HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-04-04, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Nei i' j� 1 + i�"'b't H ,(t i ti 1 x ir' } j'' r�r • '(t 1(i (i� Thi§ list good April 4 to April 10 PEARL White NAPTHA SOAP 5 cakes 19c REE HIVE CORN SYRUP, 2s -16c; 5s 37c CRISCO 1s -19c; 3s 53c AYLMER Orange MARMALADE 32 oz. ..per jar 25c PETER PAN PEAS, No. 3 sieve, 17 oz. 2 tins 19c Libby's CATSUP, 12 oz. per btl. 1 3c Aylmer Soups, Vegetable and Tomato, 10%2 oz 2 tins 19c Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1/as-16c; 1s 27c Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, 17 oz 2 tins 25c Magic Baking Powder,,,. 8 oz, -200; 16 oz. 30c Keen's Mustard 2 oz.-15o;.,,.1/4e-27c; yes 49c Salmon, Fancy Red Cohoe, Unicorn or Golden Net, %2s 17c is 28c Hillcrest Shortening, is 2 lbs. 27c Quaker Corn Flakes 2 pkg. 15c Shirriff's Lemon Pie Filler per pkg. 15c Glacier Sardines ............... 2 tins 19c -. "House Cleaning Needs" Sunlight Soap .. per cake 6c Lifebuoy Soap 2 cakes 15c Lux Toilet Soap ••........ 3 cakes 17c Rinso small -10c; Large -24c; giant 49c Hawes Floor Wax, 1s -45c;. , ..Castle wax is 25c Lux Flakes, small -10c; .. • . large 24c Clothes Lines, 30 ft. cotton each 18c Cleaners, Big 5 or Classic per tin 50 Bon Ami, cake powder • • per tin 14c or Ivory Flakes, small -10c; large 24c Mazda Electric Bulbs, 40, 60 and 100 watt each 20c Clothes Pins , . 3 doz. 100 AYLMER LIMA BEANS. 16 oz. in Tomato 2 tins 25c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE, 20 oz. tins 2 tins 19c AYLMER GRAPE JUICE, 1014, oz. per tin 10c AITNT ,JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR per pkg, 1 5c PRUNES, large sweet 2 lbs. 25c MANNING'S CHOCOLATE BRIDGE DAINTIES ,,per lb, 23c Ross ® Sproat PHONE 8 Miss ,Pryce PHONE77 WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING J. R. WALKER, JR, Halder of Government diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 1 THE JACKSON STUDIO Excellent Portraits at the Right Price Come in and make au appointment STRATFORD - GODERICH COACH LINES Fall & Winter Time Table Leaves Senforth for Stratford: Daily 8.40 a,m, and 0.30 p.m. Leaves Senfarth for Goderich: Daily except Rud ayln and hot., 1.22 p.m. Sun, and Iron., 1.25 p.in. and 10.20 p.m. Connection at Stratford for Toronto. Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock, Woodstock Agents: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House SPRING IS COMING Grain prices are going up. Have you ordered your fertilizer? We are advised that prices of material are sure to go up. Why not order now and be safe. We sell "Shur - Gain." We also have Hog Concen- trate and "Big 50" for your poul- try. We also buy all kinds of grain for George Thompson of Hensall,. and we will truck it for you and supply bags. Telephone for information as to prices, etc. SPROAT & SPROAT TILE YARD Seaforth Phone 655 r 2. J. A. BURKE FUNERAL SERVICE Dublin Ont, Night or Day Calls Phone 43r10 SEE THE NEW NORGE REFRIGERATOR Also our Display of LOCOMOTIVE WASHERS IN OUR STORE ON MAIN ST. (next to Willis Shoe Store) —RADIOS-- DIOS Electric Models Deleo'est, General Electric and Spartan from $15.95 up Battery Sets As low as $19.96 (4 tubes) If your Radio is not in good work- ing order you may need new Radio Tubes. We can supply your needs from our stock of new tubes. Expert Radio Repair Work ENOS BOSHART Phone 75, Seaforth COMEDY "DEACON DUBBS" At Egmondville Church Presented iii Young Peoples. Society Directed by Mrs. A. W. Gtu'diuer FRIDAY, APRIL 19 AT 8 P.M. Aclniiosion 25c TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mts. Earl Leyburne of Timagami, and Miss Margaret Ley - hurtle, Mr. Robert Carter, Clinton, and Miss Hazel Earle of Seaforth were guests last week at tate home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Leyburne. Mr. Norman Jefferson of Toronto retui'ued to the city on Saturday after spending Easter week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Jegerson, Mr. Arthur Vincent has returned from spending a week with his sister Miss Evelyn Vincent, and other friends at Owen Sound. Miss Jean Fraises, ten -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fraiser, suffered a broken left arm in two places after being tripped by a local boy ou Main street Saturday night Mr, and Mrs. John Riley and (laugh- ter Helen fi'om Jamestown took in the Niagara hockey game last Thurs- day and visited with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Carter and Miss Myrtle. Miss Maxine Kelly of Stratford is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, R. Mc• Faddin and Albie. