poles centre poles. end poles' :s and ridge poles are being p;odlte•ed so that the contract ir,rolves a gcod deal more thought and attention than would ar first be suggested. Douglas fir from Bluish Columbia is brine used ex elusively for material. -St. Marys Journal-Argus Late Conrad Truemner- The community was shocked on Sunday morning to learn of the very sudden passing of Mr. Conrad Truemner of the 14th concession, Hay Township. The departing from this life took place while the deceas- ed and his son Hilton were grooming the horses iu the morning, and as they were going about their work and chatting. Hilton noticed that the horse that his father was grooming sprang back in its stall, and he immediately went over and his father was lying helpless on the floor, and after re- moving the horse assistance was at once called and the almost lifeless body carried to the house where life soon had fled away. Mr. Truentner who had reached the age of 77 years. was born on the homestead. on the FOR SALE Goshen line south of Zurich. till the family moved to the 14th con. Hay. Re co fi e l Roofing "7 -Rib" and! the farm now owned by Mr. \\'m. T -n . "St: Seal" Council Standard, guar•"Truemuer, and in 1'93 he was mar- ried to Catherine Schade, who pre- deceased ten years ago. After their marriage they moved on the fine farm where he died Sunday. Mr. Truennnsr was indeed a fine type of citizen. a straight forward man in business a good neighbor, and was a very good farmer. taking special pride in ail farm products; for years he followed the local fall fairs with the. best of seed grains, fruits, poul- try and especially horses and honor• ably taking many prizes with his good quality of products, he seeming to have the ability to know just when an article of lire stock was right. This tradition is being carried on by his son Hilton in later years. Surviving be- sides his only son Hilton. are two grandchildren, Beira and Elwood; a brother Mr. William T. and a sister firs, Wm. Schade, both of Hay TWp,- ZuriCh Herald. ,sorer 1 25 years. Bosco Portahl_ Silos. Iatvanizs l Sheer Iron. all sizes and gauge,. Metal Sidings, Eavestrougb and Pip.-. Galvanized Water Stock Tanks and Hog Troughs, Granary Lining. Galvanized Ridge and Valley, • Door Track and Hardware. Extension Ladders up to 44 feet in length. As- phait Products including Poll Roof in_. Shingles, Brick Siding, Insul- 13t•iclt Siding; Roofing Paints, Plastic Cement, Building Paper of alt kinds, Nails, etc. Murray Tyndall, Bruce - field. -Phone Clinton 618 ring 12, ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubbee Goods. Sundries, etc„ mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. S0% less than retail, Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. INSURANCE Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness & Aecid- ent,Windstorm & gtaarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. AU risks placed 5, rlsss companies. ^P. tee silt•" C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES Phone 534 w ?ateieneat/We, rzcca JUST LIKE 100111.WNEN PAtS(0 CHOICETERIA CHICK STARTER O.A,C. FORMULA 2% CEREAL GRASS . WT& 1,<IVIIVe 111 ESAT SONS PALMERSTON, CII ICETE IA Chick. Starter The First Step to Poultry Profits A Complete Line- of Poultry and Hog Feeds kept in stock at Scott's Poultry Farm Per cwt. 52.75 52.35 $2.35 Chick Starter O.A.C. Growing Mash O.A.C, Lay Mash O.A.C. Lay Mash (Cereal Grass).. -2.45 Laying Concentrate 3.35 Pig Starter - -- -2.45 Pig Grower 2.00 Hog Concentrate ,,,3.00 SEE YOUR DEALER. Jas. M. Scott SEAFORTH E. S. WATT & SONS Palmerston Nexann THE FAVORITE IN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION Built by General Motors, Canada, and covered by five year Warranty, Frigidaire has the exclusive COLD WALL FEATURE which cools through the walls and METER MISER The simplest Cold making mechanism ever built, and easy on Electric Current. For prices and information see J. W. MODELAND Phone 660- 4, Seaforth Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions From All Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY MAY 18-29, 1940, inclusive Return Limit - 45 Days TICKETS GOOD IN - COACHES at fares approximately lj4c per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at tares approximately 1�tc per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately lees per mile Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional BAGGAGE CHECKED, Stopovers at all points enroute. Similar Escunolons from Western to Eastern Canada During Satnt' Period 'rickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent AST' FOR HANDIIILL • T125 CANAIAN NATIO AL McC(;\ TheMcC aIII NELL'S 1940 CATALOGUE HARDY PLANTS for CANADIAN HOMES 116 ILLUSTRATIONS 1332 VARIETIES LISTED J\ya' Ornamental Trees - 96 varieties Evergreens - 78 varieties Flowering Shrubs - 214 varieties Vines - 24 varieties Roses - 184 Varieties Hardy Perennials - 543 varieties Dahlias and Colinas - 63 varieties Fruits - 139 varieties Send for Free Copy NNELL NURSE° .YCo. Port Burwell, Ontario J. GALLOP'S P'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We also have a Service Truck -if you have car trouble, phone 179 and we will come promptly - Electric Welding Done by an Experienced Welder, Kett Campbell, starting Sept. 4th. Work guaranteed. The portable welder can be taken any place with or without Hydro PHONE 179. All Repairs Strictly Cash, SEAFORTH We Aim To Please