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Henderson and Miss Eleanor and Miss Loreen moved to Goderieh on Monday. Their house on North Main street will he oi•cupieil by Mr: and Mrs. J. E. Willie, Miss Mary Broadfoot of London was a week -end .visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale and Alvin Dale spent. Sunday at Walton owing to the critical condition `of their father Mr. George Dale. Mr. Dale passed away Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Marshal Young of Hallett Twp., spent the week end ;is the guest of Iles' sister Mrs, Richard Rogers. Mr, and Mrs. Alex MacKenzie wore week end visitors with his mother, Mrs. C. MacKenzie. They were e re• turning to their home at Orillia after spending the winter in Florida. Reserve Friday, April 19th for the euchre at St. Thomas' Church, put on 11y the girls' branch of the W.A. Mr. Jim Scott: Boston, has been spending a week's holiday with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mrs. Maude Sloane returned Mon- day after spending the past week in Toronto. firs. John MacTavish was in Ing• ersoll on Wednesday attending the funeral of her brother, Mr. A. Staples, Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Davis of Elmira visited friends in town o11 Saturday. Mayor J. J, Cluff and Mrs. ('duff were in Stratford on Monday as guests at the Edison Day program. The robins, song sparrows and black birds made their first appear- ance here ou Monday, April 1st. NOTICE having been re -appointed Super- visor and Issuer of Radio Licenses for the constituency of Huron. Perth, T will again call on You for the purpose of securing renewal of your radio licenses. Thanking all those who got licenses from me last year. JOHN EAR'LE SUPERVISOR AND ISSUER OF RADIO LICENSES FREE ENLARGEMENT Just to get acquainted, I will beau- tifully' enlarge any snapshot nega- tive to 5x7 inches FREE 1f you en- close this ad and lOc for handling. and return mailing. Your original. returned with your free enlarge. ;tent. Look over your pictures and send your favorite negative to -day. WM. McASH, VARNA ONT. BORN 'I'O\VNSEND-1n Clinton Public Hos. Pita! on Saturday, March 30, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Town- send, Tuckersmith, a daughter (Thelma Annette), Want and •For Sale' Ads., 1 week 25c HULLETT William Bromley, .for many years a resident of Hullett died on Monday in his 89th year. ITe was bairn in Eng- land in 118511 As a y(nrg man he mar- ried Elizabeth Bembridge and brought his Ihride to Canada He n4'a5 employ- ed by the Grand Trunk Railway for many. yearsand at the sante dine 'op- erated n atn y elated a small farm. -Later he gave cup railroad work and farmed nior ex- tensively. 'In 1935 Mrs. Bromley died and lie 'had :since resided ,with his 01111- dren. Of a Ifannily of seven 'children, 'ixsurvive. They are 'pobn in Londes- ,hero; William on the Hallett 'home- stead Mrs. Albert Nott, Saskatche- wan; !Mrs. Thomas Dodds, Chicago, 111., ..MrS. R. Shaddick. Londe -baro, and \ire. 'John .Cudmore, Ti Anne - \ ille. Art .son 'Charles Edward snack the supreme sacrifice in .the Great \Vrar. There are i34 .grandchildren and 113 great grandchildren. Mr. V'runnley was a Conservative in inti'litirs and ,United Church in r(lrg,inn. The felter- el was 'held front Londeshoro United Church on Rfedee day afternoon, Rev. A. E. 'Menzies, Ithe pastor, ltfic- iating. Tnternlent took place In Myth cemetery. EUCHRE AND DANCE PAGE FIVE, 'sAPaay men To=Wear ant Solis THE GREATEST VALUE WEIL EVER OFFERED 500 IN STOCK. These new Spring suits represent values that cannot be had today—smart green, grey, aviation blue and brown English worsted suits. Made in every newest style and fitting—whether you're short and fat, tall and slim, or regular, we can fit you. All suits are harmony Celanese lined and a great majority have zipper fasteners on trousers. Need we warn you again that you'll pay many dollars more for these another season. They're style right and value right. $27.50 with 2 Trousers With one trouser $23.00 Stylish .SPRING TOPCOATS Raglans, slip-ons, and fitted models in smart tweed and Velour coatings. Colors include, newest green blues, grey, brown and sand. All sizes. 100 nt'w coats to choose from. New Spring Hats New colors, ltt'w' styles. smarter bands. different shapes. all enter into the new hats for men. Lewis. Biltmore and Stetson makes. of fine quality fun' felt only. We've a hat that will just suit you $2.95 $3.50 $3.95 STEWART BROS. 5.s5 IN WINTHROP HALL • FRIDAY, APRiL 5TH Agar & Collins Orchestra Admission 25e. Lunch served Euchre to start at 9 o'clock Proceeds in aid of the Red Cross DANCE Under the auspices of the Young Ladies Sodality, in the Parish Hall AT DUBLIN ON Fri., April 12th HAP CORMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA Admission 35 Cts. DUBLIN Wm, a Mr, and Mrs. Rm, Flanan called g on friends in Seaforth on Friday. Miss Mary Beale, our telephone operator, is taking a well earned hnl• May with her brother Lawrence to Stratford. Miss Mildred Murray is taking Miss Beale's place and Miss Ursula Kranskopf is night operator. Mr. Mack Robinson was the guest of Woodstock friends on Sunday. Misses ,len Walthers and Betty Litt with Mrs. Alex Darting, M1 teachers have returned to their schools after spending their Easter holidays, including Miss Florence Smith, Gadebill; Miss Veronica Moly. neaux, Drysdale; Misses Gertrude and Peggy McGrath, Kitchener; Mr. Frank Kra uskopf of Toronto, Miss Marion Dill of London, Kenneth Dill, Ring. int., O'Rourke, Strat ( •Miss !lather n Y ford Normal; Miss Peggy Walsh. To• canto, all at their respective homes Rev. Father Durant. St. Peter's Seminary, London, visited Rev. Dr. Ffonikes, Mr, and Mrs. James Hanley, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs, Win. J. Hanley. Mr: Joseph Carpenter has returned to Chatham. Mr. 101. J. Klinkhannler is serious ty i11 at his home. His daughter is at Ms bedside. The county 5110w plow cleared the village main street this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Aromas Butter's. It's a boy. At time of writing Mr, Michael Klinkhanuuer of Dublin is very 111; little hope is held for his recovery. Mr. Dan Williams. who suffered severe injuries to iris hand, when a mills bottle tilled with steam -exploded, is recovering rapidly. Miss Bette Carlin of Beechwood visited Dublin friends nn Thursday. Fou' Toronto painters are engaged in painting and decorating Dublin Church. Mrs. Jerry Ryan of Stratford spent Thursday with her mother, lOIrs. T. Maloney. McAuley-Gormley.— SL Patrick's Church rectory, Lon- don, w1(, 'the scene of a gtu(.t w'edd'ing on Saturday •nahen Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and \[rs. Edward Gormley, of lJlulbii n,'became die (bride 'of 11'r. Marshall \lcAuley, son of •\Lr. and Mrs. hell McAuley of Delaware. Fa- ther Fred Lane'officiated, The (bride wore a smart tailored' s'ui't in air -force bine uvula matching 'hat, shoes and (gloves, and a corsage of ,punt: noses and 'longe! -mc-n'ots. She was attended iby 'Miss Thelma Garden, gowned '0, navy Ihlue with matching accessories an'd a cors age 'of meal rases \lr, Al- bert Gormley, !brother of the bride, was Ibesit man. After a ;Wedding break - .fast ,1(•t Wong's cafe, London, Mt. and �Ir . IOleAatley left tray motor for De- troit. They will live in London. . NORTH McKILLOP Eleanor, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dundas, had the mis- fortune to fall on the floor a week ago Saturday, breaking a bone in her leg, and bed to have it in a. cast. BRUCEFIELD Mrs.Arthur McQueen «eel t ! (laugh. ter Miss Margaret McQueen visited hi Londonthe litter part of last week. Mrs. Forrest of Loudon ('tilled on some of her friends here last Satur. clay. 31r. and Mrs. Charlie Halstead and yon of Stratford visited with Mrs. Halsteacl's parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Wheeler, on Sunday. We are sorry to state Mr. T. Wheel, er is under the doctor's dire. \\'e hope he may soon be able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas ('ole brated their 40th wedding miniver• sery on Thursday. March 29th. Mrs, Edmunde of Seaforth is visit Mrs. Wheeler,this ing iter sister.311. week. Members of the nett Cross quilted five quilts one day last week. Messrs. Bob Dalrymple, 11111 Scott. Archie Mustard and Glenn Swan at tended the hockey game at Niagara. Falls on Monday night. • len ox. M atth ews— In 5 lovely setting Of Picardy glad'• ole hi tall staudnrds in 5t. George's Anglican C'hur'ch, Windsor, a military wedding of interest was solemnized at 7 o'clock Saturday evening. March 30. when Miss Rita Mole Matthews of Windsor. daughter of Mrs. Ida Mat- thews of Watford, 051(8 111111 ed 01 urar, riage to Captain W. J, Stuart Knox. of the Essex Scottish Regiment, son of •Ile, A. S. Knee:. of Winnipeg. The bride who w58 given in marriage by her brother Kenneth Matthews, chose a gown of navy sheer with a tailored !shite bodice of white linen inset with - Irish crochet and flared skirt, a bolero jacket of navy with lapels of w11(te linen and lace, and her hat was white straw turban trimmed with navy blue bows and navy veil and wore a eor- sagl' of lilies of the valley and Tanis• man roses, Miss Marjorie Gough was the bride's only attendant, and wore a grey sheer jacket frock and navy hat with touches of red, and wore a corsage of red roses. Malor. L. W. F. Wakefield was Capt. Knox's best ratan. A reception was held at the Armories which was decorated with spring flowers. The bride, with military tradition, cut the wedding cake with the groom's sword. Mrs. Matthews wore a gown of grape col- ored crepe with corsage of white car nations. The out of town guests for the wedding included the bride's bro- ther and sisterin-law, Mr. and Mr's. Clarence Matthews, Mr. Kenneth Mat thews and Miss Evelyn Matthews, 1>:1r and Mrs. Glen Ferguson, all of Wat- ford: the groom's sister and brother in-law, M1'. and Mrs. Robert McClure of Walton. his uncle and aunt, 101r and Mrs. Lone Wilson and Miss Dorothy Wilson of Brucefield, and Mr. Ray Mason of Clinton. Following the reception the bride and groom left 011 a short honeymoon to Montreal and other Eastern points. They will re- t.. side at Windsor Courts, Windsor. HILLSGREEN Mr. Harold Reichert and Miss Elda Reichert were in London one dray during the week. School has again opened after the Easter week vacation and many little tots are starting out on a new adven- ture as they are having their first days of school. Mr. Janes Coyle of Toronto has accepted a position with Mr. Ward Forrest for the summer months. Traffic in this district was ata com- plete Stourist ill daring the heavy blizzard which struck this district two weeks ago and people were all out walking for their necessities. which looked like pioneer days. Bun however on Friday night the snow' plow was a very pleasant sight and everyone was wearing a smile and rushing to get the car out. Mr. Fred Newton of Toronto has accepted a position with Mr. Cooper Forrest for the summer months. Mr, Clarence Reichert is on a busi- ness trip to London. Want and For: Sale MIs., 1 week 251 CLEARING SALE 1---S year old Driving Horse 1-3 year old Filly. 1-6 year old Gelding. 1—rebuilt 10-20 Tractor in perfect condition. 1 McCormick 13 disc Drill. 1-13 tooth M. H. Cultivator 1 McCormick Deering 12 plate Inthrow Disc Harrows. A number of used Electric Washers. 3 Washers for hand operations. JOHN BACH 4 MAIN STREET SEAFORTH